November 10, 2015 November - CUTR

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November 10, 2015




Austin Gibble

Ken Short

Sara Hendricks

Brian Pessaro

Uday Siramdasu

Ric Hartman

Matthew Kessler


CUTR Anniversaries

Steve Reich—16 yrs

Cecil Carter – 10 yrs

Jonathan Summerlin –3 yrs

Lorraine Barnett – 2 yrs

Erin Scheffels was recently hired to work with Julie Bond in the

TDM group. She is working towards her Ph.D. in Communication

Studies at USF with an expected graduation date of May, 2017. She

received her M.A. in Communication Studies from Central Michigan

University; her thesis was “Caring for the Caregiver: Online Support

Communities and the Navigation of Dialectical Tension”. She received

her B.A.A. from Central Michigan University with a Major in Interper-

sonal and Public Communication and a concentration in Organizational Communication

with a Minor in Advertising. She graduated Magna Cum Laude. Welcome, Erin!

Stefanie Smith is an undergraduate student majoring in Secondary

Math Education as well as pursuing a degree in Engineering. She is

currently working with Dr. Jang and Dr. Lee on the 2015 Florida

Rider Training Program (FRTP) Surveys as well as the Mentorship

Project with the motorcycle endorsement schools. She is a member

of the Theta Tau, a professional engineering fraternity. Welcome,


Stevenson Morency was born in Haiti and came to America at the

age of 4; he was raised in Miami. Studying is his main hobby as of

now but he also enjoys watching football and playing various sports.

He is a second year civil engineering student with a planned focus in

transportation. His top priority as of now is to gain as much experi-

ence as possible in his field before he graduates. His main goal is to

land a position right after graduation. Welcome, Stevenson!

Joshua Barillas is currently in his first semester of pursuing a

Master of Arts degree in Economics. He graduated in 2014 from the

University of South Florida with a Bachelor of Arts in Statistics and

Economics. During his undergraduate career, he was a member of the

University Conduct Board, Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity, and Omicron

Delta Epsilon, an economics honor society. His skills include econo-

metric modeling using statistical methodology and knowledge of

statistical methods such as linear models, multivariate methods, and factor analysis. He

will be working with Sisinnio Concas’s group. Welcome, Joshua!

AEGIS Timesheets

Pay period 11/06/15 to 11/19/15

AEGIS submission date is Friday,

November 13th at 10 am.

Pay period 11/20/15 to 12/03/15

AEGIS submission date is Tuesday,

December 1st at 10 am.

Alma Mater Days


PRIDE: Wear your favorite college t-

shirt, sweatshirt, and the like (must

display the College’s logo or name)

the first Friday of every month.

Friendly banter on performance of

affiliated sports teams or alumni news

is also highly encouraged. If you want

to add a banner or anything to your

door, that’s great too. Dress code

restrictions on sleeveless shirts,

shorts or sandals will remain en-

forced. Jeans can, of course, be worn

(with a reminder that a contribution

($1) is appreciated).


Alma Mater Days:

December 4


November 10 CUTR Managers Meeting, CUT207, 1:30 pm

November 11 USF Holiday—Veteran’s Day

November 19 International Potluck & CUTR Olympics, CUT102, 12:00 pm

November 26-27 USF Holiday — Thanksgiving break


November 13 Reliable Transportation Data is Staple to the Decision Making

Process in a Wide Variety of Disciplines in Pursuing Heightened

Levels of Accuracy and Efficiency; Technological Advances have

Evolved Data Collection as a Whole; Presenter: Jean-Paul Brissett,

Director of Operations, Quality Counts LLC

November 20 FAN Yingling SmarTrAC: A Smartphone for Context-Aware Travel

And Activity Capturing: Presenter: Fan Yingling, Associate Professor

University Minnesota

December 4 The Effect of Highway Congestion On an Economy’s Performance:

A New Perspective on the Benefits Of Ameliorating Traffic Delays;

Presenter: Clifford Winston, Professor, MIT


November 12 Determination of Success Factors for Logistics Activity Center (LAC)

Investments; Presenter: Seckin Ozkul, CUTR Research Associate


FDOT District 7 was honored with the 2015 National Roadway Safety award

for the Advanced Lighting Measurement System. Pei-Sung Lin will represent CUTR

on November 16th in Washington, DC to recognize CUTR’s effort on the development

of the Advanced Lighting Measurement System.

Seckin Ozkul moderated a freight education panel session and also presented his

research titled: Logistics Led Economic Development: Success Factors for

Infrastructure Investments at the International Urban Freight Conference held

in Long Beach, CA on October 21-23, 2015.

Dr. Ozkul also presented his research titled: Evaluation on Impact of Red

RRFB Implementation at Freeway Off-Ramps on Driving Behaviors

Along Adjacent Arterials at the Florida Section ITE Annual Meeting, held in

Tampa on November 2-4, 2015.


On October 22, the Tampa Bay Clean Cities Coalition (TBCCC) held its

fall event “Score a Home Run for Your Fleet with CNG and Propane” at the

Bright House Field in Clearwater, Florida.

Over 40 local stakeholders attended this networking event, which also served

as a business-to-business learning opportunity.

Fleets currently using CNG and propane fuels displayed

a variety of vehicles, including a propane-powered

school bus from Pinellas District Schools and a

Ford F-550 service truck from AmeriGas. The City of

Clearwater brought a 12-liter refuse truck and a Chevy

Tahoe, and Precision Alternative Fuel Conversions

(PAFC) showcased a converted F-150. Other vehicles

included an F-150 from Tampa International Airport,

F-250 and Ford Fusion Dual from Clearwater Gas, Hon-

da Civic from Environmental Protection Commission of

Hillsborough County, and Chevy Tahoe from TECO.

The event opened with welcoming remarks and Steve Reich,

TPEEA program director and TBCCC coordinator,

highlighted new opportunities and tools available for TBCCC


TBCCC members City of Clearwater Solid Waste Division, Tampa

International Airport, and Hillsborough Area Regional Transit

(HART) shared their CNG success stories on a panel. Following

the panel discussion, attendees were treated to box seat views of

the Philadelphia Phillies Spring Training Field while Pasco

County Schools and Florida Transportation Systems reported on the progress of Florida school systems adopting alter-

native fuels. An informal question-and-answer time closed out the meeting as representatives from PAFC and Gator

Ford fielded questions on CNG and propane maintenance issues. Attendees then enjoyed networking and a light lunch

in the suites and adjoining deck area overlooking the baseball field.

Tampa Bay Clean Cities is part of a national network of nearly 100 Clean Cities coalitions working to advance the use of

alternative and renewable fuels, idle-reduction measures, fuel economy improvements, and emerging transportation



The 2015 CUTR Transportation Achievement Awards Event was held on

Monday, November 2nd at the USF Marshall Student Center and was a

success! Recognized as the award recipient was Bill Johnson, Florida

Secretary of Commerce, President and CEO,

Enterprise Florida, Inc.. Jose Abreu, Senior Vice

President, Gannett Fleming, Inc. presented him with

the CUTR Transportation Achievement award. This

award is presented annually to an individual who has

made significant contributions to the transportation

field. This year’s guest speaker was Rich Biter, Assis-

tant Secretary, Florida Department of Transportation.

Nikhil Menon was awarded the 2015 Georgia Brosch Memorial

Transportation Scholarship. He is a graduate student in the Civil

and Environmental Engineering department and is the current President

of the Institute for Transportation Engineers (ITE), USF Student Chapter.

Menon will receive his Master of Science in Civil Engineering (MSCE) at

USF in December. He is currently working as a graduate research assis-

tant under Dr. Yu Zhang and Dr. Abdul Pinjari. His research interests

are on autonomous vehicles (a.k.a. self-driving cars) and travel demand

modeling. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering from the

National Institute of Technology, Calicut (India) and a prior Master’s

degree in Transportation Systems from the MIT Portugal Program

(Technical University of Lisbon). The $2,000 scholarship is awarded

based on academic achievement, professional activities, and career goals.

Katrina Corcoran was awarded the 2015 CUTR National Center for

Transit Research Student of the Year award. This student should

represent excellence in academic achievement, research, and professional

development. Katrina maintained a perfect 4.0 GPA in her undergraduate

years and is now in the Masters of Urban and Regional Planning program.

She has already distinguished herself by contributing to a number of transit-

related research projects. She has also won a scholarship from the American

Public Transportation Foundation that she received while attending the APTA

Annual Meeting in San Francisco in early October. We know she will continue

to do outstanding things during her next two years at CUTR.


The second annual Student Poster Competition was held

during the CUTR Transportation Achievement Awards event

during the reception from 5:30 p.m.—7:00 p.m on November 2,

2015. Students were able to present research that he or she per-

formed with their advisor; however, advisors could not give feed-

back to the student in regards to the preparation of the post-

er. The competition judges, Dr. Pei-Sung Lin, Dr. Seckin Ozkul,

Dr. Yu Zhang, Dr. Xiopeng Li, Peter Yauch, and Dr. Qing Lu eval-

uated the student posters. There were monetary awards for the

first, second, and third place poster winners in the amounts of $300, $200, and $100 respectively: First place—

Crystal Pollock, “A Multinomial LogitModel Estimation of Pedestrian Crash Injury Severity for St. Petersburg,

FLORIDA”; second place — Michael Bato, “Safety Effects of Street Illuminance at Urban Signalized Intersections in

Florida”, and two third place winners — Abhijit Vasili “Understanding Interactions between Drivers and Pedestrian

Features at Signalized Intersections” and Raviteja Yerrapati- “Development of Automatic Tool on Pedestrian and

Traffic Signal Detection”. The other students taking part in the poster competition were: Cagri Cetin, Emmeth

Duran, Mohammadreza Kamali, Matthew Kessler, Jorge Guerra Rodriguez, Nikhil Menon, Abhishikth Martin

Pasupuleti, Arunbalaji Prithiviraj, and Uday Siramdasu. The poster competition was engaging, informational, and a

very successful addition to the transportation event. Thank you to everyone who participated and made this year

another successful event.


Project Evaluation of Logistics Led Economic Development

Sponsor Florida Department of Transportation

PI(s) Ozkul

Value $1,100

Project Airport Webinar Series

Sponsor Florida Airports Council

PI(s) Audino

Value $12,430

Project Exploration of Socio-Demographic Characteristics and Culture

Sponsor University of Tennessee

PI(s) Polzin

Value $100,000

Project Airport Leadership 101-PGI

Sponsor Florida Department of Transportation

PI(s) Audino

Value $8,605

Project Research Information Dissemination Program FY16

Sponsor Federal Transit Administration

PI(s) Hinebaugh

Value $530,000

Project Florida Comprehensive Motorcycle Safety Program 15-16

Sponsor Florida Department of Transportation

PI(s) Lee/Jang/Cott

Value $160,000

Project Florida Comprehensive Pedestrian Bicycle Safety Program

Sponsor Florida Department of Transportation

PI(s) Lin/Jackman/Kourtellis

Value $240,000

Project Pedestrian Program Evaluation & Data Collection 15-16

Sponsor Florida Department of Transportation

PI(s) Kourtellis/Lin

Value $75,000

Project Ride Smart Paid Media Campaign 15-16

Sponsor Florida Department of Transportation

PI(s) Lee/Larsson/Cott

Value $115,000

Project Contribution of THEA to Hillsborough County Economy 2015 Study Update

Sponsor Tampa Hillsborough County Expressway Authority

PI(s) Concas

Value $79,419

Project Economic & Business Impacts of Proposed Western Selmon Expressway

Sponsor Tampa Hillsborough County Expressway Authority

PI(s) Concas

Value $34,613

Project Walkwise Statewide Educational Campaign on Pedestrian Safety

Sponsor Florida Department of Transportation

PI(s) Lin/Jackman

Value $20,000

Project Florida's Bicycle/Pedestrian Focused Initiative: Communication

Sponsor Florida Department of Transportation

PI(s) Lin/Larsson

Value $100,000

Project Community Traffic Safety Program Support 15-16

Sponsor Florida Department of Transportation

PI(s) Lin

Value $45,000


Project Impaired Motorcyclist PSA Campaign

Sponsor Florida Department of Transportation

PI(s) Lee/Larsson

Value $250,000

Project Motorcycle Safety and Horizontal Curves in Florida Development

Sponsor Florida Department of Transportation

PI(s) Wang/Lin/Lee

Value $124,791



Project: Florida Public Transportation Association

Sponsor: Florida Public Transportation Association

PI(s): Audino

Value: $32,569

Project: Florida Transit Marketing Network (FTMN) Support Program 2015-16

Sponsor: Florida Department of Transportation

PI(s): Gregg/Mistretta

Value: $194,656

Project: Motorcycle Program Evaluation and Data Collection

Sponsor: Florida Department of Transportation

PI(s): Lee/Jang

Value: $125,000

Project: Ride Smart Paid Media Campaign

Sponsor: Florida Department of Transportation

PI(s): Lee/Jang

Value: $150,000

Project: Share the Road PSA Campaign

Sponsor: Florida Department of Transportation

PI(s): Lee

Value: $209,050


Project: Impaired Motorcyclist PSA Campaign

Sponsor: Florida Department of Transportation

PI(s): Lee

Value: $250,000

Project: Florida's Comprehensive Motorcycle Safety Program

Sponsor: Florida Department of Transportation

PI(s): Lee/Jang

Value: $599,999

Project: Improving Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety via Statewide University

Sponsor: Florida Department of Transportation

PI(s): Lin/Jackman

Value: $49,999

Project: WalkWise Statewide Educational Campaigns on Pedestrian Safety

Sponsor: Florida Department of Transportation

PI(s): Lin/Jackman

Value: $80,000

Project: Community Traffic Safety Program Support

Sponsor: Florida Department of Transportation

PI(s): Lin/Jackman

Value: $100,000

Project: Florida's Bicycle/Pedestrian Focused Initiative: Communications

Sponsor: Florida Department of Transportation

PI(s): Lin

Value: $400,000

Project: FDOT District 7- Land Use Analysis to Enhance Successful Logistics

Sponsor: FDOT District 7

PI(s): Ozkul

Value: $123,600


Project: Understanding Factors Driving Future Vehicle Miles of Travel

Sponsor: Sloan Foundation

PI(s): Polzin

Value: $75,000

Project: Connected Vehicle Pilot Deployment Program - Phase 1

Sponsor: Tampa Hillsborough County Expressway Authority

PI(s): Reich/Concas

Value: $269,701

Project: OST connected Vehicle Affiliated Test Bed

Sponsor: Tampa Hillsborough County Expressway Authority

PI(s): Reich/Concas

Value: $344,702

Project: Policies, Procedures, and Work Rules Training

Sponsor: Auburn University

PI(s): Staes

Value: $6,066

Project: CUTR/TRIPS Emergency Management Support Program

Sponsor: Florida Department of Transportation

PI(s): Staes

Value: $49,999

Project: Florida Transit Safety Network

Sponsor: Florida Department of Transportation

PI(s): Staes/Flynn

Value: $169,129

Project: Transit Research Inspection Procurement Services (TRIPS) program

Sponsor: Florida Department of Transportation

PI(s): Staes/Bart

Value: $570,000


Project: USDOT UTC 2015 Continuation (Nov 2015)

Sponsor: US Department of Transportation

PI(s): Volinski/Catala/Staes

Value: $469,600

Project: Florida TDM Clearinghouse-FY16

Sponsor: Florida Department of Transportation

PI(s): Winters

Value: $150,934

Project: MWCOG TDM Evaluation Project 2015-2017

Sponsor: LDA Consulting

PI(s): Winters

Value: $481,995


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Employee Newsletter, please send an email with the information to Grace Hunt at

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Hiring a new employee? The wiki site is the place to find the form and submit it electronically: