Movie pitch 14.09.15

Post on 12-Apr-2017

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Horror Movie pitch SHEENAY BABB

My film poster My movie rating is a 15 – allowing the target age to be bigger and the story line is about teenagers their age.


Actors/actress’ names

Release date of filmCredits of everyone who contributed to the film and what they did

Website for movie where viewers are able to film out more about movie

Name of film

Film Title

Adolescent – the reason for the name of my trailer is because that is when the changes in your body begin to happen but for the antagonist. The changes in his body is different because that when his superpowers start to kick in.

“As if it’s not hard enough going through puberty…” “when dreaming becomes your biggest fear”

Antagonist The antagonist in my movie is a

Teenage boy (aged 15) who has previously been bullied at his school for the way that he looks and that his voice just started to break – going through puberty late .

Interested in one girl that looks pasted all his flaws.

Protagonist My main protagonist in the movie is

a teenage girl (15) who is a virgin and does not drink or take drugs – innocent and smart. Interested in antagonist.

Victims – are murdered for bullying the antagonist.

Girls parents are killed because he wants her to himself.


Church – I’ve decided to use a church as a location because the young boy is apart of a cult and I want to show his ‘coming of age’.

Woods/park – when they’re walking home from school and they’re building a ‘friendship’.

Kitchen – at the boys parents house, but has lots of crosses and religious posters around – both when girl comes over for dinner and when he is explaining to his parents that he wants the to meet her.

Corridor – when they meet

Films that have influenced me

Nightmare on elm street > from this movie I have taken the "Freddy" Krueger idea of going to peoples dreams.

Orphan > In this movie a young girl who is nine years old is trying to destroy a family after being adopted tries to pick the family off one by one except the father because she wants him for herself. I have taken this idea because the antagonist succeeds and kills the girls parents in their dreams because he wants her for himself.


Idea of cults that are also killers.

Sub genre


I’ve decided to have more psychological then supernatural because I feel it has more of an effect on the audience because it is abstract and harder to comprehend that murders and does not have to be too gory.

Target Audience

Youth > 15-25 Both genders

Preferably couples Anyone interested in some romance

Anyone who likes being scared.

Makeup and costume The costume I will be using for my media trailer:# Modern clothing that will appeal to my target audience, school uniform at the beginning to show they’re still school students Night wear as the movie is about people being killed in their dreams

The antagonist will be dressed in a black gown that was given to him by his cult and continues to use it when he becomes a mass murder as a signature.

Makeup – won’t be able to see antagonist face but protagonist will wear minimal makeup.

Synopsis Two teenagers meet at secondary school, start to like each other messaging

each other a lot and spending time after school and at lunch time together. After two months boy develops feeling for girl and asks her to meet his parents. She doesn’t know that his family is apart of a cult (religious) and meeting his parents has a deeper meaning then a friendly meeting and will shortly be and orphan therefore taken in by her ‘boyfriends’ family – because they murder her family for his ‘coming of age’. As his puberty starts to develop his supernatural powers start to develop also – he is able to sneak into people dreams and change what happens and they way the view life – including killing them.

He then starts to enjoy killing and becomes a mass murderer his first victims are at school then he does it for fun killing babies, children etc.

Boy takes girl into a dream and she then noticed what he is doing and he killed her parents so he kills him and his family and moves country.

Inferred meaning/representationEnds up alone/dead (can still control dreams)and the final girl

leaves and lives her life happily because he loves her and understood he had a bad addiction for killing people.

NARRATIVE: Equilibrium(How film starts)

Boy meets pretty girl at school, takes her home to meet the parents. As well as getting bullied at school Disequilibrium (How is changes)

Hits puberty – changes within his genes happens whereby he develops supernatural powers – religious cult sets task – becomes a killer Resolution (How it ends)

Kills majority of his school excepted his girlfriend because she loves her but she finds out what he is up to and kills him