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SSUSH1 The student will describe European settlement in North America during the 17th century.

1. What was the primary motive of the original settlers of the Virginia Colony? Gold or wealth

2. How did tobacco change Virginia? Saved the Jamestown colony from failure

3. Explain how the relationship between the English and Native Americans changed from 1607-1650. Started well with the

Natives helping the English but then (do to the English taking land and the “kidnapping” of Pocahontas) the relationship

returned sour

4. What was the House of Burgesses and why was it significant? The first representative government in America

(established the foundation of how politics in the US history would be set up)

5. Explain the series of events known as Bacon’s Rebellion. Poor farmers in Virginia revolted due to the government

catering only to the rich

6. How did the introduction of slavery change the Southern colonies? The Southern economy became dependent on slavery

due to the production of labor intensive crops (tobacco, indigo, rice, cotton, etc.)

7. Why did the Puritans move to New England? For religious freedom

8. What happened with King Philip’s War? Drove all Native Americans out of New England forever

9. Who started Rhode Island and why did he do so? Roger Williams for religious tolerance

10. What was the Half-Way Covenant and why was it necessary? Gave Massachusetts colonists some rights in the Puritan

church in exchange for the understanding that they would covert to Puritanism (meant to encourage settlement)

11. Describe the Salem Witch Trials. The only incident of mass religious hysteria in American history (many people were

falsely accused, tried, convicted, and some killed for practicing witchcraft)

12. Why did Massachusetts lose its Charter and become a Royal Colony? Due largely to the hysteria of the Witch Trials in

Salem the king revoked the Charter and forced Massachusetts under his direct authority which increased his power

13. Where did the Dutch settle? What was it called then/now? New Amsterdam, changed its name to New York after the

British takeover

14. Which group started Pennsylvania? Who was their leader? Quakers, led by William Penn

15. Where did the French settle in North America? Canada, specifically Quebec

16. Which industry were the French most involved in? fur trade

17. What dominated each of the following areas in the 13 colonies?

a. Southern Colonies agriculture

b. Middle Colonies trade, religious tolerance, manufacturing

c. New England Colonies logging, fishing, whaling, religious freedom


SSUSH2 The student will trace the ways that the economy and society of British North America developed.

18. What is Mercantilism? The idea that the mother country benefits from its colonies at the colonies expense

19. What is Triangle Trade? The trade routes linking Europe, Africa, & North America that traded slaves, raw goods, and

manufactured goods

20. Describe conditions during the Middle Passage. Dark, cramped, cold, wet on board slave ships with limited food (slaves

were usually shackled

21. What are some ways slaves attempted to keep African culture alive in the 13 Colonies? Through music (Negro

spirituals), dance, food, customs, and traditions

22. List the major accomplishments of Ben Franklin. Discovered electricity, lightning rod, best example of social mobility in

US history

23. Define Social Mobility and individualism as an American Ideal. Social Mobility – the idea that one can move up in social

class through hard work and determination (instead of solely by birth)……..Individualism – the idea that the individual is

the most important part of any society ----------------------- both of these ideas laid strong foundations of self-government

and the beginnings of the American Revolution

24. Explain the significance of the Great Awakening in America.

Large religious revival in America that laid the moral foundation of the American Revolution



SSUSH3 The student will explain the primary causes of the American Revolution.

25. Who was fighting in the French and Indian War and Why? British (allied with the American colonists) and the French

(allied with the Native Americans) were fighting for colonial dominance of North America

26. What did the Treaty of Paris of 1763 do? Ended the French & Indian War and established the British as the dominant

power in North America

27. Why were Americans upset at the Proclamation 1763? Restricted their settling of new lands west of the Appalachian


28. List the major grievances of American Colonists leading up to 1776. Taxes (in the form of the Stamp Act, Sugar Act, Tea

Act, etc.), Quartering Act, Proclamation of 1763

29. Who were the Sons of Liberty? Group that was formed to protest British taxes

30. How did the Committee of Correspondence change communication? Increasing the speed and reliability of mail

throughout the colonies

31. Explain the importance of Thomas Paine’s Common Sense to the movement for independence. Encouraged Americans

to protest and rebel against Britain

SSUSH4 The student will identify the ideological, military, and diplomatic aspects of the American Revolution.

32. Who wrote the Declaration of Independence? Thomas Jefferson

33. When was it signed? July 4, 1776

34. What role did John Locke play? Established to foundation principles of “life, liberty, and property” as the unalienable

rights of all men (Jefferson changed this into the wording of “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”)

35. How did the French help the American Colonists/Continental Army? France provided funds (money), uniforms,

weapons, supplies, food, foreign military expertise, and some troops to the American cause during the Revolution

36. Which American spent much of the War in France convincing them to help America? Benjamin Franklin

37. Who was the greatest foreign military aid to General George Washington? Marquis de Lafayette (from France) and

Baron von Steuben (from Prussia)

38. Describe conditions at Valley Forge. Cold, lack of shelter, lack of food/supplies, diseases, rodents (but remember this is

where the Continental Army trained to become a professional fighting force)

39. Explain the events when Washington crossed the Delaware River. Washington was faced with most of the Continental

Army leaving (their enlistments were almost done) and so he knew he needed a very strategic victory in order to keep his

army from quitting (the crossing of the Delaware and the resulting Battle of Trenton saved Washington’s army from


40. Who was Lord Cornwallis? The British general who was forced to surrender at Yorktown (effectively ending the



41. What was the significance of the following events in the American Revolution?

a. Lexington/Concord First battle of the Revolution where the “shot heard ‘round the world” was fired

b. Bunker Hill After this battle King George III declared the colonies officially in rebellion

c. Saratoga Turning point of the Revolution

d. Trenton Saved Washington’s army from disbanding

e. Yorktown Final battle of the Revolution

f. Treaty of Paris 1783 Officially ended the Revolution and recognized America as a sovereign country

SSUSH5 The student will explain specific events and key ideas that brought about the adoption and implementation of the

United States Constitution.

