Next Step 2014 presentation by Andrea Thumshirn from Hockey Village India Foundation

Post on 18-Dec-2014

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Speaker: Andrea Thumshirn, Hockey Village India Foundation

Be different – do sports!

Sport as a tool for social integration – Sport has no cast and no religion








Proof yourself – go to your limits – get better and have fun!

Sport and Education HAS to go hand in hand!

• Sport increases the aerobiosis in the brain and makes it more efficient. Children have therefore a better memory.• The combination of sports and education creates healthy students and intelligent sports person. Later on that is the perfect combination for a job.• Children that are doing sport, can concentrate better and longer• Sporty children get a higher exposure as they are going out for tournaments and see other places, people, cultures and get therfore an open mindset

Sport as a theraphy• Sport reduces fears and depressions as it strengthens the self-confidence.• Futher more due to the activated release of hormons children are able to feel happyness more intense • After doing sport it is easier for children to take rest and get a proper sleep• Sport can give a vision for a child – a dream where they can hold on• Sport can replace a family – a sportsteam can keep a child grounded• Whatever values a child gets through sport, it will be 100% a better human beeing

Sport as a chance for a break-away from the daily routine

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