Minutes of the 155th Meeting of Operation Coordination … · 2019. 7. 30. · 155th OCC Minutes...

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  • 155th OCC Minutes – Bengaluru – 09.05.2019 Page 1

    Minutes of the 155th Meeting of Operation Coordination Committee held at SRPC Bengaluru on 09.05.2019

    1. Introduction

    1.1 The 155th Meeting of Operation Coordination Committee of SRPC was held on 9th

    May 2019 at SRPC Bengaluru. The list of participants is given at Annexure-1A.

    1.2 Member Secretary (I/C), SRPC welcomed all the senior participants to the 155th

    Meeting of OCC. He informed that Shri S R Bhat on his promotion had taken over

    as Member (GO &D), CEA, New Delhi. OCC forum placed on record Shri Bhat’s

    immense contribution to the southern regional grid in various capacities during his

    tenure in SRPC.

    On grid side, MS(I/c), SRPC highlighted the following:

    As suggested by APTRANSCO in 35th SRPC Meeting, a meeting was

    convened on 30.04.2019 at SRPC Bengaluru to discuss on the preparation of

    Guidelines/Manual for disaster management. He thanked all the entities who

    had participated in the meeting and giving valuable inputs/sharing experiences.

    Draft Manual incorporating the comments furnished by the entities and the

    deliberations was enclosed with the Minutes of the Meeting which is available

    at SRPC website. He requested all entities to revert back with

    comments/observations, if any, positively by 31.05.2019. SLDCs may circulate

    the same to the concerned wings/Discoms and take their feedback. After due

    consideration of the feedback, the manual would be put up to forthcoming


    A special meeting was conducted on 25.04.2019 on CERC (Communication

    System for inter - state transmission of electricity), Regulations 2017. Annual

    Communication Audit in respect of SR was carried out in consultation with

    SRLDC and constituents and Audit Report in respect of SR for the year 2018-

    19 in Compliance of Regulation 10 had been submitted to CERC vide letter

    dated 30.04.2019. Subsequently also some entities had furnished the

    information which will be further compiled and would try to submit to the

    Commission. Physical verification/audit to be carried out this year,

    substations/nodes where communication issues are observed will be listed out

  • 155th OCC Minutes – Bengaluru – 09.05.2019 Page 2

    for physical audit. A team comprising of officials from SRPC, SRLDC,

    Powergrid and states will be formed, for which nominations will be sought.

    A Special Meeting through VC was convened on finalisation of Technical

    Specifications of SEMs. The specifications as approved in WR had been

    already circulated. He requested all concerned to give the feedback by

    20.05.2019 so that Powergrid can move ahead with further course of action. He

    requested SRLDC to furnish the feedback as SRLDC would be the main user

    and focal point.

    Due course of the Meeting, Powergrid will be presenting on the tower collapse

    of Narendra- Guttur lines. The status of restoration of the lines may be

    discussed and restoration needs to be expedited in view of reliability aspects.

    In the 154th OCC Meeting the requirement of RE forecasting was highlighted

    and SRLDC had been requested to make an analysis on the same for the

    previous month in 155th OCC Meeting. SLDCs had been requested to furnish

    timely data to SRLDC so that SRLDC may present the same in the Meeting.

    This information had acquired more significance in the scenario of high RE

    integration and was being sought by many higher forums like CEA/CERC/MoP.

    This analysis will help in improving the forecast and thus help in better planning

    and load generation balance.

    CERC has desired more interaction with RPCs to understand the perspectives

    of RPCs on various Regulations of CERC. CERC had communicated to

    Chairperson SRPC and MS SRPC in this regard. The first Meeting is scheduled

    for 24.06.2019. MS I/c felt that this initiative will help us to present the

    difficulties/observations of all the entities being faced in the implementations of

    Regulations. He requested all to furnish the agenda items in precise manners

    along-with the likely solutions.

    1.3 EE, SRPC took up the agenda for discussions.

    2. Confirmation of the Minutes of the 154th Meeting of OCC of SRPC held on 9h April 2019 at SRPC Bengaluru. • The Minutes of the 154th OCCM were confirmed.

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    3.1 Cyclone Fani on 30.04.2019 – report by SRLDC • Extremely severe cyclonic storm Fani originated from a tropical depression that

    formed west of Sumatra in the Indian Ocean on 26.04.2019. The cyclonic storm

    moved North-North Eastwards and crossed Odisha coast close to Puri with

    maximum sustained wind speed of 175-185 kmph gusting to 205 kmph between

    0800 to 1000 hrs on 03.05.2019. From 22:00 hrs of 02.05.2019 onwards, heavy

    wind and rains were observed in Northern parts of Coastal AP in Southern Region

    (SR) and this resulted in the tripping of transmission elements. 765/400 kV

    Srikakulam SS was affected (emergency hand tripped due to flash over in 400 kV

    side isolator). Srikakulam- Angul line 2 (tripped) and Srikakulam- Mardam lines 1&

    2 (hand tripped). As a precautionary measure, ER-SR ATC was reduced by 3000

    MW from 1000 hrs of 03.05.2019 to 2400 hrs of 04.05.2019. All the outages were

    deferred in coastal AP. (Detailed Report is at Annexure-3A)

    • All the entities expressed solidarity on the Fani cyclone affected states and

    informed that they are sending their men and material for the restoration of

    electrical infrastructure. 3.2 Renewable schedule entry and carrying out proper forecast and update during

    intraday • All SLDCs were requested to furnish the forecast, actuals and forecast errors for

    wind and solar each month to SRLDC in a consolidated manner. In the 154th OCC

    Meeting, it was agreed that SRLDC would present the RE forecast errors for all the

    states in the OCC regularly. It was noted that this data was being sought by higher

    forums and other entities.

    • In the Meeting SRLDC informed that all the states (except KSEBL-negligible RE IC)

    had furnished the forecast error for the month of April 2019. KPTCL had furnished

    the data late.

    • On a query AP informed that DSM accounts are being issued. In AP wind forecast

    is always observed to be on higher side. MS(I/C), SRPC requested APSLDC to

    look into the issue since the higher forecast would affect the planning process.

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    • TSTRANSCO confirmed that the forecast error is calculated with total actual

    available (in SCADA). Where ever extrapolation is done in actuals, the same is

    done in forecast also.

    • CE, KSEBL informed that at present no RE forecast is being carried out by KSEBL.

    SCADA availability was yet to be established fully. KSEBL had held a meeting with

    RE developers and had requested them to give the schedules and they have

    requested for 3 months’ time to furnish the information. Once SCADA visibility is

    completed, and wind developers start giving schedules, KSEBL will start RE


    • The state wise presentations is at Annexure- 3B The following were noted:

    All states to furnish the implemented forecast, day ahead forecast & actuals also.

    SRLDC informed that they are developing web application for this and the

    figures are to be entered directly by the states. Application would be ready by

    month end. Details will be communicated by mail..

    3.3 Ratification of projected demand and generation of SR at RPC forum

    • Demand and generation projections for Q2(2019-20) w.r.t Southern Region

    constituents for ratification at RPC forum as received from NLDC along with data

    received from SR constituents had been posted in OCC Group vide E-mail on


    • In the Meeting MS(I/C), SRPC requested all the entities to furnish the comments, if

    any at the earliest to the Implementing Agency(NLDC).

    3.4 Coal requirements for Thermal Plants

    • In the 152nd OCC Meeting it was noted that MoP vide OMs dated 07.02.2019 had

    informed that it has been decided that in view of expected increased power

    demand in the next few months till monsoon, Central Government and State

    Government plants should be given more responsibility and must be encouraged

    and facilitated to gear up their generation to provide uninterrupted power at

    appropriate price to consumers in this period. All power plants were advised to be

    watchful and to maintain plant availability and adequate coal stocks as per norms in

  • 155th OCC Minutes – Bengaluru – 09.05.2019 Page 5

    this period. It was kindly requested to take necessary action and issue necessary

    instructions to take immediate steps for immediate implementation of these


    • In the Meeting the following were noted:

    NTPC, NTPL, TANGEDCO, APGENCO, KPCL & TSGENCO confirmed that there were no major issues in respect of coal supply & transport till May 2019. APGENCO, KPCL and TANGEDCO informed certain issues on coal supply and transport. APGENCO furnished the details in this regard which is at

    Annexure-3C. MD KPCL had taken up the issues with MCL, SCL and ED, Coal, Railway Board (communications at Annexure-3D). TANGEDCO issues as furnished by them are at Annexure-3E

    NTECL informed that the outstanding dues from TN, AP, TS and some of the

    DISCOMs of KPTCL are around Rs 2,350 Crores of which, 1440 crores dues

    are more than 60 days. As NTECL payment to coal companies are pending due

    to shortage of funds, MCL and ECL had informed that further coal supply will be

    regulated. This will adversely affect the DC of stations and availability of power from NTECL to its beneficiaries. This loss in DC should be on account of beneficiaries. NTECL requested beneficiaries to clear the pending dues on priority basis to NTECL.

    3.5 Discussion on RSD procedure • In the Meeting, EE, KPTCL informed that even though procedure for RSD on D-1

    and real time was discussed and finalized in the 154th OCC meeting the same

    was not being followed fully. He informed that even though KPTCL had revised

    their schedule to zero w.r.t Kudgi at 20:00 hours on 07.05.2019, the Unit was

    taken out at 10:24 hours of 08.04.2019. There was a loss of Rs 28 Lakhs the

    financial burden came on KPTCL due to this.

