North County Leader 30 October 2012

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North County Leader 30 October 2012


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30th October 2012 • Volume 19, Issue 34 • Leader House, North Street, Swords, Co. Dublin. • Tel: 8•400•200 •

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There is great news forBalbriggan with the news thata new Tourist Office will openin the town on Thursday, 1stNovember next. President of BalbrigganChamber of Commerce, KevinTolan told the County Leader,“This exciting and worthwhileproject marks a significantstep forward in the promotionof Balbriggan town fortourists, both from local desti-nations and from abroad.There is no doubt it will be a‘fulcrum’ by which many otherworthwhile ideas and projects

will develop for the greaterbenefit of Balbriggan.”He continued, “This projectwas made possible by aunique arrangement betweenBalbriggan Chamber ofCommerce, Balbriggan TownCouncil, Fingal Tourism andFAS, which is a definite sign ofcommunity organisations andlocal government workingproactively together.”The Tourist Office will be openfrom 9.00am - 5.30pm(Tuesday-Sunday). It islocated at No.1 Quay Street,which is the street that leads

down to the harbour andbeach area. Tolan continued, “We feel it isan ideal location and it is alsowithin 100 metres of theBracken Court Hotel, which isthe main destination fortourists staying in Balbriggan.Together with the BalbrigganHistorical Society, we are alsoworking on starting a histor-ical walking tour of Balbrigganfrom the Tourist Office, whichwe hope the residents of thetown will partake in, to learnabout the wonderful history ofBalbriggan.”

New Tourist Office For Balbriggan

The pupils of Rush National School held a fundraising Cake Sale last Friday, 26thOctober. They also used the opportunity to dress up in Halloween costumes on the day.Principal, Margaret Dobinson is pictured with some of the pupils.

This area has featuredregularly as a trafficblack spot on AARoadwatch on radiostations each morningand has become an areato be avoided. Thisnewspaper has beeninundated withcomplaints from iratemotorists in the past

week, who are caught upin this traffic snag andwho are regularly late forwork, or for importantengagements. TheCounty Council,however, do not havegreat news for thesehard-pressed motorists,as they expect the worksto continue until at least

April next year. A Councilspokesperson told theCounty Leader, “Thisproject is smaller thanthe now completed M50upgrade project. It beganlast March/April, and weestimate that works willbe completed by thesecond quarter of 2013,with works scheduled tostop over the forth-coming Christmasperiod.”The delays have piledpressure on rural backroads in the area,as frustrateddrivers seek ‘ratruns’ throughvillages that areinappropriate touse. The likelihoodof motorists drivingthrough the ruralvillages of Naul andB a l l y b o u g h a l ,where there areschools on the mainroads is viewed bymany as a major safetyhazard. Poor light levelsduring winter willcertainly add to concernsof local residents here.This increased volume oftraffic through theseareas is also expected to

cause a serious deterio-ration in the roadsurfaces, particularlywith the advent ofwinter. At this time ofyear, back roads haveleaves on them and indamp conditions, roadsurfaces are particularlyslippery.The County Leader triedto contact the NationalRoads Authority (NRA),but we were unable todo so, because

their singlespokesperson was onholidays. Many will besurprised to know that,in the event of a seriousproblem like this one,there is nobody available

in a national body, suchas the NRA, to answergenuine concerns fromangry motorists. The delays encounteredby motorists here everymorning will be furtheraccentuated as theshorter days of winterkick in and poor weatherconditions and lightingbecome an issue. Thequeue to gain access tothe slipway is regularlybeyond the 300 metresign on the motorway.

The journey time fromDrogheda to Swords isnow almost an hour for ajourney that should onlytake 20 minutes. Manymotorists who contactedthis newspaper haveexpressed their fears

that a major accident is alikely scenario here, astrucks and other heavygoods vehicles struggleto reduce speed, on apotentially slippery road,

as they suddenlyencounter parkedtraffic on themotorway.Another issue ofconcern formotorists is theapparent shortsequencing of trafficlights at the round-about, thuscontributing tomore lengthyqueues at the

roundabout. Somemotorists suggested tous that this was to facili-tate more fluent trafficmovement nearer toSwords. The council spokes-

person, when ques-tioned about this, deniedthat there was anymanipulation of trafficsignals. “In relation toDonabate specifically,there has been nochange to the traffic lightsequence, and any tail-backs experienced are

primarily due to heavyvolumes of traffic, whichthe project will addresswith the upgrade to 3lanes. I also understandthat in the past week orso, fog and an accidentone morning may havecontributed to delays,”she said.

T he long running roadworks at theDonabate Roundabout at Junction 4,Lissenhall on the M1 are causing major

headaches for southbound users of themotorway. Early morning motorists, trying toaccess the exit slipway to the roundabout,are furious about the delays in getting towork in Swords and other destinations.

By Patrick Finnegan

Frustration AtRoundabout Chaos

The pile up of traffic on the approach to the Donabate Roundabout at

Junction 4, which is causing great frustration for motorists trying to

get to work each morning.

02 30.10.2012North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper

AdvertisingTel: 01 8400

North County LeaderLeader House,North Street, SwordsTel: 8 400 200

Contact Us: Advertising Sales Manager ......Sue Griffiths

Advertising ...............................Derek O’Mara

Stephen Twomey

Editorial ....................................Patrick Finnegan

Jennifer McShane

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Warren And Chris Are EngagedThere were tears and champagne flowing in copiousamounts at the Carlton Hotel Dublin Airport onWednesday last, 24th October, as Warren took hiscourage into his hands and proposed marriage to hislovely partner, Chris.

This was a particularly stressful undertaking for Warren,as he wasn’t quite sure how Chris would react. Warrenexplained, “Chris has a lovely, gentle personality, whichhas been undermined by recent events. You see, shewas a finalist in the North County Beauty Pageant someyears ago and was regarded as a ‘racing certainty’ tohave the coveted tiara firmly placed on her lovely head.However, due to political interference, it was deemedunacceptable that a ‘Swords gem’ would win thatparticular year. Since suffering this unbearable trauma,she retreated into herself and her behaviour since hasbeen erratic and unpredictable,” explained Warren.With this firmly in mind, Warren went down on one knee

and produced what can only be described as a rock. Henervously presented the beautiful ring and ferventlyhoped that Chris would agree to be his fiancé. Happily,Chris is madly in love with Warren, who has been a pillarof strength to her and she jumped for joy. She forgot allof her travails and threw her arms around a delightedWarren. She was clearly thrilled with the ‘rock’ thatWarren placed on her dainty finger. “I’m completelyover the moon about this. It came right out of the blue.I’m mad about Warren and I know my dad has taken aparticular shine to him,” she gushed. This provoked asharp intake of breath and caused Warren to swallowhis champagne too hurriedly, with disastrous conse-quences. Luckily there was a spare tablecloth available.The thought of that shotgun must have been foremostin his mind, as he pondered his future father-in-law’spiercing eyes and threatening demeanour. After Chrisaccepted Warren’s proposal of marriage, the happycouple enjoyed a beautiful meal and left the hotel handin hand as they ponder their future together. Nextweek, Warren and Chris meet their future parents-in-law, but will the meeting go without a hitch and willthe parents accept their union?

Congratulations to the Junior Boys’ football team ofSt. Marnock’s NS, Portmarnock. The team wererecently crowned champions of the Division 3 North

County Cumann na mBunscol JuniorFootball League. This is the second year

in a row that St. Marnock’s have wonthe title. The hardy panel of 22

“Apple days” were held on three Saturdays inOctober at the weekly Saturday Donabate Farmersmarket run by Transition Towns Donabate Portrane.Locals were invited to bring their apples and crushand juice them free of charge using the TTDPcommunity apple crusher and apple press.In addition, the TTDP group went into DonabatePortrane Educate Together school and held hands-ondemonstrations for 11 classes. Over 300 children gotthe chance to crush and juice apples and sample the“fruit” of their labours. During the demonstrations,the TTDP volunteers spoke about the importance ofbuying and eating local produce, growing your ownvegetables, carbon footprints and even why an applegoes brown. The event was a great success andteachers and students have been promised some more

demonstrations on other topics in the future. TheTTDP market group is planning a Christmas market inDecember on a date to be finalised. Last year’sChristmas market was a fantastic community occasionrunning parallel to the Christmas lighting up event andCarol singing with the Lambay singers and the plan isto have a repeat of the same this year.

players were selected among 4th and 5th classstudents of the school. The team had great winsagainst St. Benedict’s, Scoil Eoin and Mary, Motherof Good Hope, to see them through to the last stageof the competition. The final was held at NaomhMearnog GAA Club against St. Malachy’s NS on 15thOctober last. St. Marnock’s managed a convincingwin 4-12 to 1-3. Paddy Gorey, Games PromotionOfficer with Naomh Mearnóg GAA, presented the cupto joint captains Adam Hughes and Fintan RadfordMcGovern. Mr. Gorey thanked the teachers, parents,and grandparents for their great encourage-ment and support for the team throughoutthe whole league.

By Patrick Finnegan

Tears of Joy. There were tears of joy, when romanticWarren proposed to his lovely partner, Chris at the CarltonDublin Airport Hotel on Wednesday last. The happycouple are pictured as Warren places the beautifulengagement ring on the finger of the lovely Chris.

Young Roisin O'Donnell (8) tries her hand at crushingapples at the Donabate Food Market recently

Pictured are the Junior Boys’ football team of St. Marnock’s NS, Portmarnock, winners of the Division 3 North CountyCumann na mBunscol Junior Football League for the second year in a row.

St. Marnock’sBoys Win League

Apple Juice Galore In Donabate

By Celine Quinn

03North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper30.10.2012

Inside the issue


There was a palpable air of disappointment,anger and sadness in Rush on Friday last,26th October. It was the day when the AlliedIrish Bank branch in the town closed it’sdoors for the last time to the public.

Late Night Soccer LeaguesIn The North County

Sad Day For Rush As AIBCloses It’s Doors

A Volunteer Day for Action Ireland Trust washeld at Newport Farm, Donabate and onBroadmeadow Estuary recently. The daywas for students from PortmarnockCommunity School, their parents andfriends, who will travel to Lesotho nextFebruary.

Action Ireland Trust HoldsVolunteer Day

Sea Adventures ForSwords Group A group of local Snowflakes member families went on an exciting trip to visit theNational Sea Life Centre in Bray. TheSwords based group of over 60 excited children and parents travelled via train tothe centre.

See page 6

See story on page 5

Friday 2nd November sees the start of newFriday Night Late Night Soccer Leagues inthe North County. It is open to boys and girlsaged 13-15 and 16-21.

See story on page 14

See page 7

Stephen Leddy, Managing Director (Hidden Hearing), Killian McDonnell (Oldtown),Brenda Donohue (RTE), pictured at the National Awards.

Great Achievement ForOldtown Student

Local student Killian McDonnell, from Oldtown, wonthe Student Award at the 2012 ‘Hidden HearingHeroes Awards’. The event highlights the achieve-ments of those who are deaf or hard of hearing.A fantastic ambassador for young deaf people,Killian recently made history as the first deafstudent with Down Syndrome to pass his LeavingCertificate. He is highly active within his localcommunity and the Deaf community. Killian volunteers with Dogs Trust and has participated in several productions with the Dublin Theatre ofthe Deaf.The Awards event, now in its second year, is a jointinitiative between Hidden Hearing and the Irish Deaf

Society. Nine ‘heroes’ are honoured for their signifi-cant achievements or contributions to society, theircommunity, workplace, family or through sportingexcellence. The ethos behind the Awards is a desireto see a modern society where deaf people have fullaccess and equal participation in all walks of life.The event itself also serves as a platform forcreating awareness and promoting recognition ofthe deaf and hard of hearing community in Ireland.Killian spoke to the County Leader to tell us how hefelt about his win: “I had a great day at the Awardsand I am delighted with the lovely trophy and mynew ipad. I was not expecting to get one, so it was anice surprise! I worked hard for my LeavingCertificate and I had a lot of support, from Ciara, myISL language teacher, my classmates, otherteachers and my parents at home. Now I go to MaterDei Institute of Education where I am part of theLatch-On English literacy programme and I reallyenjoy attending college.”

By Celine QuinnDramaticSocietyBalbriggan DramaticSociety are calling for allbudding actors andactresses who wouldlike to take to the stagein their next production.The team are nowcasting and would liketo hear from anyoneover the age of 18 wouldlike to take part. Anyoneinterested please callGráinne Maguire on0879436650.


