Metal codes

Post on 19-Jun-2015

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Long and wild hair isa significant style which is mostly adapted by heavy metal followers , as they use them in headbanging for an energetic performance.

Electric / bass guitar is an important instrument in metal performances which is violently played and the guitarist has to be quite speedy while his performance.

There is one main vocalist , two guitarists , one pianist & one energetic drummer ( the only person with less long hair ) in the band . There is continuous movement on the stage during the performance . However , the main vocalists doesn’t move that much but encourages the audience to move.

Typical hand gestures of

metal followers could be

seen in the audience.

The drummer plays the drums in a quite energetic and aggressive manner for an energetic performance and feels the joy and roughness produced by their music which is quite visible in their performances.

The main vocalist- La Brie of this heavy metal famous band Dream Theater singing in his very own violent , wild and energetic way which could be clearly seen from his facial expressions !

The pianist is also playing the piano in a rough way and his energy level is being reflected through the movement of his long & vibrant hairs which are swaying in the air because of his wild style !

Movement on the stage by the vocalist could be seen in this screenshot !