    • SRLDC informed that on 01.05.2016, Kudgi Unit was about to taken out under

    RSD after discussion with Kudgi according to KPTCL’s requisition and KPTCL

    suddenly recalled Kudgi Unit. KPTCL informed that it was due to their

    management decision to take out BTPS Unit instead of Kudgi Unit. SRLDC

    informed that on 07.05.2019, even though KPTCL schedule was zero, the total

    schedule never went below Technical Minimum for 8 hours because of higher

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    schedules from other states and as per agreed procedure SRLDC couldn’t take

    out the unit under RSD.

    • Kudgi requested that before taking the decision for taking IN or OUT of the

    machine on RSD proper planning should be done. He expressed the technical

    difficulties in bringing the units in and out very frequently being super critical units.

    He also requested that when already two units of Kudgi are under RSD, the third

    Unit may be allowed to be retained. MS (I/C), SRPC stated the same was

    discussed during preparation of RSD Procedure and was not agreed upon.

    NTPC Corporate could take up with Hon’ble Commission, if required.

    • SRLDC also requested all the constituents to cooperate to move ahead with the

    agreed procedure by giving realistic scheduling and sharing information in timely


    • MS(I/C), SRPC recalled the agreed procedure for RSD on D-1 day and in real

    time and emphasized the need for following the same which had been agreed by

    OCC forum and even communicated to MoP.

    After deliberations the following were noted: It was noted that procedure agreed in 154th OCCM needs to be

    implemented. On query by TS, SRLDC clarified that both On bar and Off bar requisitions

    were being considered for the unit to go for RSD or not. For example in Kudgi

    case if requisitions were > 402 MW for all 96 blocks at least one unit will be on


    It was noted that any beneficiary could give requisition higher to keep the unit

    on bar. But as an understanding the beneficiary should not reduce the minimum commitment in intra-day. The beneficiary which had requisitioned in

    a manner for the unit to go for RSD, may not give requisition when other

    beneficiaries give requisition for their full share as a common understanding in intra-day.

    SRLDC clarified that Entitlement would be as per On Bar capacity in line

    with Procedure and it was upto the SLDCs to coordinate and schedule accordingly.

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    NTPC/NTECL pointed out the issue of enhanced Aux Consumption during RSD was not covered in Regulation & Procedure. Generators also stated that all the units should not be taken under RSD as there was considerable power requirement for number of sub systems, processes etc. The revival of

    other units also is faster if at least one unit is on bar. The secondary fuel

    consumption increases significantly with number of RSDs and life of the unit is

    also affected.

    It was noted that issues were more of Regulatory/Technical in nature and needed to be taken up by the generator at appropriate forum.

    All stations under RRAS were requested to communicate all the three time

    periods of bringing back the units from Cold, Warm & Hot conditions.

    3.6 LI projects grid integration • In the Meeting SRLDC informed that two units of 124.5 MW wet run was

    completed at Kaleshwaram Lift Irrigation Project (Trail run) of Telangana State.

    Ultimate capacity of KLIS is 4627 MW. In SR the biggest hydro unit is Srisailam

    Units of 150 MW and next comes Idukki Units of 130 MWs. Many Units of 125

    MW-136 MW of synchronous motors are coming to Grid through this project. It

    was noted that these units may provide immediate response and fast ramps,

    similar to that of a hydroelectric plant. SRLDC requested TSTRANSCO to explore

    the possibility of utilizing these schemes for frequency response without affecting

    main objective. They can also provide reactive support, stabilizing the local

    voltages. SRLDC presented Voltage, MVAR and MW curve during pump

    operation. It was observed that within two minutes the MW rose from 0 MW to 125

    MW. Operation of these units in different combinations in different times can be

    utilized. SRLDC emphasized on SCADA visibility of the same. TSTRANSCO

    informed that this aspect already had been taken up. Month wise scheduling

    depending on water availability for pump mode was yet to be analyzed.

    SRPC/SRLDC emphasized on the requirement of a dedicated team for studying

    these issues and pointed out that TSTRANSCO needed to manage the variability

    their own without passing on to grid.

    After deliberations the following were noted:

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    TSSLDC was suggested to look into the frequency response, MVAR control for voltage management, MW scheduling (for 96 blocks), ramp management, SCADA integration etc.

    APSLDC was also requested to look into these aspects as lift irrigation loads

    was also coming up in large quantum in AP control area also.

    3.7 KKNPP Unit II – Generation reduction • KKNPP vide letter dated 23.04.2019(Annexure-3F) had informed that Unit II was

    operating at 650 MWe on 01.04.2019 and generation had to be reduced to 580

    MWe in steps due to high vibration in generator stator conductors due to high grid

    voltage observed at KKNPP end (more than 415 MW, touching even 423 MW,

    during 19:00 hours to 05:00 on daily basis). It is noted that the vibration level will be

    in permissible limits if voltage is below 410 kV and generator reactive power is

    greater than 100 MVAR. If grid voltage is not below 415 kV Unit II generation will be

    further reduced. KKNPP requested SRLDC to take appropriate action to maintain

    the Grid Voltage below 415 kV.

    • SRLDC vide letter dated 27.04.2019(Annexure-3G) had replied to KKNPP letter. They had analysed the KKNPP Unit II active/reactive power generation, 400 kV bus

    voltage vis-à-vis its capability curve for the period from 25.03.2019 to 25.04.2019

    based on SCADA data at SRLDC and the following observations were listed out:

    KKNPP 400 kV bus voltage remained in the range of 405 to 423 kV during the

    subject period.

    Reactive power generation of KKNPP Unit II (gross generation) was

    predominantly in the injection side up to 380 MVAR (injection). In very few

    occasions up to -28 MVAR absorption has been seen. Even at bus voltages

    above 405 kV, KKNPP Unit II was injecting MVAR up to 380 MVAR which is the

    primary reason for increase in voltage at KKNPP bus.

    As per the Unit II capability curve, there is capability to absorb reactive power up

    to 200 MVAR for the active power generation around 500 MW.

    • The onus of ensuring that the generating units respond to the bus voltage by absorbing / generating MVAR as per capability curve lies with the Generator.

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    • Out of two bus reactors at KKNPP, the Bus Reactor - II (80 MVAR) at

    Kundankulam station is under prolonged outage since 14.12.2016. The issue of

    absorption of MVAR by KKNPP units and the status of the bus reactor 2 (80

    MVAR) have been under discussion in various OCC/SRPC/Special meetings.

    The following actions from KKNPP were requested by SRLDC:

    1. Ensure operation of KKNPP Unit 2 as per the capability curve and advice the KKNPP control room to ensure that there is NIL MVAR injection from Unit 2 @ voltage > 415 kV.

    2. Revival of the Bus Reactor 2 (80 MVAR) at Kundankulam at the earliest. 3. Synchronization of Unit –I at the earliest for better voltage control.

    • KKNPP vide letter dated 07.05.2019(Annexure-3H) had submitted the following: KKNPP Bus Reactor I is under service(80 MVAR) KKNPP Bus Reactor II will be brought back by 31.12.2019.

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    KKNPP Units are responding according to its capability curve w.r.t MVAR injection/absorption. .

    • In the Meeting SRLDC presented KKNPP Unit II active/reactive power generation,

    400 kV bus voltage vis-à-vis its capability curve for the period from 25.03.2019 to

    25.04.2019 based on SCADA data at SRLDC and the observations were listed out.

    SRLDC observed that voltages at all the nodes surrounding KKNPP are well under

    control, only KKNPP Voltage is high. KKNPP should only control the voltage by not

    injecting MVAR and absorbing as per capability curve, KKNPP lines may trip and

    evacuation may be affected.

    • KKNPP informed that KKNPP Units are responding according to its capability curve

    w.r.t MVAR injection/absorption. To reduce the stator vibration Unit II generation is

    limited to 580 MW. Vibration is crossing the limits whenever the MVAR generation

    is reducing below 100 and thus forcing generator active power reduction. To limit

    further power reduction of Unit II in this summer season it is requested to maintain

    grid voltage below 410 kV and also requested to kindly allow Unit II to operate at

    MVAR injection mode.

    • SRLDC/SRPC recalled that the high voltage issues are deliberated at length in

    many of the STRPC/TCC level Meetings and Special Meetings with NPCIL also. It

    was also suggested that NPCIL may go for additional Reactors to control the

    voltage if generators are not capable of absorbing upto the limit(even though

    capability is 300 MVAR, 100-150 MVAR absorption is agreed by KKNPP in Special


    • The following actions are requested from KKNPP:

    MVAR injections from Unit-II to be minimized. Revival of the Bus Reactor 2 (80 MVAR) at Kundankulam at the earliest

    (outage since 14.12.2016). The onus of ensuring that the generating units respond to the bus voltage

    by absorbing / generating MVAR as per capability curve lies with the Generator

    • KKNPP informed that Unit II will be injecting MVAR of > 100 MVAR and after fuel is consumed they were planning to go for generator replacement. After synchronization of Unit -1, it will absorb MVAR upto agreed quantum of 100-150 MVAR.

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    • SRLDC was requested to furnish the issues regarding high voltage at KKNPP and low absorption (now injecting) with respect to the capability curves/agreed

    quantum. Need of additional reactors in view of low absorption of MVAR by

    KKNPP units could also be examined and recommended for taking up with


    • It was also suggested to KKNPP that these issues should be well taken care in

    Stage II (Unit III & IV) Units evacuation.

    3.8 TANTRANSCO letter regarding KKNPP Availability • TANTRANSCO vide letter dated 08.05.2019(Annexure-3I) had requested

    KKNPP to confirm regarding the availability of both the Units of KKNPP for better

    LGB Planning for coming months. Unit I is out from 19.11.2018 and Unit II is

    running at 50 % load. It was pointed out that all southern region states would be

    in surplus situation due to RE injection combined with Monsoon.

