NOAA / POES - Van Allen ·...

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NOAA / POESPolar Operational Environmental Satellites

RBSP SWG 05.24.2011

SEM-2 & MEPED• Space Environmental Monitor

– TED (0.05 - 20 keV [e-, p+])– MEPED Instruments

• Telescopes (orthogonal pairs)– protons 30 - 6900+ keV– electrons 30 - 1100+ keV*

• Omnidirectional Sensors (4)– protons 16 - 275 MeV

• Continuous Measurements since 1978– SEM-1: TIROS-N through NOAA-14– SEM-2: since NOAA-15


2007 -- PRESMETOP-A2009 -- PRESNOAA-192005 -- PRESNOAA-182002 -- PRESNOAA-172001 -- PRESNOAA-161998 -- PRESNOAA-15


(*extended range possible)RBSP SWG 05.24.2011 Yando & Millan

Relativistic Electron Detection

Compare with SAMPEX:

LESSON: proton channel “P6” reliably detects MeV e-!!RBSP SWG 05.24.2011 Yando & Millan

(SAMPEX adapted from Baker 2004)

Extending Instr. CapabilitiesNominal electron channels

E1 >30 keVE2 >100 keV + P6 >1000 keV [e-]E3 >300 keV

Detector response quantified w/ Geant4 modeling:



# $

% $

“new” e- channel

Yando et al. JGR [in review]RBSP SWG 05.24.2011 Yando & Millan

Mapping REP with POES• Sun-synchronous polar orbits

– Altitude ~850 km– Inclination ~99o

– Orbital Period ~102 minutes(i.e., 14.1 orbits / day)

• Presently 6 POES / METOPspacecraft in low Earth orbit– 2 additional METOP spacecraft

expected (1 during RBSP)

LOTS OF CONJUNCTIONSproof of concept:

Jan 2000 REP event observed by MAXISballoon [Millan 2007] simultaneously observedin NOAA-15 data [Millan 2010]

others recently identified (Scheiman thesis)RBSP SWG 05.24.2011

POES and RBSP: Summary6(+) satellites / LEO / measure 0o & 90o [p+,e-] fluxesData Availability:

- ASCII/CDF ViRBO (web interface)

Yando & Millan


RBSP SWG 05.24.2011 Yando & Millan

• Janet Green, NOAA NGDC• David Evans, retired NOAA • Fred Hanser, Assurance Tech

Proton Telescope GF

RBSP SWG 05.24.2011 Yando & Millan

Electron Telescope GF

RBSP SWG 05.24.2011 Yando & Millan