Numerical modeling of mosquito population dynamics of Aedes … · 2018-04-16 · RESEARCH Open...

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RESEARCH Open Access

Numerical modeling of mosquitopopulation dynamics of Aedes aegyptiWilliam M. S. Yamashita1, Shyam S. Das1 and Grigori Chapiro1,2*


Background: The global incidences of dengue virus have increased the interest in studying and understanding themosquito population dynamics. It is predominantly spread by Aedes aegypti in the tropical and sub-tropicalcountries in the world. Understanding these dynamics is important for public health in countries where climaticand environmental conditions are favorable for the propagation of these diseases. For this reason, a new model hasbeen proposed to investigate the population dynamics of mosquitoes in a city.

Methods: The present paper discusses the numerical modeling of population dynamics of Ae. aegypti mosquitoesin an urban neighborhood of a city using the finite volume method. The model describes how populations spreadthrough the city assisted by the wind. This model allows incorporating external factors (wind and chemicalinsecticides) and topography data (streets, building blocks, parks, forests and beach). The proposed model has beensuccessfully tested in examples involving two Brazilian cities (City center, Juiz de Fora and Copacabana Beach, Riode Janeiro).

Results: Invasion phenomena of Ae. aegypti mosquitoes have been observed in each of the simulations. It wasobserved that, inside the blocks, the growth of the population for both winged and aquatic phase causes aninfestation of Ae. aegypti in a short time. Within the blocks the mosquito population was concentrated and diffusedslowly. In the streets, there was a long-distance spread, which was influenced by wind and diffusion with a lowconcentration of mosquito population. The model was also tested taking into account chemical insecticides spreadin two different configurations. It has been observed that the insecticides have a significant effect on the mosquitopopulation for both winged and aquatic phases when the chemical insecticides spread more uniformly along allthe streets in a neighborhood of a city.

Conclusions: The presented methodology can be employed to evaluate and to understand the epidemic risks in aspecific region of the city. Moreover the model allows an increase in efficiency of the existing mosquito populationcontrol techniques and to theoretically test new methods before involving the human population.

Keywords: Aedes aegypti, Partial differential equations, Finite volume method

BackgroundDengue is considered as one of the major public healthproblems by the World Health Organization (WHO) inthe world [1]. It is the most rapidly spreading vector-borne disease in the world [2] with nearly 400 millionpeople infected each year and an estimated 25,000deaths; this leads to an enormous economic cost inaffected countries, comparable to that of malaria [3]. In

the last 50 years this endemic disease has increased30-fold with increasing geographical expansion to newcountries, and in the present decade, from urban to ruralsettings [2]. This upward trend is due to increases inlong-distance travel, population growth, urbanization,lack of sanitation and ineffective mosquito control [4].Dengue is a serious health problem in Brazil due to afavorable climate and environmental conditions for theproliferation of Ae. aegypti mosquito populations [5]. Ithas been reported that 70% of dengue cases in LatinAmerica and Caribbean countries occurred only inBrazil (from 1992 to 2002), where the number of cases

* Correspondence: grigori@ice.ufjf.br1Graduate Program in Computational Modeling, Federal University of Juiz deFora, Juiz de Fora, MG 36036-330, Brazil2Department of Mathematics, Federal University of Juiz de Fora, Juiz de Fora,MG 36036-330, Brazil

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Yamashita et al. Parasites & Vectors (2018) 11:245

has increased greatly in recent years [6]. Besides dengue,Zika virus has emerged as one of the most challengingthreats to human health [3]. It has spread rapidly through-out the Americas and beyond since 2015, causing birthdefects in children of infected mothers. Chikungunya andyellow fever are both painful and debilitating diseaseswhich can prove fatal and have both experienced epi-demics in recent years [3].The Ae. aegypti mosquito is the primary vector for

spreading viral diseases such as dengue, Zika, yellow feverand chikungunya, and every year hundreds of millions ofhumans are affected [3, 4, 7]. The dispersion of Ae. aegyptihas increased in the urban areas of the planet. This speciesproliferates in close proximity to human communitiesusing artificial water deposits as the breeding place [8]. Forsimplicity, in the rest of the text, we only focus on dengue.Previous studies address different strategies to control

the population of Ae. aegypti, for example: using bio-insecticide, larvae-eating fish species, and chemical insec-ticides [1]; through controlling the breeding of mosquitoesin home environment during the year [9]; or using genet-ically modified mosquitoes [10].Any feasible public policy for controlling the dengue epi-

demics in tropical climates must necessarily include appro-priate strategies for minimizing the mosquito populationfactor [5]. Studying the mosquitoes’ propagation has im-portant implications for understanding the hyperendemicitypatterns of mentioned diseases and also facilitating thedesign and development of the vaccination strategies [11].There are several strategies in modeling mosquito popu-

