Mei ’ s Diet Analysis & Plan. My Daily Activities.

Post on 16-Jan-2016

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Mei’s Diet Analysis & Plan

My Daily Activities

1. Birds (water and food)

2. Watering the plants

3. Watering other plants

4. Feed the fish

5.1 Feed cat’s treats

5.2 Cat treats

6. School life

Average 6+ hours in school except Friday during weekdays

4 hours teaching from Monday to Thursday

Friday tennis time (2 hours)

7. Feed the cats

8. Clean the cat litter box

9.1 Exercise


10. Sleep time

Time tables of my daily activitiesUse Thursday as example: 8-9am birds, plants, cats, watching TV news, eat breakfast. 9-9:30am get dressed, drive to school 9:30-10am check e-mails 10am-12pm teaching 12-1pm lunch time 1-3 pm computer 3-5pm teaching 5-6pm get ready then go home 6-12pm dinner, TV time, shower, bed

My usual diets: #1 (Breakfast: A)

Veggie 3 portions

Meat 2 portions

My usual diets: #2 (Breakfast: B)

Veggie 2 portions

Meat 2 portion

CHO 2 portions

My usual diets: #3 Lunch

Veggie 2 portions

Chicken 3 portions

Fruit 4 portions

Soy milk 1.5 cup (no sugar)

My usual diet #4 (meeting, lunch box) Veggie 1 portion Meat 3 portions Rice 4 portions Egg half Oil 3t

My usual diets: #5 Dinner

Veggie 2 portions

Meat 2 portions

CHO 2 portions

Fruit 2 portions

My usual diets: #6 Dinner (if stay at school)


Rice 4 portions

Veggie 1-1.5 portions

Meat 2-3 portions

Fat 3-4 + 1 t

粉 2T

Usual food intakes (energy calculations)

My usual diet contents

Diet #Veggie portion(*25 Kcal)

Meat portions(*55 Kcal)

CHO portion(*70 Kcal)

Fruit portion(*60 Kcal)

Others豆奶 (*55)oil 1 t (*45)

Total energy(Kcal)

1B 3 2 185

2B 2 2 2 300

3L 2 3 4 1.5 杯豆奶 372.5

4L 1 3+0.5 (egg) 4 Oil 3t 632

5D 2 2 2 2 420

6D 1.5 3 4+2/3 Oil 5t 774

Usual food intake energy

Breakfast 185 300 242Lunch 372 632 502Dinner 420 774 597Daily energy intake 1706 1341???


Mei’s daily energy needs

BMI = 70÷(1.5) 31≒ Idea Weight = (1.5) x 22 = 49.5 50 (kg)≒

基礎代謝 = 50 x 0.9 x 24 = 1080 (Kcal) 活動量 = 輕度 ( 女性 ) = 700 (Kcal) 攝食生熱效應 = (1080+700)x 0.1 = 178 (Kcal) 一天所需熱量 = 1958 2000≒



Energy distributions Energy (Kcal) from CHO= 61% x 2000 =1220 Protein= 14% x 2000 = 280 Lipid = 25% x 2000 = 500 Intake weight (g) from CHO= 1220 ÷4 = 305 Protein= 280 ÷4 = 70 Lipid= 500 ÷9 = 55.5

設計所需之 奶蔬果量食物類別 份量 Protein (g) Lipid (g) CHO


奶 1 份 8 8 12 150

蔬 4 份 4 0 20 100

果 3 份 0 0 45 180




所需 CHO, Protein 量 – 奶蔬果 CHO= 所需 CHO 總量– 奶、蔬、果 CHO 量 =305 – (12+20+45)= 228 228÷15 15 (≒ 份 CHO from 五穀根莖類 ) Protein= 所需 Protein 總量– 奶、蔬、五穀根莖 Protein 量

= 70-(8+4+2x15) = 26 26÷7 4 (≒ 份 Protein from 魚肉豆蛋類 ) Lipid= 所需 Lipid 總量– 奶、魚肉豆蛋類 Lipid 量

= 55-(8+4x3)=35 35÷5 7 (≒ 份 Lipid from 油脂類 )

設計所需之各類食物量食物類別 份量 Protein (g) Lipid (g) CHO


奶 1 份 8 8 12 150

蔬 4 份 4 0 20 100

果 3 份 0 0 45 180

五穀根莖 15 份 2x15=30 225 1020

魚肉豆蛋 4 份 7x4=28 3x4=12 220

油脂 7 份 5x7=35 315

Total energy = 1985 Kcal

Ideal 一日飲食分配表份數分配 食物類別 份數

breakfast lunch dinner

Dairy 1 1

Vegetable 4 2 2

Fruit 3 1 2

CHO 15 4 6 5

meat 2 1 Protein




Lipid 7 3 4

Ideal 熱量分配 20-30% 30-40% 25-30%

每餐菜單設計 (original design)



Food type 份量 單份重量






Milk (全脂) 1杯 240 ml 150 Breakfast

yam 4 60 70 240 280

白飯 4 50 70 200 280

pumpkin 2 100 70 200 140

Lean pork 2 35 55 70 110

oil 1t 5 5 45

cabbage 1 100 100 25

oil 1t 5 5 45

broccoli 1 100 100 25

oil 1t 5 5 45


Fruit蓮霧 1 3個 225 60

米粉(dry) 5 20 70 100 350

油菜 1 100 100 25

豬肉絲 1 35 55 35 55

豆干(中脂) 1 70 75 70 75

oil 3t 5 45 15 135

涼拌菜 1 100 25 100 25

香油 1t 5 45 45

strawberry 1 9個 60 160 60


綠棗 1 3個 60 145 60

430 (21%)

775 (38%)

830 (41%)

Total 2035 Kcal

每餐菜單設計 (Actual design)每餐菜單設計 (actual design)



Food type 份量 單份重量






yoghurt 1杯 100g 105 Breakfast

yam 4 60 70 240 280

白飯 2 50 70 100 140

pumpkin 2.5 100 70 250 175

Red bean 0.75 20 70 15 52.5

sugar 1.5T 5 20 7.5 30

Lean pork 2 35 55 70 110

oil 2t 5 45 10 90




1 100 100 25

過貓 1 100 100 25


香瓜 1 300 300↓ 60

米粉(wet) 3 30~50 70 90 210

小白菜+紅椒 1 100 100 25

豆腸(中脂) 1 40 55 40 55

oil 3t 5 45 15 135

sugar 1t 5 20 2 8



1 100 25 100 25

雞腿前半截 1 35 55 35 55

芭樂 1 60 140 60


Fruit蓮霧 1 3個 225 60

385 (22%)

707.5 (41%)

633 (37%)

Total 1725.5Kcal



Lunch main dish

Lunch’s CHO


Dinner’s main course

ComparisonsMy usual diets Designed diet

菜色豐富均衡與否 poor good

整體視覺 poor good

熱量 可能有低一點 2000 Kcal

烹調難易度 easy difficult

維持度 easy difficult

價格 More meat cheaper