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Northbrook Presbyterian Church May 25, 2014

Welcome to Northbrook!

We are glad you’re here and thankful for the opportunity to worship with you and to share the Good News of Jesus Christ.

We seek to be an open, rational and compassionate people, learning each week what it means to live the love of Jesus Christ in worship and work, in word and deed.

“Everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” ~ John 13:35

LIFE IN THE COMMUNITY OF FAITH Please sign and pass the Welcome Register along your row and back. Please note joys and concerns on the Prayer Request Cards and place them in the offering.

* CALL TO WORSHIP Penny & Evan Willey

* OPENING SONGS—Here I Am to Worship see below

—Holy is the Lord see next page

PRAYER OF RECONCILIATION One: Risen Christ, hear the prayers of our hearts, not the dull confusion of our minds. All: Hear the tears we will not shed, the grief we hide in busyness, and bring your resurrecting love, weaving new life. One: Risen Christ, hear the prayers of our hearts, not the words of foolish boasting. All: Hear the doubts within our souls, dark denials freezing action, and shine your resurrection light, revealing new life. One: Risen Christ, hear the prayers of our hearts, not the fear we hide behind. All: Hear the longing for a fairer world, for God’s justice and compassion, and bring your resurrection power, enabling new life.

—Silent prayer—


* THE PEACE As we are reconciled to God and to one another, share a sign of Christ’s peace and love with your neighbor.

-----Children are invited go to KIDS’ Connection at this time.-----

SONG—Behold I Make All Things New (2 x) Behold, behold I make all things new, beginning with you and starting from today. Behold, behold I make all things new, my promise is true, for I am Christ the way.

SCRIPTURE READING—Luke 5:1-11 The Message


Dana DeCarteret, Claire Higley, Natalia McIntyre, Brooke Sandercock, Carson Sowle, Grant Tengler

SONG—Amazing Grace, My Chains are Gone Newton, Tomlin & Giglio

Amazing Grace, My Chains are Gone (cont. from previous page)

SERMON—Raised to Discipleship Rev. Marjorie Wilhelmi

Colossians 3:12-17 The Message


AFFIRMATION OF FAITH—Apostles’ Creed Ecumenical Version

I believe in God the Father Almighty, creator of heaven and earth. I believe in Jesus Christ, God’s only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit,

born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried; he descended to the dead. On the third day he rose again; he ascended into heaven, he is seated at the right hand of the Father, and he will come to judge the living and the dead.

I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen.


OFFERTORY SOLO Jalen Seawright

* DOXOLOY 605—Praise to God the Father Hymnal



* SENDING SONG 69—I, the Lord of Sea and Sky (Here I am, Lord) Hymnal



* Please stand if you are able.

CCLI license 1018801


Liturgists: Penny & Evan Willey Director of Music: Todd Sager

Praise Band: Dan Gross as leader, percussion, guitar Visuals: Cheryl Ardis

Nic Cutean on guitar, Pete Zajicek on piano Sound: Dave Vander Weide

Soloist: Jalen Seawright Sanctuary Door Greeter: Phyllis Klinger

Center Door Greeter: Portia McDonald Ushers: Bill and Barb Stetson

Coffee Hour: The Congregational Life Committee, Connie Jordan and Judy Owen

Chancel Flowers: Placed by Joyce Hamburg in memory of loved ones no longer with us.

PRAYER REQUESTS Please pray for: The family and friends of Mary Brown who passed away on Thursday, May 22, 2014 in Florida, Margaret Babb, Mary Sandercock, Harry and Georgenia Keoleian, Helen Chapman, Florence Smith, Bill Gadsby, Ruth Thomas, Helene and Ray Mills

In addition, the Board of Deacons requests prayers for: Church members whose last names begin with the letter A, kids and leaders in the Where in the World youth program and KIDS’ Connection teachers.

Please continue to pray for those with health or personal issues. If a member’s name has been inadvertently left off this list, please notify the church office. Also, let the church know when a member is entering the hospital or might like a supportive phone call.

MEMORIAL DAY OFFICE CLOSURE The Northbrook Church office will be closed on Monday, May 26 in observance of

Memorial Day. Regular office hours will resume on Tuesday, May 27.


Dana is in eighth grade at Berkshire Middle School. She grew up in Royal Oak, Michigan and now lives in Beverly Hills. Dana enjoys taekwondo, skiing, swimming, boating, running, reading, volunteering and volleyball.

She lives with her mom, Mary, dad, Steve, sister, Kelsey, and two fat cats, Bear and Jojo. Her favorite vacation spots are cold, away from town, out in the wilderness, up north type places like Vermont and Colorado.