lations in the literature. For example, the mathematicalmodel based on ordinary differential equations (ODEs)was used in [12] to study the importance of thetemperature and precipitation on the patterns of mosquitopopulation. Malik at al. [13] used Graph Theory to extendODE analysis to two dimensions. This approach presentsdifficulties due to mosquitoes’ erratic movement that issimilar to the diffusion process. Some authors [5, 14–17]took diffusion into account and studied one-dimensionalspatial population dynamics of Ae. aegypti using partialdifferential equations (PDEs) describing the life-cycle ofthe mosquito Ae. aegypti. Maidana et al. [14] studied solu-tions in the form of traveling waves corresponding tomosquito Ae. aegypti invasion processes. The rate ofspread of the disease was determined by the application oftraveling wave solutions for the corresponding system ofPDEs. Takahashi et al. [5] showed the existence of travel-ing wave solutions in many different situations. A numer-ical study was carried out to relate the speed of wavefronts and different crucial parameters associated with thedengue modeling. This approach was further extended in[16, 17], where a rigorous analysis of the model proposedin [5] was performed. However, one-dimensional modelsdo not support realistic scenarios like topography.

There are few works in the literature addressing two-dimensional realistic modeling for modern cities. Forexample, the spread of the mosquito Ae. albopictus wasmodeled taking into account the environmental parame-ters such as wind, temperature and landscape [18]. Theauthors also investigated the use of the sterile insecttechnique (SIT), which introduces a large number ofsterile male insects in the environment. Since this modelis based on a behavior approach it leads to a large sys-tem of PDEs, which is difficult to solve numerically.A rigorous mathematical analysis was carried out in [19]

for the system of nonlinear partial differential equationscorresponding to a generalization of a mathematicalmodel for geographical spreading of dengue disease pro-posed in [14]. It is interesting to notice that this purelymathematical model allows higher dimensions and in-cludes one term, which can model the abiotic effects suchas variations in temperature, humidity and wind velocity.In the present work, we followed Takahashi et al. [5]

and Maidana & Yang [14] and studied the spatialpopulation dynamics of Ae. aegypti using a mathematicalmodel based on a system of reaction-convection-diffusion PDEs. This model allows incorporatingexternal factors (wind and chemical insecticides) andtopography data (streets, building blocks, parks, forestsand beach).Two-dimensional numerical simulations were carried

out using a finite volume method (FVM) on the disper-sion model for mosquito population. Initially, thespreading of Ae. aegypti mosquitoes in an generic cityquarter (or apartment complex) was examined. Then,we investigated the population dynamics of Ae. aegypti

Fig. 1 Example 1: computational domain for functions ψ, vx, vy, Dx,Dy, h1, and h2, including blocks (red) and streets (blue). The valuesare given in Table 2

Yamashita et al. Parasites & Vectors (2018) 11:245 Page 2 of 14

mosquitoes in a dense neighborhood of the city Juiz deFora. In order to control the population of mosquitoes,chemical insecticides were used in the model. Further-more, we investigated the population dynamics of Ae.aegypti mosquitoes in the city of Rio de Janeiro. In each

of the simulations, biological invasion of Ae. aegyptimosquitoes was studied.The presented model is a tool that can be used to pre-

dict mosquitoes’ propagation in a city. It offers new pos-sibilities to control the vector propagated diseases.

a b

Fig. 2 Examples 2 and 3: the small neighborhood in the city of Juiz de Fora (Park Halfeld). a Google Maps image of Juiz de Fora center. b Computationaldomain for functions ψ, vx, vy, Dx, Dy, h1, and h2, including blocks (red), park (green) and streets (blue). The values are given in Table 3

a b

Fig. 3 Example 4: the small neighborhood in Copacabana Beach, Rio de Janeiro city. a Google Maps image of Copacabana Beach. b Computational domainfor functions ψ, vx, vy, Dx, Dy, h1, and h2 for Rio de Janeiro, including blocks (red), beach (orange) and streets (blue). The values are given in Tables 6 and 7

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MethodsStudied areasThree different areas were considered in the presentstudy. Example 1 represents the generic case containingonly streets and building blocks (for example, apartmentcomplexes) (Fig. 1). It was used to show the generalbehavior of the model and to test the algorithm. The sizeof the studied area, in this case, was 200 × 200 m.Examples 2 and 3 investigated the population dynam-

ics of Ae. aegypti mosquitoes in the busy neighborhoodin the city center of Juiz de Fora, located in south-eastern Brazilian state Minas Gerais (see Fig. 2a andAdditional file 1: Figure S1). Its humid subtropicalclimate is favorable for the proliferation of Ae. aegypti

mosquitoes. In 2016, 528,441 probable cases and incidencesof dengue, 1431 probable cases and incidences of chikun-gunya fever and 14,436 probable cases and incidences ofZika virus fever were reported in the State of Minas Gerais[20]. In the city of Juiz de Fora 19,746 dengue caseswere reported during 2016 [21]. The neighborhood inFig. 2a contains streets, 17 building blocks and onepark (Park Halfeld, indicated in green in Fig. 2b). The

a b

Fig. 4 Example 3: computational domain for functions h1, and h2 for Juiz de Fora, where the chemical insecticide is represented by the greycolor. a One street with chemical insecticides. The figure represents the values of the parameters of Tables 3 and 4. b All streets with chemicalinsecticides. The figure represents the values of the parameters of Table 5

