Non-intrusive automatic compiler-guided reliability...

Post on 08-Oct-2020

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0018-9499 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.

This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TNS.2019.2912323, IEEETransactions on Nuclear Science


Non-intrusive automatic compiler-guided reliabilityimprovement of embedded applications under

proton irradiationAlejandro Serrano-Cases1, Yolanda Morilla2, Pedro Martın-Holgado2, Sergio Cuenca-Asensi1,

and Antonio Martınez-Alvarez1

Abstract—A method is presented for automated improvementof embedded application reliability. The compilation process isguided using Genetic Algorithms and a Multi-Objective Opti-mization Approach (MOOGA). Even though modern compilersare not designed to generate reliable builds, they can be tunedto obtain compilations that improve their reliability, throughsimultaneous optimization of their fault coverage, execution time,and memory size. Experiments show that relevant reliabilityimprovements can be obtained from efficient exploration of thecompilation solutions space. Fault-injection simulation campaignsare performed to assess our proposal against different bench-marks and the results are assessed against a real ARM-basedSystem on Chip under proton irradiation.

Index Terms—Fault tolerance, single event upset, proton irra-diation effects, soft errors


T he use of Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS) devices isunder study as a serious competitor to the RadHard pro-

cessors present in most critical scenarios, such as aerospace,control and safety systems, where radiation effects causeserious problems. Some of the reasons for the emergenceof COTS are their low development costs, in part derivedfrom reusing well-known design tools, thereby lowering non-redundant engineering costs, as well as their low powerconsumption and high computational power. However, thereduction in noise margins, due to the progressive reductionin technological resources and power operating levels, hasthe drawback of making these systems more susceptible totransient faults. Furthermore, common COTS processors arenot designed to cope with those harmful effects of radiationand, because of their nature, traditional hardware redundancytechniques cannot be applied to their structural components.

In this context, Software-Implemented Hardware Fault Tol-erance (SIHFT) techniques are intended to run reliable soft-ware over unreliable hardware [1]. Although these techniquesincrease reliability, the necessary instrumentation of their codecauses important overheads in both memory footprints andexecution times that deserve serious consideration [2], [3].

A potential method for modifying reliability without codeinstrumentation is by reproducing the way that modern com-pilers build the programs. In fact, if compiler parameters

1Dept. of Computer Technology, Ctra. San Vicente del Raspeig s/n, 03690,San Vicente del Raspeig - Alicante, Spain. Corresponding author: AntonioMartınez-Alvarez (email:

2Centro Nacional de Aceleradores (Universidad de Sevilla, CSIC, JA).Avda. Tomas Alba Edison 7, 41092 Sevilla, Spain

and flags are properly used, code can be reordered, uselessinstructions removed, unnecessary loops reduced, and constantoperations precalculated, among many other optimizations.These changes produce different executables with the samefunctionality and may affect the observed reliability of theapplication. As a result, the same source code can be usedto invoke many different executables with particular features,such as an improved execution time, a reduced memoryfootprint, and even increased fault coverage. In summary,SIHFT techniques gain reliability by instrumenting the codeunder protection, while compilers reorganize and optimize thecode and, as a side effect, may improve its reliability.

In this context, modern compilers, such as GNU-GCC andClang/LLVM, are known to offer a wide range of optimizationparameters that are intended to reduce the code size or theexecution time needed to complete the whole program. Forinstance, Clang/LLVM supports more than 250 optimizationsand GNU-GCC offers 230 optimizations and 195 parametersfor modifying those optimizations [4]. However, those compil-ers offer no predefined optimization associated with reliabilityimprovements. Several studies in this area have approachedthe question of what influence the standard optimization levelshave on application reliability. In [5], the authors analyzedhow the first three optimization levels of GCC (named O1,O2 and O3) impacted on the expected number of failuresin some specific processor structures. Medeiros et al. [6]added a further predefined optimization (Os) to their study andestimated the soft error resilience of 24 applications runningon a SystemC model of an MIPS processor. Even though theresults suggested that this flag provided better overall systembehavior, in general, no clear relation was established be-tween the standard optimizations, applications, and reliabilityenhancements. A similar conclusion can be found in [7], astudy that concerned an ARM processor and emulated faultinjection on the real hardware. When compared with the cross-sections obtained in heavy-ion experiments, the results showeddifferent trends. According to the authors, that divergencecould be explained by the partial injection campaigns, whichtargeted only the register file of the processor.

The overall picture becomes more complicated when con-sidering all the available parameters and options. Iterativecompilations [8] have shown important performance improve-ments that could be applied to reliability optimization. How-ever, the computational effort that is required, similar to abrute force approach, makes any comprehensive exploration

0018-9499 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.

This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TNS.2019.2912323, IEEETransactions on Nuclear Science






130NA[0 –15000]






12NA[0 –15000]



3000NA[0 –15000]

-O0 -fno-unroll-loops -funroll-all-loops -param="max-unrolled-insns=15" -param="max-unroll-times=3000"

Default Optimization Set Flags ParametersOptimizations



O0 O1 O2 O3 Ofast Os -funroll-loops ...

-funroll-all-loops... ...... max-


times ...



