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Priests of the Parish

Fr Gerard Tremer PP, 028 86763370 Fr Emlyn McGinn CC, 028 86763490 Fr John Flanagan CC, Rock, 028 87758224 (Priest in residence)

The material in Monthly Prayer Sheet is copyright. No media may use it without the editor’s permission

Liturgical Calendar

9th Palm Sunday 13th Holy Thursday 14th Good Friday 15th Holy Saturday 16th Easter Sunday 21st St Anselm 23rd Divine Mercy Sunday 25th St Mark 29th St Catherine of Siena 30th St Pius V

Pope’s Intention for the Month of April

Young People: That young people may respond generously to their vocations and seriously consider offering themselves to God in the priesthood or consecrated life.

Issue No. 38

“To reach out in prayer, word and deed to all”

Holy Trinity Church Pastoral Council

Monthly Prayer Sheet April 2017

To love God above all

God, my Father, may I love you in all things and above all things. May I reach the joy you have prepared for me in Heaven. Nothing is good that is against your will, and all is good that comes from your hand. Place in my heart a desire to please you and fill my mind with thoughts of your love, so that I may grow in your wisdom and enjoy your peace.

The Good Morning God Prayer

Good Morning God. You are ushering in another day, untouched and freshly new. So here I am to ask you, God, if you’ll renew me too. Forgive the many errors that I made yesterday and let me try again dear God to walk closer in your way. But Lord, I am well aware, I can’t make it on my own. So take my hand and hold it tight, for I cannot walk alone. Amen.

Dear God….

I know that I’m not perfect, I know sometimes I forget to pray. I know I have questioned my faith, I know sometimes I lose my temper, but thank you for loving me unconditionally and giving me another day to start over again.

Good Friday Prayer

Jesus, my Lord, let me go to Mary when __suffering threatens to overwhelm me. Ask your Mother to stay with me when I am afraid and tempted to surrender. Let me look to Mary as my model for love, as well as my haven of healing. Make sure I am considerate of other people and notice how they are affected by their suffering. I’m not the only one. I beg you, Lord, to help me grow in compassion. If I am faithful to you and close to your blessed Mother, those who suffer will be comforted by my presence, and they will gain courage as I stand beside them, by their cross. Amen.

Easter Novena

Jesus, I believe that by your own power you rose from death, as you promised, a glorious victor. May this mystery strengthen my hope in another and better life after death, the resurrection of my body on the last day, and an eternity of happiness. I firmly hope that you will

keep your promise to me and raise me up glorified. Through your glorious resurrection I hope that you will make my body like your own in glory and life, and permit me to dwell with you in heaven for all eternity. I believe that your resurrection is the crown of your life and work as God-Man, because it is your glorification. This is the beginning of the glorious life that was due to you as the Son of God. Your resurrection is also the reward of your life of suffering. Jesus, my Risen Lord and King, I adore your Sacred Humanity which receives this eternal Kingdom of honour, power, joy, and glory. I rejoice with you, my Master, glorious, immortal, and all-powerful. Through the glorious mystery of your Resurrection I ask you to help me to rise with you spiritually and to live a life free from sin, that I may be bent upon doing God’s Will in all things, and may be patient in suffering. Through the Sacraments may my soul be enriched evermore with sanctifying grace, the source of Divine life. I also ask that you grant me this special request: (mention your request). May your Will be done. Amen.

Closing prayer before sleep

Father, thank you for today, for all the ways in which I have known you. For the sunrise and the birdsong. For the music I’ve heard, and the things I’ve enjoyed. For the meals, and for the cosy home I live in. For my close family and for my special friends. Most of all, thank you for being beside me through each

moment. May I dream good dreams and arise again tomorrow to thank you once more. Amen.