Fig. 5 Representation of a “cell” (xi , yj ) following [25]

Table 1 Dimensional parameters used in all simulations [5].Some parameter values vary from one simulation to another,these appear only as units in the table

Parameter Description Base value/units

D Diffusion coefficient 1.25 × 10-2 m2s-1

Dx Diffusion coefficient (X direction) (m2s-1)

Dy Diffusion coefficient (Y direction) (m2s-1)

γ Specific rate of maturation of theaquatic phase into winged phase

0.2 day-1

r Oviposition rate of the femalemosquitoes

30 day-1

k1 Carrying capacities of the winged phase 25 day-1

k2 Carrying capacity of the aquatic phase 100 day-1

μ1 Mortality rate of the winged phase 4.0 × 10-2 day-1

μ2 Mortality rate of the aquatic phase 1.0 × 10-2 day-1

ν Wind velocity 5.0 × 10-2 ms-1

νx Wind velocity (X direction) (ms-1)

νy Wind velocity (Y direction) (ms-1)

h1 Coefficient of the killing term of thewinged phase

0 day-1

h2 Coefficient of the killing term of theaquatic phase

0 day-1

ψ Coefficient for mosquitoes’ area support [ . ]

Yamashita et al. Parasites & Vectors (2018) 11:245 Page 4 of 14

neighborhood is represented mathematically in Fig. 2bwith a size 500 × 500 m.Example 4 considers a busy neighborhood (Copacabana

Beach) in the city of Rio de Janeiro (see Fig. 3a andAdditional file 2: Figure S2). It is the second largest city inBrazil and the sixth most populous city in the Americas. Itis located in the south-eastern Brazilian State of Rio deJaneiro. The weather of Rio de Janeiro city is tropicalmonsoon and is characterized by a long period of heavyrain between December and March. The mixture of hotsummer and heavy rain creates ideal conditions for theproliferation of Ae. aegypti mosquitoes. Rio de Janeiro hasbecome one of the most endemic cities in Brazil with along history of dengue virus circulation. In 2016, 85,200probable cases and incidences of dengue, 17,888 probablecases and incidences of chikungunya fever and 68,542probable cases and incidence of Zika virus were reportedin the state of Rio de Janeiro [20]. For the city of Rio deJaneiro, 25,837 dengue cases were reported in 2016 alone[22]. The neighborhood from Fig. 3a containing streets,buildings and beach is represented mathematically inFig. 3b with a size of 400 × 400 m.The main difference between Example 4 and Example

3 is the presence of beach jointly with the periodic windsaffecting the dispersion of the mosquito population. Inorder to study this phenomenon the vegetation areasare neglected.The mathematical domain Ω represents a neighborhood

of a city. For simplicity, all the examples presented in thispaper consider the domain divided into rectangular blocks,

which represent different parts of the city, such as building,gardens, squares, streets, beach, forests, etc. The differencebetween all these blocks is the mosquito populationsupport, displacement and mortality coefficients. Thisapproach allows us to model and simulate the populationdynamics with more precision.Notice that the incidence of dengue and mosquito

population is known for quarters and not for city blocks.That is why, while it is important to model areas withabundant vegetation, few vegetation areas can be re-garded as homogeneous with the rest of the quarter. Toobtain the parameter values for the city blocks, thesatellite images can be employed through color analysis.However, it has not been used in the present work, andleft for future studies.

Application of insecticidesDuring the periods of higher incidence of Ae. aegyptimosquitoes, which corresponds to three summermonths in studied areas, strong measures are requiredto control the vector populations and the transmitteddiseases. Applications of space sprays are an importantmeans of reducing Ae. aegypti populations. Space spraysinclude ultra-low volume aerosols, thermal fogs, or dustsusing truck-mounted equipment. Adulticiding applica-tions exert little or no effect on the aquatic phases of Ae.aegypti, and adults will continue to emerge afterspraying [23].Therefore, in the present work, we only discuss the

chemical control for the adult stage of the mosquito forthe winged phase. In order to investigate the mosquitocontrol strategies in a city, we have used two differentways of applying chemical insecticides in the neighbor-hood of Juiz de Fora. Initially, the insecticides were usedalong one street. As shown in Fig. 4a, one street withthe surrounding area (grey color) has been selected forthe use of insecticides to control the population of mos-quitoes. Later, the effect of insecticides on mosquitopopulation has been studied along all the streets of the

Table 2 Dimensional parameter values used for Example 1

Parameter Blocks Streets

ψ 1 0.3

νx 0 5.0 × 10-2

νy 0 1.5 × 10-1

Dx 3.75 × 10-3 1.25 × 10-2

Dy 3.75 × 10-3 1.25 × 10-2

a b

Fig. 6 Example 1: initial condition for both populations (t = 0). a Aquatic phase. b Winged phase

Yamashita et al. Parasites & Vectors (2018) 11:245 Page 5 of 14

city center in Juiz de Fora (Fig. 4b). Note that for both ofthe simulations we used the same amount of insecticides.