Fig. 1: A) Chromosome codification B) Example of a particular solution (individual).

of the solution space or even of a reduced subset of thatspace unfeasible. Narayanamurthy et al. [9] proposed the useof a Genetic Algorithm to alleviate that problem, which couldidentify compiler optimization sequences capable of improv-ing application performance levels without degrading errorresilience. The proposal was implemented without consideringany specific processor (faults were injected on intermediatecode) and the study was limited to a reduced subset of10 optimizations provided by the Clang/LLVM compiler. Apreliminary work of our own is presented in [10]. It combinedGA with a Multi-Objective Optimization algorithm to explorethe complete GCC solution space. The study presented astrategy based on register file vulnerabilities for improving theoverall fault coverage of a particular low-end 16-bit processor.

Our above-mentioned work is continued and extended inthis paper by studying a complex 32bit ARM-based archi-tecture and GCC, one of the most widely used compilers. Itpresents the following contributions with respect to previousworks. In the first place, and contrary to other approaches, ourmethod takes into account all the GCC optimizations and pa-rameters. As a result, it takes advantage of all the sophisticatedprocessor features (out-of-order execution, branch predictors,pipeline, etc...) and conducts an in-depth exploration of com-piler opportunities for the improvement of system reliability.In second place, in addition to the standard reliability factors-fault coverage and execution time- a new one is considered:memory size. As a consequence, our method offers new trade-offs to fit the system constraints. Finally, memory sectionvulnerability concurrently with the vulnerability of the registerfile is taken into account for estimating the fault coverageof the application, which represents a remarkable differencewith respect to other approaches, because it increases theaccuracy of the estimations. Furthermore, the solutions offeredby our method, in a majority of cases, showed similar trendsin proton-irradiation validation tests.

The search for the best compiler string that will in generalserve to improve application reliability is a very complex taskthat lies beyond the scope of this work, due the large numberof compiler optimizations under consideration. The main goalof our work is therefore to provide a method that, with anygiven application, will produce the executables with the besttrade-offs among the three objectives that define its overallreliability.

Compared to traditional SIHFT techniques, which improvefault tolerance at the expense of important time and memoryoverheads, our method is simultaneously capable of increas-ing fault coverage and improving both performance and the

memory footprint. The results show that, even when applyingaggressive optimizations, the new approach can maintain andeven increase fault coverage, and will consequently producereliability increments of up to 4.2× in terms of the MeanWork to Failure metric. Our method is not designed to replacetraditional redundancy techniques, but to complement and toreinforce them. In this way, compilation can be tuned beforeand after applying any specific SIHFT technique.

The rest of the paper will be organized as follows. Section2 will start with a review of the compilation process and therole of the optimizations. It will then present our approachfor tuning compilations. In section 3, the case study will bedescribed together with the framework that is implementedto perform the space exploration. Similarly, in section 4, thedetails of the experimental setup used in radiation tests willbe presented. Section 5 will show the solutions obtained bythe MOOGA approach and, in a second subsection, thosesolutions will be compared with the radiation results. Finally,the conclusions of the work will be outlined in Section 6.


A. Background on Compiler Optimizations

Compilers evolved from simple source code translators ofhigh-level code to machine code some time ago. The com-plexity of the first stages, known as front-end, has developedto the point where optimizations may even pass by undetectedby programmers. While the last stages, known as back-end,have planning and resource utilization capabilities that canfollow different strategies. These behaviors are controlled byusers with a list of optimizations and parameters that arebuilt into each compiler. It is a practical impossibility toestablish the behavior of each one, due to their high number,for which reason compilers will usually offer a set of well-known optimizations. In the case of GCC, these optimiza-tions, known as -O flags, will produce different levels ofoptimization. For instance, when -O1 is enabled, the compilerattempts to reduce execution time and code size, withoutperforming any optimizations that will consume compilationtime. -O2 compared to -O1, increases both, compilation timeand performance, and -O3 introduces further optimizations.In turn, -O2 will enable code reorganization and will analyzethe program to identify constant function parameters. While,-O3 introduces function inlining and removes loops with arelative low number of iterations, -O0 applies optimizationswith a relatively low impact on the final executable, and -Osperforms optimizations designed to reduce code size. Finally,

0018-9499 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.

This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TNS.2019.2912323, IEEETransactions on Nuclear Science


-Ofast enables aggressive optimizations that could in somecases imply loss of accuracy. All these predefined optimizationsteps are centered on performance and memory footprint. Theytake no account of the reliability of the final application.Apart from the -O flags, GCC offers a lot of optimizationsteps, which usually have associated parameters for functionalcontrols and can produce different effects. Some of themare intended to produce function cloning, to make inter-procedural constant propagation stronger (fipa-cp-clone), orthey are designed to minimize stack usage (fconserve-stack),and others may have structural effects, such as parallelizationand inline functions (finline-functions-called-once), or theymay affect the instructions scheduling such as l2-cache-sizeand conserve-stack parameters. Some of them are bivaluatedwhile others accept integer values.

In general, the effect of a combination of optimiza-tions/parameters is difficult to predict. Even some flags andranged parameters could have the same behavior depending onthe problem. For instance, loop-unroll optimizations are usedto speed up the calculation, reducing the number of jumpsand variable checks. Depending on the unroll factor that ischosen, many different constructions can be generated withdifferent size-performance-reliability trade-offs. However, ifthe unrolling factor is increased beyond the total number ofiterations, no further effect will be produced, and no differentbuild will be generated. Furthermore, if the unrolling factorapplied is not a divisor of the number of iterations, theremaining iterations must be performed outside the main loop.Compared to the perfect unroll, the additional code reducesperformance, increases the lifetime of some variables and, insome cases, may include new variable checks (e.g. when thenumber of iterations is unknown before compilation).

B. MOOGA approach

The potentially unworkable number of optimizations men-tioned in the preceding section requires a strategy to acceleratethe search for the combinations with the best features. In thiscontext, we propose the use of Genetic Algorithms (GAs)[11] for efficient exploration of the solutions space, togetherwith a Multi-Objective Optimization (MOO) algorithm[12]to deal with different objectives that affect the reliabilityof applications. The so-called MOOGA [13] approach willproduce those candidates (individuals) that offer better trade-offs between each other.

GAs are probabilistic search algorithms used for high-dimensional stochastic problems with non-linear solutions.These groups of techniques define a branch of EvolutionaryAlgorithms (EAs) [14]. GAs are algorithms inspired by theevolution of the species. Thus, the individuals with betterqualities have better chances of passing their genes to the nextgeneration, while the worse are less likely to do so. GAs makeuse of the concept of crossover, to combine two individuals ina new one that shares the genes of both parents. There is alsothe concept of mutation, which randomly changes one genefrom the genome of the individual. Crossover and mutationgive GA the ability to perform a gradient descent search, withno stacking at local minima.

In our case, an individual is defined by a certain combinationof compiler optimizations and parameters that become itsgenes (see Figure 1). In that way, individuals are coded usingan array (chromosome) containing the state of each possibleoptimization parameter and flag. Each individual thereforedescribes a program compilation the behavior of which maydiffer from the other individuals.

In real-life problems, objectives that are under evaluationare not always independent from each other. The objectivesare commonly related or in conflict with each other, whichprevents simultaneous improvements. In such cases, MOOalgorithms, which compute the weight of each objective func-tion separately and then combine them in a single compositefunction, obtain the best compromise from among variousobjective functions.

In MOO sorting algorithms, the solutions will be ordered bythe degree to which they meet the different objectives, so thatthe solutions reported by MOO are based on the concept ofnon-dominance of Pareto Efficiency. The Pareto Optimal Frontshows multiples solutions with different degrees of satisfactionof the objectives. In addition, those solutions are characterizedby their inability to improve any objective without worsen-ing the others. Our approach makes use of the well-knownNSGA-II [15] MOO. NSGA-II is a MOO algorithm basedon non-dominant classifications, which constructs an initialarrangement based on non-dominated individual fronts. Afterthe fronts are built, NSGA-II generates the individuals thatbelong to the same front in another order. NSGA-II uses thecrowding distance function to estimate the diversity value ofa solution. In that way, individuals are evaluated on the basisof their diversity within the dimension of each objective. Thegoal is to maintain a good spread of individuals and to increasethe scope of the solution space that is explored.

In our case, the final executable needs to achieve im-provements in fault coverage, performance and the memoryfootprint, which directly influence the overall reliability of anapplication. Those objectives and their inter-dependencies inembedded processors imply that the problem to be undertakenis a complex one.

MOOGA combines a Genetic Algorithm with Multi-Objective Optimization. Figure 2 shows how the combinationof these two algorithms works to improve the overall reliabilityof an application. The first step is initialization, which overseesthe gene encoding and produces a population of randomly gen-erated individuals. The evolutionary loop is the second step,where our MOOGA approach iterates over several generations.Each generation is produced from the previous one crossingand mutating the best fitted individuals. Those individuals areevaluated by means of fault injection campaigns and rankedby MOO in terms of Pareto Efficiency. The process ends whena reliability goal is fulfilled or when a predefined numberof iterations is reached. As a result, MOOGA processes allindividuals on the Pareto Front, which were collected acrossthe successive generations. Engineers can take advantage ofall this information, to select the individual that best fits thesystem requirements. In this work, we selected some of themto be irradiated and to show the quality of the results that ourproposal can offer.

0018-9499 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.

This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TNS.2019.2912323, IEEETransactions on Nuclear Science


Initial Configuration

Repeat Best CompilationsNO


Compilation String CompilerToolchain


Fitness Values

MOO sorting


Evolutionary Loop

Fault Injection Manager







Fig. 2: MOOGA flowchart.


In an assessment of the strategy explained above, a setof benchmarks were selected from the Beebs (Open Bench-marks for Energy Measurements on Embedded Platforms) [16]project: QuickSort, NDES, Dijkstra and BubbleSort. Bubble-Sort is a sorting algorithm that involves basic loop constructs,integer comparisons, and simple array handling. NDES is ablock-cipher based on a deterministic algorithm that operateson matrices stored in the memory known as keys, with between65 and 640 elements. The algorithm takes a fixed-lengthblock of 64bits and transforms it through different operations(permutations, substitution, xor, etc...) into another bitstringof the same length. The algorithm includes nested loopsand deterministic memory access patterns. Additionally, keysintegrity is crucial, because any minimal change in them couldlead to the destruction of the data sets that are ciphered. Dijk-stra is an algorithm that establishes the shortest path betweennodes in a graph. The algorithm analyzes an adjacency matrix,which stores the weight of each route, following a random-access pattern. Finally, QuickSort is another sorting algorithmwhich operates in-place, requiring small additional amounts ofmemory to perform the task. The algorithms that were selectedpresented a variety of programming structures that are suitablefor the application of different compiler optimizations. Thecompilations were performed by the GCC compiler from theLinaro project (version arm-eabi-gcc v7.2-2017.11).

