Northern Region Bulletin, Fall 2011

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NJ FBLA Northern Region Newsletter, Fall Edition


Northern Region

the bulletin

CHAPTER SPOTLIGHT: Lyndhurst FBLA…………….…..2

CHAPTER SPOTLIGHT: Hanover Park FBLA…......….3

Member Editorial by Angela Sammarone.…….................4

official publication of NJ FBLA § volume I § fall, 2011

an update on the new year in NJ FBLA and the Regional Vice President’s Breakfast from your Northern Region VP

by Swet Patel Welcome back Northern Region! Are you ready for the 2011-2012 year? Each year our organization breaks barriers, and I am confident this year will be no different. There are still many things members should keep their heads up for, such as the Regional Competition Sessions! I highly encourage chapters to attend because they help to build leaders and give members stronger networking skills. It is never too early to start studying and I am sure that preparation for

these intense competitions will soon ensue in full force! There will also be a Northern Region VP Breakfast located at Parsippany Hills High School. Please come out and make it to the breakfast, as you will not regret it. The Breakfast will consist of regional bonding and it will be an opportunity for members to learn from other chapters and their experiences. The purpose of our region is to mold and sculpt leaders. Currently, there is a Northern

Region Facebook Group where members can add their input in matters. I highly encourage more members to join the group! Additionally, I am working on a Regional Chapter President Council where chapters could collaborate with one another. If any chapter president is interested, please contact me. Northern Region, you are the Key to Success, so please voice any questions you have because my job is to represent the heart of our organization: the members.

RIGHT: Swet Patel, Laura Sorice, Yash

Patel. “Nationals was one of the most

amazing experiences of my life,” said Swet. “I simply cannot wait for next year’s NLC in San Antonio, Texas!”




Lyndhurst FBLA

LHS FBLA, a small, but dedicated group of future business leaders, is slowly beginning to make their mark as a contributing chapter in New Jersey FBLA. For the past couple of years, our chapter has slowly been growing in numbers and we have been increasing our participation at the regional, state, and national levels.

This year, LHS FBLA is placing a large emphasis on competition. We have always had a large number of students attend the regional conference as an exploratory, “Get to Know FBLA” activity. This year, through our dedicated officer team and our illustrious adviser, Mr. Fuschetto, we are helping all competitors to better prepare for their competitive events in order to increase our presence at the

Chapter Spotlight:

regional and state levels.

“Increasing our presence at Regionals will boost our chances of sending more members to States and hopefully Nationals,” said President Thiago Fernandes.

It is also essential that we participate in a variety of fundraising activities throughout the year, so that we can participate in conferences and competitions. Treasurer Nicolette Fata stated that March of Dimes based fundraisers have proved to be successful for other chapters

and, as a growing chapter, we have an obligation to help.

The chapter is also planning to create an Ultimate Frisbee tournament this year. This recreational game, played during gym classes, has been increasing in popularity among the LHS student body and other schools as well. If you have had the pleasure of meeting our chapter you probably have seen us out in the courtyard at Mercer County College in January tossing the Frisbee and having some fun. We plan to welcome other chapters to establish a team and join our tournament this year.

Although LHS may be a school of only approximately 640 students, you can expect to hear great things about them in New Jersey FBLA over the coming years.

“This is a new beginning for our chapter, and I am very thankful for my current officer team, as we would not be here without them,” said Mr. Fuschetto.

Christopher Gold (

Angela Sammarone (

Nicolette Fata (

Ravi Shah (

Victoria Barnaskas (

Kesha Gandhi (

Brooke Knutsen (

Courtney Knutsen (

President: Thiago Fernandes (

LEFT: Four members of Lyndhurst FBLA attended the National Leadership Conference: Reagan Herman, Thiago Fernandes, Angela Sammarone, and Victoria Barnaskas.

Want to write for the Bulletin? Contact your Communication Director, SOHUM PAWAR, at!