Mathematical modelA deterministic mathematical model is proposed hereto investigate the population dynamics of Ae. aegyptimosquitoes. The following model is based on thetwo-dimensional system of PDEs for population dy-namics of Ae. aegypti mosquitoes. We are interestedin an urban spatial scale, where diffusion representsthe dispersion of the mosquitoes due to autonomousand random movements of the winged females. Tosimplify the vital biological dynamics of mosquitoeswe follow [5, 16, 17] and consider two subpopulations:a winged and mobile form (mature female mosquitoes);and an aquatic and static form, which includes eggs, larvaeand pupae. At each space point (x, y) and time t, thespatial density of the winged phase and aquatic phase aredenoted by M(x, y, t) and A(x, y, t), respectively. The gov-erning equations are:

∂ ψMð Þ∂t

¼ −∇ � vMð Þ þ ∇ � D∇Mð Þ

þ γA 1−Mk1

� �− μ1 þ h1ð ÞM; ð1Þ

∂ ψAð Þ∂t

¼ r 1−Ak2

� �M− μ2 þ h2 þ γð ÞA; ð2Þ

M �; 0ð Þ ¼ M0 �ð Þ; ð3Þ

A �; 0ð Þ ¼ A0 �ð Þ; ð4Þwhere ψ(x, y) represents the coefficient for mosquitoesarea support explained below; v(x, y, t) is the wind vel-ocity (ms-1); D(x, y) is the diffusion coefficient (m2s-1); μiis the mortality rate (day-1); ki is the carrying capacity

a b

Fig. 7 Example 1: population propagation inside general blocks (t = 21 days). a Total population for aquatic phase (ψ × A). b Total population forwinged phase (ψ × M )

a b

Fig. 8 Example 1: population propagation inside general blocks (t = 42 days). a Total population for aquatic phase (ψ × A). b Total population forwinged phase (ψ × M )

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(day-1); γ is the specific rate of maturation of the aquaticphase into winged phase (day-1); r is the oviposition rateof the female mosquitoes (day-1); and hi(x, y, t) is thecoefficient of the killing term (day-1), where index i = 1corresponds to winged phase and i = 2 corresponds toaquatic phase.The population of winged female Ae. aegypti mosqui-

toes has been modeled using Eq. (1). Since, the concen-tration of both the winged and the aquatic phase are notuniform in the city, we have introduced a mosquitoesarea support coefficient ψ for both phases in Eqs. (1)and (2). It takes value from 0 to 1 and means how manymosquitoes can be supported in the area. Thus the totalpopulation of winged and aquatic phase is given by(ψ(x, y)M(x, y, t)) and (ψ(x, y)A(x, y, t)), respectively.The first term in Eq. (1) represents the rate of change oftotal population for the winged phase. The transportphenomenon of the population due to the wind isrepresented by the second (advection) term in Eq. (1) [5].The dispersion of the mosquitoes was modeled using thethird (diffusion) term in Eq. (1). The fourth term in Eq. (1)represents the coupling between the winged female phaseand aquatic phase form. It describes the rate of maturationof the aquatic form into winged phase. This term dependson the function k1, which describes a carrying capacity re-lated to the amount of available nutrients. The fifth termin Eq. (1) represents mosquito death by natural and

induced causes. The population of the aquatic phase ofAe. aegypti mosquitoes was modeled using Eq. (2). Thefirst term in Eq. (2) represents the rate of change of thetotal population for the aquatic phase. The rate of ovipos-ition by female mosquitoes, which is the only source inaquatic form, is proportional to the total mosquito popu-lation in the winged phase. It is also regulated by a carry-ing capacity effect depending on the occupation of theavailable breeders: rM(x, y, t)(1 − A(x, y, t)/k2). The thirdterm in Eq. (2) represents mosquito population death inaquatic phase by natural or induced causes, and matur-ation of the aquatic phase to winged phase. The term γArepresents the number of mosquitoes changed fromaquatic phase to winged phase. It reduces the mosquitopopulation in the aquatic phase. Equations (3) and (4) rep-resent the initial population of the winged and aquaticphase, respectively.

