Newsletter October edition

Post on 06-Apr-2016

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Monthly Newsletter with an update of the team!


October edition

Formula Student Team DelftNewsletter

Formula Student Team Delft

2 New core team Team update

Formula Student Team Delft


Dear reader,

Welcome to the first issue of our newsletter! In this series of

newsletters we will share our news and keep you updated on the events and progress of the team.

First of all, I would like to announce that we are currently going through a name change. In the future, the team shall be known as Formula Student Team Delft or FS Team Delft instead of DUT Racing. We feel this name better reflects the nature of our team and the competition we participate in.

After a very successful summer, the fifteenth team is already working on the new car. Our goal for this year is to become the Overall Winner at the Formula Student competitions the team attends in, by focusing on teamwork and team effort, and by fully completing the cycle.

Every year, the team starts by thinking of concepts for the new car. After the concepts are chosen, the team starts drawing and designing them. The result

of that design will be presented to you on the 18th of December. After the holidays, production starts, followed closely by the assembly phase. After the car is assembled, troubleshooting starts to work out the kinks of the DUT15. Then we can start testing the car for a perfect setup and validate the simulation of the start of the year. Completing the cycle implies that, as a team, we go through all these steps and carefully try to balance our time and effort spent in each phase.

This means that the DUT15 (the cars will keep their DUT name) has to be finished earlier to have enough time left for troubleshooting, testing, setting up and validation. We believe this can lead us to victory at the Formula Student competitions next summer!

Enjoy the first issue of our newsletter!

Kind regards,

Stijn Pennings Team manager

Interview MANS Consultancy

Formula Student Team Delft

4 New core team Team update

Introducing the new core team

While Formula Student Team Delft is working hard to finish

their designs, let’s meet its backbone: the core team. Every year a small group of enthousiastic engineers dedicate an equivalent of a fulltime job to achieve one goal: win the Formula Student competition. Who are they and what motivates them?

Daniel Muusers (24) Chief Vehicle Dynamics BSc Mechanical Engineering

After already being in the team for 5 years as a part timer, I still felt that I hadn’t reached the full potential of the Formula Student experience. Last year I designed the tires, a first for the team, which showed there are still new things to explore and improve. This year my motivation is building a car that is at least 10 percent faster than the DUT14. The DUT15 will be the fastest car at the competitions upcoming summer.

Formula Student Team Delft

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Chris van der Ploeg (22) Chief Powertrain BSc Aerospace Engineering

In the DUT14 year I was responsible for the design of the transmission. Being responsible for the transmission also meant being partly responsible for the design of the DUT14 centerless innerwheel. After the DUT14 year I decided to take a step up and manage the parts of the innerwheel, the accumulator and the motorcontrollers to be able to create an even more awesome DUT15! I’m looking forward to the FS2015 experience, and am eager to see the awesome concepts of the other teams.

Sander Boksebeld (21) Chief Suspension BSc Mechanical Engineering

Last year I spend the first semester as a fulltime vehicle dynamics engineer, designing the DUT14 geometry. The second semester I was closely involved in the assembly and testing of the DUT14. Being in charge of the suspension department for the DUT15, I can enjoy the Formula Student experience to the fullest extent!

Formula Student Team Delft

6 New core team Team update

Sietse van Schouwenburg (21) Operations Manager BSc Aerospace Engineering

I realized, after one year designing the steering system of the DUT13, that I wanted to join the team full time. First however I had to catch up with the credits that I left behind in my second year aerospace. To be sure that the DUT15 team had plenty enthusiastic students, I joined the recruitment committee of the team. I can fully enjoy the results with 80 extremely motivated team members and I am looking forward for the complete FS experience.

Len van Moorsel (23) Chief Engineer MSc Mechanical Engineering

At some point during the process of selecting a university I came across FS Team Delft, which was a big reason to study at the TU Delft. The team allows me to incorporate the knowledge and skills that I have acquired so far during my studies into a great learning experience. I am practicing engineering in a large team of 80 students towards the goal of building the best possible formula student car.

Formula Student Team Delft

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Patrick Jahn (22) Technical & Finance Manager MSc Aerospace engineering

From the very beginning on I was fascinated on how such a big team as the FS Team Delft works. I was also surprised on how many aspects next to the fundamentals that you learn in your studies are necessary to participate in the competition. Furthermore it was impressive to learn these things in at such a high pace. During my two years as a part time engineer I always felt that I could do better if it wasn’t about the time constraint so I decided to join the core team.

