Narrative essay franklin outline

Post on 12-Jan-2017

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The Narrative EssayTell Me a Story

The Franklin Outline Use a three-word statements

In a five-statement narrative outline

Five Statement

outline 1. Conflict

2. Complication ONE3. Complication TWO4. Complication

THREE5. Resolution

Three Word Statements

FIRST WORD:The main character or the main thing that is center stage or taking the action.


Three-Word StatementsSECOND WORD:

Use an action verb (not words like “is.”


Three Word Statements

THIRD WORD:The character or the thing receiving the action. Another word for it is THE DIRECT



Three-Word Statement

The first line is the conflict statement.

Sam shows scouts.

Here are some things that can go wrong in the first

line:•If you do not include a main character or a main thing.

•If you do not use an action verb.•If you leave off the direct object.•Not matching up conflict and resolution.

What Can go Wrong?•Not matching up conflict and resolution.

•In my example they do match up:•Sam shows scouts. •Matches:•Sam studies hard.

Even the best narrative essay outlines will feel fuzzy or like you are trying to nail Jello to the wall. WHY??

•Because you are dealing with inner conflict. --Jon Franklin, Writing for Story

SO,Go Ahead and Start Using a Three-Word Statement in a Five-Statement Outline

Action verbs create scenes.Scenes with conflict rise to climax and then to a resolution

It Forces You to Focus and Eliminate the Unnecessary.

Conflict: Sam shows scouts.

Complication 1: Sam missed the ball.

Complication 2: Scouts ignore Sam.

Complication 3: Sam changes focus.

Resolution Sam wins scholarships.

The Narrative outline

Conflict: Complication 1: Complication 2: Complication 3: Resolution: (Write this down and put on top of draft)

Your Narrative outline

Try this while writing your narrative essay.