Nagaoka Et Al. 2009

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  • 8/13/2019 Nagaoka Et Al. 2009


    137 2009 The Anthropological Society of Nippon

    A NTHROPOLOGICAL SCIENCEVol. 117(3), 137146, 2009

    Human skeletal remains from the Pacopampa site

    in the northern highlands of PeruTomohito N AGAOKA 1 *, Yuji S EKI 2 , Juan Pablo V ILLAUEVA 3 , Walter Tosso M ORALES 4 , Kinya I NOKUCHI 5 ,Mauro Ordes L IVIA 3 , Diana Alemn P AREDES 3 , Daniel Morales C HOCANO 3

    1 Department of Anatomy, St. Marianna University School of Medicine, Kawasaki 216-8511, Japan2 National Museum of Ethnology, Osaka 565-8511, Japan

    3 Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Peru4 Museo Amano, Lima, Peru

    5 Saitama Unviersity, Saitama 338-8570, Japan

    Received 8 January 2009; accepted 4 March 2009

    Abstract The Pacopampa site, located in the northern highlands of Peru, is an archeological sitebelonging to the Formative Period (2500 BC0 AD). The purposes of this study are to observe anddescribe the human skeletal remains from the Pacopampa site, to estimate the sex and age-at-death of each individual, and finally to diagnose morphological traits and skeletal disorders. The materials usedhere are 498 human skeleton parts. The sample comprises at least 18 individuals: eight subadult skel-etons, eight adult skeletons, one skeleton aged 1039 years, and one of unknown age. The age distri-bution (six of eight subadults were less than one year) suggests a high proportion of infants in the pop-ulation. The sexual ratio of three adult males to four adult females indicates a skeletal population withhardly any sexual bias. A paleopathological examination revealed that the percentage of permanentteeth affected by dental caries was 9% (18/192). Two elderly females exhibit periodontal disease inboth the maxillae and mandibles. This is the first study to examine the lives and deaths of a FormativePeriod population from the perspective of bioarcheology.

    Key words: Peru, Formative Period, dental caries, age-at-death distribution

    IntroductionThe Pacopampa site, located in the northern highlands of

    Peru, is an archeological site belonging to the Formative Pe-riod (2500 BC0 AD) (Figure 1) and played an importantrole as a ceremonial center in the Central Andes. It was firstexcavated by a Peruvian archeologist, Rafael Larco Hoyle,in 1939. Subsequent excavations have been performed sincethe 1960s by Rosas and Shady (1970, 1974), Flores (1975),Fung (1975), Kaulicke (1975), and Morales (1980, 1988).These excavations yielded Formative Period remains relatedto ritual practices: a large architectural complex composedof three terraced platforms, aqueducts, stairs, plazas, col-umns, and stone sculptures. In order to explore the socioeco-

    nomic dynamics that contributed to the rise and develop-ment of the civilization there, the Pacopampa archeological project, organized under the collaboration of the NationalMuseum of Ethnology of Japan and the Universidad Nacio-nal Mayor de San Marcos of Peru, has been excavating thePacopampa site since 2005. The first author (T.N.) partici-

    pated in an interdisciplinary effort over two field seasons(20072008) to examine the human skeletal remains there.

    Archeological Settings of the FormativePeriod of Peru

    The Formative Period is a segment of Peruvian prehistorythat lasted from 2500 BC to 0 AD (Figure 2). The FormativePeriod is defined as a period when temples were constructedand renovated (Seki, 1998, 2006). The construction of tem-

    ples preceded the manufacture of pottery and had an impacton socioeconomic development and the rise of social hierar-chyas exemplified by the Kotosh site from the FormativePeriod (Onuki, 1998). The construction and renovation of the temples, which required laborers and a food supply, at-tracted people to the temples, and led to an increase in agri-culture and the domestication of animals, and socioeconom-

    ic development (Onuki, 1998; Seki, 1998, 2006). Thecontinual work on the temples and their renovation was in-dispensable to the existence of temples, which functioned ascenters of social integration in the Formative Period in theCentral Andes (Inokuchi, 2001).

    It is noteworthy that the beginning of temple constructionand renovation was not associated with a reliance on maize.Carbon isotope analysis by Burger and van der Merwe(1990) suggests that maize did not play an important role inthe development of civilization in the Central Andes. Al-though C 4 food represented by maize was used in the diet, C 3food such as potatoes and quinoa accounted for the majorityof the dietary intake (Burger and van der Merwe, 1990). Theintroduction of maize into the Central Andes did not makethe revolutionary change observed in Northern and Central

    * Correspondence to: Tomohito Nagaoka, Department of Anatomy,St. Marianna Unviersity School of Medicine, 2-16-1 Sugao,Miyamae-ku, Kawasaki, Kanagawa 216-8511, Japan.E-mail:

    Published online 30 April 2009in J-STAGE ( DOI: 10.1537/ase.090108

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    America because the Andean region had a rich repertoire of domesticated animals and plants (Burger and van der Merwe,1990). Seki and Yoneda (2004) analyzed human skeletonsfrom the Formative Period sites of the Kuntur Wasi, LomaRedonda, Huacaloma, and Kolguitn, discussed the maizeconsumption of the Formative Period societies in the north-ern highlands of Peru based on carbon and nitrogen stableisotope analysis, and were led to the conclusion that thosesocieties cultivated maize, but did not generally rely on this

    crop to any great extent. The model for social development,which emphasizes the role of the temple, is different fromthe usual case for Northern and Central America. In North-ern and Central America, the introduction of maize directlybrought about revolutionary changes in social organizationand life history patterns, and resulted in the prevalence of in-fectious diseases, an increase in infant mortality, and a re-duced lifespan (Larsen, 1982).

    Figure 1. Map of Peru showing the location of the Pacopampa site, which is located in Querocoto District, Chota Province, Cajamarca Prefecture.

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    Purposes of This Study

    The interest of this study is in the living conditions of theFormative Period people, who attained a social developmentthat was not associated with maize cultivation. This perspec-tive helps us to understand the strategy by which the prehis-toric Andean people adapted to their own environment anddeveloped their civilization. In order to explore the livingconditions of Formative Period people, we focus on the hu-man skeletal remains from the Pacopampa site, estimate thesex and age-at-death of each individual, and finally diagnosemorphological traits and skeletal disorders.


    The excavation of the Pacopampa site yielded hundreds of human skeleton parts during 20052008. The materials usedhere are 498 human skeleton parts from the Pacopampa sitebelonging to the Formative Period. The Pacopampa site in-

    cludes two cultural phasesPacopampa I (1200900 BC)and Pacopampa II (900500 BC)based on radiocarbondating. This study does not classify the cultural phases dueto the small number of individuals. The human remains arecomposed of buried skeletons and scattered ones. Theformer are well-preserved articulated human remains, andthe latter are scattered and nonarticulated skeletons in a sanc-tuary associated with miniature pottery and animal bones.

    The comparative sample used here was taken from the lit-erature (Drusini, 1991, 2002; Matsumura et al., 1997).Drusini (1991, 2002) examined human skeletal remainsfrom the Pueblo Viejo site on the southern coast of Peru be-longing to three cultural phases: Nasca (400 BC550 AD),Huari (6001100 AD), and Chincha (11001412 AD),which correspond to the Regional Development Period, the

    Huari Period, and the Regional States Period, respectively.Matsumura et al. (1997) reported Formative Period humanskeletons from the Kuntur Wasi, Loma Redonda, Huacalo-ma, and Kolguitn sites in the northern highlands.


    Regarding dental terminology, I, C, P, and M stand for the permanent incisor, canine, premolar, and molar, respective-ly; di, dc, and dm for the deciduous incisor, canine, and mo-lar, respectively. Numbers 1, 2, and 3 show the position of atooth within a tooth class.

    This study identified human skeletal remains. In order toavoid counting the same individuals twice, fragmentarybones were counted only when they did not overlap withother individuals. The minimum number of individuals rep-resented by recovered assemblages was calculated by count-ing the number of the most preserved parts for the total of

    buried and scattered skeletons. The calculation was based onthe cranium, mandible, clavicle, scapula, humerus, radius,ulna, pelvis, femur, tibia, fibula, and patella, and excludedvertebra, rib, hand bone, and foot bone. The number of indi-viduals for both sides was calculated by counting the most

    preserved side.Sex determination of individuals 15 years of age or older

    was carried out on the basis of macroscopic assessment of pelvic features: preauricular surface, greater sciatic notch, preauricular sulcus, composite arch, inferior pelvis (Bruzek,2002), ventral arc, subpubic concavity, and the medial as-

    pect of the ischiopubic ramus (Phenice, 1969). When themacroscopic observation method of the pelvic bones couldnot be employed, discriminant functional analysis based on

    pelvic metrics was used instead (Nakahashi and Nagai,1986). Although individuals lacking pelvic bones were sex-ually diagnosed using cranial features, such as the supraor-bital ridge, frontal tuberosity, mastoid process, and exterior occipital prominence, these features are less accurate for sexdiagnosis than pelvic features (Krogman and Iscan, 1986).

    The age-at-death estimation for subadult skeletons wasbased on the diaphyseal length of limb bones (Scheuer et al.,1980), the completeness of crowns and roots (Moorrees etal., 1963a, 1963b; Ubelaker, 1989), the degree of develop-ment and closure of the occipital synchondrosis (Wakebe,1990), and the degree of ossification and epiphyseal union of the pelvis and long bones (Brothwell, 1981; Krogman and

    Iscan, 1986).In the case of age at death for adult individuals 15 years of age and older, chronological metamorphosis of the pubicsymphysis (Todd, 1920, 1921), and chronological metamor-

    phosis of the auricular surface of the ilium (Lovejoy et al.,1985; Buckberry and Chamberlain, 2002) were used. Indi-viduals lacking pelvic bones were assessed using the stageof dental attrition (Lovejoy, 1985), but the degree of dentalattrition is easily affected by diet and subsistence. The age-at-death estimation based on dental attrition is less accuratethan pubic symphysis and the auricular surface of the ilium.

    In order to estimate the stature of two females, we em- ployed Genovs (1967) equations for maximum length of tibia, together with Saso and Haniharas (1998) equationsbased on the least-regression method for maximum lengths

    Figure 2. The chronology of prehistoric Peru. The Pacopampasite belongs to the Formative Period.

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    of humerus, radius, ulna, and tibia. Measurements were takenaccording to the method of Martin and Knussmann (1988).The equations for estimating stature are the ones for nativeMexican females (Genovs, 1967) and for Japanese females(Saso and Hanihara, 1998). As for a comparative sample, thestature estimated by Drusini (1991) and Matsumura et al.(1997) was based on Genovs equations.

    Observation of dental caries was conducted according tothe method of Fujita (1995). We recorded only the presenceof caries, ignoring decayed regions and the degree or stagesof caries. The percentage of persons having carious teeth(PPCT) was calculated for adults by dividing the number of

    persons having carious teeth by the number of individuals.The percentage of carious teeth (PCT) was also calculatedby dividing the number of carious teeth by the number of ex-amined teeth. Since isolated teeth cannot be identified as be-longing to any particular individuals, the materials were

    pooled for age and sex due to the small sample size.

    The statistical analysis was conducted using statistical package R2.2.1 (R Development Core Team, 2005).

    Results and Discussion

    Description of the human skeletal remainsThe Pacopampa site yielded 498 human skeleton parts.

    Scattered skeletons are composed of 12 crania, 9 mandibles,47 vertebrae, 33 ribs, 9 clavicles, 2 scapulae, 10 humeri, 4radii, 3 ulnae, 8 pelves, 7 femora, 5 tibiae, and 3 fibulae.There was no evidence of burning. Table 1 shows the esti-mated number of individuals for each bone represented byrecovered assemblages. The crania are the best preserved

    parts and observation of these suggests that at least 18 indi-viduals were excavated: six individuals from the burials and12 other individuals from the sanctuary. Table 2 shows thesex and age-at-death structure represented by the cranium,mandible, and pelvis and gives a brief description of the hu-man skeletal remains.

    Estimated statureTable 3 shows the estimated stature of two females:

    143.4146.5 cm (average 144.9 cm) and 142.3145.2 cm(average 144.2 cm). These estimates are about 58 cm high-er than those of Formative Period sites in northern Peru Kuntur Wasi and Hucaloma (138.5 cm) (Matsumura et al.,1997)but they are almost equal to those of the Huari Peri-

    od (145.4 cm) and Chincha Period (146.7 cm) of southernPeru (Drusini, 1991).

    PaleopathologyThree individuals exhibit skeletal disorders.


    Both the maxilla and mandible are heavily absorbed andreduced. Periodontal disease was diagnosed in both the max-illae and mandible on the basis of the observation of a hori-zontal reduction in the alveolar bone height. There is dentalcalculus in six teeth (right lower I2 to P1 and left lower C toP2) out of seven (6/7 = 85.7%). Dental caries are observed intwo teeth (left upper M1 and right lower P2) out of seven(2/7 = 28.6%) (Figure 3).


    The right articular process of the mandible and the man-dibular fossa of the right temporal bone were diagnosed asosteoarthritis of the temporomandibular joint on the basis of the observation of a flattening of the condylar head, an en-larged mandibular fossa, and an osteophytic lipping(Figure 4). There are two tumors on the left parietal boneand right parietal bone. They were diagnosed as osteoma dueto the observation that they are smooth-surfaced and round-ed with diameters of 12 cm on the cranial vault. Severe os-teoarthritis is also observed at the lower three lumbar verte-brae. Both the maxilla and mandible are heavily absorbedand reduced. Periodontal disease was diagnosed in both themaxillae and mandible on the basis of the observation of ahorizontal reduction in alveolar bone height (Figure 5).There is an abscess cavity destroying the cortical bone cov-ering the root of left lower M1 (Figure 5). There is dentalcalculus in 13 teeth (right upper I1, left upper I1, P1, andM2, right lower I1 to M1 and left lower I2 to P2) out of 23(14/23 = 60.9%). Dental caries are observed in 13 teeth(right upper I2 to P1, left upper P1 and P2, right lower C toM1 and left lower P1 to M2) out of 23 (13/23 = 56.5%)(Figure 3).


    Female, aged 1519 years. Dental caries exists in one

    tooth (right upper M2) out of six (1/7 =


    Comparison of dental caries among archaeological sitesThis study examined the cases of dental caries among the

    Pacopampa specimens. The PPCT for eight adult individualswas calculated: three out of eight individuals (3/8 = 37.5%)exhibit dental caries. Matsumura et al. (1997) also examineddental caries of Formative Period skeletons (2500 BC0AD) and calculated the PPCT. They found dental caries in 5out of 21 individuals (5/21 = 23.8%). Drusini (1991) exam-ined human skeletons from Nasca, Huari, and Chincha. Hisreport demonstrates that the frequency of carious individualsincreases from Nasca (1/8 = 12.2%) to Huari (18/40 = 45.0%) to Chincha (3/4 = 75.0%). There is no signifi-cant difference between Pacopampa and these three popula-

    Table 1. Number of skeleton parts

    Parts ofskeletons

    Number Estimated numberof individuals for

    each partRight LeftUn-

    known Total

    Cranium 18 18Mandible 14 14Hyoid 1 1Sternum 1 1Clavicle 5 8 0 13 8Scapula 3 4 0 7 4Humerus 8 10 0 18 10Radius 3 3 2 8 3Ulna 4 5 0 9 5Pelvis 7 5 0 12 7Femur 5 9 2 16 9Tibia 7 5 0 12 7Fibula 2 2 4 8 2Patella 2 2 0 4 2

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    tions, possibly due to the small sample size (Fishers exacttest, P > 0.05). The present data, together with these previ-ous studies, suggest that the human remains in prehistoricPeru exhibit dental caries at a rate of about 10% or more(12.275.0%) since the Formative Period.

    The PCT was also calculated: dental caries was not ob-

    served in the deciduous teeth (0/44 =

    0.0%), but the perma-nent teeth exhibit such decay (18/192 = 9.4%) (Table 4).Permanent teeth exhibit a rate of dental caries several per-centage points higher than those of hunter-gatherers. ThePCT of prehistoric hunter-gatherers is, in general, approxi-mately 03%, while the PCT of agriculturists is greater (Turner, 1979; Fujita, 1995). The percentage of teeth affect-ed by dental caries in Northern America showed an increaseduring the transition from foraging (less than 7%) to maizeagriculture (more than 7%) (Larsen, 1997). Since dental car-ies is caused by demineralization through acids by bacterialmetabolism of carbohydrates (sugars and starches) (Hillson,1997), the prevalence of dental caries observed in Pacopampaindicates frequent use of carbohydrates in the diet. It seemsreasonable to think that, if the Formative Period people hada rich repertoire of domesticated plants other than maize(e.g. potatoes and quinoas) (Burger and van der Merwe,1990), those alternatives played an important role in the

    prevalence of dental caries.

    Age-at-death distributionThis study reconstructed the age-at-death distribution us-

    ing individuals associated with crania. The study sampleconsists of at least 18 individuals: eight subadults, eightadults, one individual aged 1039 years, and one of un-known age (Table 5). The sexual ratio of three adult males tofour adult females indicates a population with little sexual

    bias. The age distribution (six of eight subadults were lessthan one year) suggests a high rate of infants in the popula-tion. The individuals aged < 1 year and 40 years were con-centrated in the burials, but we do not know why. Figure 6compares the age distributions between Pacopampa andthree prehistoric populations of the Nasca (Drusini, 1991),Huari (Drusini, 1991), and Chincha (Drusini, 1991) periods.The age categories employed here those used by Drusini(1991), but the categories of 4060 years and 60 years werecombined due to the small number of individuals. The distri-bution patterns among the four groups are similar in the con-centration of individuals aged 07 years and 2040 years.The proportion of deaths under the age of seven years rangesfrom 46.7% to 70.3%: Pacopampa (46.7%), Nasca (70.3%),Huari (50.0%), and Chincha (50.0%). The percentages of in-

    Table 3. Estimated statures from maximum length of limb bones (mm)

    Bones Measurement items2006-A-H11 2007-C-H86

    Left Right Left

    MeasurementsHumerus maximum length of humerus 263Radius maximum length of radius 199Ulna maximum length of ulna 218 217Tibia maximum length of tibia 304

    Estimated statures using Saso and Haniharas equationsHumerus maximum length of humerus 1423Radius maximum length of radius 1451Ulna maximum length of ulna 1452 1440Tibia maximum length of tibia 1434

    Estimated stature using Genovs equationTibia maximum length of tibia 1465

    Figure 3. Dental caries. (a) No. 2006-A-H11 individual. (b) No.2007-C-H86 individual.

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    dividuals aged 2040 years at Pacopampa, Nasca, Huari, andChincha, on the other hand, account for 20.0%, 18.9%,26.4%, and 35.0% of the totals, respectively. There is no sig-nificant difference between Pacopampa and these three pop-ulations (MannWhitney U -test, P > 0.05).


    This study attempts to reconstruct the lives and deaths of a Formative Period population from skeletal remains, andhas obtained the following two findings:(1) the present data, together with previous studies, suggestthat the human remains in prehistoric Peru exhibit dentalcaries at a rate of about 10% or more;(2) the distribution patterns among the four groups are simi-lar in terms of the concentration of individuals aged 07years and 2040 years.


    The authors would like to express gratitude to Dr. KazuhiroUzawa of University of East Asia for helpful comments.This study was supported by a Grant-in-Aid for ScientificResearch (A) (No. 19251013) of the Japan Society for thePromotion of Science and a Grant-in-aid for Young Scien-tists (B) (No. 20770197) of the Ministry of Education, Cul-ture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan.

