Media genre

Post on 19-May-2015

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Genre Homework

‘The Notebook’

The Notebook opening Credits

In the opening of ‘The Notebook’ the camera slowly starts fading in and shows the audience a landscape scenery view of a river and the sun in the distance setting. The audience already gets some kind of acknowledgment on what the genre is based about, as the colour scheme of black, dark tones of red, warm yellows and vibrant orange are used to set the tone which appears to be a romantic love film. Furthermore just from the opening shot, significant scenery which the audience can recognize as something to combine with the genre love, also adds to the calm, soothing atmosphere given off from the first 15 seconds of the opening. The soundtrack plays a major role in setting the tone, however just by the simple, soft, elegant, piano playing over the beautiful sunset, vibes of love and deep emotions immediately is brought out towards the audience and the impact of just one setting shot and light music creates the mood set for this love film.

As we progress further into the opening, the audience get shown a character gently rowing a boat swiftly through the river. As only as the back is shown from this character, bits are kept hidden from the audience making them think who this person could be. Its looks like a shadow as the lighting is warm and quite hidden. Throughout the opening all the colour scheme is kept constant to link with the genre. The credits which is displayed on the screen, appears to all fade in on the bottom left of the screen. Evermore the writing is fairly small which suggests the main focus view is of the scenery in the background. The colour of the font make makes it stand out of the background as it’s a light golden type of colour but however still linking into the whole love colour scheme.