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The Punters Retirement Plan


The Ultimate Punter’s Bible

National Library of Australia Cataloguing-in-Publication entry

Author: Wingate, Col.

Title: The punters retirement plan the ultimate punter’s bible :step by step system that can make you a millionaire in

less than 12 months / Col Wingate ; editor, William Webster.

ISBN: 9780987235657 (pbk.)

Subjects: Horse racing--Betting--Australia--Handbooks, manuals, etc.

Other Authors/Contributors:Webster, William.

Dewey Number: 798.4010994

Copyright © 2012 by Wingate, Col.All rights reserved.

No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the Publisher. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts

in a review.

Publishers:Inspiring Publishers

Po box 159 Calwell ACT 2905, Australia.Email: inspiringpublishers@gmail.com


The Punters Retirement Plan

Disclaimer: In the opinion of the author and the Publisher, if you follow the step by step instructions outlined in this publication, you will be as successful as the book title implies. Absolute proof has been

provided that this Betting Plan works.

However, you must follow the strict instructions and exercise discipline if you want this system to work for you.

In all forms of gambling there are certain risks involved. You should, therefore, always follow the Punter’s Golden Rule and only outlay

what you can afford to lose.

The author and the Publisher cannot be held responsible in anyway for any losses incurred by the reader or anybody who bets using

this system; particularly the people who bet irresponsibly and not in accordance to the instructions in this publication.

This publication is all about giving people from all walks of life a genuine opportunity to become financially secure.

You have our assurance that the author and the Publisher had your best interests in mind in the composition and publication of this



The Ultimate Punter’s Bible

IntroductionPunting is a mug’s game. Quickest way to lose your money is to bet on the horses and greyhounds.

If you have received this advice, or heard that before, do yourself a favor and ignore it.

The fact is that with a well developed system, people from all over the world make an absolute fortune from Horse/Greyhound Racing and gambling in general.

Yes it can be a mugs game for the people who don’t have a proven system to follow. For most people, Horse Racing is an innocent way of having a little bet just for the fun of it. Mostly on special occasions, such as the Melbourne Cup.

People who walk into a TAB (Totalisator Agency Board), have a look at the list of Horses and Greyhounds names and say: ‘Hey that horse is named after my favorite uncle, that has got to be a good omen, I’ll have a bet on this,’ are the reasons why the TAB is a thriving Multi Million Dollar Industry.

And despite all the myths and expert advice that you may hear, to be successful at making money on the horses and greyhounds, you don’t have to be at the track to study the conditions and get a feel for who the likely winners are.

And if you get an exclusive tip from someone who knows someone, who knows someone, who knows a Trainer, or Owner, or Jockey that his horse is in top shape and is about to run the race of his life, so put your money on him because it will pay a great price . . . ignore it!


The Punters Retirement Plan

Every Owner, Trainer and Jockey is out to win. If there are 10 starters in a race; and you are given a tip from all 10 Owners, Trainers and Jockeys; which one are you going to believe?

This Betting Plan does work, as the results will show. It is simple, but effective.

But you must be extremely disciplined, follow the directions and not deviate from the step by step instructions, even though you may be tempted to.

You must treat this as a business. You are not having a flutter on the horses; you are running a profitable business. If you like to put a bit of money on the horses, Roulette Wheel, Poker Machines, or any form of gambling at a casino, or anywhere for that matter; if you don’t have a proven system to follow, you will always lose your money.

You may fluke a few good wins occasionally, but if you continue to re-invest your winnings, or continue to bet without a good proven system, you WILL lose your money.

Most punters will lose their money because they are being unreasonable in their expectations. They live for the thrill of putting a dollar on a Trifecta that pays thousands of dollars, but you can take it from me, these occasions are few and far between. The TAB, Bookmakers, and all forms of Gambling Systems make an absolute fortune from people who bet irresponsibly.

People, who make a living from Horse Racing, or any form of gambling, follow a system and religiously stick with it.


The Ultimate Punter’s Bible

How Does It Work?

Have you heard a saying that goes something like: ‘back favorites and lose your money?’ Again, do yourself a favor and ignore it.

This Betting Plan may seem frustrating at times, because some of the dividends are small, but you must be disciplined and follow it step by step.

This system involves backing favorites. But it is done with a set procedure and it is the Staking Plan that is the key to making it successful. Knowing when to bet and how much to invest is crucial to making this plan work effectively.

Our plan involves betting on the favorites - for a Place only - in the first 3 races of all Race Meetings.

Why the first 3 races? Some of the later races feature more fancied horses and greyhounds. The Melbourne Cup, for example, is usually Race 7. The middle races are usually the feature races, and the earlier races are often preliminary events leading up to the Main Event.

However, the first race of the day - in fact the first 3 races - the track is in its best condition. Towards the middle and end of the Race Meeting, the Track can be churned up quite considerably (particularly if it has been raining) and this hinders the favorite’s chances of winning, as it may not be able to run its natural race.


The Punters Retirement Plan

Statistics show that more favorites Win – or Place - in the first 3 races of any given Race Meeting.

This system is applicable to all Race Meetings all around the world.

You don’t have to be an expert on Horse or Greyhound Racing. If you have never been to a Race Meeting, never had a bet in your life, or don’t even know what a horse or a greyhound is, it doesn’t matter; this system will work for you.

You can operate this system from the comfort of your own home. All you need is a computer with Internet connection. The TAB has a website and all information you need is on that website.

As I said, the system works on the first 3 races of any nominated Race Meeting. Go to the First Race and put x amount of dollars - for a Place only - on the First Favorite.

By betting for a Place only – not a Win – you are increasing the odds in your favor. Win Dividends pay higher than Place Dividends (although not always), but the Race Meetings pay 3 Place Dividends and only one Win Dividend. Therefore, you will make far more profit in the long run by betting for a Place only.

If the favorite in the First Race runs a Place, you do not have any further bets on that Race Meeting. That is it for that Race Meeting for the day.

If the favorite in the First Race fails to run a place, you then bet 5 times that amount on the favorite in the Second Race – for a Place only. Keep in mind that favorites usually pay low dividends. By betting 5 times the amount, you are giving yourself a better opportunity to make a profit on that Race Meeting and therefore, recover your loses from the race before.

If the favorite in the Second Race runs a Place, you do not have any further bets on that Race Meeting. That is it for that Race Meeting for the day.


The Ultimate Punter’s Bible

If the favorite in the Second Race fails to run a Place, you then place 5 times that amount on the favorite in the Third Race, for a Place only.

Whatever happens in the Third Race; that is it for that Race Meeting for the day. If it runs a Place, you should come out well ahead for that Race Meeting. Although sometimes the favorite in the Third Race will only pay money back or a low dividend, and you may find that you lose on that Race Meeting. However, you will make it up on other Race Meetings.

So as you can see, for this System to fail, the favorite in the first 3 races has to fail to run a Place and that happens very rarely. And when it does happen, you will be so far in front it won’t matter.

My research shows that this system works 93.5% of the time. You can implement it in all forms of racing: Gallops, Trots and Greyhounds. However, there are a strict set of rules to follow:

Quickly check the first 3 races of all Race Meetings for that day and if you see a Race Meeting where one race or more has insufficient runners, and therefore will not pay a Third Place Dividend, ignore that Race Meeting for the day.

Count the amount of horses in the first 3 races on all Race Meetings, as explained above, if there are 7 or less there will be No Third Dividend (NTD). You will be amazed at the amount of times a favorite runs third when it is not paying a Third Dividend. You don’t want that to happen to you.

However, keep an eye out for the words: Late Scratching. If there are 7 starters and a late scratching, it will still pay 3 Place Dividends, so you can go ahead and bet on that race.

If there are more than 12 horses in any particular race, avoid that Race Meeting for the day. 13 horses or more can be a hazard, as excess horses can sometimes get in the favorite’s way. More than 13 horses will pay better dividends, but we are not looking for big dividends we are looking for consistency.


The Punters Retirement Plan

You will find that on any given Race Day that you will eliminate many of the Gallops Meetings. They can sometimes start with only 5 or less starters and then the next race could have 20 or more starters. So avoid that Race Meeting.

However, sometimes you will see quite a few scratchings. You may see 16 horses, but 5 scratchings. Therefore, that Race qualifies. If in doubt, count the amount of starters and if there are 8 – 12, it is safe to bet on that race, providing, of course, that the other 2 races in that particular Race Meeting also qualify.

You don’t want to find yourself in a situation where the favorites in the first 2 races have failed to run a Place - taking you to the Third Race - and then you find that there are only 7 starters. Imagine how you will feel if the favorite runs 3rd and it doesn’t pay a dividend.

You will sometimes have to eliminate a Trots Race Meeting but not as often as the Gallops.

Same applies to Greyhound Meetings, as they have only 8 starters from the boxes. But be careful of scratchings with Greyhounds. 7 or less starters will not pay a Third Dividend.

Quite often a Greyhound Meeting will have 8 Starters and 2 Reserves. So if 2 are scratched, the Reserves will replace them. However, always make sure that there are 8 starters before placing your bet (or 7 starters and one Late Scratching).

If you choose to ignore the above rules, you do so at your own risk.

It is imperative that you follow these rules; it can mean the difference of this system succeeding or failing.

In the Race Results Section I will list all the Race Meetings that have been discarded for that day, under the date.

So to quickly re-cap: Check the first 3 races of all Race Meetings and make sure that all races have 8 – 12 starters. Otherwise discard that Race Meeting for the day.


The Ultimate Punter’s Bible

Don’t worry if you appear to be discarding many Race Meetings, there are plenty more to come.

You will find that all 3 kinds of Race Meetings: Gallops, Trots and Greyhounds will consistently work for you if you follow the above guidelines.

Leave placing your bets till the very last minute. There can often be some late betting and the favorite can change, sometimes a few times just before the commencement of a race.

Gallops should be the most consistent as they are controlled by a Jockey.

However, my research has found that the Trots also consistently make good profits, which is good considering all the things that can go wrong in Harness Racing.

And Greyhounds, considering that they don’t have a Jockey or a Driver, are also very consistent. In fact, as you will see in my Results Section, the Greyhounds have provided a huge percentage of our profits.

You can start with whatever amount of money you can afford. But as I have previously stated, if you want this system to work, you must treat it as a serious business.

What would you be prepared to pay for a business that you expected to make $1,000,000 from in less than 12 months?

With this in mind, when showing the Results I have started our TAB Bank Account with $1,000. However, if this is outside of your budget, start with whatever you can afford. But if you can afford $1,000 I would recommend that you use that amount as a starting point.

Keep in mind, you are about to operate a very successful Online (or maybe offline) Business.

By starting with $1,000, your staking plan is therefore: $10 - $50 -


The Punters Retirement Plan

$250. As you can see if the system unexpectedly fails in the early stages, you will have enough funds to cover it.

If you can only afford $500, then use half the above amounts. If you are starting with less, then adjust the amounts accordingly. If you want to start with $2,000, double the above amounts. Whatever amount you start with adjust the Staking Plan accordingly. If, for example, you can afford to start big; with say: $10,000, your Staking becomes: $100 - $500 - $2500.

Each time your Bank Account doubles, your staking doubles (I will show you examples of this later on).

So you bet $10 on the favorite in the First Race. If it runs a Place, you are not required to have any further bets on that particular Race Meeting.

If the favorite in the First Race fails to Place, bet $50 on the favorite in the Second Race. If it fails to Place, bet $250 on the favorite in the Third Race.

I will confess that when you are required to go to the Third Race, that it can provide some nervous moments. It is a large amount to place on one horse/greyhound. And when you double your staking, obviously the amounts will get larger.

However, have faith in the system. It works 93.5% of the time, so the odds are well and truly in your favor. I will soon prove to you that it works.

Don’t chicken out when placing your bet on the Third Race, although you may be tempted to.

Quite often the favorite in the Third Race will pay a good dividend, thus ensuring a huge profit for that Race Meeting (as you will see in the Results Section) and this will make your nervous moments worthwhile.


The Ultimate Punter’s Bible

Other times it may only pay Money Back, thus ensuring a loss on that Race Meeting. Don’t despair, it won’t happen that often, and the other Race Meetings will make up for it.

Sometimes the favorite will change just before the start of the Race. The Race may even be minutes passed the advertised starting time and you will notice that betting is still going on. That’s okay if there is a firm favorite, you simply bet on that favorite, however, if the favorite appears to be alternating between 2 – 3 horses/greyhounds, you need to hold your nerve and use your own discretion.

You can take heart in knowing that this is a very rare occurrence, so don’t let it concern you. I am simply making you aware that you may experience some stressful moments.

But hey, if you are running a business from which you expect to make a Million Dollars, don’t you expect to have some stressful moments and challenges?

Okay, time to get started. Here are the Step by Step Instructions. Keep in mind that I am Australian, living in Australia, so all following steps and instructions are relevant to Australia.

However, these guidelines are relevant to most countries. All you need is a TAB Service with Website and access to the Internet. If you don’t want to use, or don’t have a computer with Internet connection, you can always go to your local TAB office. However, make sure you have the time, as you will be spending many hours there.

Yes it does require time! Don’t all successful/profitable businesses require time?

Okay. Let’s do it. Let’s get started.

Step 1: Open a TAB Account.

Go to your nearest TAB and open an account with whatever money you can afford. As previously suggested, open with $1,000 – or equivalent, depending on your country’s monetary currency. Or you


The Punters Retirement Plan

can do it online by going to the TAB website.

If you would prefer to go to your local TAB on a daily basis, rather than open a TAB Account, that is your choice. But be prepared to spend long hours there and make sure you have plenty of cash.

In some countries you may be able to open your TAB Account over the phone. The Australian TAB, however, prefers that you go to your local TAB or do it online.

Step 2: A Computer with Internet Access.

Once you have opened your TAB Account, you will be given the Website with an ID Number and Password. There is no further need to go to your local TAB, you can do everything online.

So obviously you will need access to a computer with Internet. It would be so much easier to operate in the comfort of your own home, so if you don’t already have a computer, you need to purchase one as soon as possible. If you are not Computer and Internet savvy, I suggest you enroll in a crash course, or have someone show you how to use it.

Step 3: Getting Ready to Start Your Betting.

If you live in Australia, go to this website: https://tatts.com/racing If you live in another country, you will be given the relevant Website details.

Once the website is open, you will see all of today’s Race Meetings, broken into 3 categories: GALLOPS, TROTS and GREYHOUNDS.

You will see the LOGIN Button at the top of the page, and the area for your ID and Password. Go ahead and type in your ID and Password. You will see a welcome note at the top right hand corner of the page and the amount in your TAB Account.

You should do this in the morning and give yourself plenty of time to qualify the Race Meetings well before they start.


The Ultimate Punter’s Bible

To ensure that you are on the correct page of the website, click the Racing link at the top of the page. Under the headings: GALLOPS, TROTS and GREYHOUNDS, you will see the city/town where today’s races are being held.

Please be aware that they are not in order of time.

So if you are running behind schedule, check each Race Meeting in order of time. The time of the Race start is next to the Race Meeting. If the start of the race is drawing near, it will give you the time in minutes when it is due to start.

The time is in 24 hour format. If a race is due to start at 1.10PM, the time will be listed as 13:10.

