Near-Field Localization in Plasmonic Superfocusing: A … · 2020. 6. 11. · potential for nearly...

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Near-Field Localization in PlasmonicSuperfocusing: A Nanoemitter on a TipCatalin C. Neacsu,†,# Samuel Berweger,†,# Robert L. Olmon,†,‡,# Laxmikant V. Saraf,|Claus Ropers,⊥ and Markus B. Raschke*,†,§

†Department of Chemistry, ‡Department of Electrical Engineering, §Department of Physics, University ofWashington, Seattle, Washington 98195, |Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory, Pacific Northwest NationalLaboratory, Richland, Washington 99352, and ⊥Courant Research Center Nano-Spectroscopy and X-ray Imaging,University of Gottingen, Germany

ABSTRACT Focusing light to subwavelength dimensions has been a long-standing desire in optics but has remained challenging,even with new strategies based on near-field effects, polaritons, and metamaterials. The adiabatic propagation of surface plasmonpolaritons (SPP) on a conical taper as proposed theoretically has recently emerged as particularly promising to obtain a nanoconfinedlight source at the tip. Employing grating-coupling of SPPs onto gold tips, we demonstrate plasmonic nanofocusing into a localizedexcitation of ∼20 nm in size and investigate its near- and far-field behavior. For cone angles of ∼10-20°, the breakdown of theadiabatic propagation conditions is found to be localized at or near the apex region with ∼10 nm radius. Despite an asymmetricside-on SPP excitation, the apex far-field emission with axial polarization characteristics representing a radially symmetric SPP modein the nanofocus confirms that the conical tip acts as an effective mode filter with only the fundamental radially symmetric TM mode(m ) 0) propagating to the apex. We demonstrate the use of these tips as a source for nearly background-free scattering-type scanningnear-field optical microscopy (s-SNOM).

KEYWORDS Surface plasmon polariton, near-field microscopy, nano-focusing, local-field enhacement

Nanometer-sized light sources exist in many forms,including molecules, clusters, semiconductor quan-tum dots, and metallic nanoparticles. Under optical

excitation, the effective funneling of light energy into suchemitters is fundamentally limited by the respective intrinsicscattering or absorption cross sections. In order to overcomethe resulting low signal transduction and mode mismatchin optical coupling, antenna concepts may be employed.1,2

Taking advantage of the radiationless energy transport andspatial field confinement properties of SPPs allows for SPPfocusing in wedges,3,4 tetrahedrons,5 grooves,6 and taperedwaveguides.7,8 Metamaterials based on nanocompositesprovide another avenue for projection of a far-field sourceto the nanoscale.9-13

Despite these promising concepts, several issues persistlimiting the device performances for various reasons. Guid-ing structures based on metamaterials are known to bevulnerable to energy attenuation through absorption lossesand reflections.10,14 Leakage radiation of SPPs contributesto loss in systems with thin conductive films or plasmonicparticles atop a dielectric.15,16 Likewise, SPP scattering fromgeometric inhomogeneities and defects, for example, edgesor corners, inevitable in 2D geometries, gives rise to ad-ditional extrinsic damping.17,18

Thus the use of a monolithic noble metal structureprovides several advantages, allowing for the minimizationof losses as well as eliminating the need to optimize couplingbetween material interfaces.19,20 Specifically, the semi-infinite conical structure provides a unique topology, pos-sessing a high curvature (quasi-singularity) only at the apex.The propagation of SPPs along such a tapered tip hasoriginally been proposed to result in superfocusing21 andadiabatic energy concentration at the tip.22,23 In theory, asthe cone radius decreases to zero, the resulting divergenceof the surface index of the fundamental TM mode (m ) 0)results in both the phase and group velocities of the propa-gating SPP wave vanishing toward the apex. The associatedadiabatic focusing and decrease in SPP wavelength preventsradiative emission (scattering), thus resulting in a nanocon-fined light source at the apex. In contrast, the higher ordermodes (m * 0) experience a cutoff at a cone radius beforereaching the apex, preventing their focusing.24,7 However,recent theoretical results suggest that an increase in dampingand the probable failure of the adiabatic conditions near theapex may limit the nanofocusing efficiency and lead to far-field emission.25,26

The plasmon emission characteristics and the spatialextent of the nanoconfinement at the apex of a plasmonicnanofocusing structure has not yet been determined.Having previously demonstrated the grating-coupling,propagation, and apex emission of SPP’s on Au metaltips,27 here we characterize the degree of optical nano-confinement enabled by this geometry and show its

*To whom correspondence should be addressed. Telephone: 206-543-2906. Fax:206-685-8665. E-mail: These authors contributed equally to this work.Received for review: 10/25/2009Published on Web: 01/12/2010

© 2010 American Chemical Society 592 DOI: 10.1021/nl903574a | Nano Lett. 2010, 10, 592-596

potential for nearly background-free near-field imaging.Capable of generating a localized excitation ∼20 nm insize at an apex region of ∼10 nm radius, the excitationefficiency at the apex is estimated to be >100 timesgreater than what could be achieved with direct apexillumination under identical conditions. In addition, throughcharacterization of the polarization of the apex emittedlight we confirm of SPP mode filtering in nanoscopic noblemetal tips.

For our experiment excitation of propagating SPPs ontothe tip by free space optical radiation is achieved by gratingcoupling to overcome the momentum mismatch betweenthe incident wavevector kin,z and the in-plane SPP mo-mentum kSP,z ) kin,z + νG with reciprocal lattice vectorG ) 2π/a0, lattice constant a0 of the grating, and integer ν.15

Efficient SPP propagation requires tips of homogeneoustaper and a smooth surface. The tips are prepared from Auwires (diameter D ) 125 µm) by electrochemical etching asdescribed previously.28 For the near-field imaging experi-ments, the tips are mounted onto a quartz tuning fork forshear-force control of the tip-sample distance, with piezostages for both tip and sample manipulation.

Figure 1 shows the schematic of the experiment and atypical result for SPP grating coupling, evanescent plasmonpropagation along the taper and their subsequent focusingwith the tip imaged in a far-field microscope configuration.We utilize spatial filtering in a confocal geometry to suppressthe grating-scattered illuminating light. The tip-apex emis-sion is imaged using a video charge coupled device (CCD),or detected using either a N2(l) cooled CCD or photodiode.

A broadband femtosecond Ti:Sapphire oscillator (Fem-tolasers Synergy with pulse duration τ = 9.5 fs, centerwavelength 780 nm, spectral width ∼ 130 nm) serves as alight source incident normal with respect to the surface ofthe grating. As predicted theoretically,25 a large field en-

hancement at the apex is expected at this wavelength forthe cone angles used (∼10-20°). Gratings with a0 = 770nm were fabricated by focused ion beam (FIB) milling with∼150 nm groove depth and ∼100 nm in width,27 resultingin an SPP resonance within the laser bandwidth for nearnormal incidence. Grating distances of 10-25 µm from theapex were chosen, guided by the trade-off between back-scattering suppression and 1/e SPP propagation length L inthe near-IR spectral range with L ) (c/ω)[(ε′m + 1)3ε′m]1/2/ε′′m, with free-space frequency ω, and permittivity εm ) ε′m+ iε′′m = -23 + 1.5i for Au at 800 nm. For our excitationenergy and material parameters,29 L = 40 µm.

Associated with the breakdown of the adiabatic propaga-tion conditions near the tip, nonradiative reflection, absorp-tive losses, and far-field emission occur. The induced polar-ization across the grating structure is responsible for launchinga transverse magnetic SPP wave with both transverse andlongitudinal electric field components. Optical emission fromthe tip is observed only for an incident polarization parallelwith respect to the tip axis, as expected.15

As shown previously,27 the characteristics of the emissionfrom the apex are qualitatively distinct from the light scat-tering observed in direct dark field apex illumination anddetection. For direct illumination, despite local field enhance-ment at the apex, due to the increase in polarizable tipvolume away from the apex, the highest scattering efficiencyobserved does not correspond to the apex position. Incontrast, for the grating-mediated SPP excitation a diffrac-tion limited emission from the tip apex is observed (Figure1), as is evident from the point spread function centered atthe geometric apex position.

Figure 2 shows the polarization and spectrally resolvedcharacterization of the grating-mediated tip apex emissionafter spatial filtering for orthogonal grating illumination andscattering detection. The center wavelength for resonantemission is seen at 740 nm with typical values rangingbetween 730 and 750 nm. This shift to shorter wavelengthscompared with the design wavelength (780 nm for a gratingperiod of a0 ∼ 770 nm) can be attributed to deviations ofthe angles of incidence from the surface normal on thestructure. First, rapid resonance shifts (nearly linear withangle with ∼10 nm per degree) are expected for slight tiltin the plane formed by tip axis and incident k-vector.Second, the excitation on the curved cone surface leads toa broad distribution of angles of incidence in the planeperpendicular to the tip axis and parallel to the grooves. Theassociated resonance shifts scale quadratically with angle ofincidence and due to the significant curvature across thegrating this also contributes to the observed blue-shift.

The observed value of 25 nm full-width at half-maximum(fwhm) is spectrally considerably narrower than what onewould expect from the estimate of the spatial Fouriertransform of the illuminated grating. With the correspondingrelationship for the inverse of the coupling bandwidth∆Gg 2π/a0n, where n is the number of illuminated grooves,

FIGURE 1. Grating coupling of surface plasmons on a tip. Overlayof SEM and optical far-field image of a Au tip with grating writtenby FIB for surface plasmon coupling of incident near-IR light froma Ti:Sapphire laser (spectrum shown). The grating with period a0 ∼770 nm is illuminated with polarization parallel with respect to thetip axis and an incident focus size of ∼8 µm. The nonradiative SPPpropagation leads to energy transfer and focusing and finallyreemission near the tip apex with radius j15 nm.

© 2010 American Chemical Society 593 DOI: 10.1021/nl903574a | Nano Lett. 2010, 10, 592-596

the estimated free-space fwhm for 10 grooves would be∆λ ) 94 nm. The discrepancy is possibly due to the fact thatin addition to the number of grooves, a complex phasedependent superposition of the local modes excited withinthe grooves and at the ridges influence the spectral couplingbandwidth.30,31

The symmetric 2-fold polarization anisotropy observedcan be described by an emission pattern following I(θ) ) I0

+ A cos2(θ) as shown by the numerical fit of the spectrallyintegrated data corresponding to a longitudinal polarizationof the emitter. With A/I0= 5.5, this behavior is characteristicfor a Rayleigh dipole of subwavelength dimensions orientedalong the tip axial direction with a weak isotropically polar-ized background originating primarily from residual gratingscattering.

The determination of the size of an optical emitter ofsubwavelength dimensions is possible, in general, by probingthe spatial extent of its optical near-field by scanning a scatter-ing probe smaller than the emitter size across its surface. Thisapproach of scattering-scanning near-field optical microscopy(s-SNOM) allows for spatial mapping of plasmonic near-fieldmodes with nanometer spatial resolution.32,33 Here, we utilizean inverse s-SNOM scheme, scanning the nanofocusing tipacross a step edge of a silicon surface as shown schemati-cally in Figure 3a. The step edge serves as a local scatteringcenter with a radius 3 ( 1 nm, characterized by highresolution SEM (Figure 3b). The use of Si as the samplematerial ensures minimal perturbation of the intrinsic tipnear-field spatial distribution and its polarization due to theweak near-field dipole-dipole tip-sample coupling with lowdielectric constants for Si and SiO2 in the visible.34

With a step wall angle of ∼ 60°, the tip shaft (cone angle14°) does not touch the step edge, thus avoiding possibledistortions of the plasmon propagation along the shaftduring scanning. As the tip traverses the scattering edge,enhanced emission from the apex is observed (Figure 3c)with a fwhm of the signal of 22 ( 5 nm. The lateral width ofthis enhancement provides a measure of the spatial extent

of the apex confined field. From a simple model deconvo-lution considering a tip at 5 nm above the surface, the fwhmof the signal observed corresponds to a spatial confinementof the nanofocused field to the apex region with radius ofonly r = 10 nm

Specifically, the emission observed arises from redistri-bution among the three main SPP loss channels at the apex,namely absorption, SPP reflection, and scattering into thefar-field. In the case of metallic samples, the additionalcoupling into SPPs on the surface would need to be consid-ered. In the present case, the enhanced local sample polar-

FIGURE 2. Point dipole emission of nanosource on tip. Spectrally resolved (a) and intensity integrated (c) polarization anisotropy of tip apexemission as measured under the scattering configuration in (b). The numerical fit in (c) with I(θ) ) I0 + A cos2(θ) corresponding to a dipolarpolarization characteristic is indicative of a subwavelength size Rayleigh emitter. A weak isotropic background to the tip emission gives riseto the small signal offset I0.

FIGURE 3. Determination of tip emitter size. (a) Schematic ofscanning the nanofocusing tip across a silicon step edge with radius3 ( 1 nm. (b) Top view SEM image of step edge. The wall and lowerterrace are on the right-hand side. The edge serves as a localscatterer of the optical near-field of the apex. (c) The optical signalof a lateral scan across the step edge provides a measure of thespatial field confinement and thus the emitter size at the apex. Solidblack line: AFM topography of the step. Red circles: plasmonic edge-scattered light intensity of the apex. The optical intensity peaks atthe step edge and displays a width of 22 ( 5 nm, demonstrating thenear-field localization at the apex. Solid red: Signal obtained underdirect illumination of the apex under otherwise identical conditions.

© 2010 American Chemical Society 594 DOI: 10.1021/nl903574a | Nano Lett. 2010, 10, 592-596

izability at the step edge results in a stronger coupling of thenear-field into far-field radiation.34

The slightly different signal levels with the tip on theupper and lower sample terraces are due to far-field interfer-ence of the apex emission Etip with a small residual back-ground field from sample reflected scattered light of thegrating Eg

scat, with effective distance d dependent phase Φ(d)which affects the intensity as |Etip + Eg

scateiΦ(d)|2.It should be noted that the tip-scattered signal is detected

without any tip-sample modulation. This fundamentallydifferent performance becomes particularly evident whencomparing to a corresponding line scan performed underdirect apex illumination instead of the grating coupling. Theupper trace in Figure 3c (solid red line) shows that signaltrace under otherwise identical conditions. Although a fieldenhancement and spatial confinement by the tip apex isexpected, the corresponding edge scattered signal is notdiscernible, as it is overwhelmed by the 3 orders of magni-tude more intense far-field scattering of the tip shaft andsample. Related to this performance is the application of thegrating coupled tips for the otherwise difficult task of nearlybackground-free near-field imaging (see Supporting Infor-mation).

The basis of the nanofocusing observed, as theoreticallysuggested before, is that the effective wavelength of thefundamental TM surface wave on a cylindrical wire de-creases with decreasing wire diameter.21,22,25,24,7 This canbe expressed by λ/neff, with neff the effective refractive indexincreasing sharply with decreasing wire radius below 0.1λ.25

This effect avoids diffraction and enables the continuousfocusing with a concurrent increase in local field energy. Theprocess proceeds adiabatically, provided that the tip tapersgradually as compared to the effective SPP wavelength, thusavoiding waveguide cutoff and associated reflection orradiative emission. However, as understood from theoreticalinvestigations, with the shorter wavelength and the con-comitant decrease in group velocity of the propagating SPP,the damping is expected to rise appreciably.25,26 Conse-quently, as the group velocity asymptotically tends to zero,despite the absence of reflection, the SPP dissipation intoheat will lead to a decrease in field energy as the SPPapproaches the tip. While a larger taper angle would resultin a shorter propagation distance, thus reducing loss, thebreakdown of the adiabatic conditions, however, is expectedto occur at larger distances from the apex, thus limiting thenanofocusing capability. It appears, however, that it may bepossible to achieve higher field enhancement under nona-diabatic conditions near the apex.25

Although the details depend on tip material, wavelength,taper angle, and initial wire diameter, an optimal anglebetween 10-40° has been suggested to achieve maximalfield enhancement as a trade-off between absorptive (adia-batic condition) and radiative and reflective (nonadiabaticcondition) losses.26,25 This condition was suggested to stillallow for spatial confinement at the tip with nanometer

dimensions on the order of the apex radius. Our results areconsistent with these model calculations, given that withcone angles of ∼10-20° the breakdown of the adiabaticpropagation conditions is found to be localized near the apexregion with J10 nm radius.

As discussed above, unlike in theoretical treatmentswhere an initial SPP excitation of only the radially symmetricm ) 0 TM mode has been assumed,22,25,26,35 our asym-metric excitation is expected to generate a superposition ofdifferent normal SPP modes of the cylindrical structure(m ) 0, 1, 2,...). As these different waves propagate towardthe apex, the critical cutoff radius for all but the m ) 0 modeof the tip is expected to prevent propagation and nanofo-cusing. Our emission characteristics observed, lacking apolarization component along the transverse direction,indicate a radially symmetric SPP. This provides strongevidence of mode filtering in SPP propagation and nanofo-cusing on tapered tips. We do note that the differinglongitudinal and transverse polarizabilities due to the local-ized plasmon resonances of the tip enhance on-axis fieldcomponents in the radiated far-field.28

The observed far-field radiating emission from the apexcorresponds to 2-4% of the incident radiation within thecoupling bandwidth. With the effective nanofocus size of∼20 nm at the apex as shown above, the focus volume is 4orders of magnitude smaller than what can be achieved byhigh numerical aperture far-field focusing (focus size ca. λ/2).With the cone angle of (∼15°) used here, the couplingwavelength of 750 nm corresponds to near-optimal condi-tions to deliver maximum field enhancement at the tip apexas predicted theoretically.25 Furthermore, the narrow coneangle is expected to lead to a large degree of adiabaticity,indicating that a large evanescent near-field component ofthe confined SPP is expected at the tip apex. Therefore, evenwith a maximum loss of 96-98% due to inefficient gratingcoupling, SPP propagation loss, and SPP reflection near theapex, the excitation efficiency of the local apex is still ∼100times higher compared to the best possible direct illumina-tion. This allows for background-free tip-enhanced Ramanspectroscopy.36,37

With a near-optimal taper angle for the wavelength usedhere, we expect losses due to grating coupling and modefiltering to be the limiting factors in our experiment. Throughthe use of radially symmetric SPP generation35 to generateonly the fundamental m ) 0 mode, losses due to attenuationof higher order (m * 0) modes can be avoided. Furthermore,with grating coupling efficiency sensitively depending ongroove profile, width, and depth as suggested theoretically,tip performance can thus be considerably increased withoptimal grating designs38,31 including holographic and broad-band structures in combination with pulse shaping forultrafast pulsed excitation and coherent control. As themagnitude of nanofocused energy contained in the evanc-escent field is unknown, our efficiency includes mode filter-ing losses and represents a lower limit for the m ) 0 mode.

© 2010 American Chemical Society 595 DOI: 10.1021/nl903574a | Nano Lett. 2010, 10, 592-596

Through suitable optimization, predicted absolute efficien-cies of >50%7 may be achievable.

Including grating coupling, SPP propagation, and field con-finement at the tip, the nanostructure as a whole acts as anoptical antenna with some unique features. The propagationof a spatially distributed source polarization in the form ofpropagating SPPs converging into the tip apex is equivalent tothe concentration of radiation in an antenna coupled detectorconfiguration. The high field confinement provided by thegrating-coupled tip, despite propagation and reflection losses,can provide an efficient excitation source of small (hence lownoise) detectors, analyte molecules, or nanoscale waveguides.

In summary, our experiments demonstrate the experi-mental realization of optical nanofocusing on a conical tip.The breakdown of the adiabtic conditions is found to occuronly within the last 10s of nanometers, as determined bythe tip apex radius which lends strong support to thetheoretically proposed mechanisms. Despite the symmetry-breaking side-on illumination and a resulting SPP excitationconfined along the azimuth, the tip effectively acts as a modefilter, giving rise to a propagation-induced, nanoscopic SPPexcitation with radial symmetry at the apex. This resultdemonstrates the robustness of conical SPP focusing withrespect to asymmetries and imperfections in the SPP gen-eration. The resulting dipolar nanoemitter with ∼20 nmspatial confinement, that is, more than 1 order of magnitudebeyond the diffraction limit, represents a novel light sourcewhich we expect to find numerous applications, such as newforms of field-enhanced microscopy or other forms ofantenna-based sensing, nonlinear frequency mixing includ-ing higher harmonics generation,39 attosecond XUV genera-tion, and photoelectron microscopy.40,41

Acknowledgment. Funding from the National ScienceFoundation (NSF CAREER Grant CHE0748226 and NSF-IGERT program) is greatly acknowledged. A part of theresearch was performed using EMSL, a national scientificuser facility sponsored by the Department of Energy’s Officeof Biological and Environmental Research and located atPacific Northwest National Laboratory. C.R. gratefully ac-knowledges funding from the German Excellence Initiative(FL3).

Supporting Information Available. This material is avail-able free of charge via the Internet at

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