Multimedia Games Development COM429M2 Week 2 Game design guidelines.

Post on 13-Jan-2016

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Multimedia Games Development


Week 2

Game design guidelines

Lecture overview

Games development infrastructure Game design guidelines Game and player considerations

Development infrastructure

Game layer

Software layer

Technical layer

Game development infrastructure

Design layers: TechnicalCore technologies that underpin game

Graphics Animation AI (artificial intelligence) Physics Networking functionality

Each element is individual but must work inpartnership with other elements

Design layers: Software Software layer organizes technical elements

into usable software package to facilitate game development environment

Designed using best practise principles in software engineering.

Design layers: Game Good foundations support game development Game development requires careful

planning and implementation Three layers working well together leads to

successful game development

Game design guidelines Successful game design requires a structured

and thoughtful approach to implementation Number of guidelines to follow to improve

chance of success Some guidelines are obvious, some are not

Game design guidelinesIdentifying with the player

Always try to remember the players experience when designing a game

Try to anticipate players expectations and reactions

Design to meet expectations Enhances player experience

Dead or Alive 3

Dead or Alive 3 completely changes the rules when fighting the last boss

Negates all the player learned Final boss shoots at you Different camera angle Changes controller use

Identifying with the player

Hard to anticipate all eventualities Make maximum use of testers Ensure game play consistent with

expectations Eliminate problems early during design


Player motivation Be aware of the players motivation for game

playing .e.g. mastery, social interaction Game needs to reflect motivation to ensure

player immersion Game should be easy to learn but difficult to

master, multi-faceted Encourages novice players


Simple rules Easy to play Unlimited variations Competitive element


Fling on YouTube

Player feedback

Playing a computer game is an interactive experience

User need/expect discernable feedback from an action

Feedback can have positive or negative connotations and be delivered through a range of media e.g. joystick/controller or sound

Wii Remote

Basic audio and force feedback functionality Independent speaker Use of bow in The Legend of Zelda: Twilight

Princess. Sound on remote and television altered as the

bow shot Gives impression of the arrow traveling

Feedback Important indicator of wrong move or action Counters frustration Needs to be set in the context of the game

environment to continue immersion

Maintaining player state The player should always be aware of their

immediate and short term objectives Important given increasing game size and

complexity (multiple sessions over lengthy periods of time

Include indicators of progress e.g. maps Immediate goal=current challenge Medium term, built skills or collect supplies Long term, rescue the princess

Maintaining interest Player should always have something

interesting/challenging to complete Avoid boredom and frustration, be aware of

the vver present off button Good games tie the player in emotionally

and psychologically

Maintaining interest Constant stream of choices with notable outcomes Avoid unnecessarily repetitive, complex or tedious

tasks. Automate boring but essential tasks Maintain a sense of purpose and direction Allow player to bypass games elements e.g.

cinematic or cut scene Call of Duty 3, watch intro each time

Player immersion

Compelling content immerses the player in the moment to moment experience

Player forgets real world Successful games totally immerse players Provides continuous and appropriate

stimulus Make content appropriate to maintain


Maintaining player immersion

Game realism Game should ensure a careful balance

between realism and fantasy Appropriate level of realism to support

immersion but avoid tedium Include natural laws unless genre requires


Game consistency Player actions should result in consistent and

predictable outcomes Avoids confusion and frustration Helps player understand game boundaries Sensible or reasonable actions should result in

success Needed to maintain players expectations Doom: Switch in one room opens a door in another

room a mile away

Freedom to explore Games should allow the user the freedom to

explore and experiment in unstructured ways World should respond in a consistent/realistic

fashion Grand theft auto 3, “rampage mode”

Quality of scripts

Users wouldn’t notice good scripts/dialogue Poor dialogue destroys immersion Use appropriate and timely dialogue

Timely information Good games provide timely

information/skills to players Avoids having to remember large amount of

accumulated facts Make available at an opportune moment

Opportunities to win/fairness The ability to complete the game should be

apparent to all player levels (novice and advanced)

Game play and challenges should not overwhelm or intimidate players

Success should always be just beyond reach

Careful balance between challenge and (some) frustration

Should be fine tuned during testing

Player Fatigue Repetitive/pointless or boring tasks will

induce fatigue in players Discourage further game play Vary challenges Vary objectives Include flexibility in problem solving

Player Fatigue

Design constraints Computer game is a software project It has costs and timescales for implementation Key to success is good game play in a title

delivered on time and within budget Ensure all features work Halo 2 ending

Controller shortcomings Ensure good planning to minimize game

shortcomings Intensive testing should identify problems Consistent use of controller essential, use

standard commands for genre Offer ability for user to customise controller

commands but use should be intuitive and match user expectations

Unreal Championship

Unreal Championship, poor on the Xbox Unreal is fast paced game did not translate to

Xbox controller Call of Duty 2, PC versus Xbox

Disk swapping/load times

Avoid the need to frequently swap disks Large worlds require careful attention Less of an issue with DVD but their capacity is

reaching its limits Disks are not as fast as cartridges for loading Using smaller levels, reduce data requirements

Interruptions to game play All games have breaks in action e.g. failure

condition or level change Should be minimized and focused on keeping

the player in the game Use cliffhanger approach to raise players

sense of anticipation Game re-entry should allow game play

resumption without excessive loss of progress

Interruptions to game play

Ensure consistent and appropriate use of game save facility

Limits repetition, frustration and boredom Allows flexibility ensuring better overall

experience Original Grand Theft Auto with limited save

functionality (Rectified later in series)

Saving facilities Original Alien vs. Predator No gaming saving Required patch to rectify Ensure easy access to standard functionality Help, load, save, pause and quit as any time

Saving facilities

Bugs Ensure little or no game bugs Process begins in design process, planning can limit impact Final Fantasy, character sprite was invisible (poor rendering) Early versions of the Asteroids you could hide in the score

field and never get hit Epyx game 'Impossible Mission' impossible to win. Pieces

needed to solve the game are hidden under computer terminals but player was not allowed to search the terminals

Doom, use rocket launcher to access parts of game


Interface Design Good game interface design essential Needs to be functional as well as

aesthetically pleasing Needs to present information in a manner

that is intuitive and easy to find Critical in games with time constraints.

Interface Design Allow player control of viewpoint Test/prototype extensively to ensure correct layout Follow genre conventions Focus on ease of use

Unreal tournament 2004

Menu systems Games will attract novice and expert users Game introduction should cater for all levels of

experience Well designed start up screen essential Should allow access to start/load/exit game,

access to tutorials and game options.

Game settings Facilitate flexible options control Allow user to change game controls, display

settings, volume and sound Cater to diversity Be clear on options/impact

Cheat Codes

Include cheat codes Be aware of impact on game balance Beware of compromising game integrity Power ups, warps, weapons

Tutorials Provide training/tutorial levels Develops skills needed to complete games Familiarize users with complex or unusual

controls Remind the user to do tutorials if skills are


Game progression

Games should be easy to learn and difficult to master

Early game challenges should be easy to overcome

Challenges graded and matched to skills Game stages staggered e.g. start,

intermediate, final level

Structure and Progression Gradual introduction to games features Include skills practice Involve game testers extensively Have variety of game tester skills

Game balance issues Good game balance essential Difficult process, poor game balance = poor

user experience Game environment and progression should

be under gamers control

Types of balance Player to player balance No player should have an unfair advantage Outcome based on skill, experience and

judgement and element of luck

Types of balance Player to game/gameplay balance Relationship between player and game Toughest opponent should not be the game Learning curve balance Challenges versus rewards

Types of balance Gameplay to gameplay balance Game features should balance Weapons, vehicles, characters, and other

game elements should have a balance or strengths and weaknesses

Variety of choices without a single element dominating

Types of balance

Symmetrical balance Easy to implement, all elements equal Fair but boring

Asymmetrical balance More interesting game play, harder to

implement Relies on extensive testing

Game fairness Game obstacles should be surmountable on the

first attempt Don’t rely on trial and error Repeated failure = player frustration Theoretically a player should be able to complete a

game in one attempt

Player consideration End objective is player enjoyment Essential balance in challenges between

pleasure and frustration Always ensure player choice can lead to

success Avoid “dead man walking” syndrome Can be improbable but still possible Protect novices Have safe areas to learn and develop skills

Player consideration Do not punish players in complex sequences for

minor errors Avoid repetition by good design and frequent

checkpoints Ensure information is available in a timely fashion

Player consideration All features evident in the game, no over

dependence on large manuals or user guides All information contained in the game to ensure

progress Reassure players on game progress Set incremental goals Offer levels of difficulty in games

Multimedia Games Development


Week 2

Game design guidelines