Dancing Glory For JodieJodie Morris, from FingalCommunity College inSwords, is a dancechampion. She recentlytravelled to Cork whereshe finished first in hersolo at the All IrelandHip Hop Championships.A keen dancer from ayoung age, she attendsKidKast Stage Schooland travelled to thecompetition with herschool, and her dancecrew, Karisma.The dance groupfinished in second placeand was only beaten byhalf a point. Jodie alsowon the cup for overallwinner and finished inthird place with BethMurtagh in the

Trabolgan X-Factor. Itwas a fantastic weekendfor Jodie and her group.Together they broughthome plenty of trophiesbetween them.

Jodie, who is currently inTransition Year, told theCounty Leader a littlemore about her dancebackground: “I starteddancing at the age offive and I go to danceand drama classeveryday after school. Ilove it,” she said. “Myambition when I finishmy Leaving Certificate isto go to London to do acourse in PerformanceArt.” She loves anythingcreative and has been acast member at theTivoli Panto for the pastthree years. Jodie wasalso the winner ofFingal CommunityCollege’s talent show‘The F Factor’ in 2011and is already practisingfor this year’s show.

Jodie Morris

Fun MusicNight InSkerriesSkerries Sailing Club ishosting a music night inaid of St. Francis Hospice,Raheny, on Saturday 17November at 8pm. Overthe past 11 years, thisevent has raised in excessof €45,000 for St. FrancisHospice. The event willfeature a great mix ofmusic from traditional torock n’ roll. An auctionand a monster raffle forsome great prizes willalso take place on thenight. All are welcome toattend this evening.There is no cover chargefor entry. Join in tosupport the event andhelp to raise some muchneeded funds for thehospice. For further infor-mation contact AnneCarroll on 0868630554.

04 30.10.2012North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper

S words Community Policing Forum (CPF) heldits third successful Community Safety Weekfrom 20th- 25th of October last. The Safety

Week highlights the many aspects of communitysafety among local residents of Swords. The eventwas run in partnership with An Garda SiochanaSwords.There were a number of free talks and showcases oflocal agencies and organisations working within theSwords area. The Safety Week contributors providedinformation and support on a wide range of issuesincluding, health, first aid, home safety, road safety,benefits and entitlements, substance misuse, mentalhealth and more. All events were free of charge andincluded a Garda Information Clinic, CommunityAwareness of Drugs (CAD) talk, Regional Drug TaskForce open day, Irish Red Cross first aid talk, “Don’tLose The Head” workshop and Dublin Fire Brigadesafety talk amongst others. Speaking to the CountyLeader, Caroline Mills, Development Worker, SwordsCPF, said "It is hoped that people will be moremindful of safety within their own communities,especially regarding substance misuse".The aim of the Safety Week was also to create anawareness of the services and the role of the SwordsCPF in the local area. Swords CPF works on the basisthat the best way to address anti-social behaviourproblems is for relevant agencies and the communitywork together. This partnership approach builds onthe existing relationships between stakeholdersincluding An Garda Siochana, Fingal County Counciland most importantly, the local community inSwords.

Pictured here enjoyng Swords Safety Week are: Alishia Slaney, Louise Butler, LeeByrne, Sargent Kevin Toner, Garda Darragh Hynes and Josh Reel.

Pictured are award winners at the St Finian's College, Swords Safety Week poster competi-tion, Karl Quinn, James Walker, Caitlin Griffin and Shauna Rock. Also pictured are JackieThompson, Caroline Mills.

Pictured at the Suicide Awareness talk at BASE in Brackenstown, aspart of Swords Safety Week last Thursday are, Chris Barker, CarolineMills, Louise Nolan (Youth Mental Health Coordinator) andCatherine McGrane

St Finian's College Swords poster winners, Monique McCormackDunphy and Gemma Cronin are picture with their posters along withCaroline Mills.

Poster prize winners from St Finian's CommunityCollege Swords, Shunika McCormack, ShannonLowndes and Jordan Joyce

St Finian's Community College poster winners, JohnMcDonnell, Erin Dolan and Jordan Flynn display theirposters as part of Swords Safety Week. Also pictured isGarda Tom Murphy

Fingal Community College, Swords held a poster competitionabout drug awareness, with the theme of "Substance Awareness".The overall winner was Ryan Reddy, who is pictured here with hisposter. Also pictured are Caroline Mills (Swords CommunityPolicing Forum) and Garda Tom Murphy.

Swords Safety Week was held last week and a talk was held at the new Youth Centre in Swords. The talk waspresented by Sgt Kevin Toner and Garda Darragh Hynes. It included Halloween safety and bonfires, alcoholawareness, personal safety and legislation on fireworks. Pictured at the event are: Kevin O'Reilly, CeriBroughall, Shona Whelan, Paul Connaughton, Michael Hayton, Ger Robinson, Sgt Kevin Toner, Caroline Mills(Community Policing Forum coordinator), Shannon Lowndes, Garda Darragh Hynes and Erinn Murtagh.

Pictured at Swords Community Saftey Week at PavilionsShopping Centre are Margaret Foley (Regional DrugsTask Force) and Bernadetter Morgan (Fingal Bereavedby Suicide Support Service)

Staff of Nifti Transport at their stand in thePavilions Shopping Centre, Swords as partyof Safety Week

Pictured at Swords Community Safety Weekat Pavilions Shopping Centre is ShonaWhelan, Youth Service Co-ordinator withJustice Education Training Swords (JETS)

Join Your LocalProbus ClubThe Probus Club is a club specifically designedfor retired professional and business people.They are always keen to have new members joinand all you have to do is come along to themeetings on the first or third Wednesday of themonth to the Harp Lounge in the Carnegie CourtHotel in Swords at 11am. The club is very actively involved in charity workfor St Francis Hospice in Raheny and other chari-ties. A typical year’s programme involves talkson specialised subjects or matters of currentinterests and also visits to places of scenicand/or historic interest.The club provides the ideal platform for thosewho would appreciate and value increasedsocial contacts in their retirement and the oppor-tunity of meeting others in similar circum-stances.

Local DepressionSupport GroupsFind local support through depression.Volunteers make a real difference in the lives ofothers, providing vital information andemotional support. If you would like to knowmore about support groups for depressionaround the North County, contact John Bennett,Volunteer Support Officer Aware on: 6617211.

GAA Culture GroupsIn BalbrigganThere are Music and Dance classes now takingplace in O’Dwyers clubhouse, Bremore,Balbriggan. Juvenileand Adult set dancingclasses run on Mondaynights. Details of Tinwhistle and fiddleclasses will follow later.For further information,please contact Freda at0863249476.

CountyCouncil To Get FundingFor ‘TheGathering’The County Council willreceive up to a combinedmaximum fund allocationof €75,000 for theGathering 2013. AnTaoiseach Enda Kennyhas launched a €2 millionIPB Gathering IrelandFund at GovernmentBuildings. The Gatheringis Ireland’s biggest evertourism initiative,providing an opportunityfor those with ancestrallinks or an affinity toIreland to play a part inand benefit from oureconomic recovery.

Fireman Samhelps boysave mumA six-year-old boy savedhis pregnant mum aftershe collapsed byfollowing advice fromFireman Sam. LiamRobinson called emer-gency services after heremembered a line fromthe TV character's songwhich says "dial 999".Pregnant mum RebeccaForsyth said "Heclimbed on the book-shelf to reach the phoneand rang the ambu-lance. He was amazing,we are just so proud ofhim." Ms Forsyth fromCo Durham, hadcollapsed with anaemia.She has since fullyrecovered. Liam will nowreceive an award fromthe North EastAmbulance Service forhis calm response.

ENGLANDWacky World

Donabate Grieves PassingOf Popular DoctorThe community of Donabate is in mourningwith the news that popular local doctor, CathalMartin passed away on Thursday last. An arrayof flowers were placed outside his surgery onMain Street.David Moore, secretary of Donabate/PortraneCommunity Council spoke to the County Leaderabout the huge contribution Dr Martin made tothe local community. “The people of Donabateare very saddened at the passing of this verykind and caring man. He was the typical villagedoctor, who had a practise on Main Street. Hewas the kind of man who always gave hispatients time and took a great interest in them.He was one of the good guys,” he said.

05North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper30.10.2012

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Sad Day For Rush As AIB Closes It’s Doors

There was a palpable air of disappointment, angerand sadness in Rush on Friday last, 26th October. Itwas the day when the history of commerce in Rushchanged forever, when the Allied Irish Bank branchin the town closed it’s doors for the last time to thepublic. It was one of 44 AIB branches that closednationwide on that day.The County Leader paid avisit to the seaside townand met many angry anddisappointed locals, whohave been left without abank for the first time inmany of their lifetimes. Itis now necessary totravel to neighbouringSkerries, Balbriggan orSwords to conductbanking business for local customers of the bank.The County Leader spoketo some AIB customers,who were very angry atthe closure. EdwinaFitzgerald, a local resi-dent said, “I’m absolutelydisgusted. We now have

to go to Balbriggan to do our banking. It’s justanother thing that’s gone and it will have a hugeeffect on the town. I have a car, but for old agepensioners, or anyone without transport, it’s adifferent matter.” she said.Another Rush lady, Dell Byrne was equally scathingof the decision to close the branch. “I know we canuse the Post Office for certain transactions, but thisdoesn’t suit everyone. The Garda Station has beentaken away, now the bank. It’s one of the mainbuildings in the town and just adds to the closure ofother shops in the town. It’s a real blow for us all. Ireally feel for older people who relied on thisservice. All it does is put extra pressure and longerqueues in branches elsewhere,” she said.

Rush resident, Dell Byrne is pictured outside AIB, Rush on it's last day of trading onFriday last, 26th October

A Balbriggan woman hasstarted a campaign to raisefunds for vital medical care forher two year old daughter,Cara, in the United States. Cara has Cerebral Palsy andshe has been accepted for apotentially life changing opera-tion in the USA called ‘SelectiveDorsal Rhizotomy’. It is hoped

that this will improve hermobility and give her thechance to learn to walk oneday. Speaking to the CountyLeader, Cara’s mother, Laurasaid: “We are at the very earlystages of our fundraising andwe will be organising events inour local area of Balbriggan.

We plan to have a few eventsorganised before Christmas,such as a quiz night and willhave plenty on in the NewYear also.” Laura and herhusband hope to also hold aSponsored Walk, a ball and aWhite Collar Boxing event,among other things. If youwish to be involved, call Lauraon 0870504235. They have setup a website and Facebookpage and would be grateful forany support for this importantcause over the coming weeks.

By Patrick Finnegan

Vital Medical Care RequiredFor Balbriggan Child

By Jennifer McShane

Pictured are St. Marnock's NS medallists in the North Dublin Primary Schools Cross Country Competition which was heldrecently at Naomh Mearnóg GAA Club, Portmarnock.

Paul Keeps NorthCounty Flag FlyingThere was great news for Swords on thesports front last week, with the announce-ment that Paul Flynn was picked on the GAAfootball All-Stars for 2012 for the second yearrunning. This is a clear verification that he isthe finest right half forward in the country.

Paul, who plays for thelocal Fingallians club, wasthe only representativefrom last year’s All-Ireland winning team tobe picked and, indeed, heis the sole representativefrom Leinster. This is a

singular honour for Paul, his family, his cluband for Swords itself. Speaking to the CountyLeader, he was thrilled to have been

included in such a prestigious team. “It is agreat accolade to be the only player fromDublin to be honoured in this way. Of course,I would have preferred if we had won the All-Ireland again, but that wasn’t to be. It’swonderful for me, my family and for my clubto receive this award,” he said.The awards were dominated by All-Irelandchampions, Donegal with eight gongs, Mayowith four, Cork with two and Paul repre-senting Dublin. Well done!

Paul Flynn

Artistic FundraiserIn MalahideThe 10th annual art exhibition organ-ised by the Catherine Lawlor School ofArt has once again raised much neededfunds for a worthy cause. Held atMalahide Tennis Club recently, all theproceeds from the sale of the work,amounting to €1,500, went to theChildren’s Medical and ResearchFoundation at Our Lady’s Children’sHospital in Crumlin. The exhibition also featured demonstra-

tions by guest artists Ronan Goti andRobert Stacks. Gerry Cully, communityfundraising manager of the charity,presented Catherine with a token ofrecognition and appreciation for 10years of supporting charities throughthe art exhibition. Catherine would liketo take this opportunity to thank allthose who supported the exhibition,and also her students and committeefor their continued support. CatherineLawlor’s School of Art was established12 years ago and classes take placeMonday to Friday, bringing peopletogether in a unique way through art.

06 30.10.2012North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper

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Well Done St. Finian’s!