If the current time is 12.30PM, it will show 40m, to indicate that the Race starts in 40 minutes.

The Trots and Greyhounds (and sometimes Gallops) have day and night Race Meetings. And quite often our TAB will feature overseas races; EG: UK, England, Ireland and some New Zealand Race Meetings; and sometimes Dubai and other overseas venues.

With the exception of New Zealand, the overseas Race Meetings are usually later at night. It all depends if you want to stay up later to make some extra profits. Some of these overseas Race Meetings have high quality horses and are therefore very consistent, sometimes paying very good dividends.

In the early stages while you are learning your way around the Website, it may help to write down the times the races start in their starting order. That way you can tick them off as you check each one to see if it qualifies.

Select the first Race Meeting and click on Race 1, which is on the right hand side of that Race Meeting (city/town). Using the instructions above, make sure that that race qualifies, IE: has 8 to 12 starters. Make sure you check the scratchings.


The Punters Retirement Plan

Once you have checked Race 1, check races 2 & 3. You will find all race numbers at the bottom left hand corner. Click on Race 2; and then Race 3.

If any Race doesn’t meet the required criteria, cross that Race Meeting off your list. You will find that you will cross a large percentage of Gallops off the list, maybe a few Trots, and maybe a few Greyhounds.

Once you have checked each particular Race Meetings click on the word: Racing at the top of the page, to go back to today’s Racing Menu page.

Once you have gone through each Race Meeting to see which one’s qualify and which one’s don’t, you are ready to start placing your bets.

If the First Race for the day is 2 hours away, leave it for now. Find something else to do, maybe turn your computer off and come back to it just before the start of the race.

The later you can leave it before placing your bet the better. If you place your bet well before the Race starts, you may find that the favorite for the race will change. In that case, you have backed the wrong horse/greyhound.

Step 4: Now Let’s Get Down To Business.

Okay. You are about to place your first bet for the day.

You will see the list of horses/greyhounds. On the left hand side you will see the horse/greyhound number and name. Under the heading Tote you will see Win and Place.

Under Win and Place you will see figures that represent what the horse/greyhound is expected to pay. The figure may show: 4.6 ($4.60), 8.6 ($8.60), etc. You will notice that the Place dividend is lower, except on very rare occasions, when a favorite may be paying more for a Place than it is for a Win.

If you follow the figures listed under Win, you will see one figure is


The Ultimate Punter’s Bible

colored in red. This represents the favorite and this is the one you will be putting your money on. You will notice that it is the lowest figure in that line beside the horse’s/greyhound’s name. The favorite is obviously going to pay the lowest dividend.

Sometimes if you look at the Place Dividends you will see that the favorite is not always the lowest figure. This sometimes happens. Take no heed to this; the favorite is always the lowest paying Win Dividend. The one colored in red.

On the right hand side you will see the panel where you place your bets. You may want to familiarise yourself with this small panel box before placing your bets.

It may look complex at first, but after a few tries, it will become easy for you to operate.

It will say TICKET and directly under that: PLACE A BET. The next panel will say: Win/Place (This is your Betting Menu, if you want to bet on the Quinella, Trifecta, etc). Don’t touch this panel, as all your bets will be for a Place only.

The next box will say Meet. Click on the arrow and all the Racing Codes will open. Look at the race location again (town/city) and you will see a 2 letter code next to the city/town’s name with the race number, EG: NR1, VR2, CR3, etc.

This 2 letter code will represent that Race Meeting.

The codes will look something like this: NR, VR, CR, AS, CS, ES, ZS, MT, NT, VT, AT, PT, ZT, etc.

Make sure you click on the correct code for that Race Meeting. It will lock into the panel and remain there until you have finished placing your bet.

The next box below: Race, click on the arrow. You will notice a list of figures will appear. Lock in the correct race number.


The Punters Retirement Plan

The good news is that unless you have the correct code for that race, the Race panel will not open and won’t allow you to put the race number in.

This is a safeguard to ensure that you don’t put your money on the wrong horse/greyhound.

The next box says: Selections, place the number of the horse/greyhound into that box (the number will appear on the left hand side of the horse/greyhound’s name).

The next boxes say Win and Place followed by a dollar sign. Ignore the Win box, and type the correct amount of money you wish to invest in the Place box.

You only have to put the figure (the dollar sign is already there): initially it will probably be either: 10, 50, 250, depending on which race it is.

Once you are sure that all the details are correct you can click the PURCHASE Button directly below.

You are then given an option to CONFIRM PURCHASE or CANCEL PURCHASE. Make sure you click CONFIRM PURCHASE otherwise the bet will not be registered.

The details of the bet will then appear under the heading: BET SOLD.

The more practice you have at this the more efficient and quicker you will become.

You can now wait for the outcome of that race. However, if there is another race starting shortly after that, you will need to put that bet on as well. In this case click the Racing link, top of the page to go back to the Main Menu and place your other bet/s, following the above instructions.

If there is no immediate race coming up, you can remain on that page to watch the results appear.


The Ultimate Punter’s Bible

When the race is over, the results will appear at the top, middle of the page.

There will be 3 horse’s/greyhound’s names (unless there is a tie for third, in that case there will be 4 names) appearing in the order they placed. The dividends will appear beside them. The top horse/greyhound will have 2 figures, representing Win and Place Dividends. The following two horses/greyhounds (2nd and 3rd) will have the Place Dividends beside them.

This is the stage when you will either be quietly celebrating as your horse’s/greyhound’s name is appearing in that panel, or cursing under your breath (or maybe out loud), because it’s not there.

If the name you are looking for doesn’t appear, you will move on to the next race – in that particular Race Meeting - and as previously explained, place 5 times that amount on the next race.

If you have been successful you can forget that particular Race Meeting for the rest of the day.

As soon as the names and dividends appear you will notice the word INTERIM at the top right hand corner. Minutes later, once it has been confirmed that all is okay, IE: weight’s right, no protests, etc. it will change to PAYING.

If you were successful, the winnings will go straight in your online TAB Account. It is all done automatically, a very efficient system. If you are concerned that monies have not gone into your account, try logging out and logging back in again. You will see that your Account is up to date.

As previously explained when you start with a Bank Account of $1,000 your staking plan will be: $10, $50 & $250.

Every time you double your Bank Account, you double the Staking Plan.

Once your Bank Account is $2,000, your staking becomes: $20, $100, $500.

If, shortly after that, you have a bad day and your bank account drops below $2,000, go back to the original Staking Plan. When it exceeds $2,000 again, double the staking again. In fact Every time you drop below that threshold, go back to your previous Staking Plan.

When your Bank Account reaches $4,000; double the staking to: $40, $200, $1,000.

When it reaches $8,000: $80, $400, $2,000. It is simple mathematics; you will know what to do when the time comes.

If you find that your Bank Account has reached the doubled target during any particular day, wait until the following day before doubling your staking.

During the day your Bank Account could fluctuate, IE: you may find that you have the occasional loss during the day; that is why it is best to wait till the following day before doubling your staking, that way you will know exactly what the figure in your TAB Bank Account is.

By the way, if you leave the website open for a lengthy period of time and then find yourself pre-occupied (EG: lengthy telephone call), you may find that your Account has timed-out. In that case, you will need to log in again before you can place a bet.

Look at the top right hand corner of the Website; you will see the word ACCOUNT. If you click on this you will see a record of your bets.


The Ultimate Punter’s Bible

Proof That It Works

Now it’s time to show absolute proof that this Betting Plan works.

The locations of these Race Meetings will be familiar with Australians and/or people who live, or have lived in Australia. If you are not familiar with the names of these Race Meeting locations, it does not matter. All that matters is that I am showing proof that this lucrative Betting Plan works.

As previously explained, all dividends are Place only.

Any questions you may have will be answered in the following Results Section. Just about every possible scenario occurred while compiling these results and I have offered advice with each situation.

So now I would like to invite you to study the following results and see for yourself just how lucrative this Betting Plan is.

You may find it repetitive, even boring, if so, you can quickly skip through the pages, but make sure you read the comments below the results of each particular Race Meeting.

Chances are you may encounter certain situations and will not be sure what to do. By reading the comments - explained above - there is a very strong possibility that you will find the answers that you are looking for.

All the following dividends are results on the Queensland, Australia, TAB.


The Punters Retirement Plan

RACE RESULTSAll Race meetings that did not qualify today are listed under the date.

10 NOVEMBER 2011.Race meetings not considered today as explained above: Otaki (Gallops). Cranbourne (Trots). Warragul, Addington (Greyhounds).


Race 1 $10 Favorite Jestarossa. UnplacedRace 2 $50 Favorite Feuer Drache. Placed and paid $1.50Outlay $60 Return $75 Profit $15

Race 1 $10 Favorite Domerin. UnplacedRace 2 $50 Favorite Mannar Mia. Placed and paid $1.10Outlay $60 Return $55 Profit Lost - $5

Race 1 $10 Favorite Shady Favour. Placed and paid $1.30Outlay $10 Return $13 Profit $3

Race 1 $10 Favorite Unoaked. Placed and paid $1.40Outlay $10 Return $14 Profit $4






The Ultimate Punter’s Bible

Race 1 $10 Favorite Figurine. UnplacedRace 2 $50 Favorite Bold Master. Placed and paid $1.50Outlay $60 Return $75 Profit $15

Race 1 $10 Favorite No Compromise. Placed and paid $2.70Outlay $10 Return $27 Profit $17




Race 1 $10 Favorite Mister Rocknroll. Placed and paid $1.80Outlay $10 Return $18 Profit $8

Race 1 $10 Favorite Secret Tom. Placed and paid $1.10Outlay $10 Return $11 Profit $1

Race 1 $10 Favorite Trendy Fella. Placed and paid $1.30Outlay $10 Return $13 Profit $3

Race 1 $10 Favorite Aldebaran Dream. Placed and paid $1.00Outlay $10 Return $10 Profit Broke Even


Gold Coast



Race 1 $10 Favorite Miss Kerr. UnplacedRace 2 $50 Favorite Vibrate. Placed and paid $1.00Outlay $60 Return $50 Profit Lost - $10



The Punters Retirement Plan


Race 1 $10 Favorite Glen Gallon. Placed and paid $1.00Outlay $10 Return $10 Profit Broke Even

Race 1 $10 Favorite Rocket to Exil. Placed and paid $2.10Outlay $10 Return $21 Profit $11

Race 1 $10 Favorite Smoke Home. Placed and paid $1.80Outlay $10 Return $18 Profit $8



Sandown Park

Race 1 $10 Favorite J D Spur. UnplacedRace 2 $50 Favorite Alchemist. Placed and paid $1.20Outlay $60 Return $60 Profit Broke Even

Race 1 $10 Favorite Bronze Seeker. Placed and paid $1.10Outlay $10 Return $11 Profit $1



This was one of those unusual races where the winner paid more for a Place than it did for a Win. It does happen sometimes.


Race 1 $10 Favorite Smoke. Placed and paid $1.40Outlay $10 Return $14 Profit $4


The Ultimate Punter’s Bible


Race 1 $10 Favorite Malibu. Placed and paid $1.40Outlay $10 Return $14 Profit $4

Angle Park

Race 1 $10 Favorite Mate’s Honour. UnplacedRace 2 $50 Favorite Airbag. Placed and paid $1.50Outlay $60 Return $75 Profit $15


Race 1 $10 Favorite Total Sensation. Placed and paid $1.60Outlay $10 Return $16 Profit $6


Race 1 $10 Favorite Pippa EM. Placed and paid $1.00Outlay $10 Return $10 Profit Broke Even


Race 1 $10 Favorite Tiger’s Idol. Placed and paid $1.00Outlay $10 Return $10 Profit Broke Even


Race 1 $10 Favorite Sofia Elise. Placed and paid $1.00Outlay $10 Return $10 Profit Broke Even

There were losses and break evens in some races and yet we were still able to make a profit of $100 for today’s Race Meetings.


The Punters Retirement Plan

11 NOVEMBER 2011.Ipswich, Moonee Valley, Kemspey (Gallops), Killmore (trots), Hatrick (Greyhounds).


Race 1 $10 Favorite Angelus. Placed and paid $1.10Outlay $10 Return $11 Profit $1

Sunshine Coast

Race 1 $10 Favorite Shimmering Heights. Placed and paid $1.00

Outlay $10 Return $10 Profit Broke Even


Race 1 $10 Favorite Rearing To Win. Placed and paid $1.30Outlay $10 Return $13 Profit $3


Race 1 $10 Favorite Quasistar. Placed and paid $1.50Outlay $10 Return $15 Profit $5


The Ultimate Punter’s Bible


Race 1 $10 Favorite Husson Command. Placed and paid $1.30

Outlay $10 Return $13 Profit $3


Race 1 $10 Favorite Zac Generation. UnplacedRace 2 $50 Favorite Getreel. Placed and paid $1.00Outlay $60 Return $50 Profit Lost - $10


Race 1 $10 Favorite Emily Moon. Placed and paid $1.50Outlay $10 Return $15 Profit $5


Race 1 $10 Favorite Jeu De Cartes. Placed and paid $1.10Outlay $10 Return $11 Profit $1


Race 1 $10 Favorite Tauber. UnplacedRace 2 $50 Favorite My Little Twister. Placed and paid

$1.60Outlay $60 Return $80 Profit $20


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Race 1 $10 Favorite Oceania. UnplacedRace 2 $50 Favorite IM OuttaHere. UnplacedRace 3 $250 Favorite Our Blackbird. Placed and paid $1.10Outlay $310 Return $275 Profit Lost - $35

Phew! This is where you can get a bit nervous. When we have to rely on the Third Race. In situations like this, you hope the favorite in the Third Race pays well. On this occasion it ran at a loss. But it won’t happen too often and the other profits will quickly make up for it.

Gold Coast

Race 1 $10 Favorite Boab Babe. UnplacedRace 2 $50 Favorite Zinzan Bromac. Placed and paid

$1.00Outlay $60 Return $50 Profit Lost - $10


Race 1 $10 Favorite Bondi Shannon. Placed and paid $1.80

Outlay $10 Return $18 Profit $8

Pt Pirie

Race 1 $10 Favorite Pandemania. Placed and paid $1.00Outlay $10 Return $10 Profit Broke Even


The Ultimate Punter’s Bible

Gloucester Park

Race 1 $10 Favorite The Silk Road. UnplacedRace 2 $50 Favorite Lavros Conquest. UnplacedRace 3 $250 Favorite Parasite. Placed and paid $1.30Outlay $310 Return $325 Profit $15

Another one of those close calls where we had to go to the Third Race. But this time we managed to survive it and make a small profit.