At Northbrook, she participates in Mid Highs, 1Friday, Sunday worship, helping in KIDS’ Connection and with coffee hour.

Some of her favorite mission activities are collecting Pop tabs for Ronald McDonald House, cans for Gleaners can drives and working at Forgotten Harvest.

Claire Higley Claire is in seventh grade at Berkshire Middle School. She grew up in Beverly Hills, Michigan. Claire’s main hobby is softball. She also plays volleyball. In her free time, she likes to go outside if it is nice or she likes to draw.

Claire has a mom and dad, two brothers Nate (15) and Owen (8) and a dog named Pippi.

She has been to many places because her family loves to travel. Her favorite vacation was probably to Sedona, Arizona. Her family hiked and saw the Grand Canyon and other amazing things. Claire has been a Where in the World Kid since the program began. She has

sung Christmas Carols at nursing homes, made Easter baskets for children whose parents are in jail, participated in the Angel Tree gifts and in many more mission projects.

Natalia McIntyre Natalia is in eighth grade at Berkshire Middle School. She grew up in Detroit and Beverly Hills, Michigan. Her hobbies are running and reading. In her free time, she likes making art and climbing trees. In her family, she has her Mom and Dad, her brothers, Carlos, Diego and Nick, their bunny Max and Daisy their dog.

Natalia’s favorite vacation was when she went with her family to climb a few times and her cousin came from D.C. and they hung out a lot.

Natalia has participated in many mission activities: the Angel tree gifts, the shelter making food, Easter baskets and lots more.

Brooke Sandercock Brooke is an eighth grader at Berkshire Middle School in the Birmingham Public Schools. She has grown up in Beverly Hills, Michigan. Her hobbies include playing soccer, volleyball, golf and painting. Brooke has a Mom diagnosed with breast cancer in 2008 and a Dad, two sisters, Jojo who is 17 and Cassidy who is 18 and four amazing grandparents.

Her favorite vacation was a trip to Kauai, Hawaii.

Brooke has been active in mission work since she was in early elementary school. Some of the things she has been involved in are serving at the soup kitchen, making Easter baskets for children whose parents are in jail, SOS, caroling at the nursing home, raking leaves, the angel tree at Christmas, gleaners bags, empty

bowls and Ryan Rocks Outdoor Adventures. Brooke has been active in the Where in the World Kids program since it began.

Carson Sowle

Carson is an eighth grader at Berkshire Middle School. He grew up in Beverly Hills. Carson enjoys Boy Scouts, hanging out with friends and playing video games.

He has two brothers, Clark (11) and Cooper (5) and a mom and dad. His favorite vacation was to Mackinaw City last summer when they met with family they hadn’t seen in a long time.

Carson has participated in many mission activities: preparing coffee hour, filling Easter baskets, Where in the World Kids programs and raking

people’s yards.

Grant Tengler Grant is in the eighth grade at Orchard Lake Middle School. He grew up in West Bloomfield, Michigan. Grant likes playing video games, baseball and hanging out with friends.

He has two younger brothers, Hunter and Colin. His Mom and Dad both support him in whatever he chooses to do.

Grant’s favorite vacation was to Disney World in Orlando, Florida.

Grant has participated in many mission activities such as Rebuilding Together, walking for the youth center, building bikes and more. He has participated in camp and will be going on the Mission Trip this summer.

THANK YOU Thank you so very much to Michael Campion for the beautiful handcrafted crosses he created for each of the confirmands. They are made of rare Brazilian rosewood and are a wonderful gift for their confirmation.

WHO SHOULD BE ABLE TO SAY “I DO”? WHAT WOULD JESUS SAY? - TODAY To help all of us come to terms with what we believe and to understand more clearly what our faith teaches, you are invited to join Pastor Marjorie for a scripture-guided discussion about Who Should Be Able to Say “I Do”? on Sundays at 11:30 a.m. in the Library. Our first discussion was last Sunday and will continue today and run approximately 5 more weeks. After worship, grab your coffee and come prepared to prayerfully discuss and humbly explore this important topic.

BRUNCH BUNCH—TODAY Join us today, May 25 at 11:45 a.m. at Hogan’s Restaurant for food and fellowship following worship. Please see Mary Lou Harrison with questions. In June and July, Brunch Bunch will meet at a new location. Please see future bulletins for details on new locations.

SENIOR HIGHS M&M FUNDRAISER Please help the Senior High’s raise money for their Mission Trip to Cumberland, Maryland. Remember to return your mini M&M tubes filled with as many quarters as you can by Sunday, June 1.