    • In the Meeting the following were noted:

    KKNPP informed that application for permission for charging Unit-I had been

    submitted to Regulatory Board. The unit was expected by 14.05.2019 if all clearances are received.

    Unit-II will be running at 500 MW till November 2019 (Unit will be taken out for

    generator replacement).

    TANTRANSCO stated that exact schedule of revival and generation schedule of

    the units needs to be communicated by KKNPP.TANTRANSCO informed that

    high wind season is approaching combined with South West monsoon where all

    SR states would be in surplus power from June to September 2019 and opined

    that the unit-I can be brought on bar only after September 2019.

    3.9 High loading of Hiriyur – Nelamangala • Power flow through Hiriyur – Nelamangala 400 kV D/C remains always high, line

    loading duration curve is shown below. Power flow can be generally controlled by

    increasing hydel generation at Karnataka at Sharavathi & Nagjheri, increasing

    schedule from UPCL and other minor correction like HVDC Talcher-Kolar flow,

    reduction of Mysore-Kozhikode flow etc. SLDC Karnataka is requested to adhere

    to the request from SRLDC in the interest of Bangalore city power supply


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    • In the Meeting SRLDC presented on the high loading of Hiriyur-Nelamangala

    Lines. It was noted that during March 2019, the loading was alarmingly high,

    above 1300 MW for around 10 % of time. (above 770 MW per lines at many

    times). Every day during solar pick up this phenomenon is observed. NP Kunta-

    Kolar, Gooty-Neelamangala, &, Gooty-Somanahalli lines are also getting over

    loaded, violating N-1 continuously and warned that if KPTCL is not controlling the

    loadings it may lead to a major grid disturbance.

    • After deliberations the following were noted:

    The following actions reduces the loading

    • Increasing Hydel generation of Karnataka at Sharavathy & Nagjheri. • Increasing generation from UPCL • Other minor correction like HVDC Talcher - Kolar flow, reduction of

    Mysore- Kozhikode flow SR-II informed that Hiriyur-Mysore lines were likely to be commissioned by

    June 2019 end.

    KAR SLDC was requested to give a feedback to KPTCL (STU), Hiriyur- Nelamangala, C N Halli and other identified system which needs to be


    SRLDC informed that they have already given it as operational feedback and

    submit the same to SRPC.

    3.10 Tripping of the following lines on single line to ground fault due to insulator tracking

    (i) 400kV Krishnapatnam – Nellore

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    Sl. No.

    Outage Date and Time Reason

    1 23-03-2019 @ 04:41 Hrs R-N fault

    2 24-03-2019 @ 02:32 Hrs R-N fault

    3 25-03-2019 @ 01:19 Hrs R-N fault

    • Status of replacement of existing porcelain insulators with polymer insulators in

    400 kV Krishnapatnam – Nellore to be furnished.

    • In the Meeting the following were noted:

    Differential Protection for Krishnapatnam- Nellore would be discussed in PCSC meeting.

    On suggestion of forum, APTRANSCO agreed for replacement of Krishnapatnam- Nellore insulators by polymer insulators.

    • SR I informed that as agreed in the PCSC Meeting Differential Protection Relays

    had been procured by PGCIL for TPCIL/SGPL (now SEIL) and Simhadri. But

    there were some issues with Simhadri. It was noted the requirement and the

    works to be carried out by PGCIL was noted in the PCSC meetings.

    • Simhadri agreed to look into the issue and assured to settle the payment issues.

    • At SEIL even though relays are ready for commissioning due to some cable

    issues commissioning was not carried out. SEIL informed that issues will be

    solved at the earliest and commissioning may be done by June end.

    (ii) 400kV NCTPS – Vallur Ckt-2

    Sl. No. Outage Date and Time Reason 1 30-03-2019 @ 04:19 Hrs R-N fault

    2 22-04-2019 @ 00:38 Hrs R-N fault

    • Replacement of porcelain insulators with polymer insulators in 400 kV NCTPS –

    Vallur lines was completed during May-June 2017. Reoccurrence of tripping due

    to insulator tracking may be discussed.

    • In the Meeting the following were noted:

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    TANTRANSCO informed that all the insulators had been replaced earlier.

    Washing activities are being taken up. TANTRANSCO informed that there was

    no tripping after 22.04.2019.

    NTECL informed that tracking is also happening in switchyard equipment's like

    line LA, BPI etc. It was noted that it had been earlier recommended that

    silicon coating may be carried out for switchyard equipment at NTECL. NTECL informed that the proposal is moved in this regard

    3.11 Frequent tripping of 220 kV KTPS-Nunna during April 2019

    Sl. No. Outage Date and Time Reason 1 05-04-2019 @ 12:55 Hrs B-N fault

    2 15-04-2019 @ 13:20 Hrs Y-N fault

    3 16-04-2019 @ 14:04 Hrs B-N fault

    4 22-04-2019 @ 14:13 Hrs R-N fault

    5 23-04-2019 @ 13:31 Hrs R-N fault

    • APTRANSCO informed that the tripping was due to clearance issues in the ROW

    caused by mango tree. It was cleared and issue is rectified.

    3.12 Frequent tripping of 230 kV Thiruvalam- Chittore • TANTRANSCO vide letter dated 30.04.2019 (Annexure-3J) had informed that

    230 kV Chittore-Thruvalam inter - state feeder got tripped at 14:35 on 29.03.2019

    hours , at 10:59 hors and 16:40 hours on 11.04.2019 and there was no visible

    fault up to the Tamil Nadu jurisdiction. The following were noted in this regard: NH road construction is under progress which is crossing below the

    Chittore-Thiruvalam line under the jurisdiction of APTRANSCO in location Nos 69,70,72 and 73 where the vertical clearance is only 6.8 meters, which is less compared to the clearance as per the IE Rules.

    Whenever the heavy vehicles are crossing power line, the feeder is getting tripped due to less clearance.

    • TANTRANSCO requested APTRANSCO that the vertical clearance shall be arranged to be increased in the above locations in order to avoid further tripping of 230 kV Thiruvalam-Chittore line

    • In the Meeting, APTRANSCO informed that they have written to SE (OMC),

    Chittoor to take up the action to raise the vertical clearance of Chittoor-Thiruvalam

    lines at location No 69, 70, 72 and 73 (which is under APTRANSCO jurisdiction)

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    as per CEA Regulations as requested by TANTRANSCO and assured of

    immediate action in this regard.

    3.13 Status of commissioning of 400kV Tirunelveli-Kochi line-1&2 may be furnished by POWERGRID

    • In the Meeting the following were noted:

    SR-II informed that all the works are completed except one tower erection and

    both sides stringing.

    KSEBL informed that Judgment Committee meeting is fixed for 20.05.2019

    and the report is expected by month end.

    SR-II informed that it will take one week to erect the tower once the favorable

    judgment comes.

    3.14 Request for taking out one Unit of NTECL Vallur • TANTRANSCO vide E-Mail dated 01.05.2019 had requested SRLDC to take out

    any one unit of Vallur (NTECL) under RSD to accommodate

    RE power. Already TN Thermal units of 1650 MW were taken Off bars from

    grid to accommodate RE power.

    • In the Meeting the following were noted: NTECL Vallur units were taken out due to sudden increase in SR wind

    generation from 4000 MW on 29th April to around 8000 MW on 30th April. On

    first May 2019 one Unit was taken out and observing the scenario on 2nd May

    one more unit was taken out. (Wind generation pattern from 29.04.2019 to

    01.05.2019 is at Annexure-3K). 3.15 SCED Procedure Implementation of SCED pilot - Fine tuning of SCED process

    and issuance of revised SCED procedures • In compliance to the CERC Order dated 31st Jan 2019 in petition No. 02/SM/2019,

    the pilot on SCED for inter State Generating Stations pan India, was

    operationalized from 1300 Hrs on 01st April, 2019.

    • SRPC vide letter dated 05.04.2019, 11.04.2019 & 12.04.2019 had communicated

    some of the issues/suggestions regarding SCED scheduling with NLDC. Reply is


    • NLDC vide letter dated 18.04.2019(Annexure-3L) had informed regarding fine tuning of SCED process and revised SCED procedure. The following clauses have

    been modified:

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    7.7. Diversity in the regional load-generation patterns has given rise to the present scope of generation optimization through SCED. However, opposing

    ramping requirements of different regions also impose constraints in terms of

    overall ramping that is required for the optimization process. This may

    sometimes lead to an infeasible/ non-converged solution while solving the SCED

    optimization problem.

    In the event of an infeasible/non-converged solution by the SCED optimization

    algorithm within the given set of constraints, the classical method of relaxation of

    the constraints, incrementally in steps, and/or penalizing the objective function

    shall be attempted in order to find an optimal solution. The lessons learnt during

    the pilot phase would help in improving the optimization process nuances. Such

    small incremental relaxation of constraint(s), required to obtain an optimal

    solution, shall automatically be accounted for in the SCED implemented

    schedules and through the National Pool Account. Higher ramping capability of

    the participating generators will help in improving the optimization and the above

    mentioned issues.

    9.2. SCED schedules are also required to be incorporated in the inter-regional schedules for each region and accordingly, NLDC shall compute the impact of

    SCED schedules on the inter-regional schedules for all regions. The incremental

    change in the inter-regional schedules shall be communicated by NLDC to the

    respective RLDCs for incorporation in the net inter-regional schedules being

    given to the RPCs for the purpose of accounting.

    • In the Meeting SRLDC presented the two highlights of the changed procedure as

    mentioned above.

    The following were noted after deliberations:

    Generators pointed out that there were still instances of ramp violation,

    schedules below TM, schedules above DC, delay in informing the final

    generation schedules etc and SCED was putting further stress on units

    without any financial benefit to generators.

    SRPC pointed out that Schedules > DC instances have been observed and

    post facto revision of schedules was having impact on REA, DSM and

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    number of other accounts. Further NLDC was yet to reply on the queries

    raised like Kudgi getting SCED Up etc.

    OCC forum requested SRLDC to take up with NLDC to present on

    performance of SCED (with respect to details of savings, optimization,

    station wise Up/Down details, Constraints faced if any etc.).

    3.16 Relocation of SPS schemes • In the Meeting the following were noted:

    SR-I & SR-II had confirmed that all the new DTPCs have been commissioned

    at the identified locations (in 152nd OCC).

    TN informed that (except Karaikudi) all the works have been completed.

    KSEBL informed that some works were yet to be completed. The works will be

    completed by this month end.

    KPTCL agreed to complete the pending works.

    The following activities to be carried out:

    • Carryout the pending works (refer Annexure No.V of 77 PCSC MOM).

    • Carryout the mock drills in coordination with PGCIL and SRLDC.

    • Carryout the mapping of the feeders in coordination with SRLDC.

    • Furnish the revised list of feeders along with load reliefs under various SPS.

    • Communicate the compliance report in this regard to SRPC / SRLDC.

    • It was noted that as decided in the 154th OCC Meeting Mock testing for contingency

    of 400 kV Gooty-Nelamangala/ Gooty-Somanahalli lines was done on 30th April

    2019 from 11:00 hrs. Signal transmitted from Gooty was not received at Kolar S/s

    due to suspected unhealthy SPS link. Also as per HVDC Kolar, SPS signal from

    Kolar is wired to generation backdown in WR (Raipur direction) and not connected

    to loads in SR (500 MW trip-3 signal of HVDC Talcher-Kolar). The present SPS

    action were not as per envisaged scheme of NLDC. It was decided to carry out a

    study for the above mentioned SPS will be considering the present SR grid

    scenario. Same will be presented by SRLDC.

    • SRLDC informed that Gooty-Nelamangala, Gooty-Somanhalli & Hiriyur-Nelamangala SPSs would be studied along-with possibility of any reconfiguration.

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    3.17 Reliability of SPS Schemes • In compliance of Commission’s Order dated 26th March 2018 in Petition No.

    09/SM/2015, the list of SPS in SR had been communicated to all concerned.

    SRLDC was to furnish the details of ISTS SPSs and SLDCs for other intra state

    SPSs. This information is to be submitted along with OCC on monthly basis.

    • APTRANSCO vide letter dated 13.04.2019(Annexure-3M) had furnished the reason for less relief by AP.

    • SRLDC vide letter dated 07.05.2019(Annexure-3N) had furnished the details of SPS operation during April 2019. SPS for Talcher-Kolar HVDC Bipole operated on

    11th April 2019 at 13:01 hours due to tripping of Pole – I on generation of external

    protection trip due to failure of control card of charger-I.

    Actual relief w.r.t designed relief is as follows:

    AP TS KA KER TN Actual Relief 189 0 650 0 290 Designed Relief

    230 0 250 0 395

    • It is observed that the actual relief is less compared to designed relief w.r.t. AP and

    TN where as more w.r.t Karnataka. States are requested to furnish the reason for the


    • The following were noted:

    KPTCL to coordinate with SR-II and rectify the issue of higher relief than


    APTRANSCO agreed to address the less relief due to reconfiguration and less

    relief due to RE feeders.

    It was noted that RE and RE mixed feeders were to be avoided or all type of


    3.18 Request for assistance of 50-60 MW to Yerandahalli by KPTCL • KPTCL vide E-mail dated 22.04.2019 had informed that Tamil Nadu is restricting

    the flow on 230kV Hosur-Yerandanahalli line to 25 MW from last 2 weeks, hence

    load curtailment to an extent of 20-30 MW is being resulted in and around

    Electronic City Bengaluru. The affected consumers are protesting against the

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    continuous load shedding. Hence, the CEE, Transmission Zone, KPTCL, Bengaluru

    has requested to restore the earlier assistance of 50-60 MW to Yerandadahalli

    station from Hosur.

    • KPTCL requested TANTRANSCO to make arrangement for an assistance of 50-

    60MW to Yerandahalli station from Hosur with immediate effect to avoid severe

    load shedding thereby stopping the agitation by the consumers of Electronic City

    area Bengaluru.

    • In the Meeting, the following were noted:

    TANTRANSCO informed that Shoolagiri-Hosur line is getting over loaded to

    280 MW. The construction work of second circuit is already over but LILO SS

    at Udanahalli is not ready. TANTRANSCO informed that after commissioning

    of second circuit, the quantum arrived by studies will be exported from Hosur

    to Yerrandahalli.

    TANTRANSCO was requested to explore the possibility of making the line

    through at Udanahalli, possibility of bunching, temporary reconfiguration to

    reduce the loading etc. TANTRANSCO informed that they will revert back after

    consultation with field/study teams.

    KPTCL stated that they require 50-60 MW assistance from TN presently.

    Further after commissioning of 2nd circuit additional import of 120 -130 MW

    (Total around 180 MW) would be required for 116 days as assured by TN in

    the 35th SRPC meeting. In future after commissioning of new 400 kV SSs

    power may flow from Yerrandahalli to Hosur.`

    3.19 Failure of Transmission Towers – 400 kV Narendra-Guttur D/C line • It was noted that both circuits of 400 kV Narendra-Guttur line tripped on distance

    protection on 28.04.2019 at 16:09 hours due to localized Whirl Wind. SR II had

    submitted the format for intimating the Failure of Transmission line Towers

    (Annexure-3O). Spare towers is to be used as adequate ERS is not available and approximate time for revival of the line is one month.

    • CEA vide letter dated 29.04.2019 (Annexure-3P) had informed that CEA officers may not be able to visit the failure site. It was requested to PGCIL team to visit the

    site and furnish the detailed investigation report of failed towers duly filled proforma

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    for intimating failure of transmission line tower, coordinates of each of the failed

    tower locations, photographs of failed tower along with the material test report

    carried out on the members of the failed tower to CEA for further deliberations in

    the Standing Committee.

    • Since the tower collapse has been attributed to localized extreme wind conditions it

    is also requested to furnish the actual wind data/information(actual wind speed)

    prevailing at the failure site at the time of failure from any authentic observatory.

    • In the Meting SR-II informed that the lines would be restored by 28.05.2019. The

    report from CPRI was awaited.

    3.20 Taking over of 2 Nos of bays at Edamon in respect of Kayamkulam-Edamon DC line- Replacement of existing conventional equipments with Hybrid switch gear modules at 220 kV S/s, Edamon(Edappon and Kundara bays) under PSDF scheme by KSEBL. (SR II, PGCIL letter dated 24.04.2019 is at Annexure-3Q)

    The following were noted in this regard:

    • Powergrid had conveyed its technical concurrence for the said replacement due to

    work exigency expressed by KSEBL and also based on the assurance given by

    KSEBL to indemnify POWERGRID and bear the cost without any loss to

    POWERGRID. It was noted that PGCIL vide letter dated 26.07.2018 had informed

    that with upgradation of POWERGRID bays at 220 kV Edamon/KSEB station with

    hybrid equipment, the removed equipment to be de-capitalized and the same to be

    taken over by KSEB at depreciated cost. The following were noted in the 34th

    SRPC Meeting held on 11.08.2018:

    KSEBL had agreed to take up the asset on depreciated cost after approval of the Board and SERC. One of the reasons for delay in completing the PSDF project was belated confirmation by PGCIL in this regard.

    SR-II had clarified that they would not pay O&M charges to KSEBL neither claim O&M for this asset.

    • KSEBL had communicated that 1 No of 220 kV Edamon – Kundara feeder bay was

    replaced on 22.06.2018 and the other on 01.07.2018 and the ownership of bays

    with KSEBL from the date of replacement.

    • PGCIL informed that replacement of bays would be brought to the notice of Hon’ble

    CERC through a truing up petition being filed for 2014-19 block and the final

    decision by Commission would be adhered. Remaining depreciable value as on

  • 155th OCC Minutes – Bengaluru – 09.05.2019 Page 21

    said dates in respect of the bays at Edamon as decided by CERC would be

    communicated to KSEBL for reimbursement.

    • The following were noted in the Meeting:

    KSEBL stated that matter was being handled by transmission wing and concurrence would be communicated to SR-II.

    SR-II informed that after receiving the concurrence from KSEBL and after approval of CERC the depreciated value will be communicated to KSEBL.

    KSEBL stated that after Board approval the depreciated amount would paid to SR-II.

    3.21 Status of 220 kV Bays at PGCIL, Kochi S/S to receive 2 Nos 220 kV feeders from Aluva

    • KSEBL vide letter dated 07.05.2019(Annexure-3R) had informed that construction of 220 kV Aluva-Pallikkara (PGCIL Kochi) D/C is progressing fast and is expected

    to be completed by June 30th this year. Presently PGCIL Kochi SS does not have

    spare equipped 220 kV bays to receive the above feeders, but spare land for future

    expansion is available. The requirement of two 220 kV bays had already been

    taken up M/s PGCIL, Gurugram. It has been informed from M/s PGCIL that

    construction of bays would be started by the middle of 2019. KSEBL desired to

    know the present status of the same.

    • SR-II informed that technical bid had been opened. Financial bids to be submitted.

    3.22 TSTRANSCO Request for prior intimation of Allocation • TSTRANSCO vide letter dated 04.05.2019(Annexure-3S) had raised the issue of

    non-information of Allocation changes by WR.

