Meiosis & Mitosis - Polytech High School · 2014-01-22 · Mendel arrived at the conclusion that...

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Meiosis & Mitosis

How many daughter cells are

formed in meiosis?

A. 1

B. 2

C. 4

D. 8

After fertilization, the resulting

zygote begins to divide by

A. Binary fission

B. Mitosis

C. Synapsis

D. Meiosis

Why is meiosis important for

sexual reproduction?

A. To decrease the genetic variation in the daughter cells.

B. To produce daughter cells that are identical to the parent.

C. To produce daughter cells with half the number of chromosomes as

the parent.

D. To increase the risk of genetic disorders in the daughter cells.

If a zygote has 4 chromosomes, the somatic cells

formed from it have _______________ chromosomes.

A. 4

B. 8

C. 2

D. 1

Unlike gametes, body cells are


A. Somatic

B. Haploid

C. Sex cells

If a cell with 32 chromosomes divides by meiosis,

how many chromosomes will each daughter cell


A. 64

B. 48

C. 32

D. 16

As shown below, somatic cells of mosquitoes have

3 pairs of homologous chromosomes.

Which of the following is a correctly formed gamete?


If a skin cell starts out with 24 Chromosome and

undergoes mitosis, then how many will the

daughter cells have?

A. 48

B. 12

C. 8

D. 24

In Meiosis if the parent cells has 40 chromosomes,

then how many will the daughter cells have?

A. 40

B. 20

C. 80

D. 10

Somatic cells reproduce by ______________ ,

while sex cells reproduce by ______________ .

A. meiosis; mitosis

B. mitosis; mitosis

C. mitosis; meiosis

D. meiosis; meiosis

Which of the following

statements is true in humans?

Mitosis produces cells that have a haploid number of


Meiosis produces cells that have a diploid number of


Meiosis produces cells that have a haploid number of


Human gametes normally have

_____ chromosomes





Haploid cells can be seen in the

field labeled….

Each of the two daughter cells that results from

mitosis contains

A. The same number of chromosomes but has genes

different from those of the parent cell.

B. The same number of chromosomes and has genes

identical to those of the parent cell

C. One-half the number of chromosomes but has genes

different from those of the parent cell

D. One-half the number of chromosomes and has genes

identical to the parent cell.

A pig’s liver cell has 38 chromosomes. How many

chromosomes will be present in the daughter cells

after meiosis?





What is this individual’s sex?

A diploid cell in a buffalo has 60 chromosomes. A

sperm or egg cell in a buffalo can be expected to


A. 20 chromosomes

B. 30 chromosomes

C. 60 chromosomes

D. 120 chromosomes

The process of meiosis

A. begins with diploid cells and ends with diploid cells

B. begins with haploid cells and ends with diploid cells

C. begins with diploid cells and ends with haploid cells

D. begins with haploid cells and ends with haploid cells

Which of the following is true regarding a muscle

cell and a nerve cell?

A. They are the same size

B. They have the same genetic information

C. They both have chloroplasts

D. One is haploid and one is diploid

A diploid cell contains two pairs of homologous

chromosomes. Each pair is heterozygous for a pair of

alleles, Aa and Bb respect. After meiosis, how many

different combinations of these alleles could be

produced in the haploid daughter cells?

A. 2

B. 4

C. 8

D. 16

E. 64

In a species of corn, the diploid number of

chromosomes is 20. What would be the number of

chromosomes found in each of the normal egg cells

produced by this species?

A. 5

B. 10

C. 20

D. 40

Which statement concerning both

mitosis and meiosis is correct?

A. meiosis produces 4 haploid cells while mitosis produces 2 diploid cells

B. meiosis produces 4 diploid cells while mitosis produces 2 haploid cells.

C. Meiosis produces 2 diploid cells while mitosis produces 4 haploid cells

D. Meiosis produces 2 haploid cells while mitosis produces 4 diploid cells

Name the error in meiosis that

caused this disorder

The diagram below shows a cellular process

that occurs in organisms. This process is

known as





The diagram below shows homologous chromosomes

during prophase I of meiosis. Which of the following

correctly describes the process being illustrated?

A. Mutation in which

the DNA content of

the gene is altered.

B. Segregation of sister


C. Condensation and

segregation of


D. Crossing over in

which alleles are


Mendel arrived at the conclusion that the two

elements affecting a particular trait are

separated during gamete formation. This has

since been confirmed by the discovery of

[A] eggs and sperm

[B] mitosis

[C] fertilization

[D] meiosis

Mendel concluded that genes for two or more

different traits assort independently of one

another at gamete formation. He reached

this conclusion because none of the garden

pea traits he studied were

[A] visible

[B] recessive

[C] codominant

[D] linked

Mendel’s second experiment with pea plants was a dihybrid

cross in which he crossed two true breeding parents with

contrasting forms for two traits. The F 1 hybrids all showed the

dominant form for both traits. When the F 1 was self-

pollinated, the F 2 offspring showed four phenotypes in the

ratio of 9/16; 3/16; 3/16; 1/16. Which principle resulted from

this experiment?

[A] recessive alleles

[B] dominance

[C] linkage

[D] independent assortment