Noli Me Tangere A Diagnosis of Filipino Society. Proposal on writing a Novel about the Philippines...

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Noli Me Tangere

A Diagnosis of Filipino Society

Proposal on writing a Novel about the Philippines

• Filipinos – were not known in Europe– Practically mistaken as Chinese in Spain and

Japanese in Germany.• Indios Bravos – a term coined by Rizal which

was used by the Filipino expatriates in the Paris Exposition in 1889 to have a sense of National Identity.

• Circulo Hispano-Filipino – where Rizal presented a proposal on writing a novel about the Philippines.

• His proposal was unanimously approved by his friends.

• But this proposal did not materialize because those whom he expected to collaborate with him did not do anything.

• His expatriates were indifferent to the project since they were more interested to gamble and to flirt with women.

• Pedro Paterno – published his novel entitled Ninay: Costumbres Filipinas (Philippine Customs).– Made Rizal happy because somehow someone

reacted to his proposal.

Ideas on Writing a novel about the Philippines

• Spoliarium – Juan Luna– Reflection of the spirit of

the social, moral, and political life of his time because it clearly showed mankind under severe ordeal, mankind unredeemed, and reason and aspiration in an open struggle with fanaticism and injustice.

• Uncle Tom’s Cabin – Harriet Beecher Stowe– Portrays the brutalities

committed by American slave-owners and the pathetic conditions of the unfortunate Negro slaves.

• The Wandering Jew – Eugene Sue– An anti-clerical novel

The writing of the novel

• Madrid – when Rizal completed the first half of the novel

• Paris – he completed one-fourth• Berlin – he finished the novel on February 21,


Dr. Maximo Viola

• The savior of the Noli• Visited Rizal in Berlin

before Christmas of 1887.• He was shocked seeing his

friend living in poverty and deplorably sickly because of lack of proper nourishment.

• Financed the printing of the novel by giving Rizal P300.00.

• Elias and Salome – deleted chapter• Berliner Buchdruckrei-Action-Gesselschaft – published

the novel – Charged the lowest rate P300.00 for 2,000 copies.

• Ferdinand Blumentritt, Antonio Ma. Regidor, Graciano Lopez-Jaena, Mariano Ponce and Felix Resurreccion-Hidalgo – received the first copies of the novel.

• Maximo Viola – received the original handwritten manuscript with the pen used by Rizal in writing the novel as a sign of his gratitude to the man who help in the printing of his novel.

Title of the Novel

• Noli Me Tangere – Latin phrase which means “Touch Me Not”– A phrase which Rizal got from the bible.

• In a letter addressed to Felix R. Hidalgo, Rizal claimed that the phrase came from the Gospel of Luke. Rizal made a mistake.

• Gospel of St. John – Chapter 20 verses 13-17.• Motherland – where the novel was dedicated• Social Cancer – a disease that Rizal used to convey the

condition of the Philippines.

Cover of the Book

• Title – cuts diagonally across the front covering a hand written dedication.

• Hand Written dedication – apparently for his parents

• “In writing… thinking… always… it was you who implanted in me… the first ideas… this manuscript… proof of love.

• Silhouette of girl’s head – Maria Clara• Two hairy calves protrude from a haze , the feet

enclosed in sandals – Father Damaso• Constabulary helmet• Whip• A length of chain• Thorny bamboo branches• Flowers• Graveyard cross

The Characters of the Novel

• The characters of the novel were drawn by Rizal from persons who actually existed during his time.

• Juan Crisostomo Ibarra – the protagonist– Represented the affluent and liberal European

educated Filipino (Ilustrado)– Desired the education of the people

• Elias – represented the Filipino masses– Wanted to liberate the people from the injustices

suffered from the Spaniards.• Represented Rizal himself

• Maria Clara – The object of Ibarra’s love and affection.– Trained in a convent and immersed in education

that is religious in orientation.• Salome – Elias’ girlfriend– Same with Maria Clara epitomizes womanhood in

their fidelity, shyness and modesty.• Represents Leonor Rivera

• Padre Damaso – the main antagonist in the novel.– A typical domineering friar during Rizal’s time. – Arrogant, immoral and anti-Filipino– Often mistaken as a Dominican priest.

• Pilosopo Tasyo – perceived to be a sage by the educated and a lunatic or weird by those who did not know him.– Represents Paciano, Rizal’s older brother

• Capitan Tiago – Don Anastacio de los Santos – Husband of Pia Alba– His wealth came from illegal opium trade– Example of a subservient Filipino to the Spanish authorities for

protection and security– Capitan Juan Sunico of San Nicolas

• Sisa – the mother of Basilio and Crispin– Symbolizes Filipinos lack of concern in facing and resolving problems

confronting Filipino society.– But illustrates the typical Filipino mother. Ready to defend their

children from all forms of injustice and accusations.• Basilio and Crispin – represents the Crisostomo brothers in


• Padre Salvi – represents an immoral and coward friar– Was believed to be Father Antonio Piernavieja, the hated

Augustinian friar who was killed b the patriots during the revolution.

• Doña Victorina – wife of Don Tiburcio de Espadaña.– A social climber. An Indio who wanted to be treated as a

Spaniard for her husband was a citizen of Spain.• Doña Agustina Medel• Doña Consolacion – mistress of the Alferez

– Symbolized the mentality of the Guardia Civil: Vulgar, cruel and quarrelsome.

Rizal’s Diagnosis of Filipino Society

• Friars – were the enemies of reforms, progress and justice in the Philippines.– Agrarian problem in Calamba between the Dominicans

and the tenants like his family, while he was in Europe.– The influence of the Spanish friars against

secularization of the parishes.– Rizal’s over-all assessment of the Philippine political

situation in 1886 and 1872.• Abuses of the friars were evident (forced labor, tax

collection, school inspection, intelligence officers)

Noli Me Tangere: A Charter of Filipino Nationalism

• The novel calls for the Filipino to:– Regain his self confidence– Appreciate his self-worth– Return to the heritage of his ancestors– Assert himself– To equal to the Spaniards– Insists in the need for education– Dedication to the country– Assimilating the aspects of Western culture that could

enhance native traditions

Rizal’s Friends Praise the Noli

• Ferdinand Blumentritt – his congratulating of Rizal was the most significant.– Considers Rizal was a

man of extraordinary talent.

• Antonio Ma. Regidor – a Filipino exile in London for his alleged participation in the 1872 uprising.– Said that the book is

superior and Rizal’s Noli Me Tangere will be equal to the novel Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes of Spain.

Other Works published by Rizal’s Friends in Europe

• Pedro A. Paterno – Ninay (1885, Madrid)• Marcelo H. Del Pilar – La Soberania Monalas

(1889, Barcelona)• Graciano Lopez-Jaena – Discursos y Articulos

Varios (1891, Barcelona).