    • Subsequently SRPC vide letters dated 06.05.2019(Annexure-3T) had taken up the issue with WRPC and ERPC.

    • In the Meeting it was noted that SRPC had already requested WRPC and ERPC to

    timely inform the allocation changes. 3.23 TSTRANSCO request for on line information regarding URS availability of

    other regions • In the Meeting, TSTRANSCO recalled that in one of the earlier OCC Meeting as

    requested by TSTRANSCO, SRLDC had agreed to look into the possibility of on

    line availability of URS to SR beneficiaries for ER ISGS. It was noted that the online

    availability of the same had been implemented in WR.

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    • SRLDC agreed to look into online ER - URS availability to the SR beneficiaries.

    3.24 KPTCL-DVC LTA • In the Meeting KPTCL raised some issues regarding DVC LTA scheduling.

    • After deliberations, SRLDC agreed to furnish the LTA/MTOA scheduling procedure in place. All the entities to follow the procedure.

    • Subsequently SRLDC had furnished the following procedure By 15:00hrs the applicant/trader of LTA/MTOA shall consult both generating station and buyer/beneficiary and submit the mutually agreed value to SRLDC via Web Based Scheduling. SRLDC informed that they would further explain the Procedure in the 156th OCCM.

    3.25 Late intimation of rescheduling of Simhadri Stage I Unit • In the Meeting NTPC, Simhadri informed that Unit I of Simhadri outage which was

    approved from 10.05.2019 in the 154th OCC will be taken out only on 16.05.2019

    The following were noted in this regard:

    NTPC informed that Simhadri –Stage I, Unit -I had be rescheduled from

    10.05.2019 to 16.05.2019 due to affected movement of equipment due to Fani


    TS expressed serious concern that all the purchases considering non

    availability of 250 MW has already been made.

    It was noted that the rescheduling was known to NTPC 2-3 days prior and the

    rescheduling should have been informed to beneficiaries, SRLDC and SRPC


    3.26 NLC TS II Expansion – Technical Minimum Schedule • NLCIL informed that 65 % Technical Minimum schedules are not implemented in

    scheduling Program of SRLDC.

    The following were noted:

    Till permanent solution is implemented, whenever DC was being changed TM

    also need to be monitored. NLCIL pointed out that along-with SCED also

    sometimes TM was getting changed.

    SRLDC informed that the issue has been taken up with PWC for permanent solution


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    3.27 NLC TPS-II bay - 400 MW each In the Meeting, NLCIL informed that 230 kV bays at TS-II would be ready by month

    end for termination of TANTRANSCO lines from New SS. However only 200 MW

    each can be transferred presently on each line. Bay strengthening works have been

    assigned to SR-II for enabling 400 MW on each circuit and it may take 3-4 months

    3.28 Communication Audit • A special meeting was conducted on 25.04.2019 and Annual Communication Audit

    in respect of SR was carried out in consultation with SRLDC and constituents.

    Annual Communication Audit Report in respect of SR for the year 2018-19 in

    Compliance of Regulation 10 of CERC(Communication System for inter - state

    transmission of electricity) Regulations, 2017 had been submitted to CERC vide

    letter dated 30.04.2019(Annexure-3U).

    • Data furnishing Compliance of CERC (Communication System for Inter State Transmission of Electricity), Regulations 2017

    • NTPC vide letter dated 06.05.2019(Annexure-3V) had submitted regarding the submission of compliance report of CERC(Communication System for inter-state Transmission of Electricity), Regulations 2017.

    • SRPC vide E-mail dated 06.05.2019(Annexure-3W) had replied to NTPC:.

    The following were noted:

    NTPC Ramagundam: The email received on 26-04-2019: It is noted that data pertaining to Communication Channel Availability (Annexure - I), Communication equipment Availability (Annexure - II), Cyber Security Audit detalis for the FY 2018-19(Annexure - III) is not furnished and also not in the prescribed format. It may be kindly arranged to send the same.

    NTPC Simhadri: Mail received on 30-4-2019. Communication equipment Availability (Annexure - I) details may be furnished. NTPC Kudgi: Mail received on 01-05-2019 (SRPC submitted report to CERC on 30.04-2019). NTPC Talcher: Mail received on 26.04.2019 in which specific details as per format were not furnished. Wrt to mail received on 02.05.2019, it is noted that data pertaining to Communication equipment Availability (Annexure - II) is not furnished in the prescribed format. It may be kindly arranged to send the same.

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    • In the Meeting all the entities were requested to furnish the pending information, if

    any. Physical Audits for communication infrastructure would be carried out and

    nominations would be sought.

    3.29 REMC facility installed at SRLDC

    • SRLDC REMC project is in advanced stage of commissioning. System

    configurations and testing are under process at SRLDC. Various milestones that

    have been covered are listed below :

    Major Software & Hardware FAT completed. All vendor side trainings completed. Updated ISTS pooling station list submitted to POWERGRID LD&C for


    System powered on and ICCP established with SRLDC SCADA. VPS powered on and configured. All existing ISTS pooling stations real time data being updated in REMC


    Pooling station SLDs configured in SCADA. Scheduling entities configured in REMC Forecasting & Scheduling module and

    mock schedule under testing.

    3.30 REMC Project in SR-Non readiness of space by KPTCL/ Failure of KPTCL

    underground fiber links in Bengaluru intra-city • SR II vide letter dated 22.03.2019 had requested KPTCL to arrange for early

    completion of the interiors to commence the installation and further commissioning

    of the systems to complete the work at the earliest. It was noted that the progress

    of the same is being monitored closely by MoP and the commitment was to

    commission the system by March 2019.

    • In the 154th OCC Meeting, KPTCL had informed that 15th April onwards, PGCIL

    could start with installation of LVS (UPS power would be available). Installation of

    Server and other HW could be taken up from 01.05.2019.

    • SR-II had informed that 4th link to SRLDC (through Hebbal) had been established.

    SRLDC agreed to revert back after verification.

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    • For rectification of OF cable between HSR to NIMHANS, EDC to NIMHANS and

    EDC to HAL, KPTCL had informed that the agency has been identified to carry out

    the works.

    • PGCIL SR II had informed that M/s. OSI, who are executing REMC project of SR

    had intimated vide E-Mail dated 06.05.2019 that they have been regularly visiting

    the REMC-Building at KPTCL and observed that the readiness of Control Room

    and Server Room (not in Chemtrols/OSI scope) with respect to the work to be

    performed by Chemtrols/OSI, will require some more time and they will start the

    work once the site is ready.

    • SR II, PGCIL further requested KPTCL to kindly address the issues on top priority

    and arrange to offer the fronts at the earliest to enable to start the installation. It

    was noted that the main supplies of KPTCL under the subject project are already

    delivered at KPTCL LD centre almost one and half month back and the installation

    could not be commenced for want of completion of the floor envisaged for housing

    of REMC equipments. This project is funded by MoP and is being followed up very

    closely by them.

    • In the Meeting KPTCL informed that LVS erection work is in progress. Server erection and other activities can start by 27th May 2019. By that time all works pertaining to interiors will be completed. UPS is ready.

    • SR II requested KPTCL to expedite the pending works.

    • SRLDC informed that the link from Hebbal had been made through till Sanjaynagar

    MUX. SR-II and SRLDC agreed to revert back after verification. 3.31 Scheduling of Pavagada Solar UMPP by SRLDC/Updates on other solar parks

    • Mock scheduling of Pavagada UMPP by SRLDC was to commence from

    15.12.2018 (as discussed in the Meeting held on 02.11.2018).

    In the Meeting the following were noted:

    Scheduling of Pavagada Solar UMPP– KAR SLDC stated that the issues of furnishing the actuals etc for the purpose of making mock accounts is being

    expedited through KSPDCL. It was noted that SCADA issues were also to be


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    It was noted that Ghani Solar Park was an UMPP and scheduling would need to

    be carried out by SRLDC. APTRANSCO informed that the issue was scheduled to be discussed at SLDC within 10 days with SPDs. The scheduling would be with SRLDC. It was agreed to hold a VC with APSLDC after

    the meeting at APSLDC.

    Scheduling jurisdiction of Kamuthi Solar Power Projects (648 MW) was discussed

    in a VC held on 03.05.2019. TN was of the view that this was not a single project > 500 MW and thus the scheduling remained with TNSLDC. SRPC had pointed out that considering CEA legal opinion the unit may be under ambit of

    SRLDC scheduling as per IEGC provisions. SRLDC had stated that they would

    take up scheduling if TNSLDC is of the same opinion.

    3.32 Simhadri Islanding scheme(SRLDC Agenda Item No.2(a)) • In 154th OCC meeting, it was noted that the issue had not been raised by AP in the

    Protection Committee Meeting. AP furnished the line loading details in regard to the

    islanding scheme. It was noted that islanding scheme was needed for the capital

    city of AP and it was required to be expedited.

    • SRLDC vide E-mail dated 30.04.2019 had requested APTRANSCO to furnish a

    write-up regarding the tables in the attached document for proper understanding.

    However, it is understood that the loadings of Transmission Lines/Transformers as

    given seems to be the concern. The Islanding is the last defence of Protection

    during Major Grid Disturbance. The line loadings/Transformer Loadings upto

    Thermal Limits are acceptable during these vulnerable conditions. However efforts

    were made to optimize Bus Voltage/Line Loadings/ICT loadings and minimum line


    • AP SLDC to revert back on the draft Simhadri Islanding Scheme

    • In the Meeting, SRLDC pointed out that the line loadings were high in the base

    case itself, thermal loadings and emergency loadings are also to be considered in

    contingency condition. Further AP could identify radial loads to trip at Islanding

    Frequency to restrict over loading of the lines. The system identified for Islanding

    was optimal.