Boundary conditionsIn order to solve the system of PDEs, we need to specifythe boundary conditions of the domain. The case ofknown net influx of mosquitoes to the city along oneside of the domain is referred to mathematically asNeumann boundary conditions. For example, this isthe case when considering an isolated part of the citywith zero net influx of mosquitoes along each side ofthe domain. We consider ∂xM = 0 at the left andright sides and ∂yM = 0 on the top and bottom sides.This type of boundary is used in Examples 1, 2 and 3in the Results section.The case, when the amount of mosquitoes is known at

one of the sides of the domain, is called Dirichlet bound-ary conditions. For example, when modeling sea coastalareas, the mosquito population was assumed to be zeroalong the side which faces the sea. This case is studied inExample 4 in the Results section, where zero Neumannboundary conditions have been specified along the otherthree sides of the domain.

Table 3 Common dimensional parameter values used forExamples 2 and 3 (Juiz de Fora)

Parameter Blocks Streets Park

ψ 1 0.3 0.8

νx 0 -1.0 × 10-1 -5.0 × 10-2

νy 0 5 × 10-2 2.5 × 10-2

Dx 3.75 × 10-3 1.25 × 10-2 1.25 × 10-2

Dy 3.75 × 10-3 1.25 × 10-2 1.25 × 10-2

a b

Fig. 9 Example 2: initial condition for both populations in Juiz de Fora (t = 0). a Aquatic phase. b Winged phase

Yamashita et al. Parasites & Vectors (2018) 11:245 Page 7 of 14

Numerical methodsThe governing equations describing the population dy-namics of Ae. aegypti have been discretized using stand-ard FVM, see [24–27] for details. The domain is givenby Ω = [0, L] × [0, L]. The system (1)-(2) can be writtenas a scalar transport equation:

∂ ψU x; y; tð Þð Þ∂t

þ ∇ � vU x; y; tð Þð Þ¼ ∇ � D∇U x; y; tð Þð Þ þ ϕ U ; x; y; tð Þ; ð5Þ

where U = [M A]T, ϕ is the source term and the othersterms are the same as in Eq. (1). In order to solve theproblem, we divided the domain Ω into “cells” orcontrol volumes (see Fig. 5).To obtain the discretization, we integrate the Eq. (5)

in the cell centered in (xi, yj). For the temporal deriva-tive, it results in:

Z y jþ1=2

y j−1=2

Z xiþ1=2


∂ ψUð Þ∂t

dxdy ≈ ΔxiΔy jψnþ1i; j Unþ1

i; j −ψni; jU

ni; j



where U(xi, yj, tn) = Uni,j. The integral for the source

term is

Z y jþ1=2

y j−1=2

Z xiþ1=2


ϕdxdy ≈ ΔxiΔy jϕni; j� ð7Þ

For the convective and diffusion terms in Eq. (5) con-sider the derivative only in the X direction. The integralof flow term is:

Z y jþ1=2

y j¼1=2

Z xiþ1=2



−vxM þ ∂ DxMð Þ∂x

� �dxdy ¼

¼Z y jþ1=2

y j−1=2

−vxM þ Dx∂M∂x

� �xiþ1=2;y jð Þ

��� − −vxM þ Dx∂M∂x

� �xi−1=2;y jð Þ

���� �

dy ≈

≈ Δy j − vxð Þ xiþ1=2;y jð ÞM xiþ1=2;y jð Þ þ Dxð Þ xiþ1=2;y jð ÞMiþ1; j−Mi; j


� �þ

þ vxð Þ xi−1=2;y jð ÞM xi−1=2;y jð Þ− Dxð Þ xi−1=2;y jð ÞMi; j−Mi−1; j


� ��;

ð8Þwhere v = ( vx, vy), D = (Dx, Dy). To find the values ofMðxiþ1=2;y jÞ;Mðxi−1=2;y jÞ; we must analyze the sign of

a b

Fig. 10 Example 2: population propagation in Juiz de Fora (t = 21 days). a Total population for aquatic phase (ψ × A). b Total population forwinged phase (ψ × M )

a b

Fig. 11 Example 2: population propagation in Juiz de Fora (t = 42 days). a Total population for aquatic phase (ψ × A). b Total population forwinged phase (ψ × M )

Yamashita et al. Parasites & Vectors (2018) 11:245 Page 8 of 14

ðvxÞðxiþ1=2;y jÞ and ðvxÞðxi−1=2;y jÞ. If ðvxÞnðxiþ1=2;y jÞ > 0 , thenMn

ðxiþ1=2;y jÞ ≈ Mni; j and Mn

ðxi−1=2;y jÞ ≈ Mni−1; j . If ðvxÞnðxiþ1=2;y jÞ

< 0, then Mnðxiþ1=2;y jÞ ≈ Mn

iþ1; j and Mnðxi−1=2;y jÞ ≈ Mn

i; j . Thederivation is analogous for the Y direction, see [25].The System (1)-(4) was solved using an in-house finite

volume code developed using MATLAB. The forwardEuler method was used for time integration. For all timesteps the Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy (CFL) condition hasbeen tested guaranteeing the numerical stability.