A state-of-the-art ARM cortex A9 processor instruction-accurate model was the underlying architecture for eachbenchmarking test. It has a 32-bit CPU that includes a registerfile of 18 registers. The first 13 of them [R0-R12] are generalpurpose registers. The remainder, such as the stack pointer

(SP), link register (LR), program counter (PC), Floating-pointStatus (FPS), and current program status register (CPSR) arecontrol registers. The processor has a load/store architecture,which means that all the instructions operate with registers,except for load and store instructions. Cortex-A9 has a partialOut-of-order 8 stage pipeline that includes a branch predictionblock and support for two levels of cache. Modern compilers,such as GCC that is used in this work, take advantage of allthese sophisticated features to improve the executable code.

A. Fault Injector ManagerOnce an application from the benchmark is compiled with

a defined set of optimizations and parameters, its size inKiB of the corresponding executable was used as one ofthe objective functions. The second objective, Performance,was measured in terms of execution time using the ImperasOVPsim simulator [17], and was expressed in cycles. Theevaluation of the fault coverage against soft errors was per-formed by means of fault injection campaigns, based on thebit-flip model with an injection of one fault per run. Each faultwas emulated by means of a single bit-flip in a randomlyselected bit from the resources (microprocessor register fileand memory) and in a randomly selected clock cycle fromthe program duration. For this purpose, a custom plug-in wasdeveloped giving the simulator non-intrusive fault injectioncapabilities [18]. In doing so, no benchmarks were modifiedor instrumented with unnecessary code for injecting the faults.Moreover, this plug-in offers flexibility in the selection of theresources and the memory sections for fault injection. Theboot code used to initialize the device was not consideredin the injection, which yields fault coverage estimations ofgreater accuracy. An extension of Fault Injection Managerframework (FIM) [19] was used for conducting the FaultInjection Campaigns. FIM automatically gathers the groundtruth parameters of an executable code, such as executiontime and the memory map of the different sections. FIMcontrols the injection campaign by means of several user-defined parameters (e.g. number of faults, maximum allowableexecution time, resources to be injected, etc.) and records theoverall results. The fault effects are classified by FIM as ACE- unnecessary for Architecturally Correct Execution, in casethe system completes its execution, and obtains the expectedoutput after a fault is injected. Otherwise, they are classified asACE - Architecturally Correct Execution, which comprises anyundesirable effect categories such as uncorrected faults (SDC- Silent Data Corruption), abnormal program termination orinfinite execution loop (HANG) [20]. Each campaign wasconfigured to inject 1,000 faults per register in the registerfile and 18,000 faults in the memory segment allocated by thebenchmark. This arrangement implies a total of 72,000 faultsper individual (program version), achieving a statistical errorof ±0.01 at a 99% confidence level, according to the statisticalmodel proposed by Leveugle et. al [21].

B. MOOGA ParametersThe MOOGA algorithm was configured to produce succes-

sive generations, each of 500 individuals. Our approach im-plemented the uniform mutation operator, and the probability

0018-9499 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.

This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TNS.2019.2912323, IEEETransactions on Nuclear Science


of change was therefore the same for each gene. Likewise,the uniform crossover operator was implemented, which isdefined as the probability of exchanging each gene of thechromosome with some of its two parents. Mutation andcrossover GA operators were set with a probability of 5% formost of the process. During the first phase of MOOGA, a highrate of mutated individuals was used to improve the MOOGAdynamic, assuring a richer population and accelerating theconvergence of the algorithm.

The individuals that represent the main compilation flagsof the GCC compiler were added to the initial population.These flags, as previously mentioned, are referred to as -O0, -O1, -O2, -O3, -Ofast, and -Os. They describe sets ofwell-known and reliable optimization strategies for: increasingperformance (options -O0 up to -Ofast) and program sizeshrinking (-Os). The same flags were also used as referencepoints to compare the best individuals generated by MOOGA.Three objectives were selected for simultaneous optimization,because they are known to have a direct influence on programreliability: 1) memory footprint of the executable code, whichdefines the vulnerability area of the program; 2) executiontime, which is proportional to the time that resources areexposed to faults; and, 3) the intrinsic vulnerability factor ofthe code expressed as the percentage of ACE faults. The si-multaneous minimization of each objective defines our searchspace.

The metric Mean Work to Failure (MWTF) was also em-ployed in this study. It was first defined by Reis et al. in [22]as the relation between the amount of work completed andthe number of errors encountered. MWTF was designed tocompare the effectiveness of different hardware and softwaretechniques, as it captures the inherent trade-off between faultcoverage improvements and the performance degradation thatthey produce. We likewise used this metric to compare thequality of different solutions obtained by our method. It isexpressed as follows:


raw error rate ·AV F · exec time(1)

where, the raw error rate is determined by the circuit technol-ogy. In our experiments, we used different executables runningon the same device (technology), so this term of the equationcan be considered as a constant and was not expressed inthe results. The execution time term is the time to executea given unit of work. A unit of work is an abstract conceptthe specific definition of which depends on the application.In our case, work may be better defined as the execution ofa program. AVF stands for Architecture Vulnerability Factorand is estimated by statistical fault injection and expressed asthe ACE percentage. We used the convergence of the MWTFamong those individuals belonging to the Pareto front and amaximum computational effort of 250 generations as the stopcriterion for the MOOGA loop during the experimental tests.This number of generations was observed to be sufficient forthe convergence of all the benchmarks.


The Device Under Test (DUT) selected for the irradiationexperiment was the ZYBO board, equipped with a 28nm

CMOS Xilinx ZYNQ XC7Z010 System On Chip (SoC). ThisSoC is divided into two parts, an FPGA area (ProgrammableLogic – PL) and a 32-bit ARM Cortex A9 microprocessor(Processing System – PS). In addition, the microprocessorhas a built-in memory called On Chip Memory (OCM), ontowhich the bootloader or the test program can be loaded. Thetest application was compiled with the same compiler as in thesimulation, adding the Board Support Package (BSP) providedby Xilinx to initialize the DUT.

The DUT was controlled by an external computer, theRaspberryPi 3 Model B, the main task of which was to receiveand log all the messages sent by the DUT. The DUT wasconfigured to send a state message every 5s in the absence oferrors, otherwise the message would be instantly notified andthe external computer would reset and reprogram the DUT.

The test campaign was performed at the National Centre forAccelerators, in Spain, at the start of 2018 [23]. The irradiationtests were performed using the external beam line, installed inthe cyclotron laboratory. Although the proton energy deliveredby this cyclotron was set at 18 MeV, the beam extractionsystem was upwards towards the air gap to irradiate the DUT.In this case, the DUT was placed at 53.5 cm from the exitnozzle with a mylar foil window of 125µm, so that the finalenergy at the surface was 15.2 MeV, with an estimated spreadof ∼300 KeV. Previous tests at the CNA have shown that theenergy range of incident protons in the silicon active area, 10to 8 MeV, is sufficient to produce events without thinning them[24]. The final energy of the incident beam at the surface andin the active area was obtained by using the energy loss datacalculated with the SRIM2013 code [25].

Proton flux monitoring was performed indirectly, as thedirect current reading on the DUT was not available. Duringthe tests, the beam current was measured in an electricallyisolated graphite collimator situated behind the exit window.In this study, a Brookhaven 1000c current integrator wasused at a frequency scale of 600 pA (10 pA sensitivity).With daily calibrations, a correlation factor was achieved bysimultaneous measurements into the graphite collimator andanother graphite plate at the DUT position. In addition, agrounded aluminum mask in front of the target was usedto avoid induced currents effects between both items and todefine a uniform area of irradiation.

The flux value was constant and fluctuated under 5% duringeach run. A medium flux value was calculated, based on thepulses registered by the counter. Finally, the fluence at thedevice under test was calculated as a function of the exposuretime for each run with an accuracy of 10%. Under theseexperimental conditions, the beam uniformity was higher than90% in the area of interest.


Prior to the irradiation, a MOOGA optimization stage wasperformed on the entire benchmark suite considering all GCCoptions and parameters. The computational effort requiredfor each application differed in accordance with its com-plexity and the number of generations needed for MOOGAconvergence. The most computationally intensive application

0018-9499 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.

This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TNS.2019.2912323, IEEETransactions on Nuclear Science




60 80 100120 140 160 180 200





E %
















E %








Fig. 3: 3D view of BubbleSort (a) and NDES (b) individuals generated with the MOOGA technique: singular individuals areshown in red and the Pareto surface in gray.


40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200KCycles













100 200 300 400 500














20 40 60 80 100 120KCycles









E %









Fig. 4: Fault coverage (ACE%) against execution time (Kcycles) for BubbleSort (a) and NDES (b) individuals generated withthe MOOGA technique. Singular individuals are labelled and the Pareto front is highlighted in red.


160 180 200 220Size(KiB)


















150 175 200 225 250 275 300 325 350Size(KiB)

















Fig. 5: Fault coverage (ACE%) against the memory footprint (KiB) for BubbleSort (a) and NDES (b) individuals generatedwith the MOOGA technique. Singular individuals are labelled and the Pareto front is highlighted in red.

0018-9499 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.

This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TNS.2019.2912323, IEEETransactions on Nuclear Science












































Qsort Bubblesort Dijkstra NDES

Cycles ACE MWTF O0

Fig. 6: Simulation results normalized to O0 (line) for all the relevant individuals. Lower values indicate better performance(Cycles) and fault coverage (ACE rates), while higher values indicate better MWTF

was NDES. In that case, a single fault injection campaign(72,000 faults) lasted between 3 and 7 minutes depending onthe individual. The MOOGA implementation was improvedto skip the evaluation of equivalent individuals (i.e. theirchromosomes included different optimizations and parametersbut they produced identical executable files). In that way, thewhole tuning process of NDES lasted 5 days, running on a PCdesktop with an x86 processor (Intel core i5).

A. MOOGA simulation

For the sake of simplicity, only two applications are shownin Figures 3, 4 and 5, where the algorithms BubbleSort andNDES are represented in subplots a and b, respectively.

Figure 3 shows the population obtained from the MOOGAoptimization process and the distribution of the individuals(small size blue dots) around the solution space. The featuresof the algorithm, such as instruction level parallelism, memoryaccess patterns, data and control structures, among others,influence the capabilities of the compiler for the effectiveapplication of its entire arsenal of optimizations. BubbleSortis one of the simplest sorting algorithms, which presentslow instruction parallelism and interacts poorly with mod-ern processor hardware. It produces at least twice as manywrites as other more sophisticated sorting algorithms (e.g.insertion sort), twice as many cache misses, and more branchmispredictions. It also translates into very limited number ofoptimizations with an observable effect in the executable file.Figure 3.a shows the reduced solution space of BubbleSort,which includes several groups of nearly identical individuals.On the contrary, the NDES algorithm presented a higher levelof instruction parallelism, deterministic loops and repetitiveaccess patterns. All these features permit a deeper explorationof the optimization space, as can be seen in Figure 3.bthat show greater differentiation of individuals and a widerpopulation spread. In both cases, BubbleSort and NDES,the individuals are grouped in clusters, which indicates thepresence of optimization sets that have a strong incidence onthe objectives under evaluation. Another important element isthe Pareto surface (in gray), which represents the frontier ofenhancements in which the best candidates are represented(medium size green dots). Likewise, singular individuals areshown with large size red dots.

For a detailed analysis of the population, the individualsare shown in figures 4 and 5 facing pairs of objectives. TheACE rate against the execution time is shown in Figure 4. Inboth applications, the fault coverage range of the populationis significant. For instance, fault coverage of the Bubble-Sort populations range between 27.7%ACE (MaxACE) and18.6% ACE (MinACE), while the number of cycles neededto complete the programs varies from its minimum locatedat 43 Kcycles, up to its maximum located at 520 Kcycles.Looking at the third objective under evaluation (Figure 5),it can be appreciated that it ranges from 238 KiB to 146KiB. In summary, the fault coverage can be improved bynearly 9.1%, while its performance can be improved by about12× and the memory overhead reduced by 1.6×, simply bytuning the compilation process. The NDES algorithm showedsimilar behavior to BubbleSort. In this case, the difference wasnearly 12% in the ACE rate between MaxACE and MinACEindividuals, the performance variation was close to 5× andthe memory overhead was about 2.5×.

Figures 4 and 5 also reveal the complex relations betweenthe objectives. Intuitively, larger memory usage will produceapplications that are more prone to faults. However, thisrelation is unclear and it depends on other factors. For instance,if the memory footprint increases, but the lifetime of thestored variables decreases, it could lead to a fault coverageimprovement. This effect can be seen in Figure 5.a, whereindividuals with a similar memory footprint (about 200KiB)present a range of ACE percentages between 20% and 26%.Moreover, the individual with the minimum ACE (i.e. maxi-mum fault coverage) presents a maximum memory footprintof around 230KiB. Figure 5.b shows higher differences inthe same case of 200KiB, where ACE varies between 14%and 25%. Therefore, the key is not the memory size butthe way the memory is used. This fact corroborates therelevance of considering memory size as the third optimizationobjective in our approach. An analogous behavior can beobserved in Figure 4, where the individuals that present veryclose execution times form vertical clusters with a significantvariability in fault coverage. Indeed, the relationship betweenthese three parameters is not clear, and it is not possible apriori to establish how they will evolve. These are the trade-offs that our algorithm is seeking to exploit.

0018-9499 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.

This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TNS.2019.2912323, IEEETransactions on Nuclear Science


The behavior of the main optimization flags can be observedin Figure 4.a. The individual O0 has the best fault coverage(20% ACE), at the cost of having 2× more cycles than theothers. Focusing now on the best individuals in terms ofperformance, degradation can be seen in their fault coverage.For instance, O1 from Figure 4.a, which has the lowest faultcoverage, lower than 5% O0. Likewise, the higher optimizationlevels -O2, O3, Ofast, Os- showed similar behaviors to O1 interms of performance, while in terms of fault coverage, thisgroup lowered its reliability by around 2%. Regarding NDES(Figure 4.b), the set O1, O2, O3, Ofast, Os showed an increasein the ACE rate of 8% compared to the worst option (O0). Thissignificant worsening in fault coverage was at the expense ofa performance increase of ∼4×.

Prior to the radiation experiment, some relevant individualswere characterized. Figure 6 presents a summary of theimprovements to the objectives for the main optimizationflags and for the individuals with Maximum and MinimumACE percentage and those with Maximum and MinimumMWTF metrics. The fault coverage variations between them isremarkable, if we consider the individual O0 (baseline), whichis the reference compilation with no optimization at all fromamong all the benchmarks under evaluation. It can be seen thatthis build had the best fault coverage, except for the minACEbuild, at the expense of more cycles than the other individuals.

As can be seen, MOOGA can obtain individuals with asimilar fault coverage to O0, but much shorter executiontimes, resulting in important improvements of MWTF (e.g.BubbleSort individual MaxMWTF improved this metric byas much as 4×). A significant individual in the BubbleSortexperimental test was the one labeled P.Pareto, located in thecorner of the Pareto frontier, which offered a good trade-offbetween the objectives under evaluation (Figure 4.a and 5.a).

Regarding the remaining optimizations, the cycle speedupled to a worsening of the ACE results. As the final objectivewas to reduce this ACE rate to a minimum, in so far as possiblewith no loss of previously acquired speedup, the only builds toachieve those objectives were the ones that applied the MWTFmetric. This metric not only takes into account the ACE rateof the program, but also the time needed to complete it. Ascan be seen from the results of all the programs, MinMWTFindividuals were characterized by having the highest numberof cycles and a relatively low ACE rate. On the contrary,MaxMWTF individuals on the Pareto frontier were the bestin terms of performance.

fsched-stalled-insns=Finally, it is worth comparing those numbers with the

ones obtained in our previous study on a simpler 16-bitprocessor (TI-MSP430). In that case, considering the worstand the best individuals of the MOOGA approach, it achievedimprovements of up to 6% in fault coverage and up to 45%for the MWTF metric. Meanwhile, this new study on ARM,considering the O0 (not the worst individuals) as the baseline,showed improvements of up to 13% in fault coverage and ofup to 420% for the MWTF metric. Even if the inaccuraciesin the MSP executables evaluation (the memory was excludedfrom the injection campaigns) are considered, those remark-able differences reveal that sophisticated ARM architectural

features, such as out-of-order execution, speculative execution,instruction pipelines and branch predictions, play an importantrole in the reliability improvements, permitting the compiler tosqueeze the high-level optimizations. This hypothesis is cor-roborated when comparing the number of different individuals(unique individuals) produced by our method for MSP andARM. A maximum of 51 unique individuals were obtained(Synthetic program) for MSP, while MOOGA explored morethan 722 unique individuals (NDES program) for ARM.

B. Radiation stage

The candidates were finally reduced to the sorting (Bubble-Sort) and the cipher (NDES) algorithms, due to beam limita-tions. The individuals chosen for irradiation were: MaxACE,O0, O3, MaxMWTF, MinMWTF and P.Pareto for BubbleSort;and, MinACE, MaxMWTF, O0 for NDES.

The irradiation results are presented in Table I, whichshows the SDC and the HANG dynamic cross-sections, theMWTF values, and both the fluxes and the fluences for eachindividual. The aforementioned candidates were customized touse either DDR (out of the incident proton beam) or on-chipOCM memory. The 95% confidence intervals are included inall cases. These confidence intervals are computed using theclassical formula for the estimation of the Poisson mean [26].

The OCM radiation setup, i.e. when all resources (memoriesand registers) are inside the beam, defines the most similarscenario to our MOOGA simulation. In this case, and lookingat the BubbleSort section of the table, a remarkable matchbetween the MOOGA estimations and the radiation resultscan be appreciated in the following terms. Firstly, the in-dividuals labelled by MOOGA as MaxACE and MinMWTFi.e. the individuals with the worst fault coverage, obtainedhigher dynamic cross-sections (3.8 · 10−11 and 4.8 · 10−11,respectively). A minimum discrepancy can be seen wherethe MaxACE individual was supposed to have the highestdynamic cross-section, but this was obtained by the MinMWTFversion. One possible explanation is that additional cycleswill have a decisive impact on fault coverage. The resourcesomitted during the fault injection campaigns (e.g. pipelineregisters) could likewise lead to the same result, as suggestedby other authors [7]. Secondly, the individuals showing thebest fault coverage estimations (O0, MaxMWTF and P.Pareto),as expected, presented a lower dynamic cross-section thanthe others. Thirdly, the MaxMWTF and P.Pareto individualsshowed higher values of MWTF under radiation (4.67 · 1014and 5.45 · 1014, respectively). The P.Pareto version improvedits execution time compared with the simulation. As a result,the P.Pareto version recorded better MWTF metrics in theirradiation experiment.

Similarly, in the NDES OCM section of the table, it can beseen that the MinACE and the O0 individuals, as expected, pro-duced lower dynamic cross-sections (5.9·10−11 and 5.2·10−11

respectively) than the others. Also, MaxMWTF produced themaximum MWTF under radiation (5.47 · 1014).

Regarding the cache-deactivated DDR radiation setup,where memory errors are minimized (out of the beam), thefollowing effects were observed in the BubbleSort benchmark.

0018-9499 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.

This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TNS.2019.2912323, IEEETransactions on Nuclear Science


V ersion

cache F lux F luence



Hang σSDC σHang σTotal MWTF

p/cm2 ·s p/cm2 (10−11)cm2 (10−11)cm2 (10−11)cm2B





MMaxACE 3 7.8·108 3.4·1012 44409 112 14 3.3(2.7, 3.9) 0.42(0.20, 0.64) 3.8(3.2, 4.4) 3.96·1014

-O0 3 7.4·108 4.9·1012 220842 76 40 1.6(1.3, 1.9) 0.82(0.57, 1.1) 2.4(2.0, 2.8) 1.26·1014MaxMWTF 3 8.3·108 3.1·1012 38412 79 36 2.5(1.9, 3.1) 1.2(0.82, 1.6) 3.7(3.0, 4.4) 4.67·1014MinMWTF 3 1.0·109 2.4·1012 389806 69 45 2.9(2.2, 3.6) 1.9(1.4, 2.4) 4.8(3.9, 5.7) 3.54·1013

P.Pareto 3 1.1·109 3.4·1012 39635 65 38 1.9(1.4, 2.4) 1.1(0.74, 1.5) 3.1(2.5, 3.7) 5.45·1014


R -O3 7 1.1·109 8.6·1012 646595 15 44 0.17(0.08, 0.26) 0.51(0.36, 0.66) 0.68(0.50, 0.86) 1.50·1014MaxACE 7 2.5·109 7.4·1012 666005 32 68 0.43(0.28, 0.58) 0.91(0.69, 1.1) 1.3(1.0, 1.6) 7.38·1013

MinMWTF 7 2.5·109 1.0·1013 7495395 14 88 0.14(0.07, 0.21) 0.85(0.67, 1.0) 0.98(0.78, 1.2) 8.95·1012




M MinACE 3 1.2·109 1.8·1012 127210 72 35 4.0(3.1, 4.9) 1.9(1.3, 2.5) 5.9(4.8, 7.0) 8.82·1013MaxMWTF 3 1.1·109 9.4·1011 10658 91 15 9.7(7.7, 12) 1.6(0.79, 2.4) 11(8.9, 13) 5.47·1014

-O0 3 9.7·108 2.2·1012 93639 80 33 3.7(2.9, 4.5) 1.5(0.99, 2.0) 5.2(4.3, 6.1) 1.36·1014DDR -O0 3 9.9·108 1.6·1012 93954 82 29 5.1(4.0, 6.2) 1.8(1.1, 2.5) 6.9(5.6, 8.2) 1.01·1014

TABLE I: Summary of radiation results for each version of the selected applications. The flux uncertainty is ±10%.

Firstly, the overall dynamic cross-section was, as expected,reduced with respect to the OCM version. For instance, theMinMWTF version fell from 4.8·10−11 down to 9.8·10−12 andfrom 3.8 · 10−11 down to 1.3 · 10−11 in the case of MaxACE.Secondly, the MaxACE also offered the maximum dynamiccross-section. Thirdly, the MinMWTF version produced theworst MWTF value, 8.95 · 10−12, that was measured.

Finally, it is interesting to note that if the program fitsin the cache, then the behavior of both the OCM and theDDR versions will be similar. This case occurred with NDESO0, where the dynamic cross-section varied slightly from5.2 · 10−11 in OCM up to 6.9 · 10−11 in DDR. Additionally,the cache disablement exposed a performance worsening sideeffect of 15×. For instance, BubbleSort MaxACE rose from44.4 Kcycles in OCM to 666.0 Kcycles in DDR. Consequently,the MWTF was worse compared with the cache-on individuals.

All the above examples provided evidence of a significantmatch between simulation and radiation results, and validatedthe MOOGA approach for the generation of relevant individ-uals.

The analysis is complemented by Figure 7. It shows faultdistribution between SDC and Hang, comparing simulationand radiation results. Also, the number of memory accesses isrepresented by a line (referred to the right axis). Consideringthe OCM setup, a quick look at the BubbleSort individualsreveals that the SDC/Hang ratios are very similar in both cases(differences of less than 15%), regardless of the number ofmemory accesses. The NDES MaxMWTF individual presentsa similar trend. However, for the MinACE and the O0 indi-viduals, which perform a higher number of memory accesses,the SDC/Hang ratio is reversed. A possible explanation of thiseffect is the fact that data involved in the NDES calculus aremore sensitive than those involved in BubbleSort. Regardingthe DDR setup, and conversely to simulation results, the Hangpercentage is dominant regardless of the number of memoryaccesses (see BubbleSort MaxACE and MinMWTF versions).It shows that out-beam stored data are less vulnerable to SDCfaults.


It has been demonstrated in this study that reliability can beimproved by tuning the compilation process. A blind automaticstrategy has also been proposed to guide the search for theversions with the best trade-offs between several objectiveswhich influence application reliability. Despite the fact thatmodern compilers are not designed to generate reliable builds,they can be tuned to generate compilations that improve theirreliability by means of simultaneous optimization of the faultcoverage, the execution time, and the memory size. Moreover,it can be inferred from comparisons with previous studies ona simpler processor that sophisticated hardware features playan important role in the reliability improvements that can beachieved through efficient optimizations of compilers.


This work was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economyand Competitiveness and the European Regional DevelopmentFund through the following projects: ‘Evaluacion tempranade los efectos de radiacion mediante simulacion y virtual-izacion. Estrategias de mitigacion en arquitecturas de micro-procesadores avanzados’ and ‘Centro de Ensayos Combina-dos de Irradiacion’, (Refs: ESP2015-68245-C4-3-P andESP2015-68245-C4-4-P, MINECO/FEDER, UE).


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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TNS.2019.2912323, IEEETransactions on Nuclear Science

































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BubbleSort NDES

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