St Finian's GAA Club were presented with the Division 3 winner's trophy to their adult football team. County Chairman, Andy Kettles was on hand topresent team captain, Warren Hanley with the trophy after the game against St Patrick's of Donabate. Amid all the ensuing celebrations playerswere already looking forward to senior status football in Division 2 next year. Well done to all the lads on the panel.

The 4th 'Annual Gaelic 4 Mothers andOthers' blitz took place at NaomhMearnóg GAA club in Portmarnockrecently. The unique occasionbrought together women from allover the North County and beyond totake part in a day of football and fun.This year’s blitz saw 74 teams takingpart, with 21 different counties beingrepresented. Games are non-competi-tive, with the emphasis being placedon participation and enjoyment. National Development Manager forthe Ladies Gaelic Football Association,Paula Prunty, told the County Leader:"This initiative is really thriving for the

Association and the reason for itssuccess was certainly attributed tohow it allows women of all ages andabilities to play our National sport. Forexample, we had women over 40years of age who had never playedfootball before taking up this initia-tive." The social element of the daywas hugely important with eventssuch as an exhibitor’s village includingdiverse exhibitors from GagaBaby, toO’Neill’s, to organisations such asConcern and Mental Health Ireland.After the football was finished, therewas music and entertainment at theNaomh Mearnóg club.

Fingal Dublin Chamberwill be hosting aCorporate NetworkEvening on Thursday,1st November from6.00pm - 8.00pm. Theevent, which is beingheld in associationwith McAllisterVolkswagen, will takeplace in their show-rooms at Airside Motor

Park. The guest speaker on the evening will beJoe Schmidt, the Leinster Rugby Head Coach andHeineken Cup winner. Joe is an inspirationalspeaker, who has had huge impact on rugby inIreland and Leinster in particular. The Fingal Network events are an ideal opportu-nity to meet and network with a large group ofbusiness men and women from a wide range ofbusiness sectors.

Successful Blitz In Portmarnock

Leinster Rugby HeadCoach Joe Schmidt

Chamber To HoldCorporate Network


Ballyboughal Pitch And PuttThere was a dramatic conclusion to theGeorge McDonnell Cup series of home andaway games, which saw the winner, JimmyBrowne, overturn the leader board in thefinal game of the series with a Net 47. Fullresult with the best three games was winner,

Jimmy Browne with a net 148. The runner upwas Maura Lynch with a net 149 and thirdplace was Martin Cullen with a net 150.Nearest the pin pin on the day was FrankHughes. Congratulations to Player of the Year2012, Frank Hughes with a total of 41 points.Turkey games will be pairs scramble and willcontinue until mid December.

Swords Meals on WheelsS w o r d s M e a l s o nWheels are lookingt o r e c r u i t t w oVoluntary Co-ordina-tors. Working along-side the existing co-ordinator, this is anexciting opportunityt o s u p p o r t t h er u n n i n g o f a v i t a lc o m m u n i t y b a s e dsupport system. Asthe co-ordinator, youwi l l help to ensurethe smooth runningof day-to-day activi-ties and associatedtasks. Generally thet i m e r e q u i r e m e n twould be three hoursper day for 2 days.Full training will beg i v e n a n d a r u n i np e r i o d w i l l b eadhered to. The role

is purely voluntarya n d i s u n p a i d . I fy o u ’ r e i n t e r e s t e d ,please contact PaulM c C o r m a c k o n :0857232825.

Alligator poolparties forchildrenA Florida man isoffering entertainmentwith a difference forchildren's parties -swimming with alliga-tors. For $100, BobBarrett, from TampaBay, takes an alligatorto your backyard poolsto swim with your chil-dren. Mr Barrett, whoruns the local AlligatorAttraction, came upwith the idea duringthe summer whenbusiness was slow. MrBarrett tapes the alli-gators' mouths shutbefore the parties andinsists that this issafe.

USAWacky World

A Volunteer Day forAction Ireland Trustwas held at NewportFarm, Donabate and onBroadmeadow Estuaryrecently.The day was a combi-nation of land andwater activities forstudents fromP o r t m a r n o c kCommunity School,their parents andfriends, who will travelto Lesotho nextFebruary as part of adevelopment projectjust outside Maseruthe capital of Lesotho.The water activitiestook place onBroadmeadow Estuaryand the gaming activi-ties on Newportfarm,and were hostedby Fran and Nuala

Whelan of NewportFarm.The water eventsconsisted of paddleboarding, kayaking,lazer pico sailing. Onland, there was archery,clay pigeon shootingand combat games forthe smaller childrenand a treasure hunt. The day was blessed bygood weather and over100 people attended.The object of the exer-cise was a teambuilding event forstudents and volun-teers travelling toLesotho next February.Thirty students willtravel to work on avariety of projects thatwill be located inHlalele High Schooland St. Joseph’s

hospital Roma. Theproject is set to deliveron a number of fronts,including Education,where the project willcontinue it’s teachertraining. Constructionof a new science facilityat Hlalele High Schooland at St. Joseph’s willtake place. The mater-nity ward will be reno-vated and fitted outwith new furniture andfittings.Dublin Fire Brigade willestablish a new trainingfacility just out sideMefetang that will allowfor training in simulatedfire and accident situa-tions in a safe andcontrolled environment.This the second year ofa five year programme,which it is anticipatedsignificant advance-ments and improve-ments will be made inthese respectivecommunities.

Action Ireland TrustHolds Volunteer Day

Local Foróige Clubs Seek VolunteersForóige clubs provide aspace where youngpeople can socialisesafely and get involved ina variety of activities.Volunteers are a key

component to ensuringthe success of suchclubs. There are currentlyover 600 clubs and cafesthroughout the countryand Loughshinny couldbe next with your help.An information eveningfor the project hasalready taken place inLoughshinny CommunityCentre but you can stillget on board with theproject by contactingBryan Gavin, Regional

Youth Officer on0868519639. Volunteersare also required toassist in the running of aForóige youth initiativefor young people inSkerries.Without the support oflocal volunteers, suchinitiatives cannothappen. Volunteersmust be aged 18 or overand have an interest inhelping young peopleachieve for themselves

and reach their poten-tial. Volunteering withForóige is a great way ofgetting involved in yourlocal community and doing somethingpositive with your spare time.

Cancer Society LaunchesScreening Advocacy Campaign

The Irish CancerSociety recentlylaunched a campaigncalling on theGovernment to meet‘Our Bottom Line’ onbowel cancerscreening by makingscreening available toall who need it aroundthe North County andbeyond. A national bowelcancer screeningprogramme imple-mented by theNational CancerScreening Service isdue to begin by theend of the year with

screening initiallybeing offered to menand women aged 60 to69 years of age. TheICS wants the age forbowel cancerscreening to beextended and long-term funding for theprogramme to be putin place. Bowel cancer is thesecond biggest cancerkiller in Ireland forboth men and women,with over 900 deathseach year. This isdeeply concerningnews for residents ofthe North County.

The Irish CancerSociety has beencalling for a bowelcancer screeningprogramme for manyyears. KathleenO’Meara, Head ofAdvocacy andCommunications withthe Society, told theCounty Leader: “Wevery much welcomethe programme, whichis due to begin thisyear, but we areconcerned that it willinitially only be avail-able to people aged 60to 69 years of age.Screening gives people

Boxing ClubIn SwordsLooking for ways to keepfit? Whether you want tosimply keep active orcontinue your training,boxing is the sport foryou. Training takes placeon Thursdays from 7 to8pm in RivervallyCommunity Centre inSwords. All are welcometo attend.

the best possiblechance of survival bydetecting bowel cancerat an early and treat-able stage. The Societyis strongly encour-aging those concernedabout bowel cancer tocall the Irish Cancer Society’s NationalCancer Helpline or visittheir GP.”

07North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper30.10.2012

NOVEMBER OFFERS!Mens Bootcut Denims..........were €49.99 €25Ben Sherman Jackets ..........were €79.99 €40Assorted Full Zip Tops..........were €44.99 €20Diesel Bootcut Denims ........were €59.99 €30Assorted Hoodies...................were €39.99 €20

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Contact Virgoe McEnery LandscapingFairways, Balheary, Swords, Co. Dublin

Stephen and Anita Casserly live in a lovely home inKnocksedan Demesne on the outskirts of Swords with theirthree young children. They decided that they wanted a safeand secure outside space, which they and their childrencould enjoy. Stephen and Anita decided to use the services of local land-scaping firm, Virgoe McEnery. “We had seen some of theirwork at a friend’s home. Their craftsmanship was absolutelysuperb and we decided to employ their services there andthen and we have not regretted our decision,” said Stephen.“Our garden was full of stones and weeds and MichaelMcEnery suggested the finish and the colour. I wanted asimilar stone to that of the house and the company providedthe border and centrepiece.” In fact the company addedabout an extra metre and a half to the existing frontdriveway, so it could link up with the back.“The reason we wanted the back landscaped was partly for the kids and partly for ourselves,particularly in summertime. I just couldn’t recommend the company highly enough for thefabulous job they did for us,” said a clearly delighted Anita. Stephen added, “The garden was

at an angle and because a digger would not fitinto the back, the workers excavated it byhand. They insisted on cleaning up after every20 or so barrows full of earth was cleared. Theywere spotlessly clean, so polite and were the nicest workers you could meet. They left the place the way you’d like it to be left,”said Stephen.Both Stephen and Anita feel that they got greatvalue for money. The workers arrived at7.45am each morning and worked rightthrough until 5pm each day. The job took fiveand a half days. Attention to detail and the

small things are what impressed Stephen and Anita most. “I wanted a low wall along the grassverge and they added a short connecting wall to the house, without having to be asked. We’reabsolutely over the moon with the service provided by Virgoe McEnery,” they said.

Thank You!

Anita Casserly and son, Daniel. BothAnita and her husband, Stephen aredelighted with the new outside spacecreated for them at their home byVirgoe McEnery Landscaping

The new outside space created for Stephen and AnitaCasserly at their home by Virgoe McEnery Landscaping

Sea AdventuresFor Swords GroupRecently, a group of local Snowflakes member familieswent on an exciting trip to visit the National Sea LifeCentre in Bray. The Swords based group of over 60excited children andparents travelled via trainto the centre. For manywho don’t get to travel toooften on the train, this wasa particularly exciting wayto travel. Chairman of thegroup, Robert Brown, said:“Many children withautism have a well-docu-mented interest in trains,enthralled by their motionand predictable patterns,so for many of theSnowflakes members andtheir siblings, this wasdefinitely travelling instyle!”At the Sea Life Centre,everyone was taken on ajourney of thedeep...without getting wet! Over thirty spectaculardisplays were on show, including Rivers of the World,Nemo’s Kingdom and the breath-taking Tropical

Shark Lagoon. The children were also given a specialtreat of being allowed to touch a live starfish and acrab, much to their delight. The visit to Sea Life wentby all too quickly, but everyone was in agreement thatit was yet another great day out with Snowflakesautism support.Snowflakes autism support is a support group for fami-lies affected by autism in the North County, which wasset up by a group of parents in January of this year.Their aim is to organise events for children with Autism

Spectrum Disorder, their parents and their siblings.They also look to provide whatever support they can topre-diagnosis and post-diagnosis parents.

By Jennifer McShane

Pictured here are John, Emma and Evan Scully on their way to the National Sea LifeCentre. Evan is the newest member of the Swords based 'Snowflakes' group and thiswas his first outing with them. He was so excited to be travelling by train.

Two kilometres north ofBalbriggan, a field at the junc-tion of the R132 andKnocknagin Road has beentotally transformed into a busyand productive allotment site. Caitriona Redmond of theBalbriggan AllotmentsAssociation welcomed anarmy of volunteers to the siterecently to help put thefinishing touches to theproject.

Residents were invited to signup for an allotment andchoose the location theypreferred. The young couples,families and retirees were allenthusiastic about the project.The allotments will alsoinclude an area for thebreeding of pigs, which willprovide education about localfood production.Residents, Tom and PeggyFletcher were delighted to be

involved: “We just can’t waitto get planting,” they said.Zoe Nelson, who is heavilyinvolved with the allotmentgroup, also volunteered. “As aGreen Party member I amhugely supportive of theproject,” she said. “It is soimportant that we maintainour ability to grow our ownfood and make use of thenaturally fertile local soil.”There will be a number ofother open days over thecoming weeks, so there arestill opportunities to sign up.Anyone interested shouldcontact the BalbrigganAllotment Association.

Busy Allotment OpenDay In Balbriggan

Colaiste Choilm Launches Student InitiativeColaiste Choilm, Swordshas launched its inau-gural ‘Ambassadors’initiative. It is aimed atrecognising the achieve-ments of past pupils whohave contributed signifi-cantly to the school’sethos and the widercommunity.

