October 2018 Global Product Delivery Highlights · delivery of a seamless customer experience for...

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October 2018

Global Product Delivery


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Egencia Global Product Delivery Highlights: OCT 2018

Currently launching and coming in Q4

Air BookingRollout of the new booking

experience on our new global platform

Global Rail UK: Adding more features (roundtrip)

FR: Progressively rolling out a

redesigned experience

Global CarProgressively rolling out a new single,

global Car shopping & booking path

Arrangers: Modify Arrangers can modify their travelers’

reservation (Android)

SSO “Stay logged in”Single Sign On users will stay logged

in for a longer period of time

(determined by their company)

Train bookingUK train rollout continues (round trip).

Coming next: French Train.

New Air Travel PoliciesLaunch of new air policies to bring

consistent traveller experience

Profile CardsRoll out of new cards in order to

standardise the product

Lodging & hotel Sort Optimization

Multi-travelers Bookings

Egencia® Analytics Studio(Reporting & Analytics)

Optimize for the future with Year-over-

Year data visualizations + a new built-

in data dictionary

Travel Management Lodging & Transportation The


Egencia Advantage

Car bookingCar rollout continues with the support

of negotiated rates, policy, approval.

Book saved tripsTravelers can book a saved trip.

Insurance (FR/BE/DE)Partnering with Allianz for a new

flight insurance offer.

Visa alert (for India & HK)A work visa alert is displayed on the

online itinerary (trip card) + in the

confirmation email for the final

destination of a trip.

Rail compensation (UK)Get compensation if your train

is cancelled or delayed.

Travel Assistance

(US, CAN, AUS, NZ, UK)We will be partnering with Allianz for

a telephone assistance/concierge.

Virtual paymentWe will offer virtual payment with

external partners.

NDCEgencia’s position

HR FeedChange in email layout in order to

comply with GDPR regulations



Spotlight topics


Travel Management

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New Air Travel Policies Bringing consistency to the site for Travel Managers

Launching the following parameters as part of air policy:

• Highest Cabin Class

• Out of policy destination

• Advance Purchase

• Reasonable Flight

Highest Cabin Class

• Define the default cabin class from the following options available

• Economy Class

• Premium Economy Class

• Business Class

• First Class

You can choose to include stopover in the duration exceptions

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New Air Travel Policies Bringing consistency to the site for Travel Managers

Out of policy destination

1. Define the route for which air travel is out of policy

2. You can choose to apply both ways or just one way by

selecting the checkbox

3. If To or From input box is left blank, it will be assumed as


4. You can define any number of locations as out of policy

5. Location can be defined at airport, city, country or continent


Advance Purchase

1. Configure a criteria that anything booked x-days in advance is out

of policy

2. The day range can be between 1 and 21 days

3. Advance purchase policy can be also defined at Geography level

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New Air Travel Policies Bringing consistency to the site for Travel Managers

Best Fare Option

We are standardizing legacy LRF and LLF to a new and simpler way to calculate

the best fare option at the time of booking on SGP


Select a flight result which provides balance among:

• Flight policies of the company

• Convenience for the traveler

• Price

Flight policies



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Profile ManagementNew Cards launching

Notification Card is being launched with the alerts integrated inside-

• Marketing Communication

• Expiry Alerts

• Flight Alerts

• Reservation Emails

• Calendar Sync/Invites

Loyalty Card

This card is used to manage loyalty and subscription cards of a user

for Air, Hotel, Train and Car


All the functionalities remain same as in legacy except the following

which will be deprecated

• Train in both EU and NA

• Reporting Preferences

• Mobile Activation Setting

• Hotel ( EU)- via payment preference

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Egencia Analytics StudioOptimize for the future with Year-over-Year data visualizations

The Egencia Analytics Studio gives you dynamic visuals that

tell the story of how your business travel creates value for your


• Unlock additional value by comparing spend, average rates,

compliance, online adoption, and more on a yearly basis

• Available for all parts of your program whether you want to

take a holistic view (Travel Summary) or across different

spend categories (Air, Hotel, Train, Car)*

• Live for all clients in all languages

• Access is via the drop-down in the horizontal navigation bar

• Available for Travel Manager, Travel Director, and Report

Analyst users

* - Does not currently include Egencia Global Alliance (EGA) partner data

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Egencia Analytics StudioGet the definition of your KPIs in seconds with the Data Dictionary