Race 1 $10 Favorite Alberto Contador. Placed and paid $1.00

Outlay $10 Return $10 Profit Broke Even

Alexandra Park

Race 1 $10 Favorite You Rock. Placed and paid $1.00Outlay $10 Return $10 Profit Broke Even


Race 1 $10 Favorite Harbour Lane. UnplacedRace 2 $50 Favorite Knocka Agogo. Placed and paid $1.40Outlay $60 Return $70 Profit $10

Wentworth Park

Race 1 $10 Favorite Devine Law. Placed and paid $1.70Outlay $10 Return $17 Profit $7


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Race 1 $10 Favorite Bronx Warrior. UnplacedRace 2 $50 Favorite Aldus Bale. Placed and paid $1.60Outlay $60 Return $80 Profit $20

The Gardens

Race 1 $10 Favorite Lochinvar Blanik. UnplacedRace 2 $50 Favorite Lucky Tokaam. Placed and paid $1.30Outlay $60 Return $65 Profit $5


Race 1 $10 Favorite Fat Wallet. UnplacedRace 2 $50 Favorite Hoaded Noami. Placed and paid $2.30Outlay $60 Return $115 Profit $55


Race 1 $10 Favorite Woodside Woody. Placed and paid $1.10

Outlay $10 Return $11 Profit $1


Race 1 $10 Favorite Vomatron. UnplacedRace 2 $50 Favorite Travellin Solo. Placed and paid $1.60Outlay $60 Return $80 Profit $20


The Ultimate Punter’s Bible


Race 1 $10 Favorite Smart Guess. UnplacedRace 2 $50 Favorite Bashy’s Magic. Placed and paid $2.50Outlay $60 Return $125 Profit $65

Wow! Great dividend for a favorite.

Ascot Park

Race 1 $10 Favorite Real Clever. UnplacedRace 2 $50 Favorite Cool Jordie. Placed and paid $1.10Outlay $60 Return $55 Profit Lost - $5

Winnellie Park

Race 1 $10 Favorite India Talk. Placed and paid $2.00Outlay $10 Return $20 Profit $10

Total profit today of $194. Another very good day. However, the Greyhounds saved us today. The Gallops didn’t make much profit and the Trots actually ran at a loss.

So that’s a profit of $294 in the first 2 days. Our Bank Account is now: $1,294.

Tomorrow is Saturday, which brings about the biggest Race Meetings in Australia. Look forward to some big profits tomorrow.


The Punters Retirement Plan

12 NOVEMBER 2011.Eagle Farm, Morphettville, Bathurst, Ascot, Darwin (Gallops), The Gardens (Greyhounds).


Race 1 $10 Favorite Kuchinskaya. Placed and paid $1.40Outlay $10 Return $14 Profit $4


Race 1 $10 Favorite Andre Roo Hoo. Placed and paid $1.40

Outlay $10 Return $14 Profit $4

Gold Coast

Race 1 $10 Favorite Millyen. Placed and paid $1.30Outlay $10 Return $13 Profit $3


The Ultimate Punter’s Bible

Kembla Grange

Race 1 $10 Favorite Non Capishe. Placed and paid $1.10Outlay $10 Return $11 Profit $1


Race 1 $10 Favorite Gazelle. Placed and paid $1.30Outlay $10 Return $13 Profit $3


Race 1 $10 Favorite Silver Command. Placed and paid $1.00

Outlay $10 Return $10 Profit Broke Even


Race 1 $10 Favorite Dunderry. Placed and paid $1.40Outlay $10 Return $14 Profit $4


Race 1 $10 Favorite Hurrican Hymnbook. Placed and paid $2.10

Outlay $10 Return $21 Profit $11


Race 1 $10 Favorite Oak Park. Placed and paid $2.90Outlay $10 Return $29 Profit $19

These are the races we enjoy; when the favorite pays a good


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dividend. Makes up for the low paying favorites. Greyville

Race 1 $10 Favorite Shark Attack. Placed and paid $1.60Outlay $10 Return $16 Profit $6


Race 1 $10 Favorite Hinterland. Placed and paid $1.20Outlay $10 Return $12 Profit $2


Race 1 $10 Favorite Residence And Spa. Placed and paid $1.90

Outlay $10 Return $19 Profit $9


Race 1 $10 Favorite Ziva. Placed and paid $1.80Outlay $10 Return $18 Profit $8

TROTSAlbion Park

Race 1 $10 Favorite Lombo Lumber Jack. UnplacedRace 2 $50 Favorite InTheLightofDay. UnplacedRace 3 $250 Favorite Eternal Rock. Placed and paid $2.20Outlay $310 Return $550 Profit $240

Wow! Have a look at this: a profit of over $200 in one Race Meeting. Yes it can get a bit stressful when we have to rely on the Third Race,


The Ultimate Punter’s Bible

but when the favorite pays this well, it makes it all worthwhile.


Race 1 $10 Favorite Buckeye Nation. Placed and paid $1.20

Outlay $10 Return $12 Profit $2.


Race 1 $10 Favorite Paige Olivia. UnplacedRace 2 $50 Favorite Buddy Rippa. Placed and paid $1.70Outlay $60 Return $85 Profit $25


Race 1 $10 Favorite Zeta Street. Placed and paid $1.80Outlay $10 Return $18 Profit $8

Globe Derby

Race 1 $10 Favorite Guapo Bromac. Placed and paid $1.30Outlay $10 Return $13 Profit $3

Gloucester Park

Race 1 $10 Favorite Blissfull Boy. UnplacedRace 2 $50 Favorite Sienna. UnplacedRace 3 $250 Favorite Smart VC. UnplacedOutlay $310 Return Zero Profit Lost - $310

Ouch! The system has to fail sometimes. We can be thankful that we are having such a good day and may still make a profit.


The Punters Retirement Plan

GREYHOUNDSWentworth Park

Race 1 $10 Favorite Flavours. Placed and paid $1.40Outlay $10 Return $14 Profit $4

The Meadows

Race 1 $10 Favorite Smokey Assassin. UnplacedRace 2 $50 Favorite Come on Rodge. Placed and paid

$2.50Outlay $60 Return $125 Profit $65


Race 1 $10 Favorite Big Daddy Boy. UnplacedRace 2 $50 Favorite Atlantic Queen. Placed and paid $2.20Outlay $60 Return $110 Profit $50


Race 1 $10 Favorite Velocity Zip. Placed and paid $1.80Outlay $10 Return $18 Profit $8


Race 1 $10 Favorite Pedro’s Finest. UnplacedRace 2 $50 Favorite Vocal Enforcer. Placed and paid $1.20Outlay $60 Return $60 Profit Broke Even

Wow! What an extraordinary day. Despite the system failing once and losing $310 in one Race Meeting; we still managed to make a


The Ultimate Punter’s Bible

profit of $169.

Surely this indicates what a powerful system this is. We must accept that the system will fail from time to time, but as previously stated, when it happens we will be so far ahead it won’t matter.

After 3 days we have made a profit of $463. Our bank now totals $1,463.


The Punters Retirement Plan

13 NOVEMBER 2011Penola, Devonport, Alice Springs, Sha Tin, Limerick (Gallops), Kalgoorlie, Hobart (Trots). Strathalbyn (Greyhounds).

GALLOPSSunshine Coast

Race 1 $10 Favorite Ruffino. Placed and paid $1.30Outlay $10 Return $13 Profit $3


Race 1 $10 Favorite Sutton Quality. UnplacedRace 2 $50 Favorite Charge to Bern. Placed and paid $1.40Outlay $60 Return $70 Profit $10


Race 1 $10 Favorite Sedgman. Placed and paid $1.20Outlay $10 Return $12 Profit $2


The Ultimate Punter’s Bible


Race 1 $10 Favorite Seek De Fortune. Placed and paid $1.10

Outlay $10 Return $11 Profit $1


Race 1 $10 Favorite Secret Bullion. UnplacedRace 2 $50 Favorite GirlCan. Placed and paid $1.20Outlay $60 Return $60 Profit Broke Even


Race 1 $10 Favorite Wallington Flyer. Placed and paid $1.00

Outlay $10 Return $10 Profit Broke Even


Race 1 $10 Favorite Hopkins. Placed and paid $2.30Outlay $10 Return $23 Profit $13


Race 1 $10 Favorite Duke Of Beaufort. Placed and paid $1.70

Outlay $10 Return $17 Profit $7


The Punters Retirement Plan


Race 1 $10 Favorite Al Ferof. Placed and paid $1.60Outlay $10 Return $16 Profit $6


Race 1 $10 Favorite Tribal Dance. Placed and paid $2.80Outlay $10 Return $28 Profit $18

Wow! Great dividend.

Te Amamutu

Race 1 $10 Favorite Rioaviador. Placed and paid $1.20Outlay $10 Return $12 Profit $2


Race 1 $10 Favorite No Fixed Address. Placed and paid $1.40

Outlay $10 Return $14 Profit $4


Race 1 $10 Favorite Feelin Smart, Placed and paid $1.00Outlay $10 Return $10 Profit Broke Even


The Ultimate Punter’s Bible


Race 1 $10 Favorite Sienna Sun. UnplacedRace 2 $50 Favorite Eddie Boy. UnplacedRace 3 $250 Favorite Spectacular. Placed and paid $1.00Outlay $310 Return $250 Profit Lost - $60

Oh no! One of the situations we dread. The favorite in the Third Race Places and only pays a dollar. This means we lost $60 on that Race Meeting. This is one of those situations we may be faced with from time to time. The favorites in races 1 & 2 failed to run a place and then we see the favorite in Race 3 only paying $1.00.

Stick with it and have faith. It won’t happen very often and also keep in mind that sometimes a favorite can change its Starting Price several times before a race commences. It may be showing $1.00 2 – 3 minutes before the race, and you may be thinking of discarding the race altogether, but at the last minute it may change to $1.20 - $1.30. Not on this occasion though, unfortunately. But like I say, stick with the system; you will come out ahead.


Race 1 $10 Favorite Cool Jazz. Placed and paid $2.30Outlay $10 Return $23 Profit $13

Sandown Park

Race 1 $10 Favorite Shark Bite. Placed and paid $1.70Outlay $10 Return $17 Profit $7


The Punters Retirement Plan


Race 1 $10 Favorite New Virus. UnplacedRace 1 $50 Favorite Go Mighty Shiraz. Placed and paid $1.30Outlay $60 Return $65 Profit $5


Race 1 $10 Favorite Donna Ricca. Placed and paid $1.70Outlay $10 Return $17 Profit $7


Race 1 $10 Favorite Berridale Bullet. Placed and paid $1.70

Outlay $10 Return $17 Profit $7


Race 1 $10 Favorite Molokai. Placed and paid $1.00Outlay $10 Return $10 Profit Broke Even


Race 1 $10 Favorite Cheverton. Placed and paid $1.40Outlay $10 Return $14 Profit $4

Despite the disappointment of losing $60 in one race we were still able to make a profit of $49.

That’s $512 profit so far. Our Bank Account balance is now $1,512.


The Ultimate Punter’s Bible

14 NOVEMBER 2011Canberra (Gallops). Menangle (Trots).


Race 1 $10 Favorite Zamalek Star. Placed and paid $1.20Outlay $10 Return $12 Profit $2


Race 1 $10 Favorite Zilch. UnplacedRace 2 $50 Favorite Full Hand. UnplacedRace 3 $250 Favorite Hand Cut. Placed and paid $1.70Outlay $310 Return $425 Profit $115

This was one of those stressful Race Meetings; for 2 reasons: 1. It went to the Third Race which can be a bit stressful at times. 2. The favorite changed several times just before the start of the race. Hand Cut was the favorite, seconds before the race started.

The important thing is that the result was great for us: the punters. It paid $1.70 for the place and gave us a profit of $115 for that Race Meeting.


The Punters Retirement Plan


Race 1 $10 Favorite Lite Prince. Placed and paid $1.00Outlay $10 Return $10 Profit Broke Even

Globe Derby

Race 1 $10 Favorite Avagoodweekend. UnplacedRace 1 $50 Favorite My Mate Mal. Placed and paid $1.50Outlay $60 Return $75 Profit $15


Race 1 $10 Favorite WhatIfWhyNot. Placed and paid $1.00

Outlay $10 Return $10 Profit Broke Even


Race 1 $10 Favorite Our Dezzy Mac. Placed and paid $1.10

Outlay $10 Return $11 Profit $1


Race 1 $10 Favorite Bellagio Lad. Placed and paid $1.60Outlay $10 Return $16 Profit $6


The Ultimate Punter’s Bible


Race 1 $10 Favorite Ocotillo. UnplacedRace 2 $50 Favorite Cold Shoulder. UnplacedRace 3 $250 Favorite Desalle Bale. Placed and paid $1.80Outlay $310 Return $450 Profit $140

Wow! Another Race Meeting goes to the Third Race; and the good news is that it paid $1.80. A profit of $140. A good dividend sure relieves the stress of having to rely on the Third Race.


Race 1 $10 Favorite Jet Lane. Placed and paid $1.10Outlay $10 Return $11 Profit $1


Race 1 $10 Favorite Diamond Ryan. UnplacedRace 2 $50 Favorite Elusive Ace. Placed and paid $1.30Outlay $60 Return $65 Profit $5


Race 1 $10 Favorite Chamonix. UnplacedRace 2 $50 Favorite Creative Online. UnplacedRace 3 $250 Favorite McCosker Speed. Placed and paid

$1.10Outlay $310 Return $275 Profit Lost - $35

Wow! Another Race Meeting has gone into the Third Race before we get a placing. This time we ran at a loss, but we can’t complain after the other results today were in our favor.


The Punters Retirement Plan

Angle Park

Race 1 $10 Favorite Snuggle Me. Placed and paid $1.00Outlay $10 Return $10 Profit Broke Even


Race 1 $10 Favorite Light Tights. Placed and paid $1.00Outlay $10 Return $10 Profit Broke Even


Race 1 $10 Favorite Doosra. UnplacedRace 2 $50 Favorite Roy Hobbes. Placed and paid $1.00Outlay $60 Return $50 Profit Lost - $10

Yuk! Another favorite places and only pays a dollar. It’s okay when it’s the First Race as we can Broke Even . But we have to take the good with the bad. And fortunately there are more good times than bad times.


Race 1 $10 Favorite Beaudine. Placed and paid $1.60Outlay $10 Return $16 Profit $6

Despite all the Race Meetings that went to the Third Race; the loses and the annoying $1.00 dividends - that result in losses and break evens - we still managed to make a profit of $246.

We have now made a profit of $758. Our Bank now stands at: $1,758.


The Ultimate Punter’s Bible

15 NOVEMBER 2011Townsville (Gallops). Menangle (Trots).


Race 1 $10 Favorite Power Receiver. Placed and paid $1.00Outlay $10 Return $10 Profit Broke Even


Race 1 $10 Favorite Approve. UnplacedRace 2 $50 Favorite Loo kater. Placed and paid $1.30Outlay $60 Return $65 Profit $5


Race 1 $10 Favorite High Samana. Placed and paid $1.20Outlay $10 Return $12 Profit $2


The Punters Retirement Plan


Race 1 $10 Favorite Take Cover. Placed and paid $1.60Outlay $10 Return $16 Profit $6

TROTSAlbion Park

Race 1 $10 Favorite Judd. Placed and paid $1.40Outlay $10 Return $14 Profit $4


Race 1 $10 Favorite Hunter The Punter. Placed and paid $1.20

Outlay $10 Return $12 Profit $2

Globe Derby

Race 1 $10 Favorite Samartia. UnplacedRace 2 $50 Favorite My Riviera Girl. Placed and paid

$1.40Outlay $60 Return $70 Profit $10


Race 1 $10 Favorite Lincoln Beach Girl. Placed and paid $1.00

Outlay $10 Return $10 Profit Broke Even


The Ultimate Punter’s Bible


Race 1 $10 Favorite Motu Claudia Rose. Placed and paid $1.00

Outlay $10 Return $10 Profit Broke Even


Race 1 $10 Favorite Kawati Gift. Placed and paid. $1.30Outlay $10 Return $13 Profit $3


Race 1 $10 Favorite Screaming Halt. UnplacedRace 2 $50 Favorite Diddy Strike. Placed and paid $2.00Outlay $60 Return $100 Profit $40

A favorite placing and paying $2.00. That’s what we like to see, makes up for all the low paying favorites.