Stijn Pennings (22) Team Manager BSc Mechanical Engineering

As the end of my bachelors degree was approaching, I started to wonder what I wanted to do. Mechanical Engineering is very theoretical and I wanted some more hands-on experience with a real project, where I could also develop management skills. Leading a Formula Student team is an excellent way to learn project management skills. My goal is to make sure that our 80 dedicated team members are all working towards one common goal: building the fastest Formula Student car the world has ever seen!

Formula Student Team Delft

8 New core team Team update

Efraïm Eland (22) Chief Electronics BSc Electrical Engineering

As a kid I always dreamt of being a car mechanic. After I decided to study Electrical Engineering I wanted to combine my dream with my study: building electric race cars. I joined the DUT14 team and built the ECU. , the brain of the car. Besides learning the technical aspects of the car, I also wanted to learn more about projectmanagement. That is why I joined the DUT15 coreteam and became chief electronics.

Jet Tuitert (23) Chief Chassis BSc Aerospace Engineering

The new level of commitment I got familiar with when I joined the team (DUT14) was immense. I felt more and more responsible for teaching others to become an experienced engineer. During the design and production phase of the DUT14, I tested the structural design of and laminated the monocoque. Although a fulltime function as chief is intense, I am standing my ground. My own engineering ánd management skills are being tested and improved continuously, and that is how I motivate myself. The Formula Student community is providing a unique experience for all future engineers.

Formula Student Team Delft

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Derek Risseeuw (21) Chief Aerodynamics MSc Aerospace engineering

In my three years of aerospace engineering I sensed that the study was only based on theoretical knowledge, and that it lacked any practical experience. Moreover the designing aspect never goes further than the concept phase, which I think is insufficient to produce good engineers. For these reasons I wanted to do something completely different, and I decided that I wanted to spend a year at FS team Delft. For this year me and my team want to provide the DUT15 with the best aeropackage so far!

Formula Student Team Delft

10 New core team Team update

Team update: September

Doing a year core team at FS team Delft means starting right after the competition in Germany and finishing with the sponsor day. DUT14 organised a fantastic day where sponsors were allowed to drive an autocross and an acceleration in the DUT14. Presentations were given during the day about technical details of the car and the problems the team encountered along the way. It was a beautiful driving day with big smiles on everyone’s faces.

Sponsor day

Formula Student Team Delft

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Where the DUT14 story ends, the DUT15 story begins. Again, we recruited a team of approximately 80 members, consisting of 10 core team members, 18 Minors (students that design a component for half a year fulltime for 30 credits) and approximately 50 parttime members. We had a kick off where everyone could see the DUT14 in action, since many members never saw a formula

student car.

Starting with a team of new members that enter the world of formula student means that they first need to be familiar with the rules. A rules test was organised, so that everyone knows the rules of the competition as well as the mechanical and electrical safety regulations. After a crash course Formula Student, the team was ready to design!

A new season

Formula Student Team Delft

12 New core team Team update

Team update: October

Building a car starts with building a team. A team weekend was organised where everyone could get to know each other with a dropping, weird challenges and paintball. The results are dedicated new members that really are working as a team. A team that wants to build the best FS car of the season!

Building a team

Everyone is working hard to finish before the deadlines.

Formula Student Team Delft

13Interview MANS Consultancy

The team succeeded in their first deadline: the concept design review. Every engineer gave a presentation to their department, to show what concepts they looked into. Alumni were invited to check the quality of their work to prevent major design flaws. The concept phase is now finished and we come to the more critical phase: the detailed design phase.

Concept Review

Coen and Sietse at the team weekend.

The concept review of the electronics department.

Formula Student Team Delft

14 New core team Team update

Interview: Tom Strebus

The summer has passed; while a cold autumn breeze rustles

the leaves outside, the DUT15 car is slowly taking shape in the TU Delft Dreamhall. In a series of interviews, we will get to know individuals better that are providing their contribution to the realization of the car’s design. In this first interview, we will get to know Tom Strebus, with whom we will look back on his experiences thus far in this year’s team.

For Tom, it was an easy decision; his first year as a bachelor student of Mechanical Engineering did not prove to be difficult, and he wanted to broaden his knowledge of engineering practices. Tom: “I’ve always been interested in cars; especially when they’re fast!” Subsequently, Tom joined the DUT15 team, where he could gain practical experience and expand his knowledge outside of his engineering domain.

Tom desired to expand his knowledge on electronics, and is now responsible for the design of the car’s wiring harness. Tom: “In essence, I design every single wire that ends up in the car.” The design of the wiring raises numerous contradictory design objectives. An example is the tradeoff

between minimal weight and minimal electric resistance. Aluminum has a resistance that is twice as bad as that of Copper, but it is three times less dense. Per component, a thorough tradeoff is required between various design alternatives. While this poses a challenge, Tom jokingly tells us that the largest challenge is to grapple the supplier catalogues. Tom: “sometimes, you want to know a given property of a certain component, but you have to browse through the entire catalogue to find the information you’re looking for. They aren’t well organized.” Tom believes that his invaluable experience with supplier catalogues would now allow him to design the ideal catalogue.

Tom’s dedication to the team is evident; while he joined the team expecting to spend fifteen hours per week on his component, he now almost spends twice as much time to complete his work. It therefore isn’t surprising that Tom considers his greatest challenge to be able to allocate his time most efficiently between his various activities.

It is self-explanatory that Tom is a determined individual. In the past, Tom has been active in water polo

Formula Student Team Delft

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for thirteen years, including national tournaments. Once a student in Delft, Tom halted all of his sports activities. However, after indulging in a 3-month period that covered all aspects of student life, Tom couldn’t deny the additional pounds that he was gaining. Tom: “I then decided to go running three times per week and to push my personal boundaries.” And thus, at his first attempt, Tom decided to complete a 23 kilometer run, which later ended up being 32 kilometers due to some miscalculations.

Recently, the team has gone on a team weekend to get to know each other better. Tom lets us know that

he really enjoyed the team weekend, stating that it wasn’t only for fun, but was also an effective way to get to know other team members from the various departments. Tom believes that getting to know each other outside of the purely professional sphere in turn improves collaboration, strengthening the team and furthermore improving team dynamics.

It was a pleasure to talk to Tom, who always knows how to humor us. We wish Tom the best of luck on his endeavors within as well as outside of Formula Student Team Delft.

Mario Verhagen

Tom Strebus (19) sitting in the DUT 14.

Formula Student Team Delft

16 New core team Team update

Open Mind Management

A year full time at FS team Delft is an priceless educational experience.

The first lesson in the university of FS: “everyone is different”. The consequences of this fact are well illustrated in the first month of this new team. Personalities collide, meetings are inefficient and miscommunications occur. The core team decided to ask help from MANS consultancy who were so kind to help with a MBTI personality workshop.

The MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) model describes someone’s character with four letters. First characteristic is extraversion (E) or introversion (I) which describes if the person is more “outward” or “inward.” Next aspect is sensing (S)or intuition (N), which are the perceiving functions. These letters describe how people receive information. For example, during our session, the group was divided in a sensing group and an intuition group with

Formula Student Team Delft

17Interview MANS Consultancy

the assignment to give a presentation about an apple. The sensing group described the apples characteristics (shape, color, taste etc.) While the intuitive people talked about methods to harvest an apple, Karel Appel and Apple products. The third personality characteristic is thinking (T) or feeling (F), which describes how the person makes decisions. Thinkers look at facts and make consistent decisions, while feelers look at each situation individually and try to come up with a balanced solutions. The final letters are Judging or Perceiving. Where judging people are more structured and have a clear opinion on a situation, perceiving people are more spontaneous and observe information without judging.

During the workshop the core team learned more about each other’s personality and how to deal with it instead of getting irritated. We now understand what the advantages and disadvantages are for each letter and know how to act on them. For example our extravert people tend to overrule introverts during a meeting. To prevent this the core team choose a perceiving chairman, who will structure the meeting and guard the balance of the meeting. It was great team building activity and we would like to thank MANS Consultancy for their effort!

More information about MANS Consultancy:

Formula Student Team Delft


General info


Stevinweg 1 2628 CN Delft The Netherlands

12th and13th of November Precisiebeurs NH Conference Centre Koningshof in Veldhoven

18th till 20th of November Technische industriële vakbeurs in evenementenhal Venray

20th of November Bits and Chips Smart Systems in congrescentrum brabanthallen Den Bosch

Contact details

Fairs we’ll be visiting


Electronics & Powertrain Suspension & Vehicle Dynamics Chassis & Aerodynamics Team Manager & Chief Engineer Operations Manager & Technical-Finance Manager

Phone number

+31 152 787 008 +31 152 788 436

+31 152 787 007 +31 152 788 891 +31 152 787 531

Next edition

Windtunnel test Design review V1 Sneak preview of the DUT15