ResultsIn this section we present the numerical results obtainedby solving System (1)-(4). The simulations were carriedout for four different scenarios. The first example corre-sponds to a city quarter. In the second and thirdexamples, we investigate the population dynamics of Ae.aegypti mosquitoes in the city of Juiz de Fora with andwithout the use of chemical insecticides. In the fourthexample, we present the numerical results for CopacabanaBeach in the city of Rio de Janeiro. The model parameterssummarized in Table 1 have been taken from the literature[5]. All the simulations were performed for six weeks.

Example 1: Generic blocksLet us consider an arbitrary urban square neighborhoodcomposed of building blocks (red) and streets (blue) asplotted in Fig. 1. The model parameters are presented inTable 2. The component of the wind velocity in the Ydirection is assumed to be larger than the component inthe X direction.

The population concentrations for both phases(winged and aquatic) are shown for different times inFig. 6a, b (t = 0), Fig. 7a, b (t = 21 days) and Fig. 8a, b(t = 42 days). Notice that the population for bothphases slowly penetrates, by diffusion, from the streetinto blocks as shown in Fig. 7a, b. The population forboth phases spreads rapidly in the streets due to thepresence of wind and larger value of diffusion coeffi-cient when compared to the blocks. The population ofmosquitoes for both phases spreads quickly along the Ydirection explained by the presence of larger compo-nent of wind velocity along the Y direction. As timeprogresses, we observe that the population of mosqui-toes increases inside the blocks (Fig. 8a, b). Theincrease in population could be explained by the inva-sion of mosquitoes into the blocks. Furthermore, it isobserved that the invasion process decreases inside theblocks closer to the boundary due to zero influx ofmosquitoes near the boundary.

Example 2: City center of Juiz de ForaIn order to simulate the population dynamics of mosqui-toes in Juiz de Fora, a simplified domain is considered asshown in Fig. 2b. In the mathematical model we as-sumed homogeneous blocks by considering ψ, whichrepresents the coefficient for mosquito area support. Inboth map and model blocks are separated by streets asshown in Fig. 2a, b and Additional file 1: Figure S1. Themodel parameters for blocks and streets are presented inTable 3. The component of the wind velocity in the X dir-ection is assumed to be larger in both streets and park ascompared to the wind velocity in the Y direction.In order to represent a higher concentration of mos-

quitoes inside the park and in the blocks, a higher valueof (ψ) was chosen (Table 3). The initial populations forboth phases have been concentrated in the park (Fig. 9a, b).The population concentration for both phases (wingedand aquatic) is shown in Fig. 10a, b (t = 21 days) and

Table 4 Dimensional parameter values used for Example 3(chemical insecticides used along one street)

Parameter Blocks Streets Park

h1 0 7.6 0

h2 0 0 0

a b

Fig. 12 Example 3 (one street with chemical insecticides): population propagation in Juiz de Fora (t = 21 days). a Total population for aquaticphase (ψ × A). b Total population for winged phase (ψ × M )

Yamashita et al. Parasites & Vectors (2018) 11:245 Page 9 of 14

Fig. 11a, b (t = 42 days). One observes that the populationin both phases slowly diffuses from the park into thestreets and blocks as shown in Fig. 10a, b. The populationfor both phases spread rapidly in the streets due to thepresence of wind and larger value of diffusion coefficientwhen compared to the blocks and park. The mosquitopopulation for both phases spread faster along the X dir-ection due to the larger component of wind velocity alongthe X direction. As time progresses, the population ofmosquitoes increase inside the blocks as expected(Fig. 11a, b). Notice that the invasion process is slower inthe park as compared to the blocks. Furthermore, it is ob-served that the invasion process is much higher for theaquatic phase as compared to the winged phase near tothe boundary (Fig. 11a, b). This may be due to the net in-flux for the winged phase being zero at the boundary ofthe domain.

Example 3: City center of Juiz de Fora with chemicalinsecticidesIn this section, the population dynamics of Ae. aegyptimosquitoes was studied in the same neighborhood ofJuiz de Fora as in the previous example, taking into ac-count the use of chemical insecticides. The model pa-rameters are the same as in Example 2 (see Table 3)except for one parameter (h1). Note that for both simu-lations we used the same amount of insecticides.

City center of Juiz de Fora with insecticides along one streetAs shown in Fig. 4a, one street with the surroundingarea (grey color) was selected for the use of insecticidesto control the population of mosquitoes. The value ofparameter h1 is given in Table 4.The population concentration for both phases (winged

and aquatic) is shown in Fig. 12a, b (t = 21 days) andFig. 13a, b (t = 42 days). Initially, the population of mos-quitoes was concentrated in the park. It was observedthat the population for both phases slowly diffused from

the park into the streets. Notice that, after the use of in-secticides along a street, the mosquito concentrationnear the street was reduced (Fig. 13b).The reduction in population for the winged phase is

bigger when compared to the one for the aquatic phase.This happens because the killing term (h1) was used tocontrol the mosquito population for the winged phase.However, the reduction in the winged phase has a directimpact on the reduction of the aquatic phase due to thedependence on the source term in Eqs. (1) and (2) onboth M(x, y, t) and A(x, y, t).