Race 1 $10 Favorite Why Not happy. UnplacedRace 2 $50 Favorite Thanks Dave. UnplacedRace 3 $250 Favorite Creative Pip. UnplacedOutlay $310 Return Zero Profit Lost -$310

Ouch! Like I said before, occasionally the system will fail. And no matter how far you are ahead, it always hurts.

The name of the unplaced favorite in the first race, asks the question,


The Punters Retirement Plan

and now we know the answer!

Fortunately, we have made enough profit over the last couple of days to keep us well ahead; even if we do run at a loss today.


Race 1 $10 Favorite Giaconda. Placed and paid $1.50Outlay $10 Return $15 Profit $5


Race 1 $10 Favorite Border Control. Placed and paid $1.90Outlay $10 Return $19 Profit $9


Race 1 $10 Favorite Pernickety. UnplacedRace 2 $50 Favorite Mick’s Wave. UnplacedRace 3 $250 Favorite Address Book. Placed and paid $1.40Outlay $310 Return $350 Profit $40

Phew! Now I have to confess that that was getting a bit stressful. After one failure already today and this Race Meeting going to the Third Race.

But I’m happy to report that our plan did not let us down this time. $40 is good profit for this Race Meeting.


Race 1 $10 Favorite Count Canute. Placed and paid $1.30Outlay $10 Return $13 Profit $3


The Ultimate Punter’s Bible


Race 1 $10 Favorite Whispering Blue. UnplacedRace 2 $50 Favorite Extraordinary. Placed and paid $1.00Outlay $60 Return $50 Profit Lost -$10

Forbury Park

Race 1 $10 Favorite Wandy Luck. Placed and paid $2.10Outlay $10 Return $21 Profit $11


Race 1 $10 Favorite Rob Pines. Placed and paid $1.40Outlay $10 Return $14 Profit $14

Today, for the first time we recorded a loss. Total of -$176. Fortunately we had already made a profit of over $700, so we can afford to lose occasionally.

Our total profit now is $582. Our bank now stands at: $1,582.


The Punters Retirement Plan

16 NOVEMBER 2011Canterbury, Sale (Gallops). Terang (Trots). Ballarat (Greyhounds).


Race 1 $10 Favorite Onaeohl. UnplacedRace 2 $50 Favorite Guru Ted. Placed and paid $1.30Outlay $60 Return $65 Profit $5


Race 1 $10 Favorite Fossicking. UnplacedRace 2 $50 Favorite California Devil. Placed and paid

$1.20Outlay $60 Return $60 Profit Broke Even


Race 1 $10 Favorite Box O’Chocolats. Placed and paid $1.20

Outlay $10 Return $12 Profit $2


The Ultimate Punter’s Bible


Race 1 $10 Favorite True To His Word. UnplacedRace 2 $50 Favorite Cams OK. Placed and paid $1.10Outlay $60 Return $75 Profit $15


Race 1 $10 Favorite Wobbly Archer. UnplacedRace 2 $50 Favorite Panesar. Placed and paid $1.50Outlay $60 Return $55 Profit Lost $5


Race 1 $10 Favorite Search Stardom. Placed and paid $1.70

Outlay $10 Return $17 Profit $7


Race 1 $10 Favorite Octanate. Placed and paid $1.00Outlay $10 Return $10 Profit Broke Even

The Meadows

Race 1 $10 Favorite Ikari Thunder. Placed and paid $1.70Outlay $10 Return $17 Profit Profit: $7


The Punters Retirement Plan


Race 1 $10 Favorite Last Card Manila. Placed and paid $1.70

Outlay $10 Return $17 Profit Profit: $7


Race 1 $10 Favorite Direct Snow. UnplacedRace 1 $50 Favorite Dyna Indigo. Placed and paid $1.30Outlay $60 Return $65 Profit Profit: $5


Race 1 $10 Favorite Vae Victus. Placed and paid $1.30Outlay $10 Return $13 Profit Profit: $3

Angle Park

Race 1 $10 Favorite Cambrian Rock. Placed and paid $1.30

Outlay $10 Return $13 Profit Profit: $3


Race 1 $10 Favorite Few Too Many. Placed and paid $1.30Outlay $10 Return $13 Profit Profit: $3


Race 1 $10 Favorite Bella Sienna. Placed and paid $1.70Outlay $10 Return $17 Profit Profit: $7


The Ultimate Punter’s Bible

Profit for the day: $59.

A fairly quiet, relaxing day, with no need to go into a Third Race to get a result. After yesterday’s loss, it was important that we made a profit today. No major payouts, but we made a profit and that’s the main thing.

Total profit now stands at: $641. Our bank is now: $1,641.


The Punters Retirement Plan

17 NOVEMBER 2011Te Aroha, Vaal (Gallops).


Race 1 $10 Favorite Arrested For Speed. Placed and paid $1.20

Outlay $10 Return $12 Profit $2


Race 1 $10 Favorite Singa Songa. Placed and paid $1.40Outlay $10 Return $14 Profit $4


Race 1 $10 Favorite Hisstar. Placed and paid $1.40Outlay $10 Return $14 Profit $4

Pt Lincoln

Race 1 $10 Favorite Good Conduct. Placed and paid $1.50Outlay $10 Return $15 Profit $5


The Ultimate Punter’s Bible


Race 1 $10 Favorite Wildwood. Placed and paid $1.50Outlay $10 Return $15 Profit $5


Race 1 $10 Favorite Southern Diva. Placed and paid $1.00Outlay $10 Return $10 Profit Broke Even

Gold Coast

Race 1 $10 Favorite Camdon Flash. Placed and paid $1.10Outlay $10 Return $11 Profit $1


Race 1 $10 Favorite Wide Grin. Placed and paid $1.10Outlay $10 Return $11 Profit $1


Race 1 $10 Favorite Backina Lifetime. Placed and paid $1.30

Outlay $10 Return $13 Profit $3


Race 1 $10 Favorite Motu Claudia Rose. Placed and paid $1.10Outlay $10 Return $11 Profit $1


The Punters Retirement Plan


Race 1 $10 Favorite Blue Cavier. Placed and paid $1.40Outlay $10 Return $14 Profit $4


Race 1 $10 Favorite Mean Nathan. Placed and paid $1.10Outlay $10 Return $11 Profit $1

Sandown Park

Race 1 $10 Favorite Defrim Bale. Placed and paid $1.60Outlay $10 Return $16 Profit $6


Race 1 $10 Favorite Sull’s Flame. UnplacedRace 2 $50 Favorite Mighty Stunner. Placed and paid

$1.20Outlay $60 Return $60 Profit Broke Even


Race 1 $10 Favorite Greysynd Prince. UnplacedRace 2 $50 Favorite Tarks Almighty. Placed and paid $1.60Outlay $60 Return $80 Profit $20


The Ultimate Punter’s Bible

Angle Park

Race 1 $10 Favorite Hannah McLaren. Placed and paid $1.30Outlay $10 Return $13 Profit $3


Race 1 $10 Favorite Rapid Cargo. Placed and paid $2.00Outlay $10 Return $20 Profit $10


Race 1 $10 Favorite Pippa EM. Placed and paid $1.00Outlay $10 Return $10 Profit Broke Even


Race 1 $10 Favorite Desert Eagle. UnplacedRace 2 $50 Favorite Happy Boy. Placed and paid $1.70Outlay $60 Return $85 Profit $25


Race 1 $10 Favorite Thrilling Deal. Placed and paid $1.70Outlay $10 Return $17 Profit $7


Race 1 $10 Favorite Cawbourne Flippa. Placed and paid $1.00

Outlay $10 Return $10 Profit Broke Even


The Punters Retirement Plan


Race 1 $10 Favorite Hellyeah Sam. Placed and paid $1.30Outlay $10 Return $13 Profit $3

Another great day. The major percentage of success came from the first race of each Race Meeting. There were only a few that went into the second race.

A relaxing day with a profit of $105.

Our total profit is now: $746. Our Bank Account is now: $1746.


The Ultimate Punter’s Bible

18 NOVEMBER 2011Goulburn, Coffs Harbour, Fairview (Gallops). Kalgoorlie (Trots).


Race 1 $10 Favorite Secret’s Revealed. Placed and paid $1.40

Outlay $10 Return $14 Profit $4

Sunshine Coast

Race 1 $10 Favorite Olympia’s Flame. Placed and paid $1.60

Outlay $10 Return $16 Profit $6


Race 1 $10 Favorite Sparkman. Placed and paid $1.20Outlay $10 Return $12 Profit $2


Race 1 $10 Favorite Crystal Reef. Placed and paid $1.10Outlay $10 Return $11 Profit $1


Race 1 $10 Favorite Long Haul. Unplaced


The Punters Retirement Plan

Race 2 $50 Favorite AwakeNed. UnplacedRace 3 $250 Favorite Hard Stuff. Placed and paid $1.70Outlay $310 Return $425 Profit $115

Wow! We have to have strong nerves when a Race Meeting goes into the Third Race. But we have made a profit over $100 on this occasion.


Race 1 $10 Favorite Norah. Placed and paid $1.60Outlay $10 Return $16 Profit $6


Race 1 $10 Favorite Simonsig. Placed and paid $1.00Outlay $10 Return $10 Profit Broke Even


Race 1 $10 Favorite Storm Home. Placed and paid $1.20Outlay $10 Return $12 Profit $2


Race 1 $10 Favorite Torida EL. Placed and paid $1.50Outlay $10 Return $15 Profit $5


The Ultimate Punter’s Bible


Race 1 $10 Favorite Kalahari King. UnplacedRace 2 $50 Favorite Valiant Sue. Placed and paid $1.00Outlay $60 Return $50 Profit Lost -$10

Gold Coast

Race 1 $10 Favorite Bettor Bet Black. UnplacedRace 2 $50 Favorite Nomunnofun. Placed and paid $1.30Outlay $60 Return $65 Profit $5


Race 1 $10 Favorite Canosey. Placed and paid $1.00Outlay $10 Return $10 Profit Broke Even


Race 1 $10 Favorite Zedalite. Placed and paid $1.00Outlay $10 Return $10 Profit Broke Even

Globe Derby

Race 1 $10 Favorite Conte Centovalli. Placed and paid $1.10Outlay $10 Return $11 Profit $1

Gloucester Park

Race 1 $10 Favorite Itsallabout Nicole. Placed and paid $1.60Outlay $10 Return $16 Profit $6


The Punters Retirement Plan


Race 1 $10 Favorite Lively GNP. Placed and paid $1.10Outlay $10 Return $11 Profit $1

Alexandra Park

Race 1 $10 Favorite No Angel. Placed and paid $1.90Outlay $10 Return $19 Profit $9


Race 1 $10 Favorite Shesa Slim Shady. Placed and paid $1.50

Outlay $10 Return $15 Profit $5

Wentworth Park

Race 1 $10 Favorite River Hi. Placed and paid $1.50Outlay $10 Return $15 Profit $5


Race 1 $10 Favorite Barley Bale. UnplacedRace 2 $50 Favorite What An Effort. Placed and paid $1.30Outlay $60 Return $65 Profit $5

The Gardens

Race 1 $10 Favorite Tip The Barman. UnplacedRace 2 $50 Favorite Relampago. UnplacedRace 3 $250 Favorite Tiz Now. Placed and paid $1.30Outlay $310 Return $325 Profit $15


The Ultimate Punter’s Bible


Race 1 $10 Favorite Pumpletoop. Placed and paid $1.00Outlay $10 Return $10 Profit Broke Even


Race 1 $10 Favorite Arckaringa. Placed and paid $1.50Outlay $10 Return $15 Profit $5


Race 1 $10 Favorite Rio. UnplacedRace 2 $50 Favorite Birkdale Boy. Placed and paid $1.70Outlay $60 Return $85 Profit $25


Race 1 $10 Favorite Indigo Reltub. Placed and paid $2.00Outlay $10 Return $20 Profit $10


Race 1 $10 Favorite Wot Price Agro. Placed and paid $1.00Outlay $10 Return $10 Profit Broke Even


Race 1 $10 Favorite Homebush Zita. Placed and paid $1.40

Outlay $10 Return $14 Profit $4


The Punters Retirement Plan

Winnellie Park

Race 1 $10 Favorite India Talk. Placed and paid $1.70Outlay $10 Return $17 Profit $7

A great day. A profit of $234.

Our profit is now: $980. Our Bank Account is now: $1,980.


The Ultimate Punter’s Bible

SATURDAY 19 NOVEMBER 2011.Doomben, Morphetville, Armidale, Wellington, Mornington, Tauherenikau, Geraldton (Gallops). Wentworth Park (Greyhounds).

GALLOPSWarwick Farm

Race 1 $10 Favorite No Looking Back. Placed and paid $1.40.

Outlay $10 Return $14 Profit $4

Moonee Valley

Race 1 $10 Favorite Roxit. UnplacedRace 2 $50 Favorite Jumpin Jack Cash. Placed and paid

$1.40Outlay $60 Return $70 Profit $10

Gold Coast

Race 1 $10 Favorite Wishbone Jack. Placed and paid $1.20Outlay $10 Return $12 Profit $2


The Punters Retirement Plan

Kembla Grange

Race 1 $10 Favorite Maluti. Placed and paid $1.10Outlay $10 Return $11 Profit $1


Race 1 $10 Favorite Keepers Court. Placed and paid $1.30Outlay $10 Return $13 Profit $3


Race 1 $10 Favorite Jack ‘N’ Me. UnplacedRace 2 $50 Favorite Mirabeau. Placed and paid $1.80Outlay $60 Return $90 Profit $30


Race 1 $10 Favorite Bromley. Placed and paid $1.60Outlay $10 Return $16 Profit $6


Race 1 $10 Favorite Bahsa. UnplacedRace 2 $50 Favorite Rama Kaho. UnplacedRace 3 $250 Favorite Bradbury Chocolate. Placed and paid

$1.00Outlay $310 Return $250 Profit Lost - $60

Yuk! As stated previously, when we have to go to the Third Race to get a result, we like to see the favorite pay a good dividend to make it worthwhile. But it doesn’t always happen. Keep the faith, there are many Race Meetings today, we should still make a profit.


The Ultimate Punter’s Bible


Race 1 $10 Favorite Countess Isabella. Placed and paid $2.20

Outlay $10 Return $22 Profit $12


Race 1 $10 Favorite Seemples. Placed and paid $1.90Outlay $10 Return $19 Profit $9


Race 1 $10 Favorite Lady Kipling. Placed and paid $1.30Outlay $10 Return $13 Profit $3

TROTSAlbion Park

Race 1 $10 Favorite Our Laughalot. Placed and paid $1.40Outlay $10 Return $14 Profit $4


Race 1 $10 Favorite Holy Camp Boy. UnplacedRace 2 $50 Favorite Diablo Storm. UnplacedRace 3 $250 Favorite Girls Rule. Placed and paid $1.20Outlay $310 Return $300 Profit Lost - $10

Phew! Another Race Meeting went to the Third Race. We lost $10, so


The Punters Retirement Plan

not too much damage done.


Race 1 $10 Favorite Pembrook Henry. UnplacedRace 2 $50 Favorite Forest Babe. Placed and paid $1.10Outlay $60 Return $55 Profit Lost - $5


Race 1 $10 Favorite Ima Little Rusty. Placed and paid $1.20

Outlay $10 Return $12 Profit $2

Globe Derby

Race 1 $10 Favorite Cool Hampton Bromic. Placed and paid $1.80

Outlay $10 Return $18 Profit $8

Gloucester Park

Race 1 $10 Favorite Fusion Power. Placed and paid $1.90Outlay $10 Return $19 Profit $9


Race 1 $10 Favorite Faith Philly. UnplacedRace 2 $50 Favorite The Friendly Assassin. Placed and

paid $1.20Outlay $60 Return $60 Profit Broke Even


The Ultimate Punter’s Bible


Race 1 $10 Favorite Malvado. UnplacedRace 2 $50 Favorite Brynne Bale. UnplacedRace 3 $250 Favorite Penske Nan. Placed and paid $1.60Outlay $310 Return $400 Profit $90

Now that’s better. The favorite in the Third Race pays a decent dividend and makes it all worthwhile.


Race 1 $10 Favorite City Star. Placed and paid $1.60Outlay $10 Return $16 Profit $6


Race 1 $10 Favorite Cray Bale. Placed and paid $1.20Outlay $10 Return $12 Profit $2

The Gardens

Race 1 $10 Favorite Our Blue Dream. UnplacedRace 2 $50 Favorite Microwave. Placed and paid $1.20Outlay $60 Return $60 Profit Broke Even


Race 1 $10 Favorite Uno Reltub. Placed and paid $1.00Outlay $10 Return $10 Profit Broke Even


The Punters Retirement Plan

A profit of $126. Our total profit to date is now: $1,106. Our bank is now $2,106.

As you can see we have now doubled our bank and tomorrow we will double our staking.


The Ultimate Punter’s Bible

20 NOVEMBER 2011.Sunshine Coast, Taree, Strathalbyn, Echuca, Alice Springs, Ireland, England (Gallops). Sandown Park, Nowra, Strathalbyn (Greyhounds).


Race 1 $20 Favorite Astro Damus. UnplacedRace 2 $100 Favorite Bia Diamond. Placed and paid $1.50Outlay $120 Return $150 Profit $30


Race 1 $20 Favorite Best law. UnplacedRace 2 $100 Favorite Bold Grace. UnplacedRace 3 $500 Favorite Gypsy Jack. Placed and paid $1.40Outlay $620 Return $700 Profit $80

Phew! Having doubled the stakes for the first time, this was a close call going to the Third Race of this particular Race Meeting. What made it even more stressful was that the favorite changed several times minutes before the race. However, Gypsy Jack was the favorite a minute or so before the race commenced. The Plan can test the nerves sometimes; however, an $80 profit for one Race Meeting makes it all worthwhile.


The Punters Retirement Plan


Race 1 $20 Favorite Hey Blondie. Placed and paid $1.20Outlay $20 Return $24 Profit $4


Race 1 $20 Favorite Faith ‘N’ Courage. Placed and paid $1.50

Outlay $20 Return $30 Profit $10


Race 1 $20 Favorite Zac Imperial. UnplacedRace 2 $100 Favorite Bingo. UnplacedRace 3 $500 Favorite Afriend. UnplacedOutlay $620 Return Zero Profit Lost - $620

Ouch! Now that hurts. First day of doubling the stakes and we lose $620 in One Race Meeting. Chances are we may have to go back to the original staking plan.


Race 1 $20 Favorite After The Party. Placed and paid $1.80Outlay $20 Return $36 Profit $16


Race 1 $20 Favorite Cross The Flags. Placed and paid $1.00Outlay $20 Return $20 Profit Broke Even


The Ultimate Punter’s Bible

Sha Tin

Race 1 $20 Favorite Real Generous. Placed and paid $1.40Outlay $20 Return $28 Profit $8

Te Rapa

Race 1 $20 Favorite Oasis Rose. Placed and paid $1.50Outlay $20 Return $30 Profit $10


Race 1 $20 Favorite Red Riverbed. Placed and paid $1.40Outlay $20 Return $28 Profit $8

Mt Gambier

Race 1 $20 Favorite Princess Fiona. Placed and paid $1.30Outlay $20 Return $26 Profit $6

Ascot Park

Race 1 $20 Favorite Perfect Duchess. Placed and paid $1.50

Outlay $20 Return $30 Profit $10

Phar Lap

Race 1 $20 Favorite Trick Star. UnplacedRace 2 $100 Favorite Franco Revel. Placed and paid $1.90Outlay $120 Return $190 Profit $70


The Punters Retirement Plan


Race 1 $20 Favorite Erinrocks. Placed and paid $1.00Outlay $20 Return $20 Profit Broke Even


Race 1 $20 Favorite Bow Wow Yeah. Placed and paid $1.40

Outlay $20 Return $28 Profit $8


Race 1 $20 Favorite Sizzling Cash. Placed and paid $1.10Outlay $20 Return $22 Profit $2


Race 1 $20 Favorite Red Sovereign. Placed and paid $1.50Outlay $20 Return $30 Profit $10


Race 1 $20 Favorite Hartman. Placed and paid $1.40Outlay $20 Return $28 Profit $8


Race 1 $20 Favorite Thrilling Deal. Placed and paid $1.20Outlay $20 Return $24 Profit $4


The Ultimate Punter’s Bible

Mt Gambier

Race 1 $20 Favorite Cape Evil. Placed and paid $2.00Outlay $20 Return $40 Profit $20

A disastrous day. That one Race Meeting where we lost $620, means we have run at a loss today of -$316. Fortunately this will not happen too often, but it does set us back when it does happen.

But the good news is that we are still well ahead. Our total profit is now: $790. Our bank is now: $1,790.

And as a result we are now required to go back to our original staking plan.


The Punters Retirement Plan

22 NOVEMBER 2011.Townsville, Lingfield, Southwell (Gallops). Albion Park, Menangle, Addington (Trots).


Race 1 $10 Favorite Kitty Cotswold. Placed and paid $1.00Outlay $10 Return $10 Profit Broke Even


Race 1 $10 Favorite Delay. UnplacedRace 1 $50 Favorite Rembetica. Placed and paid $1.30Outlay $60 Return $65 Profit $5


Race 1 $10 Favorite Precious Ruby. Placed and paid $1.30Outlay $10 Return $13 Profit $3


The Ultimate Punter’s Bible


Race 1 $10 Favorite Bound For Glory. Placed and paid $2.10

Outlay $10 Return $22 Profit $12

Wow! Great dividend for a favorite.


Race 1 $10 Favorite Kyvalley Roy. UnplacedRace 2 $50 Favorite Cold Major. Placed and paid $1.00Outlay $60 Return $50 Profit Lost - $10

Globe Derby

Race 1 $10 Favorite Whatareyouwearin. Placed and paid $1.20

Outlay $10 Return $12 Profit $2


Race 1 $10 Favorite Black Aquila. UnplacedRace 2 $50 Favorite Absolute Cool. Placed and paid $1.80Outlay $60 Return $90 Profit $30


The Punters Retirement Plan


Race 1 $10 Favorite Jimtrik El. UnplacedRace 2 $50 Favorite Fremont. Placed and paid $1.40Outlay $60 Return $70 Profit $10


Race 1 $10 Favorite Laurie’s Gift. Placed and paid $1.20Outlay $10 Return $12 Profit $2


Race 1 $10 Favorite Aldus Bale. Placed and paid $1.20Outlay $10 Return $12 Profit $2


Race 1 $10 Favorite Eagle Returns. UnplacedRace 2 $50 Favorite Murray. UnplacedRace 3 $250 Favorite Farmor Goals. Placed and paid $1.30Outlay $310 Return $325 Profit $15

Phew! Another Race Meeting has gone to the Third Race. But we came out ahead, that’s the main thing.


Race 1 $10 Favorite Cooly Gold. UnplacedRace 2 $50 Favorite Much More. Placed and paid $1.80Outlay $60 Return $90 Profit $30


The Ultimate Punter’s Bible


Race 1 $10 Favorite Premier Innings. Placed and paid $1.20

Outlay $10 Return $12 Profit $2


Race 1 $10 Favorite Token Class. UnplacedRace 2 $50 Favorite Aston Odin. Placed and paid $1.30Outlay $60 Return $65 Profit $5


Race 1 $10 Favorite Need A Seatbelt. Placed and paid $2.00

Outlay $10 Return $20 Profit $10

Ascot Park

Race 1 $10 Favorite Noble Enforcer. Placed and paid $2.20Outlay $10 Return $22 Profit $12

Another great dividend.


Race 1 $10 Favorite Sofia Elise. Placed and paid $1.00Outlay $10 Return $10 Profit Broke Even

A profit today of $130.

Our total profit now is $920. Our bank is now $1,920.


The Punters Retirement Plan

23 NOVEMBER 2011.Matamata, Balaklava, Sandown, Launceston, Kenilworth, England Gallops). Angle Park, The Gardens, Rockhampton (Greyhounds).


Race 1 $10 Favorite Run Royal Run. Placed and paid $1.00Outlay $10 Return $10 Profit Broke Even


Race 1 $10 Favorite Black Uma. Placed and paid $1.00Outlay $10 Return $10 Profit Broke Even


Race 1 $10 Favorite Faithful Ruler. UnplacedRace 2 $50 Favorite Triple Charm. Placed and paid $1.30Outlay $60 Return $65 Profit $5


The Ultimate Punter’s Bible

Happy Valley

Race 1 $10 Favorite Good Smile. Placed and paid $2.30Outlay $10 Return $23 Profit $13


Race 1 $10 Favorite Van Celot Robyn. UnplacedRace 2 $50 Favorite Sergeant Merrywood. UnplacedRace 3 $250 Favorite The Falcon Ute. Placed and paid $1.30Outlay $310 Return $325 Profit $15

Phew! Another one went to the Third Race, but we came out in front.


Race 1 $10 Favorite True To His Word. Placed and paid $1.70

Outlay $10 Return $17 Profit $7


Race 1 $10 Favorite Miss Feel Good. Placed and paid $1.10Outlay $10 Return $11 Profit $1


Race 1 $10 Favorite Clowning About. UnplacedRace 2 $50 Favorite Appley Road. Placed and paid $1.40Outlay $60 Return $70 Profit $10


The Punters Retirement Plan

The Meadows

Race 1 $10 Favorite Stetson Donna. Placed and paid $1.00Outlay $10 Return $10 Profit Broke Even


Race 1 $10 Favorite Free Will. Placed and paid $1.10Outlay $10 Return $11 Profit $1


Race 1 $10 Favorite Tiny Farmer. UnplacedRace 2 $50 Favorite Adelfi. Placed and paid $1.80Outlay $60 Return $90 Profit $30


Race 1 $10 Favorite Wonder Robyn. UnplacedRace 2 $50 Favorite So Random. Placed and paid $1.20Outlay $60 Return $60 Profit Broke Even


Race 1 $10 Favorite Becca Bale. UnplacedRace 2 $50 Favorite Diddy Daire. UnplacedRace 3 $250 Favorite Free Roll. Placed and paid $1.60Outlay $310 Return $400 Profit $90

Wow! Another Race Meeting went to the Third Race; and this time we came out well and truly in front. The message here is to hold your nerve and follow the system. As you can see we made a $90 profit in one Race Meeting; and this will ensure a good profit overall for the day.


The Ultimate Punter’s Bible


Race 1 $10 Favorite Cool Charmer. Placed and paid $1.00Outlay $10 Return $10 Profit Broke Even

Another Great day with a total profit of $172. More than half of the day’s profit coming from one Race Meeting (Ballarat Greyhounds). Our profit is now: $1,092. And our bank is now: $2,092.

And that means . . . yes you got it. Tomorrow we will double our staking.


The Punters Retirement Plan

24 NOVEMBER 2011.Rockhampton, Albany, Vaal, PharLap, England, UK, Newberry (Gallops). Cranbourne, Forbury Park (Trots). Addington (Greyhounds).


Race 1 $20 Favorite Observer. Placed and paid $1.00Outlay $20 Return $20 Profit Broke Even


Race 1 $20 Favorite Olympic Joy. Placed and paid $1.10Outlay $20 Return $22 Profit $2


Race 1 $20 Favorite Courage On Fire. Placed and paid $1.40Outlay $20 Return $28 Profit $8


The Ultimate Punter’s Bible


Race 1 $20 Favorite Will Of Iron. Placed and paid $1.40Outlay $20 Return $28 Profit $8

Gold Coast

Race 1 $20 Favorite Camdon Flash. Placed and paid $1.00Outlay $20 Return $20 Profit Broke Even


Race 1 $20 Favorite Fire of Rock. Placed and paid $1.20Outlay $20 Return $24 Profit $4


Race 1 $20 Favorite Rylee’s Ebony. Placed and paid $1.30Outlay $20 Return $26 Profit $6


Race 1 $20 Favorite Frisky Melody. Placed and paid $1.10Outlay $20 Return $22 Profit $2

Sandown Park

Race 1 $20 Favorite Proven Impala. UnplacedRace 2 $100 Favorite Max A Zillion. Placed and paid $1.50Outlay $120 Return $150 Profit $30


The Punters Retirement Plan


Race 1 $20 Favorite Durnbridge. Placed and paid $1.20Outlay $20 Return $24 Profit $4


Race 1 $20 Favorite Run for Six. Placed and paid $2.20Outlay $20 Return $44 Profit $24

Angle Park

Race 1 $20 Favorite Tinashe Bale. Placed and paid $1.60Outlay $20 Return $32 Profit $12


Race 1 $20 Favorite Knocka’s Barmaid. Placed and paid $1.20

Outlay $20 Return $24 Profit $4


Race 1 $20 Favorite Gold Quagmire. UnplacedRace 2 $100 Favorite Pippa Em. UnplacedRace 3 $500 Favorite Go Dangerous. Placed and paid $1.00Outlay $620 Return $500 Profit Lost - $120

Yuk! We shouldn’t really complain; some Third Race favorites have paid good dividends recently.


The Ultimate Punter’s Bible


Race 1 $20 Favorite Velocity Zip. Placed and paid $1.10Outlay $20 Return $22 Profit $2


Race 1 $20 Favorite Bon Vogue. Placed and paid $2.30Outlay $20 Return $46 Profit $26


Race 1 $20 Favorite Tree Bandit. Placed and paid $1.00Outlay $20 Return $20 Profit Broke Even

Today we made a whopping profit of $12. We could probably find 2 reasons for this. We lost $120 in one Race Meeting because the favorite in the Third Race Placed and only paid $1.00 (could have been worse, I guess, it could have not placed at all), and the majority of the Gallops Meetings today (which often pay the biggest dividends), were eliminated from our daily schedule, because they did not qualify (either not enough starters, or too many).