    ReferencesBrothwell D.R. (1981) Digging up bones. Cornell University

    Press, Ithaca, NY, pp. 5975.

    Figure 4. The mandibular fossa of the right temporal bone (a) and the right articular process of the mandible (b). They were diagnosed asosteoarthritis of the temporomandibular joint on the basis of the observation of a flattening of the condylar head, an enlarged mandibular fossa, andan osteophytic lipping.

    Figure 5. A periodontal disease with a horizontal reduction inalveolar bone height and an abscess cavity which destroyed the corti-cal bone in the left lower M1.

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    Bruzek J. (2002) A method for visual determination of sex usingthe human hip bone. American Journal of Physical Anthro-

    pology, 117: 157168.Buckberry J.L. and Chamberlain A.T. (2002) Age estimation from

    the auricular surface of the ilium: A revised method. Ameri-can Journal of Physical Anthropology, 119: 231239.

    Burger R.L. and van der Merwe N.J. (1990) Maize and the originof highland Chavn civilization: an isotopic perspective.American Anthropologist, 92: 8595.

    Drusini A.G. (1991) Skeletal evidence of three pre-columbiancoastal peoples from Nasca, Peru. Homo, 42: 50162.

    Drusini A.G. (2002) Paleodemography of the Nasca valley: recon-struction of the human ecology in the southern Pervian coast.

    Table 4. Number of teeth 1

    Buried skeletonsMaxilla Mandible Unknown

    Right Left Un-known Total Right LeftUn-

    known Total Right LeftUn-

    known Total

    Deciduous teethDeciduous incisor 4 3 0 7 2 2 0 4 0 0 0 0Deciduous canine 1 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Deciduous molar 2 2 0 4 2 2 0 4 0 0 0 0

    Total 7 6 0 13 4 4 0 8 0 0 0 0

    Permanent teethIncisor 2(1) 2 0 4(1) 2(1) 2 0 4(1) 0 0 0 0Canine 1(1) 1 0 2(1) 2 2 0 4 0 0 0 0Premolar 2(1) 1(1) 0 3(2) 4(3) 2(2) 0 6(5) 0 0 0 0Molar 1 2(2) 0 3(2) 2(1) 2(2) 0 4(3) 0 0 0 0

    Total 6(3) 6(3) 0 12(6) 10(5) 8(4) 0 18(9) 0 0 0 0

    Scattered skeletonsMaxilla Mandible Unknown

    Right Left Un-known Total Right LeftUn-

    known Total Right LeftUn-

    known Total

    Deciduous teethDeciduous incisor 2 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0Deciduous canine 2 0 1 1 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0Deciduous molar 2 1 0 1 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0

    Total 6 1 1 8 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0

    Permanent teethIncisor 7 7 0 14 0 3 4 1 8 0 0 0 0 0Canine 6 6 0 12 0 6 8 0 14 0 0 0 1 1Premolar 8 11 0 19 0 9 6 3 18 0 0 0 0 0Molar 17(1) 14 0 31(1) 0 20(2) 17 1 38(2) 0 0 0 1 1Unknown 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 5

    Total 38(1) 38 0 76(1) 0 38(2) 35 5 78(2) 0 0 0 7 71 Parenthesis indicates the number of carious teeth.

    Table 5. Age and sex distribution represented by cranial series 1

    Age in years Male Female Unknown Total

    Subadult (14 )Perinatal to birth 0 0 1(1) 1(1)0 year 0 0 5(2) 5(2)2 years 0 0 1(1) 1(1)About 10 years 0 0 1 1

    Adult (15 )Adult? 1 0 0 11519 years 1 1 0 22039 years 1 1 1 340 years 0 2(2) 0 2(2)

    Others1039 years 0 0 1 1Unknown age 0 0 1 1Total 3 4(2) 11(4) 18(6)1 Parenthesis indicates the number of individuals from burials. Figure 6. Comparison of the age distributions between

    Pacopampa and three prehistoric populations of the Nasca, Huari, andChincha periods. The distribution patterns among the four groups aresimilar in terms of the concentration of individuals aged 07 years and2040 years.

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