City center of Juiz de Fora with insecticides along all streetsThe effect of insecticides on the mosquito populationwas studied along all the streets of the city center in Juizde Fora (Fig. 4b). The value of parameter h1 is given inthe Table 5.The population concentration for both phases (winged

and aquatic) is shown in Fig. 14a, b (t = 21 days) andFig. 15a, b (t = 42 days). Notice that, in this examplewhen insecticides have been used in all streets, the mos-quito concentration near the streets has been reducedsignificantly (Fig. 15a, b).Figure 16a, b shows the development of the total

population of the mosquitoes for both phases calculatedby integrating inside the domain: ∫ΩψM dΩ and∫ΩψAdΩ for winged and aquatic phases, respectively.From the simulation, we observed that when insecticideswere used uniformly along all the streets, the totalpopulation of mosquitoes for both phases was reducedsignificantly (Fig. 16a). When the insecticides were used

a b

Fig. 13 Example 3 (one street with chemical insecticides): population propagation in Juiz de Fora (t = 42 days). a Total population for aquaticphase (ψ × A). b Total population for winged phase (ψ × M )

Table 5 Dimensional parameter values used for Example 3(chemical insecticides used along all streets)

Parameter Blocks Streets Park

h1 0 0.928 0

h2 0 0 0

Yamashita et al. Parasites & Vectors (2018) 11:245 Page 10 of 14

uniformly along all the streets the winged phase popula-tion was reduced by 87.56% and an aquatic phase popu-lation was reduced by 74.09% (Fig. 16a). When theinsecticides were used in greater concentrations, butonly in one street, the winged population was reducedby 25.23% and an aquatic phase population was reducedby 11.92% (Fig. 16b).It is clear from the simulation, that the chemical insec-

ticides spread more uniformly along all the streets havea significant effect on the mosquito population for bothwinged and aquatic phases.

Example 4: Copacabana Beach, Rio de JaneiroIn this section, we present the numerical results for thepopulation dynamics of Ae. aegypti mosquitoes inCopacabana Beach, Rio de Janeiro (Fig. 3a).Figure 3b shows the computational domain for the

simulation of the current case containing 12 blocks. In thesatellite map, each block contains several houses andapartments. For simplicity, we assume that the data arehomogeneous inside the blocks setting the function ψ,which represents the coefficient for mosquito area

support. Blocks are separated by streets as shown inFig. 3a, b and Additional file 2: Figure S2. The model pa-rameters for blocks, streets and beach are presented inTable 6.During the daytime, the wind flows from the sea to

the city; during the night, it follows the opposite direc-tion. This periodic nature of the wind was incorporatedin the simulation by introducing the variables t1 and t2,which indicate when this change occurs (see Table 7).The wind velocity near the beach is assumed to be twiceas large than the velocity in the streets. The componentof the wind velocity in the X direction is assumed to belarger in both the beach and streets as compared to thewind velocity in the Y direction. The wind velocity forblocks, streets and beach is presented in Table 7.Figure 17a, b shows the initial conditions for both

winged and aquatic phases with the initial mosquitopopulation concentrated in the small park. Thepopulation for both phases after t = 21 days is shown inFig. 18a, b. We observed that, due to the greater windvelocity, the population of mosquitoes is lower near thebeach. The population for both phases slowly diffused

a b

Fig. 14 Example 3 (all streets with chemical insecticides): population propagation in Juiz de Fora (t = 21 days). a Total population for aquaticphase (ψ × A). b Total population for winged phase (ψ × M )

a b

Fig. 15 Example 3 (all streets with chemical insecticides): population propagation in Juiz de Fora (t = 42 days). a Total population for aquaticphase (ψ × A). b Total population for winged phase (ψ × M )

Yamashita et al. Parasites & Vectors (2018) 11:245 Page 11 of 14

from the park into the streets and blocks as shown inFig. 18a, b. The population for both phases spread rap-idly in the streets due to the presence of wind and thehigher value of the diffusion coefficient. We observedthat the mosquito population in both phases spreadquickly along the X direction due to the larger compo-nent of wind velocity along the X direction. As time pro-gresses (t = 42 days), we observed that the population ofmosquitoes increased inside the blocks (Fig. 19a, b).Furthermore, it was observed that the invasion processis higher for aquatic phase as compared to winged phasenear the boundary due to the net influx for thewinged phase being zero at the boundary of the do-main (Fig. 19a, b).