Our total profit is now: $1,104 and our Bank now stands at: $2,104.


The Punters Retirement Plan

25 NOVEMBER 2011.Ipswich, Moonee Valley, Sunshine Coast, Otaki, Kyneton (Gallops). Goulburn, Geelong (Trots). Traralgon, Winnellie Park (Greyhounds).


Race 1 $20 Favorite Ranjaan. Placed and paid $1.60Outlay $20 Return $32 Profit $12


Race 1 $20 Favorite Beyonce. Placed and paid $1.50Outlay $20 Return $30 Profit $10


Race 1 $20 Favorite Royal Treasure. Placed and paid $1.80Outlay $20 Return $36 Profit $16


The Ultimate Punter’s Bible


Race 1 $20 Favorite Gulf Punch. Placed and paid $1.40Outlay $20 Return $28 Profit $8


Race 1 $20 Favorite Gogeo. Placed and paid $1.50Outlay $20 Return $30 Profit $10


Race 1 $20 Favorite Kreuzer. UnplacedRace 2 $100 Favorite Railemup. Placed and paid $1.20Outlay $120 Return $120 Profit Broke Even


Race 1 $20 Favorite Orien Star. UnplacedRace 2 $100 Favorite Greek To Me. UnplacedRace 3 $500 Favorite Amiri. Placed and paid $2.30Outlay $620 Return $1150 Profit $530

WOW! Look at this. As we have noticed many times, the favorite in the Third Race can make or break us! With the staking now at $500 for the Third Race, all it takes is a good dividend and we will have a sensational day.

Gold Coast

Race 1 $20 Favorite Ark De Jeanne. Placed and paid $1.20Outlay $20 Return $24 Profit $4


The Punters Retirement Plan

Pt Pirie

Race 1 $20 Favorite Jonnyndry. Placed and paid $1.70Outlay $20 Return $34 Profit $14

Gloucester Park

Race 1 $20 Favorite Dundee Three. Placed and paid $1.50Outlay $20 Return $30 Profit $10

Alexandra Park

Race 1 $20 Favorite Carpenter’s Daughter. Placed and paid $1.10

Outlay $20 Return $22 Profit $2


Race 1 $20 Favorite Laurie Lachlan. Placed and paid $2.20Outlay $20 Return $44 Profit $24

Wentworth Park

Race 1 $20 Favorite My Jabulani. Placed and paid $1.40Outlay $20 Return $28 Profit $8


Race 1 $20 Favorite Jet Lane. Placed and paid $1.40Outlay $20 Return $28 Profit $8


The Ultimate Punter’s Bible

The Gardens

Race 1 $20 Favorite Cassar Girl. Placed and paid $1.30Outlay $20 Return $26 Profit $6


Race 1 $20 Favorite Ivan Bale. Placed and paid $1.40Outlay $20 Return $28 Profit $8


Race 1 $20 Favorite Lady Slam. Placed and paid $1.50Outlay $20 Return $30 Profit $10


Race 1 $20 Favorite Smart Guess. Placed and paid $1.00Outlay $20 Return $20 Profit Broke Even


Race 1 $20 Favorite Cawbourne Flick. Placed and paid $1.00

Outlay $20 Return $20 Profit Broke Even


Race 1 $20 Favorite Assert. Placed and paid $1.40Outlay $20 Return $28 Profit $8

Wow! What a sensational day. A profit of $688.

Our total profit is now: $1,792. And our bank is now: $2,792.


The Punters Retirement Plan

26 NOVEMBER 2011.Eagle Farm, Canterbury, Sandown, Ballina, Wanganui, Elleslie, Newbury, UK, Newcastle (Gallops). Geraldine (Trots).


Race 1 $20 Favorite Magari’s Dream. UnplacedRace 2 $100 Favorite Jam Fancy. Placed and paid $1.40Outlay $120 Return $140 Profit $20


Race 1 $20 Favorite Copper Vision. Placed and paid $1.60Outlay $20 Return $32 Profit $12


Race 1 $20 Favorite Uchimura. UnplacedRace 2 $100 Favorite Rough Deal. UnplacedRace 3 $500 Favorite Miss Remarkable. Placed and paid

$1.10Outlay $620 Return $550 Profit Lost - $70


The Ultimate Punter’s Bible

We should be thankful that the favorite in the Third Race ran a Place, even if it did mean that we had a loss on this Race Meeting. Hopefully the other events will make up for it and we will still make a profit today.


Race 1 $20 Favorite Top Stuff. Placed and paid $1.60Outlay $20 Return $32 Profit $12


Race 1 $20 Favorite Mungy Reef. UnplacedRace 2 $100 Favorite Domestique. Placed and paid $1.50Outlay $120 Return $150 Profit $30


Race 1 $20 Favorite Coroner. UnplacedRace 2 $100 Favorite All Taken. Placed and paid $1.60Outlay $120 Return $160 Profit $40


Race 1 $20 Favorite Le Samer. Placed and paid $1.20Outlay $20 Return $24 Profit $4


Race 1 $20 Favorite Shark Attack. Placed and paid $1.50Outlay $20 Return $30 Profit $10


The Punters Retirement Plan


Race 1 $20 Favorite Tigers Retreat. Placed and paid $1.20Outlay $20 Return $24 Profit $4

TROTSAlbion Park

Race 1 $20 Favorite Ourlaughalot. UnplacedRace 2 $100 Favorite Pacific Cruza. UnplacedRace 3 $500 Favorite The Tash. Placed and paid $1.70Outlay $620 Return $850 Profit $230

Phew! Another one goes to the Third Race and this time we have come out of it very profitable.


Race 1 $20 Favorite Jaccka Clive. UnplacedRace 2 $100 Favorite Mach Wiper. Placed and paid $1.00Outlay $120 Return $100 Profit Lost - $20


Race 1 $20 Favorite Pearls. UnplacedRace 2 $100 Favorite Girls Got Attitude. Placed and paid

$1.60Outlay $120 Return $160 Profit $40


The Ultimate Punter’s Bible


Race 1 $20 Favorite Ima Little Rusty. UnplacedRace 2 $100 Favorite Paul Land. UnplacedRace 3 $500 Favorite BoyFromTheHood. UnplacedOutlay $620 Return Zero Profit Lost - $620

OUCH! Thankfully it doesn’t happen very often. But as I have said before, it always hurts when it does fail, regardless of how well we are doing.

Globe Derby

Race 1 $20 Favorite Jacobs Well. Placed and paid $1.50Outlay $20 Return $30 Profit $10


Race 1 $20 Favorite Lord Chelsea. Placed and paid $1.00Outlay $20 Return $20 Profit Broke Even

GREYHOUNDSWentworth Park

Race 1 $20 Favorite Banzai Keroma. Placed and paid $1.80

Outlay $20 Return $36 Profit $16

The Meadows

Race 1 $20 Favorite Alana Bale. Placed and paid $1.50Outlay $20 Return $30 Profit $10


The Punters Retirement Plan


Race 1 $20 Favorite Mimicking. Placed and paid $1.50Outlay $20 Return $30 Profit $10


Race 1 $20 Favorite Bardot Bale. Placed and paid $1.30Outlay $20 Return $26 Profit $6

The Gardens

Race 1 $20 Favorite Lochinvar Vicini. Placed and paid $1.40

Outlay $20 Return $28 Profit $8


Race 1 $20 Favorite Roxy Mac. Placed and paid $1.90Outlay $20 Return $38 Profit $18

Certainly not our best day with a loss of -$230. However, let’s not forget that we have still made a profit of $1,562 in just over a fortnight. Proof that the system does work. We just have to hold our nerve and be prepared to lose once in awhile. Our Bank now stands at $2,562.


The Ultimate Punter’s Bible

27 NOVEMBER 2011.Sunshine Coast, Wodonga, Devonport, Alice Springs, Kranji, Kenilworth, UK (Gallops). Motukarara (Trots). Sale, Gawler (Greyhounds).


Race 1 $20 Favorite Champagne Channie. Placed and paid $1.60

Outlay $20 Return $32 Profit $12


Race 1 $20 Favorite Apardee. Placed and paid $1.20Outlay $20 Return $24 Profit $4


Race 1 $20 Favorite McGovern. Placed and paid $1.30Outlay $20 Return $26 Profit $6


Race 1 $20 Favorite Countess Panetti. Placed and paid $1.50Outlay $20 Return $30 Profit $10


The Punters Retirement Plan

Swan Hill

Race 1 $20 Favorite I’m A Soldier. Placed and paid $1.40Outlay $20 Return $28 Profit $8


Race 1 $20 Favorite Castletown Bridge. Placed and paid $1.20

Outlay $20 Return $24 Profit $4

Sha Tin

Race 1 $20 Favorite Supreme Genki. Placed and paid $1.30Outlay $20 Return $26 Profit $6


Race 1 $20 Favorite Son He Will. Placed and paid $1.10Outlay $20 Return $22 Profit $2


Race 1 $20 Favorite I See Icy Earl. Placed and paid $1.20Outlay $20 Return $24 Profit $4


Race 1 $20 Favorite Daisy Thomas. Placed and paid $1.30Outlay $20 Return $26 Profit $6


The Ultimate Punter’s Bible


Race 1 $20 Favorite Codie Karalta. Placed and paid $1.10Outlay $20 Return $22 Profit $2


Race 1 $20 Favorite Shesa Slim Shady. Placed and paid $1.40

Outlay $20 Return $28 Profit $8

Sandown Park

Race 1 $20 Favorite Emryst Bale. Placed and paid $1.50Outlay $20 Return $30 Profit $10


Race 1 $20 Favorite Fast Nick. Placed and paid $2.00Outlay $20 Return $40 Profit $20


Race 1 $20 Favorite Spiral Bound. Placed and paid $1.40Outlay $20 Return $28 Profit $8


The Punters Retirement Plan


Race 1 $20 Favorite Fancy Effort. UnplacedRace 2 $100 Favorite Grand Maestro. UnplacedRace 3 $500 Favorite Vision of Time. Placed and paid $1.80Outlay $620 Return $900 Profit $280

Another one has gone to the Third Race to get a decider. This time it has worked out very profitable for us.


Race 1 $20 Favorite Dallas Beauty. Placed and paid $1.30Outlay $20 Return $26 Profit $6

An exceptionally good day. A profit of $396. See how quickly we can recover from a bad day (the day before).

Have faith in the system and you will be rewarded.

Our total profit is now: $1,958. Our bank is now: $2,958.


The Ultimate Punter’s Bible

28 NOVEMBER 2011.Warrnambool (Gallops). Globe Derby (Trots). Launceston (Greyhounds).


Race 1 $20 Favorite Aigle De Mer. UnplacedRace 2 $100 Favorite Wayne’s World. Placed and paid $1.80Outlay $120 Return $180 Profit $60

Flamingo Park

Race 1 $20 Favorite Bucaneer. Placed and paid $1.80Outlay $20 Return $36 Profit $16


Race 1 $20 Favorite Latoya Lass. Placed and paid $1.30Outlay $20 Return $26 Profit $6


The Punters Retirement Plan


Race 1 $20 Favorite Illuminator. Placed and paid $1.30Outlay $20 Return $26 Profit $6


Race 1 $20 Favorite Iden Noshot. Placed and paid $1.40Outlay $20 Return $28 Profit $8


Race 1 $20 Favorite Fremont. Placed and paid $1.50Outlay $20 Return $30 Profit $10


Race 1 $20 Favorite Huntertana. UnplacedRace 2 $100 Favorite Paua of Darkness. Placed and paid

$1.20Outlay $120 Return $120 Profit Broke Even


Race 1 $20 Favorite Captain’s Mount. Placed and paid $1.60

Outlay $20 Return $32 Profit $12


The Ultimate Punter’s Bible


Race 1 $20 Favorite Zaporan Gold. UnplacedRace 2 $100 Favorite Elusive Ace. Placed and paid $1.20Outlay $120 Return $120 Profit Broke Even


Race 1 $20 Favorite Such A Gutz. UnplacedRace 2 $100 Favorite Darego. Placed and paid $1.10Outlay $120 Return $110 Profit Lost - $10

Angle Park

Race 1 $20 Favorite Starpic. Placed and paid $1.60Outlay $20 Return $32 Profit $12


Race 1 $20 Favorite Carina Bambina. UnplacedRace 2 $100 Favorite Arolok Warrior. Placed and paid

$1.60Outlay $120 Return $160 Profit $40


Race 1 $20 Favorite Tilt Your Glass. Placed and paid $1.60Outlay $20 Return $32 Profit $12

Another good day considering that there were not many Race Meetings today. We made a profit of $172. Our total profit is now: $2,130. Our bank is now: $3,130.


The Punters Retirement Plan

29 NOVEMBER 2011.Port Macquarie, Mornington, Vaal, Southwell (Gallops). Albion Park, Menangle, Northam (Trots). Gawler (Greyhounds).


Race 1 $20 Favorite Mendez. UnplacedRace 2 $100 Favorite Dahara Prize. Placed and paid $1.30Outlay $120 Return $130 Profit $10


Race 1 $20 Favorite Carnac. Placed and paid $1.70Outlay $20 Return $34 Profit $14


Race 1 $20 Favorite Los Bravos. Placed and paid $1.00Outlay $20 Return $20 Profit Broke Even


The Ultimate Punter’s Bible

Globe Derby

Race 1 $20 Favorite Global View. Placed and paid $1.20Outlay $20 Return $24 Profit $4


Race 1 $20 Favorite Doctor Zhivago. Placed and paid $1.50

Outlay $20 Return $30 Profit $10


Race 1 $20 Favorite Breaker Blue. Placed and paid $1.80Outlay $20 Return $36 Profit $16


Race 1 $20 Favorite Imani Bale. Placed and paid $1.50Outlay $20 Return $30 Profit $10


Race 1 $20 Favorite Screaming Halt. Placed and paid $1.20Outlay $20 Return $24 Profit $4


Race 1 $20 Favorite Murray. Placed and paid $1.20Outlay $20 Return $24 Profit $4


Race 1 $20 Favorite Cooper’s Digger. Placed and paid $1.20Outlay $20 Return $24 Profit $4


The Punters Retirement Plan


Race 1 $20 Favorite Premier Innings. UnplacedRace 1 $100 Favorite Caden Bale. UnplacedRace 1 $500 Favorite Minnie Power. Placed and paid $1.00Outlay $620 Return $500 Profit Lost - $120

Oh no! A favorite in the Third Race paid only $1.00. I suppose we should be thankful for all the ones that have paid good dividends; and also thankful that it did run a Place.


Race 1 $20 Favorite Queen Debello. Placed and paid $1.30Outlay $20 Return $26 Profit $6

Forbury Park

Race 1 $20 Favorite Twister Al. Placed and paid $1.00Outlay $20 Return $20 Profit Broke Even


Race 1 $20 Favorite Wynburn Image. Placed and paid $1.20

Outlay $20 Return $24 Profit $4

Not our best day. We ran at a loss of -$32. Many Race Meetings did not qualify and had to be overlooked. And that one Race Meeting where the favorite in the Third Race paid only money back; meant that we ran at a loss.