    APSLDC agreed to examine and communicate concurrence.

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    3.33 Condenser mode of operation in other Hydro station • In the 154th OCC Meeting, SRLDC had suggested for exploring the possibility of

    running other state Hydro stations in condenser mode operation considering the

    high renewable integration and associated MVAR management requirement.

    The following were noted:

    • KPCL had informed that with minor modifications, condenser mode of operation is possible at Sharavathy and Varahi Stations. In respect to Kadra, Nagjheri and Kodasalli, KPCL would explore the possibility and revert back within one week.

    • TANTRANSCO informed that in Aliyar units are already used in condenser mode. The possibility of using other hydro/gas stations in condenser mode would be taken up with TANGEDCO.

    • All SLDCs are requested to take up the issue of using hydro/gas stations in condenser mode with GENCOs and revert back before next OCC.

    The following were noted in the Meeting: KPCL informed that condenser mode of operation is readily available at Varahi

    Station (Units 3 & 4 tested in 2009-10 and in Unit 1& 2 possible with some

    minor modification). In respect of Sharavathy station (Unit-1 to 10) to

    condenser mode of operation is possible with minor modifications (protection

    and governor circuit). In Kadra, Nagjheri, Gerusoppa, Supa and Kodasalli

    stations, condenser mode of operation is not possible since it requires

    replacement of turbines. KAR SLDC agreed to use the Varahi units in condenser mode and to make the condenser mode operational at Sharavathy with KPCL management.

    TN informed that in Aliyar units are already used in condenser mode. In case

    of gas stations Basin bridge units are already operating in condenser mode.

    PPAs with PP Nellore is existing but was not being scheduled due to high

    Naptha price. In other hydro and gas stations it was not possible to operate

    the units in condenser mode. KSEBL informed that in Unit-1 to 3 of Idukki HES, the provisions for operating

    in condenser mode operation is available. But due to vapour issues while

    sprinkling of water during the operation, KSEBL is not operating the units in condenser mode. The provisions w.r.t Kakkayam, Lower Periyar and Kuttiadi stations it will be explored with OEM. KSEBL was exploring the

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    possibility of condenser mode in scrapped units of Diesel station with OEM and they were not willing to take up the works.

    It was pointed out that upto 2-3 hours Idukki units were running in condenser

    mode earlier. KSEBL agreed to look into this aspect. APTRANSCO informed that condenser mode of operation is not possible (as

    no water spraying system is available) in hydro stations of APTRANSCO.

    3.34 Diesel plants in SR-Information requested by CEA • CEA vide letter dated 11.03.2019 had requested some information(formats

    circulated in OCC Group/153rd OCC Minutes) regarding diesel stations in SR. The

    data for the above report may be sent on email: - moropmcea@rediffmail.com,


    • For Southern Region the information regarding the following stations is to be


    AP – LVS, KAR-Bellary. Yelahanka, Kerala – Brahmapuram & Kozhikode,

    TN – Samalpatty , Samayanallur & Basin Bridge.

    Any decommissioning/ Fuel transformation also may be informed

    accordingly. The mail received from CEA had been forwarded to OCC

    Group. The required data may be kindly furnished to CEA with a copy to


    • AP had submitted the information regarding LVS which is at Annexure-3X

    • KAR-Bellary (SLDC could inform that there is no PPA).

    • Kerala –Brahmapuram & Kozhikode (SLDC was requested to furnish the information to CEA).

    3.35 Sale of power from NLC TPS-I • The Power Sale Agreement with TN in respect of NLC TPS-1 has expired on

    31.03.2019. As per IEGC Clause 6.4.2(a), NLC TS I would come under the control

    area of SRLDC and TS I Station may need to be scheduled by SRLDC from

    01.04.2019. In the 154th OCC Meeting after deliberations SRLDC had informed that

    they will make a procedure but NOC from STU is required since TN STU is used to

    evacuate NLC Power. It was agreed that SRLDC would carry out the scheduling


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    after compliance of all the formalities by NLC like user registration, metering

    scheme approval, real time SCADA etc.

    • In the Meeting, NLCIL informed that the formalities like user registration, metering

    scheme approval, real time SCADA etc were under process.

    • On a query by NLCIL, it was noted that NOC from STU would be required till

    TANTRANSCO lines are connected to TS-I switchyard.

    3.36 Manual for recovery of Electrical Infrastructure during Natural Disaster • In the 35th SRPC Meeting, it was noted that the natural disasters are happening

    every year in SR. SRPC had endorsed the need for having a Manual for recovery of

    Electrical Infrastructure during disasters.

    • A Special Meeting was convened on preparation of Manual for recovery of electrical

    infrastructure during disaster on 30.04.2019 at SRPC Bangalore. Draft Manual

    incorporating the comments furnished by the entities and the deliberations was

    enclosed at Annexure-3Y of the attached Minutes(Minutes are available at SRPC website). The entities are requested to revert back with comments/observations, if any, positively by 31.05.2019. After due consideration of the feedback, the manual would be put up to TCC/SRPC.

    3.37 Regular interaction between CERC and RPCs • CERC desires that there should be regular interaction between CERC and RPCs to

    understand perspectives of RPCs with respect to various Regulations of CERC.

    Commission had decided that a Meeting with Chairman & Member Secretaries of

    each RPC shall be held every quarter at CERC, New Delhi. CERC vide letters

    dated 16.04.2019(Annexure-3Z) had communicated in this regard to Chairperson SRPC & MS SRPC and it was informed that the first Meeting will be held on

    24.06.2019 at CERC, New Delhi.

    • All the entities were requested to furnish regulatory issues being faced by the constituents in a concise manner along with possible suggestions.

    3.38 Flexibilization of Thermal Plants: Units identified by APGENCO • CEA vide letter dated 08.04.2019(Annexure-3AA) had informed that they have

    received confirmation from APGENCO for conducting pilot test for flexible operation

    of its Rayalseema Unit I. APGENCO was requested to coordinate with BHEL for

  • 155th OCC Minutes – Bengaluru – 09.05.2019 Page 30

    finalizing the dates for the pilot test. RPCs are requested to support the power

    utilities and provide appropriate generation schedule for flexible operation pilot test.

    • APGENCO vide letter dated 26.04.2019(Annexure-3AB) had requested BHEL to communicate the dates well in advance for conducting pilot test for flexible

    operation at Rayalseema TPS Unit I(210 MW) of APGENCO.

    • In the Meeting, APGENCO informed that they are in touch with BHEL for


    3.39 Deviation in drawals by states • SRLDC vide letters dated 23.04.2019(Annexure-3AC) had communicated to

    APTRANSCO, TSTRANSCO, KPTCL and TANTRANSCO regarding the deviation

    in drawals beyond the limits during the period from 08.04.2019 to 21.04.2019.

    • All concerned entities were requested to take appropriate action in real time to

    curtail sustained UD/OD and UI / OI on violation messages being issued by SRLDC

    and report necessary compliance.

    • All the states were requested to reply (reasons, action taken etc) to the weekly

    deviation being communicated by SRLDC.

    3.40 Guidelines for Rationalized use of High Performance Conductors • CEA had released a document titled “Guidelines for Rationalised use of High

    Performance Conductors” which is available at CEA website. Letter in this regard at


    • In the Meeting, all the transmission licensees were requested to refer guidelines.

    SLDCs were requested to communicate to DISCOMs in this regard.

    3.41 Status of Implementation of the revised FGD Installation/ESP Up-gradation Plan • CEA is seeking updated information in respect of implementation of revised FGD

    installation/ESP Up-gradation Plan. Status update is to be furnished in a time

    bound manner.

    3.42 TTC assessment considering temperature dependent rating of lines/terminal equipment • NPC, CEA vide letter dated 06.03.2019 had furnished the summary record of

    discussions of the Meeting held with PGCIL and POSOCO regarding ambient

    temperature adjusted TTC held on 05.02.2019. It is noted that end equipment

    ratings are required for planning and operational studies. SRPC vide letter dated

  • 155th OCC Minutes – Bengaluru – 09.05.2019 Page 31

    28.03.2019 enclosing CEA letter dated 06.03.2019 had requested the concerned

    constituents (KPTCL, TSTRANSCO and TANTRANSCO) to furnish the terminal

    equipment details of the all 400 kV lines in the respective states by 02.04.2019 to


    • SRPC vide letter dated 28.03.2019 had requested NPC to impress upon POSOCO

    to release the TTC Margins for SR based on the information furnished.

    • In the 154th OCC Meeting, KPTCL, TSTRANSCO and TANTRANSCO had agreed

    to furnish the information by 15.04.2019.

    • It is noted with concern that no information had been received from the states.

    In the Meeting the following were noted:

    • KPTCL informed that they will furnish the data within 15 days.

    • TSTRANSCO informed that they will follow up with the concerned wing and will

    submit the information at the earliest.

    • TANTRANSCO informed that they will furnish the information within one week.

    • NLDC was kindly requested to release margins based on temperature dependent

    rating of lines / terminal equipment for SR import on the basis of data already


    3.43 Deviations/zero crossing violations • Data in respect of deviations and zero crossing violations for the period 01.03.2019

    to 31.03.2019 by SR entities as furnished by SRLDC vide letter dated 15.04.2019 is

    at Annexure-3AE 3.44 Ramp Rates, technical minimum & startup from hot/warm/cold

    • ISGS/State generators were suggested to improve the ramp rates.

    • The following was noted in the 154th OCC Meeting:

    • All ISGS stations were requested to give ramp of 0.67%/min in line with the SRPC decision.