The Egencia Analytics Studio gives you dynamic visuals that

tell the story of how your business travel creates value for your


• Get clarity and information in seconds by accessing the data

dictionary for the official definitions of your key reporting


• Live for all clients in all languages

• Access is via the drop-down in the horizontal navigation bar

or directly from the Analytics Studio landing page

• Available for Travel Manager, Travel Director, and Report

Analyst users


Lodging & Transportation

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AIR - Shopping & Booking Brings you where you need to be

A completely redesigned air experience for a faster display, mobile

responsive pages and stability improvements. A consistent & global

path that meets also your local requirements. Enhancements are

based on travellers behaviours and feedback.

Launched in 2018

• A new Air Shopping path including flight details, filters with prices per

airline to compare at a glance, pricing page with clear information of

what’s included and the ability to mix fare flexibility.

• Transferring the “add a hotel” functionality to the trips page

Coming in Q4

• An enhanced checkout page with a new layout that consolidates

and highlights traveler, invoicing and payment information.

• You need more time to think, an option allows you to book the ticket

and confirm later – the ticket ticketing date will be available on the

trips page only


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HOTEL - Shopping & Booking

Launched in 2018

• Results displaying progressively so travelers can start shopping

more quickly.

• Checkout page redesign to highlight the information that matters

most to bookers

• Your previously/frequently booked Hotel available in your “trips”

without hotel booking for an easy & fast booking along with an

email reminder.

• Cancel online with mobile responsive pages.

Coming in Q4

• Improved sort (through machine learning) based on your travelers

travel preferences booking behaviors and company policy for more

relevant results

• Book multiple travelers in a single checkout page

a. One block per traveler including all the data related to the


b. The price details is displayed per traveler

c. The booking is automatically done for all the travelers


d. A “group trip” will be available on the trips page, so any change

to the booking can be made separately for each traveler

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A brand new experience for you travellers, helping them to

navigate easily in a consistent way across our website, with

booking capabilities on our app and based on a new integration

with our SilverRail partner.

Launched in 2018

• New user experience for one way bookings (based on specific

search criteria).

• Mobile App bookings available for one way trips also!

• NEW! Online Cancel on both desktop & App

Coming in Q4

• Booking Roundtrips with the new experience on desktop & mobile

• Adding a London Travel day card to the booking

• Booking Routes with transfer

• Mobile App with all shopping & booking capabilities


RAIL – UK RAILGlobal offer on the right track

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RAIL– FR RAILGlobal offer on the right track

Launched in 2018

• Find what you are looking for: search & book your TER tickets

ONLINE – Egencia is the first TMC to offer that!

• Development to a new direct connectivity with the TER booking

system (April 2018) to provide the TER full content.

Coming in Q4

A brand new experience for you travellers, helping them to navigate

easily in a consistent way across our website, with booking

capabilities on our app (this will depend on your search criteria)

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CAR – Shopping & BookingStart your engines

Launched in 2018 (North America)

• A consistent experience for all your bookings (Air, Rail,

Hotel & CAR).

• A brand new design from search to checkout.

• Highlighting all the car options on one screen to make it

easy to compare

• Clear organization of the information, to review your


• One and Single checkout page, to ease the finalization.

• Bookings available within The App!

Coming in Q4 (All countries)

• View all types of Rates for all searches: negotiated,

Egencia Preferred rates and published rates

• Extend to additional means of payment (Credit Card, on

account, loyalty cards)

• Book for additional services

• Launching the same experience in EU & APAC

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New Distribution Capability (NDC) Main points about NDC

1. It’s a complex path

• Since 2012, we’ve been a member of IATA’s Passenger Distribution Management Group Advisory Forum to ensure

delivery of a seamless customer experience for our global customers.

• We are only at the beginning of the NDC journey with IATA’s “202020” objective of 20 airlines targeting 20 percent of

indirect bookings via NDC by 2020 ahead.

2. Focusing on the Customer is key : keeping the needs and requirements at the forefront

• Incremental value

• Choice and comparison: NDC should enrich the decision-making process.

• Beyond booking: We need to build maturity and functionality that goes beyond the shop-book-pay flow.

