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Prof. Michael L. CorradiniDepartment of Engineering Physics

University of Wisconsin, Madison WI 53706

All contents © Michael L. Corradininsrc-webmaster@loca.neep.wisc.eduLast Modified: Mon Aug 4 00:56:50 CDT 1997


Next: List of Figures Up: Title Page Previous: Title Page

Contentsi. Nomenclatureii. List of Figuresiii. List of Tables1. INTRODUCTION AND CONCEPTS

1.1. Definitions

1.2. Flow Patterns

1.3. Pool Boiling

1.4. Flow Boiling


3.1. Homogeneous Equilibrium Model

3.2. Separated Flow Model

3.3. Two-Fluid Model

3.4. Pressure Drop in a Closed Conduit

3.5. Void Fraction Prediction with the Drift Flux Model


4.1. Single Phase Critical Flow

4.2. Homogeneous Equilibrium Model for Critical Flow

4.3. Homogeneous Frozen Flow Model for Critical Flow

4.4. Separated Flow Model for Critical Flow

4.5. Fluids Other Than Water For Separated Flow Model

4.6. The Physical Basis of Choked Two Phase Flow

4.7. Advanced Computational Models

4.8. Observations


5.1. Bubble Nucleation and Onset of Nucleate Boiling

5.2. Bubble Growth and Nucleate Boiling

Contents (1 of 3) [7/18/2000 8:58:06 AM]

5.3. Pool Boiling Critical Heat Flux

5.4. Film Boiling and the Minimum Film Boiling Point


6.1. Objectives

6.2. Regions of Heat Transfer

6.3. Single-Phase Liquid Heat Transfer

6.4. The Onset of Nucleate Boiling

6.5. Subcooled Boiling

6.6. Saturated Boiling and the Two-Phase Forced Convection Region


7.1. Introduction and Objectives

7.2. Effect of System Parameters on CHF

7.3. Correlation Methods for CHF in Round Tubes With Uniform Heating

7.4. Limits on the Critical Heat Flux

7.5. Mechanisms of Critical Heat Flux

7.6. Prediction of CHF in Annular Flow

7.7. Correlations for CHF With Uniform Heating

7.8. CHF With a Nonuniform Heat Flux

7.9. Correlation of Burnout for Rod Bundles (sub-channel analysis):

7.10. CHF Estimates for Nonaqueous Fluids

7.11. Observations


8.1. Introduction and Objectives

8.2. Post-CHF Heat Transfer Models and Correlations

8.3. Empirical Correlations

8.4. Non-Equilibrium Empirical Models

8.5. Semi-Theoretical Models

8.6. Transition Boiling

8.7. Transition to Film Boiling

8.8. Observations


Contents (2 of 3) [7/18/2000 8:58:06 AM]

9.1. Basic Processes of Condensation

9.2. Theoretical Developments of Condensation

9.3. Experimental Investigations

9.4. Separate Effects and Large Scale Tests

9.5. Observations

All contents © Michael L. Corradininsrc-webmaster@loca.neep.wisc.eduLast Modified: Mon Aug 4 00:56:50 CDT 1997

Contents (3 of 3) [7/18/2000 8:58:06 AM]


Next: List of Figures


at Thermal Diffusivity

A Area

Af Flow area occupied by liquid

Ag Flow area occupied by gas

Ai Internal tube surface or interfacial area

Cp Specific heat at constant pressure

Cv Specific heat at constant volume

c Sound speed

D Diameter

Dd Bubble departure diameter

Dh Hydraulic diameter

Fr Froude number

f Friction factor

G Mass velocity

Gr Grashof number

g Gravitational acceleration

h Convective heat transfer coefficient

Fundamentals of Multiphase Flow: Nomenclature (1 of 5) [7/18/2000 8:58:18 AM]

i (or h) Specific enthalpy

ifg (or hfg) Heat of vaporization

j Volumetric flux (superficial velocity)

k Thermal conductivity

L Length

Mass flow rate

Nu Nusselt number

P Pressure

Pe Pecklet number

Pr Prandtl number

Q Volumetric flow rate

q Heat transfer rate

Re Reynolds number

r Variable radius

Ro Gas constant

R Pipe Radius

St Stanton number

s Specific entropy

T Temperature

t Time

u specific internal energy

Fundamentals of Multiphase Flow: Nomenclature (2 of 5) [7/18/2000 8:58:18 AM]

V Velocity

Vgj Drift velocity

Vr Relative velocity

We Weber number

X Flow quality

Xeq Thermodynamic equilibrium quality

Xtt Martinelli Parameter

u,v,w Velocity components

Specific volume

dP/dz Pressure gradient

Greek Symbols Void fraction

Difference (out-in) of X

Volumetric flow quality or thermal expansion coefficient

Film thickness

Ratio of specific heats

Interfacial mass flow rate


Dynamic viscosity

Fundamentals of Multiphase Flow: Nomenclature (3 of 5) [7/18/2000 8:58:18 AM]

Kinematic viscosity

Wetted perimeter

Stress tensor

Shear stress

Mass density

Surface tension

Contact angle

Subscripts d Dispersed phase

e External

f Liquid phase

g Gaseous phase

i Internal or interface

m Mixture

o Stagnation value (velocity = 0)

r Relative

w Wall

cr Critical value

nb Nucleate boiling

SP Single phase

Fundamentals of Multiphase Flow: Nomenclature (4 of 5) [7/18/2000 8:58:18 AM]

TP Two Phase

sub Subcooled

scb Subcooled boiling

sat Saturated

All contents © Michael L. Corradininsrc-webmaster@loca.neep.wisc.eduLast Modified: Wed Jul 30 12:15:04 CDT 1997

Fundamentals of Multiphase Flow: Nomenclature (5 of 5) [7/18/2000 8:58:18 AM]

Next: List of Tables Up: Nomenclature Previous: Contents

List of Figures

Figure 1.1. Gas-Liquid General Flow RegimesFigure 1.2. Conceptual Picture of Pool BoilingFigure 1.3. Diabatic and Adiabatic FlowFigure 1.4. Conceptual Picture of CondensationFigure 2.1. Flow Pattern Map for Horizontal Flow (Baker)Figure 2.2. Flow Pattern Map for Vertical Flow (Hewitt and Roberts)Figure 2.3. Flow Pattern Map used in TEXAS (Chu)Figure 3.1. Conceptual Picture of 1-D Two-Phase Flow in a Tube

Figure 3.2. Value of fo2 as a function of Pressure and Mass Quality (Martinelli-Nelson)

Figure 3.3. Value of as a function of Pressure and Mass Quality (Martinelli-Nelson)Figure 4.1. Conceptual Picture of Fluid BlowdownFigure 4.2. Conceptual Picture of Single Phase Critical FlowFigure 4.3. Theoretical Values for the Velocity of Sound in Equilibrium, Homogeneous Steam-WaterMixtureFigure 4.4. Qualitative Picture of Maximum Mass VelocityFigure 4.5. Comparison of Critical Flow Predictions and ExperimentalFigure 4.6. Experimental Critical Pressure Ratio Data as a Function of LengthFigure 4.7. Predictions of Critical Steam-Water Flow Rates with Slip Equilibrium ModelFigure 5.1. Physical Interpretation of Boiling Curve (Farber)Figure 5.2. Qualitative Picture of Pool Boiling Hysteresis (Heat Flux Controlled Boundary Condition)Figure 5.3. Conceptual Surface Roughness and Ideal CavitiesFigure 5.4. Pool Boiling Onset of Nucleation Conceptual ModelFigure 5.5. Construction of the Pool Boiling CurveFigure 6.1. Conceptual Picture of Forced Convective Boiling with Qualitative Temperature Profile for aUniform Heat Flux Boundary ConditionFigure 6.2.a. Variation of Heat Transfer CoefficientFigure 6.2.b. Variation of Heat FluxFigure 6.3. Conceptual Picture of Forced Convective Boiling with Qualitative Heat Flux Profile for aConstant Temperature Boundary ConditionFigure 6.4. Variation in Flow Patterns, Temperature Void Fraction and Quality with Tube LengthFigure 6.5. Approximate Values for Void Fraction and Quality for Water in Subcooled Boiling and

List of Figures (1 of 2) [7/18/2000 8:58:26 AM]

Available ModelsFigure 6.6. Convective Boiling Factor, FFigure 6.7. Nucleate Boiling Suppression Factor, SFigure 7.1. Parametric Effect of CHF with Variation of Initial and Boundary ConditionsFigure 7.2. Burnout in Cross Flow over TubesFigure 7.3. Critical Quality Compared to Proportional Power to Outer SurfaceFigure 7.4. Comparison of "Local" versus "Integral" Hypotheses for CHFFigure 7.5. Comparison of Uniform to Non-Uniform Heating Effect on CHFFigure 7.6. Bounds of the Critical Heat FluxFigure 7.7. CHF MechanismsFigure 7.8. CHF Mechanisms as a Function of the Quality and Mass FluxFigure 7.9. Counter Flow Critical Heat FluxFigure 7.10. Conceptual Picture of CHF as Function of Length for Non-Uniform HeatingFigure 7.11. Subchannel Concepts Used with CHF CorrelationsFigure 8.1. Post-CHF Variation of Temperature and Quality as a Function of Axial LengthFigure 8.2. Iloeje's Dispersal Flow ModelFigure 9.1. Flow of a Laminar Film over an Inclined SurfaceFigure 9.1.1.Figure 9.2. The Air-Vapor Boundary Layer in Condensation

All contents © Michael L. Corradininsrc-webmaster@loca.neep.wisc.eduLast Modified: Mon Aug 4 00:56:50 CDT 1997

List of Figures (2 of 2) [7/18/2000 8:58:26 AM]

Next: INTRODUCTION AND CONCEPTS Up: Title Page Previous: List of Figures

List of Tables

Table 2.1. Flow Pattern Maps for Horizontal Two-Phase Flow Systems Based on Generalized CoordinateParametersTable 2.2. Flow Pattern Transitions for Horizontal Two-Phase Flow Systems Based on DifferentCoordinate ParametersTable 2.3. Flow Pattern Maps for Vertical Upward Two-Phase Flow Systems Based on GeneralizedCoordinate ParametersTable 2.4. Flow Pattern Transitions for Vertical Upward Two-Phase Flow Systems Based on DifferentCoordinate ParametersTable 3.1. Important Dimensionless Variables in Multiphase FlowTable 3.2. Homogeneous Equilibrium Model Governing EquationsTable 3.3. Separated Flow Model Governing EquationsTable 3.4. Two Fluid Model Governing EquationsTable 3.5. HEM Pressure Gradient ModelTable 3.6. Separated Flow Pressure GradientTable 3.7. Drift Flux Suggested ValuesTable 7.1. Specific CHF CorrelationsTable 7.2. Kirby Correlation for Non-Uniformly Heated Round TubesTable 8.1. Groneveld Empirical Post-Dryout CorrelationsTable 9.1. Theoretical and Experimental Investigations in CondensationTable 9.2. Summary of Previous Investigations in Condensation

All contents © Michael L. Corradininsrc-webmaster@loca.neep.wisc.eduLast Modified: Mon Aug 4 00:56:50 CDT 1997

List of Tables [7/18/2000 8:59:31 AM]

Next: Definitions Up: Title Page Previous: List of Tables

1. INTRODUCTION AND CONCEPTSThe importance of fluid flow and heat transfer with a change in phase arises from the fact that manyindustrial processes rely on these phenomena for materials processing or for energy transfer; e.g.petroleum processing, paper-pulping, power plants. Classical thermodynamics tells us that a phase is amacroscopic state of matter which is homogeneous in chemical composition and physical structure; e.g.,a gas, liquid or solid of a pure component. Two-phase flow is the simplest case of multiphase flow inwhich two phases are present for a pure component. Sometimes the term "multi-component" is used todescribe flows in which the phases consist of materials of different chemical substances. For example, aflow of steam and water is a two-phase flow with a single component, while an air-water flow is atwo-phase/two component flow. In blood flow the plasma/platelet-corpulses are atwo-phase/multi-component flow (liquid/solid). In some applications one can have a single phase of twoimmiscible liquids (oil-water) flowing and treat this as multi-component flow. There are many commonexamples of multiphase flow in everyday life, such as rain or snow, a boiling teapot or coffee percolator,steam condensation on walls or a cold glass of beer.

The major objective of this 'primer' is to provide the student or practicing engineer with a workingknowledge of multi-phase flow and heat transfer fundamentals that can be used in system design andanalyses. Specifically, we intend to provide a summary of the current state of knowledge, referencedsources of data and correlations, first principles analysis techniques, and some examples of variousindustrial applications. This book has been patterned after information in graduate courses that have beenoffered at the University of Wisconsin and industrial short courses and workshops for over 15 years.Topics include flow patterns, pressure drop and void fraction, critical flow, pool boiling and forcedconvection heat transfer and condensation. Additional special topics are to be added later.

In this introduction we provide an overview into phase change processes by considering every dayexamples of pool boiling, multi-phase flow boiling and condensation. Also as part of this introduction weintroduce some basic definitions.

1.1. Definitions

1.2. Flow Patterns

1.3. Pool Boiling

1.4. Flow Boiling

1.5. Condensation

Next: Definitions Up: No Title Previous: List of Tables

INTRODUCTION AND CONCEPTS (1 of 2) [7/18/2000 8:59:37 AM]

All contents © Michael L. Corradininsrc-webmaster@loca.neep.wisc.eduLast Modified: Mon Aug 4 00:56:50 CDT 1997

INTRODUCTION AND CONCEPTS (2 of 2) [7/18/2000 8:59:37 AM]


1.1. DefinitionsTo model multi-phase flows one is sometimes required to describe properties averaged over the phaseboth spatially and temporally. A certain familiarity is required with these definitions before we discussspecific phenoma. The multiple phases (and/or components) are usually distinguished by numericalsubscripts (1,2...) or for two-phases by subscripts f and g for a liquid-gas system of f and s for aliquid-solid system. (The second phase, component, is usually chosen as the dispersed phase.) Forillustration, consider a two-phase air-water flow in a vertical pipe. The total mass flow rate is

with volumetric flowrate given by

Every part of the multiphase flow is occupied by one phase or another. One can consider the symbol ,as the fraction of an element of volume which is occupied over some time interval by phase i. Obviously,if the volume element and the time interval is chosen to be small enough (infinitesimal) would be 0and 1 at any instant. However, in actual practice is an average quantity over some macroscopicvolume (e.g., channel cross-sectional area) and time interval, and is the "volume fraction" of

. For a gas the term void fraction is used. It can also be defined over a

cross-sectional area or chord length. Another average flow quantity of interest particularly in boiling orcondensation applications is the mass fraction of phase i

where, for liquid-gas flows, is called the "quality". This quantity should not be confused with the

thermodynamic quality, the ratio of the vapor mass (not mass flow rate) to the total mass. Only if thevelocity of the phases are equal do the two definitions become the same; e.g., this is done in thehomogeneous equilibrium model. One can also define a mass flux or mass velocity, G, by

and volumetric flux, i, as

With these definitions one can derive a number of useful physical quantities, e.g., the relation between

Definitions (1 of 2) [7/18/2000 8:59:40 AM]

the volume fraction , and mass fraction, . For a liquid-gas flow


All contents © Michael L. Corradininsrc-webmaster@loca.neep.wisc.eduLast Modified: Mon Aug 4 00:56:50 CDT 1997

Definitions (2 of 2) [7/18/2000 8:59:40 AM]

Next: Pool Boiling Up: INTRODUCTION AND CONCEPTS Previous: Definitions

1.2. Flow PatternsAn important distinction in single phase flow is whether the flow is laminar or turbulent, or whether flowseparation or secondary flows exist. This information helps in modeling specific phenomena because onehas an indication of the flow character for a particular geometry. Analogously in multiphase flowprobably the key toward understanding the phenomena is the ability to identify the internal geometry ofthe flow; i.e., the relative location of interfaces between the phases, how they are affected by pressure,flow, heat flux and channel geometry, and how transitions between the flow patterns occur.

There are two fundamental types of flow patterns (Figure 1.1) one can identify, stratified and dispersed.A stratified flow pattern is one in which the two phases are separated by a continuous interface at alength scale comparable to the external scale of the flow; e.g., a liquid film on a wall with a gas oranother immiscible liquid in the center of the channel. The complete separation of the two phases usuallyoccurs due to density differences (horizontal flow) combined with a relatively low mass flowrate of thephase near the wall compared to the other phase in the center of the channel (e.g., vertical annular flow).These separated flow patterns can occur when the phases flow in the same direction (co-current flow) orin opposite directions (counter-current flow). The transition between these two types of stratified flow isgoverned by the balance between buoyancy and inertial forces.

A dispersed flow pattern is one in which one or more phases are uniformly dispersed within a continuumof another phase with a length much smaller than the external scale; e.g., gas bubbles or solid particles ina liquid or liquid droplets in a gas or another immiscible liquid. In this case the dispersed phase formsinto nearly regular shaped particles with their stable size-governed again by a balance of buoyancy,inertial and surface tension forces. The transitional flow regimes between these two fundamental typescan take on may geometries. Some of the more common transitional flow patterns are churn-turbulentand slug flow; i.e., dispersed-stratified flows where the discontinuous phase begins to form a continuumnear the wall (bubbly-film) or in the center of the channel (wispy-annular). These flow patterns will bediscussed in more detail in a subsequent section.

Next: Pool Boiling Up: INTRODUCTION AND CONCEPTS Previous: Definitions

All contents © Michael L. Corradininsrc-webmaster@loca.neep.wisc.eduLast Modified: Mon Aug 4 00:56:50 CDT 1997

Flow Patterns [7/18/2000 8:59:43 AM]

Next: Flow Boiling Up: INTRODUCTION AND CONCEPTS Previous: Flow Patterns

1.3. Pool BoilingOne of the processes associated with a change in phase is evaporation. This is simply the process ofconversion of the liquid phase to vapor phase at an interface. This process occurs whenever there is aconcentration difference between the liquid phase and its vapor; e.g., water evaporation into theatmosphere of a room where the relative humidity is less than 100 %.

Boiling is the process in which a liquid evaporates and forms vapor pockets or regions within thecontinuous liquid phase. Boiling can take many forms. Consider the common everyday occurrence of apot of boiling water on top of the stove. In this case a stagnant pool of liquid is heated and boiling occursin the liquid at the bottom of the bulk liquid pool (Figure 1.2). This overall process is called pool boiling.To form the vapor phase within the continuous liquid phase one must heat the liquid to a temperatureabove its saturation temperature, ( is that temperature at which the liquid exerts a vapor pressure

equal to the ambient pressure.) If the temperature of the liquid rises far above (e.g., C for

water), the vapor will be formed, "nucleate", as bubbles within the bulk of the liquid causing"volumetric" or "bulk" pool boiling. This type of nucleation is termed "homogeneous nucleation" and israrely observed in most common boiling situations. Rather, if one were to look at the bottom of the pot ofwater on the stove one would notice the vapor bubbles nucleating at this heater surface. In this case thetemperature of the liquid does not need to be far above Tsat- (e.g., C for water). Thisnucleation occurs within "preferred-sites: or crevices within the heater surface aided by trapped vaporand gas is termed "heterogeneous nucleation". This type of pool boiling is quite common in manyindustrial applications.

Next: Flow Boiling Up: INTRODUCTION AND CONCEPTS Previous: Flow Patterns

All contents © Michael L. Corradininsrc-webmaster@loca.neep.wisc.eduLast Modified: Mon Aug 4 00:56:50 CDT 1997

Pool Boiling [7/18/2000 8:59:45 AM]

Next: Condensation Up: INTRODUCTION AND CONCEPTS Previous: Pool Boiling

1.4. Flow BoilingFlow boiling occurs when all the phases are in bulk flow together in a channel; e.g., vapor and liquidflow in a pipe. The multiphase flow may be classified as adiabatic or diabatic, i.e., without or with heataddition at the channel wall (Figure 1.3). An example of adiabatic flow would be oil/gas flow in apipeline, or air/water flow. In these cases the flow patterns would change as the inlet mass flow rates ofthe gas or liquid are altered or as the velocity and void distributions develop along the channel. Boilingwould not take place and phase change would only occur if in a one component multiphase flow (e.g.,steam-water) the pressure decreases and flashing occurs. Examples of diabatic flow are to be found in theriser tubes of steam generators and boiler tubes in power plants or in the coolant channels betweennuclear fuel elements in a boiling water reactor. Boiling occurs on the walls of the channels and the flowpatterns change due to vapor production as one observes the flow downstream in the channel due tovapor production. This is an important difference between pool boiling and flow boiling; i.e., that theforced flow of the multiphase system causes flow pattern transitions at a given wall heat flux (ortemperature) as the integral power deposited in the fluid increases as it flows along the channel.

In all cases of multiphase flow the velocities of the phases are usually not equal. For example in a risertube of a steam generator the vapor rises faster than the liquid due to buoyancy effects. One may termthis velocity inequality as "slip" between the vapor and the liquid. The ratio of these velocities is calledthe "slip ratio". A better description of the phenomena is to consider it as a relative velocity differencebetween the phases, , and experimentally investigate these differences. Flow boiling heat transfer

can occur under two different boundary conditions, either a specified wall heat flux or a specified walltemperature. The former case is an idealized example of a boiler tube in a fossil fuel boiler and the lattercase is an idealized example of a riser tube in a steam generator.

Next: Condensation Up: INTRODUCTION AND CONCEPTS Previous: Pool Boiling

All contents © Michael L. Corradininsrc-webmaster@loca.neep.wisc.eduLast Modified: Mon Aug 4 00:56:50 CDT 1997

Flow Boiling [7/18/2000 8:59:47 AM]


1.5. CondensationCondensation is the reverse process of evaporation; i.e., the process of conversion of vapor back intoliquid. It occurs when a wall (or the vapor near a wall) is cooled to a temperature which is below thesaturation temperature corresponding to the vapor pressure. This temperature is commonly called thedew point. A common example of condensation occurs when steam condenses on the walls of the showerin a bathroom (Figure 1.4). Initially the water which condenses nucleates as droplets on the cold wall. Asthe population of these droplets grow or the rate of condensation increases the droplets coalesce into afilm which flows down the wall. The first type of condensation is termed "dropwise" condensation andthe second is termed "film" condensation. When the rate of condensation is low (e.g., a noncondensiblegas is present) or when the liquid does not "wet" the wall, dropwise condensation occurs. In mostengineering components where condensation is a required part of an industrial process film condensationis expected, because of the large mass flux of condensed liquid per unit length of wetted area.

Consider the temperature distribution through the vapor and liquid during condensation as shown inFigure 1.4. The temperature decreases in the vapor as one approaches the wall; appreciably if the vapor issuperheated or if noncondensibles are present. There is a slight decrease at the liquid-vapor interface dueto the difference in pressure driving the mass transfer. Also, there is a temperature drop in the liquid dueto its thermal resistance to heat transfer. If one were to plot the heat transfer coefficient as a function ofdistance down the wall one finds an interesting behavior. Initially the heat transfer coefficient woulddecrease because more liquid accumulates as a film and acts as a thermal resistance. However, at someliquid flow-rate the film becomes wavy and eventually turbulent. This surface roughness actually reducesthe thermal resistance in the flowing liquid film. At this point and beyond the heat transfer increases asthe liquid flow increases, with the Prandtl number having a second-order effect. There are other effectswhich will be discussed later.


All contents © Michael L. Corradininsrc-webmaster@loca.neep.wisc.eduLast Modified: Mon Aug 4 00:56:50 CDT 1997

Condensation [7/18/2000 8:59:49 AM]

Next: MULTIPHASE FORMULATION AND PRESSURE Up: No Title Previous: Condensation

2. FLOW PATTERNS AND FLOW-PATTERNTRANSITIONSMultiphase flow is characterized by the existence of interfaces between the phases and discontinuities of associated properties. Single-phaseflow can be classified according to the external geometry of the flow channel as well as the 'character' of the flow; i.e., laminar - followingstreamlines, or turbulent - exhibiting fluctuations and chaotic motions. In contrast multiphase flow is classified according to the internal phasedistributions or "flow patterns" or "regimes". For a two-phase mixture of a gas or vapor and a liquid flowing together in a channel, differentinternal flow geometries or structures can occur depending on the size or orientation of the flow channel, the magnitudes of the gas and liquidflow parameters, the relative magnitudes of these flow parameters, and on the fluid properties of the two phases. A wide variety of multiphaseflow patterns has been observed and identified in the literature. For example, Rouhani and Sohel (1983) cited a survey which suggested 84different flow-pattern labels used in the literature. These variations are due to the subjective nature of flow-pattern definitions and partly to avariety of names given to essentially the same geometric flow patterns. In reality one finds a few basic flow patterns with associatedtransitions.

The rate of exchange of mass, momentum and energy between gas and liquid phases as well as between any multiphase mixture and theexternal boundaries depends on these internal flow geometries and interfacial area; hence is dependent on flow-pattern. For instance, therelationships for pressure drop and heat transfer are likely to be different for a dispersed flow consisting of bubbles in a liquid (bubbly flow)than for a separated flow consisting of a liquid film on a channel wall with a central gas core (annular flow). This leads to the use offlow-pattern dependent models for mass, momentum and energy transfer, together with appropriate flow-pattern transition criteria. Given theexistence of any one pattern, it is possible to model the two-phase flow field and to select a proper set of flow-pattern dependent equations soas to predict the important process design parameters. However, the central task is to predict which flow-pattern will exist under any set ofoperating conditions as well as to predict the value of characteristic fluid and flow parameters (e.g., bubble or droplet size) at which thetransition from one flow-pattern to another will take place. Therefore, in order to accomplish a reliable design of gas-liquid systems such aspipe lines, evaporation and condensers, a prior knowledge of the flow-pattern is required.

The common practice in representing flow-pattern data is to classify the flow patterns by visual or other means and to plot the data as atwo-dimensional flow-pattern map in terms of particular system parameters. Beginning with the early flow-pattern maps, such as thoseproposed by Bergelin and Gazley (1949) and Kosterin (1949), there has been an on-going discussion on the selection of appropriate pairs ofparameters to represent the flow-pattern transition boundaries. There is a wide variety of flow-pattern maps for two-phase flow in channels. Alarge number of different parameters have been used to present the experimental data in two-dimensional coordinates based on the superficialvelocities, and or and . A good example are the empirical flow regime maps by Baker (1955) for horizontal flow and Hewitt and

Roberts (1969) for vertical flow, which are illustrated in Figures 2.1 and 2.2. Note that both of these maps are for small tubes; i.e., on theorder of centimeters. Some investigators have attempted to correlate the transition boundaries by a single pair of non-dimensional groups, inthe hope that the results would apply to pipe sizes, and fluid and flow parameters other than those of the experimental data used to locatecurves. Tables 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4 present suggestions of these parameters together with specific references for their applicability inhorizontal and vertical pipe flows.

The main task is to group together the basic flow structures and define a few basic patterns. This is by no means well defined and indeedmany flow patterns exist as individual researchers group the flow patterns somewhat differently depending on their own interpretations.Basically the attitude of most practitioners is to minimize the number of flow pattern groups and to group together the flow structures that hasbasically the same character pertaining to the distribution of the interfaces. An example of this approach is given in multifluid hydrodynamicmodels such as TEXAS (Chu, 1986, 1996) where only a bubbly flow or droplet flow is considered for large flow channels (See Figure 2.3.).As noted in the introduction dispersed flow patterns and stratified flow patterns are the two major classifications, with transitional patternsidentified between these two groups.





J.N. Al-Sheikh, D.E. Saunders and R.S. Brodkey, "Prediction of Flow Patterns in Horizontal Two-Phase Pipe Flow," Can J Chem Engng, 48,pp 21-29, 1970.G.E. Alves, "Cocurrent Liquid-Gas Flow in a Pipeline Contractor," Chem Engng Prog, 50, pp 449-456, 1954.D. Baker, "Simultaneous Flow of Oil and Gas," Oil and Gas J, 53, pp 183-195 1954.O.P. Bergelin, and C. Gazley, Jr., "Cocurrent Gas-Liquid Flow, I. Flow in Horizontal Tubes," Proc Heat Transfer and Fluid Mech. Inst., pp5-18, Berkeley CA, 1949.C.C. Chu, "TEXAS-A 1-D Model for Fuel-Coolant Interactions," UWRSR-36, University of Wisconsin, 1986.C.C. Chu et al, "TEXAS Computer Code Manual,", 1996.B.A. Eaton, D.E. Andrews, C.R. Knowles, I.H. Sillberberg and K.E. Broon, "The Prediction of Flow Patterns, Liquid Holdup and PressureLosses Occurring During Continuous Two-Phase Flow in Horizontal Pipelines," J. Petrol Technol, 19, pp 815-828, 1967.W.C. Galegar, W.B. Stovall and R.L. Huntington, "More Data on Two-Phase Vertical Flow," Petroleum Refiner, 33, pp 208-217, 1954.G.W. Govier, and K. Aziz, "The Flow of Complex Mixtures in Pipes," Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 1972.G.F. Hewitt and D.N. Robertson, "Studies of Two-Phase Flow Patterns by Simultaneous X-ray and Flash Photography," Rept AERE-M2159,UKAEA, Harwell, 1969.C.S. Hoogendorn, "Gas-Liquid Flow in Horizontal Pipes," Chem Engng Sci, 9, pp 205-217, 1959.C.J. Hoogendorn, and A.A. Beutelaar, "Effect of Gas Density and Gradual Vaporization on Gas-Liquid Flow in Horizontal Lines," ChemEngng Sci, 16, pp 208-215, 1961.H.A. Johnson, and A. H. Abou-Sabe, "Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop for Turbulent Flow of Air-Water Mixtures in a Horizontal Pipe,"Trans ASME, 74, pp 977-987, 1952.C.R. Knowles, The Effects of Flow Patterns of Pressure Loss in Multiphase Horizontal Flow," M.S. Thesis, The University of Texas, Austin,1965.S.I. Kosterin, "An Investigation of the Influence of Diameter and Inclination of a Tube on the Hydraulic Resistance and Flow Structure ofGas-Liquid Mixtures," Izvest. Akad, Nauk. USSR, 12, pp 1824-1830, 1949.B.K. Kozlov, "Forms of Flow of Gas-Liquid Mixtures and Their Stability Limits in Vertical Tubes," Zhur Tech Fig 24, pp 2285-2288, 1954.L.Y. Krasiakova, "Some Characteristics of Movements of Two-Phase Mixtures in a Horizontal Pipe," Zhur Tech Fig 22, p 656, AERELib/Trans 695, 1952.J.M. Mandhane, C.A. Gregory and K. Aziz, "A Flow Pattern Map for Gas-Liquid Flow in Horizontal Pipes," Int J Multiphase Flow, 1(4), pp537-554, 1974.K. Nishigawa, K. Sekoguchi and T. Fukano, "On the Pulsation Phenomena in Gas-Liquid Two-Phase Flow," Bull. JSME, 12, pp 1410-1416,1969.T. Oshinowa and M.E. Charles, "Vertical Two-Phase Flow, 1: Flow-Pattern Correlations", Can J Chem Engng, 52, pp 25-35, 1974.S.Z. Rouhani and M.S. Sohel, "Two-Phase Flow Pattern: A Review of Research Result," Progress in Nuclear Energy, 11, pp 217-259, 1983.H.H. Schicht, "Flow Patterns for Adiabatic Two-Phase Flow of Water and Air Within a Horizontal Tube", Verfahrenstecknik, 3, pp 153-172,1969.D. Scott, "Properties of Co-Current Gas-Liquid Flow," Advances in Chemical Engineering, 4 pp 199-277, Academic Press, New York, 1963.H.C. Simpson, D.H. Rooney, E. Gratton and F. Al-Samarrel, "Two-Phase Flow in Large Diameter Horizontal Lines," Paper H6, EuropeanTwo-Phase Flow Group Meeting, Grenoble, 1977.P.L. Spedding, and J.J.J. Chen, "A Simplified Method of Determining Flow Pattern Transition of Two-Phase Flow in a Horizontal Pipe," Int JMultiphase Flow, 7(6), pp 729-731, 1981.P.L. Spedding, and V.T. Nguyen, "Regime Maps for Air-Water Two-Phase Flow," Chem Eng Sci, 35, pp 779-793, 1980.T. Ueda, "Studies of the Flow of Air-Water Mixtures," Bull. JSME 1(2), pp 139-145, 1958.J. Weisman, D. Duncan, J. Gibson and T. Crawford, "Effects of Fluid Properties and the Pipe Diameter on Two-Phase Flow Pattern inHorizontal Lines," Int. J. Multiphase Flow, 5, pp 437-452, 1979.J. Weisman and S.Y. Kang, "Flow Pattern Transitions in Vertical and Upwardly Inclined Lines," Int J Multiphase Flow, 7, pp 271-280, 1981.P.D. White, and R.L. Huntington, "Horizontal Co-Current Two-Phase Flow of Fluid in Pipe Lines," The Petroleum Engineer, 27(9), p 40,



Next: MULTIPHASE FORMULATION AND PRESSURE Up: No Title Previous: Condensation

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Next: Homogeneous Equilibrium Model Up: No Title Previous: FLOW PATTERNS ANDFLOW-PATTERN

3. MULTIPHASE FORMULATION ANDPRESSURE DROPThe focus of this section is to introduce the reader to the modelling of multiphase flow in general,liquid-gas flows in particular and the prediction of pressure drop and void specifically. The mainobjective is to provide the reader with the basic fundamentals that are needed to formulate the balanceequations for multiphase flow as well as the associated constitutive relations and then employ them in thepractical prediction of pressure drop in a closed conduit as the first example of their usefulness. As inother sections this is a diverse subject and more detailed discussions of these topics are provided by anumber of individuals; e.g., Collier, 1981; Wallis, 1979; Bergles et al., 1981; Hsu and Graham, 1977; andIshii, 1974.

Once the concept of flow patterns for multiphase flow has been introduced, one must develop thegoverning equations which account for the conservation of mass and energy and the transfer ofmomentum. Consider the case of steam-water flow in a vertical tube with heat addition at the wallboundary (Figure 3.1). In reality the phases are not exactly in thermodynamic and mechanicalequilibrium; i.e., if the channel geometry is variable and the flow rate or heat addition rate is changingrapidly with time or space, then the velocity, temperature and pressure of the two-phases are notnecessarily the same at a given spatial position in the channel. For certain conditions one may be able tomodel the multiphase flow and assume that some or all of these potential variables may be equal betweenthe phases. To cover a broad range of applications a number of models have been developed. Weconsider three general types of multiphase flow models, the homogeneous flow model, separated flowmodel and two fluid model. Table 3.1 gives a brief summary of important dimensionless groups that canbe used to determine model applicability.

3.1. Homogeneous Equilibrium Model

3.2. Separated Flow Model

3.3. Two-Fluid Model

3.4. Pressure Drop in a Closed Conduit

3.5. Void Fraction Prediction with the Drift Flux Model

Next: Homogeneous Equilibrium Model Up: No Title Previous: FLOW PATTERNS ANDFLOW-PATTERN


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3.1. Homogeneous Equilibrium ModelIn the homogeneous equilibrium model (HEM) one assumes that the velocity, temperature and pressurebetween the phases or components are equal. This assumption is based on the belief that differences inthese three potential variables (and chemical potential if chemical reactions are considered) will promotemomentum, energy, and mass transfer between the phases rapidly enough so that equilibrium is reached.For example, when one phase is finely dispersed in another phase generating large interfacial area, undercertain circumstances this assumption can be made; e.g., bubbly flow of air in water or steam in water athigh pressures. The resulting equations resemble those for a pseudo-fluid with mixutre properties and anequation of state which links the phases to obtain these mixture thermodynamic properties. Whenever theHEM model is used it is advisable to check the validity of the equilibrium assumptions by using moreaccurate theoretical models for comparison. For example, rapid acceleration or pressure changes cannotbe always accurately modelled with the HEM model; i.e., discharge of flashing vapor-liquid mixtures, orshock wave propagation through a multiphase medium. This is especially true when the pressure changeis large when compared to the ambient pressure, or any of the driving potentials are large relative to theirreference values. Such a 'rule-of-thumb' is very crude and one must carefully consider the timescales forequilibration of these driving potentials with allowable characteristic times for the problem of interest.

The governing equations for the HEM model are presented in Table 3.2 where the geometry has beenchosen to be a one-dimensional channel inclined from the horizontal by a known angle, , (Figure 3.1).The microscopic equations have been averaged over the channel cross-sectional area using thetechniques first proposed by Ishii (1974), leaving a partial differential equation in time, t, and the axialspace dimension, z. The definitions of the mixture thermodynamic properties (e.g., , u, v) consider onlytwo-phases but can be simply extended to more phases or components. The extension to more thanone-dimension is not as straight forward and one is referred to the general formulation of Bird, et al.(1960). Note that the inclusion of the mixture thermodynamic properties can be followed from Table 3.2.

The multiphase transport properties of viscosity and thermal conductivity ( , k) are another matter,because it is not clear how one should average their effect in an area-average, mass average orvolume-average sense. In many situations such as for pressure drop calculations the mixture transportproperties have been arbitrarily averaged on a volume average or mass average basis, e.g.,

However, these averaging schemes are not exact and are usually empirically corrected by fittingcoefficients to a set of experimental data. In other situations the effect of multiphases are neglected andthe liquid or gas property values for viscosity on the thermal conductivity are used, e.g., when theamount of liquid in the channel is large (low quality or void fraction), the viscosity can be taken to bethat of the liquid.

Homogeneous Equilibrium Model (1 of 2) [7/18/2000 8:59:56 AM]


All contents © Michael L. Corradininsrc-webmaster@loca.neep.wisc.eduLast Modified: Mon Aug 4 00:56:50 CDT 1997

Homogeneous Equilibrium Model (2 of 2) [7/18/2000 8:59:56 AM]

Next: Two-Fluid Model Up: MULTIPHASE FORMULATION AND PRESSURE Previous:Homogeneous Equilibrium Model

3.2. Separated Flow ModelIn the separated flow model the restriction on equal phase velocities is relaxed and one now models themomentum exchange between the phases and the channel separately with different velocities, e.g., vaporand liquid velocities. The relaxation of equal velocities is most important when the densities between thephases are quite different in the presence of a gravitational potential field or large pressure gradients.Given a density difference, buoyancy effects tend to induce a drift velocity of the lighter phase in theheavier phase. One measure of this density ratio is the Atwood ratio and is defined in Table 3.1. Onenotices that as this density ratio approaches zero the HEM model would become more valid because thedrift velocity would be reduced as the buoyancy of the lighter phase diminishes. The remainingassumptions of equal temperatures and pressures between the phases are usually retained in mostapplications. This is because it is usually felt the rates of mass and energy exchange are large enough topromote equilibrium. Once again a check with a more detailed model is recommended as the analysisproceeds to verify this assumption.

The governing equations for the separated flow model are given in Table 3.3. Similar to Table 3.2 we usethe 1-D area averaged formulation for two phases. There are two important differences in the equationsthat one should notice. First, there are now two momentum equations. In each equation there appears aterm which represents the friction force at the phase interface caused by the relative velocity between thephases. If the equations are solved separately then one must develop a constitutive relation model for thismomentum transfer term. Second, the properties are not averaged exclusively using the void fraction anddensity of the phases, but require a separate constitutive relation (Eq. 10 in Table 3.3) that relates thevolume fraction to the flowing mass fraction. Traditionally the separated flow model has been usedprimarily for calculating the pressure drop in a flow channel. In this application the usual method ofsolution is to add the phase momentum equations and eliminate the need to model the interfacial shearstress, . Then one empirically correlates to obtain a model for the frictional pressure drop for thechannel, , and for the slip ratio, , or velocity differences between the phases as a

function of volume fraction and properties. The model for is substituted back in the combinedmomentum equation and the algebraic correlation for or is used as a substitute for the

second balance equation. These types of models are described in more detail when one considersmultiphase pressure drop. The drift flux model is a special case of such models, because it is physicallybased as it predicts void fractions given velocity difference.

Next: Two-Fluid Model Up: MULTIPHASE FORMULATION AND PRESSURE Previous:Homogeneous Equilibrium Model

Separated Flow Model (1 of 2) [7/18/2000 8:59:58 AM]

All contents © Michael L. Corradininsrc-webmaster@loca.neep.wisc.eduLast Modified: Mon Aug 4 00:56:50 CDT 1997

Separated Flow Model (2 of 2) [7/18/2000 8:59:58 AM]

Next: Pressure Drop in a Up: MULTIPHASE FORMULATION AND PRESSURE Previous: SeparatedFlow Model

3.3. Two-Fluid ModelThe final type of multiphase model is the multiple fluid model (better known as the two fluid modeldesignating two phases or components). This model treats the general case of modelling each phase orcomponent as a separate fluid with its own set of governing balance equations. In general each phase hasits own velocity, temperature and pressure. The velocity difference as in the separated flow is induced bydensity differences. The temperature differences between the phases is fundamentally induced by thetime lag of energy transfer between the phases at the interface as thermal equilibrium is reached. If themultiphase system involves rapidly changing flow conditions due to area changes in steady flow ortransient conditions then the time lag for reaching thermal equilibrium between the phases may becomesignificant in comparison to the characteristic time it takes for flow conditions to change. One mayestimate this condition by computing a characteristic Fourier number (Table 3.1) for the system underexpected flow conditions. Therefore, thermal nonequilibrium becomes important and one must includethe possibility of a temperature difference by separate energy balances in a multiphase model for two ormore separate fluids.

The modelling of pressure nonequilibrium is much more complex (Ishii, 1974). The pressure differencebetween two phases is caused by three main effects: (1) pressure differences due to surface energy of acurved interface,(2) pressure differences due to mass transfer, (3) pressure differences due to dynamiceffects. In the first case the simple existence of an interface (probably curved) requires from overallmechanical equilibrium that some pressure difference exist between the phases. This pressure differenceis proportional to the interfacial surface tension and inversely proportional to the radius of curvature

and is usually quite small in most applications ( m). The second effect is noticeable

when the mass flux due to phase change is large at the interface between the phases; e.g., largeevaporation or condensation rates. The final effect is caused by dynamics where one phase has a largerpressure relative to the other phase due to very rapid energy deposition or pressurization effects. Acommon example of an nduced dynamic pressure difference is the flow of a mixture of air bubbles andwater through a converging-diverging nozzle. If the rate of flow is high and the area change dramaticenough the liquid will depressurize quickly as it passes through the nozzle leaving the vapor bubbles at ahigher pressure. This dynamic pressure difference will cause the vapor bubbles to grow, overexpand andthen oscillate around a new mean pressure. This example takes on the second effect if the situation weresteam bubbles in water since mass transfer would also be present. The importance of pressurenonequilibrium between the phases is inversely proportional to the time scale of the rate of phase changeor external pressure oscillations. For most applications of two-fluid modelling this pressurenonequilibrium is usually neglected; i.e., only when the rate of phase change and pressure oscillationbecome of equal time scales does this nonequilibrium effect become important. One way to estimate thisis to compare the flow velocity to the speed of sound in the multiphase system (note that computing amixture sound speed is not a straight forward task): i.e., only when the flow velocity approaches orexceeds the multiphase sound speed would the pressure nonequilibrium may be important.

Two-Fluid Model (1 of 3) [7/18/2000 9:00:00 AM]

The two-fluid model equations are given in Tables 3.4. One should note that when a two-fluid model isused a number of interfacial transport coefficients ( , , , ) are defined and require constitutive

relation models to complete the overall model. This approach has an advantage in that the actualtransport processes can be rigorously defined, however, the disadvantage is that one is required to modelthese kinetic processes in detail, which implies a much greater depth of experimental data and insight.

The usual method of modelling pressure differences between the fluids is to assume that the pressure isequal in both phases (Tables 3.4, Eq. 6). If, as previously discussed, one finds that pressurenonequilibrium between the phases is important one must introduce a local constitutive relation whichaccounts for this pressure difference due to dynamic and interfacial effects. For example, in researchdone with explosive boiling a local momentum equation (e.g., Rayleigh momentum equation) is used tomodel this difference in the pressure of the two fluids; this allows for dynamic pressure differences aswell as the effect of surface tension and mass transfer.

The other required constitutive relations for interfacial transfer ( , , ) are complicated functions of

the fluid velocities and their local properties. These kinetic models are also a strong function of themultiphase flow pattern. The model one would develop for the interfacial shear stress or heat flux issignificantly different for a dispersed flow pattern in contrast to a stratified flow pattern. In fact, theinterfacial models would be different if one had gas bubbles in a liquid versus liquid droplets in a gas.For example in the former case one would find that the stable characteristic size of gas bubbles at lowvoid fractions might be near the Taylor critical wavelength (dimensionless length-D/A 2 , Table 3.1)where as in the latter case the diameter would be determined from the critical Weber number (We 7-12, Table 3.1) which is only partly related to Taylor instabilities.

The final point to make about all the multiphase models is how turbulence is included in the analysis.The first point one should notice is that the multiphase governing equations do not seem to directlyinclude the time-averaging due to local turbulent velocity fluctuations. This is somewhat misleadingbecause when one looks into the complete derivation as performed by Ishii (1974) one finds thatconstitutive relations for and inherently include turbulence effects. The important question then ishow is turbulence modelled in these relations. At the present time turbulence modelling is ratherphenomenological when compared to the detailed formulations for single phase flow. The inherentassumption in modelling and is that one can use simple turbulence models (e.g., empirical frictionfactors, mixing length scales) developed for single phase applications at the local level of the multiphasesystem and then correct for effects of multiple phases by a combination of phenomenological modelsaveraging techniques for the bulk flow, and using empirical correlations from specific data. Thefollowing sections considering pressure drop and critical flow models are good examples of thesetechniques. More fundamental approaches to include turbulence have begun, but are not discussed indetail here.

Next: Pressure Drop in a Up: MULTIPHASE FORMULATION AND PRESSURE Previous: SeparatedFlow Model

Two-Fluid Model (2 of 3) [7/18/2000 9:00:00 AM]

All contents © Michael L. Corradininsrc-webmaster@loca.neep.wisc.eduLast Modified: Mon Aug 4 00:56:50 CDT 1997

Two-Fluid Model (3 of 3) [7/18/2000 9:00:00 AM]

Next: Void Fraction Prediction with Up: MULTIPHASE FORMULATION AND PRESSUREPrevious: Two-Fluid Model

3.4. Pressure Drop in a Closed ConduitOnce the governing equations have been cast the next task involves developing models for theconstitutive relations that predict the rate of mass, momentum and energy transfer from one phase toanother or from the phases to the surrounding channel. This task is the major endeavor for multiphaseflow analysis. If one is concerned with predicting the pressure drop in a channel with multiphase flowthen one must develop a model for wall shear stress, , and also a relation for the relative velocity,between the phases if a separated flow or two-fluid model is used. In engineering practice the currentmethod for modelling multiphase pressure drop falls into two categories: (1) Homogeneous modelswhere a relation for and is developed empirically, or (2) Two-fluid or drift flux models where

one uses the separated flow model for and substitutes the empirical relation for by the complete

solution of each phase momentum equation.

Consider the steady-state form of the momentum equation for the HEM model from Table 3.2 (Equ 3)

where in this equation we have assumed the channel flow area is constant and we have substituted theconstant mass velocity, G, from the mass balance into the acceleration pressure drop term. Note that thisequation is not valid for the case of multiphase flow of a liquid and solid where the solid adheres to thewall. Now the model used for is based on the assumption that we have liquid flowing alone, fo, in thechannel and correct for this by using a two-phase multiplier, , (this technique can be extended to

more than two phases in a straight forward manner),

where the channel can be represented by the hydraulic diameter, . By inspection one sees that the

two-phase multiplier, , is equal to

where the first phase is a liquid, f, and the second phase is a gas, g. Now consider that the two-phasefriction factor, has the same empirical function form as single phase, and this yields

Pressure Drop in a Closed Conduit (1 of 3) [7/18/2000 9:00:07 AM]

where one now must use an averaging scheme for the transport property viscosity (e.g., see Eq. 9 for ). The value of the exponent, m, would depend whether one was in a laminar or turbulent flow regime.When these constitutive models are substituted into the original momentum balance the total pressuregradient results (Table 3.5). One should remember that the mass fraction is a thermodynamic propertyand therefore is a function of two other independent properties, here we have chosen the mixtureenthalpy, i, and pressure P, because they are the 'natural' variables calculated for a steady flow. Thisdependence of on i and P results in partial derivatives with respect to enthalpy and pressure in the

acceleration pressure drop term. The enthalpy dependence is found from the energy balance while thepressure effect is directly found by the momentum equation by back substitution.

The final observation that one should make concerns the term in the denominator of the total pressuregradient. If one evaluates the quantity in brackets (say for steam-water flow) the result indicates that thevalue lies between zero and one. Consider the case when the term approaches zero. In this case thechange in specific volume (density) as a function of pressure is negligible. This suggests that one cantreat the multiphase system as an incompressible fluid. Now as the term in brackets approaches unity thedenominator approaches zero and the pressure gradient approaches infinity. Physically when the pressuregradient approaches infinity it implies the existence of shock wave or acoustic wave (weak shock). In thepresent example the only way this is created is because the variation of the density with pressure is large,this implies the flow , is traveling fast enough that it has equaled the speed of pressure perturbationsin the fluid mixture, i.e., the 'sound speed' of that homogeneous mixture . Thus, the HEM model

Mach number is approximately given by the term in brackets and has the same physical significance as insingle phase flow (see Table 3.1). This is detailed in the following section.

For the separated flow model, the original definition for the two-phase friction multiplier is used exceptnow one replaces the analytical model for by an empirical correlation based on data. Probably the

most widely used model is that by Martinelli and Nelson (Figure 3.2 and Figure 3.3) in which pressuregradients for air-water flows at low pressure and steam-water flows at high pressure were correlated as afunction of flow regime (e.g., turbulent flow) as well as properties. The resulting correlation for thetwo-phase friction multiplier, , is given in Figure 3.2 as a function of the dimensionless Martinelli

parameter, , where

Also the void fraction of the gas phase was correlated as a function of the Martinelli parameter (Figure3.3). In this case one would use this empirical result along with the basic constitutive relation for ,

and (Table 3.3, Eq. 10) to find the velocity ratio.

Finally, in a similar manner one would determine the dimensionless Mach member for the separated flowmodel. Table 3.6 presents the complete pressure gradient term for the separated flow model. Since the

Pressure Drop in a Closed Conduit (2 of 3) [7/18/2000 9:00:07 AM]

void fraction is a function of the velocity difference as well as the quality, both void and quality appearas function of the enthalpy and pressure at any location in the channel. The quality variation is found bythe energy balance and the void fraction must be obtained by a separate model or empirical data (such asMartinelli's data). We consider a phenomenological void model in the next section, that can be used inseparate flow models; i.e., drift flux model. As for the two-phase friction multiplier, a number ofinvestigators have developed a data-base and associated correlations (e.g., Thom, 1984, Barozcy, 1966,Chisholm, 1973, and Friedel, 1979). Based on a comparison to a proprietary data bank of HTFS, it wasfound that :

The Homogeneous Equilibrium model is moderately acceptable over a wide-range of datacomparisons as an initial estimator.


The Martinelli-Nelson correlation is a better predictor and should be used for and



The Chisholm correlations should be used for and .3.

The Friedel correlation should be used for .4.

A recommendation of which model is most suitable depends upon the application. The importantconsideration that one must remember is the relative density ratios (Atwood ratio) and the influence ofthe gravitational potential field (Froude number) on causing a drift or allowing a relative velocity to existbetween the phases. If these differences are large then one should separate the flow model. For example,for air-water flows at ambient pressure the density ratio is large ( , Atwood Ratio 1)

therefore a separated flow model may be dictated. As the density ratio approaches one then ahomogeneous model becomes more appropriate for a wide range of applications.

Next: Void Fraction Prediction with Up: MULTIPHASE FORMULATION AND PRESSUREPrevious: Two-Fluid Model

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Pressure Drop in a Closed Conduit (3 of 3) [7/18/2000 9:00:07 AM]


3.6. Void Fraction Prediction with the DriftFlux ModelAs noted in the previous section, when the two phases are considered to have different velocities (e.g.,liquid and gas), the relation between void fraction and quality is not analytically calculable, but requiressome empirical data which links void and quality. A large number of empirical and semi-empiricalmethods have been suggested over the last fifty years. The semi-empirical model which seems to have themost physical basis is the drift flux model. It relates the gas-liquid velocity difference to the drift flux (or'drift velocity') of the vapor relative to the liquid; e.g., due to buoyancy effects. This model has beenprincipally developed by Zuber and Findlay (1965), Wallis (1969) and Ishii (1977), and has been refinedsince that time by themselves and coworkers. The model is fully developed in Wallis' book and only theessential relationships are presented here.

In all two-phase flows, the local velocity and local void fraction vary across the channel dimension,perpendicular to the direction of flow. To help us consider the case of a velocity and void fractiondistribution (possibly different) it is convenient to define an average and void fraction weighted meanvalue of local velocity, v. Let F be parameters, such as any one of these local parameters, and an areaaverage value of F across a channel cross-section would be given as

A void fraction weighted mean value of F may be defined as follows:

Now consider the gas velocity, , that can vary across the channel. An expression for the weighted meangas velocity may be expressed as

Taking now a reference frame moving with the velocity of the center of the volume of the fluid one candefine the gas or vapor phase drift velocity by

where j is the volumetric flux of the two-phase flow. This is the velocity of the center of volume of themixture, and is given by

Void Fraction Prediction with the Drift Flux Model (1 of 8) [7/18/2000 9:00:12 AM]

where and are the volumetric flux of the liquid and gas phases, respectively, given by

Using Eqs. 3.10 and 3.13 in Eq. 3.9, the weighted mean velocity of the gas or vapor phase can be expressedas:

where is the weighted mean drift velocity of the gas phase, and Co is the

distribution parameter defined by

Therefore, Co depends on the form of the velocity and concentration (flow-pattern) profiles. For a givenflow pattern, the extensive study of Zuber and Wallis suggest that Co depends on pressure, channelgeometry and perhaps the flow rate.

The form of Eq. 3.15 suggests a plot of the data in plane. There are two important characteristics of

this plane representation. First, when Co and are constant Eq. 3.15 shows that a linear relation exists

between and ;SPMlt;j;SPMgt;. The slope of such a line gives the value of distribution parameter, Co,

whereas the intercept with the axis gives the drift velocity, . Thus, these two parameters can be easily

determined from experiments even when the measured profiles required for the direct calculation of Co arenot available. The second important characteristic of the plane pertains to any abrupt measured

changes in the value of Co and ; these indicate a change of flow-pattern in the conduct of the


The average void fraction at a given location in the flow channel can now be obtained by

rearranging Eq. 3.15 giving:

This equation shows that can be determined if Co, and the average gas or vapor volumetric flux

are known for a given flow regime; i.e., bubbly slug churn-turbulent. Noting that and Co are

flow-pattern dependent quantities then any void fraction predictions based on Eq. 3.17 would reflect theflow-pattern effects on the void fraction.

Suggested expressions for Co and and other flow-pattern dependent void fraction correlations are

Void Fraction Prediction with the Drift Flux Model (2 of 8) [7/18/2000 9:00:12 AM]

presented in Table 3.7 based on the work of these investigators.

Void Fraction Prediction with the Drift Flux Model (3 of 8) [7/18/2000 9:00:12 AM]

Void Fraction Prediction with the Drift Flux Model (4 of 8) [7/18/2000 9:00:12 AM]

Void Fraction Prediction with the Drift Flux Model (5 of 8) [7/18/2000 9:00:12 AM]


Void Fraction Prediction with the Drift Flux Model (6 of 8) [7/18/2000 9:00:12 AM]

REFERENCESC.J. Barozcy, "A Systematic Correlation for Two-Phase Pressure Drop," Chem. Engr. Proj. Symp,Vol 62, No 44, pp 232-249, 1966.

A.E. Bergles, et al., Two Phase Flow and Heat Transfer in the Power and Process Industries,Hemisphere, New York, 1981.

R. Bird, et al., Transport Phenomena, Wiley, New York, 1960.●

D. Chisholm, "The Pressure Gradient Due to Friction During the Flow of Boiling Water," Engr &Boiler House Rev, Vol 73, No 8, pp 252-256, 1966.

J.G. Collier, Convective Boiling and Condensation, McGraw-Hill, 2nd Edition, New York, 1981.●

L. Friedel, "Improved Friction Pressure Drop Correlations for Horizontal and Vertical Two-PhasePipe Flow," Proc European Two-Phase Group Mtg., JRC-Ispra, 1979.

Y.Y. Hsu, H. Graham, Transport Processes in Two-Phase Boiling Systems, Hemisphere, New York,1977.

M. Ishii, Thermo-Fluid Dynamic Theory of Two-Phase Flow, Eyrolles, France, 1974.●

M. Ishii, "One-Dimensional Drift-Flux Model and Constitutive Equations for Relative MotionBetween Phases in Various Two-Phase Flow Regimes," Argonne National Lab Report, ANL 77-47 ,October 1977.

M. Ishii, N. Zuber, "Drag Coefficient and Relative Velocity in Bubbly, Droplet or Particulate●

Void Fraction Prediction with the Drift Flux Model (7 of 8) [7/18/2000 9:00:12 AM]

Flows," AIChE Jul, Vol 25, No. 2, p 843, 1979.

J.R.S. Thom, "Prediction of Pressure Drop During Forced Circulation of Boiling Water," Intl JulHeat Mass Transfer, Vol 7, pp 709-724, 1964.

G.B. Wallis, One-Dimensional Two-Phase Flow, McGraw Hill, 2nd Edition, New York, 1979.●

N. Zuber, J. Findlay, "Average Volumetric Concentration in Two-Phase Systems," Trans ASME JulHt Transfer, Vol 87, p 453, 1969.


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Void Fraction Prediction with the Drift Flux Model (8 of 8) [7/18/2000 9:00:12 AM]

Next: Single Phase Critical Flow Up: No Title Previous: Void Fraction Prediction with

4. SOUND SPEED AND CRITICAL FLOWCritical flow (sometimes called "choked flow") is important for many industrial applications involvingmultiphase flow. These applications include the design of throttling valves for refrigeration systems,bypass systems for steam power plants, emergency relief in chemical and nuclear plants and otherdiverse applications. Most of the research and development in the recent past has been in regard to plantsafety analyses. Our discussion of critical flow is based on experimental and model results with this lattersubject as the main application, although the models are completely general and applicable to otherdesign issues.

One of the observations made in examining multiphase pressure drop was that one could determine if themultiphase flow could be considered compressible or incompressible by examining the accelerationterms in the pressure gradient expression. For instance, in the HEM model for the pressure gradient itwas noted that the equation denominator could be considered as where M is a local two-phase

flow Mach number; i.e., ratio of mass velocity to a two-phase "acoustic" mass velocity. Analogous tosingle phase flow, as the Mach number approaches unity the flow must be considered compressible andthe overall pressure gradient increases; asymptotically approaching an infinite gradient (shock wave) asthe Mach number equals one. Thus, as in single phase flow, there is a relationship in this multiphase flowmodel between the maximum mass flux through a duct and the local sound speed. This maximum massflux is identified as the critical flow (or choked flow") of the system, and is the major topic of thissection.

These notes will begin with a discussion of single phase sound speed and critical flow ("choking"). Thislogically leads us to consider the homogeneous equilibrium model for sound speed and for themultiphase critical flow. Finally, more sophisticated models considering nonequilibrium effects and theeffects of phase velocity differences are discussed. We end the paper with a discussion of these modelsassumptions and recommendations for usage. In this development, as in the discussion of pressure drop,we assume the flow is approximately one-dimensional. This simplifying assumption allows us to developanalytical expressions and is approximately valid in realistic situations if the change in flow area is notabrupt. Many practical applications can involve at least two-dimensional flow. At worst theone-dimensional assumption affords one a way to estimate behavior in more complex multi-dimensionalsystems to bound the expected behavior.

4.1. Single Phase Critical Flow

4.2. Homogeneous Equilibrium Model for Critical Flow

4.3. Homogeneous Frozen Flow Model for Critical Flow

4.4. Separated Flow Model for Critical Flow

SOUND SPEED AND CRITICAL FLOW (1 of 2) [7/18/2000 9:00:14 AM]

4.5. Fluids Other Than Water For Separated Flow Model

4.6.The Physical Basis of Choked Two Phase Flow

4.7. Advanced Computational Models

4.8. Observations

Next: Single Phase Critical Flow Up: No Title Previous: Void Fraction Prediction with

All contents © Michael L. Corradininsrc-webmaster@loca.neep.wisc.eduLast Modified: Tue Sep 2 15:06:55 CDT 1997

SOUND SPEED AND CRITICAL FLOW (2 of 2) [7/18/2000 9:00:14 AM]

Next: Homogeneous Equilibrium Model for Up: SOUND SPEED AND CRITICAL Previous: SOUNDSPEED AND CRITICAL

4.1. Single Phase Critical FlowConsider a large tank containing a stagnant fluid with outlet (Figure 4.1) to a receiver volume. When acompressible fluid flows through this outlet (pipe, nozzle or orifice), there is a receiver pressure, ,

compared to the stagnation pressure, , below which the flow rate (or mass velocity) will not increase.

That is, for any receiver pressure below this critical pressure ratio the discharge flow rate will be constant(Figure 4.2). If one could make simultaneous measurements of the pressure, temperature, and massflowrate at the outlet of the tank, one would find that the velocity of the mass flow corresponds to thesound speed of the fluid at the outlet exit plane. If one then calculates what the mass velocity will be foran isentropic expansion in a nozzle, the mass velocity is a maximum at just the critical pressure ratio,

, at which the fluid attains a velocity equal to its sound speed at these conditions at the outlet exit

plane. Under the assumption of isentropic fluid flow (frictionless and adiabatic), this is proved bycalculating the pressure ratio when the mass velocity is a maximum, determining the fluid velocity andcomparing it to the speed of sound in the fluid [1-2]. Similar calculations can be made for othergeometries or expansion processes and it is always found that choking occurs when the local fluidvelocity is equal to the local sound speed [3].

Insofar as the flow is isentropic the critical flow velocity like the sound speed is a thermodynamicproperty. The sound speed, c, is defined as

where the specific entropy, s, is considered to be constant in the process. Let us consider a perfect gas asa representative single phase fluid where

Based on the sound speed definition we find that for a perfect gas

Now we can use this definition of the sound speed and incorporate it into the energy balance with mass

Single Phase Critical Flow (1 of 3) [7/18/2000 9:00:18 AM]

continuity for the fluid to find the mass flowrate as a function of the Mach number.

where the subscript, o, denotes the stagnation condition where the velocity is approximately zero.

This shows that, for a given Mach Number, the flow is proportional to the stagnation pressure andinversely proportional to the square root of the stagnation temperature. For this reason, flow test data oncompressors and turbines, or indeed on any flow passage which operates over a wide range of pressure

and temperature levels, are usually plotted for as the flow variable. In this way the results of a

given test become applicable to operation at levels of temperature and pressure different from theoriginal test conditions. To find the condition of maximum flow per unit area, we could compute the

derivative and set this derivative equal to zero. From this we would find that the critical pressure

ratio is given by

An equivalent procedure would be to differentiate Eq. 6 with respect to M and set this derivative equal tozero. At this condition, we would find that the maximum flow occurs at M = 1.

However, neither of these procedures is necessary inasmuch as we have discussed quite generally that thecross-sectional area for isentropic flow passes through a minimum at Mach Number unity. Therefore, to

find , we need only set M = 1 in Eq. 6. Thus we find

For a given gas, therefore, the maximum flow per unit area depends only on the ratio . For given

values of the stagnation pressure and stagnation temperature and for a passage with a given minimumarea, Eq. 8 shows that the maximum flow which can be passed is relatively large for gases of highmolecular weight and relatively small for gases of low molecular weight. Doubling the pressure leveldoubles the maximum flow, whereas doubling the absolute temperature level reduces the maximum flowby about 30 percent.

As Figure 4.2 indicates for a converging nozzle the Mach number reaches unity at the point where the

critical pressure ratio, , is given by equ IX.7 ( - .53 for air, - 1.4), which also coincides with the

point of minimum area. This is the condition of critical flow or "choking" that was mentioned previously.One should note that the effect of friction and heat transfer can be considered but requires an iterativeanalytical solution or numerical solution to the one-dimensional problem depending on the complexity ofthe wall models, since the flowrate directly affects the frictional pressure drop. We consider this laterunder advanced models.

Single Phase Critical Flow (2 of 3) [7/18/2000 9:00:18 AM]

Next: Homogeneous Equilibrium Model for Up: SOUND SPEED AND CRITICAL Previous: SOUNDSPEED AND CRITICAL

All contents © Michael L. Corradininsrc-webmaster@loca.neep.wisc.eduLast Modified: Tue Sep 2 15:06:55 CDT 1997

Single Phase Critical Flow (3 of 3) [7/18/2000 9:00:18 AM]

Next: Homogeneous Frozen Flow Model Up: SOUND SPEED AND CRITICAL Previous: SinglePhase Critical Flow

4.2. Homogeneous Equilibrium Model forCritical FlowIn single phase flow the critical flow velocity is identical to the fluid sound speed at "choking" (M = 1).In general it turns out that the identity of the critical flow velocity and the fluid sound speed is not validfor a multiphase flow. This occurs because the concept of a single sound speed for a mixture of phasesloses meaning unless one makes some simplifying assumptions about the fluid phase relationships. Theremay actually be more than one sound speed; i.e. one for each phase and one for the mixture depending onthe flow pattern and geometry.

The homogeneous equilibrium model (HEM) for multiphase critical flow is one example where one canmake simplifying assumptions and the identity between the critical flow velocity and a mixture soundspeed is preserved. In our discussion we consider a two-phase system for illustration. The HEM model isbased on two major assumptions: (i) the velocity of the phases are equal, and (ii) the phases are inthermodynamic equilibrium. These assumptions are the same as used for the HEM pressure drop model.In every respect, once these assumptions are made, the single phase gas dynamic relations for criticalflow can be translated to multiphase conditions. Therefore, for isentropic flow conditions (frictionlessand adiabatic) the pressure drop is due solely to acceleration pressure drop which results in

where is the specific volume of the mixture and the reciprocal of the mixture density for the HEMformulation. We have already evaluated this partial derivative when considering the HEM pressure dropas

where the partial derivatives are at constant enthalpy under frictionless conditions.

One can use this expression to find the HEM mixture sound speed by multiplying by the mixture specificvolume and taking the square root

Figure 4.3 illustrates how this sound speed varies with gas content for an air-water system at atmosphericpressure. Notice that the mixture sound speed falls dramatically to less than 100 m/s with a small amountof gas present. One must keep in mind that this is an idealized model and that transmission of pressure

Homogeneous Equilibrium Model for Critical Flow (1 of 3) [7/18/2000 9:00:21 AM]

waves may occur at higher speeds in the real system but at lower amplitudes, because the actual flow isnot completely homogeneous and each phase has a characteristic sound speed which is higher.

In using this expression to find the critical mass velocity it is necessary to evaluate the indicated partialderivatives at the outlet conditions (e.g., pressure, quality) where "choking" occurs. One must then workback from the outlet conditions to the stagnation conditions. Usually this involves an iterative procedureeven though it is analytical, or numerical integration. A straight forward procedure is presented below fora two-phase liquid-vapor system.

To find the critical mass velocity, , and the associated critical pressure ratio, , at and below

which it occurs one could produce the complete curve of (Figure 4.4). Since the flow is

isentropic the entropy at the outlet equals the stagnation entropy. Thus one chooses a downstream outletpressure, , which determines the saturation entropies, and . The equilibrium thermodynamic

quality at the outlet is then

which then defines the enthalpy and specific volume at the outlet

The mass velocity for a particular pressure is found by an energy balance as

One simply reduces the outlet receiver pressure from until the maximum G is calculated at . For all

pressures below this critical pressure the flow is choked as is the case for single phase flow. One shouldnote that is not a simple function of the thermodynamic state of the system as for a perfect gas and can

vary widely for any particular set of stagnation conditions.

The accuracy of the HEM model will be discussed later in comparison to some particular data. In generalthough, let us simply say that the HEM critical flow model has similar limitations as the HEM pressuredrop model when the density ratio is large (low pressure when relative velocity is important) and also atlow quality (when the nonequilibrium effect is important). As the stagnation pressure and qualityincreases the HEM prediction improves. Also as the outlet pipe length to diameter ratio increases theHEM model prediction improves, allowing more time for attainment of equilibrium; however one mustthen include the effect of pipe friction. One should also remember that the stagnation conditions ought tobe representative of a homogeneous geometry (dispersed well-mixed) for the HEM model to successfullyestimate the outlet flow. If the initial stagnation condition is better represented by stratified phases ratherthan co-dispersed phases, one might expect the HEM model not to initially give a reliable estimate untilflashing and its induced mixing disperses the phases. More likely depending on the location of the pipe

Homogeneous Equilibrium Model for Critical Flow (2 of 3) [7/18/2000 9:00:21 AM]

single phase flow would first occur followed by flashing and then the two-phase flow. For stratifiedconditions with short tubes nonequilibrium might be considered. A bounding nonequilibrium model isdiscussed in the next section.

Next: Homogeneous Frozen Flow Model Up: SOUND SPEED AND CRITICAL Previous: SinglePhase Critical Flow

All contents © Michael L. Corradininsrc-webmaster@loca.neep.wisc.eduLast Modified: Tue Sep 2 15:06:55 CDT 1997

Homogeneous Equilibrium Model for Critical Flow (3 of 3) [7/18/2000 9:00:21 AM]

Next: Separated Flow Model for Up: SOUND SPEED AND CRITICAL Previous: HomogeneousEquilibrium Model for

4.3. Homogeneous Frozen Flow Modelfor Critical FlowThe previous HEM model is applicable to conditions where a liquid and its vapor flow through an outletin equilibrium. If a homogeneous mixture of a liquid and a gas phase (air-water) flow through an orificeor if nonequilibrium effects are important for a liquid and vapor (due to stratification or a short tube),then mass transfer may be precluded. One might consider this to be a homogeneous flow model wherethe phases are "frozen" at mass fractions equal to their stagnation conditions. In a sense, given that thephases travel at the same velocity, one may consider this to be another bound on the critical flowrate.

This type of model has appeared frequently in the literature (e.g., Ref. 4) as a "homogeneous frozenmodel" for critical flow, and is based on the following assumptions

(i) the velocities of the phases are equal,

(ii) there is no heat or mass transfer between the phases,

(iii) the gas (or vapor) is modelled as a perfect gas,

(iv) the critical flow is defined from gas dynamics and determines the velocity (specific kineticenergy).

These assumptions lead to a familiar expression for the critical pressure ratio

if the following inequality is valid

Under these assumptions one can write down the energy balance

where for the vapor as a perfect gas one can write

and thus the critical mass velocity becomes

Homogeneous Frozen Flow Model for Critical Flow (1 of 2) [7/18/2000 9:00:23 AM]

One can observe the difference between the two models as compared to steam-water data at high and lowpressures [5,6] in Figures 4.5 to 4.7. In all cases the critical pressure ratio is underpredicted by this modelbut the critical mass velocity is better predicted at relatively low stagnation qualities. Both models are inerror at very low qualities. The ability to predict the flowrate under these conditions is questionable formost models. As we shall discuss in the next section the final model assumption to consider is that ofrelative velocity between the phases. This along with nonequilibrium effects combined help explain someof the current discrepancies between model and data.

Next: Separated Flow Model for Up: SOUND SPEED AND CRITICAL Previous: HomogeneousEquilibrium Model for

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Homogeneous Frozen Flow Model for Critical Flow (2 of 2) [7/18/2000 9:00:23 AM]

Next: Fluids Other Than Water Up: SOUND SPEED AND CRITICAL Previous: Homogeneous FrozenFlow Model

4.4. Separated Flow Model for CriticalFlowOne of the key assumptions utilized in the past two models was that the velocity of each phase was equal.This assumption is known to be in error particularly under conditions where the pressure is low and thedensity ratio can be large. The concept of separated flow which was introduced for pressure drop can alsobe used here to develop a critical flow model. Let us consider the case where the phases are inthermodynamic equilibrium although there is slip between the phases. As stated previously, phaseequilibrium is a good assumption when the phases are initially well-mixed or dispersed, or when thechannel is long to allow equilibrium to develop.

Once again under isentropic flow conditions we can express the pressure drop as consisting of onlyacceleration effects (i.e. equ 4.9). In this case one must remember the relationship between density andspecific volume contains the velocity ratio

where S is the ratio of . The expression for acceleration pressure drop (equ. 4.9) is in general

If we eliminate the void fraction, , from this expression using equ. 4.22 we arrive at the generalexpression for the critical mass velocity

One should note that for equal phase velocities, (S = 1) we simplify to the HEM expression. The flowquality at this "choking" condition can be found from the energy balance and equ. 4.22 as

Now if one can specify the critical slip ratio at the "choking" condition then one can use equ's 24 and 25to find X and (2 equs and 2 unknowns).

Based on some theoretical arguments and empirical matching of experimental data there are two widely

Separated Flow Model for Critical Flow (1 of 3) [7/18/2000 9:00:26 AM]

utilized models [8-10] for the critical velocity slip ratio, . Both models assume that the slip ratio at"choking" conditions is equal to the inverse density ratio to an exponent, m

where Fauske [8,9] assumes and Moody uses . The only real justification for either

exponent is comparison to data and matching of the exponent and the critical pressure ratio. Over a widerange of data Fauske's empirical value shows somewhat better agreement. In addition the Fauske modelhas been solved parametrically and a convenient graphical solution is available (Figure 4.6 and 4.7) withthe effect of geometry also empirically included. Therefore, we discuss this model results below,primarily as an example of this class of semi-empirical models.

Fauske Model

One interesting note should be made. Because in Fauske's model the exponent is empirically "fit" to datathe isentropic flow assumption becomes somewhat of a moot point. One might consider that frictionaleffects, if important are indirectly accounted for in the empirical part of the model. However, this is onlycorrect for similar L/D ratios. If one uses the model outside of its range of data then additional frictionaleffects may have to be included. As one will see in the graphical results this would be in the range ofpipe length to diameter ratio of 15 or greater. Let us discuss the model results in general and thenexamine the effect of geometry.

Figure 4.6 is a plot of the choked mass velocity as a function of stagnation enthalpy at various criticalpressures for steam-water mixtures. For any enthalpy and choked pressure one can immediately locatethe choked mass velocity.

In order to calculate the critical pressure at the choked plane, it is necessary to refer to Figure 4.6 Herethe choked pressure ratio is shown as a function of the L/D of the test section [9]. The choked flow iscalculated using several different equations depending on the length to diameter ratio of the outlet pipesection.

L/D - O - Sharp edged orifice. There is no choked flow. The following equation should be usedjust as it is shown below. This is essentially the orifice equation for single phase incompressibleflow as an estimate for an orifice.

where is the density of the initial mixture.


O < L/D < 3 - Nozzles and short tubes. Use Equation 4.27 with from 4.6 in Region I replacing . There are substantial departures from equilibrium for these conditions. Perhaps the jet breaks

free of the tube but the space between the tube and the jet is filled with vapor at a pressure higherthan the back pressure.


3 < L/D < 12 - Middle length tubes. For this geometry no convenient prediction scheme exists asdepartures from equilibrium, which are neither negligible nor governing, exist. for these conditionsreplacing by in Region II from 4.6 overestimates the flow rate to some extent. Apparently,


Separated Flow Model for Critical Flow (2 of 3) [7/18/2000 9:00:26 AM]

the jet is breaking up as equilibrium is being established.

12 < L/D < 40. The flow rate is almost independent of the tube length so the from 4.6 in RegionIII can be used to determine the critical flow rate from 4.7. Almost the whole pressure drop is dueto momentum changes and wall friction is negligible.


L/D < 40. Wall friction forces become increasingly important, but very gradually so, and thecritical flow rate drops slowly. Here it is suggested that one can begin by guessing a critical massvelocity and going to Figure 4.7 to obtain the corresponding critical pressure. Figure 4.6 can beused to estimate the pressure 40 L/D's upstream from the discharge. From that point to theentrance, the appropriate single or two phase pressure drop can be estimated with existingcorrelations. If the calculated entrance pressure is the right one, the initial mass velocityassumption is correct. If not, try another assumption. Small changes in the assumed mass velocitywill change the pressure drop appreciably and the calculation will coverage rapidly.


The experiments justifying the calculation method just described are performed on an apparatus such asillustrated in Figure 4.11. A typical pressure-length curve is shown. Data comparisons reported inReferences [8] and [12], among others, are shown in Figures 4.12 and 4.13 for low and high qualitycases. The comparison between the Fauske prediction methods and the data in this quality range is good.As can be seen, the homogeneous model predicts poorly in the moderately low quality region but givesbetter predictions as the quality increases.

Similar experiments have been run on a long capillary with Freon 12 in and 18-foot tube .042 inches indiameter. The L/D is over 1000 in the two phase region II. The pressure and temperature trace is shownin Figure 4.14. The steeper pressure gradient in the two phase region, beyond 12.5 feet, is evident on thisfigure.

As mentioned in Reference [9], a number of other choked flow theories exist for separated flow, whichdo about as well with the data of these Figures (4.12-13) and as that of Fauske (e.g., Ref. 10). The detailsof the assumptions somewhat differ but the result is about the same. In fact one should realize that theagreement may be the result of compensating errors.

Next: Fluids Other Than Water Up: SOUND SPEED AND CRITICAL Previous: Homogeneous FrozenFlow Model

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Separated Flow Model for Critical Flow (3 of 3) [7/18/2000 9:00:26 AM]

Next: The Physical Basis of Up: SOUND SPEED AND CRITICAL Previous: Separated Flow Modelfor

4.5. Fluids Other Than Water ForSeparated Flow ModelThe bulk of critical two-phase flow data is for water. Calculations have been reported for liquid metals inReference [12] and cryogens in Reference [13]. No predictions for other fluids have been independentlyworked out so what can be recommended for other fluids is based on judgement. The recommendation isfirst the critical pressure ratio curves of Figure 4.7. may be used for other fluids. It is then recommendedthat the homogeneous equilibrium model, for the fluid in question be used to calculate a critical flowmass velocity. Now, one might assume that the ratio of the actual flow to the HEM flow is the same forwater and the fluid in question when the density ratio and quality is the same. This procedure is sparselytested against experimental data. One should carefully compare the fluids to water based on similarcritical property ratios, density ratios, latent heats and other thermodynamic properties.

All contents © Michael L. Corradininsrc-webmaster@loca.neep.wisc.eduLast Modified: Tue Sep 2 15:06:55 CDT 1997

Fluids Other Than Water For Separated Flow Model [7/18/2000 9:00:28 AM]

Next: Advanced Computational Models Up: Fluids Other Than Water Previous: Fluids Other ThanWater

4.6. The Physical Basis of Choked TwoPhase FlowFor a single phase flow choking occurs where the velocity of the gas is equal to the sonic velocity. Thisoccurs at a particular section in any given apparatus and, as far as all the experiments show, a true chokeoccurs. The flow rate is absolutely independent of the discharge pressure as long as this pressure is belowthe choked pressure. We have no such foundation for predicting a "choking" condition in a two phaseflow [17].

Experiments reported in Reference [14] show that the velocity of sound in a two-phase mixture is afunction of flow regime, frequency and whether the pressure wave is a rarefaction or condensation wave.The sound velocity in a two phase mixture is, by no means, a thermodynamic property. For a two phaseflow then the choking velocity and the sound velocity are not equal as they are for a single phase system.

If we now confine our attention to critical two-phase flows alone the problem is still not simple. None ofthe models mentioned in the References show the existence of a choking condition without makingassumptions beyond those which can be justified experimentally. In this section we would like toexamine the characteristics of the critical flow model. These characteristics are as follows:

1. When a choke occurs, downstream pressure no longer matters,

2. Downstream geometry no longer matters,

3. Upstream geometry does not matter so long as the enthalpy and pressure at the choked plane isunaltered,

4. The velocity ratio is as given by Equation 4.26, and

5. Thermodynamic equilibrium exists.

It becomes evident by examining the details of test data closely that assumption (1) is not valid and thedownstream pressure does, in some small way, affect the flow rate. There are no experiments that showconclusively this is not true. As far as using this concept for engineering design is concerned, thesedepartures from a true choked flow are of no consequence but they do cast doubt on the idea of the"choking" condition as a real physical occurrence for two-phase flow.

Experiments reported in Reference 16 show that downstream geometry does matter. Figure 4.6 showsseveral test section geometries while Figure 4.7 shows the corresponding critical mass velocity data.What this data shows is there is no plane at which choking occurs. Apparently there is only a very smallincrease in flow with a decrease in discharge pressure but this changes the fluid mechanics of the flowoccurring over the entire tube. Upstream geometry clearly matters or it would not have been necessary touse Figure 4.10 to predict choked flow. For the same choke plane pressure and enthalpy, the choked flowmass velocity clearly depends on the upstream geometry. This is never true of a single phase flow.

The Physical Basis of Choked Two Phase Flow (1 of 2) [7/18/2000 9:00:30 AM]

Measurements of void made by Fauske and reported in Reference 8 show that the velocity ratio is verydifferent from that calculated from Equation 4.26. If comparison is made with other models, they still donot show the behavior indicated by the data of Figure 4.17. Clearly, no simple velocity ratio expressionhas the needed properties to fit the range of data.

Thermodynamic equilibrium cannot exist for the data of Figure 4.17, for, if it did, the pressure dropwould not be large enough to pass the flow. Thermodynamic equilibrium does not exist for L/D's lessthan (12) either, as it would not be necessary to distinguish between the L/D's and the longer ones.Therefore, one can say that none of the assumptions listed earlier are really true under all the conditionsof interest.

Next: Advanced Computational Models Up: Fluids Other Than Water Previous: Fluids Other ThanWater

All contents © Michael L. Corradininsrc-webmaster@loca.neep.wisc.eduLast Modified: Tue Sep 2 15:06:55 CDT 1997

The Physical Basis of Choked Two Phase Flow (2 of 2) [7/18/2000 9:00:30 AM]

Next: Observations Up: SOUND SPEED AND CRITICAL Previous: The Physical Basis of

4.7. Advanced Computational ModelsThe more general case for critical flow involves consideration of heat addition, friction along the pipewall and non-equilibrium effects in velocity and temperature. Examples of such models are given inReferences 20-22. The complete set of steady-state conservation equations can be written as (seeReocreux, Ref. 23).

where is the wall shear stress and q' is the linear heat addition rate, both externally imposed. In additionone also has the equation of state for the fluid

As an example for an ideal gas one can substitute the algebraic expressions for pressure, p, and enthalpy,i, into the balance equations and we write eqns 28-30 in matrix form

with , and

Notice that the frictional, heat addition and area change terms appear as external sources in theexpression on the right-hand side. Reocreux [23] used this example to indicate that the momentum andheat transfer relations are algebraic and not included in the derivative terms. The solution to this matrix isfound by inverting the matrix B. This can only be done if the determinant of B is non-zero.Mathematically, when the determinant is zero this is a condition when the pressure gradient is infiniteand we have reached the critical flow condition, and solve for the velocity which it achieves. For the caseof an ideal gas we recover the same results as discussed previously (eqns 4.5 to 7).

This suggests the difficulties that arise when two phases occupy the channel. In single phase flow dA/A, and q' were imposed externally upon the fluid. In two phase flow consider how these quantities will be

Advanced Computational Models (1 of 3) [7/18/2000 9:00:34 AM]

partitioned between the two phases; i.e., how will the flow area be occupied by the two phases and howwill the shear forces be distributed among the two phases? This last consideration will determine the voidfraction. Also how energy will be distributed between the two phases; a thermal equilibriumconsideration? Thus we can sense that mechanical and thermal non-equilibrium considerations will beimportant in relation to two-phase critical flow.

Giot and Meunier [24] have shown that the Moody and Fauske models outlined above are equivalent torequiring that the determinant of the three mixture conservation equations, augmented by a fourthcondition involving a linear combination of the space derivaties of S, p, X, and vanishes. Thus theyfind again the relationship between critical flows and the vanishing determinant of the conservationequations for single-phase compressible flows.

In non-equilibrium models, one needs a mechanistic description of the mass and energy exchangesbetween the two phases. For example, one can use the theory of heat transfer limited bubble growth toarrive at a vapor generation law needed to close the system of equations in this case [21, 22]. Manymodels addressing the various aspects briefly touched upon above have appeared in the literature overthe years. There is yet no model that gives perfect agreement with all the data and there will probably benone in the future either. Indeed, certain non-equilibrium aspects, such as nucleation on the walls andflow-pattern dependent velocity ratios depend on secondary variables (such as wall roughness and gascontent of the liquid in the case of nucleation) and are difficult or impossible to quantify in general.

Non-equilibrium models can be either empirical, mechanistic (i.e. based on a phenomenologicaldescription of the vapor generation mechanisms), or based on two-fluid models incorporatingautomatically the interfacial heat and mass exchange mechanisms.

In empirical models non-equilibrium vapor generation is handled by introducing, for example, acoefficient that allows only a fraction of the equilibrium vapor generation to occur. Relaxation modelsfor phase change have also been proposed by several authors; in this case the actual vapor generation isproportional to the difference between the actual quality and the equilibrium quality.

Mechanistic models attempt to model the mechanisms of nucleation and interfacial phase change. Thereare inherent difficulties, however, in all critical flow models that become evident when this approach isused. For example, the rate of nucleation depends on the roughness and other properties of the walls aswell as on the amount of dissolved air in the system; such effects are very difficult to quantify, as alreadymentioned. Introducing a grid in the flow area promoted nucleation and lowered the superheating of theliquid with significant impact on the critical flow characteristics during the Moby-Dick experiments [25].Often the realism introduced into the model by modeling of the physical phenomena is shadowed bytotally unreasonable values of certain parameters that must be used to fit the experimental data.

The six-equation formulation provides automatically the features necessary for describing departuresfrom mechanical and thermal non equilibrium. The methodology that can be used to detect the presenceof critical flow conditions when the six equations are being integrated is well understood [20, 24, 26-28].In a way quite analogous to the one shown previously for single-phase gas flows, one finds that criticalflow occurs when the determinant of the coefficients of the solution variables becomes zero at a certainlocation. Regarding modeling of the physics, however, there are difficulties with this approach also sincewe do now know yet the correct form of certain terms that enter into the conservation equations andinfluence the results significantly; the virtual mass terms have such an effect as well as the massexchange rate [22].

Advanced Computational Models (2 of 3) [7/18/2000 9:00:34 AM]

In spite of the fact that the two-fluid 6-equation models are capable of predicting the occurrence of acritical flow condition, for several practical reasons (computational speed, singularity of the solutionsnear the critical point, not knowing a priori the location of the choking point, fine nodalizationrequirements, the numerical schemes used, etc.) a separate choking model is necessary.

This separate critical flow criterion is derived from an analysis of the characteristics of the governing; ifthe real part of all the characteristics is non-negative, no information can propagate upstream, and theexit pressure cannot affect any more the flow upstream from the break. The critical velocity is thuscalculated from an algebraic equation obtained by requiring that the largest characteristic velocity beequal to zero. For system calculations, the critical flow condition derived in this fashion is applied at thechoking point whose location is known a priori.

The NRC computer codes (RELPA5/MOD2, TRAC/BF1 and TRAC-PFI/MOD1) use a simplifiedtwo-phase choking criterion that is based on the assumption of thermal equilibrium between the phases,at variance with the physics reality. The so-called "RELAP5 two-phase choking criterion" (used also inTRAC-BF1) [22] is derived from such a formulation (4-equation, thermal equilibrium) with additionalsimplifications for obtaining an explicit expression for the characteristic roots; choking occurs when ahybrid mixture velocity becomes equal to the homogeneous equilibrium (HE) sound velocity. In thismodel, the arbitrary simplifications needed to arrive at the final mixture velocity have no justificationother than the fact that they yield good results.

A different approach is used in CATHARE where the critical condition is derived from the basicthermal-hydraulic model. CATHARE [30] uses a full 6-equation model and the critical condition isfound by solving a sixth-degree polynomial that retains all the terms (velocity and temperature differencebetween the phases are both considered). The code has also the capability, however, of integrating theconservation equations all the way through a critical flow condition. One should note, however, thatCATHARE uses a fully implicit numerical scheme that allows use of very fine meshes near the breakwithout consequence on the time step.

Next: Observations Up: SOUND SPEED AND CRITICAL Previous: The Physical Basis of

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Advanced Computational Models (3 of 3) [7/18/2000 9:00:34 AM]

Next: POOL BOILING Up: SOUND SPEED AND CRITICAL Previous: Advanced ComputationalModels

4.8. Observations and RecommendationsBased on the previous discussion, the following conclusions can be drawn:

The Homogeneous-Equilibrium Model (HEM) underpredicts the critical flow rates for short pipesand near liquid saturation or subcooled upstream conditions.


The equilibrium slip models of Fauske, Moody and others, although successful for long tubes,underpredict the critical flow rates for short pipes. This is particularly true if the upstreamcondition is subcooled or near saturation.


Effects of thermal nonequilibrium must be taken into account for short pipes. However, it is notclear whether the pipe length, L, or the pipe length-to-diameter ratio, L/D, or both are important indetermining the effects of thermal nonequilibrium.


More mechanistic models do exist for critical flow that can account for the nonequilibrium effectsof velocity differences and temperature differences between the phases; but require iterative ornumerical solution.


At present, there is no general model or correlation for critical flow which is valid for a broadrange of pipe lengths, pipe diameters, and upstream conditions including subcooled liquid. Themore sophisticated the model used for a more precise design, the more prudent it is to considersome data benchmarking under similar conditions.


ReferencesJ. Keenan, Thermodynamics, J. Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York (1941).1.

E. Obert, R. Gaggioli, Thermodynamics, McGraw Hill, New York (1960).2.

A.H. Shapiro, The Dynamics and Thermodynamics of Compressible Fluid Flow, Vol. 1, Chap. 4,Ronald Press, New York (1953).


R.E. Henry, H.K. Fauske, "The Two-Phase Critical Flow of One-Component Mixtures in Nozzles,Orifices, and Short Tubes," Jnl. Heat Transfer, p 179 (May 1971).


D.J. Maneely, "A Study of the Expansion Process of Low Quality Steam Through a deLavalNozzle," LICRL-6/30, Univ of CA (1962).


K.F. Neusen, "Optimizing the Flow Parameters for the Expansion of Low Quality Steam,"UCRL-6152, University of CA (1962).


M.E. Deich et al., "Investigation of Flow of Wet Steam in deLaval Nozzles," High Temperature,V7, p 294 (1966).


H.K. Fauske "Contribution to the Theory of Two-Phase One-Component Critical Flow,"ANL-6633, Argonne Nat Lab (1961).


H.K. Fauske, "The Discharge of Saturated Water Through Tubes," Chem Engr Prog Symp Ser,V61, p 210 (1965).


Observations (1 of 3) [7/18/2000 9:00:35 AM]

F.J. Moody, "Maximum Flow Rate of a Single Component Two-Phase Mixture," Jnl HeatTransfer, Tran ASME Series C, V87, No 1, p 134 (Feb 1965).


M.M. Bolstad, R.C. Jordan, "Theory and Use of the Capillary Tube Expansion Device," Jnl. ofASRE, Vol 6, p 518 (1948).


H.K. Fauske, "Two Phase Critical Flow with Application to Liquid-Metal Systems (Mercury,Cesium, Rubidium, Potassium, Sodium, and Lithium, ANL 6779 (October 1963).


R.V. Smith, "Choking Two-Phase Flow Literature Summary and Idealized Design Solutions forHydrogen, Nitrogen, Oxygen and Refrigerants 12 and 11," NBS Tech. Note 179, Supt. ofDocuments, Washington, D.C., U.S. Government Printing Office (1967).


R.E. Henry, M.A. Grolmes, H.K. Fauske, "Pressure-Pulse Propagation in Two-Phase One andTwo-Component Mixtures," ANL 7792 (March 1971).


F.R. Zaloudek, "The Low Pressure Critical Discharge of Steam-Water Mixtures from Pipes,"Report HW-68934, Rev. General Electric Co. (1961).


R.E. Henry, "A Study of One and Two-Component Two-Phase Critical Flows at Low Qualities,"ANL 7430 (March 1968).


P. Griffith, "MIT Critical Two-Phase Notes," Cambridge, MA (1976).17.

P. Saha, "A Review of Two-Phase Steam-Water Critical Flow Models with Emphasis on ThermalNon-Equilibrium," NUREQ/CR-0417, Brookhaven Nat Lab (Sept 1978).


R.R. Schultz, et al., "Marvihen Critical Flow Data: A Summary of Results and Code AssessmentApplications," Nuclear Safety, V25, No 6 (Dec 1984).


J.A. Boure, et al., "Highlights of Two-Phase Critical Flow," Int'l Jnl Multiphase Flow, V3 pp 1-22(1978).


M.N. Hutcherson, Numerical Evaluation of the Henry-Fauske Critical Flow Model,MDC-N9654-100, McDonnell Douglas Co, (July 1980).


V.K. Ransom, et al., RELAP5/MOD2 Code Manual, NUREG/CR-5273, EGG-2555 (1987).22.

M. Reocreux, "Contribution a l'etude des debits critiques en ecculement disphasique eau-vapeur,"doctoral thesis, L'Univ. Scientifique et Medicale de Grenoble (1974) . Also: Contribution to theStudy of Critical Flow Rates in Two-Phase Water Vapor Flow," NUREG-Tr-0002 (1977).


M. Giot and A. Fritte, "Modeling in Critical Flow," Proc. of the NATO Advanced ResearchWorkshop on the Advances in Two-Phase Flow and Heat Transfer, Spitzingsee, FRG, 31 Aug.-3Sept. (1982). M. Giot and D. Meunier "Methodes de Determination du Debit Critique enEcoulements Monophasiques et Diphasiques a un Consituant," Energie Primaire, 4, No. 102, 23(1968).


M. Reocreux, "Experimental Study of Steam-Water Choked Flow," in Transient Two-Phase Flow- Proceedings of the CSNI Specialists Meeting, August 1976, Atomic Energy of Canada, 2,637-6669. (1977)


J. Boure, A.A. Fritte, M. Giot and M.L. Rocreux, "Highlights of Two-Phase Critical Flow: On theLinks Between Maximum Flow Rates, Sonic Velocities, Propagation and Transfer Phenomena inSingle and Two-Phase Flows," Int. J. Multiphase Flow, 3, 1-22.


C.W. Hirt and N.c. Romero, "Application of a Drift-Flux Model to Flashing in Straights Pipes,"1st CSNI Spec. Meet. on Transient Two-Phase Flow, Toronto, (1976).


Observations (2 of 3) [7/18/2000 9:00:35 AM]

D. Durack and B. Wendroff, "Relaxation and Choked Two-Phase Flow," 2nd CSNI Spec. Meetingon Transient Two-Phase Flow, Paris, France, (1978).


G. Yadigaroglu and M. Andreani, "Two-Fluid Modeling of Thermal-Hydraulic Phenomena forBest-Estimate LWR Safety Analysis," pp. 980-996 in NURETH-4, Proceedings Fourth Int.Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics, Karlsruhe, 10-13 Oct. 1989, U. Mueller,K. Rehme and K. Rust (editors), G. Braun, Karlsruhe.


A. Forge, R. Pochard, A. Porracchia, J. Miro, H.G. Sonnenburg, F. Steinhoss and V. Teschendorff,Comparison of Thermal-Hydraulic Safety Codes for PWR Systems, Graham and Trotman eds,(1988).


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Observations (3 of 3) [7/18/2000 9:00:35 AM]

Next: Bubble Nucleation and Onset Up: No Title Previous: Observations

5. POOL BOILINGWhen a liquid is in contact with a surface maintained at a temperature above the saturation temperatureof the liquid, boiling will eventually occur at that liquid-solid interface. Conventionally, based on therelative bulk motion of the body of a liquid to the heating surface, the boiling is divided into twocategories; pool boiling and convective boiling.

Pool boiling is the process in which the heating surface is submerged in a large body of stagnant liquid.The relative motion of the vapor produced and the surrounding liquid near the heating surface is dueprimarily to the buoyancy effect of the vapor. Nevertheless, the body of the liquid as a whole isessentially at rest. Though the study on the boiling process can be traced back to as early as the eighteencentury (the observation of the vapor film in the boiling of liquid over the heating surface by Leiden in1756), the extensive study on the effect of the very large difference in the temperature of the heatingsurface and the liquid, , was first done by Nukiyama (1934). However, it was the experiment byFarber and Scorah (1948) that gave the complete picture of the heat transfer rate in the pool boilingprocess as a function of . Applying the Newton's law of cooling, , the heat transfer

coefficient, h, was used to characterize the pool boiling process over a range of by Farber and Scorahas illustrated by the boiling curve in Figure 5.1.

Farber and Scorah conducted their experiments by heating the water at various pressures with a heatedcylindrical wire submerged horizontally under the water level. From the results, they divided the boilingcurve into 6 regions based on the observable patterns of vapor production. Region I, is so small thatthe vapor is produced by the evaporation of the liquid into gas nuclei on the exposed surface of theliquid. Region II, is large enough that additional small bubbles are produced along the heatingsurface but later condense in the region above the superheated liquid. Region III, is enough tosustain "nucleate boiling", with the creation of the bubbles such that they depart and rise through theliquid regardless of the condensation rate. Region IV, an unstable film of vapor was formed over theheating surface, and oscillates due to the variable presence of the film. In this region, the heat transferrate decreases due to the increased presence of the vapor film. Region V, the film becomes stable and theheat transfer rate reaches a minimum point. In Region VI, the is very large, and "film boiling" isstable such that the radiation through the film becomes significant and thus increases the heat transferrate with the increasing .

This behavior as described above occurred when the temperature of the wire was the controlledparameter, . If the power is the controlled variable then the increase in the power

(or heat flux, q") in Region III results in a jump in the wire surface temperature to a point in Region VI,(Figure 5.2). This point of transition is known as the critical heat flux and occurs due to hydrodynamicfluid instabilities as discussed later. This results in the stable vapor film being formed, and the wiresurface temperature increases as the heat transfer resistance increases for a fixed input power. If thepower is now decreased, the vapor film remains stable in Region VI and the decreases to the

POOL BOILING (1 of 2) [7/18/2000 9:00:37 AM]

minimum point for film boiling within Region V. At this point the vapor film becomes unstable and itcollapses, with "nucleate boiling" becoming the mode of energy transfer. Thus, one passes quicklythrough Region IV and III to a lower wire surface temperature. This "hysteresis" behavior is always seenwhen the power (or heat flux) is the controlled parameter.

On the effect of the pressure, Farber and Scorah suggested that increasing the pressure, for the sametemperature difference, would result in the decreasing of the size of the bubbles. At the same time, thefilm becomes thinner and less circulation would be observed. This effect is counter balanced by theincreased density of the vapor and the attendant increase in its enthalpy. Thus, the increase in pressureinitially increased the heat transfer rate in pool boiling. The objective of this section is to present anoverall picture of the pool boiling process with an emphasis on the practical models used (1) to identifythe transition between natural convection and nucleate boiling, as well as nucleate and film boiling, and(2) to estimate the heat flux during nucleate and film boiling given the difference between the heatersurface temperature and the bulk liquid. First, we consider the process of bubble nucleation and thenbegin to "construct" the conceptual picture of the pool boiling curve with suggested quantitative models.

5.1. Bubble Nucleation and Onset of Nucleate Boiling

5.2. Bubble Growth and Nucleate Boiling

5.3. Pool Boiling Critical Heat Flux

5.4. Film Boiling and the Minimum Film Boiling Point

Next: Bubble Nucleation and Onset Up: No Title Previous: Observations

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POOL BOILING (2 of 2) [7/18/2000 9:00:37 AM]

Next: Bubble Growth and Nucleate Up: POOL BOILING Previous: POOL BOILING

5.1. Bubble Nucleation and Onset ofNucleate BoilingVapor may form from a liquid (a) at a vapor-liquid interface away from surfaces, (b) in the bulk of theliquid due to density fluctuations, or (c) at a solid surface with pre-existing vapor or gas pockets. In eachsituation one can observe the departure from a stable or a metastable state of equilibrium. The firstphysical situation can occur at a planar interface when the liquid temperature is fractionally increasedabove the saturation temperature of the vapor at the vapor pressure in the gas or vapor region. Thus, theliquid "evaporates" into the vapor because its temperature is maintained at a temperature minimallyhigher than its vapor "saturation" temperature at the vapor system pressure. Evaporation is the termcommonly used to describe such a situation which can also be described on a microscopic level as theimbalance between molecular fluxes at these two distinctly different temperatures. We consider thisconceptual picture again, when condensation is later considered in Section 9.

When considering the other two situations of vapor formation, a vapor bubble or "nucleus" must beformed and be mechanically and thermally stable. Consider the simplest case of a spherical vapor bubbleof pressure, , with a saturation temperature of in its liquid with pressure, , which corresponds to

its saturation temperature . Mechanical equilibrium requires that

where is the interfacial surface tension and r is the bubble radius of curvature. If the liquid is also inthermal equilibrium with the vapor, , which then implies . If one uses simple

thermodynamics, combining equation 5.1 with the equality of local temperatures, one finds the neededliquid superheat for the vapor bubble to exist

One can now relate the superheat required within the bulk of the liquid or at a solid-gas-liquid interfaceto the size of nuclei.

In a bulk liquid, thermal fluctuations always exist as a small but finite cluster of molecules can take onhigher than macroscopic average energies (i.e., temperature). As the bulk liquid increases in its superheatthese molecule clusters can take on "vapor-like" energies with increasing probability, and possibly form astable "vapor nucleus." This process of vapor bubble nucleation is referred to as "homogeneousnucleation." One can use a thermodynamics approach to estimate the degree of liquid superheatnecessary to form a stable vapor nucleus; e.g., for atmospheric pressures. However, a

Bubble Nucleation and Onset of Nucleate Boiling (1 of 3) [7/18/2000 9:00:42 AM]

statistical mechanics approach (Blander 1975, Skripov, 1970) provides a more complete picture of the

nucleation rate as

where is the collision frequency

k is the Boltzman's constant, h is Planck's constant and is liquid molecular density . is

the free energy of formation for the vapor nucleus of radius, r, given by

where is evaluated at and is the saturation pressure at . As the liquid superheat

increases, the surface tension decreases and increases. Thus, at a particular the nucleation rate

increases markedly and this corresponds to the "homogeneous nucleation" temperature, ; e.g.,

for water at atmospheric pressure, which corresponds to vapor nuclei radii of ;SPMlt;1

micron. Such a superheat value for the onset of vapor nucleation is far above experimental observationsfor water, under commercial applications, thus it is not the primary mode of vapor nucleation, undernormal circumstances. Nevertheless, it must be considered as operating conditions change (e.g., pressure)especially for organic liquids.

Finally, consider the situation where a vapor/gas pocket exists near a solid surface in a liquid (Figure5.3). Container surfaces can provide sites for vapor formation. This third method of vapor generationfrom pre-existing vapor nuclei is called "heterogeneous nucleation." Examples of such pre-existingnuclei include noncondensible gas bubbles held in an emulsion in the liquid pool or gas/vapor filledcracks or cavities on container surfaces (Figure 5.3). The latter example is probably the most commoncircumstance for vapor bubble nucleation. In fact, one could derive the required liquid superheatnecessary for the case of an ideal cavity of known radius. One finds it is substantially lower than thatneeded for homogeneous nucleation, because the cavity radius is much larger. Thus, the bubble requiresless superheat and associated pressure difference for thermal and mechanical stability. It is hypothesizedthat the maximum superheat occurs at the throat of any cavity where the radius is smallest for mostaqueous fluids with large contact angles. (Note: the contact angle is the angle through the liquid betweenthe solid-liquid interface and the liquid-vapor interface, and depends on liquid-surface chemistry; e.g.,water and commercial steel ).

Only a small fraction of all cavities become effective sites for vapor nucleation, because one mustconsider the balance between the required superheat for a cavity of radius, , and the temperaturegradient from the wall, , to the bulk liquid at saturation, ; as depicted by Hsu (1962) Figure 5.4

gives a conceptual picture of the model. As the heat flux at the wall is increased, the wall temperature,

Bubble Nucleation and Onset of Nucleate Boiling (2 of 3) [7/18/2000 9:00:42 AM]

which is probably representative of the vapor bubble and local liquid temperature, exceeds the saturationtemperature. The liquid will locally vaporize and the vapor nuclei in the cavity will grow toward thecavity throat at the heater surface. If one assumes that the liquid temperature gradient from the wall to thebulk is approximately linear, then the requirement for mechanical and thermal stability of a vapornucleus at the cavity exit is that the whole bubble should be in a liquid region of boundary layer size,

where the temperature is at least above a value of which satisfies the equilibrium condition of

equation 5.2, for . If there is a sufficiently large array of cavity sizes this "onset of nucleation" will

first occur when the liquid temperature profile is tangent to the line of thermal and mechanicalequilibrium (Figure 5.4). One can algebraically eliminate the cavity radius, , from the two equations byequality of temperature and slope and find the relation between the heat flux, , at

which the "onset of nucleate boiling", ONB, occurs

where all properties are evaluated at . Now if there are no cavities at this size the heat flux must

increase so that the superheat temperature increases to a point where a cavity first exists and thetemperature profile intersects the equilibrium curve in Figure 5.4.

One should notice that this model only provides a stability line where the "onset of nucleate boiling" mayfirst occur. To find the particular heat flux and superheat pair one must look for the intersection of thisstability line with natural convection mode of heat transfer that would exist prior to boiling (Figure 5.5)

and Gr is the liquid Grashof number for and Pr is the liquid Prandtl number. For water at

atmospheric pressure this model predicts an "onset of nucleate boiling" for a superheat less than C,which corresponds to a cavity size of about 50 microns. In practice the superheat may be as high as Cfor very smooth, clean metallic surfaces, which indicates larger cavities were not available on thesurface. As a very rough guide (Brown, 1967) aqueous fluids seem to have active sites ;SPMlt; 10microns, organic ;SPMlt; 5 and cryogens ;SPMlt; 1.5 microns.

Next: Bubble Growth and Nucleate Up: POOL BOILING Previous: POOL BOILING

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Bubble Nucleation and Onset of Nucleate Boiling (3 of 3) [7/18/2000 9:00:42 AM]

Next: Pool Boiling Critical Heat Up: POOL BOILING Previous: Bubble Nucleation and Onset

5.2. Bubble Growth and Nucleate BoilingOnce the vapor bubble on the heater surface is large enough at a given temperature that nucleation isassured, it will begin to grow in size. Remember, Equation 5.2 indicates that as the vapor bubble radiusincreases the required for stability dramatically decreases. Now the actual continues to increasewith the associated pressure difference, , causing the bubble to grow. The first phase

of growth is controlled by the large DP that initially exists balanced by the inertia of the surroundingliquid; i.e., inertial growth. As the bubble expands the is maintained by vaporization of thesurrounding liquid, caused by energy transfer from the superheated liquid. The second phase of growth iscontrolled by the rate of energy transfer from the liquid to the vapor-liquid interface to produce vaporand maintain the pressure; i.e., thermal growth. The inviscid spherical momentum equation, sometimescalled the Rayleigh equation, can be used under the assumption of constant to predict the bubblegrowth for the first phase of inertial growth

where R is the bubble radius and is found by the initial superheat . If heat transfer to thevapor-liquid interface controls the rate of vaporization then the bubble is small and growth iscontrolled by the rate of heat transfer through the liquid across the liquid superheat and the secondstage of growth is estimated by

where , and are the latent heat, thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity of the liquid. Mikic

et al., (1971) developed a complete spherical bubble growth model giving

Bubble Growth and Nucleate Boiling (1 of 3) [7/18/2000 9:00:47 AM]

where Ja is the Jacob and b is a constant that depends if the spherical bubble is near a

surface or an infinite medium (2/3). This model asymptotically reverts to the inertial or thermal modelsfor very small or very large times.

At some diameter the buoyancy of the vapor bubble at the surface overcomes the restraining effects ofthe surface tension attaching the bubble to the heater surface. A force balance on the bubble (Figure 5.3)results in the following form to estimate this departure diameter

The proportionality constant depends on the bubble contact angle and stochastic processes; i.e., inactuality the observed bubble departure diameter has a statistical distribution around some mean given byEqu 5.11. Also the frequency of these bubbles departing the surface is important to know to estimate theenergy carried away by bubble nucleation. This has been observed by a number of researchers to begoverned by the growth rate (like Equ 5.10) and the waiting time for the vapor to reemerge from asurface cavity, i.e., the "waiting time." In fact for aqueous fluids, the waiting time is considered to beabout equal to the bubble growth time at its departure diameter; i.e., from Equ 5.10. A

number of investigators have correlated this time (or inverse frequency) to be given by the bubblediameter divided by the bubble rise velocity in a liquid

In either case the actual frequency is also statistically distributed about some correlated average; e.g.,20-50 for aqueous liquids.

With this background one can estimate the nucleate boiling heat flux as being the energy carried away byvaporizing bubbles on the heater surface

where (n/a) is the number of active cavity sites per unit area; i.e., a function of heater surface-liquidcombination. Rohsenow (1962) suggested the following correlation based on this concept

where is the empirical constant linked to the fluid-surface combination ( for water and

commercial steel - Vachon et al., 1965 and the exponent, m, on the Prandtl number, , is 1.0 for water

and 1.7 otherwise. Also note that is the superheat between the heater wall and the liquid saturation

Bubble Growth and Nucleate Boiling (2 of 3) [7/18/2000 9:00:47 AM]

temperature, with properties evaluated at saturation conditions. This model for nucleate pool boiling isalso shown in Figure 5.5. Notice that the heat flux increases with the cube of the liquid superheat,

therefore .

This correlation is one of many (e.g., Forster, Zuber, 1955; Lienhard, 1976) which shows similarbehavior of the heat flux being a strong function of the liquid superheat; , m = 2 - 3.

Rohsenow suggested that these correlations all need to be empirically "normalized" by test data for anyparticular liquid-heater combination for a set of initial conditions, although the functional dependenciesare quite general. As Figure 5.5 indicates the nucleate boiling curve needs to be joined to the naturalconvection region. In practice, the presence of mixed heat transfer modes (i.e., natural convection andnucleate boiling) is real and the most straight forward way is to interpolate between these regions;


Next: Pool Boiling Critical Heat Up: POOL BOILING Previous: Bubble Nucleation and Onset

All contents © Michael L. Corradininsrc-webmaster@loca.neep.wisc.eduLast Modified: Tue Sep 2 15:06:55 CDT 1997

Bubble Growth and Nucleate Boiling (3 of 3) [7/18/2000 9:00:47 AM]

Next: Film Boiling and the Up: POOL BOILING Previous: Bubble Growth and Nucleate

5.3. Pool Boiling Critical Heat FluxCritical heat flux (CHF) in pool boiling is an interesting phenomenon. As Figure 5.2 indicates, if onecontrols the input heat flux, there comes a point where as the heat flux is increased further the heatersurface temperature undergoes a drastic increase. This increase originally was not well understood.Kutateladze (1951) offered the analogy that this large abrupt temperature increase was caused by achange in the surface geometry of the two phases. In fact, Kutateladze first empirically correlated thisphenomenon as analogous to a gas blowing up through a heated porous plate cooled by water above it.At a certain gas volumetric flowrate (or superficial velocity, ) the liquid ceases to contact the

heated surface and the gas forms a continuous barrier. Kutateladze concluded this by measuring theincreasing electrical resistance between the plate and water as a function of the increase gas flowrate.Thus, pool boiling CHF may be thought of as the point where nucleate boiling goes through a flowregime transition to film boiling with a continuous vapor film separating the heater and the liquid. Moregenerally, one may say CHF is the condition where the vapor generated by nucleate boiling becomes solarge that it prevents the liquid from reaching and rewetting the surface.

Consider this final physical picture of the critical heat flux, , where the liquid is prevented from

reaching the heater surface by the flow of vapor generated by boiling,

where is that critical superficial velocity preventing the liquid flow. A simple force balance on the

liquid as droplets, , is given by

where is assumed to determined by the characteristic Taylor wavelength (Equ 5.11), which results in

a velocity of

Combining these relations one obtains a general expression for CHF in pool boiling

where the constant, Co, is found to be in the range of 0.12 to 0.18; e.g., Zuber (1958) theoretically

Pool Boiling Critical Heat Flux (1 of 2) [7/18/2000 9:00:50 AM]

estimated , Kutateladze (1951) correlated data for Co = 0.13, and Lienhard (1976) correlated

data for Co = 0.15.

All of these previous discussions focused on the case where the liquid pool was at its saturationtemperature. If the stagnant pool is maintained at a temperature below saturation, subcooled, the vaporbubbles can condense before they get very far from the heater surface. Thus, the heater power can go intodirectly heating the liquid and actual vapor superficial velocity is decreased; thus increasing theallowable heat flux before CHF occurs. Ivey and Morris (1962) correlated this subcooling effect as amultiplicative correlation to ,

where is the degree of subcooling in the liquid.

The final point to emphasize is the location of the CHF point on the pool boiling curve of Figure 5.5.Critical heat flux appears as a horizontal line of the pool boiling curve and its intersection with thenucleate boiling curve indicates the temperature at which CHF occurs.

Next: Film Boiling and the Up: POOL BOILING Previous: Bubble Growth and Nucleate

All contents © Michael L. Corradininsrc-webmaster@loca.neep.wisc.eduLast Modified: Tue Sep 2 15:06:55 CDT 1997

Pool Boiling Critical Heat Flux (2 of 2) [7/18/2000 9:00:50 AM]

Next: FLOW BOILING HEAT TRANSFER Up: POOL BOILING Previous: Pool Boiling Critical Heat

5.4. Film Boiling and the Minimum FilmBoiling PointOnce the critical heat flux is exceeded the heater surface is blanketed by a continuous vapor film; i.e.,film boiling. Under this condition one must find the heat transfer resistance of this vapor film as well asconsider the additional effect of radiation heat transfer at very high heater surface temperatures throughthis vapor film ( C). Bromley (1950) used the approach first developed by Nusselt for film

condensation to predict the film boiling heat transfer coefficient for a horizontal tube

where is the difference in temperature between the heater wall and the saturation temperature.Bromley also considered the film boiling heat transfer coefficient for a vertical wall.

This simplest of solutions is obtained assuming the vapor film is laminar and that the temperaturedistribution through the film is linear. For a vertical flat surface various boundary conditions may beimposed:

(1) zero interfacial shear stress ( = 0)

(2) zero interfacial velocity ( = 0)

(3) zero wall shear stress ( = 0)

For the first of these boundary conditions, the local heat transfer coefficient h(z) at a distance z up thesurface from the start of film boiling is given by

The average coefficient h(z) over the region up to a distance z is given by:

If one defines

Film Boiling and the Minimum Film Boiling Point (1 of 3) [7/18/2000 9:00:53 AM]

Note the analogy with natural convection. The values of C for the first of the above boundary conditionsis 0.943 and for the second is 0.667. This thin vapor film over a horizontal surface is unstable and largebubbles form and break away. The characteristic spacing of these bubbles ( ) is determined by a

balance of surface tension and gravitational forces and is given by:

where one substitutes this length scale, ( ), for the tube diameter or wall length.

The final point to discuss is what happens if one decreases the heat flux while in film boiling. Once thecontinuous vapor film is formed it is hydrodynamically stable even if the heat flux decreases below thecritical heat flux. In fact, this hystersis effect persists until the heat flux decreases to a point where thesuperficial velocity of the vapor formed at the heater surface is too low to "levitate" the liquid above the"continuous" film; in fact the film oscillates substantially and this physical picture may only bequalitatively correct. Zuber (1958) developed the expression for the minimum film boiling heat fluxbased on the concept of minimum superficial vapor velocity in a saturated pool and resulted in

Notice that this expression is similar in form to the CHF model except the density in the velocity term isthe liquid density and comes about from a force balance on vapor bubbles leaving the interface. Thisminimum film boiling heat flux can be combined with the heat transfer coefficient to predict theminimum film boiling for a saturated liquid pool. Note that once again it is the intersection of a

horizontal stability line and the film boiling regime.

Wu (1989) considered the more complicated effects of subcooling and curved heater surfaces on the and . It was found a simple model was not found that was universally acceptable, thus one

should look into this theoretical model. Dhir and Purohit (1978) developed a purely empirical fit to datafor in water for steel or copper spheres. This is a widely used correlation but has limited


ReferencesM. Blander, J.L. Koltz, "Bubble Nucleation in Liquids," AIChE Journal, Vol 21, No. 5, p 833,1975.

B.P. Breen, J.W. Westwater, "Effect of Diameter of Horizontal Tubes on Film Boiling HeatTransfer," Proc Nat'l Heat Transfer Conf, Houston TX, 1962.

L.A. Bromley, "Heat Transfer in Stable Film Boiling," Chem Engr. Progress, Vol 46, p 221, 1950.●

Film Boiling and the Minimum Film Boiling Point (2 of 3) [7/18/2000 9:00:53 AM]

W.T. Brown, "A Study of Flow Surface Boiling," PhD Thesis, MIT Mechanical Engr Dept, 1967.●

J.G. Collier, Convective Boiling and Condensation, McGraw Hill Book Company, 1981.●

F.A. Farber, R.L. Scorah, "Heat Transfer to Water Boiling Under Pressure," Transaction ASME,Vol 79, p 369, 1948.

H. Forster, N. Zuber, "Bubble Dynamics and Boiling Heat Transfer," AIChE Journal, Vol 1, p532, 1955.

C.Y. Han, P. Griffith, "The Mechanism of Heat Transfer in Nucleate Pool Boiling P + I: BubbleImitation, Growth, Departure," Int'l Jul Heat Mass Transfer, Vol 8, p 887, 1965.

Y.Y. Hsu, "On the Size of Range of Active Nucleation Cavities on a Heating Surface," TransASME Journal Heat Transfer, Vol 84, p 207, 1962.

H.J. Ivey, D.J. Morris, "On the Relevance of the Vapor Liquid Exchange Mechanism forSubcooled Boiling Heat Transfer at High Pressure, AEEW-R Report 137, 1962.

S.S. Kutateladze, "A Hydrodynamic Theory of Changes in the Boiling Process Under FreeConvection," Akod. Nauk SSSR Tech Nauk, Vol 4, p 529, 1951.

J.H. Lienhard, "Correlation of the Limiting Liquid Superheat," Chem Engr Science, Vol 31, p 847,1976.

J.J. Lorentz, B. Mikic, W. Rohsenow, "The Effect of Surface Conditions on BoilingCharacteristic," Proc Int'l Heat Transfer Conf, Tokyo, JP, 1974.

B. Mikic, W. Rohenow, P. Griffith, "On Bubble Growth Rates," Int'l Jol Heat Mass Transfer, Vol13, p 657, 1970.

S. Nukiyama, "The Maximum and Minimum Values of the Heat "Q" Transmitted from Metal toBoiling Under Atmospheric Pressure," Inst Jul Heat Mass Transfer, Vol 9, p 1419, 1994.

W. Rohsenow, "A Method of Correlating Heat Transfer Data for Surface Boiling of Liquids,"Trans ASME, Vol 74, p 969, 1952.

V.P. Skirpov, P.A. Pavlov, "Teplo. Vsyo. Temp," Vol 8, No. 4, p 833, 1970.●

R. Vachon, "Evaluation of Constants for the Rohsenow Pool Boiling Correlation," Nat'l HeatTransfer Conf, Seattle, August 1967.

L.K. Wu, "A Theoretical Model for the Minimum Film Boiling Point," PhD Thesis, University ofWisconsin-Madison, 1987.

N. Zuber, "On the Stability of Boiling Heat Transfer," Trans ASME, Vol 80, P 711, 1958.●

Next: FLOW BOILING HEAT TRANSFER Up: POOL BOILING Previous: Pool Boiling Critical Heat

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Film Boiling and the Minimum Film Boiling Point (3 of 3) [7/18/2000 9:00:53 AM]

Next: Objectives Up: No Title Previous: Film Boiling and the


6.1. Objectives

6.2. Regions of Heat Transfer

6.3. Single-Phase Liquid Heat Transfer

6.4. The Onset of Nucleate Boiling

6.5. Subcooled Boiling

6.6. Saturated Boiling and the Two-Phase Forced Convection Region

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6.1. ObjectivesOne of the many applications of multiphase heat-transfer is to be able to predict the temperature of thewall of a boiling surface for a given heat flux or the variation of wall heat flux for a known walltemperature distribution. In this section we focus on the methodology to estimate the wall temperature orthe wall heat flux depending on the appropriate boundary condition. We focus on describing the regionsof heat transfer, locating the onset of nucleate boiling and finally estimating the wall condition.

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Objectives [7/18/2000 9:00:57 AM]

Next: Single-Phase Liquid Heat Transfer Up: FLOW BOILING HEAT TRANSFER Previous:Objectives

6.2. Regions of Heat TransferConsider the case of a vertical tube heated uniformly over its length with a known heat flux and withsubcooled liquid entering at its base. This prescribed heat flux boundary condition for a one dimensionalsituation is the simplest case for our consideration. More complex situations can subsequently beexplained. At some mass flowrate the liquid may be totally evaporated over the length of the tube. Figure6.1 shows a conceptual picture of the various flow patterns encountered over the tube length, thequalitative temperature profile, together with the corresponding heat transfer regions.

As the liquid is being heated to its saturation temperature and the wall temperature remains below thecondition necessary for nucleation, heat transfer is single-phase convective heat transfer to the liquid(Region A). At some point along the tube, the condition adjacent to the wall allows the stable formationof vapor from wall nucleation sites. Initially, vapor formation takes place in the presence of subcooledliquid (Region B) and this heat transfer region is known as subcooled nucleate boiling. In the subcoolednucleate boiling region, (B), the wall temperature remains essentially constant a few degrees above thesaturation temperature, while the mean bulk fluid temperature is increasing to the saturation temperature.The amount that the wall temperature exceeds the saturation temperature is known as the degree ofsuperheat, , and the difference between the saturation and the bulk fluid temperature is known as

the degree of subcooling, .

The transition between regions B and C, the subcooled nucleate boiling region and the saturated nucleateboiling region, is clearly defined from the thermodynamic viewpoint. It is the point at which the liquidreaches the saturation temperature (thermodynamic equilibrium quality, = 0) found on the basis of a

simple energy balance calculation. Vapor generated in the subcooled region is present at the transitionbetween regions B and C ( = 0); thus, some of the liquid must be subcooled to ensure that the liquid

bulk (mixing cup) enthalpy equals that of saturated liquid. This effect occurs as a result of the transversetemperature profile in the liquid and the subcooled liquid flowing in the center of the channel will onlyreach the saturation temperature at some distance downstream of the point, = 0. In the regions C to G,

a variable characterizing the heat transfer mechanism is the thermodynamic mass "quality" ( ) of the

fluid. The "quality" of the liquid-vapor mixture at a distance, z, is given on a thermodynamic basis as:

As the quality increases in the saturated nucleate boiling region a point may be reached where transitionin the heat transfer mechanism occurs. The transition occurs between the process of "boiling" and theprocess of "evaporation". This transition is preceded by a change in the flow pattern from bubbly or slug

Regions of Heat Transfer (1 of 3) [7/18/2000 9:00:59 AM]

flow to annular flow (regions E and F). In the latter regions the thickness of the thin liquid film on theheating surface is often such that the effective thermal conductivity is sufficient to prevent the liquid incontact with the wall being superheated to a temperature which would allow bubble nucleation. Heat iscarried away from the wall by forced convection in the film to the liquid film-vapor core interface, whereevaporation occurs. Since nucleation may be completely suppressed, the heat transfer process may nolonger be called "boiling". The region beyond the transition has been referred to as the two-phase forcedconvective region of heat transfer (Regions E and F).

For the example described above the critical heat flux condition occurs at some critical value of thequality, where the complete evaporation of the liquid film occurs. This particular CHF transition isknown as "dryout" and is accompanied by a rise in the wall temperature for channels operating with acontrolled surface heat flux. The area between the dryout point and the transition to saturated vapor(Region H) has been termed the liquid deficient region (corresponding to the drop flow pattern) (RegionG), where post-CHF heat transfer occurs. This condition of "dryout" often puts an effective limit on theamount of evaporation which can be allowed to take place in a channel at a particular heat flux.

It is also useful to qualitatively describe the progressive variation of the local wall surface temperature(or local heat transfer coefficient) along the length of the tube for this prescribed heat flux boundarycondition. The local heat transfer coefficient can be established by dividing the surface heat flux(constant over the tube length) by the difference between the wall temperature and the bulk fluidtemperature. Typical variations of these two temperatures with length along the tube are shown in Figure6.1. The variation of heat transfer coefficient with length along the tube for the conditions represented inFigure 6.1, is given in Figure 6.2 (curve(i), solid line). In the single-phase convective heat transferregion, the wall temperature is displaced above the bulk fluid temperature by a relatively constantamount, (the heat transfer coefficient is approximately constant) and is modified only slightly by theinfluence of temperature on the liquid physical properties. In the subcooled nucleate boiling region thetemperature difference between the wall and the bulk fluid decreases linearly with length up to the pointwhere x = 0. The heat transfer coefficient, therefore, increases linearly with length in this region. In thesaturated nucleate boiling region the temperature difference and, therefore, the heat transfer coefficient,remains constant. Because of the reduced thickness of the liquid film in the two-phase forced convectiveregion the difference in temperature between the surface and the saturation temperature decreases and theheat transfer coefficient increases with increasing length or mass quality. At the CHF point the heattransfer coefficient decreases dramatically from a very high value in the forced convective region in avalue near to that expected for heat transfer by forced convection in saturated steam. As the qualityincreases through the liquid deficient region, so the vapor velocity increases and the difference intemperature between the surface and the saturation value decreases with a corresponding rise in the heattransfer coefficient. Finally, in the single-phase vapor region ( ) the wall temperature is once

again displaced by a constant amount above the bulk fluid temperature and the heat transfer coefficientlevels out to that corresponding to convective heat transfer of a single-phase vapor flow.

Now consider the other boundary condition of a vertical tube heated by a uniformly constant temperaturealong its length with an inlet subcooled liquid flow. The situation once again will cause the enteringliquid to 1) nucleate on the heated wall, 2) reach saturation at some downstream axial location, and 3)begin bulk boiling. The difference in this case is that the heat flux will vary along the channel, althoughthe overall multiphase flow regimes would the same (Figure 6.3). The realistic situation may becomemore complex for a horizontal flow orientation or for the heating surface becoming non-uniformly heated

Regions of Heat Transfer (2 of 3) [7/18/2000 9:00:59 AM]

or with rod bundles. Nevertheless, the general methodology does not change. Throughout our discussionhere we focus on an approximately one-dimensional flow orientation.

The above comments have been restricted to the case of a relatively low uniform heat flux supplied to thetube wall. The effect of progressively increasing the surface heat flux while keeping the inlet flow-rateconstant, can now be considered with reference to Figures 6.2a and 6.2b. Figures 6.2a shows the heattransfer coefficient plotted against mass quality with increasing heat flux as a parameter (curves (i,ii)).6.2b shows the various regions of two-phase heat transfer in forced convective boiling on athree-dimensional diagram with heat flux, mass quality and temperature as co-ordinates-"the boilingsurface," Curve (i) relates to the conditions shown in Figure 6.1 for a low heat flux being supplied to thewalls of a tube. The temperature pattern shown in Figure 6.1 will be recognized as the projection(temperature-quality co-ordinates) of curve (i). Curve (ii) shows the influence of increasing the heat flux.Subcooled boiling is initiated sooner, the heat transfer coefficient in the nucleate boiling region is higherbut is unaffected in the two-phase forced convective region. Dryout CHF occurs at a lower mass quality.Curve (iii) shows the influence of a further increase in the heat flux. Subcooled boiling is initiated earlierand the heat transfer is again higher in the nucleate boiling region. As mass quality increases, before thetwo-phase forced convective region is initiated, and while bubble nucleation is still occurring, a largereduction in the cooling process takes place. This transition is essentially similar to the critical heat fluxphenomenon in saturated pool boiling and has been termed "departure from nucleate boiling" (DNB).

Next: Single-Phase Liquid Heat Transfer Up: FLOW BOILING HEAT TRANSFER Previous:Objectives

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Regions of Heat Transfer (3 of 3) [7/18/2000 9:00:59 AM]

Next: The Onset of Nucleate Up: FLOW BOILING HEAT TRANSFER Previous: Regions of HeatTransfer

6.3. Single-Phase Liquid Heat TransferFigure 6.4 shows an idealized form of the flow patterns and the variation of the surface and liquidtemperatures in the regions designated by A, B, and C for the case of a uniform wall heat flux. Understeady state one-dimensional conditions the tube surface temperature in region A (convective heattransfer to single-phase liquid), is given by:

and where q;SPMquot; is the heat flux, Per is the heated perimeter, G is the mass velocity, A is the flowarea and is the liquid specific heat. Also is the temperature difference between the wall surface

and the mean bulk liquid temperature at a given length z from the tube inlet, h is the heat transfercoefficient to single-phase liquid under forced convection. The liquid in the channel may be in laminar orturbulent flow, in either case the laws governing the heat transfer are well established; for example, heattransfer in turbulent flow in a circular tube can be estimated by the well-known Dittus-Boelter equation.

This relation is valid for heating in fully developed vertical upflow in z/D > 50 and Re > 10,000.

where is the hydraulic diameter, is the liquid viscosity and is the liquid thermal conductivity.

For the case of a given constant wall temperature, the temperature difference will decrease, as well as theheat flux. From an energy balance this is represented by a logarithmic decrease in the temperaturedifference.

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Single-Phase Liquid Heat Transfer (1 of 2) [7/18/2000 9:01:02 AM]

Last Modified: Tue Sep 2 15:06:55 CDT 1997

Single-Phase Liquid Heat Transfer (2 of 2) [7/18/2000 9:01:02 AM]

Next: Subcooled Boiling Up: FLOW BOILING HEAT TRANSFER Previous: Single-Phase LiquidHeat Transfer

6.4. The Onset of Nucleate BoilingIn a similar fashion to pool boiling heat transfer if the wall temperature rises sufficiently above the localsaturation temperature pre-existing vapor in wall sites can nucleate and grow. This temperature, ,

marks the onset of nucleate boiling for this flow boiling situation. From the standpoint of an energybalance this occurs at a particular axial location along the tube length, . Once again for a uniform

flux condition, Equ (2) becomes

We can arrange this energy balance to emphasize the necessary superheat above saturation for the onsetof nucleate boiling

Now that we have a relation between and we must provide a stability model for the onset of

nucleate boiling. In a manner similar to the pool boiling situation one can formulate this model based onthe metastable condition of the vapor nuclei ready to grow into the world. There are a number ofcorrelation models for this stability line of . Using this approach, Bergles and Rohsenow (1964)

obtained an equation for the wall superheat required for the onset of subcooled boiling. Their equation isvalid for water only, given by

where q;SPMquot; is the surface heat flux in and p is the system pressure in bar. An alternative

expression by Davis and Anderson (1966) valid for all fluids is:

where is the liquid-vapor surface tension, Equations (10) and (11) are in good agreement with eachother for the case of high pressure water flows. Frost and Dzakowic (1967) have extended this treatmentto cover other liquids. In their study nucleation was assumed to occur when the liquid temperature, T (y)

The Onset of Nucleate Boiling (1 of 2) [7/18/2000 9:01:05 AM]

was matched to the temperature for bubble equilibrium, , at a distance where rather

than used in past work. Thus Eq. (11) becomes:

We would recommend this final general expression to be used with the energy balance to determine and for a specified uniform heat flux. In the case of a known wall temperature one can find

the heat flux at the onset of nucleate boiling as well as its corresponding location.

Next: Subcooled Boiling Up: FLOW BOILING HEAT TRANSFER Previous: Single-Phase LiquidHeat Transfer

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The Onset of Nucleate Boiling (2 of 2) [7/18/2000 9:01:05 AM]

Next: Saturated Boiling and the Up: FLOW BOILING HEAT TRANSFER Previous: The Onset ofNucleate

6.5. Subcooled BoilingThe onset of nucleate boiling indicates the location where the vapor can first exist in a stable state on theheater surface without condensing or vapor collapse. As more energy is input into the liquid (i.e.,downstream axially) these vapor bubbles can grow and eventually detach from the heater surface andenter the liquid. In our past discussion we have suggested that the onset of nucleate boiling occurs at anaxial location (Point A on Figure 6.4) before the bulk liquid is saturated (Point C on Figure 6.4).Likewise the point where the vapor bubbles could detach from the heater surface would also occur at anaxial location (Point B on Figure 6.4) before the bulk liquid is saturated. Now this axial length overwhich boiling occurs when the bulk liquid is subcooled is called the "subcooled boiling" length. Thisregion may be large or small in actual size depending on the fluid properties, mass flow rate, pressuresand heat flux. It is a region of inherent nonequilibrium where the flowing mass quality and vapor voidfraction are non-zero and positive even though the thermodynamic equilibrium quality and volumefraction would be zero (Figure 6.4 and X(z)); since the bulk temperature is below saturation.

There are two ways to handle this region. Consider the boundary condition of a uniform heat flux on theheater surface. First, for conditions where this is a small actual length relative to the total heater wallaxial length, one may neglect this length and its effect on heat transfer and pressure drop. If thesubcooled boiling length is appreciable relative to the total heater wall length, then we need to locate thepoint where the vapor bubbles detach and boiling bubbles are stable in the flow as well as the associatedvapor mass fraction and void fraction in this subcooled region.

Figure 6.5 depicts the order of magnitude of the vapor void fraction and mass fraction for a steam-watersystem, as well as lists the various models available for estimating values for this region. The typicalapproach is to determine the amount of vapor superheat necessary to support the vapor

bubble departure from the heater wall surface (Point B on Figure 6.4). Once this is determined one canfind the axial location where this would occur. From this point on one can then calculate the vapor voidfraction and mass fraction in the channel.

As Figure 6.5 indicates there are only a few complete models developed for the subcooled region. Inthese notes we focus on the models developed by Levy (1967) and Zuber (1968) based on relatively goodagreement with published data, and the relative ease in applying the subcooled boiling model. Thesemodels, although developed and checked with primarily steam-water data, can be applied to other fluids.

The first objective is to determine the amount of superheat necessary to allow vapor bubble

departure and then the axial location where this would occur. A force balance was used by Levy (1967)and Staub (1967) to estimate the degree of superheat necessary for bubble departure.

Subcooled Boiling (1 of 4) [7/18/2000 9:01:11 AM]

where is the radius of vapor bubble at departure, and where the first term represents the buoyancyforce (destabilizing force), the second term represents the drag force (destabilizing force), and final forceterm is due to surface tension (stabilizing force); where , and are proportionality constants. In

this conceptual model the bubble radius , is assumed to be proportional to the distance to the tip of thevapor bubble, , away from the heated wall. One can then calculate this distance

where the constant is based on empirical data and the buoyancy force was found to be negligible. Levy'sfundamental assumption was that the temperature at the tip of bubble, with size , should be at least

the saturation temperature, . This superheat temperature, , was then found by using the

universal temperature profile relation between and .

Now using the local energy balance one can relate the local bulk temperature, , to the superheat

temperature difference at location B,

Then the energy balance along the length of the channel can be used to find the axial location of bubbledeparture, ,

The final term in the Levy model for and to determine is tw given by

Subcooled Boiling (2 of 4) [7/18/2000 9:01:11 AM]

where the single phase friction factor is used for this estimate. Zuber proposed an empirical relation todetermine given by

Once the location of vapor bubble departure is determined, one then knows the subcooled boiling regionand the total subcooled boiling length; onset of nucleate boiling ( Point A, Figure 6.4), vapor bubble

departure, ( , Point B) and saturated boiling point ( , Point C). The next step is to model the

axial variation in quality and void fraction. Levy used an semi-empirical approach to estimate thenon-equilibrium variation in void and quality. It was assumed that the "true" mass fraction, x(z), is relatedto the thermodynamic equilibrium quality, , by the relationship

where is the thermodynamic equilibrium quality at the point of bubble departure (Point B of

Fig. 6.4), given by Eqn (6.1). This simple empirical relationship satisfies the following physicalboundary conditions:

as then X' = 0 as well as ;1.

at point B is also 0:2.

for .3.

The void fraction is found by the drift flux model given by

where is the one-dimensional average inlet velocity of the liquid, Co is the drift flux distribution

parameter ( 1.1 chosen by Levy), and is the drift velocity given by

One should note that since the void in subcooled boiling is near the wall, the common concept of Co isquestionable for this application.

Zuber took a similar approach in which an axial liquid temperature distribution was arbitrarily chosen

Subcooled Boiling (3 of 4) [7/18/2000 9:01:11 AM]

between the point of zero void fraction, , and the point where the non-equilibrium effects become

negligible, (Point D). Based on the logic presented previously one could take (Point A) and

(Point B). The "true" quality is given by

Zuber also used the drift flux model to predict the void fraction and used a constant of 1.41 instead of1.18 in expression for drift velocity.

Either model gives a complete estimate of the subcooled boiling region for location, quality and void.With this description one can then calculate the two-phase pressure drop in the subcooled region andmodify the single phase heat transfer coefficient in the energy balance (Eqns. 6.2 - 6.4) to determine thewall temperature given the heat flux. In the following section we discuss how to do this with thetwo-phase heat transfer coefficient. The treatments of Levy and Zuber fit the experimental datareasonably, and both can be applied to other fluids than water.

Next: Saturated Boiling and the Up: FLOW BOILING HEAT TRANSFER Previous: The Onset ofNucleate

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Subcooled Boiling (4 of 4) [7/18/2000 9:01:11 AM]


6.5. Saturated Boiling and the Two-PhaseForced Convection RegionOnce the bulk of the fluid has heated up to its saturation temperature, the boiling regime enters saturatednucleate boiling and eventually two-phase forced convection (Figure 6.1). We once again want to be ableto find the wall condition for this situation; e.g., wall temperature for a given heat flux. This sectionreferences various models for heat transfer within this regime. The major recommendation is to use theChen correlation (1966), because it provides a good fit to data, and is well-behaved in the asymptoticlimits. One should note that the heat transfer coefficient is so large that the temperature difference betweenthe wall and the bulk fluid is small allowing for large errors in the prediction, without seriousconsequences.

The saturated nucleate boiling and two-phase forced convection regions may be associated with an annularflow pattern. Heat is transferred by conduction or convection through the liquid film and vapor and isgenerated continuously at the liquid film/vapor core interface as well as possibly at the heat surface.Extremely high heat transfer coefficients are possible in this region; values can be so high as to make

accurate assessment difficult. Typical figures for water of up to 200 have been reported.

Following the suggestion of Martinelli, many workers have correlated their experimental results for heattransfer rates in the two-phase forced convection region in the form:

where (and ) is the value of the single-phase liquid heat transfer coefficient based on the total (or

liquid component) flow and is the Martinelli parameter for turbulent-turbulent flow. A number of

relationships of the form of this equation have been proposed and have been extended to cover thesaturated nucleate boiling region. These correlations do, however, have a high mean error ( 30 Chen

(1966) has proposed a correlation which has been generally accepted as one of the best available. Thecorrelation covers both the saturated nucleate boiling region and the two-phase forced convection region.It is assumed that both nucleation and convective mechanisms occur to some degree over the entire rangeof the correlation and that the contributions made by the two mechanisms are additive:

where is the contribution from nucleate boiling and the contribution from convection through the

liquid film. An earlier, very similar approach which has been used successfully for design in the process

Saturated Boiling and the Two-Phase Forced Convection Region (1 of 4) [7/18/2000 9:01:15 AM]

industries over a number of years was given by Fair (1960).

In the Chen correlation, , the convective contribution is given by a modified Dittus Boelter form,

The parameter F is a function of the Martinelli parameter, (Figure 6.6). The equation of Forster and

Zuber (1974), was taken as the basis for the evaluation of the "nucleate boiling" component, . Their

pool boiling analysis was modified to account for the thinner boundary layer in forced convective boilingand the lower effective superheat that the growing vapor bubble sees. The modified Forster-Zuberequation becomes:

where S is a suppression factor defined as the ratio of the mean superheat seen by the growing bubble tothe wall superheat is represented as a function of the local two-phase Reynolds number

(Figure 6.7).

Curve fits to the functions shown in these figures and F and S respectively are:

This correlation fits the available experimental data remarkably well (with a standard deviation of 11 Tocalculate the heat transfer coefficient , for a known heat flux (q), mass velocity and quality the

proposed steps are as follows:

calculate which is given by:1.

evaluate F from Figure 6.6 or Equ 34.2.

calculate from Eq. 32.3.

calculate from and 4.

evaluate S from Figure 6.7 using the calculated value of 5.

Saturated Boiling and the Two-Phase Forced Convection Region (2 of 4) [7/18/2000 9:01:15 AM]

calculate for a range of values of 6.

calculate from Eq. (31) for the range of values7.

plot for the range against and interpolate , at q;SPMquot;.8.

The correlation developed by Chen is the best available for the saturated forced convective boiling regionin vertical ducts and is recommended for use with all single component non-metallic fluids.

The final point to emphasize with the Chen correlation is that it can be used over the whole region ofsaturated nucleate boiling and two-phase forced convection. In fact because it has the proper asymptoticlimits as X approaches zero or one, one can extend its use into the subcooled boiling region with X'substituted for . In this way the original energy balance for the one-dimensional flow in the channel can

be consistently used from subcooled single phase heat transfer to saturated nucleate boiling and two-phaseforced convection. Consistency in the predictive methodology is a key benefit of such an approach.

ReferencesA.E. Bergles and W.M.Rohsenow, "The Determination of Forces Convection Surface Boiling HeatTransfer," Trans. ASME, J. of Heat Transfer, 86c, 365 , 1964.

E.J. Davis and G.H. Anderson, "The Incipience of Nucleate Boiling in Forced Convection Flow,"AIChE Journal, 12 (4), 774-780, 1966.

W. Frost and G.S. Dzakowic, "An Extension of the Method of Predicting Incipient Boiling onCommercially Finished Surfaces." Paper presented at ASME AIChE Heat Transfer Conf. Paper67-HT-61, Seattle, 1967.

W.M. Rohsenow, "A Method of Correlating Heat Transfer Data for Surface Boiling of Liquids,"Trans. ASME, 74,969, 1952.

W.M. Rohsenow and J.A. Clark, "Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop Data for High Heat FluxDensities to Water at High Sub-critical Pressure," Heat Transfer and Fluid Mechanics Institute,Stanford University Press, Stanford, California, 1951.

F.Kreith and M. Summerfield, "Heat Transfer to Water and High Flux Densities With and WithoutSurface Boiling." Trans. ASME, 71(7), 805-815, 1949.

E.L Piret and H.S. Isbin, "Two-Phase Heat Transfer in Natural Circulation Evaporators," A.I.Ch.E.Heat Transfer Symposium, St. Louis, Chem, Engng, Prog. Symp. Series, 50(6), 305, 1953.

W.M. Rohsenow, "Heat Transfer With Evaporation," Heat Transfer. A symposium held at theUniversity of Michigan during the summer of 1952. Published by University of Michigan Press,101-150, 1952.

R.W. Bowring, "Physical Model Based on Bubble Detachment and Calculation of Steam Voidage inthe Subcooled Region of a Heated Channel," OECD Halden Reactor Project Report. HPR-10, 1962.

J.G. Collier, "Convective Boiling and Condensation." Published by McGraw Hill Book Co. (UK)Ltd, 1972.

J.C. Chen, "Correlation for Boiling Heat Transfer to Saturated Liquids in Convective Flow." Int.Eng. Chem. Process Design and Development, 5,322, 1966.

J.R. Fair, "What You Need to Design Thermosyphon Reboilers," Petroleum Refiner. 39(2),105-124, 1960.

Saturated Boiling and the Two-Phase Forced Convection Region (3 of 4) [7/18/2000 9:01:15 AM]

P. Foster and N. Zuber, "Point of Vapor Generation and Vapor Void Fraction." 5th Int. HeatTransfer Conf, 1974.

P. Griffith, J.A. Clark and W.M. Rohsenow, "Void Volumes in Subcooled Boiling Systems'. Paper58-HT-19", ASME-AIChE Heat Transfer Conference, Chicago, August 1958; also Technical ReportNo. 12 (MIT).

R.W. Bowring, "Physical Model Based on Bubble Detachment and Calculation of Steam Voidage inthe Subcooled Region of a Heated Channel." OECD Halden Reactor Project Report HPR-10, 1962.

F.W. Staub, "The Void Fraction in Subcooled Boiling-Prediction of the Initial Point of Net VapourGeneration." Paper presented at the 9th National Heat Transfer Conference, Seattle, preprint,ASME 67-HT-36, Aug. 1967.

S. Levy, "Forced Convection Subcooled Boiling Prediction of Vapour Volumetric Fraction." Int. J.Heat Mass Transfer, 10, 951-965, 1967.

P.G. Kroeger and N. Zuber, "An Analysis of the Effects of Various Parameters on the Average VoidFractions in Subcooled Boiling," Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 11, 211-233, 1968.

J.R.S. Thom, W.W. Walker, T.A. Fallon and G.F.S. Reising, "Boiling in Subcooled Water DuringFlow up Heated Tubes or Annuli." Paper 6 presented at the Symposium on Boiling Heat Transfer inSteam Generating Units and Heat Exchangers held by Inst. Mech. Engrs. Manchester (England)15-16, Sept. 1965.


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Saturated Boiling and the Two-Phase Forced Convection Region (4 of 4) [7/18/2000 9:01:15 AM]

Next: Introduction and Objectives Up: No Title Previous: Saturated Boiling and the


7.1. Introduction and Objectives

7.2. Effect of System Parameters on CHF

7.3. Correlation Methods for CHF in Round Tubes With Uniform Heating

7.4. Limits on the Critical Heat Flux

7.5. Mechanisms of Critical Heat Flux

7.6. Prediction of CHF in Annular Flow

7.7. Correlations for CHF With Uniform Heating

7.8. CHF With a Nonuniform Heat Flux

7.9. Correlation of Burnout for Rod Bundles (sub-channel analysis):

7.10. CHF Estimates for Nonaqueous Fluids

7.11. Observations

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Next: Effect of System Parameters Up: BURNOUT AND THE CRITICAL Previous: BURNOUT ANDTHE CRITICAL

7.1. Introduction and ObjectivesThe critical heat flux condition was originally discussed in the context of pool boiling. In this situation itrepresents a condition in which the flow boiling regime dramatically changes near the heater wall. This isthe most important flow regime transition when considering the performance of heat exchangeequipment with evaporation and boiling. The critical heat flux condition is characterized by a largedecrease in the heat transfer coefficient from the heater wall to the bulk fluid. The reason for thereduction is due to the flow regime transition when continuous liquid is replaced by continuous vapor atthe heater wall, whether locally or over a larger area.

Let us consider the critical heat flux for two different boundary conditions. For the purpose of thissection, CHF is defined as follows:

For a surface with a controlled heat flux (e.g., with electrical heating, radiant heating or nuclearheating), CHF is defined as that condition under which a small increase in the surface heat fluxleads to a large increase in the wall temperature.


For a surface whose wall temperature is controlled (e.g., one heated by a condensing vapor), CHFis defined as that condition in which a small increase in wall temperature leads to a large decreasein heat flux. The term "burnout' is sometimes taken as being synonymous with the terms "criticalheat flux" (CHF), "departure from nucleate boiling" (DNB), "boiling crisis" and "dryout." In thisdiscussion the implication of "burnout" is that the rise in surface temperature is sufficient to causephysical damage to the heat surface.


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Introduction and Objectives [7/18/2000 9:01:21 AM]

Next: Correlation Methods for CHF Up: BURNOUT AND THE CRITICAL Previous: Introduction andObjectives

7.2. Effect of System Parameters on CHFIn a typical CHF experiment with a uniform heat flux on a heater tube, CHF first occurs at the end of thechannel. Figure 7.1 shows conceptually the effect of the various system parameters. One notes thefollowing behavior:

For a given pressure (P), fixed mass flux (G), tube length (L) and tube inside diameter ( ) the

critical heat flux (CHF) increases approximately linearly with the inlet subcooling (i.e., thedifference in enthalpy, , between saturated liquid and inlet liquid). This relationship occurs

over fairly wide ranges, but has no fundamental significance, except to indicate more energy goesinto saturating the fluid. If a very wide range of inlet subcooling is used, then departures fromlinearity are observed.


For fixed P, , L and , CHF rises approximately linearly with G at low values of G but

then rises much less rapidly for high G values; this is discussed later.


For fixed P, , G, and , critical heat flux decreases with increasing tube length L.

However, the power input required for burnout, , increases at first rapidly, and then less

rapidly, also as shown in the figure. For very long tubes, the critical power may appear toasymptote to a constant value independent of tube length in some cases. Again, this only appliesover a limited range of length.


For fixed P, G, and L, CHF increases with tube diameter, , the rate of increase

decreasing as the diameter increases.


Finally, the effect of system pressure on CHF is similar to that encountered in pool boiling. Theparametric effects illustrated in Figure 7.1 are typical of those encountered for upflow. Experimental datafor downflow shows surprisingly little difference to upflow particularly for large mass velocities.

Critical heat flux in cross flow over a tube bundle was investigated by Lienhard and Eichorn (1976) andtheir results are illustrated in Figure 7.2. For low cross flow velocities, the vapor departure from theheater surface follows the characteristic 3-dimensional jet form also occurring in pool boiling. Thecritical heat flux was, in this region, close to the value of pool boiling as shown in Figure 7.2. At highliquid velocities, the pattern of vapor departure changes to a two-dimensional form as shown and thecritical heat flux begins to increase with increasing liquid velocity. A wide variety of data has beenobtained for burnout in annuli and rod bundles. The two main reasons for the interest in this geometryare:

(1) In the nuclear industry, the main interest is CHF in rod bundle geometries. The annulus mightbe regarded as a "single rod bundle" or "subchannel."

Effect of System Parameters on CHF (1 of 2) [7/18/2000 9:01:23 AM]

(2) By making the outer channel wall transparent, it is sometimes possible to view the processesoccurring on the inner (heated) surface, illustrating the CHF mechanism.

Most of the data obtained have been for the case where the inner surface is heated. However, morerecently, data has appeared where both surfaces are heated and the fraction of the power input to, say, theouter surface is varied. Typical of this latter data is that of Jensen and Mannov (1974), some of which isillustrated in Figure 7.3. For a fixed inlet subcooling, the critical quality (quality at burnout) initiallyincreases as the fraction of power on the outer surface is increased. In this region, CHF occurs first on theinner surface. As the fraction of power on the outer surface is further increased, a maximum burnoutquality is reached, and beyond this point burnout begins to occur first on the outer surface and the criticalquality decreases with increasing fractional power on that surface.

Next: Correlation Methods for CHF Up: BURNOUT AND THE CRITICAL Previous: Introduction andObjectives

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Effect of System Parameters on CHF (2 of 2) [7/18/2000 9:01:23 AM]

Next: Limits on the Critical Up: BURNOUT AND THE CRITICAL Previous: Effect of SystemParameters

7.3. Correlation Methods for CHF inRound Tubes With Uniform HeatingFor a given mass flux, fluid physical properties (i.e., pressure for a given fluid), tube diameter and foruniform heat flux, it is found that the data for a range of the tube length and inlet subcooling can berepresented approximately by a single curve of critical heat flux against mass quality at the CHF locationas sketched in Figure 7.4(a). The initial implication of the relationship between CHF and quality at thislocation is that the local quality conditions govern the magnitude of the burnout heat flux at that locality;this is termed the "local conditions hypothesis."

The same data can also be plotted in terms of the quality of CHF, , and "boiling length" at the

CHF point, . The boiling length is defined as the distance from the point in the channel at which

bulk saturation (i.e., zero thermodynamic quality) condition are attained. This type of plot is illustrated inFigure 7.4(b). This plot can be regarded as indicating a relationship between the fraction of liquidevaporated at CHF ( ) as a function of the boiling length to burnout, indicating the possibility of

some "integral" rather than "local" phenomenon. In fact, it is easy to transform the

relationship into the relationship; the boiling length is given from a one-dimensional

energy balance as

which is equivalent to

where is the hydraulic diameter, G the mass flux, the latent heat of evaporation, the local

thermodynamic quality and q" the heat flux. If the critical heat flux is related to the quality of CHF by theexpression:

then it follows that:

Correlation Methods for CHF in Round Tubes With Uniform Heating (1 of 2) [7/18/2000 9:01:25 AM]

for the given hydraulic diameter and mass flux, it follows, therefore, that:

The vast majority of correlations for critical heat flux fall into either of these two categories. Althoughthese correlations are equivalent for uniformly heated channels, they give quite different results when theheat flux is nonuniform. The question obviously arises as to which of the two forms is best suited to theprediction of CHF with nonuniform heating, the case which occurs most often in practical applications.

Figure 7.5 shows a comparison between data for uniform heating and a nonuniform axial (cosinedistribution) heating where local values of CHF and CHF quality are given by Alekseev (1964). As willbe seen later, there is a considerable difference in critical heat flux at a given local quality for the uniformand nonuniform heated tubes respectively. Note that, with the nonuniform heating, CHF could occur firstupstream of the end of the channel. Remember that this is only an example of nonuniform heating in theaxial direction. One may also have circumferential variation of the flux or variable flux within a rodbundle. These must also be handled based on empirical data.

Next: Limits on the Critical Up: BURNOUT AND THE CRITICAL Previous: Effect of SystemParameters

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Correlation Methods for CHF in Round Tubes With Uniform Heating (2 of 2) [7/18/2000 9:01:25 AM]

Next: Mechanisms of Critical Heat Up: BURNOUT AND THE CRITICAL Previous: CorrelationMethods for CHF

7.4. Limits on the Critical Heat FluxTo understand the limits on the critical heat flux it is useful to compute its upper and lower bounds. Thesimplest situation to consider is the case of a uniform heat flux on the heater wall. For a variable heatflux these limits apply but one must numerically integrate the equations. The lower bound on CHF wouldbe that heat flux which first causes the heater wall to rise to the fluid saturation temperature, . By a

one-dimensional energy balance on the channel one finds

where h is the single phase heat transfer coefficient. If we set the wall temperature equal to the fluidsaturation pressure we find the minimum critical heat flux for any axial location in the uniformly heatedchannel, given by

The upper bound on the critical heat flux is that uniform heat flux which would cause the fluid tocompletely evaporate . Once again we can use the one-dimensional energy balance for the fluid

and set the thermodynamic equilibrium quality to one and solve for the maximum CHF for a given axiallocation

One can conceptually visualize these two bounds on the critical heat flux by looking at their variation asa function of the axial location in the channel and the inlet subcooling when one computes the criticalheat flux from correlation for uniform heating it should be within these bounds (Figure 7.6).

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Limits on the Critical Heat Flux [7/18/2000 9:01:27 AM]

Next: Prediction of CHF in Up: BURNOUT AND THE CRITICAL Previous: Limits on the Critical

7.5. Mechanisms of Critical Heat FluxAn understanding of the CHF mechanisms is useful for the user of empirical correlations and predictionmethods and for devising means to avoid the occurrence of the phenomenon. Let us consider CHFmechanisms and their regions of operation for concurrent flow conditions. A large number of alternativemechanisms for CHF have been proposed but four concepts which appear to have been reasonably wellestablished experimentally are illustrated in Figure 7 and areas follows:

Formation of hot spot under growing bubble (Figure 7.7 (a)). Here, when a bubble grows at theheated wall, a dry patch forms underneath the bubble as the micro-layer of liquid under the bubbleevaporates. In this dry zone, the wall temperature rises due to the deterioration in heat transfer.When the bubble departs, the dry patch may be rewetted and the process repeats itself. However, ifthe temperature of the dry patch becomes too high, then rewetting does not take place and grosslocal over heating (hence CHF) occurs. This mechanism was proposed, for instance, by Kirby(1966, 1967).


Near-wall bubble crowding and inhibition of vapor release (Figure 7.7 (b)). Here, a "bubbleboundary layer" builds up on the surface and vapor generated by boiling at the surface must escapethrough this boundary layer. When the boundary layer becomes too crowded with bubbles, vaporescape is impossible and the surface becomes dry and overheat giving rise to burnout. Thismechanism is discussed, for instance by Tong et al. (1972).


Dryout under a slug or vapor clot. In plug or slug flow, the thin film surrounding the large bubblemay dry out giving rise to localized overheating and hence burnout. Alternatively, a stationaryvapor slug may be formed on the wall with a thin film of liquid separating it from the wall; in thiscase, localized drying out of this film given rise to overheating and burnout. This mechanism hasbeen investigated, for instance, by Fiori and Bergles (1968) (Figure 7.7 (c)).


Film dryout in annular flow (Figure 7.7 (d)). Here, in annular flow, the liquid film dries out due toevaporation and due to the partial entrainment to the liquid in the form of droplets in the vaporcore. This mechanism is discussed in more detail below.


One should note that each of these mechanisms has a direct relation to the two-phase flow regime inwhich CHF occurs; e.g., bubble crowding in subcooled nucleate boiling, vapor clotting in slug flow, orfilm dryout in annular flow. Thus CHF is fundamentally a condition where liquid cannot rewet the heaterwall because of the rate of vapor production impeding the liquid flow back to the hot surface. As the flowregime changes (e.g., bubbly, slug, annular) due to variations in mass velocity, pressure or geometry theparticular mechanism which prevents the liquid to rewet the heater surface changes, but the basicprinciple remains the same. One might actually again use quality as a method to describe this. Figure 7.8shows a conceptual picture of these four mechanisms as a function of G and . Once again the quality

contains the effect of many of these mentioned variables. One different situation which might occur isthe case of counter current flow and the CHF mechanism associated with it. In this case liquid drains

Mechanisms of Critical Heat Flux (1 of 2) [7/18/2000 9:01:29 AM]

down the channel wall due to gravity as vapor, produced along its length, flows upward (Figure 7.9). Inthis situation one holds up the liquid flow into the whole channel due to the production of vapor alongthe whole channel length. This liquid holdup can be likened to a flooding phenomenon at the entrance ofthe channel causing film dryout lower in the channel. Oscillatory behavior of the CHF dryout may alsooccur in this situation.

Next: Prediction of CHF in Up: BURNOUT AND THE CRITICAL Previous: Limits on the Critical

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Mechanisms of Critical Heat Flux (2 of 2) [7/18/2000 9:01:29 AM]

Next: Correlations for CHF With Up: BURNOUT AND THE CRITICAL Previous: Mechanisms ofCritical Heat

7.6. Prediction of CHF in Annular FlowCritical heat flux in annular flow is one of the most important mechanisms from a practical point of viewsince, for channels of reasonable length, the first occurrence of CHF may likely occur in this region. Filmflow measurements have been used to investigate CHF mechanisms in two different ways:

Measurement of the film flow rate at the end of a heated channel as a function of power input tothe channel. The film flow rate at the end of the channel decreases with increasing power and theonset of CHF corresponds quite closely to the point at which the film flow rate becomes zero. Thisconfirms the film dryout (as distinct from a film boiling, for instance) mechanism for critical heatflux.


Although measurements of film flow rate at the end of the test section are useful in demonstratingthe dryout mechanism, they do not demonstrate the conditions along the test section which haveled to the occurrence of CHF. To achieve this, measurements of film flow rate may be made alongthe test section for a heat flux corresponding to the critical heat flux and then, for constant inletconditions, and for the known CHF value making measurements of the film flow rate at the end ofchannels of various heated lengths, less than the length of the channel for which CHF is known.


The results of such measurements indicate that CHF occurs when the processes of droplet entrainment,droplet deposition and evaporation lead to the condition in which the film flow rate becomes zero. Therate of evaporation can be calculated from the local heat flux, provided the latent heat is known; foradiabatic flows, the rates of entrainment and deposition can be calculated using the methods describedfor any annular flow. The important question which arises is whether the rate of entrainment and/ordeposition is affected by the presence of a heat flux normal to the surface. The effects which could becaused by a heat flux include:

The effect of nucleate boiling in the film giving rise to additional entrainment due to the burstingof bubbles through the film surface and;


The effect of a vapor flux away from the surface changing the hydrodynamic boundary conditionand possibly inhibiting drop deposition onto the surface in the presence of evaporation.


Over a range of conditions, the entrainment/deposition processes are relatively unaffected by thepresence of a heat flux, thus, the annular flow prediction methods can be applied to CHF prediction in theannular flow regime. The procedure is to write a mass balance equation for the liquid film and tointegrate this equation along the channel from known (or assumed) boundary conditions, and determinethe point at which the film flow rate goes to zero.

Next: Correlations for CHF With Up: BURNOUT AND THE CRITICAL Previous: Mechanisms ofCritical Heat

Prediction of CHF in Annular Flow (1 of 2) [7/18/2000 9:01:31 AM]

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Prediction of CHF in Annular Flow (2 of 2) [7/18/2000 9:01:31 AM]

Next: CHF With a Nonuniform Up: BURNOUT AND THE CRITICAL Previous: Prediction of CHF in

7.7. Correlations for CHF With UniformHeatingThe importance of the critical heat flux phenomenon has led to the development of a very large number ofCHF correlations. It is beyond the scope of this section to present a comprehensive description of thesemany correlations. In fact, the most accurate correlations are not publicly available but rather proprietary.Thus, Table 7.1 is provided to give examples of the various types of correlations adopted for CHF in tubes,annuli and rod bundles when the applied heat flux is spatially uniform. One should first note that thethermodynamic quality is the prime independent variable in most of these correlations. This parameterinherently contains through the energy balance the effect of mass velocity, G, pressure, P, inletsubcooling, , and geometry, and L. In addition some of these correlations have included second

order effects for these same variables and as well as others. Finally, one should be cautious not to applythese correlations outside of their range of applicability based on the test data gathered. The reason for thisfinal point is that since these CHF correlations are quite empirical, it is prudent not to extrapolate theempirical correlation fit. The sample correlations provided give a good range of data to apply toward acorrelation.

Correlations for CHF With Uniform Heating (1 of 2) [7/18/2000 9:01:32 AM]

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Correlations for CHF With Uniform Heating (2 of 2) [7/18/2000 9:01:32 AM]

Next: Correlation of Burnout for Up: BURNOUT AND THE CRITICAL Previous: Correlations forCHF With

7.8. CHF With a Nonuniform Heat FluxIn the introduction to the CHF concept correlation we illustrated the effect of uniform heating of achannel versus nonuniform heating. In general there are two ways to handle nonuniform heating:

(1) Develop a correction for a particular type of nonuniform heating pattern.

(2) Develop specific CHF correlations for nonuniform heating.

Let us consider each approach below.

The differences in for nonuniform heating led Tong, et al., (1966) to propose the so-called

"F-factor" method for the prediction of critical heat flux in nonuniform axially heated channels. Theirmethod is illustrated schematically in Figure 7.10, the three curves shown in this figure are respectively:

The flux profile q"(Z).1.

The critical heat flux predicted for the local quality condition using a standard

correlation for uniform heating.


The critical heat flux, for the nonuniform heating situation calculated by multiplying

by the F-Factor defined as:


where is the distance from the channel inlet to the point at which the burnout flux is being

predicted and is given by the empirical expression:

where G is in .

Nonuniform heating experiments have been investigated in the past, primarily for axial variation of theheat flux. Each of these studies have resulted in an empirical correlation for CHF with nonuniformheating. The basic assumption in directly correlating the CHF data from such tests is that one correlatesthe CHF values for the actual local conditions (e.g., G, , P). Kirby (1966) used some of the past data

and more recent data from Harwell to develop such a correlation (Table 7.2). This is suggested for the

CHF With a Nonuniform Heat Flux (1 of 3) [7/18/2000 9:01:41 AM]

conditions listed for nonuniform axial heating situations as an alternative for the F-factor.

Table 7.2. Kirby Correlation for Non-Uniformly Heated Round Tubes


CHF With a Nonuniform Heat Flux (2 of 3) [7/18/2000 9:01:41 AM]

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CHF With a Nonuniform Heat Flux (3 of 3) [7/18/2000 9:01:41 AM]

Next: CHF Estimates for Nonaqueous Up: BURNOUT AND THE CRITICAL Previous: CHF With aNonuniform

7.9. Correlation of Burnout for RodBundles (sub-channel analysis):It is possible to correlate data for CHF in rod bundle geometries by using overall, mixed flow, types ofcorrelations and these are moderately successful. However, much more precise predictions can be madeby using correlations based on "sub-channel analysis." In this form of analysis, the rod bundle issub-divided into flow zones or sub-channels and conditions are calculated for these individualsub-channels, taking account of cross-mixing between adjacent channels and of cross-flows generated bypressure differences between the sub-channels. Two types of sub-channel have them employed asillustrated in Figure 7.11:

"Coolant" sub-channels which are bounded by lines joining the center of individual rods asillustrated. A discussion of the application of this form of sub-channel analysis to the prediction ofburnout i rod bundles is given by, for instance, Bowring (1972).


"Rod centered" sub-channels in which the flow zone is bounded by lines of symmetry as illustratedin Figure 7.11 (b). The application of this form of sub-channel analysis is discussed, for instance,by Gaspari et al, (1974).


In the "coolant" subchannel method, the usual practice is to devise specific CHF correlations for thesub-channel; in the application of the "rod-centered" sub-channel method, Gaspari et al., were able toemploy a standard round-tube burnout correlation to the sub-channels (on an equivalent diameter basis)with reasonable success.

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Correlation of Burnout for Rod Bundles (sub-channel analysis): [7/18/2000 9:01:43 AM]

Next: Observations Up: BURNOUT AND THE CRITICAL Previous: Correlation of Burnout for

7.10. CHF Estimates for NonaqueousFluidsAlthough the general qualitative trends are similar to nonaqueous fluids (freons, liquid metals, cryogens)and water, there has been no completely successful correlation for both water and other fluids. Mostexperiments have been limited in scope, although the work of Stevens et al., (1964, 1966) has been fairlycomprehensive. The best recommendation, if data is available for a particular fluid, is to correlate thedata in a manner similar to that previously discussed in Section 7.3. If data is not available or quitelimited then some scaling laws might be used. One set of scaling laws which is suggested is given by thedimensionless groups of


From such a set of groupings comes a suggested dimensionless form for the critical heat flux

One should be cautious in applying these estimates particularly if data is limited to check the predictionsunder particular conditions.

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CHF Estimates for Nonaqueous Fluids [7/18/2000 9:01:45 AM]


7.11. ObservationsWe have presented a summary of CHF with an emphasis on the fundamental mechanisms of CHF. It isimportant to remember that one must use empirical correlations only within their range of applicability,and if correlations do not exist to use available data in a manner suggested to develop the engineeringcorrelations. One area which has little data to support development is transient critical heat flux (e.g.,Moxon and Edwards (1967)). The general observation from this limited data is that under transient

conditions tends to be larger than CHF under similar steady-state conditions. It is therefore recommendedthat consideration of CHF being exceeded under transients (flow or power) be based on local conditionsand employing appropriate steady state correlations.

ReferencesG.V. Alekseev, "Burnout Heat Fluxes Under Forced Flow," Proc. of Third Int'l Conference onPeaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, Geneva, August 1964.

F. Biancone, et al., "Forced Convection Burnout and Hydrodynamic Instability Experiments forWater at High Pressure Pt. I." EUR 2490e, 1965.

R.W. Bowring, "A Simple But Accurate Round Tube, Uniform Heat Flux, Dryout CorrelationOver the Pressure Range 0.7-17 MN/M2." AEEW-R789, 1972.

J.E.Casterline, "Burnout in Long Vertical Tubes With Uniform and Casine Heating Using Water at1000 Psia," Topical Rep No. 1. Task XVI Columbia University 1964 (TID 2103) also Topical RepNo. 5 , "Second Experimental Study of Dryout in a Long Vertical Tube With a Cosine Heat Flux."

J.G. Collier, "Convective Boiling and Condensation," McGraw Hill Publishers, NY, 1972.●

M.P. Fiori and A.E. Bergles, "Model of Critical Heat Flux in Sub-Cooled Flow Boiling." MITReport - DSR70281-56, 1968.

G.P. Gaspari, A. Hassid and F. Lucchini, "A Rod Centered Sub-channel Analysis With Turbulent(enthalpy) Mixing for Critical Heat Flux Prediction in Rod Clusters Cooled by Boiling Water."Proc. 5th Int Heat Transfer Conf., 4, 295-299, 1974.

A.Jensen and G. Mannov, "Measurements of Burnout, Film Flow Film," 1974.●

G.J.Kirby, "A New Correlation of Non-Uniformly Heated Round Tube Burnout Data."AEEW-R500, 1966.

J.F. Kirby, R. Staniforth and L.H. Kinneir, "A Visual Study of Forced Convective Boiling." PartII: Flow Patterns and Burnout for a Round Test Section," AEEW-R506, 1967.

D.H. Lee and J.D. Obertelli, "An Experimental Investigation of Forced Convection Burnout inHigh Pressure Water - Pt. II." AEEW-R309, 1963.

D.H. Lee, "An Experimental Investigation of Forced Convection Burnout in High Pressure Water -Pt. III," AEEW-R355 , 1965.

Observations (1 of 2) [7/18/2000 9:01:47 AM]

D.H.Lee, "An Experimental Investigation of Forced Convection Burnout in High Pressure Water -Pt. IV." AEEW-R479, 1966.

J.H.Lienhard and R. Eichhorn, "Peak Boiling Heat Flux on Cylinders in a Cross Flow." Int J HeatMass Transfer, 19, No. 20, 1135-1141, 1976.

D. Moxon and P.A.Edwards, "Dry Out During Flow and Power Transients." AEEW-R553, 1967.●

G.F. Stevens and G.J. Kirby, "A Quantitative Comparison Between Burnout Data for Water at1000 lb/ and Freon 12 at 155 lb/ (abs) and by Water at 1000 lb/ in Vertical Upflow."AEEW-R327, 1964.

G.F. Stevens and R.W. Wood, "A Comparison Between Burnout Data for 19 Rod-Cluster TestSections Cooled by Freon 12 at 155 lb/ (abs) and by Water at 1000 lb/ in Vertical Upflow."AEEW-R468, 1966.

H.S. Swenson, R.J. Carver and C.R.Kakarala, "The Influence of Axial Heat Flux Distribution onthe Departure From Nucleate Boiling in a Water-Cooled Tube." Paper presented to the WinterAnnual Meeting of the ASME, Nov 1962, New York. Paper 62-WA-297, 1962.

H.S. Swenson, et al., "Non-Uniform Heat Generation Experimental Programme." QPR Nos. 4, 5,6, 7 and 8, BAW-3238, 1964.

N.E Todreas and W.M. Rohsenow, "The Effect of Non-Uniform Axial Heat Flux Distribution,"M.I.T.-9843-37; see also paper to 1966 Int. Heat Transfer Conf., Chicago, paper 89, 1965.

L.S. Tong and G.F. Hewitt, "Overall View Point of Film Boiling CHF Mechanisms," ASME PaperNo. 72-HT-54, 1972.

L.S. Tong, H.B. Currin and T.S. Larsen, "Influences of Axially Non-Uniform Heat Flux on DNB."WCAP-2767. Published in CEP Symp Ser, 62 (64), 1966.


All contents © Michael L. Corradininsrc-webmaster@loca.neep.wisc.eduLast Modified: Tue Sep 2 15:06:55 CDT 1997

Observations (2 of 2) [7/18/2000 9:01:47 AM]

Next: Introduction and Objectives Up: No Title Previous: Observations


8.1. Introduction and Objectives

8.2. Post-CHF Heat Transfer Models and Correlations

8.3. Empirical Correlations

8.4. Non-Equilibrium Empirical Models

8.5. Semi-Theoretical Models

8.6. Transition Boiling

8.7. Transition to Film Boiling

8.8. Observations

All contents © Michael L. Corradininsrc-webmaster@loca.neep.wisc.eduLast Modified: Tue Sep 2 15:06:55 CDT 1997

POST-CHF HEAT TRANSFER [7/18/2000 9:01:50 AM]


8.1. Introduction and ObjectivesIn some situations, heat exchanger equipment is operated in a two-phase region beyond the critical heatflux point; e.g., fossil fueled boilers or steam generators, under steady conditions and nuclear reactorcores under transient conditions. Because of these and other similar situations there exists a continuingneed for more accurate information about heat transfer coefficients in post-CHF flow regimes.Significant improvements in understanding have been made over the past few years. In particular, thedevelopment of experimental techniques has allowed the determination of the complete forcedconvection boiling curve including the "transition boiling" region for particular values of local vaporquality and mass velocity.

The objective of this section is to review the subject of Post-CHF heat transfer and indicate the"state-of-the-art." Although much of this work is specifically relevant to aqueous fluids the techniquesused are beneficial in the design of other heat exchange equipment in the power and process industries.

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Introduction and Objectives [7/18/2000 9:01:51 AM]

Next: Empirical Correlations Up: POST-CHF HEAT TRANSFER Previous: Introduction andObjectives

8.2. Post-CHF Heat Transfer Models andCorrelationsThree types of modelling approaches have been attempted:

Correlations of an empirical nature which made no assumption whatever about the mechanisminvolved in post-CHF heat transfer, but solely attempts a functional relationship between the heattransfer coefficient and the independent variables. This assumes that the vapor and liquid are at thesaturation temperature and in thermodynamic equilibrium.


Correlations which recognize that departure from thermodynamic equilibrium condition can occurand attempt to calculate the "true" vapor quality and vapor temperature, different from . A

conventional single-phase heat transfer correlation for the vapor is then used to calculate theheated wall temperature.


Semi-theoretical models where attempts have been made to examine and derive equations for thevarious individual hydrodynamic and heat transfer processes occurring in the heated channel andrelate these to the wall temperature (or heat flux depending on the boundary conditions).


Groeneveld (1973) has compiled a bank of carefully selected data drawn from a variety of experimentalpost-dryout studies in tubular, annular and rod bundle geometries for steam/water flows.

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Post-CHF Heat Transfer Models and Correlations [7/18/2000 9:01:53 AM]

Next: Non-Equilibrium Empirical Models Up: POST-CHF HEAT TRANSFER Previous: Post-CHFHeat Transfer Models

8.3. Empirical CorrelationsAfter one has determined the axial location, , in the channel for the first occurrence of critical heat

flux using correlations (Section 7.0), the next step is to determine the heat transfer coefficient in thepost-CHF region. This heat transfer coefficient is to be used for the determination of the wall temperaturegiven the wall heat flux or vice versa for a known wall temperature. A considerable number of empiricalequations have been presented by various investigators for the estimation of heat transfer rates in thepost-dryout region. Almost all of these equations are modifications of the well-known Dittus-Boeltertype relationship for single-phase flow and take no account of the non-equilibrium effects discussedabove. Rather thermodynamic equilibrium is assumed between the vapor and liquid. Various definitionsof the "two-phase velocity" and physical properties are used in these empirically modified forms and anumber of correlations result. Each of these correlations is based on only a limited amount ofexperimental data and Groeneveld, therefore, proposed a new correlation for each geometry optimizedusing his bank of selected data. This is the recommended correlation if one is to use the simplifiedequilibrium approach to a post-CHF analysis.

The Groeneveld corrections for tubes and annuli have the form:

and the coefficients a, b, c and d are given in Table 8.1, together with the ranges of independent variableson which the correlations are based.

Empirical Correlations (1 of 2) [7/18/2000 9:01:55 AM]

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Empirical Correlations (2 of 2) [7/18/2000 9:01:55 AM]

Next: Semi-Theoretical Models Up: POST-CHF HEAT TRANSFER Previous: Empirical Correlations

8.4. Non-Equilibrium Empirical ModelsAs mentioned previously our goal is to predict the heat transfer coefficient after the critical heat flux hasbeen exceeded. If one used the empirical correlations of the past section, it is clear these are applicablebetween the axial location of CHF, (Figure 8.1), and the location where the equilibrium quality,

equals one ( 1, ). Remember, these past correlations are based on the assumptions that

thermodynamic equilibrium exists between the vapor and liquid, and one temperature, , with

quality, , determines the thermodynamic state of the fluid. However, if one considers the more

realistic situation where the liquid droplets are at a different temperature, , than the vapor , one

must again determine the "true" quality variation in difference to to then determine the wall

temperature given the heat flux. This situation is analogous to our discussion in subcooled boiling when = 0 but actually X'(z) > 0 now in the post-CHF region, but X' (z < 1) (Figure 8.1).

Therefore, our first objective is to determine the axial variation of this "true" quality, and the point where 1 (i.e., ).

Consider the case of a constant heat flux. Now in this non-equilibrium approach we assume that the heatflux can be divided into two portions; one directly heating the vapor, q"g , and one directly into theliquid, q"f , causing it to evaporate.

where we define e as

and it is assumed for simplicity that e = f(Z). If we realistically consider the temperature difference of

and , then one must realize that e is actually a function of position; for a constant e we get

Now from a one-dimensional energy balance on the channel the thermodynamic quality is given by

where for = 1 we can find the location of

Non-Equilibrium Empirical Models (1 of 2) [7/18/2000 9:01:58 AM]

Now we can use the same energy balance method to find X'(z)

where once again we only use the portion of the total heat flux which goes into evaporation. The locationwhere X'(Z) = 1 is defined as and is given by

so that we can solve for this fraction of the total flux, e, as

where we can correlate e based on measurements of these quantities. Once we have a correlation for e wecan derive an expression for the heat transfer coefficient from it definition. Note that the heat transfercoefficient would be different between the wall-vapor and wall-liquid. Groeneveld has suggested such acorrelation for e given by

This approach is not necessarily recommended compared to others, because although it includes somedegree of realism it still remains quite empirical for the key variable.

Next: Semi-Theoretical Models Up: POST-CHF HEAT TRANSFER Previous: Empirical Correlations

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Non-Equilibrium Empirical Models (2 of 2) [7/18/2000 9:01:58 AM]

Next: Transition Boiling Up: POST-CHF HEAT TRANSFER Previous: Non-Equilibrium EmpiricalModels

8.5. Semi-Theoretical ModelsA comprehensive theoretical model of heat transfer in the post-CHF region must take into account thevarious paths by which it transferred from the surface to the bulk vapor phase. Six separate mechanismsmay be identified:

heat transfer from surface to liquid droplets which impact with the wall ("wet" collisions)1.

heat transfer form the surface to liquid droplets which enter the thermal boundary layer but whichdo not "wet" the surface ("dry" collisions).


convection heat transfer from the surface to the bulk vapor3.

convective heat transfer from the bulk vapor to suspended droplets in the vapor core4.

radiation heat transfer from the surface to the liquid droplets5.

radiation heat transfer from the surface to the bulk vapor.6.

One of the first semi-theoretical models proposed was that of Bennett et al., (1964) which is aone-dimensional model starting from known equilibrium conditions at the point of CHF. It was originallyassumed that there is negligible pressure drop along the channel by Groeneveld (1974) revised theequations to allow for pressure gradient and flashing effects. It was also assumed that droplets could nolonger approach the surface. Therefore, mechanisms (a) and (b) were not considered.

More recently Iloeje et al, (1974) have proposed a three step model taking into account mechanisms (a),(b) and (c). The physical picture postulated by Iloeje is shown in Figure 8.2. Liquid droplets of varyingsizes are entrained in the vapor cor and have a random motion due to interactions with eddies. Somedroplets arrive at the edge of the boundary layer with sufficient momentum to contact the wall evenallowing for the fact that, as the droplet approaches the wall, differential evaporation coupled with thephysical presence of the wall leads to a resultant force trying to repel the droplet (Gardner, 1974). Whenthe droplet touches the wall a contact boundary temperature is set up which depends on the initial droplet

and wall temperature and on If this temperature is less than some limiting superheat

for the liquid then heat will be transferred, first by conduction until a temperature boundary layer is builtup sufficiently to satisfy the conditions necessary for bubble nucleation. Bubbles will grow within thedroplet Rao (1974) ejecting part of the liquid back into the vapor stream. The remaining liquid isinsufficient in thickness to support nucleation and therefore, remains until it is totally evaporated. Thesurface heat flux transfered by this mechanism can be arrived at by estimating the product of the heattransferred to a single drop and the number of droplets per unit time and per unit area which strike thewall. Iloeje et al., attempted to quantify the various mechanisms identified above and finally arrive at asomewhat complex expression for the droplet-wall contact heat flux ( ).

The droplet mass flux to the wall can be estimated from one of a number of turbulent deposition models

Semi-Theoretical Models (1 of 2) [7/18/2000 9:02:00 AM]

Hutchinson (1971). It is important to appreciate that at very low values of the heat flux (

) predicted from the Iloeje model must coincide with the droplet deposition flux contribution of the

Hewitt film flow model of critical heat flux. The trends with vapor quality and mass velocity appearqualitatively correct but a rigorous quantitative comparison with, for example, the prediction of Whalleyet al., (1973) is needed for a range of working fluids.

Two basic approaches have been taken to estimate the heat flux ( ) to droplets entering the thermal

boundary layer but which do not touch the wall. This heat flux can be estimated as the product of the heatflux that would occur across a vapor film separating the droplet from the heating surface and thefractional area covered by such droplets. This approach has been adopted with slight modifications byIloeje (1974), Groenveld (1974), Plummer (1974) and Course (1974). All of these approaches follow theoriginal treatment by Bennett. Thus, one should begin here for such a theoretical approach.

Next: Transition Boiling Up: POST-CHF HEAT TRANSFER Previous: Non-Equilibrium EmpiricalModels

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Semi-Theoretical Models (2 of 2) [7/18/2000 9:02:00 AM]

Next: Transition to Film Boiling Up: POST-CHF HEAT TRANSFER Previous: Semi-TheoreticalModels

8.6. Transition BoilingVarious attempts have been made to produce correlations for the "transition" film boiling regioncorresponding to the left of the minimum in the boiling curve (Figure 5.1). These correlations haveusually been combined with expressions for the stable film boiling region. The difficulty with thisapproach is that in flow boiling the physical meaning of this minimum is difficult to understand.Groeneveld and Fung have tabulated the various correlations available for forced convection transitionboiling of water. The earliest experimental study was that of McDonough et al., who measured transitionfilm boiling heat transfer coefficients for water boiling over the pressure range 800-2000 psia inside a0.15" ID tube heated by NaK. The correlation they offered was:

(British Engr. Units)

Tong (1974) suggested the following equation for combined transition and stable film boiling at 2000

psia with wall temperatures less than .

This, in turn, was revised to cover both transition and film boiling regions

This equation was derived from 1442 data covering a pressure of 1000 psia, G from 0.28x106 to

3.86x106 lb/hr.ft2 and = from 65 to 985°F. A similar but separate equation wasproposed for low pressure situations.

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Transition Boiling [7/18/2000 9:02:02 AM]

Next: Observations Up: POST-CHF HEAT TRANSFER Previous: Transition Boiling

8.7. Transition to Film BoilingConsider the case when the mass velocity decreases to very low value. As G decreases the flow situationbecomes more like pool boiling where the post-CHF regime becomes film boiling. Because the liquid isdisplaced from the heating surface by a vapor film and the uncertainties associated with bubblenucleation are removed, film boiling is very amenable to analytical solution. This is similar tocondensation where stratified flow occur with a liquid film. In general, the problem is treated as ananalogue of film-wise condensation and solutions are available for horizontal and vertical flat surfaces,and also inside tubes under both laminar and turbulent conditions with and without interfacial shear. It isnot, however, proposed to review all these solutions here and the reader is referred to the comprehensivereviews of Clements and Colver (1970), of Hsu (1972) and of Bressler (1972).

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Transition to Film Boiling [7/18/2000 9:02:04 AM]

Next: CONDENSATION Up: POST-CHF HEAT TRANSFER Previous: Transition to Film Boiling

8.8. ObservationsThe post-CHF heat transfer regime has been summarized with three different approaches to estimate theheat transfer coefficient. We would recommend the empirical equilibrium or non-equilibrium approachfor an estimate of post-CHF heat transfer rates. However, if the wall temperature and degree of superheat(or heat flux for the other boundary condition) are of crucial importance of semi-theoretical approachmight be considered for detail analysis. This latter recommendation will require new data for specificgeometries to determine the droplet-gas and droplet-wall heat transfer rates accurately.

ReferencesH. Amm and G. Ulrych, "Comparison of Measured Heat Transfer Coefficients During Refloodinga 340-rod Bundle and Those Calculated From Current Heat Transfer Correlations." Paper E7,European Two-Phase Flow Meeting, Harwell, 1974.

A.W. Bennett, "Heat Transfer to Mixtures of High Pressure Steam and Water in an Annulus."AERE-R4352, 1964.

R.G. Bressler, "A Review of Physical Models and Heat Transfer Correlations for Free ConvectionFilm Boiling." Adv Cryogenic Engr, 17, 382-406, 1972.

L.D. Clements and C.P. Colver, "Natural Convection Film Boiling Heat Transfer," Indstr. EngrChem 62(9), 26-46, 1970.

A.F. Course and H.A. Roberts, "Progress With Heat Transfer to a Steam Film in the Presence ofWater Drops - a First Evaluation of Winfrith SGHWR Cluster Loop Data," AEEW-M1212. Paperpresented at European Two-Phase Flow Group Meeting, Harwell, 1974.

G.C. Gardner, "Evaporation and Thermophertic Motion of Water Drops Containing Salt in a HighPressure Steam Environment." Paper presented at European Two-Phase Flow Conference,Harwell, England, 1974.

E.M. Greitzer and F.H. Abernathy, "Film Boiling on Vertical Surfaces." Int J Heat Mass Transfer,15, 475-491, 1972.

D.C. Groeneveld, "Effect of a Heat Flux Spike on the Downstream Dryout Behaviour," J of HeatTransfer, 121-125, 1974.

D.C. Groenveld, "Post-Dryout Heat Transfer at Reactor Operating Conditions." AECL-4513.Paper presented at the Nat Topical Meeting on Water Reactor Safety, ANS, Salt Lake City UT,1973.

Y.Y. Hsu, "Review of Film Boiling,"Adv in Cryogenic Engr 17, 361-381, 1972.●

P. Hutchinson, G.F Hewitt and A.E. Dukler, Chem Eng Sci 26, 419, 1971.●

O.C. Iloje, D.N Plummer, W.M. Rohsenow, P. Griffith, "A Study of Wall Rewet and HeatTransfer in Dispersed Vertical Flow."MIT Dept of Mech Engr Report , 72718-92,1974.

D.N. Plummer, O.C. Iloeje, W.M. Rohsenow, P. Griffith and E. Ganic, "Post Critical Heat●

Observations (1 of 2) [7/18/2000 9:02:05 AM]

Transfer to Flowing Liquid in a Vertical Tube." MIT Dept of Mech Engr Report 72718-91, 1974.

P.S. Rao and P.K. Sarma, "Partial Evaporation Rates of Liquid Particles on a Hot Plate Under FilmBoiling Conditions," Con J of Chem Engr, 52 (3), 415-419, 1974.

L.S. Tong, "Film Boiling Heat Transfer at Low Quality of Subcooled Region." Proceedings 2ndJoint USAEC-EURATOM Two-Phase Flow Meeting, Germantown. Report CONF-640507, p 63,1974.

G.B. Wallis and J.G. Collier "Two-Phase Flow and Heat Transfer." Notes for a Summer Course,July 15-26, Thayer School of Engineering, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH, USA. III, 33-46,1968.

P.B Whalley, P. Hutchinson and G.F. Hewitt, "The Calculation of Critical Heat Flux in ForcedConvection Boiling," AERE-R7520, 1973.

Next: CONDENSATION Up: POST-CHF HEAT TRANSFER Previous: Transition to Film Boiling

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Observations (2 of 2) [7/18/2000 9:02:05 AM]





Next: Basic Processes of Condensation Up: CONDENSATION Previous: Observations

9. CONDENSATIONCondensation phenomena occur in many industrial applications. In this section the focus is on thedetermination of the condensation heat transfer coefficient and the overall energy balance is left to thereader. There are two idealized models of condensation (i.e., filmwise and dropwise). The former occurson a cooled surface which is easily wetted. The vapor condenses in drops which grow by furthercondensation and coalesce to form a film over the surface, if the surface-fluid combination is wettable; ifthe surface is non-wetting rivulets of liquid flow away and new drops then begin to form. This reviewand discussion will mainly deal with filmwise condensation. The phenomena of dropwise condensationresults in local heat transfer coefficients which are often an order of magnitude greater than those forfilmwise condensation. Even though condensation phenomena can be classified into these categories ofdropwise and film condensation the initial period of condensation would evolve into a film and probablywould not affect the overall pressure-temperature response unless drop condensation is promoted(Slaughterbeck, 1970). Rates of heat transfer for film condensation can be predicted as a function of bulkand surface temperatures, total bulk pressure, surface and liquid film characteristics, bulk velocity andthe presence of noncondensible gases. Even though film condensation has been investigated extensively,the majority of these studies were devoted to laminar film condensation (laminar bulk flow and laminarfilm). Since the vapor flow in heat exchange equipment may be turbulent, models and recent data arealso reviewed for the condensation flux with a turbulent mixture flow. A simple engineering correlationor model is preferred many times for use in engineering design studies and with existing computersystem analyses (Schmitt, et al., 1970; Tagami, 1965).

Previous theoretical and experimental investigations are reviewed, in particular, the effects of thepresence of noncondensable gases and of the vapor velocity. These effects along with the effects ofgeometry and scale are of major interest at this time. Because the flow regime for the condensation heattransfer is well defined (stratified flow), the reader will find a much greater propensity for detailedmathematical analyses for simple geometries. Condensation on a vertical or horizontal flat plate, whichcan be extended to any arbitrary geometry, is the main focus of this discussion, because of its generality.The detailed review for film condensation outside a tube can be found in the work of Lee (1982). Theusual modification is to replace the length scale, L, by tube diameter, D, with a slight change in theproportionality constant. Table 1 is provided as a summary of the work on condensation at the presenttime.

9.1. Basic Processes of Condensation

9.2. Theoretical Developments of Condensation

9.3. Experimental Investigations

9.4. Separate Effects and Large Scale Tests

Condensation (1 of 2) [7/18/2000 9:02:07 AM]

9.5. Observations





Next: Basic Processes of Condensation Up: CONDENSATION Previous: Observations

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Condensation (2 of 2) [7/18/2000 9:02:07 AM]



previous contents

Next: Theoretical Developments of Condensation Up: Condensation Previous: Condensation

9.1. Basic Processes of CondensationBy analogy with the process of evaporation, liquid may form in one of three ways corresponding to theexistence of an unstable, metastable or stable equilibrium state. Let us briefly look at each one of these tounderstand the condensation process. In practical engineering design of heat exchange equipment thestable condensation situation needs to exist.

Consider a liquid drop of radius, r*, in equilibrium with its surrounding vapor at a system temperature, , and pressure, . The vapor pressure, under equilibrium conditions, is higher than the vapor

pressure, , for a planar surface, and this difference is given by

where R is the vapor gas constant and is the surface tension between the liquid and vapor. With thelocal condition of mechanical equilibrium for the liquid droplet and its pressure, ,

one can find the liquid pressure in the droplet as

One can also use the Clausius-Clapeyron relation to calculate for this simple situation the saturationtemperature, , of the droplet above the vapor temperature for maintaining this equilibrium

Analogous to boiling, the rate of nucleation of these liquid droplets depends on whether one considershomogeneous nucleation or heterogeneous nucleation processes. For homogeneous nucleation the rateexpression, dn/dt, is quite similar to that for boiling,

where r* can be found either from Eq.2 or 3. The term, , is the number of vapor molecules per unit

volume and is a collision frequency for vapor collisions given by

Basic Processes of Condensation (1 of 3) [7/18/2000 9:02:18 AM]

where m is the mass of one vapor molecule. One should note that in a similar fashion to boiling thisnucleation rate is altered if it occurs on solid surfaces since the work required to form a critical sizenuclei (r*) is reduced due to wetting of the solid surface.

Now in reference to the more stable situations of a vapor condensing on a planar surface covered by itsown liquid one must consider the local mass transfer situation. Consider a pure saturated vapor at apressure, , and a temperature, , condensing on its own liquid phase whose surface temperature is

. The phenomenon of such an interface mass transfer can be viewed from the standpoint of kinetic theoryas a difference between two quantities; a rate of arrival of molecules from the vapor space towards theinterface and a rate of departure of molecules from the surface of the liquid into the vapor space. Whencondensation takes place the arrival rate exceeds the departure rate. During evaporation the reverseoccurs, and during an equilibrium the two rates are equal and there is no net mass transfer.

From kinetic theory it can be shown that, in a stationary container of molecules, the mass rate of flow (ofmolecules) passing in either direction (to right or left) through an imagined plane is given by

where = flux of molecules (mass per unit time per unit area) M =molecular weight R = universal gas

constant P and T = pressure and temperature related by the saturation line. Equation 7 is the starting pointfor many theories of interfacial phase change.

In general it can be stated that the net molecular flux through an interface is the difference between thesefluxes in the directions from gas to liquid and vice-versa,

Since the condition close to the surface is not one of static thermal equilibrium, for any significant rate ofevaporation or condensation, it is really not meaningful to make use of the thermostatic pressure andtemperature on each side of the interface. Rather there is a concentration and therefore, a temperaturedifference, , across this interface which drives the mass transfer. Strictly speaking one should solvethe Boltzman transport equation with appropriate boundary conditions and asymptotes which areconditions of thermal equilibrium at several mean free path distances from the interface. However, someconsiderable success for engineering purposes has been achieved by using simplified kinetic theorytechniques and applying correction factors to the resulting predictions of this mass transfer and theassociated temperature difference. In most practical situations the energy removal rate from this interfacecontrols the condensation rate. Only in the presence of noncondensable gases (continuum) or at lowpressure (non-continuum) is this temperature difference, , important to consider. We will investigatethe case of the presence of noncondensable gases during condensation; one can get a physical feeling ofthe magnitude of this temperature difference.





Basic Processes of Condensation (2 of 3) [7/18/2000 9:02:18 AM]

Next: Theoretical Developments of Condensation Up: Condensation Previous: Condensation

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Basic Processes of Condensation (3 of 3) [7/18/2000 9:02:18 AM]





Next: Experimental Investigations Up: Condensation Previous: Basic Processes of Condensation

9.2. Theoretical Developments ofCondensationStationary Pure Vapor

For filmwise condensation of a "stationary" saturated vapor, Nusselt (1916) presented the first analyticalsolution for heat transfer on a plane surface (Fig.9.1 ) with the following assumptions (Collier, 1981):

1. the flow of condensate in the film is laminar,

2. the fluid properties are constant,

3. subcooling of the condensate may be neglected,

4. momentum convective changes through the film are negligible,

5. the vapor is stationary and exerts no drag on the downward motion of the condensate

6. heat transfer through the film is by conduction only.

The mean value of the heat transfer coefficient over the whole surface was given by

One should note here that for a tube, L is replaced by the tube diameter, D, and 0.943 becomes 0.725.This model had been extended to include the effects of Nusselt's assumptions. In particular, Bromley(1952) considered the effects of subcooling within the liquid film and Rohsenow (1956) also allowed fora non-linear distribution of temperature through the film due to energy convection. The results indicatedthat the latent heat of vaporization, , in Eq. (9) should be replaced by

However, it should be noted that in most engineering applications, the value of is small (typically

less than 0.001) and can be neglected.

Sparrow and Gregg (1959) removed assumption (4) and included inertia forces and a convection termwithin the condensate film by using a boundary layer treatment for the condensate film. For commonfluids with Prandtl numbers around and greater than unity, inertia effects are negligible for values of

less than 2.0 For liquid metals with very low Prandtl numbers, however, the heat transfer

coefficient falls below the Nusselt prediction with increasing when is greater than 0.001.

Theoretical Developments of Condensation (1 of 7) [7/18/2000 9:02:28 AM]

Poots and Miles (1967) have looked at the effect of variable physical properties (assumption 2) onvertical plates. More recently Koh et al. (1961) and Chen (1961) included the influence of the dragexerted by the vapor on the liquid film. Both results show that the interfacial shear stress can reduce heattransfer due to the effect of "hold up" of the condensate film for low values of Pr, but this effect is smalland steadily decreases with increasing Pr for Prandtl number greater than unity.

As a conclusion for pure steam-water condensation (Pr ;SPMgt; 1), Nusselt's assumptions can beaccepted for a stationary vapor without noncondensable gas in practical engineering situations.

Moving Pure Vapor

The effects of vapor velocity and its associated drag on the condensate film have been found to besignificant in many practical problems. For the case of vapor flow parallel to a horizontal flat plate, Cess(1960) presented uniform property boundary layer solutions, obtained by means of similaritytransformations by neglecting the inertia and energy convection effects within the condensate film andassuming that the interfacial velocity was negligible in comparison with the free stream vapor velocity.Shekriladze and Gomelauri (1966) simplified the problem and also considered the case of an isothermalvertical plate with similar assumptions (1973). Mayhew et al. (1966, 1987) attempted to expand Nusselt'ssimple approach to take account of vapor friction as well as momentum drag. South and Denny (1972)proposed an interpolation formula for the interfacial shear stress in a simplified manner as Mayhew.However, such an interpolation formula only led to a small difference in the heat transfer rate.

Jacobs (1966) used an integral method to solve the boundary layer by matching the mass flux, shearstress, temperature and velocity at the interface. The inertia and convection terms in the boundary layerequations of the liquid film were neglected. The variation of the physical properties and the thermalresistance at the vapor-liquid interface were also neglected. Since Jacobs used an incorrect boundarycondition for the vapor boundary layer, Fujii and Uehara (1972) solved the same problem with thecorrect boundary condition. In addition, the velocity profile in the vapor layer was taken as a quadratic.They presented the numerical results and their approximate expressions for the cases of free convection,forced convection, and mixed convection. The results show good agreement with numerical calculationsand with Cess' approximate solution (1960).

The current recommendation in this area is the model developed by this latter work as a best estimate.One should be cautious as the Nusselt number increases because this implies a higher vapor and filmflow with accompanying film turbulence, not accounted for in these models. For design purposes therecommendation is to use Nusselt laminar film model (Equ. 9.9), since it will predict a slightly lowerheat transfer coefficient, with a thicker condensate film.

Stationary Vapor with a Noncondensable Gas

A noncondensable gas can exist in a condensing environment and leads to a significant reduction in heattransfer during condensation. A gas-vapor boundary layer (e.g., air-steam) forms next to the condensatelayer and the partial pressures of gas and vapor vary through the boundary layer as shown in Fig. 9.2.The buildup of noncondensable gas near the condensate film inhibits the diffusion of the vapor from thebulk mixture to the liquid film and reduces the rate of mass and energy transfer. Therefore, it is necessaryto solve simultaneously the conservation equations of mass, momentum and energy for both thecondensate film and the vapor-gas boundary layer together with the conservation of specied for thevapor-gas layer. At the interface, a continuity condition of mass, momentum and energy has to be

Theoretical Developments of Condensation (2 of 7) [7/18/2000 9:02:28 AM]


For a stagnant vapor-gas mixture, Sparrow and Eckert (1961) and Sparrow and Lin (1964) solved themass, momentum and energy equations for laminar film condensation on an isothermal vertical plate byusing a similarity transformation. Sparrow and Eckert (1961) considered the notion of the vapor-gasmixture from the downward motion of the condensate film, whereas Sparrow and Lin (1964) includedfree convection arising from density differences associated with composition differences. These analysesindicated that the condensing rate is dependent on the bulk gas mass fraction, the vapor-gas mixture

Schmidt number, and . The numerical calculations show that the effect of the

noncondensable gas increases with increasing Schmidt number and increasing value of . Since

free convection arises from both the temperature and the concentration difference in a boundary layer, itis important when the vapor and the noncondensing gas have significantly different relative molecularweights and that its importance increases with increasing bulk gas mass fraction and increasing values of

. Minkowycz and Sparrow (1965, 1966) also included free convection arising from

temperature differences. In addition, the effect of interfacial resistance, superheating, thermal diffusionand property variation in the condensate film and in the vapor-gas mixture were considered andconcluded to be less important except for superheating.

To reduce the computation time, Rose (1969) presented an approximate integral boundary layer solutionassuming uniform properties except for density in the buoyancy term. Plausible velocity andconcentration profiles for the vapor-gas boundary layer were used and it was assumed that these twolayers had equal thickness. The results showed quite good agreement with those of Minkowycz andSparrow and this is recommended for use.

Moving Vapor with a Noncondensable Gas

For a laminar vapor-gas mixture case, Sparrow, et al. (1967) solved the conservation equations for theliquid film and the vapor-gas boundary layer neglecting inertia and convection in the liquid layer andassuming the stream-wise velocity component at the interface to be zero in the computation of thevelocity field in the vapor-gas boundary layer. Also a reference temperature was used for the evaluationof properties. The results showed that the effect of noncondensable gas for the moving vapor-gas mixturecase is much less than for the corresponding stationary vapor-gas mixture. A moving vapor-gas mixtureis considered to have a "sweeping" effect, thereby resulting in a lower gas concentration at the interface(compared to the corresponding stationary vapor-gas mixture case). Also, the ratio of the heat flux with anoncondensable gas to that without a noncondensable gas was calculated to be independent on the bulkvelocity. The computed results reveal that interfacial resistance has a negligible effect on the heat transferand that superheating has much less of an effect than in the corresponding free convection case.

Koh (1962) and Fujii et al. (1977) solved this problem without the simplifying assumptions used by Rose(1969) except for uniform properties and showed good agreement with the approximate analysis. Insteadof solving a complete set of the conservation equations, Rose (1980) used the experimental heat transferresult for flow over the flat plate with suction (1979). Denny et al. (1971, 1972) also considered the caseof downward vapor-gas mixture flow parallel to a vertical flat plate. They presented a numerical solution

Theoretical Developments of Condensation (3 of 7) [7/18/2000 9:02:28 AM]

of similar mass, momentum and energy equations for a vapor-gas mixture by means of a forwardmarching technique. Interfacial boundary conditions at each step were extracted from a locally validNusselt type analysis of the condensate film. Local variable properties in the condensate film wereevaluated by means of the reference temperature concept, while those in the vapor-gas layer were treatedexactly. Asano et al. (1978) treated the condensate film as in the Nusselt analysis but assumed theinterfacial shear stress was the same as that for single-phase flow over an impermeable plate.

The analytical model described above was solved using only a laminar vapor-gas (or pure vapor)boundary layer except for Mayhew (1966). Whitley (1976) proposed a simple model, which uses theanalogy between heat and mass transfer for forced convection condensation of a turbulent mixtureboundary layer by neglecting the interfacial velocity and treating the surface of the condensate film to besmooth. Kim (1990) improved on Whitley's approach for forced convection and natural convectionapplications by extending it to a wavy/turbulent film. By using well accepted correlations for a flat plategeometry, the solution procedure is simplified to computing the condensate film thickness and the localReynolds and Sherwood numbers in the downstream direction. This leads to a computationally efficientsolution, which can be easily expanded to include more detailed models of the condensate film. Totalheat flow is controlled by the gas phase heat transfer and the heat flow through the condensate film.Therefore, the total condensation heat transfer coefficient can be written as:

Gas phase heat transfer consists of convection heat transfer and the latent heat released as a result ofmass transfer. Radiation heat transfer can be neglected in the temperature range of interest (30- C).Hence hgas is given by

where is defined as:

The analogy between momentum-heat-mass transfer is used in order to find the heat and mass transfercoefficients along the plate. The friction factor and Stanton number are correlated by

For a smooth surface, the local skin friction factor can be correlated with the local Reynolds number, anda result like Whitley is obtained

By substituting equation 15 into equation 14, the local Nusselt number is obtained,

Theoretical Developments of Condensation (4 of 7) [7/18/2000 9:02:28 AM]

Utilizing Reynold's analogy between heat and mass transfer, equation 16 is modified to obtain the localSherwood number:

The turbulent Prandtl and Schmidt numbers in these equations can be replaced with the equations derivedby Jischa and Rieke (Kim, 1990). They derived the following results from transport equations ofturbulent kinetic energy, heat flux and mass flux, as

where coefficients and were fitted to experimental data. The recommended values are given in the

following table. Finally, the local Nusselt and Sherwood numbers for a smooth surface can be obtainedby substitution of equations 18 and 19 in equations 16 and 17,

Heat and mass transfer coefficients can now be solved from 20 and 21, respectively. The condensationheat transfer coefficient hcond can then be obtained by substituting the following definition into equation13,

where G is the mass transfer coefficient and W is the mass fraction.

The boundary layer thickness is reduced due to the apparent suction effect of the condensation process.This leads to larger temperature and concentration gradients close to the interface that, consequently,increase heat and mass transfer rates. The following correction factors were implemented to account forthe suction effect,

where is defined as:

Theoretical Developments of Condensation (5 of 7) [7/18/2000 9:02:28 AM]

where is defined as:

where is defined as:

The droplets or waves that form on the condensate interface can increase the shear stress and lead toenhanced turbulent mixing at the interface. The effective surface area of the interface is also increaseddue to droplets and waves. The case where waves and droplets are present was modelled as a roughsurface (Kim, 1990). Kim integrated the non-dimensional temperature profile and expressed the resultingStanton number as a function of the turbulent Prandtl number, friction factor and a roughness parameter,

where the roughness parameter is based on experimental correlation,

where is the shear stress at the wall.

The Nusselt number can be solved from equation 20,

The Sherwood number can be obtained utilizing the Reynold's analogy and equations 31 and 32,

Theoretical Developments of Condensation (6 of 7) [7/18/2000 9:02:28 AM]

In the aforementioned equations, the effect of the condensate interface structure is included in the surfaceroughness parameter . In Kim's original model the interfacial waves were considered to influence the

roughness parameter. A condensate film Reynolds number of 100 was used as a critical threshold valuefor wave formation. Kim used Wallis' correlation to account for waviness of the interface by linking it tothe condensate film thickness .

The current recommendation in this area would be to use this simple engineering correlation of Kim asan estimate for most situations. If more exact estimates are necessary then other more detailed fluidmechanics analyses could be used for the bulk gas flow.





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Theoretical Developments of Condensation (7 of 7) [7/18/2000 9:02:28 AM]





Next: Separate Effects and Large Up: Condensation Previous: Theoretical Developments ofCondensation

9.3. Experimental InvestigationsStationary Pure Vapor

A number of earlier experimental results (before 1950) show some difference with the predictions of theNusselt theory (McAdams, 1954). The differences can be attributed to one or more of the followingreasons: 1) significant forced-convection effects; 2) presence of noncondensable gas; 3) waviness andturbulence within the condensate film; 4) presence of dropwise condensation.

More recently, Mills and Seban (1967) condensed steam on a copper vertical flat plate and Slegers andSeban (1969) conducted some experiments with n-butyl alcohol. These tests support the Nusselt theoryfor pure stationary vapor condensation.

Moving Pure Vapor

Mayhew and Aggarwal (1973) experimented with pure steam condensing on a flat surface. To avoid airin-leakage, the experiments were carried out at pressures slightly above atmospheric. Good agreement isobtained between the experimental results and the calculated values by their own theory. It is veryinteresting to note that the results for the counter-current flow cases are always appreciably higher thanthose predicted by the author's own model and indeed always higher than the corresponding co-currentvelocity vapor values. The reason was investigated and explained as follows in the original paper;

An obvious explanation was provided by dye-injection tests which showed that, withcounterflow, no laminar film flow could be achieved. The film was torn off the plate (i.e.flooding occurred at quite moderate values of vapor velocity. Similar observations withparallel flow confirmed that the film was always both laminar and smooth. From work withnoncondensing films it was expected that rippled flow would be encountered over part ofthe surface at the higher velocities used. In fact remarkable smooth films were observedsuggesting that mass transfer, and possibly also surface tension effects on thenon-isothermal film, must have had a stabilizing effect.

More recently Asano et al. (1978) reported their data for the condensation of pure saturated vapors on avertical flat copper plate and showed good agreement with the authors' own model.

Stationary Vapor with a Noncondensable Gas

Perhaps the earliest definitive experiment of the effect noncondensable gas was done by Othmer (1929),who introduced air mole fractions of up to 11 The experimental heat transfer coefficient data of Hampson(1951) and Akers et al. (1960) were 20 Al-Diwany and Rose (1973) reported heat transfer measurementsfor steam condensing in the presence at air, argon, neon and helium. The vapor-gas mixture was passedinto the steam chamber via flow straighteners which provided uniform flow of the mixture towards thecondensing surface so as to preclude forced convection effects. The experimental data for steam-air,

Experimental Investigations (1 of 2) [7/18/2000 9:02:36 AM]

steam-argon and steam-neon showed satisfactory agreement with the predicted theoretical values ofSparrow but for steam-helium showed a lower value than the theoretical values.

Recently, DeVuono and Christensen (1984) reported their experiment of natural convection of asteam-air mixture at pressures above atmospheric to 0.7 MPa to investigate the effect of pressure. Theexperiments were performed on a horizontal copper tube with 7.94 cm O.D. by 1.22 m of activecondensation length. The tube was mounted in a cylindrical pressure vessel 1.52 m O.D. by 3.35 m long.Saturated steam was supplied by an external source and allowed to diffuse to the tube resulting insteady-state, natural convection conditions. An expression, which is a function of , percentnoncondensable gas by volume (Y

where MPa

0.0 < Y < 14.0


Even though this experiment was done over a large range of pressure for a containment analysis andshowed a significant effect of pressure, the pipe geometry and length scale make it questionable to applythis correlation to a large scale system. Unfortunately, the experiment results were not compared withany other theoretical model.

Moving Vapor with a Noncondensable Gas

Rauscher, Mills and Denny (1974) performed experiments of filmwise condensation from steam-airmixtures undergoing forced flow over 0.74 in. O.D. horizontal tube. The heat transfer coefficient at thestagnation point was reported for bulk air mass fractions 0 - 7





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Experimental Investigations (2 of 2) [7/18/2000 9:02:36 AM]





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9.4. Separate Effects and Large Scale TestsThe previous experiments were separate effect tests in which model development was an integral part of the research. There have beenother data collected in which direct empirical correlations have resulted or in which analysis is not completed. These relevantexperiments are summarized in Table 9.2. We consider both separate effects data and large scale tests.

Separate Effects Experiments

Typically, the heat transfer coefficients have been observed to decrease significantly with increased noncondensable gas mass fractionunder various conditions and test geometries. The degradation of heat transfer is caused by the accumulation of a noncondensable gaslayer near the cold wall through which the vapor must diffuse.

Buoyancy Forces in a Stagnant Gas Mixture

Cho and Stein (1988) investigated condensation of steam in the presence of air and helium on a small horizontal plate facing down withstagnant flow conditions. The results with air were successfully modelled by taking into account the buoyancy forces caused by differentmolecular weights of participating gases. Since helium is a lighter gas than steam, a suppression of natural convection was expected.However, the tests with a moderate helium content showed higher heat transfer rates than predicted by a diffusion analysis. A convectiveheat transfer mechanism caused by fog and mist formation was hypothesized. Fog that formed near the cold surface was observed toform localized swirls and generally move in downward direction. These visual observations seemed to confirm the presence ofhypothesized natural circulation. A similar geometrical arrangement was also used by Kroger and Rohsenow (1968). Potassium vaporwas condensed in the presence of argon and helium. The diffusion theory successfully predicted the experimental data with helium. Inthe case of argon, experimental results indicated a superimposed natural circulation flow. Vapor phase instabilities and secondary flowcells were also reported by Spencer, Chang and Moy (1970). They investigated the condensation of Freon-113 in the presence of helium,nitrogen and carbon-dioxide on a vertical surface under stagnant conditions. Both visual observations and heat transfer measurementswere performed. The results, indicate a modest effect of noncondensable gas molecular weight. Dehbi (1991) studied the influence of anair/helium noncondensable mixture on the condensation heat transfer under stagnant conditions. The condensing surface consisted of a3500 mm long vertical copper tube. Helium mass fraction was varied from 1.7 to 8.3 weight percent. Dehbi reported that the heattransfer rates decreased with a increased helium mass fraction. When the helium mass fractions were relatively high, sharp stratificationpatterns were observed as helium migrated to the top of the test vessel and air/stream mixture stayed at the bottom. The naturalconvection patterns in all these data suggest that scale dependence must be strongly considered.

Forced Flow

As mentioned previously Dallmeyer (1970) studied condensation of and on a vertical plate in the presence of air. The results

showed that heat transfer rates increased with the Reynolds number and the vapor concentration. Dallmeyer performed detailedmeasurements of the velocity, temperature and concentration profiles near the wall with laminar and turbulent flow. Measured profilesillustrated the apparent suction effect of the condensation that increases the gradients near the wall and thus leads to higher heat andmass transfer rates in the laminar flow region. Condensation process and, in particular, high condensate mass fluxes were observed todampen the turbulence level in the turbulent region.

Barry (1987) performed condensation experiments with the mixture of steam and air. His apparatus consisted of a horizontal plate facingupwards. The velocity and mass ratio range was chosen so that it covered the conditions that are likely to exist in a containment duringan accident in a developing parallel flow situation. Barry's results show expected the effects of velocity and the mass ratio as mentionedpreviously. Kutsuna, Inoue and Nakanishi (1987) studied condensation of steam on a horizontal plate (facing up) in the presence of air.They also reported increased heat transfer rates due to forced convection. Their results, indicate the expected effects of noncondensablegas concentration and velocity on the heat transfer coefficients. Tests were performed with higher steam content than the tests by Barry,and consequently, the heat transfer coefficient were also significantly higher. When the tests are performed with a high steam content,the heat transfer results become very sensitive to the air content. This may be the reason why the data scatter is markedly higher than inBarry's experiment. Unfortunately, the experimental uncertainties were not discussed.


Several workers have investigated the effect of the system pressure with stagnant flow conditions (no forced convection). The heattransfer rates are reported to increase with system pressure (e.g., Gerstmann, 1964), because the densities of gas components increasewith pressure. Cho and Stein (1988) reported that an increase in the system pressure (0.31 MPa to 1.24 MPa) also influenced the mode

Separate Effects and Large Scale Tests (1 of 4) [7/18/2000 9:02:41 AM]

of condensation on a downward facing surface with helium as the noncondensable gas. Higher pressures led to mixed mode ofcondensation (filmwise and dropwise condensation coexisting) with a downward facing polished surface.

Nuclear reactor safety evaluations have prompted studies of the effect of pressure on condensation heat transfer under transientconditions (large concentrations of noncondensable gases). Robinson and Windebank (1988) studied the effect of pressure in the rangeof 0.27-0.62 MPa with an air/stream mixture. The noncondensable gas mass fraction was varied from 24 to 88 percent. The heat transferrates were measured with a cooled disk that was placed inside a pressure vessel. The results show that heat transfer rates increase withpressure and decrease with the mass ratio of noncondensable gas. Robinson and Windebank noted that the velocity field due to the steaminjection might have had an effect on their results. The magnitude of the induced velocities within the vessel were stated to be below 2

, although no detailed measurements were performed.

Similar tests were also conducted by Dehbi. Heat transfer rates were measured at three different pressures (0.15, 0.275 and 0.45 MPa).The noncondensible gas mass fraction in the tests ranged from 25 to 90 percent. The experimental apparatus consisted of a three meterand one half long cooled tube (0.038 m Dia) in a pressure vessel. The motivation behind using a relatively large vertical dimension wasto simulate the length scale of internal containment structures. Surprisingly narrow pressure vessel was used (L/D = 10). This led todifficulties to establish homogeneous test conditions in the vessel. In the tests, the mass ratio of air was 8-33 percent greater in the upperpart of the vessel than in the lower part. Secondly, the flow field created by the natural convection may have been affected by thesidewalls. Therefore, the results by Dehbi have some unspecified uncertainty. He confirmed the observations of Robinson that heattransfer rate increases with system pressure.

Condensate Film Structure

Several studies have been done to address the effect of condensate film characteristics on the heat transfer rates. The condensate filmcharacteristics depend on its flow field and the nature of the condensing surface, e.g. roughness, wetting and orientation.

Forced flow induces interfacial instabilities that increase the heat transfer rates by reducing the thickness of gas phase laminar sublayerand enhancing the mixing of both the liquid (condensate film) and gas phase. Barry (1987) studied the effects of interfacial structurecaused by shear. Since the condensation length was relatively short, a film injection system was used to produce a condensate film thatwas sufficiently thick for measurements. The qualitative results suggested that enhanced mixing, which is caused by the interfacial filmstructure, somewhat compensated for the effect of the noncondensable gas.

The surface finish has a major effect on the mode of condensation for a downward facing surface and it is the wetting characteristics ofthe surface that ultimately determine this. Dropwise condensation is likely to exist on non-wetting surfaces and filmwise condensation islikely on wetting surfaces. In dropwise condensation mode with polished metal surfaces, the heat transfer characteristics are likely tochange due to oxidation of the surface or tarnishing. Thus, one cannot precisely know the wetting characteristics as surface aging occurs.Gerstmann and Griffith (1967) studied the condensation of pure, stagnant Freon-113 and water vapor at atmospheric pressure. Heattransfer measurements and visual observations of the interfacial behavior were made. Gerstmann and Griffith observed several distinctflow regimes in the condensate film depending on the angle of inclination. Unstable condensate film with pendant drops and lengthwiseridges existed at the horizontal position. The characteristic length scale of these formations was on the order of the Taylor wavelength.The ridge formation was associated with the presence of a noncondensable gas. When the surface was tilted, the condensate wavesdeveloped into "roll waves." The waves were fully developed at about 20 degrees of inclination. The influence of the condensate film onthe heat transfer rates was successfully analyzed using an assumption of quasi-steady state with force and energy balance equations.Generally, heat transfer rates were found to decrease with increasing inclination angle. The presence of lengthwise ridge waves inducedby noncondensable gas was also reported by Spencer et al. (1970). However, no discussion of the effect of the ridge waves on the heattransfer rates was given.

Integral and Large Scale Experiments

In addition to the heat transfer data, integral and large experiments provide valuable background information about physical conditionssuch as gas concentrations, temperatures, prevailing flow fields and system pressures in a particular circumstance. The data from theexperiments can be used as integral benchmarks for models. In the subject area of condensation these data usually involve the study ofcondensation in large containment structures for nuclear reactor safety.

The first integral experiments were performed by Jubb and Kolflat (1960). The results of these integral tests were correlated with theexperimental parameters. However, some of the parameters that Jubb and Kolflat used were uniquely dependent on the experimentalapparatus. Therefore, the resulting correlations were not generally applicable to anything other geometry.

Uchida et al. (1965) and Tagami (1965) performed experiments using a model of a containment structure (3.4 meters dia and 6.4 metersin height). Three water cooled cylinders inside the containment structure were used as test surfaces. Uchida measured thepost-blowdown heat transfer rates using a vertical surface with subcooling of C. The dimensions of the test surface were 0.14 by 0.3meters (width and height). The pressure in the tests varied from 0.1 to 0.3 MPa. The heat transfer rates were reported to decrease with an

Separate Effects and Large Scale Tests (2 of 4) [7/18/2000 9:02:41 AM]

increasing concentration of noncondensable gas. Contrary to the findings reported in the separate effects section, Uchida et al., reportedthat the heat transfer rates depend only on the mass ratio and not on the molecular weight of the participating gases, local velocities orpressure. Uchida's and Tagami's results can be correlated in metric units as,



where W is defined as the mass fraction of noncondensable gas. The geometrical aspects and the effect of velocity field were ignored.Therefore, caution should be used to extrapolate results from the correlations for the long sections of structural walls. Unfortunately, it isquoted and used in safety analyses.

The CVTR test series was conducted using a full scale structure of a decommissioned nuclear power plant (Schmitt, 1970). The steamwas injected through a diffuser (0.25 meters dia and 3 meters in height) located three meters above the operating floor. Three tests wereconducted. The heat transfer rates into the wall were computed from the measured temperature profiles in the wall using the inverseconduction method. The velocity field was measured by ultrasonic anemometers. The experimental data from the CVTR test were usedby Kim (1990) as one data set to benchmark his condensation model. The major conclusion from the analysis of these tests was thatlocal gas velocities were needed to accurately predict the data.

Historically, integral tests have been used to find simple correlations that would predict the heat transfer rates. These correlations havegained wide acceptance and are regularly used in safety analyses. In this light, it is surprising to find out that until recently, most of thedata from these integral tests have been based on a very limited number of measurements of the prevailing conditions. Therefore, thesecorrelations generally have a very limited value in making accurate predictions of heat transfer rates through different geometries.

Separate Effects and Large Scale Tests (3 of 4) [7/18/2000 9:02:41 AM]





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Separate Effects and Large Scale Tests (4 of 4) [7/18/2000 9:02:41 AM]





Up: Condensation Previous: Separate Effects and Large

9.5. ObservationsCondensation phenomena can be classified by the presence of noncondensable gas, the gas mixturevelocity, the flow characterization (laminar or turbulent) of the gas mixture and the condensate film and theinterface condition as shown in Table 9.1, which presented the summary of the theoretical andexperimental investigations discussed.

For all cases with a simple geometry except the turbulent gas mixture boundary layer and the wavyinterface of both the pure vapor and the vapor-air mixture case, it is seen that numerical solutions of theconservation equations and more approximate analytical solutions of the conservation equations agree wellwith the corresponding experimental work.

As the geometry of the condensing surface becomes more complex more prototypic experiments must beperformed. Examples of these cases are provided in the previous section for integral containment tests. Thepresence of a turbulent gas mixture (natural or forced convection) or a wavy/turbulent film interfacecomplicates the analysis even for simple geometries. Examples of separate effect tests and correlationsunder a variety of conditions were also presented in the previous section. In these situations theoreticalanalysis of this turbulent condition is still needed as is consideration of the effect of geometric scale. Thismay require multi-dimensional, multi-fluid modelling of the condensation process both near the wall andgas boundary layers as well as in the bulk gas mixture. If this approach is taken then one must address theappropriate scaling of these calculations to produce scaling of these calculations to produce usefulcondensation heat transfer design correlations or procedures.

ReferencesW.W. Akers, S.H. Davis, Jr and J.E. Crawford, "Condensation of a Vapor in the Presence of aNoncondensing Gas," Chemical Engineering Progress Symposium Series, No 30, Vol 56, pp139-144, 1960.

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K. Almenas and U. Lee, "A Statistical Evaluation of the Heat Transfer Data Obtained in the HDRContainment Tests," University of Maryland, 1984.

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J.H. Goodykoontz and R.G. Dorsch, "Local Heat Transfer Coefficients for Condensation of Steam in●

Observations (2 of 5) [7/18/2000 9:02:45 AM]

Vertical Down Flow Within a 8-May inch Diameter Tube," NASA TN D-3326, 1966.

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Observations (3 of 5) [7/18/2000 9:02:45 AM]

W.J. Minkoycz, "Laminar Film Condensation of Water Vapor on an Isothermal Vertical Surface,"PhD Thesis, University of Minnesota, 1965.

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D.F. Othmer, "The Condensation of Steam, Ind Eng and Chem," Vol 21, No 6, pp 577-583 1929.●

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