Mt. Pichincha & Quito (Capital) click Panorama Quito / 2850 m – 9400 feet.

Post on 17-Dec-2015

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Mt. Pichincha & Quito (Capital)


Panorama Quito / 2850 m – 9400 feet

Avenida 24 de Mayo - Quito

Palacio del gobierno - quito [ 2850 meter – 9400 feet ]

the station in alausí [ 2356 meter – 7750 feet ]

trip to „ nariz del diablo „ [ devil‘s nose ;Teufelsnase ] / 2347 meter – 7700 feet


In the train : Alausí to naríz del diablo ( 2900 meter – 9515 feet )

Valle de Alausí from the train

naríz del pistishi [ devil‘s nose ]

Through the andes to the devil‘s nose................

from alausí to cuenca


Andes from alausí to ingapirca 3200 meter 10.500 feet

antisana 5752 m 18.870 feet , 50 km 30 miles from Quito

[ vulcano, still inactive.. ]

top of the chimborazo 6310 meter 20.700 feet highest mt. in Ecuador

Alpácas at the mt. chimborazo

chimborazo 6310 m – 20.700 feet

andes street to riobamba

catedral de riobamba

andes street from riobamba

truck on the way to San Juan de los Dos Ríos del Tena

ok - Quito to tena

in Santa rosa - market

Butcher in Santa Rosa

[ for the sceptics: it is clean ! ]

Active volcano tungurahua 5023 m – 16.480 feet– southeast from ambato –

in quechua language: tunguri rahua [ throat of fire ]

Casa del árbol

[ house of the tree ]

2700 m 8858 feet

at the mt. tungurahua

el volcán tungurahua

:o - siesta

cuenca 4000 m to puerto lópez

An „ adiós „ in cuenca

Catedral de la nueva cuenca - cuenca

[ 3rd. biggest city in ecuador ]

indio market in guamote

to the cattle market in guamote

Cotopaxi 5897 m – 19.347 feet active strato volcano can bee seen from quito too

[ 2nd highest summit of Ecuador ]

cascáda de agoyán – gran río pastaza

Burro – donkey



Marina Iguana


Highway in the andes

ambato - 2570 m – 8431 feet

crabs in galápagos

Sea lions in Santa fé

Albatros 2,4 m

Brown pelican in Puerto López

Albatros - Galápagos

2,4 meter 6,6 feet

Land iguanas in santa fé - Galápagos

10 kg – 150 cm

Tucán , amazonas

Yellow warbler , 12 cm 10 g - 0,35 feet 0,01 lbs



symbol of Ecuador

bottle brush flower