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Post on 24-Jun-2020

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Introducing the Guide

The Means of Escape publication, an online

magazine dedicated to the fire safety industryhas produced the Fire Safety Audit. The Means

of Escape publication has tried, and we feel has

succeeded, in producing a document that willget the fire risk assessment “ball rolling” for any

business or organisation.

Many Fire Brigades have evaluated the book

and due to the excellent response, Solutions

Fire Safety Limited became involved in thedistribution of the Fire Safety Audit.

They looked at the subject of risk assessmentand from discussion and comments received,

the most frequently asked question was “how do

I start?” Solutions Fire Safety Limited alongwith the Means of Escape believes that the

starting point is the Fire Safety Audit. This

information, when documented, will form the

basis of the decision process and the process ofcontinuous improvement.

We believe that as many people, as possible

within the business or organisation should beinvolved in the process. This will bring fire

safety up on the agenda for all senior personnel

- managers and supervisors as well as owners

and directors. This process alone will increasefire safety awareness, knowledge and


The Fire Safety Audit has been designed so that

one is used in each area or department withinan organisat ion. This makes the

implementation, process and completion easier

to manage. Most importantly, the process is

owned, understood and developed by the verystaff who work in each of these areas. It is

important that each area carries out its own

formal risk assessment, since no two areas willbe the same in terms of the type and number of

risks and how these risks need to be dealt with.

The Means of Escape Fire Safety Audit hasbeen evaluated by National Fire Brigades and

has received exceptional reviews!

Means of Escape

Fire Safety Audit

Solutions Fire Safety LimitedPO Box 5963


SS14 3GW0845 601 26320845 601 2659

Call us on 0845 601 2632, or for more



Means of Escape Fire Safety AuditA Guide for Basic Fire Risk Assessment

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SS14 3GW0845 601 26320815 601 2659