42. Why were the Articles of Confederation extremely weak by design? The US government was not allowed to tax or raise

a national army

43. Why was Shay’s Rebellion a significant event in the formation of our government? Proved that the Articles of

Confederation were too weak govern the US

44. Describe the major differences between Federalists and Anti-Federalists. Federalists believe in a strong, central

government and Anti-Federalists believe in stronger state governments

45. What were the Federalist Papers and who was the author/authors? Group of essay written to gain support for the

ratification of the Constitution

46. How do Checks and Balances work? No single branch of government has all the power but each branch must rely on

the other two to get laws passed (it was a protection against tyranny)

47. List the 3 Branches of government and the functions each serves. Legislative (writes the laws), Executive (enforces the

laws), Judicial (assures the laws do not overstep the Constitution)

48. Describe the Great Compromise (NJ Plan/VA Plan) and how it affects us today. An agreement to adopt parts of both the

NJ and VA plans and establish a bicameral (2 house) legislature with one house based on equal representation (Senate)

and the other with representation based on population (House of Representatives)

49. How did Montesquieu help to set up the organization of our government? Developed the idea of the separation of


50. How was the issue of slavery dealt with at the Constitutional Convention? Three-Fifths Compromise

51. What is the Bill Of Rights and what does it protect? First 10 Amendments to the Constitution that protected individual

and state rights

52. List the major accomplishments of George Washington. Leader of the Continental Army, President (Chairman) of the

Constitutional Convention, first President of the United States

53. What advice did George Washington give in his Farewell Address? Warned against the development of political parties


54. Explain what happened with the Whiskey Rebellion. Brewers revolted over the increase in taxes on the production of

whiskey….Washington was able to use the army to end the rebellion (proved that the new Constitution worked)

55. Describe the role Alexander Hamilton played in the formation of the National Bank. Created the idea of the National

Bank and became the 1st Secretary of the Treasury



SSUSH6 The student will analyze the impact of territorial expansion and population growth and the impact of this growth

in the early decades of the new nation.

56. What was the purpose of the Northwest Ordinance of 1878? Established the process for a territory to become a state

57. Why did Thomas Jefferson want to acquire the port of New Orleans? New Orleans controlled the Mississippi River

58. Why was the Louisiana Purchase such a big deal? Doubled the size of the US

59. Who was sent to explore the purchase? William Clark & Meriwether Lewis

60. Who sold us the Louisiana Purchase and Why? Napoleon Bonaparte (France) because he needed the money to fund his

wars to conquer Europe

61. Explain the events that caused the War of 1812. The number 1 cause was the IMPRESSMENT of American sailors into

service with the British Navy against Napoleonic France

62. What did the War of 1812 prove to the World? That the United States was capable of governing and defending itself

against foreign nations

63. What did the Erie Canal connect and how did it change trade in America? Connected the Great Lakes with the Atlantic

Ocean and opened the American interior to foreign trade

64. What is infrastructure and why is it important to a civilization? The structures and facilities needed (like roads, bridges,

railroads, etc) for a successful economy and society

65. What is the Monroe Doctrine and what did it say? Promise that the United States would view any intervention by

European powers in the Western Hemisphere as a threat to the US

SSUSH7 Students will explain the process of economic growth, its regional and national impact in the first half of the 19th

century, and the different responses to it.

66. Explain the significance of the Industrial Revolution. Changed US society from being a largely agrarian

(agriculture/farming based) to more industrial and commercial (factory based)

67. Describe the major accomplishments of Eli Whitney? Interchangeable parts and the cotton gin

68. What is Manifest Destiny? The idea that the US was destined to occupy all the land between the Atlantic & Pacific

69. Reform Movements

a. Temperance The movement to ban all alcohol in the US (failed)

b. Abolition The movement to ban all slavery in the US

c. Public School Movement to make public education free of charge (led by Horace Mann)

70. Woman’s Movement

a. Suffrage The right to vote


b. Elizabeth Cady Stanton Leader of the women’s rights movement in the US (along with Lucretia Mott)

c. Seneca Falls Convention First women’s rights convention in US history

71. How was Andrew Jackson unlike most politicians/presidents? Began life very poor but became the “champion of the

common man” in the US……increased the power of the presidency dramatically

72. What is American Nationalism? The idea of the US focusing inwardly to correct and improve American society

SSUSH8 The student will explain the relationship between growing north-south divisions and westward expansion.

73. How did slavery cause the divisions of sectionalism? Arguments on the ideas of how much each slave should count

toward Congressional representation and the reliance of the Southern economy on slavery

74. Explain Nat Turner’s Rebellion. The most successful slave uprising in US history when Turner led a rebellion of slaves

that killed more than 60 white men, women, and children

75. Describe the importance of the following Abolitionists leaders.

a. William Lloyd garrison Published the Liberator abolitionist newspaper

b. Frederick Douglass Former slave and passionate orator against slavery, publisher of The North Star abolitionist

newspaper, most famous leader of the abolitionist movement

c. Grimke Sisters Leaders of the abolitionist movement that saw the evils of slavery first hand by growing up in South


76. Explain the Missouri Compromise and the issue of slavery in western states and territories. Set a boundary line between

territories that were opened to popular sovereignty and those that were closed to slavery

77. Explain John C. Calhoun’s idea of Nullification. Calhoun believed that if state didn’t agree with a certain Federal law

they could overturn it and refuse to enforce it (this contradicted Andrew Jackson’s belief)

78. Describe the war with Mexico and the Texas situation. The war started over a border dispute between the US and

Mexico, then the US invaded and conquered the Mexican capital and force Mexico to surrender all of her possession in

what would become the southwestern US

79. Explain the Wilmot Proviso. Forbid slavery in the territories gained from Mexico



80. Explain the Compromise of 1850 and its need because of territorial expansion and population growth. It was an

agreement between free and slave states that would admit California as a free state if more territories would be opened

to popular sovereignty

SSUSH9 The student will identify key events, issues, and individuals relating to the causes, course, and consequences of

the Civil War.

81. Explain what happened with Dred Scott and his Supreme Court Case. Dred Scott lost his case and the Supreme Court

ruled that slave were property, not citizens

82. What is Popular Sovereignty? In this instance the idea that the citizens of a territory would decide, by vote, on whether

or not to allow slavery

83. Explain the Kansas-Nebraska Act and the failure of popular sovereignty. The Act nullified the Missouri Compromise and

opened all US territories to popular sovereignty. Ultimately this led to a rush of both pro-slavery & anti-slavery settlers

into Kansas and many violent contests for power erupted thereby leading to Kansas receiving the name “Bloody (or

Bleeding) Kansas”

84. Who was John Brown and explain a few of his crazy outbursts. He was a radical abolitionist from Bleeding Kansas who

led a failed raid on the Federal Arsenal in Harper’s Ferry, VA in an attempt to arm slaves and start a slave uprising in the


85. Describe President Lincoln’s second inaugural address. Given after his reelection in 1864, Lincoln pushed for a peaceful

reunion of the United States once the Civil War was over with his line “…with malice toward none, and charity for all, let

us bind up this nation’s wounds…”

86. Describe President Lincoln’s efforts Gettysburg speech. Given to dedicate the cemetery established for those soldiers

lost after the Battle of Gettysburg, Lincoln called for Northerners to continue the fight in order to preserve the Union.

Lincoln’s words caused an renewed spirit in the North to continue the war an achieve victory

87. Why did Lincoln suspend habeas corpus? Lincoln suspended a citizen’s right to a trial in 1861 in order to hold

Confederate sympathizers in the North in prison and maintain the confidentiality of the Union plan for the war

88. Describe the roles of these Civil War Leaders.

a. Ulysses Grant Commander of all Union forces

b. Robert E. Lee Commander of all Confederate force

c. “Stonewall” Jackson Lee’s second in command who led Confederate forces to many victories over larger Union forces.

Unfortunately his death by “friendly fire” was a moral and strategic setback for the Confederacy

d. William T. Sherman Commander of Union forces that targeted and captured Atlanta in 1864

e. Jefferson Davis President of the Confederate States of America

89. Explain the importance of these Civil War battles.

a. Fort Sumter First shots of the American Civil War


b. Antietam Bloodiest single day in US history…the Union “victory” allowed for the passage of the Emancipation


c. Vicksburg Gave the Union control of the Mississippi River and split the Confederacy in two parts (divide & conquer)

d. Gettysburg Turning point of the Civil War…bloodiest battle in US history

e. Battle for Atlanta The transportation hub of the Confederacy…Atlanta’s fall to Union forces in 1864 was the beginning

of the end for the Confederacy and secured Lincoln’s reelection

90. Describe the significance of the Emancipation Proclamation. Despite what it said it did not free any slaves but it

established a moral course for the war by making slavery the primary objective of the war

91. Explain the Northern/Southern Advantages in the Civil War.

a. People The North held the advantage with a much larger population than the South

b. Railroads The North held the advantage with more miles of railroad track and a uniform “gauge” of the tracks (which

would allow a single train to travel anywhere in the North

c. Leadership The South held the advantage with better and more experienced generals such as Robert E. Lee, Stonewall

Jackson, Albert S. Johnston, William J. Hardee, etc.

d. Factories/Industrial Output The North held the advantage many more factories and the North was the center of

industry in the US at the time

e. Food The North held the advantage with the factory system able to produce considerably more food for its soldiers

than the South

SSUSH10 The student will identify legal, political, and social dimensions of Reconstruction.

92. Compare and contrast Presidential Reconstruction with Radical Republican Reconstruction. In short, Presidential

Reconstruction focused on a peaceful end to the war and rebuilding of the United States whereas Radical Reconstruction

focused on finding ways to punish the South whom the Radical Republicans blamed for the war

93. What was the goal of the Freedman’s bureau? To provide aide (food, shelter, supplies, education) to freed slaves after

the war

94. Explain the significance of Morehouse College. First school founded by the Freedman’s Bureau

95. Describe the Civil War Amendments.

a. 13th Amendment Abolished slavery in the US

b. 14th Amendment Gave African Americans citizenship in the US

c. 15th Amendment Gave African American men the right to vote

96. Explain Black Codes, the Ku Klux Klan, and other forms of resistance to racial equality during Reconstruction. Black codes

were laws intended to restrict the rights of African Americans after the war…The KKK was a group of white supremacists

who wanted to harass African Americans and restrict their rights through fear


97. Explain the impeachment of Andrew Johnson in relationship to Reconstruction. Johnson was impeached ultimately due

to his supposed violation of the Tenure of Office Act. In reality however, Johnson was impeached by the Radical

Republicans for refusing to punish the South and institute their view of Radical Reconstruction

98. How did the Compromise of 1877 mark the end of Reconstruction? In order to solve the close and contested election of

1876, members of Congress came to an agreement that if Republican candidate and Union veteran Benjamin Harrison

became president then all Union troops would be removed from the South



SSUSH11 The student will describe the economic, social, and geographic impact of the growth of big business and

technological innovations after Reconstruction.

99. Explain who Andrew Carnegie was and what effect he had on big business The steel baron who brought the Bessemer

process to the US

100. What is the difference between vertical integration and horizontal integration? Vertical is when a company buys out

its competition and Horizontal is when a company out sales its competition and forces them out of business

101. Explain the concept monopoly and trust. Monopoly is complete control over a product or service by a single

company…Trust is a unifying of several companies into one and under the direction of a single person or board of trustees

102. What industry was John D. Rockefeller known for? Oil

103. Who was JP Morgan and how did he try to help the railroad company? The banking baron who created the General

Electric Trust

104. What was the transcontinental railroad? The 1st railroad to connect the east coast and west coast of the US

105. What group of immigrants were known for building the railroads? Chinese & Irish

106. How did railroads effect the development of the western part of the United States? Made moving to the West cheaper

and quicker

107. What were some inventions of Thomas Edison? Phonograph, light bulb, motion picture camera

108. How did these inventions effect society? Improve the quality of life in the US by reducing the amount of labor and

creating new pastimes in society

SSUSH12 The student will analyze important consequences of American industrial growth.

109. What is Ellis Island? Port of entry for European immigrants coming to America

110. Where were most immigrants from that came to Ellis Island? Southern and Eastern Europe

111. How did Ellis Island effect the cities and the job force? Overcrowding in cities led to slums, new immigrants meant a

larger cheap labor force (immigrants typically worked for less money than citizens), immigrants increased the population

which led to greater demand for goods and supplies, elements of foreign cultures enter American society (kindergarten,

hamburgers, pizza, opera, etc.)

112. What was the American Federation of Labor? First organized labor union in US history

113. Who was Samuel Gompers? Founded the American Federation of Labor (AFL)

114. Explain how the expansion of the west impacted Native Americans. As white settlement in western lands increased,

Native American populations decreased

115. Who was Sitting Bull? The Sioux Indian chief who fought a territorial war for land against the US Army


116. What happened at the Battle of Wounded Knee? Last major conflict between Native Americans and US which ended

Native American resistance to white settlement

117. Describe the Pullman Strike. In an attempt to get higher wages the Pullman Railway Car Company workers started a

strike that quickly turned violent after the company’s owners tried to end the strike. Eventually Federal troops had to be

brought in to end the strike by force. This is the best example of industrial unrest in US history

SSUSH13 The student will identify major efforts to reform American society and politics in the Progressive Era.

118. Who was Upton Sinclair and how did his book influence the meatpacking industry? Author of The Jungle that brought

attention to the unsanitary conditions of the meat packing industry and led to the creation of the Pure Food and Drug Act

(which created the Food & Drug Administration, or FDA)

119. Who was Jane Addams and the Hull House? Addams was the founder of the Hull House which supplied shelter, food,

and other aide to immigrants (mainly women) in Chicago

120. Who was Elizabeth Cady Stanton? One of the major leaders in the Women’s Rights Movement and founders of the

Seneca Falls Convention

121. What were the Jim Crow laws? Series of laws in the US that tried to restrict the rights of African Americans and

enforce segregation in the US

122. What was the importance of the court case Plessy v. Ferguson? Legalized segregation in the US

123. What was the NAACP and who created it? The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People was

started by several key leaders (most notably W.E.B. DuBois) in order to push for equality and the full rights of African


124. Who is Ida Tarbell? The muckraker who fought against Rockefeller’s Standard Oil Company and ultimately was able

to destroy its monopoly on the oil industry (through her book The History of Standard Oil)

125. What is a muckraker? “investigative journalists” who wrote about the abuses and corruption of big businesses and


126. Who were the progressives? A group of reformers who fought for social & economic justice and against the evils of

industrialization & urbanization in the US by pushing for greater government control over business

127. How did initiative, referendum, and recall and change democracy in the United States? Increased the power and voice

of the American voter

128. How did the labor law reforms change the workplace? Banned child labor, established a minimum wage level, pushed

for better safety in the workplace, provided fair compensation for workers

129. What did city officials do to improve living conditions in cities? Created housing codes and sanitation departments to

lessen the outbreaks of diseases in urban areas


130. What was the conservation movement and how did Theodore Roosevelt impact this movement The reform movement

to protect natural habits and “green” spaces in America…Teddy Roosevelt impacted the movement by creating the

National Park Service



SSUSH14 The student will explain America’s evolving relationship with the world at the turn of the twentieth century.