DiscussionIn the present work, the model addressing the prolifera-tion of Aedes aegypti mosquitoes was proposed. As far aswe know, it is the most complete and realistic model forthis issue. The two-dimensional model allowed us to takeinto account topography (building blocks, streets, beachareas, parks, forests, etc.), climate conditions (wind,temperature, humidity) and human action (insecticides).The modeling was based on the idea that the mosquitoes’erratic movement depends significantly on the environ-ment and needs to be taken into account when planningpublic health policies. The model depends on severalparameters that can be measured or obtained through his-tory matching. Despite other improvements, the presented

model introduces the concept of mosquito area support,which allows the modeling of the non-uniformity of themosquito population in a different environment.In order to illustrate the model, four examples were

presented for the population dynamics of Ae. aegyptimosquitoes for both the winged and aquatic phase at anurban scale.The first example simulated the generic building

blocks neighborhood. The mosquito population grewand dispersed rapidly due to the wind influence. In thesecond, the example city center of Juiz de Fora wassimulated, showing the population growth spread fromthe park area into the building blocks. The third ex-ample used the same data as the previous one with theuse of chemical insecticides attacking winged phase intwo different configurations maintaining the same totalamount of the insecticide. Furthermore, we observedthat if the chemical insecticides spread more uniformlyalong all the streets in a neighborhood of a city, theinsecticides have a significant effect on the mosquitopopulation for both winged and aquatic phases. Thisobservation gives a new insight regarding the optimal useof insecticides in a city. The fourth example describesCopacabana Beach area in Rio de Janeiro city taking intoaccount strong and direction-changing winds.

a b

Fig. 16 Comparison between Examples 2 and 3, where the red line represents the total population without chemical insecticides, the blue linerepresents chemical insecticides along a street and the black line represents chemical insecticides along all streets. a Total population for wingedphase (ψ × M ). b Total population for aquatic phase (ψ × A)

Table 6 Dimensional parameter values used for Example 4(Copacabana Beach, Rio de Janeiro)

Parameter Blocks Streets Beach

ψ 1 0.3 0.8

Dx 3.75 × 10-3 1.25 × 10-2 1.25 × 10-2

Dy 3.75 × 10-3 1.25 × 10-2 1.25 × 10-2

Table 7 The values used in wind velocity: inside the blocks, onthe street and the beach

Parameter Description Blocks Streets Beach

νx (t1) Wind velocity along the X directionduring day time

0 -0.2 -0.4

νy (t1) Wind velocity along the Y directionduring day time

0 0.15 0.3

νx (t2) Wind velocity along the X directionduring night time

0 0 0

νy (t2) Wind velocity along the Y directionduring night time

0 -0.25 -0.5

Yamashita et al. Parasites & Vectors (2018) 11:245 Page 12 of 14

a b

Fig. 17 Example 4: initial condition for both populations in Copacabana Beach (t = 0). a Aquatic phase. b Winged phase

a b

Fig. 18 Example 4: population propagation in Copacabana Beach (t = 21 days). a Total population for aquatic phase (ψ × A). b Total populationfor winged phase (ψ × M )

a b

Fig. 19 Example 4: population propagation in Copacabana Beach (t = 42 days). a Total population for aquatic phase (ψ × A). b Total populationfor winged phase (ψ × M )

Yamashita et al. Parasites & Vectors (2018) 11:245 Page 13 of 14

ConclusionsThe presented methodology is a tool that can beemployed to evaluate and to understand not only generalepidemic risks but point city regions that are more sus-ceptible to vector transmitted diseases. Moreover, asshown in the Example 3, the model can be used to in-crease efficiency of the existing mosquito populationcontrol techniques and test new methods theoretically,before involving the human population. Furthermore,this model can be coupled with SIR type models toinvestigate the disease dynamics in a city and includefinancial costs to assist in public health decisions.

Additional files

Additional file 1: Figure S1. An enlarged view of the center of Juiz deFora and its surroundings. The figure shows the surroundings of the cityof Juiz de Fora (Source: Google Maps). The area marked on the map (red)is shown in Fig. 2a. (DOCX 1963 kb)

Additional file 2: Figure S2. An enlarged view of Copacabana in Rio deJaneiro and its surroundings. The figure shows the surroundings of theCopacabana Beach, Rio de Janeiro (Source: Google Maps). The areamarked on the map (red) is shown in Fig. 3a. (DOCX 656 kb)

AbbreviationsWHO: World Health Organization; FADEPE: Fundação de Apoio eDesenvolvimento ao Ensino, Pesquisa e Extensão; FAPEMIG: Fundação deAmparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais; FVM: Finite volume method;ODE: Ordinary differential equation; PDE: Partial differential equation;SIT: Sterile insect technique

FundingThis work was supported in part by FAPEMIG under Grant APQ 01377/15,and FADEPE.

Availability of data and materialsAll relevant data are included in this article.

Authors’ contributionsWMSY developed the mathematical model, derived numerical results andwrote the paper. SSD developed the mathematical model, derived numericalresults and wrote the paper. GC designed the study, contributed to thedevelopment of the mathematical model, derived numerical results andwrote the paper. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.

Ethics approval and consent to participateNot applicable.

Competing interestsThe authors declare that they have no competing interests.

Publisher’s NoteSpringer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims inpublished maps and institutional affiliations.

Received: 15 November 2017 Accepted: 3 April 2018

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