Merb presentation at ORUG

Post on 18-May-2015

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Is Ruby really slow? Why should I choose Merb?



f l e x i b i l t y p e r f o r m a n c e




irc: m a t t e t t i



d o n ’ t w o r kfor Engine Yard


d o n ’ t w o r kfor Engine Yard

MeC o n s u l t a n tbased in San Diego, CA



“It’s also worth mentioning that there shouldn’t be doubt in anybody’s mind at this point that Ruby itself is slow. It’s great that people are hard at work on faster implementations of the language, but right now, it’s tough.”

Alex Payne, Twitter

I for one am scared of Ruby because ... it's known to be slow, so if you become The Next MySpace, you'll be buying 5 times as many boxes as the .NET guy down the hall.

Joel Spolsky

Rails is for the vast majority of web applications Fast Enough... I just happen to care much more about free developer cycles and am willing to trade the former for the latter.

David Heinemeier Hansson

Ruby is so embarrassing.

Rails is slow

Ruby is slow

“The slowest programming language in the world”

What does the community say?

Hardware cost

> Development cost

¡we program faster!


benchmarks someone?

raw PHP: 331 rps

raw PHP: 331 rps

cake PHP: 3.6 rps / 8 rps (eaccelerator)

raw PHP: 331 rps

cake PHP: 3.6 rps / 8 rps (eaccelerator)

code igniter:21.5 rps / 98.2 rps (eaccelerator)

raw PHP: 331 rps

cake PHP: 3.6 rps / 8 rps (eaccelerator)

code igniter:21.5 rps / 98.2 rps (eaccelerator)

Rails:88 rps

Rails with 1 mongrel is

pretty close to the fastest PHP framework.

what about merb?

hello world benchmarks

baseline results


merb requests per second

Merb Static HTML

requests per second

Merb Static HTML PHP

requests per second

Merb router Merb controller Sinatra Rails CakePHP

requests per second

We don’t need to be embarrassed

Ruby might be slow at fibonacci benchmarks

who cares?

Ruby is fast at real life web benchmarks

that’s what matters!

stop saying Ruby is slowbecause that’s not true

what about merb?because that’s why you’re here

merb is fast

merb is flexible

$ merb-gen app app-name

merb stack

merb-action-argsmerb-assets merb-cache

merb-helpers merb-mailer merb-slices merb-auth


dm-core dm-aggregatesdm-migrationsdm-timestamps

dm-types dm-validations

$ merb-gen very_flat app-name

1 file

Merb::Router.prepare do match('/').to(:controller => 'very-flat-app', :action =>'index')end

class VeryFlatApp < Merb::Controller def index "Hi, I am 'very flat' Merb application. I have everything in one single file and well suited for dynamic stub pages." endend

$ merb-gen flat app-name

4 files

application.rb - controllers & actions

config/framework.rb - framework config

config/init.rb - app settings

views/view_name.html.erb - action view

$ merb-gen core app-name

no dependenciessame as merb stack app

when you don’t want DMwhen you use JRuby

when you want an opt-in solution

merb is modular

merb is agnostic


merb can be opinionated

merb ♥ recycling

merb has an api

matz likes merb

Merb has a bright future for the people who are not satisfied by the

fixed ways in Rails.

I think that Merb will give users more freedom in a Ruby-ish

way of programming.

getting started

$ sudo gem install merb --development

$ merb-gen app my-first-app

$ merb-gen resource article title:string,author:string

merb 2.0

admin interface

rapid prototyping

e s


rapid deployment

e s




Ruby 1.9 + i18n/l10n

2.0 schedule? in less than 12 months
