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North Central RailwayOffice of the

IG cum ChiefSecurity CommissionerRPF/Allahabad

No. E/RPF/ASI-72/ALDI15 Dated 11.09.2015

Sr.DSC/RPFALD,.lHS , AgraStaff Officer to CSCASC/RPF/PS & ProsecutionRPF IHqrs/ Allahabad


Sub.- Selection for promotion to the rank: of Asstt. Sub Inspector/RPF under rule 72 ofRPF Rules 1987 in PB-I, Rs 52QO-20200+GP 2800/- in Executive Branch.

Selection for the filling up of vacancies of 35 posts (UR-29, SC-04 & ST-02) of Asstt. SubInspector/RPF in PB-I, Rs 5200-20200+GP 2800/- will be held shortly under rule 72 ofRPF Rules1987 read with schedule IV of RPF Rules 1987 and Modified Standing Order No. 87 issued byDG/RPF. All Head Constables/Constables, who have completed 10 year of service (includinginitial training period) as on 11.09.2015 in the Force are eligible to appear in the selection subjectto the condition that such eligibility to appear is confined to two chances only.

The candidate concerned may be intimated that the written test will be conducted on OMRsheet and all the questions will be MCQ (Multiple Choice Question) pattern. The candidates mayalso be informed regarding the Modified Standing Order No. 87. Wide publicity about theseselections should be given amongst all the eligible staff on roll (including those onsick/absentloverstay/suspension etc. or on deputation to other organization/departments) on properacknowledgement to avoid any future complications.

The eligible staff may be asked to submit their written application in duplicate in theformat vide Annexure' A' to their immediate incharges/Post in-charge to appear in the selectiontest within 10 days from the date of Notification. As such last date of submission of applicationto their controlling officer by eligible candidate will be 20.09.2015.

After last date of submission of application, the postiUnit in-charge (Unit means HQoffice, Trg. Centre, Clothing Store etc.) shall convey the number of candidates who havesubmitted application for appearing in the Selection Test and forward the original application ofthe candidates in duplicate to Sr. DSC office on next day i.e. 21.09.2015 for necessary scrutiny ofapplications.

To avoid entertaining late application at Post/Unit level, making diary entry of candidatessubmitting application may be ensured.

The concerned Divisional Authority/Unit Head (hereinafter called as "ControllingAuthority") on receipt of the application shall make proper scrutiny with the Service Record ofstaff to determine their eligibility. This scrutiny process shall be completed within two days timei.e. 21.09.2015 & 22.09.2015. On completion of scrutiny process, the Controlling Authority shallforward all applications of eligible staff on the proforma given below to CSCINCR along with a

certificate to the effect that "each eligible staff had been advised on proper acknowledgementabout the proposed selection and no other application have either been received or pending at hisend". They will also communicate number of candidates eligible to appear by RSMS to CSCINCRat the end of scrutiny on day two i.e. 22.09.2015.

The concerned Sr. DSC shall submit a detailed statement separately in following proformain Excel Format through email on e-rnail ID as well as hard copy insealed cover through Special Messenger to CSCINCR along with applications submitted by thestaff concerned latest by 25.09.2015.

SI Name Father's UlN Divn. Community DOB Date of DOA No. of attempts U/R 72of Name of enlistment for AS] has alreadystaff candidate exhausted

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 r-' 9 10

The updated Service Records as well as APARs of eligible candidates for the period from2010 to 2014-15 may be sent to CSCINCR office Allahabad latest by 30.09.2015.

In terms of Standing Order No. 87, all the eligible candidates have to bring their officialPhoto Identity Card in addition to the Command CertificatelMovement Order bearing signaturesof the candidates duly attested by PostlUnit in-charge to prevent impersonation. It is therefore,advised to ensure that necessary photo ID cards in favour of eligible willing candidates are issued,if not in possession.

The eligible staff concerned who applies to appear in the selection may also be advised tobe in readiness to appear in the selection test on short notice when called for. If any staff is onleave, sick etc. he/she may be advised through messenger and acknowledgement be kept in officefor record.

DA: one ~\.,~nf~k\

(Vinod Tiwari)Staff Officer

For IG cum Chief Security CommissionerRPF /Allahabad

Copy forwarded for information and necessary action -1. Chief Security Commissioner/RPF, E.R1y., Kolkata.2. General Secretary, AIRPFA, NCR/Allahabad.

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Application for the post of Asstt. Sub Inspector/RPF in scale Rs. 5200-20200/-&GP Rs.2800/-under rule 72 of RPFRules 1987 of North Central


( To be submitted in duplicate)

1. Full Name(in Block letter)

2. Designation

3. Category

4. Scale of pay Rs.

5. Place of posting, Division & Rly.

6. Date of Birth

7. Date of enlistment

8. Date of Appointment

9. Educational Qualification

10. Whether SC/ST

I certify that I have not availed 02 (Two)chances to appeared for theselection of ASIPF U/R 72 of RPFRulers 1987 and I am willing to work anywhere inmy zone, if selected.Place: Signature of applicant


Counter sign of Post/Unit incharge

Office of theNo. Date:

Forwarded to IG cum CSC/RPF/ALD.Theabove particulars given by the staffagainst Sr. No. 01 to 10 have been verified and found to be correct as per SR.Hehasnotavailed two chances for selection to the post of ASI/RPF(Executive) U/R 72 ofRPFRules 1987.

Sr. Divisional Security Commissioner

RPF/ /Railway