Hanover Park FBLA As the new school year swings into action at Hanover Park High School, the FBLA chapter is preparing for another exciting year! As one of the largest, most vibrant student groups on campus, the HP FBLA organizes a variety of fundraisers and bake sales, and also participates in charity walks to benefit the March of Dimes. Last year, the more than 180 members of the HP FBLA also enjoyed a number of significant competitive successes with thirteen members placing at the Regional Competitive Events, five placing at the 2011 SLC, and two members even placing in the top


Hanover Park FBLA

Chapter Spotlight:

five in their respective events at the 2011 NLC in Orlando! We were also recognized at the SLC as the Largest Local Chapter in the Northern Region! This year, the HP FBLA is eager to continue this tradition of success! We plan on continuing to implement our chapter-wide point system, which rewards our members’ enthusiastic participation, with points that count towards our year-end trip to Six Flags Great Adventure. Thanks to the point system, we saw a notable improvement in overall member involvement last year, and we’re eager to bring it back for another year! Increasing member involvement and continuing our

competitive success are just two of our many goals for the year! We’ve also enhanced member communication by launching a Facebook page and Twitter account, and are currently in the process of obtaining administrative approval for our soon-to-be-launched website and mobile web app! Our Publicity Committee will also help coordinate this goal. The HP FBLA is also exploring the possibility of starting Middle Level chapters at local middle schools, to give future HP students a taste of all that FBLA has to offer! Our brand-new officer team has already begun to conduct an in-depth analysis of past chapter activities, in order to enhance the opportunities we can offer to our members. As our President, Keval Ray, explained, “HP FBLA members are some of the most energetic people at HP, and so we’re constantly looking for new ways to channel that energy toward a brighter future for all of us!” The Hanover Park FBLA is very excited to continue our role as a member of the FBLA community, as we open up our own Gateway to Greatness!

President: Keval Ray (

Vice President: Liana Illutzi (

Secretary: Sophia Wang (

Treasurer: Andrew Guido (

Historian: Jiwoong Yoon (

Webmaster: Sohum Pawar (


Member Corner an editorial by Angela Sammarone

Is there a more rewarding feeling than to know that a project that you dedicated your heart and time was recognized on a national level? For me and my fellow competitors at Lyndhurst High School, our experience at this year’s National Conference was phenomenal, and one for our school’s record books. I became involved in FBLA as early as my freshman year, but did not develop a true passion for it until the end of my sophomore year. Watching two of my fellow classmates go to Nashville in 2010 made me realize that it is possible to have hard work pay off. Thiago Fernandes’s victory as a first place champion in Intro to Technology Concepts helped me to further realize that not only does dedication have a great result, but even a student from a small chapter as Lyndhurst can accomplish great things. The 2010 National Leadership Conference is what inspired me to dedicate myself to my project as a junior. I remember recalling myself sitting at home during the summer of 2010, watching the Awards Ceremony online, overwhelmed with nerves and the hopes that all of the Lyndhurst competitors would place. That is when I redoubled my commitment to FBLA to ensure that for the 2011 NLC, it would be me sitting in the audience of the conference center, waiting to hear my name being called. Dedication is not measured only

by the hours of work you put into a project, but the passion you have completing every last minute detail until the project is truly perfect. Though I did not place in my state event, I was given the opportunity by my chapter adviser, along with Thiago Fernandes and Tori Barnaskas, to propose that Lyndhurst FBLA go to Nationals as the representatives for New Jersey in the E-Commerce competition. The experience that the 2011 NLC gave me was one that will remain with me forever. Before attending the conference, I had little faith that I could do well in my competition. The excellent speakers and workshops gave me a new insight as to what I could achieve if I were to believe in myself. The actual presentation for our competition was by far, the most memorable aspect of the entire conference. No longer were a few judges in New Jersey judging me. Judges at the national level were now recognizing my work. I had five minutes to walk into the conference room, and deliver a national- worthy presentation to three strangers in the hopes that we would be victorious over all the others. Weeks of preparation all depended on one moment, in which nerves and determination were intertwined, making it an experience no one could forget. However, a first place trophy is not all you need to deem success.

Placing within the top 15 on a National Level is a great achievement in itself, and I can say with all honesty that I have never been prouder. I came into Nationals with the mindset that I would have a great time, but with doubt that I would not do well. Afterwards, I sat on the plane ride home from Orlando with a smile on my face, knowing that I had made new friends, tried my best at a National level competition and with the privilege of saying I attended the 2011 NLC, having the best experience of my life.


Angela Sammarone is currently a senior at Lyndhurst High School, and serves as Lyndhurst FBLA’s

Chapter Liaison. Joining FBLA as a freshman, Angela has proved

herself a dedicated member, by holding office positions within her chapter, and attending Regional,

State, and National levels of competition. This year she also

was inspired by her love for journalism to become one of NJ

FBLA’s Publicity Assistants. Outside of FBLA, Angela loves to

write for her school’s newspaper, play numerous sports, and is

hoping to study Education and Journalism in college.

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