• Scale and efficiency

3. Collaboration with airlines is required

• The airlines need a collaborative and inclusive approach to address the complexity and scale of corporate travel.

• A small number of airlines have still decided to removed content from the GDS or tacked on fees while the industry is in

the transition phase.

Read our blog

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New Distribution Capability (NDC) Egencia’s position

Egencia as part of the Expedia group, is engaged with various

players in the industry (customers, airlines, GDSs, aggregators)

to build the right NDC sourcing strategy.

• We are part of a core committee at IATA defining the NDC

standard since 2017

• We are part of the NDC early adopters / advisory board set

up by the GDSs, to build a scalable solution

Our content and connectivity strategy is evolving

• Securing the adoption of NDC through the GDS in H2 2019

(depending on the GDS developments)

• In addition to GDS’s, we are exploring other options

Integrating NDC content will require high investment and drive

new economic model.

• Today less than 2% of flights sourced via this connectivity and

mainly on the leisure side

• Industry objective of 20/20/20 : 20 Airlines, to reach 20% of

their traffic through NDC in 2020

We are committed to providing comprehensive inventory to meet

our clients needs, in the most scalable, efficient and economic

way for travelers.

• Today less than 2% of flights sourced via this connectivity and

mainly on the leisure side.

• We want to make sure we put the customer at the center of




3. 4



The App

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The app for all

Launched in Q3

• Arrangers can modify their travelers’ reservation (iOS)

• Approvers can approve in 2 taps

• TMs can access Traveler Tracker from the app

• Travelers in the UK can book train (rollout in progress)

• Travelers in North America can book a car (rollout in progress)

Coming Next

• Arrangers will be able to modify their travelers’ reservation (Android)

• Travelers in the UK and in France will have access to Train booking

(progressive rollout over several months)

• Travelers in all regions will have access to Car booking (progressive

rollout over several months)

• Travelers will be able to book saved trips

Most business travel apps only cater to the travelers’ needs. The

Egencia app goes beyond and offers features for arrangers,

approvers and Travel Managers.

Watch this short video:https://youtu.be/Th6NMTRZA04


Egencia Advantage & Expense

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Egencia AdvantageServices to help business travelers throughout the entire journey

Visa Services Parking CommunicationTravel

SatisfactionRisk Avoidance

Book your parking in

advance with:

• ParkWhiz (US


• Onepark (EU


A the airport or train

station leave your car to

a Ector valet & get your

car back at the exit at

your arrival. (France)

Help save on roaming

charges for an individual

traveler with Skyroam

(Global) or for your entire

company with Webbing


Based on your passport

information & destination,

alerts on trips page &

confirmation email

• CIBT Visas (Global

except India & HK)

• Visa HQ (India)

Airhelp: If your flight was

delayed or cancelled,

Egencia & AirHelp will

help you get your


Loungebuddy: You can

now easily book your

next lounge.

No need to be a frequent

flyer. It’s easy & cheap!

Your security is crucial!

For that reason we are

partnering with the

world’s leading medical &

travel security assistance


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Egencia AdvantageAirhelp – get your flight compensation

In 2004, the European Union established Rule 261/2004. It

set rules on compensation for passengers who encounter

disruptions while traveling.

Your traveller is flying to, originating from or connecting

through the EU and the flight is delayed, cancelled or


AirHelp provides air passengers with legal assistance and together with Egencia helping travelers get reimbursed.

Why is this important for our clients?

• Passenger rights (European law!) Egencia is

working with Airhelp to help travelers get their


• It is an automatic process → No work has to be

done from clients side

• No costs for clients

• This will help travelers motivation and satisfaction


For your information

Customer Experience & The

Egencia Resource Center

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Customer ExperienceNew Help link to access the Help Center and your Customer Service details

Quickly discover key information and your customer service

details faster than ever before directly in the Egencia platform

• The Help Center provides “in-moment” answers to the top

questions asked by you and your travelers

• Your customer service contact details are listed at the

bottom of the Help Center

• Live for all clients in all languages

• On the home page today, we will be rolling out the Help link

to all pages by the beginning of 2019

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The Egencia Resource CenterNew dedicated section to highlight how the Egencia platform empowers arrangers



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