A Lenten Prayer: The Passion

Dear Lord Jesus, by your Passion and Resurrection you

brought life to the world. But the glory of the Resurrection came only after the sufferings of the Passion. You laid down your life willingly and gave up everything for us. Your body was broken and fastened to a cross, your clothing became the prize of soldiers, your blood ebbed slowly but surely away, and your Mother was entrusted to the beloved disciple. Stretched out on the cross, deprived of all earthly possessions and human aid, you cried out to your Father that the end had come. You had accomplished the work given you, and you committed into his hands, as a perfect gift, the little life that remained in you. Lord, teach me to accept all afflictions after the example you have given. Let me place my death in yours and my weakness in your abandonment, take hold of me with your love, the same foolish love that knew no limits, and let me offer myself to the Father with you so that I may rise with you to eternal life. Amen.

A Prayer of Thanks

Thank you for all the blessings you have bestowed upon me, my God. The blessings of having a soul, that speck of your light. The blessing of the gift of my guardian angel for eternity, that never leaves me even for one second. The blessing of the peace and love that dwells in me. The blessing of the family you have given to me. The blessing of those you send into my life for companionship. The blessing of living in harmony with those around me. The blessing of my labour, my work. The blessings of all the material things I have in my life, big and small. The blessings of this wonderful world and the nature around me. Thank you, my God, for all the things I forget to thank you for. And most of all, thank you, my God, for continuing to bless my life. Amen.

St. Faustina Intercessory Prayer

Dear St. Faustina, I have come to know you as a friend. I ask you to plead to the Lord for me the prayer I ask of you. In times of doubt, dear friend, implore the Lord’s mercy as you did so often here on earth, that I may remember who I am, and to what his mercy has called me. In times of fear, implore his mercy that I may ever remember to trust, and trust again, in joy, and in the knowledge that God is preparing me for a beautiful mission. Please pray dear St. Faustina, that I may never forget that the abyss between my Lord and I has been bridged by his tender mercy. He will continue to be faithful and heal me of anything which stands in the way of his will. My life is in his hands. Thank you dear friend. Pray with me the prayer Our Lord taught you to spread throughout the world; Jesus, I trust in you. Remind all pilgrims of life that if our trust is great, there is no limit to Jesus’ generosity. Amen.

St. Ignatius Prayer against depression

O Christ Jesus, when all is darkness, and we feel our weakness and helplessness, give me the sense of your presence, your love and your strength. Help me to have perfect trust in your protecting love and strengthening power, so that nothing may frighten or worry me, for, living close to you, I shall see your hand, your purpose, your will through all things. Amen.

Prayer for Healing

Dear God, with love in my heart and awe in my soul, I pray that you will help me find relief from my suffering. Please send down your healing light. Fill my body, spirit, and mind with the light of your healing love so that I can carry on living my life in joy and share my bliss with others. To all others that are scared or sick, who fear for their health and lives, grant them comfort and peace in their hour of need so that they know you are always with them. May every being on the planet be united in good health so that they can join as one to sing your praises. Amen.

Prayer for peace of mind & heart

Eternal, Holy God, I come to you burdened with worries, fears, doubts and troubles.

Calm and quiet me with peace of mind. Empty me of the anxiety that disturbs me, of the concerns that weary my spirit, and weigh heavy on my heart. Loosen my grip on the disappointments and grievances I hold on to so tightly. Release me from the pain of past hurts, of present anger and tension, of future fears. Sometimes it’s too much for me Lord, too many demands and problems, too much sadness, suffering, and stress. Renew me spiritually and emotionally. Give me new strength, hope, and confidence. Prepare me to meet the constant struggles of daily life with a deeper faith and trust in you. Let your love set me free, for peace, for joy, for grace, for life, for others, forever.Amen

Prayer of St Catherine of Siena to the Precious Blood of Jesus

Precious Blood, Ocean of Divine Mercy: Flow upon us. Precious Blood, Most pure offering: Procure us every Grace. Precious Blood, Hope and Refuge of sinners: Atone for us. Precious Blood, Delight of the holy souls: Draw us. Amen.

“She (the Blessed Mother) could not promise to make me happy in this world, only in the next.” St Bernadette

Prayer to Love God above all things

God. My Father, may I love you in all things and above all things. May I reach the joy which you have prepared for me in Heaven. Nothing is good that is against your will, and all that is good comes from your hand. Place in my heart a desire to please you and fill my mind with thoughts of your love, so that I may grow in your wisdom and enjoy your peace. Amen.