131. What did the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 do? Restricted Chinese immigration to America and restricted the rights of

Chinese immigrants already in America

132. Which industry were most Chinese workers involved in? Railroads

133. Why was there a bigger problem with Anti-Asian Sentiments on the West Coast vs the East Coast? More Asian

immigrants came into the West Coast than the East Coast

134. Who was fighting in the Spanish American War? United States (allied with Cuba and the Philippines) against Spain

135. Where was the Spanish American War fought? Cuba and the Philippines

136. Which territories were gained by the US in the Spanish American War? Cuba, Philippines, Puerto Rico, Guam

137. What were some reasons the US government has interest in the Caribbean? Sugar, spices, and creating a quicker route

between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans

138. Explain the Roosevelt Corollary and how it is related to the Monroe Doctrine? This was Teddy Roosevelt’s promise that

the US would keep to the Monroe Doctrine by seeing any act of a European country in Latin America as an act of

aggression against the US

139. Who originally tried to build the Panama Canal, and which US President finished the job? France and the US (but both

failed the first time). Eventually, under Teddy Roosevelt’s presidency, the Panama Canal was created

SSUSH15 The student will analyze the origins and impact of U.S. involvement in World War I.

140. Describe the four main causes of WWI. Remember M.A.I.N: Militarism, Alliances, Imperialism, Nationalism

141. Describe the series of events that moved the US form Neutrality to engagement in WWI. Two big events caused the US

to get involved in WWI: 1) The sinking of the Lusitania (after Germany declared “unrestricted submarine warfare”), and

the discovery of the Zimmerman Note (asking Mexico to ally with Germany and the Central Powers in order to keep the

US from getting involved in Europe)

142. What is Unrestricted Submarine Warfare? Germany’s tactic to use submarines to sink any ship seen on the water

(military or civilian) in an effort to break the Allied blockade of Germany

143. Explain the Domestic impact of WWI. Government created wartime boards to oversee commercial production,

mediate labor disputes/unrest, and improve railway operations in order to support the US war effort

144. What was the Great Migration? Mass migration of African Americans out of the South and into the North due to

increased need for workers in wartime industries

145. Explain the Espionage Act. Placed penalties on spying, interfering, and/or obstructing the war effort in the US

(severely limited the rights to freedom of speech and freedom of the press)

146. What happened to people like Eugene Debs during WWI? He, and others like him was arrested and imprisoned for

speaking out against the war and disenfranchised (most of the rights as citizens were taken away)


147. Explain Woodrow Wilsons 14 pts Peace Plan. Designed to create a lasting peace around the world and prevent

another world war from happening…called for open and transparent dealings among all countries, freedom of the seas

for all countries, reduction of the militaries of all nations, and creation of a League of Nations to keep the peace and work

out problems between nations

148. Why didn’t the US join the League of Nations after WWI? Congress believed joining would involve the US in all future

conflicts around the world

149. What is the 16th Amendment? Allowed the federal government to collect income tax

150. What is the 17th Amendment? Provided for the direct election of Senators

151. What is the 18th Amendment? Prohibited the production, sale, & consumption of alcohol in the US (Prohibition)

152. What is the 19th Amendment? Gave women the right to vote

SSUSH16 The student will identify key developments in the aftermath of WW I.

153. What is Communism? An economic system in which the means of production is controlled by the workers (or in

reality a small, elite group of workers)

154. What is Socialism? An economic system in which the means of production are controlled by the state (or the


155. What is Capitalism? An economic system in which the means of production are controlled by private

businesses/owners for profit

156. What was the Red Scare and how did it lead to immigration restrictions? It was the fear of a communist takeover of

the US…it led to increased restrictions on political ideas and eventually the Quota System (which only allowed a limited

number of immigrants from certain foreign countries)

157. Who is Henry Ford and how did he alter factories? Introduced the assembly line process to the automobile industry

158. How did Radio transform communication in America? Created a common cultural experience for US citizens and

introduced them to mass marketing of goods

159. Describe the Harlem Renaissance. This was the revolution of African American culture through literature and art

a. Louis Armstrong Most famous jazz musician of the Roaring Twenties

b. Jazz The first truly American music style that was popularized in the Roaring Twenties (said to be derived from African

tribal traditions)

c. Langston Hughes Most famous writer/poet of the Roaring Twenties…Came directly out of the Harlem Renaissance

d. Irving Berlin One of the famous musicians of the Roaring Twenties that wrote notable songs like “Blue Skies” and was a

prominent member of Tin Pan Alley

e. Tin Pan Alley The most famous music center of the Roaring Twenties



SSUSH17 The student will analyze the causes and consequences of the Great Depression.