The project saw fivestudents, elected by apanel of teaching staff,become the first inColaiste Choilm’s historyto be awardedAmbassadors status.They were awarded as ameans of recognisingtheir individual achieve-

ments and appreciatingwhat they have givenback to the school.Each of the electedAmbassadors, all ofwhom recently graduatedfrom sixth year, will act aspositive role models forfuture generations ofpupils and inspire others

to attain a similar statuson their graduation fromColaiste Cholm Swords.The pupils, Alan O’Sullivan, Cahal Flynn,Gerard Reid, CiaranO’Keefe and Aiden Hurleywere presented with anembossed hooded top atthe school’s open night

to commemorate theirachievements.Ciaran O’Keefe, who isnow studing business atUCD, expressed his prideat being awarded thestatus: “ It’s a greathonour to be back and tosee all the old facesagain. I am so proud andI hope I can do the schooljustice.” Mr Lawlor, ateacher who was amongthe selection panelexplained: “It was a veryhard decision to pick thestudents. The hardestpart was narrowing themdown to five!”A parent also describedthe idea as very creative,a great achievement forthe sixth years and a goalto work towards forcurrent students ofColaiste Choilm, Swords.

Hollywood film star and North County resident, Brendan Gleeson is pictured with his PA,Mary Gough, during a break from filming 'Calvary' at Rush Harbour on Friday last, 26thOctober.

08 30.10.2012North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper

North County Livingby Jennifer McShane

Going For The Green

Larry Taylor has a green outlook on life. Incontinuation of our Tidy Towns series, thehighly active environmentalist sat down withthe County Leader to talk about staying green,his life in Balbriggan and his work with thelocal Tidy Towns group. Originally from SouthAfrica, Larry came to Ireland just under tenyears ago. He is a relative newcomer toBalbriggan, but can’t praise the area and resi-dents enough. “I’ve lived in Balbriggan for thepast two years and I really love it here.” One instantly feels very at ease in Larry’scompany. Talkative and softly spoken, heloves being a part of community life and is theideal man to go to for any environmentalconcerns around the area. He is very involvedin the Tidy Towns committee and is eager tohelp in any way possible. “I knew from thevery first time I worked with the group, that Iwanted to be involved."Aside from his work with the Tidy Towns, Larryhas had an extremely varied and interestingcareer. He worked as a chemical engineer forover two decades, which took him all over theworld: “I was extremely lucky in that workingas an engineer, I was able to travel to over 23countries." It’s fairly safe tosay that he is a keen globetrotter having travelled allover. He’s been toPennsylvania, Chile,Australia, Brazil and manyother countries throughoutthe USA and Europe. He hasbeen out of the industry forthe last number of years, butloved his work and theunique experiences itbrought him. He says his decision to leave his home countryand come to Ireland came from wanting togive his family a better life. “I just thought thewhole environment wasn’t good for my twochildren Marcello and Kimberly. I was victim toan armed robbery and injured from that, sowith this in mind, I thought it would be best toget a fresh start somewhere else.” He settledin Ramsgrange, a` small village in Wexford forsome time before arriving in Balbriggan andreceived a rather odd gift before he left. "Itended to a beautiful local church in thevillage at weekends. As a thank you, theParish Priest, quite uniquely, gave me a gravein the churchyard. Everyone thinks it’s veryodd that I know where I’ll be buried, but I washonoured.” When asked why he chose to make the moveto Balbriggan, he says the choice was easyenough. “I knew I wanted to be in a coastaltown by the sea and be involved with a closeknit community, so Balbriggan was an

obvious choice. I’ve always been communityorientated - I was a member of the RoundTable in Africa and I very much care aboutlocal issues.” Ever the environmentalist, hetakes pride in being ‘green’, is a keengardener. He is unsurprisingly, also a memberof the Green Party. Larry is full of stories and has a great deal ofknowledge and insight into other cultures. Hesays he loves to explore new places and isfluent in no less than five languages! Hehopes to learn Irish in the future. He says thathe got a huge culture shock when he arrivedon our shores. “Everyone is so personableand interesting here. It was completelydifferent to what I had known before and Ithought it was wonderful.”He also has quite an unusual hobby in that hebreeds worms and keeps, gerbils and rats.“I’m probably the only worm breeder left inIreland,” he jokes. “I mainly breed worms forthose who want to use them for fishing orcreate their own compost piles at home,which is growing increasingly popular thesedays. I suppose it does seem like an unusualpastime, but it’s all a part of my love for

nature and the environment -almost everything I use getsrecycled so the worms are avital part of this process."He takes in different reptilesand ensures they find suitablehomes. “I try to find differenttypes of exotic animals andensure that they get theproper care.” Larry says hislove for animals stems backfrom when he was a child. “Ikept all sorts of reptiles when

I was a child and still enjoy taking care ofdifferent animals as an adult. I have realissues with the fact that some of the reptilesare being mistreated, so I make it my businessto see that they go to proper homes.” He hasrecently seen four snakes in his care find anew owner.Going back to the Tidy Towns, he can’t praisethe volunteers enough and says he loves thesocial aspect of being involved with the group.“Aside from the fantastic work the Tidy Townsdo, there is the great social aspect to gettingto know everyone in the community,” hecontinued. “It’s the ideal way to integrate intoyour town. Everyone works so hard and givesup so much of their time. We’ve a great mix ofpeople involved. “In terms of his plans for thefuture, he hopes to continue his work with theTidy Towns committee and pursue his environmental projects. “I love the communitylife in Balbriggan and am just happy to call itmy home."




Larry Taylor


Member of Balbriggan Tidy Towns

“Everyone worksso hard and

gives up so muchof their time. We’ve a great mix of people


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Community AndVoluntary ForumElections Fingal Community and Voluntary Forum (FCVF) iscurrently holding its 2012 elections. The FCVF isinviting nominations from any of their 950 affili-ated community groups to nominate one personfor election onto the Board. The FCVP providesspecialist knowledge and representation on avariety of strategic groups and local governmentinitiatives. Made up entirely of voluntary members, theelection is crucial to continue their work. TheFCVF aim to ensure that the concerns of North

County residents are heard, both at local andnational government level. They work toempower community representatives and influ-ence policymakers tasked with shaping thefuture of the North County and beyond.There are a total of eight seats available acrossthe three electoral wards. Three seats fromBalbriggan / Skerries / Rush / Balrothery /Balscadden, three from Swords / Oldtown /Garristown / Naul and two from Malahide /Portmarnock / Howth area.The closing date for receipt of nominations isFriday, November 16th. Nomination forms areavailable by e-mailing: Thisis an ideal opportunity for you to become a valu-able advocate and representative for yourcommunity.

St. Cronan’s J.N.S. Swords have been working hard toachieve their 3rd Green School’s Flag. This flag is basedon the theme of water. Recently they held a water actionday. All the children came to school dressed in blue.During the day they took part in different activities basedaround the theme of water. Pictured here are two WaterDetectives making sure that all taps are turned off.

Anniversary Bargains At Vincent’s MalahideAt the end of this month, Vincent’s Malahide iscelebrating its third anniversary with threedays of special offers. You can get a hugerange of clothing, shoes and bags for €3 each.There is also €3 off the price of top rangeitems. This offer runs from Thursday, 1stNovember, to Saturday, 3rd November.Vincent’s would like to take this opportunity tothank all their customers and donors for theirsupport these past three years. Your donationsare still needed and wanted, especially in thelead up to christmas.Designer Days in November will take place onThursday 8th and Thursday 22nd and notSaturdays as on previous occasions. As alwaysthese events will start at 12 noon. Some itemssold at recent events have included LacosteHandbags, Jimmy Choo shoes, Burberry aftershave, Ugg boots and Waterford Crystalframes. Who knows what bargain you mayfind!

After a long wait, Scoil Phadraic Cailini in Donabate recently opened the new extensionto their school hall. Pictured here is current school board member Lisa English, cuttingthe ribbon to open the hall.

Face PaintingAt BalbrigganLibraryFree face painting willtake place in the JuniorLibrary at BalbrigganLibrary on Wednesday,31st October from11am to 12pm and 2pmto 3pm. There is noneed to book and allages are welcome.


Streakerescapes ingetaway carA streaker whodisrupted an Americanfootball game in Floridaset a new precedent fororganised naked crime.He ran onto the pitch, atSeminole High School inStanford, wearing only ared Spider-Man mask tohide his face. He thentook his stunt to a newlevel when a getawaycar arrived at his side inthe nick of time.Themystery streakerjumped in the car, whichpromptly sped off,making good his escapeand leaving authoritiesin the dark over his iden-tity. Local station WSTP-TV has taken on themission of uncoveringthe man behind themask, asking locals:"Do you know thesecheeks?"

USAWacky World

DonabateNeedle CraftersA Knit ‘n’ Natter groupmeet every Tuesday inthe Donabate PortraneCommunity Centre from10 am to 12 noon. A fee of€5 is charged to covercosts. Everyone welcometo knit and have a natter!

New Food Campaign For Tesco BalbrigganNorth County shoppersare invited to Tesco

Extra Balbriggan onThursday, November

1st to sample some ofthe best of home-grown Irish meat,poultry and produce.This event is part ofthe Tesco ‘Homegrownin Ireland’ campaignwhich was launchedearlier this year tohighlight to customersthe Tesco own labelproducts that areseasonal, fresh andIrish.

09North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper30.10.2012

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Awards For Portmarnock StudentsStudents at Portmarnock Community School have recently beenhonoured for the academic success at their second annual awards night.Those who achieved outstanding results in both the Leaving Certificateand Junior Certificate examinations received special certificates andmedals for their efforts. The evening provided an opportunity to cele-brate the consistent and disciplined effort of these students as well asacknowledging the leadership, motivation and direction offered by theirteachers and the tremendous support of parents. Certificates of meritwere presented to the top achieving students and Gold Medals werepresented to the students with overall best results in both year groups.At Leaving Certificate level, Conor Keogh, who is now studying Medicineat Trinity College, was awarded the Gold Medal. The Principal’s Awardwas presented to Orlagh Geoghan, while the Geraldine Kennedy Awardfor Maths went to Aishling Drumgoole. At Junior Certificate level, theGold Medal was awarded to Daniel Burke. A number of other awardswere presented to students from other year groups, outside of StateExamination years, for academic excellence.The school wished these students well in their future careers andacknowledged the growing number of Portmarnock students receivingscholarships to our national universities.Pictured here are students from Portmarnock Community School receiving their awardcertificates.

Pictured are competitors in the upcoming 'Strictly Come Dancing' fundraising event for Gaelscoil Bhrian Bóroimhe,Swords which takes place at CityNorth Hotel on 16th November next.

Malahide SeniorCitizens NeedYour SupportA voluntary group, based inMalahide area has been serving thesenior citizens of Malahide, OldKinsealy, and The Baskin for overthirty years. They provide a littlesocial and cultural entertainment forthe senior citizens free of charge,followed by dinner and entertain-ment, inter-area nights at home andin surrounding areas with refresh-

ments and entertainment. To raisemoney for these activities, thecommittee runs Bingos, raffles, andhave an annual Church gate collec-tion. They would like support fromlocal talent, willing to provide lightentertainment, support from driversto transport senior citizens to andfrom the Christmas dinner. Theywould appreciate invitations forsenior citizens to local functions,donations of prizes etc. for Bingo orraffles would be very welcome.Contact Pat McEvoy, Chairman on8451924 if you want to lend a hand.All support is greatly appreciated.

SwordsLadies ClubMembers of SwordsLadies Club meetevery Tuesdayupstairs in the SeniorCitizens Centre at 8pm. Activites include:trips to the theatre,musical shows, talkson topics of interestand activities partici-pating in Federationof Women’s Clubscompetitions. Newmembers are alwayswelcome.


MalahideHistoricalSociety TalkMalahide HistoricalSociety are hosting atalk on Wednesday,November 14th at8pm. Fionnuala May,Fingal CountyArchitect, will bespeaking about therestoration, conserva-tion and constructionwork that has takenplace in MalahideCastle over the pastyear, including someexciting discoveries.The talk will take placein the PresbyterianChurch Hall inMalahide. All arewelcome to attend.