    • NTPC was requested to furnish the expert view of OEM. • NTPC had informed that the OEMs were not coming out clearly on the issue.

    The following were reiterated in the Meeting: • All the entities were requested to take action in respect of ramp rates, technical

    minimum, start up from hot, warm and cold condition as discussed in the SRPC meeting (noted in the special meeting).

  • 155th OCC Minutes – Bengaluru – 09.05.2019 Page 32

    • POSOCO had pointed out that enhancing of the ramp rates would result in further savings in the SCED optimization.

    • It was noted that as per the Tariff Regulations, 2019-24, POSOCO was to come out with a draft procedure on ramps (with incentivization) by June 2019. The draft was under preparation. This was to be implemented from April 2020.

    • TANGEDCO vide letter dated 07.05.2019(Annexure-3AF) had furnished the Ramp rates, Technical minimum & Startup from hot/warm/cold details w.r.t. their

    Thermal Stations.

    3.45 Implementation of APC by NTPC – Request for schedule to Simhadri Stage II

    • NTPC vide letter dated 03.05.2019(Annexure-3AG) had informed that NTPC had taken initiative to enhance unit response in order to meet dynamic load

    requirements of the Grid. Simhadri Station has been selected for implementation of

    Pilot Project on APC (Advance Process Control) in all 4 Units. Initially test would be

    conducted on Unit -4 and tests schedules from 18.04.2019 for 11 days were also


    • After deliberations the following were noted:

    The testing schedule was agreed from 21.05.2019 to 30.05.2019 between 5-9

    & 16-23 hrs. NTPC agreed to furnish the hour-wise schedule by 13.05.2019.

    On D-1 day again the testing schedule is to be confirmed.

    SCED would be suspended during the testing period..

    SRLDC agreed to make modification in the scheduling software to take care of


    3.46 RE Generators for Reactive Compensation & High Voltage • All the states were again requested to kindly examine and ensure voltage based

    MVAR interchange for RE generators.

    • The following were noted in the 154th OCC Meeting:

    APTRANSCO: There was no further update on SRPC / TCC status.

    TSTRANSCO: Final notification from TSERC was awaited.

    KER: A meeting with RE developers would be held to finalize the recommendations. Formal note would be submitted to Regulator most likely in 2 weeks. Instructions had been given to Solar generator of 50 MW in North Kerala (low voltage area) to inject MVAR due to low voltages (around 10

  • 155th OCC Minutes – Bengaluru – 09.05.2019 Page 33

    MVAR). During the period, SLDC instruction, reactive charges are suspended. In future, there may be some incentivization for reactive support.

    TANTRANSCO: The Solar tariff as per TNERC Order was under consideration of the management. The reactive billing for wind was yet to be taken up.

    KPTCL: One Meeting of the committee had already been convened on 29.01.2019. Another Meeting of the committee will be convened shortly in which the final recommendations would be finalized. Subsequently, the same would be taken up with SERC through KEGC Review Panel.

    It was suggested that in real time SLDCs may suspend the reactive interchange charges in case of system requirements (till the voltage based reactive billing is in place). Blanket approval in this regard for the same may be obtained from the Higher Management by the SLDCs.

    3.47 Daily Load Forecasting by SLDCs

    • In the Meeting SRLDC presented the error (forecast Vs actual demand) for the month of April 2019.

    • It was noted that in KSEBL the error was around 23 % on 23.05.2019 which was caused due to load reduction (general election).

    3.48 Low Voltage issues in Karnataka and Kerala • In the 154th OCC Meeting, KPTCL was once again requested to update on the

    status of UV relays in their system.

    • In the Meeting, KPTCL confirmed that UV relays were armed as per logic in their


    3.49 URTDSM project • In the meeting, SRLDC presented an analysis on Oscillations in the system. The

    aim is to identify the oscillatory modes present using PMU data. The Real-time

    Dynamics Monitoring System (RTDMS) is configured to monitor the oscillations in

    real-time. SRLDC Pilot project with EPG – MOU signed on 22-02-2019. All the SLDCs were requested to monitor the alarms and oscillations. Presentation at Annexure-3AH.

    In respect of URTDSM, the following was noted:

    • 5 applications had been installed at SRLDC.

    Applications at two SLDCs(TS and KPTCL) installed, at two SLDCs already provided and under installation (AP & KSEBL) and TN was requested to provide secure internet connection(VPN connection) for remote installation.

  • 155th OCC Minutes – Bengaluru – 09.05.2019 Page 34

    • Through VADR application operating Z information was getting captured and would be shared.

    Relay data from PDMS may be used for the relay settings. • Supervise Zone-3 application requires PMU at both the ends of the lines

    and adjacent lines also. They were touch with PGCIL to identify the locations meeting the criteria and the Pilot would be taken up at the selected locations.

    SRLDC (study team) observed that PMU at both ends of the line along-with PMU on the longest line at the adjacent station may be sufficient. SRLDC (URTDSM) agreed to refer it to IIT Mumbai.

    3.50 Sudden dip of frequency on 23rd, 24th and 25th at 22:00 hrs

    • In the Meeting KSEBL informed that sudden dip in frequency on 23rd to 25th April

    2019 at 22:00 hours.

    • After deliberations it was suggested that SRLDC may take up the issue with


    3.51 Deficit during peak hours from Talcher Stage II • In the 154th OCC Meeting KSEBL requested NTPC to give a formal letter to

    KSEBL so that they can also escalate the issue to his higher ups.

    3.52 Issues w.r.t KGS • In the Meeting the following were noted:

    SEM related issues had been taken up with SR-II vide letter dated 09.04.2019.

    SR-II informed that new meters are likely to be supplied and from that SEMs will be supplied/installed at Kaiga GS

    Regarding Sirsi-Guttur section of Kaiga-Sirsi, KPTCL informed that they have

    replaced 20 numbers of tension strings. Further replacement of 15 numbers

    and 22 numbers of insulator strings was planned for line-1 and line-2 for which,

    the estimation was under preparation.

    KPTCL informed that the estimate had been prepared and would be taken up for approval.

    Kaiga GS had taken up the issue of OPGW on Kaiga-Guttur with SR-II vide

    letter dated 09.04.2019.

    SR-II informed that the issues had been resolved.

  • 155th OCC Minutes – Bengaluru – 09.05.2019 Page 35

    Kaiga GS and KPTCL had agreed to coordinate the PLCC communication

    issues. There was no update.

    Kaiga GS had taken up RTU issues with SR-II vide letter dated 09.04.2019

    Copy of PO placed on M/s GE for supply of new CPT cards and spare

    CPU, analog and status cards had been submitted to KGS. SR-II informed

    that Kaiga needed to provide consent along with requirement which will be included in the purchase order. Apart from the unit rates, PGCIL overhead charges @15% along with 18% GST on overhead charges

    would be etc.

    3.53 Resource Adequacy Index and Flexibility Index(SRLDC Agenda Item No.2(i)) • SRLDC had furnished the procedure for flexibility index calculation from SCADA for

    total SR.(Annexure-3AI)

    • In the Meeting, SRLDC informed that SRLDC had been integrated the same in

    SCADA. SLDCs were requested to compute the indices. SRLDC assured of all assistance in this regard.

    3.54 Periodical Audit and Vulnerability Assessment & Penetration Testing(VAPT) of Infrastructure • CISO – MoP vide letter dated 31.01.2019 had requested all Sectoral CERTs and

    Power Sector Organizations to ensure periodical audit and VAPT of all ICT

    Infrastructure, website, web applications etc and also advised to report to CISO –

    MoP after conducting the audit and VAPT of the same. CISO-MoP letter was

    discussed in 152nd OCC meeting held on 12.02.2019 in which all the concerned

    entities were requested to carry out audit & VAPT testing on ICT infrastructure and

    submit the report. It was later followed up through mails and in subsequent OCC

    meetings. Further, MoP vide letter dated 20.02.2019 had requested Power Sector

    Organizations to do Cyber Security Audit of the website in defined interval by CERT-

    IN empanelled Cyber Security Audit Agencies to avoid any vulnerability.

    CEA vide letter dated 22.04.2019 has once again requested to kindly provide the report of the conducted Cyber Security Audit and VAPT of ICT Infrastructure, website, web application etc along with the key findings of the audit at the earliest for onward transmission to MoP. The above details may kindly be sent to itcea@nic.in with a copy to srpc.operation@gmail.com


  • 155th OCC Minutes – Bengaluru – 09.05.2019 Page 36

    • SRPC letter dated 30.04.2019(Annexure-3AJ) had communicated in this regard to the concerned.

    • In the Meeting, SR-II informed that the Audit report had been furnished to CEA by

    its Corporate office copy of which will be submitted to SRPC as requested.

    • KSEBL informed that Cyber Security Audit will be carried out in May 2019.

    3.55 Rejuvenation and Parallel operation of 220 KV System on NEW-SR Corridor • A Joint Study meeting was held on 24th December 2018 regarding the rejuvenation

    of Chikkodi – Talangade & Chikkodi - Mudhsinghi Lines.

    • KPTCL had expressed some apprehension in closing the lines and had informed

    that they had submitted the report to the Higher Management and approval was


    3.56 Testing of Primary frequency response of generators as per IEGC clause 5.2(g) • In the 153rd OCC Meeting SRLDC had informed that 5 bidders have been qualified

    among 9 bids.

    • In the Meeting SRLDC informed that formats for price bid had been approved by

    POSOCO. Contract documents are getting finalized.

    • Subsequently it was noted that a Special Meeting had been called by NLDC on

    06.06.2019 at NLDC. Letter in this regard is at Annexure- 3AK. 3.57 AGC at state Level- Pilot Project identification & Implementation

    • A Meeting was carried out on 14.03.2019 at SRPC and the minutes of the Meeting

    are available at SRPC website.

    • The following were noted in the Meeting:

    KPCL informed that a team of officials from PRDC, KPCL and KPTCL SLDC

    had visited Sharavathy hydro station on 12.04.2019 and Varahi Hydro station

    on 11.04.2019 and inputs had been collected. The target date of completion of

    projects at Sharavathy is June 2019 and for Varahi it is August 2019.

    KSEBL informed that AGC implementation work will start at Kuttiadi HES by

    December 2019.

    APGENCO/APSLDC informed that works were to be initiated for AGC

    implementation at Krishnapattnam and SLDC. APGENCO requested KPCL to

  • 155th OCC Minutes – Bengaluru – 09.05.2019 Page 37

    share the technical specifications for Varahi and Sharavathi which was agreed

    by KPCL.

    TSTRANSCO informed that TSGENCO had floated tenders for preparing the


    TANTRANSCO informed that all the administrative approval had been received

    and technical specifications are under preparation jointly by TANTRANSCO

    and TANGEDCO.

    3.58 Installation of 2x125 MVAR bus reactors at UPCL • In the 153rd OCC Meeting, it was noted that KPTCL needs to clearly communicate

    Standing Committee approval details, meeting number etc to PCKL.

    • In the Meeting, KPTCL informed that PCKL had communicated to Commission

    regarding the requirement of the UPCL reactor.

    3.59 Reactor commissioning at Kaiga GS • In the 154th OCC Meeting, KGS had informed that tender for both the reactors

    together would be floated within 15 days by HQ.

    • In the Meeting, tenders for both the reactors together had been floated and the

    commissioning of the reactors was expected by 2020.

    3.60 Prolonged Outage -KKNPP Reactors: • In the Meeting, KKNPP informed that financial sanction is expected by March 2019

    end for the second reactor and is expected to be commissioned by December


    3.61 NLC Complex: HTLS associated enhancement works • SR-II informed that the HTLS works had been completed on 25th April 2019.

    3.62 High voltages in Telangana System /Frequent switching of lines / Bus reactors/ MVAR interchange of generators • SRPC had analyzed the nodes of high voltage coupled with MVAR injection during

    August 2018 to November 2018 and the following was observed:

    Nodes with MVAR injection during V > 103% AP KAR TN TS

    Kurnool Nelamangala Tiruneveli Maheshwaram

    Vijayawada Raichur Alamathy Hyderabad

    Gazuwaka Hoody Karaikudi Malkaram

    Chittoor Pugalur Gajwel

  • 155th OCC Minutes – Bengaluru – 09.05.2019 Page 38

    Vemagiri Kalavinthapattu Mehaboobnagar

    S V Chatram Khammam



    • All entities were requested to kindly take appropriate action.

    • SRLDC had agreed to take up the issues related to MVAR interchange of state generators with SLDCs and with ISTS connected generators.

    3.63 Certification of Inter-state and Intra-state lines in PoC

    • All SLDCs were requested to communicate the outage and availability

    computations for the applicable lines within one week after completion of month to

    SRLDC. SRLDC would communicate the details by 3rd week. SRPC would issue

    the certificate by month end.

    3.64 Compliance of CEA Regulations for Grid connectivity of Renewable Energy Sources • The following is the updated status on RE SCADA availability as noted in the 155th

    Meeting of OCC:

    State SCADA availability as on 30.04.2019 Mapped I/C


    AP Wind: 4075/3908 MW (96%) Solar: 3021/2033 MW (67%) Total: 7104/5941 MW (84%)

    Pending SCADA availability was for RE connected distribution level and for which action had been taken for compliance.

    TS Wind: 100.8/100.8 MW (100%) Solar: 3479/3431 MW (99%) Total: 3580/3532 MW (99%)

    Action for balance SCADA availability at 33 kV and below was being followed up and notices had been issued.

    KA Wind: 4803/4783 MW (100%) Solar: 5967/5413 MW (91%) Total: 10769/10197 MW (95%)

    KE Wind: 70/27 MW (38%) Solar: 93/85 MW (91%) Total: 163/112 MW (69%)

    TN Wind: 8746/8571 MW (98%) Solar: 2495/648 MW (26%)

    Notices had been issued for SS under 10(1) for SCADA availability.

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    Total: 11241/9219 MW (82%) 100% SCADA availability of wind was likely to be ensured by December 2017. TANTRANSCO (Communication) and TANGEDCO (Metering) had jointly initiated action for Solar SCADA availability and was targeted to be completed by July 2018.

    SR Wind: 17795/17390 MW (98%) Solar: 15062/11610 MW (77%) Total: 32858/28999 MW (88%)

    3.65 Monitoring of scheme funded from PSDF

    • The status (as on 30.04.2019) as received from NPC is at Annexure-3AL. All the states/entities were requested to kindly furnish the updated status in a time bound


    3.66 PSS Tuning of generators • 6th Meeting of PSS Tuning had been convened on 27.09.2018. Minutes are

    available at SRPC website. Analysis and recommendations are to be referred to

    take necessary action. The schedule for next SRT is also mentioned in the Minutes.

    All the concerned were again requested to take appropriate action in this regard.

    (Refer Table-I). PSS tuning for around 80 units is to be carried out during 2019(by December 2019) and action had to be initiated in this regard (kindly refer 6th PSS

    minutes available at SRPC website).

    • In the Meeting it was noted that only 09 units had furnished the analysis out of 80 Units. It was requested that the analysis furnished should contain all the information

    as specified in 5th and 6th PSS Meeting.

    3.67 All the STUs were requested to follow-up the Railways linked Substation/lines as discussed in the Special SRPC meeting held on 17.12.2018/35th SRPC

    (02.02.2019) and furnish monthly updates to SRPC.

    3.68 VC Facility at SLDC

    • On a query to MS(I/c), SRPC, Puducherry informed that VC facility will be taken up

    in this financial year.

    4. Outage Proposals/LGBR

    • Outages were discussed and processed through VC on 08.05.2019.

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    • Shutdown request: 400 kV Maheswaram-Nannur line

    • CE, PRLIS(Palameru – Rangareddy Lift Irrigation Scheme) vide letter dated

    04.05.2019(Annexure-4A) had requested for shutdown approval of Maheswaram- Nannur 400 kV line(owned by PGCIL) from 06.06.2019 to 12.06.2019 and

    requested SRPC for giving deemed availability to Powergrid.

    • It was noted that the Government of Telangana has entrusted the construction of 6

    TMC capacity reservoir at Yedula Village in Nagarkurnool district under Palameru

    – Rangareddy Lift Irrigation Scheme to PRLIS, Circle No. I Nagarkurnool and the

    construction is under final stage of completion. Maheswarm-Nannur line is passing

    through the centre of the reservoir and needs to be diverted on urgent basis so

    that the reservoir will be filled to its capacity during the forthcoming monsoon

    season. This issue had been taken up with Powergrid and Rs 12.89 Crores was

    paid to PGCIL for the same and the work is under progress. The work for diversion

    of the line is expected to be completed by 31.05.2019.

    • It was requested that the shutdown of the line may be approved from 06.06.2019

    to 12.06.2019 and it may be considered as deemed available.

    • The shutdown was approved.06.07.2019 to 12.07.2019.

    • Shutdown Request of UPCL ICT

    • UPCL vide E-mail dated 07.05.2019(Annexure-4B) had requested for discussion on deferment of UPCL ICT – I shutdown request by KPTCL.

    • After deliberations in the Meeting, shutdown was approved from 21.05.2019 to

    30.05.2019. UPCL was requested to enter the shutdown proposal in the web

    based outage programme of SRLDC which was agreed by UPCL. KAR SLDC

    stated that only one unit can be on bar at UPCL during ICT shutdown.

    • Outage Coordination Scheduling Application

    In the Meeting, SRLDC informed that Outage Coordination Scheduling

    Application is ready to put in use. A training would be convened at SRLDC

    Bengaluru for using the application by month end.

    4.2 LGBR for upcoming five months & TTC/ATC computations • All states had furnished PSSE base case for August 2019 and following is the


    State 5 months LGB

    Converged PSSE

    ATC/TTC Computation

    ATC/TTC Computation

    Nodal Officer

  • 155th OCC Minutes – Bengaluru – 09.05.2019 Page 41

    Base case furnished to SRLDC

    posted on SLDC website


    AP All Furnished

    Submitted No Nil No TS Submitted Yes KAR Submitted. No TN Submitted Yes KER Submitted Yes

    • SRLDC & SRPC pointed out that the demand being furnished for POC, ATC and

    LGB should be in synch with each other. Different values should not be furnished

    for different requirements. Node wise data should be as per the demand which is

    likely to be met from various sources keeping in view MOD etc.

    5. Availability and Requirement • Availability and requirement for the period from May 2019 to September 2019 is

    given at Annexure-5A.


    • Frequency remained within IEGC range during April 2019 (49.90 - 50.05 Hz) for 72.69 % of time. Average frequency for the month was 49.99 Hz.

    • Frequency remained below 49.90 Hz for 7.33 % of time during April 2019. • Frequency remained above 50.05 Hz for 19.98 % of time during April 2019. • All India demand touched maximum of 177834 MW on 8th May 2019. • 02 MW (Wind) & 02 MW (Solar) were added to Andhra Pradesh Installed

    Capacity (Private Sector). • 40 MW (Wind) & 21 MW (Solar) were added to Karnataka Installed Capacity

    (Private Sector). As on March 2019. • Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Karnataka & Tamil Nadu imported 295 MU, 598

    MU, 211 MU &