Not Protectively Marked

Post on 27-Jun-2015

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This one-off short Policy Police story was done in response to a request to present to my directorate on this governmental nonsense. "And make it entertaining"


A Mind of Steve Production

In glorious colour

Policy Police in



I don’t know why I

volunteered for this job.

Internal Security. Not my

usual line of work at all.

Maybe I’m getting corporate

in my old age.

But hell, it’s a pay-check,


How come we got landed with all

this crap?

Some jerk from Military High Command got relieved of his


Was he lured into a honey trap by a

Turkish belly-dancer from Slough?

Nothing so exotic. He left

it in the washroom at King’s Cross.

What an asshole.

Cuz of him we’ve gotta mark

everything with a Security Code?

Fraid so.

…but you only need to mark

them if they’re sensitive.

Even emails.

Nobody ever sends me

sensitive emails.

It’s cuz nobody likes you.

We label all this stuff, but then

what? Where are the instructions for what to do next?

Ha. Ha.

The Enforcers will be moving in and

closing down channels as soon as they get the word.

…but in the meantime, just use your common sense.

Don’t take the HR database

home with you.

Use encrypted memory sticks.

No TOP SECRET text messages.


Not even if I want to spread

a rumour?.

You know the Agency doesn’t have a sense of


You’re nailed this time, Gosman.

This presentation isn’t protectively marked in the

footer. You’ve been exposed as the

hypocrite you are.

I’m freelancing. This isn’t an

official Agency presentation.

But if you decide to keep it, add “NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED at the
