Molluscs. Molluscs are invertebrates. They have a soft body, but often protected shell. Are for...

Post on 03-Jan-2016

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Molluscs are invertebrates.

They have a soft body, but often protected shell. Are for exapmle :

snails, clams, octopus, squid, starfish, sea urchins.

Shells are watertight, so the body does not dry out.

They have a muscular legand a sharp tongue.

Snails move very slowly.

Snails are beautifully colored

and have a beautifully shaped shells.

Snails within seconds can hide in the shell.

Snails are food for the people.

They are popular in French cuisine.

Clams have flat body and shells composed of two flaps.

They bury themselves in the mud or sand.

They do not have a head. They have some sense orangs.

Clams filter food from the environment.

Clams are caugth because they are very tasty,

but also produce pearls.

Pearl grows about 1 millimeter to 5 years.

Octopus and squid are very intelligent.They have a well-developed brain and nerve system.

They are looking for food at night.They grab the victim's long arms.

They very fast sail, even 35 km/h /kilometers on hour/.They can jump out of the water toa height of 4 meters.

Octopus and squid have a great vision.

They can change colors.

They can produce light. Squid can

flash in white, blue, yellow and red.

Octopus has eight muscular arms.

It grabs them victims.

Starfish are marine predators.

They live at the bottom of the seas, oceans,

under the rocks and on coral reefs.

Starfish red is also in the Baltic.

They are moving very slowly.

Their bodies are divided into 5 parts.

They do not have a head or brain.

They do not have a front or back.

They can move in any direction.

Starfish have a mouth on the underside.

They are food for fish, crabs

and other marine animals.

Sea urchins are lazy.

They most of the time spend on the seabed

among the seaweed.

Sea urchins are spherical body.

Their body is covered with spines.

Spines contain venom.

They are variously colored.

They are very calm animals.

Sea urchins feed on plants and small animals,

which fall in their spines.

On stone beaches

bath is recommended in boots,

which have a hard, rubber soles.

Stepped on a sea urchin

can be painful

and even dangerous to health.


● Opracował: Tymoteusz Tomala● Bibliografia:

„Encyklopedia Przyrody”

Wydawnictwo Pascal, Bielsko Biała 2008

ISBN 978 - 83 – 7304 – 697 - 9

„Nasze zwierzęta”

Jivi Cihav

Wydawnictwo Elipsa, Warszawa 1996

ISBN 83 -85152 – 97 - 0

„Zadziwiający świat zwierząt”

Wydawnictwo Arti, Warszawa 2006

ISBN 83 – 89725 – 40 – 1