160. What caused the Great Depression? Overproduction, underconsumption, speculation

161. Explain how overproduction and underconsumption contributed to the start of the Great Depression? Too much being

produced and not enough being bought lead to the devaluing of the dollar and an economic crisis

162. Define “buying on margin”. Putting up a little bit of money on your own and borrowing the rest to buy a lot of stock

163. Define stock market speculation. Buying and trading stocks quickly in an attempt to keep from losing profit

164. When was the stock market crash? October 29, 1929

165. How did over-farming and climate factors start the Dust Bowl? Led to a loss of top soil and key nutrients in the soil for

crop growth; this was combined with a major drought that swept over the Midwest worsening the conditions

166. How did the Dust Bowl affect settlement patterns? Caused a migration out of the Great Plains to the coasts (mainly


167. What were Hoovervilles? Shantytowns built by victims of the Depression…they were named after Pres. Herbert


168. How did the average American perceive President Hoover’s efforts to fix the Great Depression? Most Americans

thought that Hoover did not do enough to ease the pinch of the Depression

SSUSH18 The student will describe Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal as a response to the depression and compare the ways

governmental programs aided those in need.

169. What was the New Deal? FDR’s reforms to ease the pinch of the Depression

170. What was the TVA, SSA, SEC, FDIC? TVA (Tennessee Valley Authority) brought electricity and jobs to the rural parts of

the Southeast US, SSA (Social Security Act) gave pensions and old age benefits to senior citizens who had been hit

especially hard during the Depression, SEC (Securities & Exchange Administration) was meant to restore the confidence of

investors in the stock market by heavily regulating the sale and trade of stocks, FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance

Commission) which guaranteed Federal reimbursement of private funds, up to a certain amount, in case of another

Depression and Stock Market Crash

171. What was FDR’s first 100 Days? Series of reforms put into action by FDR that focused solely on easing the effects of

the Depression and providing economic recovery

172. Explain the Wagner Act? Also known as the National Labor Relations Act it established the precedent of collective

bargaining and protected labor unions from corporate retaliation

173. What was the 2nd New Deal? A second round of reforms meant to further the economic recovery from the

Depression and characterized by the passage of the Social Security Act

174. Who was Eleanor Roosevelt and why was she significant? FDR’s wife and First Lady who became the public face of

FDR’s administration


175. Who was Huey Long and hoe did he differ from FDR? Governor of Louisiana and FDR’s opponent who pushed his

“Share the Wealth” program talking about wealth redistribution in response to the New Deal

176. What was the Court Packing Bill, and what was its purpose? FDR’s attempt to increase the number of judges serving

on the Supreme Court (replacing judges that didn’t agree with him to those who did) in order to get more of his New Deal

reforms passed into law

177. Why did FDR and Congress pass the Neutrality Acts? In order to keep the US from any practices that might lead the

country into the growing war in Europe and the Pacific (World War II)

SSUSH19 The student will identify the origins, major developments, and the domestic impact of World War II, especially

the growth of the federal government.

178. Who was A. Philip Randolph and what did he do? African American labor leader who led the “March on Washington”

to push for minority jobs

179. What happened at Pearl Harbor? The Japanese surprise attack, in an attempt to cripple the US Pacific Fleet and keep

the US out of the war, failed and brought the US into World War II

180. How did WWII affect immigrants living in the U.S.? German, Italian, and Japanese immigrants were stereotyped as

evil, distrusted, and many were seen as possible spies (led to a new wave of nativism in the US)

181. How did Pearl Harbor affect Japanese immigrants? In retaliation and to prevent any form of sabotage the government

order many Japanese Americans rounded up and placed in internment camps

182. What was the Lend-Lease program? The program that allowed the US to give financial and military aid to Allied


183. What was the military significance of the Battle of Midway? It was the turning point in the Pacific Theater of WWII

184. What was the military significance of D-Day? It was the beginning of the Allied push to Berlin and the turning point of

WWII in Europe

185. What was the military significance of the Fall of Berlin? It was the end of WWII in Europe

186. What does it mean to mobilize for war? Every aspect of American life stopped and began focusing and producing for

the war effort

187. What does “war time conversion” mean? Reviving old factories to produce wartime materials and changing

production in factories to help the war effort (for example automobile manufacturers stopped making cars and started

making tanks & warplanes)

188. How did women “win” WWII? As many of the men left to fight the war overseas many women stepped up and took

on the mostly male-dominated jobs left empty yet still vital for the war effort

189. What was the Manhattan Project? The secret operation that developed the atomic bomb


190. Who was Robert Oppenheimer? The lead scientist for the Manhattan Project

191. Where was the majority of the Manhattan Project conducted? Los Alamos, New Mexico

192. What cities did the U.S. drop atomic bombs on? Hiroshima & Nagasaki

193. Why were these cities chosen? These cities had not been bombed previously and they housed large numbers of

Japanese troops and factories developing war materials

194. Describe a few ways that the war in the Pacific theater was different from the war in Europe?

- The US used the “island hopping” tactic in the Pacific

-Most battles in the Pacific were fought in jungles and out of the way places, in Europe there were many battles

fought in cities

-The Japanese fought a much more unconventional war than the Germans and Italians



SSUSH20 The student will analyze the domestic and international impact of the Cold War on the United States.

195. What was the Marshall Plan? The effort to provide financial aid to any country in Europe if they rejected communism

196. What was the purpose of the Truman Doctrine? To help rebuild European countries after World War II in order to stop

the spread of communism

197. Who changed China in 1949? Mao Zadong

198. What was the Korean War all about? Preventing communism from spreading from North Korea into South Korea and

preventing the Soviet Union from further strengthening

199. How did Joseph McCarthy scare Americans? By claiming that the US State Department had been overrun with

communists and restarting another Red Scare to hunt down suspected communists

200. Describe how Fidel Castro came to power? 1959 Castro and Che Guevara led a communist revolution that took over

Cuba and removed Cuban President Zapata from power

201. Explain the Bays of Pigs? This was a failed attempt to reclaim Cuba and remove Castro from power that was

supported by the US (the failure embarrassed Kennedy’s administration)

202. What was the Cuban Missile Crisis? The attempt by the USSR to put nuclear missiles (aimed at the US) in Cuba that

brought the world to the brink of nuclear war

203. Why was the U.S. in Vietnam? In an attempt to stop communists North Vietnamese forces from conquering South

Vietnam (which was free)

204. What was the Tet Offensive? A major offensive by North Vietnam in 1968 caused increasing resentment to US

involvement in Vietnam

205. Explain 3 ways people protested the Vietnam War? Student protests & burning of draft cards

206. What happened with the Kent State Incident? The violence that erupted at Kent State escalated opposition to US

involvement in Vietnam

207. What was the U2 Incident? A U2 spy plane discovered nuclear missile sites in Cuba that lead to a nuclear stand off

between the US and USSR

SSUSH21 The student will explain the impact of technological development and economic growth on the United States,


208. What is the Baby Boom? Dramatic increase in US births (population) immediately after World War II

209. What is a Levittown? Communities of mass produced housing in the 1950s

210. Why were Levittowns needed? To accommodate the growing number of families moving out of the cities and into the



211. Why did Eisenhower create the Interstate System? To improve national infrastructure and allow for rapid movement

of troops in case a of a Cold War emergency

212. Describe the impact television had presidential debates (Kennedy/Nixon, 1960)? For the 1st time in history television

(and a president’s image) help that candidate win the Presidency (to TV viewers Kennedy won the debate, for radio

listeners Nixon won the debate, Kennedy won the election)

213. How did live TV coverage help the Civil Rights Movement? Caused an increase of support for the Civil Rights

Movement and a push to pass Civil Rights legislation

214. How did A/C change were people could live after the 1950’s? Caused a major migration out of the North and into the

Sunbelt states

215. What was the Space Race? The competition between the US and USSR for who be hold the “firsts” (first in space, first

on moon, etc) into outer space

216. How did the Space Race change American education? Brought a much greater emphasis on the sciences and


217. What was the Soviets first satellite? Sputnik I

218. Why did Sputnik scare Americans? Made the USSR a greater perceived threat than was originally thought

219. What did Kennedy promise about the Space Race? To put a man on the moon by the end of the 1960s

220. Who was the first man on the moon? Neil Armstrong

SSUSH21 The student will explain the impact of technological development and economic growth on the United States,


221. What was the Voting Rights Act of 1965? Ended the use qualification tests to vote

222. What impact did Harry S. Truman have on segregation? Desegregated the US military after WWII

223. What was the Civil Rights Act of 1964? Legally ended segregation in all aspect of US society

224. Who was Martin Luther King Jr. ? Primary leader of the Civil Rights Movement

225. What was the importance of “I Have a Dream “ Speech? Preached against segregation and called for full integration of

US society

226. What was the importance of “letters from a Birmingham Jail”? pushed for the idea of nonviolent resistance

227. Who was Jackie Robinson? First man to integrate major league baseball

228. What was Brown Vs. Board of Education? Outlawed segregation in public schools

229. Who was against this ruling of Brown vs Board of Education? Southern states

230. Who were the Little Rock Five? The first 5 black students to integrate Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas

(they required a military escort to get them into the school


SSUSH22 The student will identify dimensions of the Civil Rights Movement, 1945-1970.

231. What was the Warren Court? The Supreme Court under Chief Justice Earl Warren who presided over many of the big

landmark decisions of the mid-1900s

232. What specific cases did the Warren Court deal with? Brown v. Board, Civil Rights Act of 1964, Voting Rights Act of

1965, Gideon v. Wainwright, Miranda v. Arizona

233. What was Miranda vs. Arizona? Ruled that law enforcement must read an accused person their rights before placing

them in custody

234. Who was Robert Kennedy? JFK’s brother, Attorney General under JFK, and Democratic candidate for president in


235. How did the world react to JFK’s death? Reaffirmed the power of the US government, gave Johnson the push he

needed to pass his policies through Congress

236. Who took office when JFK died? Lyndon B. Johnson


238. What is the Great Society? Johnson’s reforms of US society that focused on poverty, education, healthcare

239. Name some of the programs of the Great Society? Medicare, Medicaid, National Endowment for the Arts &

Humanities, Job Corps, Head Start

240. How did the world react to MLK’s assassination? Fragmented the Civil Rights Movement

241. What tragedies occurred in 1968? MLK’s death, Robert Kennedy’s death, protests at the Democratic National

Convention, Tet Offensive

242. What is Medicare? Guaranteed healthcare to all Americans over 65

243. What is Medicaid? Healthcare assistance for the poor

244. What happened at the Democratic National Convention of 1968? Violent anti-Vietnam protests that encouraged more


244. Explain what the Student Non- Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) was and the tactics they used (consider sit-in

and freedom rides). A group of students who protested for equal rights through non-violent disobedience

245. Explain what the Southern Christian Leadership Conference was. A groups of working adults and church clergy (pastors

and such) that protested through boycotts



SSUSH24 The student will analyze the impact of social change movements and organizations of the 1960’s.

246. Explain what the National Organization of Women (NOW) was? Group that strove to bring women to full equality with

men in US society

247. What were NOW’s primary goals? Passage of the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) and the Equal Employment

Opportunity Commission (EEOC)

248. Describe the different forms of Anti-Vietnam protest. Marches, “teach-ins”, draft dodging, protests

249. Who was Cesar Chavez and what movement was he responsible for creating? Founder of the United Farm Workers

(UFW), beginner of the national immigrant labor reform movement

250. Who was Rachel Carson? Author of Silent Spring and one of the beginners of the environmentalist movement

251 What book did Rachel Carson write and what movements and agencies was it responsible for helping create? Silent

Spring which helped start the Enviornmental Protection Agency (EPA)

252. Describe the rise of the Conservative movement. (Consider the candidacy of Barry Goldwater (1964) and the election of

Richard M. Nixon (1968). The Democratic Party (who was in power in the 1960s) were largely blamed for the civil unrest

and the Vietnam war. In 1968 American’s, seeking to turn society around for the better, elected conservative republican

Richard Nixon to the Presidency

SSUSH25 The student will describe changes in national politics since 1968.

253. Explain the how President Richard M. Nixon assisted in the opening of China. In an attempt to bring Vietnam to a rapid

end, Nixon negotiated to open China (one of North Vietnam’s big supporters) to trade with the US

254. Explain the Watergate scandal and how it led to the political downfall and eventual resignation of President Richard M.

Nixon. In an effort to guarantee his own reelection Nixon hired several spies to discover the plans of the Democrats in the

upcoming election. When this was discovered Nixon resigned his position, in lieu of impeachment. Nixon’s VP, Gerald

Ford, became President and pardoned Nixon of any connection to Watergate

255. Following the Watergate scandal Americans attitudes towards politics began to change- discuss those changes. Began a

progression of growing distrust in the US government

256. Analyze and discuss the presidency of Gerald Ford and its effect on American society. Ford presidency was plagued

with scandal and he lost the majority of his support when he pardoned Nixon from all wrongdoing in Watergate

257. Explain how Roe v. Wade (1973) and the Bakke decision for affirmative action impacted American society? Increased

the amount of civil liberties and civil rights given to every American

258. Explain how President Jimmy Carter used the Camp David Accords to promote peace in the Middle East. Be sure to list

both countries involved in the Camp David Accords. Carter brokered a mid-East peace treaty between Israel and Egypt (the

1st peace treaty between Israel and any middle eastern country


259. Explain the events of the Iranian Revolution and the role of the United States in the aftermath. Muslim overthrow of

the Iranian government (Ayatollah Khomeini took power in Iran). In response the US gave refuge to overthrown Iranian

president Shah Pahlavi

260. Explain the Iranian Hostage Crisis and how President Jimmy Carter was ineffective in their release which eventually led

to his presidential downfall. In retaliation for Pahlavi being given refuge in the US, Khomeini ordered to takeover of the US

Embassy and the taking of American hostages. Carter had several failed negotiations to get the US hostages released but

all failed because Carter refused to turn over Pahlavi and refused to use military force to release them

261. What were Reaganomics? Reagan’s system of economics commonly known as “trickle-down economics” or supply

side economics that caused an economic boom in the 1980s

262. Explain the Iran- Contra Scandal. US agreed to trade weapons and money to the Iranians in exchange for the last 7

hostages from the Iranian Hostage Crisis which the Iranians in turn gave to the communist backed Contras fighting a

revolution in Nicaragua (this was a big scandal during Reagan’s presidency)

263. Explain the role of Ronald Reagan in the collapse of the Soviet Union. Reagan influenced Soviet leader Gorbachev to

institute capitalist reforms like glasnost & perestroika which would lead to giving Soviet citizens more voice and freedom

in the USSR

264. Explain the relationship between President Bill Clinton and Congress. (Be sure to include NAFTA and the impeachment

and acquittal) Clinton & Congress had a continually deteriorating relationship throughout his terms in office first when

Clinton superseded his powers as president by negotiating a foreign trade agreement (NAFTA) without Congressional

assistance or approval and then his commission of perjury (lying under oath) for his extramarital affair with White House

intern, Monica Lewinsky

265. Explain the 2000 election controversy and the role of the electoral college in the ensuing court case Gore v. Bush. Gore

won the popular vote and bush won the electoral vote (with a controversy happening over the votes in Florida). Bush’s

election with the electoral vote caused many Americans to questions the relevance of the electoral college

266. Explain the conflict in Iraq and how the United States reacted to the 9/11 attacks in Iraq and Afghanistan. In retaliation

for the 9/11 terrorist attacks the US vowed to hunt down Al Queda and other terrorist networks (who had a strong hold

in Afghanistan and has strong support in Iraq) and target any country who supported them