"Nomophobia - no mobile phone phobia"

Post on 11-Apr-2017

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“no-mobile-phone phobia” By Apiradee Bunyalekha

Asiania International Consulting

Presented at Rangsit University, THAILAND, on 24 March 2016

Current behaviour

Nomophobia: The Fear of Being Without Your Smartphone

Credit: theithacan.org



Hong Kong’s International Airport

Visited on 11 Mar 2016

Source: https://thedailyomnivore.net/2014/08/05/nomophobia/

Source: http://www.slideshare.net/SITAOnline/ian-dawkins?qid=669baead-3492-4220-96a4-21b31fbc14fa&v=&b=&from_search=11


Source: www.behaviour.digital

Source: www.slideshare.net/Invoca/winning-the-moments-that-matter-58723774



Credit : www.fhshh.com

Communication – Entertainment - Distraction Working – Education

It became a BIG part of our lives

Source: http://www.slideshare.net/Invoca/winning-the-moments-that-matter-58723774

Future smartphone usage

Source: blogs.msdn.microsoft.com

The future of us

Part of learning process

In 2013, an estimated 25% of U.S. schools had BYOD policies in place and it’s reasonable to assume those numbers have risen in the past two years. • 73% of the teachers reported using mobile technology in their classrooms, either

through their own instruction or by allowing students to use it to complete assignments

• English teachers are more likely to use mobile technology in the classroom than math teachers

• 47% of teachers strongly agreed, and an additional 44% somewhat agreed, that students need digital literacy courses to be successful academically and beyond.



Child Usage

Source: blogs.edweek.org

Age-care app

Source: lookout.com

Marketing and communication strategies

credit: ptclientshow.com

Then Now


Then Now


credit: theegeek.com


Then Now

Why people are so into smartphone?


Peer Social Pressure


While the most popular response was 1 hour (31%), 12.5% of respondents expect their

colleagues to answer an email in 5 minutes.



Amazingly, during work hours, only 15% of people think it’s acceptable for a text response

from their partner to take more than an hour.

104 emails 927 line messages

After two days without using mobile phone


15 years ago


1-2 subjects

4-8 subjects

Do things right Effectiveness

Do the right thing

15 years ago


Smartphone Addiction

Source: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/nomophobia-no-mobile-phone-phobia-marc-attieh

Source: http://ummahdesign.me/blog/so-whats-all-this-about-nomophobia-smartphone-detox/

When given up the phone for the whole week

Anxiety and Frustration

Source: http://ummahdesign.me/blog/so-whats-all-this-about-nomophobia-smartphone-detox/

Low self-esteem

Source: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/women/womens-life/11980031/Instagram-confession-The-ugly-truth-behind-my-perfect-model-shots.html

Source: http://time.com/3858309/attention-spans-goldfish/

A new study from Microsoft Corp., people now generally lose concentration after eight seconds, highlighting the affects of an increasingly digitalized lifestyle on the brain

Humans have shorter attention span than goldfish, thanks to smartphones

sec attention span 9 sec attention span 8

Top Concentration Killers

1. Multitasking 2. Boredom 3. Mental Distractions

4.Electronic Interruptions 5. Fatigue 6. Drug Side Effects and Other Medical Issues

Source: http://www.webmd.com/balance/guide/top-concentration-killers

Credit: www.istockphoto.com

How should we cope with this situation?

Need detox?


No phone hours



Study – Research - Inspired

1 hour 0.30 hour 0.30 hour