Millennials Employee Engagement Solution

Post on 26-Jan-2017

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Millennials Employee

EngagementWhy Millennials are Changing the Way

Businesses Approach Employee EngagementDavid Mendlewicz, Co-Founder, Butterfly

“Future of Work”

Millennials have unseated Boomers as the largest generation in the U.S. workforce

First generation of digital natives

First wave of workers to matriculate as part of the on-demand economy

A Design for Tech-savvies

Traditional Approach

Once-a-year performance review

For determining salary adjustments, promotions, etc

A Design for Tech-savviesNew Solution

Always-on capture

Citi, partnered with Butterfly via Switchpitch, is adopting a mobile experience provided by Butterfly

30-second “pulse” survey

Once a week

Track employee happiness and engagement

Help young managers develop soft skills

Other adopters include: Coca-Cola, Ogilvy, Ticketmaster..

A Refreshment for “Job Hoppers”Millennials’ shorter tenuresIn the past 20 years, the number of

companies employees have worked for in the 5 years after graduation has nearly doubled.

45% of workers plan to switch jobs within 2 years of their start date.

A Refreshment for “Job Hoppers”HR team’s strategies to keep top talent engaged

Identify worker’s motivation, such as

Employee empowerment

Feeling aligned with the company vision

Trust on their employer

How much they respect and/or trust their manager

A well-established career path

Opportunities for continued learning, leadership training, etc.

A Boost for Young LeadersMany Millennials wish to move up the leadership ladder sooner, because they

are natural born entrepreneurs

strive for more responsibility at a younger age

A Boost for Young Leaders

But corporates find challenges in boosting young “stars” due to

insufficient soft skills

lack of leadership training

Takeaway for HRReconsider your current methods of collecting feedback

❏ Lining up with the pace of change

❏ Sufficient leadership training

❏ Effective for millennials

❏ Act on real-time data

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