THE STORY OF CHRISTIANITY CLASS RESUMES Pastor Marjorie’s bible study class, The Story of Christianity has resumed, and the remaining two classes will be on Wednesday, May 28 and Wednesday, June 4 in the Library from 10:00—11:30 a.m. or 6:45—8:15 p.m.

CALLING ALL GRADUATES It is time for celebrating graduation milestones. Graduation Sunday is Sunday, June 8. If you or your family member will be a 2014 high school, college and/or graduate school graduate, please contact the church office with their name, degree and school information. We will recognize the graduates during the service, and all are invited to a special coffee hour following worship in their honor.

FORT STREET OPEN DOOR Please join us on Thursday, May 29 for a morning of mission at Fort Street Open Door Ministry in Detroit. Meet in the church parking lot at 8:00 a.m., and we will carpool in the church van. Please contact Seglinda Kelle-Pritchard at (248) 626-6514 with questions.

NORTHBROOK GARAGE SALE: JUNE 26—JUNE 28 Now is the time to check your calendar and donate some time to work on the garage sale. A sign-up sheet is in Fellowship Hall. We will be accepting your donations in May on Sundays after worship until 1:00 p.m. and on Thursdays from 4:00-7:00 p.m. Call Judy Owen at (248) 851-6725 if you need a pick up. Thank you for helping make this a success!

GENERAL ASSEMBLY INVITATION On Saturday, June 14, General Assembly begins its week in Detroit. It is very close to being a once in a lifetime experience. They are still in need of hundreds of volunteers. As a volunteer, many of the events are open to you as a visitor. Please take the time and go to the Presbytery of Detroit website at to follow the link for General Assembly and see how you might help put a hospitable face on Detroit.

The opening ceremony is not to be missed, so we have decided to take the church van, and other cars if needed, down to Cobo Hall to worship with thousands of other Presbyterians. For this event, all are welcome. We will leave on Saturday, June 14 around 10:00 a.m. for the 11:00 a.m. service. If you would like to join us, please see Kathy Bauhof or contact her at

NORTHBROOK FOOD DRIVE CONTINUES Please support the presbytery-wide food drive for Gleaners Food Bank during May. Place your donations of non-perishable food (no glass please) in the collection box in Fellowship Hall.

NORTHBROOK BABY CARE KIT DRIVE The Presbyterian Women of Northbrook and the Mission Connection Committee are coordinating a Baby Care Kit drive for the 2014 Church World Service Kit In Gathering in late June. Donations of baby care kit items need to be new and for 12 months or under in size. A collection crib is located outside Fellowship Hall. Collections will run through Sunday, June 22. The needed items are:

cloth diapers t-shirts or undershirts (not onesies) sweaters or sweatshirts washcloths gowns or sleepers diaper pins receiving blankets



The Deacons are hosting a special birthday celebration for Corinne Abatt on Sunday, June 1 during Coffee Hour. We hope you can join us to celebrate a milestone for this amazing church member.

SUNDAY, May 25—Confirmation Sunday 9:00 a.m. Worship Rehearsal 9:15 a.m. Adult Bible Study 10:15 a.m. Worship 10:15 a.m. KIDS’ Connection 11:30 a.m. Pastor’s Bible Study: Who Should be Able to Say “I Do”? in the Library

MONDAY, May 26—Memorial Day OFFICE CLOSED 8:00 p.m. AA Mtg.—Men’s Group

WEDNESDAY, May 28 10:00—11:30 a.m. Pastor’s Bible Study: History of Christianity cont. 6:45—8:15 p.m. Pastor’s Bible Study: History of Christianity cont. 7:00 p.m. Knit Wits

THURSDAY, May 29 8:00 a.m. Fort Street Open Door

SUNDAY, June 1 9:00 a.m. Worship Rehearsal 9:15 a.m. Adult Bible Class 10:15 a.m. Worship & Communion 11:30 a.m. Pastor’s Bible Study: Who Should be Able to Say “I Do”? in the Library 4:00—6:00 p.m. Mid Highs

*** Deadline to turn in M&M coins for Youth Mission Trip fundraiser ***

This Week at Northbrook

Office Hours Monday—Thursday: 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Friday: 9:00 a.m.—12:00 p.m.

Worship: Sundays at 10:15 a.m.

More news and calendar information can be found online at

Northbrook Presbyterian Church 22055 W. Fourteen Mile Road Beverly Hills, Michigan 48025

Telephone (248) 642-0200 Fax (248) 642-7495 Rev. Marjorie Wilhelmi, Pastor