Skerries RNLIChristmas Card SaleThe RNLI ChristmasCard sale will becommencing at the

end of this month.Each Sunday, up untilChristmas, cards will

be sold to raise fundsfor the Lifeboats. Thisassists greatly inkeeping this voluntaryservice operational. They are also selling avariety of gifts andstocking fillers alongwith the wide range ofcards. This rangeincludes some localSkerries Christmascards with messages‘as Gaeilge’ and alsoin English with a

picture of Rockabill.They cater as well forlocal businesseswishing to send outChristmas cards tocustomers. They arekeen to point out thatthere will be a greatselection this year.So, make sure toconsider such aworthy cause whenbuying yourChristmas cards thisyear.

Local Educate TogetherSupports New Junior Cert

Educate Together schools around the North Countyhave warmly welcomed the recent announcementmade by Minister for Education and Skills, Ruairi QuinnTD. The decision to replace the Junior Certificate by aschool-based model of continuous assessment is asignificant reform to state exams. Changes will beintroduced on a rolling basis from 2014. The reforms are being put in place based on recom-mendations from the National Council for Curriculumand Assessment. Teachers will be given training on thenew system and the changeover process in 2013.Speaking to the County Leader, Maria Boyne,Principal, Educate Together in Holywell, Swords,advised, “Continual assessment is a more practicalapproach which will make the curriculum more acces-sible to all children. It will cater for different learningabilities and styles. Children are being nurtured tolearn by rote for exams, but many children do notperform well in an exam setting. Some children aremore critical, analytic thinkers and approach learningin a different way. Continual assessment will give themskills for later life. Children will have ongoing workingdeadlines and will have more responsibility andcontrol over their own learning,” she concluded.

By Celine Quinn

Thank You! St. Maur’s Pipe Bandwould like to thankRush parishoners forcontributing to theirchurch gate collec-tion last week. It wasanother successfulcollection and thecontinuing support isvery much appreci-ated.


Radio Fame ForRush ChildrenThe children in sixth class from St Catherine’sNational School in Rush had a very exciting timewhen they were featured on RTE’s Mooney Showrecently.Amnesty International contacted the DeputyPrincipal, Ms Carroll, to ask if the children wouldbe interested in recording a piece for radio abouta prisoner of conscience. The children discussed the situation of theteacher from Indonesia, called Johan. Johan was jailed for life for taking part in apeaceful demonstration asking for his homeprovince, Maluku, to be independent fromIndonesia. The pupils spoke about human rightsand why this was a very unfair situation forJohan and his family. The class wrote letters ofsupport, which will be sent to AmnestyInternational and then forwarded on to Johan.Caitlin, from Amnesty International, was veryimpressed with the children’s letters.Then some of the children were recorded forradio and many read out their letters. They had a great experience learning how radio recordings work outside the studio and reallyenjoyed the day.

Local TownsSuffer PhoneGlitches

Operation of the €570m intercon-nector has been halted due toproblems of interference withphone lines in the North County.The power cable, which runsbetween Britain and Ireland, wasdue to begin importing electricpower on 1st October. The issuesare reported to be affecting house-holders and businesses in Rush,Oldtown and Ballyboughal areasalong the EirGrid cable route. The East-West Interconnector hasnot been switched on due tocomplaints from local residents orfeedback on phone lines. It isunderstood that the problems wereidentified during final testing onthe lines at the end of September.Local residents made complaints totheir telecom providers, which

were in turn passed on to EirGrid.The issues are reported to beaffecting landlines only.The interconnector, delivered byEirGrid, is a 260km cable whichallows electricity to be importedand exported between Ireland andthe UK. The cable runs under theIrish Sea between Wales and Rushand then on to Meath, and involveda cable being laid at North Beach inRush. Launched by Taoiseach EndaKenny last month, the power linecan transport enough power tosupply 350,000 homes. The initia-tive aims to reduce energy pricesfor Irish consumers by utilisingcheaper power supplies from theUK. EirGrid have reported that workis currently underway with thetelecom providers to address thenoise interference issues reportedin North County towns. EirGrid willnot take control of the East WestInterconnector until testing hasconcluded and the issues havebeen corrected. The live date of the interconnector will now bepostponed.

By Celine Quinn

10 30.10.2012North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper

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Oil ColumnHeaters

As their name suggests,oil column heaters arefilled with oil, whichslowly heats (by elec-tricity) heating a roomby radiated heat. Forthose with young chil-dren, oil column heatersoffer a safe option asthe surface does not gethot enough to pose athreat and they can beleft unattended or toheat a room overnight.The furnaces vary intype and style. Ofcourse you can alsoadapt them to work withwood, coal or even oil.

Servicing YourBoiler

A crucial step in keepingwarm this winter is tomake sure that yourheating system isworking properly. If it isnot, then valuable heat

is being lost, with theconsequent loss ofmoney. If you need tohave your gas boilerserviced or make yourcentral heating moreefficient, contact anapproved service agent.From a safety point ofview, it is very importantto use a recommendedservice agent, as theywill have completed asafety trainingprogramme whichconforms to Irish stan-dards, and will haveinsurance.

Solid FuelHeaters

There is arguablynothing more homelythan an open fire foratmosphere in thewinter months. Peoplewill automatically gravi-

tate to it for bothwarmth and security.You will often hearpeople say that you willnever be alone, as longas you have an open firein the house. People willsit down and stare into afire for hours, bewil-dered by the constantjumping of the flamesand watching the firedevour itself. It has analmost hypnotic effecton people. However, anopen fire has a down-side in as much as it canbe not very cost effec-tive, as much of the heatdisappears up thechimney.

Windows andDoors

While it is important thatthe door looks good, it ismore important that it is

suitable to keep yousafe and warm duringthe winter months whensnow, sleet and galesbatter it. The draughtswe spoke about earlierare more likely to benoticed around windowsand doors: howevermodern doors andwindows, whether PVCor traditional wood, willeliminate this problemand add to your comfort.Luckily there are anumber of top qualitysuppliers of windowsand doors in the NorthCounty.

Seal ThoseDoors

Check around the doorframe and also underthe door. You may wantto buy a draughtexcluder or stuff a towelat the bottom of thedoors. Close off anyunused rooms as theclosed door makes thatroom another barrierbetween you and the

wicked cold weather. Italso stops air from circu-lating as much, whichreduces heat loss. Putup sets of heavycurtains these can blockdrafts on both windowsand doors. Open themwhen the sun is shiningto help pull in the solarheat into your house

and close them when itgets cloudy or dark out to better keep theheat in.

Car Safety

Winter is upon us, andwinter driving comeswith it. While safety isan important considera

While keeping warm in winter is a very desirable way to be, it isalso a life and death scenario for many people. This very realisticsituation is all too prevalent during the long winter months

ahead of us. Heating our homes is an expensive undertaking and manypeople, particularly the elderly, are forced to cut back on potentially lifesaving heat because of high costs. Fortunately here in the North County,we have a range of top quality options to choose from, in our efforts tostay warm and healthy. Nobody likes to hear that winter is well on itsway, but making the transition to the big chill is much more bearablewhen your home is a cosy haven. We look at the different ways to heatyour home and ensure you stay safe on the roads throughout the wintermonths.

Advertising Feature

11North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper30.10.2012

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tion all year long, thereare certainly some automaintenance jobs andsafety checks that arespecific to chilled airand winter driving thatare a good idea tocheck into before we'reknee deep in theseason. These wintermaintenance tips willkeep you out oftrouble:Winter is not the timeto get cheap about yourtyres, so take the timeto check the treaddepth. Also, be sure tocheck your tyre pres-sure. They lose a littlepressure when it getscold, so pump 'em up.It takes wipers that arein top shape to keepyour windscreen cleanand safe. On top of thechecks you need toperform to ensure safewinter driving, now's agood time to do someannual maintenance.Regularly treating yourbattery to a cleaningcan keep electricalgremlins at bay. Brakesare not a good area tocut corners. Be sureyour brakes have

enough meat left to getyou through theseason. Cold weathersafety should be aconcern for anybodyliving in a cold climate.

These tips will give youthe upper hand whenOld Man Winter tries toput a chill on yourwinter travels.

Keep Cosy

Hats are a great idea,as it is a well known

fact that 75 per cent ofyour body heatescapes from yourhead. Layer yourselfwith loose clothingrather than tight as

heat accumulates inthe folds of the layers,keeping you muchwarmer than a tightsweater. You shouldwear slippers indoorsthis will not help you ifyou have to go outsidefor any reason. you'lljust feel colder faster.Cover up with blankets

if you are just sittingaround watching TV orchatting in the livingroom. Candles canproduce a lot of heat,but be mindful ofwhere they are placedand do not leave themunattended. If youlook in the right placesyou can find candleson the cheap andpackages of tea lightscould make a nominaldifference. Take a hotshower, not only willthis warm you upquickly, but the steamfrom the hot water willraise moisture levelsin the house, helpingthe ambient tempera-ture feel warmer. Besure to run the hotwater even after youare finished becausethe more steam in theair, the better thetemperature will feel.Make sure you runyour towels andbathrobe (if you haveone) in the dryer whileyou are showering soyou have somethingnice and cosy to dry offwith and snuggle intowhen you're finished.

Advertising Feature

12 30.10.2012North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper

John Pett (Swords)“I remember in England years ago they did get rid of it, but theybrought it back so the kids would have light going to school.Most people use their cars nowadays and kids aren’t walking toschool - so that wouldn’t be a viable argument nowadays. It’s ahabit but you wouldn’t miss it if it was done away with.”

This week, well rested County Leader reporters decided tospeak to local residents about the hour going back last

Sunday morning, and to see whether they too enjoyed theextra hour sleep. We put forward the question to our readers;

Is Daylight Savings Time anoutdated idea, or do we stillneed to shift the clocks?


Julian Sweetman (Rush)“I don’t think it’s a good idea. For the

first few days, the kids are a bit allover the place!”

Vivienne O’Brien (River Valley)“I hate it, I wish they would just leave italone. They should do away with DaylightSavings Time. In the summer, it doesn’tmatter so much, but then in the winter theevenings are so dark.”

Willie Dillon (River Valley)“The extra hour at the weekend isn’t the only difference. I

think it’s a good idea. If you go back the hour, it makes themorning brighter and makes no difference in the evenings,

it’s dark early anyway. Keep it as it is.”

Barry Burke (Lusk)“An hour more sleep - I think it’s a good idea. With the hourgoing forward and back, you kind of know the time of the year,the summer end and then the winter end, it marks the seasons.Brighter morning means it’s easier to getup.”

David Semple (Belfast)“They should just leave it. I’m from Belfast, we get even

less light, I think 5 minutes less than Dublin, and then lessas you go further North. I reckon they should just do

double summer time like in Scandinavian countries or doaway with it. I think it was only there for the farmers.”

Maeve McGlynn (Swords)“The time is grand the way it is. We shouldbe like France and just leave the time alone.I enjoy the extra hour sleep though!”

Christopher Nolan (Swords)“I’m a fan, in summer, there’s more light in the

evenings when you come home from work.”

Oliver Grogan (Swords)“I still only have my eight hour sleep so it didn't matter tome! I think we should go back further, go back two hoursand have it brighter in the morning. We have to follow ourneighbours though.”

Christine Morgan (Coolock)“Yes I’ve no problem with it. It doesn’t make much difference. Ihaven’t really thought about it. It probably only affects you for

the first couple of days and then you get used to it.”

Chris Reilly (Knocksedan)“Doesn’t bother me. It’s a good idea. It’s brighterin the morning, and I think it’s better beingdarker earlier in the evening. It’s easier to getup in the morning when it is bright.”

Peter Dillon (Swords)“Yeah it’s a good idea. We shouldn’t do away with it. I’m not too

bothered, people have too much time on their hands to be worryingabout that kind of stuff!”

Pierre Vandevelde Celine Quinn

YOURVIEWWith reporters Celine Quinn and Pierre Vandevelde

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Protect Your PetsThis HalloweenEach year, animal rescue centres and veterinarypractices around the North County are inun-dated with animals needing attention followingHalloween celebrations. Animals can becomeso terrified from the noise of bangers and fire-works going off that they are driven to extremebehaviour. The ISPCA recommend you shouldalways have effective pet identification, such asan ID tag, on your pets collar and a micro-chipin the event your pet escapes. Here are some tips on keeping your pets secure this Halloween:If children will be calling to your door trick-or-treating make sure your pets are securelyconfined so they cannot stray through an open

door or react negatively to scary costumes. Petsshould have somewhere to hide where they feelsecure if frightened by the noise of bangers orfireworks, so a quiet room in the house willhelp. Keep pets away from any dangerous orflammable items including candles, bonfiresand fireworks.Small animals and birds normally housedoutside should ideally be moved into a garageor shed. If this is not possible, cover hutches or cages with blankets or carpet to act assound-proofing.Unfortunately stray animals sometimes bearthe brunt of Halloween pranks. If you witnessan animal being subjected to cruel treatment,please notify your local Gardai. Please take precautions this year to ensureyour pets stay safe, calm and remain indoorsthis Halloween, so the festivities can be a safeand enjoyable time for everyone.

Dublin Airport has launched anAutism Visual Guide forTerminals 1 and 2 to assist indi-viduals with autism who intendtravelling through DublinAirport.Dublin Airport first published anAutism Visual Guide in 2008 forTerminal 1, which receivedexcellent feedback fromparents planning on travelling

through Dublin Airport. Theyare delighted to announce thatthey have supplemented thissection on the Dublin Airportwebsite with a Visual Guide forthose using Terminal 2.Visual guides are used tosupport individuals with autismunderstand social situations. Itprovides the individual with ashort description of the situa-

tion and information aboutwhat to expect at Dublin Airportand why. Key points of theguide deal with the routethrough the Airport, such ascheck-in, security, passengerscreening and boarding anaircraft, which can be reviewedby the individual and their trav-elling parent/guardian in theweeks before a trip. This information can be sourcedat www.dublinairport.comunder the ‘At The Airport’ tabwhere both guides are availableto download and print.

Dublin Airport LaunchesAutism Visual Guides

Star Gaze AroundThe North CountyThis Christmas, many people around the NorthCounty will look for a telescope to gaze at thestars, planets, and beyond. Astronomy Ireland have a wide selection oftelescopes available to suit all ages and alllevels of experience. They also stock a fullrange of computerised telescopes – such asthe NexStar Series - to suit everyone from thebeginner to the more advanced enthusiast, andaccessories to get the best use out of your tele-scope.The Astromaster Series of telescopes, forexample, produces bright, clear images of theMoon and planets, and is perfect as a first tele-scope or for the young and buddingastronomer. Astronomy Ireland s an extremely popularastronomy society, and produces a monthlymagazine and offers a full series of lecturesand events throughout the year.

Study Grinds For LocalSupport Group

The North Fingal AttentionDeficit Disorder (ADD) andAttention DeficitHyperactive Disorder(ADHD) Support Groupare delighted to announcea new grinds service. Thissupport service will beprovided for young peoplewith ADD/ADHD underthe Positive PeerProgramme. A universitystudent, currently intraining to be a teacher,will give Grinds in English,Religion and History forJunior and LeavingCertificate. The tutor hasfirst hand experience ofdealing with ADHD. Assuch, he will be in a posi-tion to give useful adviceon how to manage your

Sheep born withupside down headA video of a sheepapparently born with anupside down head hasbeen posted onYouTube. The sheep,called Terry, is believedto be living a relativelynormal life on a farm,somewhere in Britain.He was filmed by afriend of the farmer, whocalls himself Mr Macca,who may well have aviral hit on his hands."He lives happily andhas been checked by avet to ensure he is in nopain," said Mr Macca."He can eat, sleep anddo everything othersheeps (sic) can."

ENGLANDWacky World

study, as well as how totransition from second tothird level education. Thegoal is to help youngpeople achieve their bestin these subjects. Thetutor also has training inChild Protection, SuicidePrevention, and BasicFirst Aid. Grinds are avail-able once a week for sixweeks per student. Thisservice is been subsidisedby the Group and will costonly €5.00 per hour.Sessions will take placeon a weekday evenings oron Sundays. A suitablevenue will be decidedsubject to the location ofthe student, or tuition cantake place in the student’sown home also. There arelimited places so pleasecontact Bernie Hagan orKatherine Moorland on01-8020484.

13North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper30.10.2012

Castle Shopping Centre, Bridge Street, Swords

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As Halloween is hereonce again, locals areencouraged to be extracautious on the roadsduring the busy day. Fifteen road deaths wererecorded in October lastyear. The most likelytimes of the day wherefatalities occur is at duskand late at night. Thechanging of the clocks inOctober highlights this;

the evenings get darkermuch earlier and it takeslonger for the morningsto fully brighten up. Thismeans that drivers haveto adjust and beprepared for this.Speaking to the CountyLeader, Alistair Weir,Marketing Manager atAXA Insurance said:“The appalling loss oflife is just not accept-able. Too many peopleare killed due tospeeding, carelessdriving and drinkdriving.”As the little ones willmost likely be delirious

with excitement, extraprecaution must betaken at this time ofyear. Remember to beon the look out for chil-dren in heavy Halloweencostumes; their visionmay be impaired andthey may have to walkslower. Another point tonote is that fellowdrivers may also berushing to take the kidstrick-or-treating, so youshould be extra aware ofwhat’s going on aroundyou. Of course, all of theusual safety precautionsapply when on theroads, drivers just needto be extra vigilantduring Halloween toensure a safe and funday is had.

Local Residents Urged Not To Burn TyresTRACS (Tyre RecoveryActivity ComplianceScheme) is askingmembers of the NorthCounty public not to burntyres this Halloween.Burning tyres is an airpollutant, is extremelydangerous for those inclose proximity, and hasadverse health effects.TRACS is also advisingtyre retailers, suppliersand distributors all aroundthe county to also actresponsibly thisHalloween. To providewaste tyres for use onbonfires is against tyreindustry best practice andis illegal. Similarly,members of the public areurged not to requestwaste tyres from tyreoutlets.

Speaking to the CountyLeader, Fiacra Quinn,Director of TRACS said,“The thinking in this area

has changed considerablyin recent years. Mostpeople are now aware ofthe toxins and pollutants

which release into the airwhen a waste tyre isburnt. Burning tyres ishighly undesirable fromboth an environmentaland health and safetyperspective.”

Locals Warned AboutOnline Treatments The Irish Eczema Society is warning those livingwith the condition throughout the North Countyagainst using unlicensed products, especiallythose bought over the internet. .With the increasing trend of buying medicine andremedies online, The Irish Eczema Society isurging patients living within the locality to talk totheir pharmacist or healthcare professionalabout their treatment options rather thanresorting to purchasing ‘quick fix’ productsonline, which are not licensed in Ireland.Jeannette Brazel, co-founder of The Irish EczemaSociety, told the County Leader: “Last year, theIrish Medicines Board issued a warning against aproduct which wasmarketed online as a‘natural, herbalremedy’ for skin condi-tions such as eczema.The product was foundto contain non-herbalingredients, whichincluded a steroid, andwas banned from beingmarketed in Ireland.”Eczema is a chronic,inflammatory skincondition which is esti-mated to affect one in10 people at somepoint in their lives andit is estimated that one-in-five children underthe age of four areaffected in the NorthCounty and beyond.

Parents’Group ToMarch On DailConcerned parents in the NorthCounty and all around Ireland havecome together to form an actiongroup, Parents Against ChildBenefit Cuts. The group are organ-ising a march on the Dáil onNovember 3rd at 12 noon inadvance of possible cuts to theChild Benefit in the upcoming 2013Budget in December.The Government will be finalisingthe Budget over the next twomonths and will be taking intoaccount the report by the specialadvisory group appointed byMinister for Social Protection JoanBurton T.D. The advisory grouphave recommended a number ofproposals in order to reduce Child

Benefit and save the Department€200m a year. Child benefitcurrently stands at €140 for each ofthe first two children, €148 for thethird child, and €160 for eachsubsequent child thereafter. ChildBenefit is paid universally, regard-less of financial circumstances, to atotal of 600,000 households in Ireland and costs the state €2billion per year.A reduction to the Child Benefitcould add to the economic difficul-ties experienced by many familiesin the North County and the rest ofthe country. Families are undersignificant pressure due to highincome taxes, childcare costs andmounting utility bills. Householdsare also preparing for property taxand water charges next year. Themonthly Child Benefit payment canoften be crucial to the householdbudget - needed to buy clothingand food, pay schooling costs andutility bills.

Men arrestedwith primatesin their pantsThree men werestopped from getting ona plane at Delhi becausethey had small monkeysin their underpants.Stopped by customsofficials at Indira GandhiInternational Airport,two of the men hadconcealed the animalsin pouches in theirbriefs. The men, allnationals of the UnitedArab Emirates, weretransit passengers ontheir way to Dubai fromBangkok. The conditionof the animals was "OK,but deteriorating"according to the official,who declined to benamed. The monkeys,known as ‘slender loris’,are native to India andSri Lanka, where expertsfear they are becomingextinct.

INDIAWacky World

Pictured are junior infants from Scoil an Duinnínigh, Kinsealy enjoying their Halloween party.

Pictured here are L-R: Back: Amaris, Joseph, Ciara, Kyran, Michaela, Tommy, Ryan, Owen and Ryszard Front:Leia, Daragh, James, Anthony, Chinaza, Delmia, Christopher, Luke, Daniel and Morgan with their teachersCaroline Quinlan (cowgirl) and Sandra Coughlan from Funtimes Creche and Montessori in Balbriggan. Thegroup enjoyed a spooky halloween party dressed as their favourite ghouls, goblins and witches.

Fingal Joint Policing Committee

Notice of Public Meeting

A public meeting will be hosted by the Fingal Joint Policing Committee for the areas of Skerries, Lusk, Rush, Balbriggan, Garristown, Naul and Ballyboughal


Skerries Community Centre at 7.30 p.m.

Thursday 8th November, 2012

Residents of the above areas are invited to attend this meeting. An opportunity will be provided to members of the public to make observations and addressquestions to local Gardaí and representatives from Fingal County Council on matters relating to crime and anti-social behaviour within these areas. The aim is to improve public safety within local communities through a process of partnership between An Garda Síochána, Fingal County Council and the Community.

Any queries in this regard should be addressed to:

Fingal Development Board, P.O. Box 174, County Hall, Main Street, Swords, Co. Dublin

or by emailing

See for more information

Drive Safely ThisHalloween

14 30.10.2012North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper


AQUARIUS Jan 20 - Feb 18This is your week. Everyone seems to love you,offers abound and you’re feeling more opti-mistic than you have for ages. However, certainissues will have to be addressed involving olvedones or associates.

PISCES Feb 19 - Mar 20Being something of a daydreamer, you’reseldom short of ideas. But what is ushered inthis week will be so abrupt and intense thatyou’re at a loss about what to do. Have no fear,all will become clearer with time.

ARIES Mar 21 - Apr 20You’ve decided how you’ll respond to recentexciting ideas or offers. Others, however, areuncertain. Consequently, while you’re ready totake action, the week will be spent in winningthem over to your ideas.

TAURUS Apr 21 - May 20Accept the fact that nearly every day of thisweek brings surprise developments, both withcolleagues and loved ones. You will have to bewide awake to deal with all, but by keeping yourpriorities in tact will help.

Gemini May 21 - Jun 20Surviving this week’s dilemmas requires you toremain open-minded about alternatives. Othersmay insist on commitments, but circumstancesand others’ priorities change frequently - and beat completely different odds.

Cancer Jun 21 - Jul 22An opportunity for change. By the week’s close,both you and those around you realise thatmuch of what you’ve viewed as reassuring, wasreally keeping you from exploring certainthrilling, if intimidating, offers.

Leo Jul 23 - Aug 23You’d like to settle certain differences peaceably- but that’s unlikely. In fact, everyone has some-thing to say - and mostly it’s about having theirown way. What you can do is keep your cool forthe present - until later.

Virgo Aug 24 - Sep 22Nobody is more thorough about details thanyou, which means you’re rarely caught out byevents. But there’s no way you could have fore-seen this week’s developments - which couldbring overwhelming changes.

Libra Sep 23 - Oct 22You’re already under pressure from others tomake decisions. However, these don’t neces-sarily serve your best interests. The time mightjust be right for a fresh approach - that wouldappear to satisfy all concerned.

Scorpio Oct 23 - Nov 22Golden opportunities aren’t always initiallyrecognisable for what they are. This is well-illus-trated by your reaction to this week’s excep-tional events. So much so, that you’re unsure ofwhat is wise and what is not.

Sagittarius Nov 23 - Dec 21Certain individuals are anxious either to shirktheir responsibilities or blame you. However,confronting them just now might not be wise.The emphasis is on strategy, and it might bebetter to await another day.

Capricorn Dec 22 - Jan 19You’ve been examining various elements of yourlife, considering whether any attitudes or beliefsare holding you back. Now you find what theyare. However difficult, talking them over withsomeone close will help.

Continued SupportFor Our Tidy Towns

Volunteers NeededFor Skerries Rás

The County Council has said it will continue tosupport the Tidy Towns efforts all over theNorth County. Answering a recent appeal forhelp for the Tidy Towns effort from Cllr AnthonyLavin (FG), a spokesperson for the council said:“The Operations Department works closely withthe various established Tidy Towns Committeesthroughout the North County, who endeavourto improve their area. We will continue to facili-tate annual meetings with all of the Tidy Townscommittees. Invitations are sent out to all of theCommittees to attend one-to-one meetings withcouncil officials from various departments.”“Assistance is provided to the committees bythe council in the context of both budgetaryand staff resources. The department alsotakes a keen interest in the adjudicationreports of each town. Should any committeewish to request additional meetings withcouncil representatives to discuss how theycan make progress on particular issues in theirtown, we are more than willing to facilitatesuch a meeting.”

For the eighth year in a row, Skerries expects tohost the finish of the An Post Rás. To make the2012 finish a success, the committee urgentlyneed volunteers. The final day of the Rás is agreat day of fun. Fun for those who take part inthe Street Party and fun for those who simplywatch the Rás. The key element of any event is the committeeand this year some of the members are steppingdown so replacements are needed. Street Partyand Administration volunteers are required.Meetings won’t start until next January and areheld on a monthly basis until one week before theRás Party. If you would like to join the team orknow more, contact Jane Landy on 086-6064283.

Pictured on a recent outing to The Abbey Theatre are Fingal Community CollegeTransition Year students with teacher Mr. O'Loughlin

Pictured here at their wedding reception are Heidi andJustin Martin, in The Clarion Hotel, Dublin Airport onWednesday 25th October. The couple are happily marriedafter ten years together. They will jet off to India for threeweeks on honeymoon.

Late Night Soccer LeaguesIn The North County

Friday 2nd November sees thestart of new Friday Night LateNight Soccer Leagues in theNorth County. Open to boys andgirls aged 13-15 and 16-21, theg a m e s w i l l t a k e p l a c e i n :Round Towers Lusk, SkerriesCommunity Centre, RivervalleyS w o r d s a n d G l e b e N o r t h F CBalbr iggan, on Fr idays f rom9 . 0 0 p m t o 1 1 . 0 0 p m . T h eLeagues will run for five weeks,w i t h t h e w i n n e r s f r o m e a c hgroup qualifying for the DublinFinals, which wil l be held inearly December.

The Late Night League (LNL), a5-a-side tournament, has takenp l a c e i n n u m e r o u s v e n u e saround the North County overthe last number of years andhas proved very successful .

The League is run in conjunc-t i o n w i t h l o c a l a u t h o r i t i e s ,youth groups and CommunityGarda policing units, and aimst o p r o v i d e a s a f e , f u n a n dhealthy social alternative toteenagers on Friday nights.Niall Mc Guirk, Senior SportsO f f i c e r w i t h F i n g a l C o u n t yC o u n c i l s a i d : " L a t e N i g h tS o c c e r p r o v i d e s a p o s i t i v es p o r t i n g a c t i v i t y f o r y o u n gpeople to take part in; studieshave shown it has helped inreducing anti-social behaviourand it gives the youth some-thing to look forward to on aFriday night.”Interested part ic ipants justneed to turn up on the night tor e g i s t e r t h e i r i n t e r e s t a n dthere’s no cost to participate.

Loose croc foundin plane hold

Shocked baggagehandlers came face toface with a loose croco-dile roaming throughthe hold of an Australianplane. The reptile wasbeing transferred fromBrisbane to Melbourne,but managed to escapefrom its container duringthe two-hour journey. Itwas discovered bybaggage handlers afterthe Qantas flight landed.The crocodile, whichwas not fully grown, wassoon captured andreturned to its cagewithout incident. Qantassaid it had launched aninvestigation to discoverhow the animal hadbroken free.


New Support GroupIn Swords

There is a new support group just recently set up inSwords. The Swords Friends of BreastfeedingMother 2 Mother Support Group is being heldevery Wednesday from 10am to 12pm in theApplewood Community Centre in Swords. Allmums, whether they are mums-to-be or mums witholder children are welcome. If interested, contactAbina 087 2927841 for more information.

Fundraising Events For Remember UsLocal group Remember Us, based inBalbriggan, are hosting two upcomingfundraising events. The group will cele-brate its fifteenth anniversary this yearand are looking to mark the occasionwith a trip to Euro Disney. In order toraise the needed funds for the excitingholiday, the group have organised the

following events: Bag packing inDunnes stores Balbriggan on Friday9th and Saturday 10th November.Also on November 10th, there will be aTable Quiz in Skerries Rugby Club at8pm, with a raffle on the night. Thecost is €5 per person and yoursupport would be greatly appreciated.

dency of the EU thisyear. In Miriam McConnon's installationartwork, The MegaloTama, a huge handker-chief encompasses theentire tree at the site ofSaint Solomoni in KatoPaphos. Tama is theGreek word for a votiveoffering (handkerchief )that people hang on thisancient tree to offer awish or prayer for lovedones who are sick orwho have passed away. The piece of cloth thatcovers the tree is madeup of handkerchiefs andlace. It was collected

over the last two yearsfrom the people ofPaphos and abroad andsewn together carefullyby the artist herself.Each handkerchief hasbeen a personal posses-sion of somebody andtherefore carries its ownindividual story. Somecarry personal inscrip-tions to loved ones.Miriam Mc Connon'srecent work isconcerned with thestories behind simpledomestic objects andthe power they haveover our sense of iden-tity. The artist has alsobeen selected to partici-pate in two prestigiousart festivals in thecoming weeks.

Portmarnock ArtistUnveils Sculpture A Portmarnock artist hasrecently completed adramatic installation at aUNESCO world heritagesite in Cyprus known inEnglish as ' TheHandkerchief Tree'. Theartwork by MiriamMcConnon is formallyknown as The MegaloTama and has beencommissioned by theGovernment of Cyprus tomark the country's presi-

15North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper30.10.2012

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Tea or Coffee

ChristmasFashionThatSparkles Celebrate your curves with thestunning new collection forLittlewoods Ireland from ourfavourite TV presenter, HollyWillloughby. Holly’s new rangewas designed with ‘real’ womenin mind. From knock-out dressesto chic day wear, the new collec-tion has something for ladies ofall shapes and sizes.For a look guaranteed to turnheads this Christmas partyseason, this Jersey MaxiDress (pictured) in strikingred is the perfect choice.With the festive season justaround the corner, thiselegant, beautiful gown is asound wardrobe invest-ment and will ensure youlight up the room thisChristmas. Embrace yourcurves this season with alittle help from HollyWilloughby.

Zoe Talbot from Swords partici-pating the Irish Dance episodeof 'Pump Up My Dance' onMonday 29th October. Thisepisode is part of a series ofnine programmes currentlyairing on RTE 2 every Monday,each week features a differentdance style.

PortmarnockGets Ready ForWinter ShowPortmarnock Musical andDramatic Society are delighted toannounce that their latest play thisyear is “An Inspector Calls” byJ.B.Priestley. This will be staged inthe Portmarnock Sports & LeisureCentre on November 7th to 10th, at8:00 pm each evening. Admissionis ¤12 with concessions at €10. The Birling family are rich,pampered and complacent. It is1912, and the shadow of theimpending war has yet to fall

across their lives. As they sit downto dinner one night, celebratingthe engagement of the eldestchild, Sheila, to prosperous busi-nessman Gerald, a knock at thedoor announces the arrival of avisitor who will change their livesforever. The visitor is a policeinspector, who announces he isinvestigating the suspicious deathof a young woman. As he ques-tions each member of the family,years of secrets and lies arerevealed and the family soon findthemselves wondering who themysterious inspector really is –and how he knows so much about them. It all sounds to goodto miss!

Memorial Concert In MillbankThe Colette Dowling Memorial Concert in aid ofCystic Fibrosis Association will take place atthe Millbank Theatre in Rush on Saturday, 3rdNovember at 8.15pm. The admission is €15.The concert will feature Rinceoil Fingal,Tumbleweed, the Anne Coffey School ofDancing, Ray and Aido Lawlor, Kevin Meehan,Sarah Fennell, Paul and Grace Dowling, KevinBrannigan and Aideen Morrissey. It sounds likea brilliant concert, not to be missed and for anexcellent cause.

Lotto Winnerreturns to workA Suffolk man who wona £148m Euromillionsjackpot is becoming asfamous for his down-to-earth attitude. AdrianBayford, 41, has goneback to work at hismusical instrumentstore in Suffolk. TheBayfords, won thesecond largest lotteryjackpot in British historyin August, and cele-brated with takeawaypizzas. They are stillliving in the same four-bedroom detachedhouse and went on acaravan holiday recentlyto Scotland.

ENGLANDWacky World

Bethany SupportGroup In Swords Swords Bethany Bereavement Support Group is avoluntary services for the bereaved people of the NorthCounty.The support group meets on the second and lastMonday of every month in the Parish Office at 42 NorthStreet from 8.30 pm to 9.30pm. Anyone suffering thepain of loss through bereavement is most welcome toattend these meetings. Group discussion or support ona one-to-one basis is available. This is a free and confi-dential service. Home visits can be arranged in certaincircumstances.The group is affiliated to the national network ofBethany Bereavement Support Groups. Their membersare trained to listen and help people to understand andcome to terms with their loss. For more informationabout Bethany branches nationwide, google BethanyBereavement Support.

Set DancingClasses InSwordsKinsealy Comhaltas arerunning set danceclasses on Tuesdaynights from 8-9pm in theupstairs bar of theCarnegie Court Hotel inSwords. Classes are €5or a special discountedrate of €2 for students.Dancers of all levels arewelcome. For informa-tion, contact Celine on0879015158.

Battle Of BalbrigganA White Collar Boxing Contest will take placebetween O’Dwyers GAA Club and BalbrigganRugby Club on Friday 2nd November in TheWright Venue, Swords. Volunteer participantsare required and if you would like to take partplease contact 085-1173361 for further informa-tion. There is also Bingo every Wednesday Nightat 8.45 pm in O’Dwyers GAA clubhouse inBalbriggan, where great prizes can be won.Everyone is welcome to come along.

RinceoilFingalClasses on Tuesdaynights. Attempting tostart a beginner guitarand a sean-nósdancing class; or call Lenny 087-6307324 if you areinterested.

An evening of One Act Plays willbe presented by Rush DramaticSociety and Skerr ies TheatreG r o u p t o d a y , T u e s d a y 3 0 t h

O c t o b e r a t 8 . 3 0 p m . ‘ T h eProblem’ by A R Gurney Jr. and‘Holy Mary’ by Eoin Colfer. Thetwo Comedies will be showcasedbefore the upcoming One ActD r a m a F e s t i v a l C i r c u i t . Y o u ra t t e n d a n c e w o u l d b e m u c happreciated. Admission is €5.00

One Act Plays At Millbank

Concert AtMillbankThe Colette DowlingMemorial Concert in aid ofCystic Fibrosis Associationwill be held in theMillbank Theatre onSaturday 3rd November at8.15 pm. Tickets are €15and can be bought bycontacting the MillbankTheatre on 8437475.

Open MicNight InSwordsOn Thursday, 22ndNovember next, a thirdOpen Mic Night will beheld in Dowler’s WineBar, Swords. OrganiserKen Duffy expects thisevent to be assuccessful as theprevious two. “Thefunction of The OpenMic Night is to providea comfortable easyatmosphere for SongWriters, Poets andShort Story Writers inwhich to relax, chilland entertain withtheir works. If you areof a nervous disposi-tion regardingstanding in front ofpeople, don’t worry,just show up, see whatyou think, and if youfeel like it, it’s fine. Ifnot, just sit back andenjoy the night,” hesaid.

16 30.10.2012North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper

County Clubbers Is Now Online

Cristina Toma &Carlos Oliveira

Dana & DianaArcibasovba

and also on Facebook!Pics: Derek O’Mara

County Clubbers was

in back in Swords last

weekend at Rougenightclub.

There was a buzz about the place

and great music aswell. A big

shout out to Roisin Marley who

celebrated her hen night.

Gareth Long, CaroilineWalsh, Stephen Walsh

Diana Toma, Dragos Rotaru, Kennedy Onu, Alina Cojcariu

Sarah-Jane Morley& Amy O'Neil

Saoirse O'reilly, CarinaBolgert, Jessica Pantestre

Meabh Doolan, Louise Kavanagh, Laura Arnold

Sinead Costello, AineSmith, Deirdre McKenna

Corina Zambra & Darren O'Loughlin

Roisin Marley, ValarieByrne, Hillary Dowdall

Agnis Zibergs & Marta Irbe

Stephen Pepper& Peter Keane.

Marie Marley, YvonneCasserly, Michelle Smyth

Jennifer Leavy, DeirdreHammond, Laura Gunning

Gavin Cosgrove, Ross Heeney, Gary Ward

17North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper30.10.2012

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It’s getting very close tothat time of year again.Many couples, families,clubs, societies andcompanies from aroundthe North County arebooking their Christmasparties. There are avariety of venues, trans-port, entertainment,stayover and diningoptions available in localarea. With plentifulchoices for clothing, hairand beauty also, makethis party one toremember for years to

come. The CountyLeader has some recom-mendations on how toparty in style this festiveseason:


There are many optionsaround the North Countyto book your Christmasparty. Keep in mind thetime, date, the numberof people and yourbudget. These will bethe main factors thatwill help you decide

which venue is right foryou, whether it be acorporate party or anintimate dinner. Manyvenues will run offers fora set menus, drinksspecials and differententertainment options.There is often specialdiscount for largergroups, for earlybooking and for book-ings on a weekday. Ifyou are booking a largerparty, remember to takeadvantage of decora-tions already available

at the venue around theholiday period, whichcan save you time andmoney.


Pre-arranging transportin advance of yourChristmas party cansave any delays on busyfestive nights. Usinglocal taxi companies orconsidering mini-bushire may be a goodplace to start. However,if your budget is a littlelarger, splurging on alimousine or party buscan add some extraamusement to your bignight. Similarly, as withvenues, many compa-nies will offer specialdiscounts for advancebookings or groups.


Some hotels offer agreat value packagessuch as ‘Dinner & Show’or ‘B&B, Dinner &Show’. These packagescan be a lovely way tospend your party - an

entire evening of fun,food and entertainment,along with a relaxingovernight stay in a hotel.Another option is to addsome excitement isplanning a themednight. Your choices arelimitless from60s/70s/80s themes,Winter Wonderland,Black and White Ball,Casino Night, livecomedy or some interac-tive entertainment. Ifyour venue does nothave in-house entertain-ment, consider bookinga local DJ or live band.

Food and Drink

Whether you like a tradi-tional Christmas dinnerwith all the trimmings,or prefer to indulge inyour favourite Asiancuisine, your options arewide-ranging in theNorth County. Popularthis year at manyvenues is a pre-dinner‘Winter Cocktail Hour’offering seasonallyappropriate drinks atreception, such asmulled wine, hotwhiskey, or hot choco-late.

Christmas Stay Over

Imagine checking in onChristmas Eve to achampagne receptionfor a fabulous stress-free, luxury Christmasbreak. You deserve it!Whether it be a romanticescape for two or afamily fun-filled celebra-tion, sit back and let thehotel do all the hardwork. Have yourChristmas meal andentertainment providedfor you, with no worriesabout cooking, washingdishes or tidying up.Spoil yourself in aChristmas spa treatmentor simply enjoy the hotelfacilities. When youcheck out on St.Stephen’s Day, feelingfully refreshed, you canjoin extended family andfriends at home for morecelebration. There are

many hotels who caterfor a Christmas stay overand early booking isrecommended as this isfast becoming a verypopular way to spendChristmas.


Embrace the Christmascheer with sequinnedparty dresses, andglitter or studded heels.On more formal occa-sions, consider anevening gown in beau-tiful winter colours suchas navy, red, deeppurple or black. For

men, look sharp in anew suit and tie. Ladies,don’t forget your hair,make-up and tan! Onthis special occasion, leta professional do thework for you. A trip tothe local hairdresser orbeautician can makesure the night goes offwithout a hitch. Follow our tips to makesure your Christmasparty or stay over, nomatter how big or small,is a huge success. Wine,dine and dance thenight away and cele-brate the end of anothergreat year!

Advertising Feature

Fingal County CouncilI, James Farrell, intend to applyfor planning permission for thedevelopment at this siteaddress: 5 The Nurseries,Forest Road, Swords, Co.Dublin. The development willconsist of conversion of existingattic space to storage room with newdormer extension to side to house thestairwell. Upward facing velux stylewindows on extension and two numberroof lights to rear of extention dwellingplus associated site works.The planning application may beinspected or purchased at a fee notexceeding the reasonable cost ofmaking a copy at the offices of the plan-ning authority during its public openinghours and a submission or observationmay be made to the authority in writingon payment of the prescribed fee (€20)within the period of 5 weeks beginningon the date of receipt by the authority ofthis application.

Fingal County CouncilWe Tony and Phil Lambe, intend to applyfor planning permission for developmentat this site address: 35 Inbhir Ide,Malahide, Co. Dublin. The developmentwill consist of a ground floor extensionto the side of existing dwelling and willprovide for the provision of a newbedroom and bathroom.The planning application may beinspected or purchased at a fee notexceeding the reasonable cost ofmaking a copy at the offices of the plan-ning authority during its public openinghours and a submission or observationmay be made to the authority in writingon payment of the prescribed fee (€20)within the period of 5 weeks beginningon the date of receipt by the authority ofthis application.

Fingal County CouncilPlanning permission sought forDetached Storey and a half 4 Bedroomdwelling garage and waste water treat-ment system on site adjoining existingfamily home with new shared access atKnightstown Lusk Co Dublin for RuthChillingworth this planning applicationmay be inspected or purchased at afeenot exceeding the reasonable cost ofmaking a copy at the offices of the plan-ning authority during normal publicopening hours and a submission orobservation in relation to the applicationmay be made in writing to the planningauthority on payment of the prescribedfee of 20 euro within the period of fiveweeks beginning on the date of receiptby Fingal County Councilof this application. Signed Thomas JFinn

Fingal County CouncilPermission is sought to relocate existingpercolation area from site 2 to site 1 andconstruct a new storey anda half style dormer dwelling completewith new secondary treatment system,percolation area and associated siteworks utilising enhanced existing vehic-ular entrance on site 2. atMargaretstown, Skerries for JohnFlemmingThe planning application may beinspected or purchased at a fee notexceeding the reasonable cost ofmaking a copy, at the offices of Fingal

County Council, County Hall, Main St,Swords, Co. Dublin, during its publicopening hours. A submission or obser-vation in relation to the application maybe made in writing to the PlanningAuthority on payment of the prescribedfee, €20, within the period of 5 weeksbeginning on the date of receipt by theauthority of the application, and suchsubmissions or observations will beconsidered by the Planning Authority inmaking a decision on the application.The Planning Authority maygrant permission subject to orwithout conditions, or mayrefuse to grant permission.

Fingal County CouncilPatrick Bobbett and HeidiHolden intend to apply for plan-ning permission on overall landsof 15.3 hectares (37.8 acres) atJuliasdale Organic Farm, Raheny,Lusk, Co. Dublin. The develop-ment will facilitate the ongoingoperation of this ‘bona fide’ ruralbusiness as an organic foodproduction based interpretativeand educational communityresource including farm invest-ment, crop/livestock diversifica-tion, farm security and generalfarm improvements includingboundary treatments, drainageand biodiversity enhancement.The development will consist ofthe construction of a threebedroom (straw bale rendered)dormer dwelling, new vehicularaccess, associated car parking,landscaping, boundary treat-ments, on site constructedwetland WwTp system and allancillary site development worksincluding pedestrian linkages toexisting organic food productionenterprise, farm yard and build-ings. The planning applicationmay be inspected or purchased afee not exceeding the reasonablecost of making a copy at theoffices of the planning authority(County Hall, Main Street,Swords, Co. Dublin) during itspublic opening hours (9.30-16.30Monday to Friday). A submissionor observation in relation to theapplication may be made inwriting to the Planning authorityon payment of the prescribed fee(€20) within the period of 5weeks beginning on the date ofreceipt by the authority of theapplication. The PlanningAuthority may grant permissionsubject to or without conditions,or may refuse to grant permis-sion.

Fingal County CouncilPermission is sought fordetached bungalow, on-sitewaste water treatment unit andpercolation area & associatedsite works @ Oberstown, Lusk,Co. Dublin for Alan Rooney. The

planning application may be inspectedor purchased at a fee not exceeding thereasonable cost of making a copy at theoffices of the planning authority duringthe public opening hours and a submis-sion or observation in relation to theapplication may be made in writing tothe planning authority on payment ofthe prescribed fee (20 euros), within theperiod of 5 weeks, beginning on the dateof receipt by Fingal County Council of theapplication.

18 30.10.2012North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper


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Attention Home Owners, Architects & Builders

Fingal County Council Planning Application Adverts are

FREENorth County Leader, Your No.1 Local Newspaper

are happy to announce that we are now accepting Planning Application Adverts for the following areas:

Balbriggan, Balrothery, Skerries, Lusk, Rush, Loughshinny,Ballyboughal, Naul, Portrane, Donabate, Swords, Kinsealy,

Malahide and Portmarnock

Adverts must be supplied by email toplanning@northcountyleader.ieor by can also post your advert on a disk toNorth County Leader, Leader House, North Street, Swords, Co. Dublin

PLANNING Next Issue:Tuesday,


planning@northcountyleader.ieplanning@northcountyleader.iePlease submit your planning notices to:

before 5.30pm every Thursday, in order for the application toappear in the following issue of North County Leader.A receipt will be issued when your planning notice is received.Please retain this receipt as proof of submission.

APPLICATIONSRecent published deaths from the North County

CORCORAN, James Edward (Sutton and Howth-Sutton LionsClub) - sadly missed by his loving wife, family, son-in-lawJohn, daughters-in-law Kate, Jennifer and Marion, grandchil-dren Sarah, Ciara, Lisa, James, Neave, Aimee, Robert, Kate,Ellen and Jane, sisters-in-law Renee, Pamela and Kay,brother-in-law Vincent, all nephews, nieces, relatives andfriends.

CLIFFORD (Swords and Drogheda) - Susan, beloved mum ofShay and dear daughter of Michael and Anne; sadly missedby her loving son, heartbroken parents, brothers Paul andBarry, sister Fiona, sister-in-law Rachel, nieces Ellie and Ria,stepmother Bettina, aunts, uncles, cousins, relatives and alarge circle of friends.

FULLERTON (Skerries, Co. Dublin, Ex Stena Line) - Dorothy,(peacefully) sadly missed by her brother Maurice, nieceAlison, nephew Mark, grandnephews Alexander and Georgeand a large circle of friends.

MACKEN (nee Kelly) (Skerries, Co. Dublin)- Annie (Nancy) sadly missed by her loving family, sonsFrank, Eugene, Thomas, Michael and Gerard, daughterMarie, daughters-in-law, son-in-law, children, relatives andfriends.

WALSH (nee Morgan) (Craoibhin Park, Balbriggan) -Catherine (Kay) deeply regretted by her loving husbandFintan, children Jim, Margaret, Sonny, Fergus, Joe, Mary,Myles, Brendan, Pat, Fran and Martin, brother Gerry, sisterCarmel, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, sons-in-law,daughters-in-law, brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, nieces,nephews, relatives and a large circle of friends.

DEANE, Phyllis (nee Gorman) (Sutton, Co. Dublin) - sadlymissed by her loving husband Frank, daughters Ciara, Fionaand Orla, son Cathal, sons-in-law Ed, Neil, Paul and Stuart,grandchildren Conor, Cian, Tadhg, Hannah and Louis,brother Kevin, sister-in-law Maureen, relatives and friends.

Dear Heart of Jesus in thepast I have asked you formany favours. This time,

I ask you for a veryspecial one. Take it DearHeart of Jesus and place

it within your brokenheart, where your father

sees it. Then in hismerciful eyes it will

become your favour andnot mine. Amen.


Dear Heart of Jesus in thepast I have asked you formany favours. This time,

I ask you for a veryspecial one. Take it DearHeart of Jesus and place

it within your brokenheart, where your father

sees it. Then in hismerciful eyes it will

become your favour andnot mine. Amen.


Miracle Prayer Miracle Prayer

North CountyClassifieds

1. Email your advert to us at

2. Fax your advertisement to us at (01) 8400 550

3. Just pop into our office on North Street, Swordswith your advertisement.

4. Log onto www.north

4 ways toplace yourFREEprivateClassified

JANE Double Buggyfor sale excellentcondition. Ph: 0863491973BABY Elegenceswinging crib/cradle.In excellent condi-tion, used only for 5weeks. Pine in colourselling for €80. Ph: 0831233268

3 BEDROOMhouse/furnished,parking for 2 cars; atgood price. Allmodern amenities,spacious front andback garden.Including free satellite, Ph: 086 4088684 or086 840356

LOTUS Elise for sale,year 2000, engine1.8L, regularlyserviced. For real carlovers. In very goodengine, gear box andgeneral condition.Only 2 owners. Ph: 086 4088684

For Sale



19North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper30.10.2012


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20 30.10.2012North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper