November 2014 Newsletter

Post on 06-Apr-2016

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A Thanksgiving Message from the Principal St. Pius X Catholic School

Inside this


Monthly Calendar

School News

Important Dates

Partners in Faith

Health Office


The theme for

November is


Special points of


Winter’s Night

Out Volunteer


Winter’s Night

Out sponsorship


Winter’s Night

Out donation op-


November 2014 Newsletter

Give thanks to the Lord, call on his name; make

known among the nations what he has done.

Psalm 105:1

Cooler mornings, low hanging clouds and migrating geese means that November has ar-

rived. Traditionally, this is a month in which we put aside additional time to thank God for

His many blessings. A walk through our school’s hallways and glimpses into our class-

rooms provides constant reminders of how blessed our school community is.

As we appreciate our blessings, we are also reminded that our Lord entrusts us to share

our gifts with those less fortunate. Again this season, and throughout the year, our chil-

dren will be offering their prayers, gifts and service to those around us who are less fortu-


The generosity of you and your children began soon after the school year began. With

your help and support, we will be able to send hundreds of warm, clean coats, hats and

mittens to our brothers and sisters in need before winter sets in.

On November 25th we will celebrate “Prayer & Share Day.” Our school will gather as a

prayer community that day at 9:00 o’clock Mass. After Mass, you and your children are

invited to join us in the parish center where our children will share baked goods that they

have brought from home. After we have all spent some time together, we will send a great

deal of delicious pies, cakes, muffins and fruit cups to Equinox and the Albany City Mis-

sion so it can be shared with others on Thanksgiving.

When you stop in for your report conference on November 20th, we encourage you take a

moment to visit our school’s “Christmas Giving Tree” across from the school library. The

paper ornaments that hang from that tree represent gifts of clothing and toys for some of

our very own St. Pius X students and their families. We invite your family to take home

one or more of our tree’s ornaments and then return those gifts to our office so we can

present them to our families in hopes of brightening their Christmas.

The donations that you make and the service projects in which your children are involved

is the Gospel message come to life. As role models for your children, your generous re-

sponses to these appeals provide profound lessons in giving that your children will recall

when they become parents and community leaders some day.

On behalf of Father Walsh and our faculty and staff, I thank you for choosing St. Pius X

School for your children, and for your overwhelming generosity. May God continue to

bless you and your family this Thanksgiving season.

Yours in Christ,

Dennis Mullahy


4th and 5th grade choir members performed at Siena College

in support of the “Hosts for Haiti” event that raised thou-

sands of dollars for a new orphanage in that country.

Football Fun

Mrs. Adams’ 3-W class learns the ups and downs of foot-

ball in Mrs. Laberge’s PE class! There were a lot of future

NFLers on the field!

Mr. Lavigne’s fall hiking club has had many great adventures hiking in the

Adirondacks! The hikers conquered Black Mt., 5th Peak, Cat Mt. and Pilot

Knob Ridge! Congratulations hikers!

Pius Peaks Xtreme

Our 2nd graders learned about our friendly firemen

and fire prevention during Fire Prevention Month!

Thank you for protecting us Shaker Rd. Firemen!

The love of dogs and pets is a popular theme in young people’s literature. In keeping

with that theme, our 6th graders got to meet “ Simon”, a therapy dog, who had been res-

cued and now travels about visiting nursing homes, hospitals and the homebound.

Thanks Simon!

Mrs. Edward’s K-2 class enjoyed visiting Halloweentown in

Mrs. Laberge’s PE class! The students had a SPOOKTACULAR


This year, more than ever, local

families are in need of our help.

We are collecting gently used

coats, and new mittens, gloves,

hats, and scarves for adults and

children from :

October 21st– December 12th.

Let us help keep God’s children

warm during this cold winter,

as it would be truly a blessing for

those in need.

All clothing will be distributed to our brothers and

sisters through Catholic Charities. Your items may

be dropped off in the box located at the school


If you have any questions, please contact the front office.

Mrs. Bick’s Pre K 5 students enjoy

their newly refurbished playroom!




St Pius X School

Meatloaves Wanted !

Sacred Heart Food Pantry Needs Our Help

As you might already know, our school con-

ducts two food drives during the year for the

Sacred Heart Food Pantry in North Albany,

just miles from our school.

We are in need of volunteers to make a meat-

loaf just once a month to provide a special

meal each week for those families who rely on

the food pantry.

Sister Peg Sullivan tells us her people love

St.Pius X meatloaves. Some have even re-

quested our school meatloaves instead of tur-

key for their Thanksgiving meal.

Please consider joining us in feeding those

less fortunate. Meatloaves, fresh or frozen,

may be dropped off at the school.

To help please contact

St Pius X School

Free Dress Days: A reminder

that all free dress days from the candy sale have to be redeemed by December 19th. Thank You!

“Something’s Lost And Can’t Be Found”

Lose Something?

Please check to see if your child is missing

any sweatshirts, coats, books, etc. Our lost

and found is overflowing with things that

have been left here.

St Pius X School

News from the Health Office

PHYSICAL EXAMS New York State Education Law mandates that each student receive a

physical when entering a school district for the first time and again in

grades K, 2, 4, and 7. An examination administered not more than

twelve months prior to the commencement of the school year in which

the examination is required, will be accepted. If you have not already

done so, please submit these physicals as soon as possible, or let me

know of an upcoming appointment. Physical exam forms are available

in the health office or doctors may use their own form.


Any medications that need to be given during school hours, MUST have

a written doctor’s order AND written parent permission to be kept on file

in the health office. Medications must be in their original containers and

will be locked in the health office. This policy is for all prescription and

over the counter medications. Students may keep cough drops in the

classroom with written permission from a parent.


To reduce the spread of infection, we ask that you keep your child home:

---With a fever over 100 degrees and until fever free for 24 hours without

the use of fever reducing medications.

---If experiencing constant cough or severe runny nose.

---For 24 hours after the start of an antibiotic

---For 24 hours after a vomiting and/or diarrhea episode

Please contact the health office with any questions. Thank you.

Elaine Libruk, RN

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


2 3

4 5


7 Intramural Basketball Registration 6:30


9 10 11

12 School Board

Meeting 6:30




16 17 Scholastic

Book Fair

18 Scholastic Book


19 Parish Council 7:00

Scholastic Book


Picture Retake

20 Scholastic

Book Fair 7am-


21 Scholastic

Book Fair



24 4th Grade Native American Day

25PSA Meeting


26 27 28 29

November 2014

No School Veterans Day

No School Happy Thanksgiving!

Day 5

Day 2

Day 6

Day 4 Day 1 Day 6 Day 5

Day 3 Day 4 Day 5

Prayer & Share Day

Don’t forget to

change your clocks

School Mass 9am Please Join Us!

No School Report Card



Give Thanks to the Lord, call on his name; make known among the nations what he has done. Psalm105:1

Day 2

Day 4 Day 3

Day 6

Day 1

St. Pius X School 75 Upper Loudon Road Loudonville, New York 12211

November 25th- Prayer & Share Day 9:00 Mass

December 8TH -Feast of the Immaculate

Conception Parish Mass 9:00

December 23rd

January 13th

February 13th

March 11th

April 1st

May 14th Ascension Thursday Parish Mass

May 28th

June 16th

Phone: 465-4539 Fax: 465-4895 Email:

School Mass Dates

We’re on the Web

“Children Learn What They Live“

November 11th—No School Veteran’s Day

November 17th-21st—Scholastic Book Fair

November 19th—Picture Retake Day

November 20th—No School Report Card Confer-ences

November 24th –4th Grade Native American Day

November 25th— Prayer and Share Day

Mass 9:00 a.m.

November 26th-28th No school-Thanksgiving Break

December 4th-PSA Barnes and Noble Bookfair

December 5th-PSA Craft Event 6-7:30

December 11th&12th-Santa’s workshop

December 16th- Christmas Recital 6-8th 7:30 PM

December 17th-Christmas Concert 3rd-5th 6:30PM

December18th-Christmas Concert 1st&2nd6:30PM


Upcoming Activities and Dates to Remember:

O Lord, open my eyes that I may see the need of others.

Open my ears that I may hear their cries.

Open my heart so that they need not be without nourishment and hope.

Let me not be afraid to defend the weak because of the anger of the strong, nor to defend the poor because of the rich.

Show me where love and hope and faith are needed, and use me to bring them to your peo-ple.

Open my eyes and ears that I may this coming day be able to do your work for peace and justice wherever that may take me.

A Daily Prayer

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