My career and full sail

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MY Career and Full sail

Tuesday, May 21, 13

Why I am at Full Sail University and Studying Internet Marketing

I have try to do many things in my Life

From Programming to Accounting and I hated both!

Tuesday, May 21, 13

Sales, and more Sales

From High End Retail

Selling Auto Insurance for AIG

Tuesday, May 21, 13

The Movie That Changed My Life!

The Social Network

Seeing this Movie when a simple idea change Mark’s life.

I knew I wanted a part of this world!

Full Sail University Feb 2012 and Email.

Enrolled Dec 2012

Started February 2013 Internet Marketing

Tuesday, May 21, 13

Writing is in every Part of Internet Marketing

Search Engine Optimization

Internet Marketing Specialist

Web Design

All have to write to get people to see ideas

Tuesday, May 21, 13

My Story and Why

As  I  have  gotten  older  and  watched  all  the  changes  that  had  taken  place  since  I  became  an  adult  made  me  look  at  how  much  we  depend  on  the  computer  and  the  Internet.    Something  when  I  :irst  moved  to  California  was  just  something  we  had  in  our  home  to  play  with  and  do  a  little  homework  on  has  become  something  I  have  everywhere  on  everything  I  used.  

When  I  :irst  saw  the  movie  The  Social  Network  and  learn  the  whole  store  of  how  Facebook  came  into  existence  I  wanted  to  be  a  part  of  that  world  in  some  way.  But  how  would  this  happened  I  know  I  enjoy  working  on  my  computer  but  all  I  do  is  very  basic  so  what  can  I  do  to  become  more  create  in  this  new  world  that  is  changing  every  week  it  seem  like.    

So  I  was  still  working  dead  end  job  and  getting  nowhere  fast,  my  nephew  told  I  how  he  had  just  started  going  to  Full  Sail  University  and  how  I  should  look  at  the  school.    I  did  look  at  it  in  February  2012  but  I  was  not  ready  to  start  at  that  very  moment  so  the  rest  of  the  year  came  and  went  and  on  December  30,2012  I  revisited  the  email  I  got  about  Full  Sail  and  went  online  and  did  some  research  about  the  programs  that  Full  Sail  had.    I  looked  at  3  different  programs  but  the  one  I  know  I  would  enjoy  was  Internet  Marketing  because  I  understood  marketing  and  all  that  went  into  traditional  marketing.    Internet  Market  however  was  more  of  what  I  was  looking  for,  because  I  know  that  with  everything  changing  the  Internet  was  here  to  stay  and  I  would  be  a  part  of  the  Internet  revolution,  which  I  wanted  ever  since  seeing  the  movie  The  Social  Network.While  I  was  watching  The  Social  Network,  the  part  that  really  stood  out  was  when  he  took  an  idea  that  someone  else  had  and  made  it  into  something  that  turn  into  something  that  everyone  from  all  walks  of  life  use  no  matter  your  age  you  are  on  Facebook  or  know  people  on  Facebook.    My  mom  has  never  done  anything  on  a  computer  but  she  knows  about  Facebook  and  to  me  that  is  something  great.    With  the  classes  I  have  taken  I  still  don’t  know  what  part  of  Internet  Marketing  is  going  to  be  my  career  path  but  I  know  whatever  path  I  take  it  will  be  great.

As  I  did  my  research  on  the  roll  writing  had  with  Internet  Marketing,  I  found  that  writing  plays  a  major  role  in  every  aspect  of  Internet  Marketing.    In  the  pursuit  of  being  the  best  in  your  :ield  you  must  catch  the  reader  attention  from  start  to  :inish  and  being  a  good  write  is  where  it  starts.(Freelance  writers  have  great  opportunities  working  for  websites  and  any  online  markets,  with  social  media  accounts,  blogs,  and  copy  for  new  sites.  Unless  you  understand  the  basic  of  how  search  engines  work  and  how  to  make  written  content  stand  out  in  searches,  you  won’t  satisfy  clients.)  (Bram)    2012.(  It  is  possible  to  write  truly  great  articles  and  other  content  that  both  readers  and  search  engine  respond  well  to.  Doing  so  matter  of  honing  your  craft  as  a  writer,  :irst  and  foremost,  and  then  making  sure  that  a  search  engine’s    software  can  easily  navigate  through  your  writing.  It  can  take  practice,  but  doing  so  means  more  readers  will  be  able  to  :ind  your  work  online.)  (  Bram)  2012.

Many  have  felt  those  communication  jobs  are  going  away.  But  the  public’s  appetite  for  information  is  enormous  and  someone  has  to  write  the  content,  Allgood,  told  attendees  at  the  National  Association  of  Bar  Executives  Communications  Section  Workshop.(What  more  he  said,  while  there  are  some  differences  between  writing  for  a  newspaper  and  writing  for  a  social  media  or  another  online  resource,  the  basic  remain  the  same-­‐  good  reporting  is  still  good  reporting.)  (Cavicchia)  2012

Tuesday, May 21, 13


Bram,    T  (2012)  6  Smart  tops  for  writing  for  the  Web,  Writer  (Kalmbach    Publishing  Co.),  125(4),  13

Cavicchia,  M  (2012).  Reporter,  professor  shares  insights  on  the  future  of  communications,  Bar  Leader,  36  (2),  13-­‐14.


Computer  Programmer:  Germany    Monday  January  14,2002  .  Associated  Press

Accounting:    Los  Angeles,  California  United  States    Friday  January  15,  1993  Academy  Awards  Accounting  .    Associated  Press

Retail:  Stanford  Shopping  Center  Palo  Alto,  CA  Thursday  February  10,2012  Associated  Press,    Paul  Sakuma

AIG  –  Location,  New  York,  New  York  Tuesday  March  17,  2009      Associated  Press  Mark  Lenniham

The  Social  Network:  Berlin,  Germany  Tuesday  October  5,  2010  Mark  Schriber    Associated  Press

Writer:  Homer,  Alaska,  United  States  Friday  April  12,  2013    Associated  Press  Nthan  Harvey  (  this  is  how  it  spell  on  the  Associated  Press  page)

Tuesday, May 21, 13


I  have  not  done  the  audio  portion  yet  still  working  on  this.

I  have  spent  about  24hours  over  7  days  getting  this  together.    I  was  over  thinking  this.  

Tuesday, May 21, 13