Our total profit is now: $2,098. And our Bank Account is now: $3,098.


The Ultimate Punter’s Bible

30 NOVEMBER 2011.Pt Lincoln, Kenilworth, (Catterick Bridge, England, Pukekohe (Gallops). The Meadows, Nowra, Angle Park, Hatrick (Greyhounds).


Race 1 $20 Favorite Mein Schadenfreude. Placed and paid $1.10

Outlay $20 Return $22 Profit $2


Race 1 $20 Favorite Icy Mist. UnplacedRace 2 $100 Favorite Fat Al. Placed and paid $1.30Outlay $120 Return $130 Profit $10


Race 1 $20 Favorite Bombalatomba. Placed and paid $1.30Outlay $20 Return $26 Profit $6


The Punters Retirement Plan


Race 1 $20 Favorite Rukus. UnplacedRace 2 $100 Favorite Secret Ceremony. Placed and paid

$1.80Outlay $120 Return $180 Profit $60

Happy Valley

Race 1 $20 Favorite Lucky Turbo. Placed and paid $2.00Outlay $20 Return $40 Profit $20


Race 1 $20 Favorite Bucks Back. Placed and paid $1.50Outlay $20 Return $30 Profit $10


Race 1 $20 Favorite Placid Art. Placed and paid $1.10Outlay $20 Return $22 Profit $2


Race 1 $20 Favorite Luv Tha Aces Lombo. UnplacedRace 2 $100 Favorite Life Savings. Placed and paid $1.00Outlay $120 Return $100 Profit Lost - $20


The Ultimate Punter’s Bible


Race 1 $20 Favorite Nan and Pop. Placed and paid $1.40Outlay $20 Return $28 Profit $8

The Gardens

Race 1 $20 Favorite Rob Jack. UnplacedRace 2 $100 Favorite Born Slippy. Placed and paid $1.70Outlay $120 Return $170 Profit $50


Race 1 $20 Favorite Gomes. Placed and paid $1.70Outlay $20 Return $34 Profit $14


Race 1 $20 Favorite Serious Gain. Placed and paid $1.50Outlay $20 Return $30 Profit $10


Race 1 $20 Favorite Vroom Vroom Vee. UnplacedRace 2 $100 Favorite Arolok Lady. UnplacedRace 3 $500 Favorite Marmion. Placed and paid $1.70Outlay $620 Return $850 Profit $230

Phew! We get butterflies in the stomach when we have to go to the Third Race. But as I keep saying: have faith. Look at the profit. It was worth it this time.


The Punters Retirement Plan

Wow! What a day. Sure made up for yesterday. More than half of today’s profit came from the above Race Meeting.

A profit of $402. And not that many Race Meetings. A surprising number of Greyhound meetings didn’t qualify.

Our total profit is now $2,500. And our Bank Account balance is: $3,500.


The Ultimate Punter’s Bible

1 DECEMBER2011.Seymour, Rockhampton, Vaal, England, UK (Gallops). Maryborough (Trots). Hobart (Greyhounds).


Race 1 $20 Favorite Deductions. Placed and paid $1.30Outlay $20 Return $26 Profit $6


Race 1 $20 Favorite Prophet of War. Placed and paid $1.60Outlay $20 Return $32 Profit $12


Race 1 $20 Favorite Schism. Placed and paid $1.50Outlay $20 Return $30 Profit $10


Race 1 $20 Favorite Blooming Hell. Placed and paid $1.60Outlay $20 Return $32 Profit $12


The Punters Retirement Plan


Race 1 $20 Favorite Six of The Best. Placed and paid $1.20Outlay $20 Return $24 Profit $4


Race 1 $20 Favorite Son of Sassy. Placed and paid $1.40Outlay $20 Return $28 Profit $8

Gold Coast

Race 1 $20 Favorite Travisty. UnplacedRace 2 $100 Favorite Illdobetter. Placed and paid $1.30Outlay $120 Return $130 Profit $10


Race 1 $20 Favorite Bennys Ace. Placed and paid $1.20Outlay $20 Return $24 Profit $4


Race 1 $20 Favorite Soho Nike. UnplacedRace 2 $100 Favorite Fire Of Rock. Placed and paid $1.30Outlay $120 Return $130 Profit $10


The Ultimate Punter’s Bible

Ascot Park

Race 1 $20 Favorite Daytona Beach. Placed and paid $2.40Outlay $20 Return $48 Profit $28

Wow! Great dividend.


Race 1 $20 Favorite Tizza Tiger. UnplacedRace 2 $100 Favorite Master Brutus. UnplacedRace 3 $500 Favorite Pure Adrenalin. Placed and paid $1.50Outlay $620 Return $750 Profit $130


Race 1 $20 Favorite Frisky Melody. Placed and paid $1.50Outlay $20 Return $30 Profit $10

Sandown Park

Race 1 $20 Favorite Artic Master. UnplacedRace 2 $100 Favorite Terry Tibbs. Placed and paid $1.40Outlay $120 Return $140 Profit $20


Race 1 $20 Favorite Avondale Queen. Placed and paid $2.10

Outlay $20 Return $42 Profit $22


The Punters Retirement Plan


Race 1 $20 Favorite Premier Innings. Placed and paid $1.10

Outlay $20 Return $22 Profit $2

Angle Park

Race 1 $20 Favorite Jainamo. UnplacedRace 2 $100 Favorite Emerley Style. Placed and paid $1.20Outlay $120 Return $120 Profit Broke Even


Race 1 $20 Favorite Scissor Queen. UnplacedRace 2 $100 Favorite Cashflow Oz. Placed and paid $1.30Outlay $120 Return $130 Profit $10


Race 1 $20 Favorite Rocket Burner. Placed and paid $1.00Outlay $20 Return $20 Profit Broke Even


Race 1 $20 Favorite Greysynd Storm. UnplacedRace 2 $100 Favorite Hoedown. UnplacedRace 3 $500 Favorite Ce Senor Pedro. UnplacedOutlay $620 Return Zero Profit Lost -$620

Oh No! All our good work from yesterday has come undone. As I have said many times: it has to fail sometimes; and when it does, we will be so far in front it won’t matter. Do not despair, there are better


The Ultimate Punter’s Bible

days ahead.


Race 1 $20 Favorite Thrilling Charge. Placed and paid $1.00

Outlay $20 Return $20 Profit Broke Even


Race 1 $20 Favorite Cawbourne Cookie. UnplacedRace 2 $100 Favorite Assert. Placed and paid $1.40Outlay $120 Return $140 Profit $20

With the Warragul Greyhounds letting us down we had a loss today of -$302. But we are still way ahead with a profit now of: $2,198. And the Bank is now: $3,198.


The Punters Retirement Plan

2 DECEMBER2011.Mudgee, Ashburton, Sunshine Coast, Mt Gambier, Mt Barker, Sandown Park, Lingfield, England (Gallops). Yarra Valley, Globe Derby, Gawler, Addington (Trots). Addington, Hatrick, Winnellie Park (Greyhounds).


Race 1 $20 Favorite Lady Colours. Placed and paid $1.20Outlay $20 Return $24 Profit $4

Mooney Valley

Race 1 $20 Favorite Roses In The Glen. Placed and paid $1.40

Outlay $20 Return $28 Profit $8


Race 1 $20 Favorite Academy Jack. Placed and paid $1.00Outlay $20 Return $20 Profit Broke Even


The Ultimate Punter’s Bible

Coffs Harbour

Race 1 $20 Favorite Surfaboy. UnplacedRace 2 $100 Favorite Opportunities Won. Placed and paid

$1.40Outlay $120 Return $140 Profit $20


Race 1 $20 Favorite Maha Veeran. UnplacedRace 2 $100 Favorite Hilary. UnplacedRace 3 $500 Favorite Yoyo. Placed and paid $1.80Outlay $620 Return $900 Profit $280

You beauty! What a difference it can make when the favorite in the Third Race Places and pays a good dividend.


Race 1 $20 Favorite Tribal Party. Placed and paid $2.20Outlay $20 Return $44 Profit $24

Great dividend. Anything over $2.00 is a great return for a favorite.


Race 1 $20 Favorite Illabo Road. Placed and paid $1.20Outlay $20 Return $24 Profit $4


Race 1 $20 Favorite Go Ahead Makemyday. Placed and paid $1.80

Outlay $20 Return $36 Profit $16


The Punters Retirement Plan

Gold Coast

Race 1 $20 Favorite McCool Mover. Placed and paid $1.40Outlay $20 Return $28 Profit $8


Race 1 $20 Favorite Bettors Best. UnplacedRace 2 $100 Favorite Grinning Girl. Placed and paid $1.20Outlay $120 Return $120 Profit Broke Even

Gloucester Park

Race 1 $20 Favorite Erris Lad. UnplacedRace 2 $100 Favorite Artimis Belle. Placed and paid $1.00Outlay $120 Return $100 Profit Lost - $20

Alexandra Park

Race 1 $20 Favorite Carpenters Daughter. Placed and paid $1.00

Outlay $20 Return $20 Profit Broke Even


Race 1 $20 Favorite Hanify’s Diamond. Placed and paid $1.30

Outlay $20 Return $26 Profit $6

Wentworth Park

Race 1 $20 Favorite Gundabooka. Placed and paid $1.50Outlay $20 Return $30 Profit $10


The Ultimate Punter’s Bible


Race 1 $20 Favorite Kevin Bale. Placed and paid $1.60Outlay $20 Return $32 Profit $12

The Gardens

Race 1 $20 Favorite Our Dream Blue. Placed and paid $1.30

Outlay $20 Return $26 Profit $6


Race 1 $20 Favorite Smart One. Placed and paid $1.50Outlay $20 Return $30 Profit $10


Race 1 $20 Favorite Night Rose. Placed and paid $1.60Outlay $20 Return $32 Profit $12


Race 1 $20 Favorite Indigo Reltub. Placed and paid $1.50Outlay $20 Return $30 Profit $10

Wow! What a great day. A profit of $410. Makes up for yesterday’s loss. A good day beats a bad day anytime.

Our total profit is now: $2,608. And our Bank is now: $3,608.


The Punters Retirement Plan

3 DECEMBER2011.Rosehill, Gold Coast, Kembla Grange, Stony Creek, Morphetville, Wagga, Ascot, Toowomba, Scone, Cranbourne, Trentham, Ellerslie, Sandown Park, Kenilworth, Chepstow (Gallops). Bankstow, Ballarat (Trots). Wentworth Park (Greyhounds).


Race 1 $20 Favorite Highly Contagious. UnplacedRace 2 $100 Favorite Rundle. Placed and paid $1.10Outlay $120 Return $110 Profit Lost - $10


Race 1 $20 Favorite Starchine. UnplacedRace 2 $100 Favorite Lenore. Placed and paid $1.40Outlay $120 Return $140 Profit $20


Race 1 $20 Favorite Keys. Placed and paid $1.20Outlay $20 Return $24 Profit $4


The Ultimate Punter’s Bible

TROTSAlbion Park

Race 1 $20 Favorite Pacific Cruza. Placed and paid $1.80Outlay $20 Return $36 Profit $16


Race 1 $20 Favorite Dark Defender. Placed and paid $1.30Outlay $20 Return $26 Profit $6

Globe Derby

Race 1 $20 Favorite JBS Courage. Placed and paid $1.70Outlay $20 Return $34 Profit $14

Gloucester Park

Race 1 $20 Favorite Sensational Gabby. Placed and paid $1.10

Outlay $20 Return $22 Profit $2


The Punters Retirement Plan


Race 1 $20 Favorite Chris Bale. UnplacedRace 2 $100 Favorite Stetson Lily. Placed and paid $1.50Outlay $120 Return $150 Profit $30


Race 1 $20 Favorite Albino Peachy. Placed and paid $1.70Outlay $20 Return $34 Profit $14


Race 1 $20 Favorite Watta Innings. UnplacedRace 2 $100 Favorite Cait Bale. UnplacedRace 3 $500 Favorite Aldus Bale. Placed and paid $1.60Outlay $620 Return $800 Profit $180

Phew! Another Race Meeting went to the Third Race, but we came out of this one very well.

The Gardens

Race 1 $20 Favorite Ten To Many. Placed and paid $1.60Outlay $20 Return $32 Profit $12


Race 1 $20 Favorite Belarus. Placed and paid $1.20Outlay $20 Return $24 Profit $4

This Race Meeting brought up a very interesting situation that may happen from time to time. The Second Race was abandoned. If this should happen, make the Third Race, the Second Race, and the Fourth Race, the Third Race. Providing all races qualify you can still follow the system. However, on this occasion, the favorite in the First Race Placed; so no need to take it any further. But this is just for future reference.

An amazing number of Race Meetings did not qualify today and had to be discarded, particularly the Gallops. And some were major Race Meetings.

However, we still managed to make a profit of $292. Any day with a profit is a good day. Our total profit is $2,900. And our Bank is $3,900.


The Punters Retirement Plan

4 DECEMBER2011.Goulburn, Murray Bridge, Hobart, Bunbury, Kranji, Sha Tin, Kelso, Ireland, Warwick (Gallops). Melton, Waimate, Mt Gambier (Trots). Sandown Park, Mt Gambier, Wagga, Strathalbyn, Canberra (Greyhounds).

GALLOPSSunshine Coast

Race 1 $20 Favorite Tuatara. Placed and paid $1.10Outlay $20 Return $22 Profit $2


Race 1 $20 Favorite Tye Rock. Placed and paid $1.50Outlay $20 Return $30 Profit $10


Race 1 $20 Favorite Winning Recipe. Placed and paid $1.10

Outlay $20 Return $22 Profit $2


The Ultimate Punter’s Bible


Race 1 $20 Favorite Sparkling Stone. Placed and paid $1.60

Outlay $20 Return $32 Profit $12


Race 1 $20 Favorite Alpha One. UnplacedRace 2 $100 Favorite Miesque’s Star. Placed and paid $1.70Outlay $120 Return $170 Profit $50


Race 1 $20 Favorite Brown Bella. Placed and paid $1.50Outlay $20 Return $30 Profit $10


Race 1 $20 Favorite Tight Lipped. Placed and paid $1.50Outlay $20 Return $30 Profit $10


Race 1 $20 Favorite Genuflect. Placed and paid $1.00Outlay $20 Return $20 Profit Broke Even


The Punters Retirement Plan


Race 1 $20 Favorite Totally Dreaming. Placed and paid $1.40Outlay $20 Return $28 Profit $8


Race 1 $20 Favorite Velocity Zip. Placed and paid $1.70Outlay $20 Return $34 Profit $14


Race 1 $20 Favorite Crafty Toni. Placed and paid $1.80Outlay $20 Return $36 Profit $16


Race 1 $20 Favorite Regal Tent. UnplacedRace 2 $100 Favorite Pint Star. Placed and paid $1.50Outlay $120 Return $150 Profit $30

Again a high number of Race Meetings did not qualify today. And many of them were greyhounds, which is unusual. Greyhounds always have 8 starters (8 boxes), but sometimes have reserves ready to replace the ones that are scratched. But apparently not today.

However, we made a good profit today of $164. May not sound like much - compared to other days - but this is a very exciting moment. Our total profit is $3,064. And our Bank Account is now $4,064.

And this means (drum roll) . . . we have doubled our Bank Account again and tomorrow we will double our staking.


The Ultimate Punter’s Bible

5 DECEMBER2011.Taree, Flamingo Park (Gallops). Globe Derby, Hamilton, Gloucester Park (Trots). Albion Park, Shepparton, Manawatu (Greyhounds).


Race 1 $40 Favorite Miasheeny Ruby. Placed and paid $1.70

Outlay $40 Return $68 Profit $28


Race 1 $40 Favorite Billy Phelps. Placed and paid $1.30Outlay $40 Return $52 Profit $12


Race 1 $40 Favorite Aninchofhislife. Placed and paid $1.70Outlay $40 Return $68 Profit $28


The Punters Retirement Plan


Race 1 $40 Favorite Buy Buy Bucks. Placed and paid $1.60Outlay $40 Return $64 Profit $24


Race 1 $40 Favorite Crazy Carrie. Placed and paid $2.00Outlay $40 Return $80 Profit $40


Race 1 $40 Favorite Go Go Pedro. Placed and paid $1.90Outlay $40 Return $76 Profit $36

Angle Park

Race 1 $40 Favorite Miss Stackhouse. Placed and paid $1.60

Outlay $40 Return $64 Profit $24


Race 1 $40 Favorite Arolok Oogle. UnplacedRace 2 $200 Favorite Wolfies Mistress. Placed and paid

$2.10Outlay $240 Return $420 Profit $180


The Ultimate Punter’s Bible


Race 1 $40 Favorite Buckle Up Tyler. UnplacedRace 2 $200 Favorite Bell Haven. Placed and paid $1.50Outlay $240 Return $300 Profit $60

So many Race Meetings are not qualifying, mainly because they have insufficient starters. Maybe there are a shortage of horses and dogs!? Or maybe there are too many events.

As long as we make a profit each day that is all that matters, regardless of how many Racing Events there are.

A good profit today of $432. When the staking doubles, obviously the profits are going to increase. We have now made a profit of $3,496 and our Bank Account is now: $4,496.


The Punters Retirement Plan

6 DECEMBER2011.Tamworth, Scottsville, Southwell, England, UK (Gallops). Menangle, Northam (Trots). Gosford, Traralgon, Townsville, Devonport (Greyhounds).


Race 1 $40 Favorite Craiglea Model. UnplacedRace 2 $200 Favorite Hideout. UnplacedRace 3 $1000 Favorite Canny Whooska. Placed and paid

$1.30Outlay $1240 Return $1300 Profit $60

Phew! We had to go to the Third Race to get a result and therefore invest $1,000. Now this is going to test the nerves! Have faith in the system.


Race 1 $40 Favorite Zero To Sixty. Placed and paid $1.10Outlay $40 Return $44 Profit $4


The Ultimate Punter’s Bible

TROTSAlbion Park

Race 1 $40 Favorite Im Tina Turner. UnplacedRace 2 $200 Favorite Chicken On A Chain. UnplacedRace 3 $1000 Favorite Torque Factor. Placed and paid $1.00Outlay $1240 Return $1000 Profit Lost -$240

As I said above, you need to keep your nerve and have faith in the system. Putting $1,000 on one race can really test that faith. Particularly when you see the expected dividend is only going to pay Money Back. But follow it through; sometimes the anticipated dividend can change at the last minute before the race.

As I have said many times, it is very annoying when the favorite in the Third Race only pays $1.00, thus ensuring a loss on that particular Race Meeting. But look on the positive side, it DID run a Place.


Race 1 $40 Favorite Untraceable. Placed and paid $1.60Outlay $40 Return $64 Profit $24

Globe Derby

Race 1 $40 Favorite Brookfield Ruler. Placed and paid $1.00

Outlay $40 Return $40 Profit Broke Even


The Punters Retirement Plan


Race 1 $40 Favorite Lord Nelson. UnplacedRace 2 $200 Favorite Shezaterror. UnplacedRace 3 $1000 Favorite Willie Mak. Placed and paid $1.00Outlay $1240 Return $1000 Profit Lost -$240

Oh no! Can you believe this? It has happened twice in one day.


Race 1 $40 Favorite Paddy’s Diamond. Placed and paid $1.80

Outlay $40 Return $72 Profit $32


Race 1 $40 Favorite Run Bolt Run. Placed and paid $1.50Outlay $40 Return $60 Profit $20


Race 1 $40 Favorite Hawkette. UnplacedRace 2 $200 Favorite Unique Venom. Placed and paid $1.70Outlay $240 Return $340 Profit $100


Race 1 $40 Favorite Arben Bale. Placed and paid $1.40Outlay $40 Return $56 Profit $16


The Ultimate Punter’s Bible


Race 1 $40 Favorite Maz’s Magic. Placed and paid $1.60Outlay $40 Return $64 Profit $24

Ascot Park

Race 1 $40 Favorite Vampires Shadow. UnplacedRace 2 $200 Favorite Boiled Lollies. Placed and paid $1.70Outlay $240 Return $340 Profit $100

With the higher staking on each Race Meeting the profits will be much higher, but unfortunately the losses can also be greater.

We have to take the good with the bad. Because of those two Race Meetings, where the favorite in the Third Race paid only money back, we lost -$100 today.

However, we have still made a profit of $3,396 in about a month. And our Bank is now: $4,396.


The Punters Retirement Plan

7 DECEMBER2011.Warwick Farm, Gawler, Kenilworth, England, Leicester (Gallops).The Meadows, Angle Park (Greyhounds).


Race 1 $40 Favorite Rock Of The Coast. Placed and paid $1.60

Outlay $40 Return $64 Profit $24


Race 1 $40 Favorite Shihabi. Placed and paid $1.30Outlay $40 Return $52 Profit $12


Race 1 $40 Favorite Roman Knows. Placed and paid $1.30Outlay $40 Return $52 Profit $12

Happy Valley

Race 1 $40 Favorite Gracytom. UnplacedRace 2 $200 Favorite Gamekeepers. Placed and paid $1.80Outlay $240 Return $360 Profit $120


The Ultimate Punter’s Bible


Race 1 $40 Favorite Grande Bellezza. Placed and paid $1.40

Outlay $40 Return $56 Profit $16


Race 1 $40 Favorite Shady Falcon. Placed and paid $1.60Outlay $40 Return $64 Profit $24


Race 1 $40 Favorite Getaloadathis. Placed and paid $1.40Outlay $40 Return $56 Profit $16


Race 1 $40 Favorite Alabama Skeeta. UnplacedRace 2 $200 Favorite Greek To Me. Placed and paid $1.10Outlay $240 Return $220 Profit Lost -$20


Race 1 $40 Favorite Jazzamatazz. Placed and paid $1.40Outlay $40 Return $54 Profit $14


Race 1 $40 Favorite Jackson Square. UnplacedRace 2 $200 Favorite Scherger Jack. Placed and paid $1.60Outlay $240 Return $320 Profit $80


The Punters Retirement Plan


Race 1 $40 Favorite Nan And Pop. Placed and paid $1.00Outlay $40 Return $40 Profit Broke Even

The Gardens

Race 1 $40 Favorite How’s That. Placed and paid $1.80Outlay $40 Return $72 Profit $32


Race 1 $40 Favorite Surf The Channel. Placed and paid $1.00

Outlay $40 Return $40 Profit Broke Even

Don’t these Money Back favorites drive us crazy?


Race 1 $40 Favorite Black Orbit. Placed and paid $1.10Outlay $40 Return $44 Profit $4


Race 1 $40 Favorite Stylish Rikki. UnplacedRace 2 $200 Favorite House Key. UnplacedRace 3 $1000 Favorite Mr. Everywhere. UnplacedOutlay $1240 Return Zero Profit Lost -$1240


The Ultimate Punter’s Bible

Oh My God !!! (Permission to swear!) I’ll never complain about Money Back Favorites again. I’ll take them anytime compared to this. Okay! Relax! The system has to fail sometimes. Let’s just be thankful that we are well in profit.


Race 1 $40 Favorite Northbridge Hawk. Placed and paid $1.70

Outlay $40 Return $68 Profit $28


Race 1 $40 Favorite Dynamik Bolt. Placed and paid $1.20Outlay $40 Return $48 Profit $8


Race 1 $40 Favorite Bimbo. Placed and paid $1.10Outlay $40 Return $44 Profit $4

What a disastrous day. In fact, two bad days in a row, but today is by far the worst day we have had, obviously because of the higher staking plan.

We lost -$864. OUCH! However, it’s not all Doom and Gloom, we have still made a profit of $2,532. Our Bank is now $3,532. Unfortunately we have dropped below $4,000 so now we have to go back to the staking plan of a few days ago. Once we hit the $4,000 mark again, we will double our Staking Plan again.


The Punters Retirement Plan

8 DECEMBER2011.Gosford, Warrnambool, Geraldton, Europe, Vaal, UK, England, Pukekura (Gallops). Cambridge (Trots). Ballarat, Maitland, Angle Park, Dapto, Cambridge (Greyhounds).


Race 1 $20 Favorite Bankers Daughter. UnplacedRace 2 $100 Favorite Falcon Terror. Placed and paid $1.20.Outlay $120 Return $120 Profit Broke Even


Race 1 $20 Favorite Western Destroyer. Placed and paid $1.10

Outlay $20 Return $22 Profit $2


Race 1 $20 Favorite Kyvalley Blur. Placed and paid $1.50Outlay $20 Return $30 Profit $10


The Ultimate Punter’s Bible

Gold Coast

Race 1 $20 Favorite Illdobetter. UnplacedRace 2 $100 Favorite Enjoy The Ride. Placed and paid

$1.40Outlay $120 Return $140 Profit $20


Race 1 $20 Favorite Deacon Brody. Placed and paid $1.00Outlay $20 Return $20 Profit Broke Even


Race 1 $20 Favorite Bil Truscott. Placed and paid $1.40Outlay $20 Return $28 Profit $8


Race 1 $20 Favorite Dredlock Rockstar. Placed and paid $1.40

Outlay $20 Return $28 Profit $8


Race 1 $20 Favorite Cool Flame. Placed and paid $1.40Outlay $20 Return $28 Profit $8

Sandown Park

Race 1 $20 Favorite Prince Holyfield. UnplacedRace 2 $100 Favorite Select Nan. Placed and paid $1.40Outlay $120 Return $140 Profit $20


The Punters Retirement Plan


Race 1 $20 Favorite Biddy Bale. Placed and paid $1.30Outlay $20 Return $26 Profit $6


Race 1 $20 Favorite Quiztree Surfie. UnplacedRace 2 $100 Favorite Chubby Chappy. UnplacedRace 3 $500 Favorite Scissor Queen. Placed and paid $1.60Outlay $620 Return $800 Profit $180

Phew! We did well here.


Race 1 $20 Favorite Marchilee. Placed and paid $1.60Outlay $20 Return $32 Profit $12


Race 1 $20 Favorite Know Advantage. Placed and paid $1.00

Outlay $20 Return $20 Profit Broke Even


Race 1 $20 Favorite Baretta Bee. Placed and paid $1.10Outlay $20 Return $22 Profit $2

A good day. Any profit is a good day and today we made a profit of $264. After the last 2 days (one bad and one disastrous) we needed a good day to restore our confidence.

We have now made a profit of $2,796. And our Bank Balance is now: $3,796.


The Ultimate Punter’s Bible


Sunshine Coast, Nowra, Bunbury, Mornington, Oak-bank, Mildura, Devonport, Fairview, Southwell, Chel-tenham, Doncaster, Tauranga (Gallops). Bathurst, Alexandra Park, Kilmore (Trots). Geelong, Gawler, Winnellie Park (Greyhounds).


Race 1 $20 Favorite Summer Of George. Placed and paid $1.40

Outlay $20 Return $28 Profit $8


Race 1 $20 Favorite Flying Snitzel. Placed and paid $1.30Outlay $20 Return $26 Profit $6

Moonee Valley

Race 1 $20 Favorite Ozone Bar. Placed and paid $1.50Outlay $20 Return $30 Profit $10


The Punters Retirement Plan


Race 1 $20 Favorite Double S. Placed and paid $1.70.Outlay $20 Return $34 Profit $14


Race 1 $20 Favorite Liberalitus. Placed and paid $2.60Outlay $20 Return $52 Profit $32

Wow! What a great dividend.


Race 1 $20 Favorite Road To Rock. Placed and paid $1.00Outlay $20 Return $20 Profit Broke Even

Gold Coast

Race 1 $20 Favorite Cougars Blue Jean. Placed and paid $1.50

Outlay $20 Return $30 Profit $10

Pt Pirie

Race 1 $20 Favorite Jasper Dunbar. Placed and paid $1.30Outlay $20 Return $26 Profit $6

Gloucester Park

Race 1 $20 Favorite Chocolatto. Placed and paid $1.10Outlay $20 Return $22 Profit $2


The Ultimate Punter’s Bible


Race 1 $20 Favorite Thaiday. Placed and paid $1.20Outlay $20 Return $24 Profit $4

Wentworth Park

Race 1 $20 Favorite Bomb Disposal. UnplacedRace 2 $100 Favorite Desalle Bale. Placed and paid $1.50Outlay $120 Return $150 Profit $30

The Gardens

Race 1 $20 Favorite Biloxi Blue. Placed and paid $1.80Outlay $20 Return $36 Profit $16


Race 1 $20 Favorite Surf My Wake. Placed and paid $2.70Outlay $20 Return $54 Profit $34


Race 1 $20 Favorite Cavill Avenue. UnplacedRace 2 $100 Favorite Miss Joyful. Placed and paid $1.50Outlay $120 Return $150 Profit $30


Race 1 $20 Favorite Indigo Reltub. Placed and paid $1.50Outlay $20 Return $30 Profit $10


The Punters Retirement Plan


Race 1 $20 Favorite Rosca. Placed and paid $1.60Outlay $20 Return $32 Profit $12


Race 1 $20 Favorite Big Gift. Placed and paid $1.20Outlay $20 Return $24 Profit $4

What a great day. Not just because it was a good profit of $228, but also a relaxing, stress free day without having to go into the Third Race of any of today’s Race Meetings.

Our total profit is now: $3,024. And our Bank Account is now: $4,024.

Hey look at this: yes, our Bank Account is back at $4,000. That didn’t take long. This means we can double our staking again tomorrow.


The Ultimate Punter’s Bible

10 DECEMBER2011.Rosehill, Flemington, Gold Coast, Cessnock, Morphetville, Ascot, Townsville, Stawell, Esperance, Awapuni, Kenilworth, Ascot Park, Te Rapa, Southwell, Cheltenham, Doncaster, Vaal (Gallops). Wentworth Park, Richmond, The Gardens (Greyhounds).


Race 1 $40 Favorite Congo. Placed and paid $1.60Outlay $40 Return $64 Profit $24


Race 1 $40 Favorite Wests Tigers. Placed and paid $1.00Outlay $40 Return $40 Profit Broke Even


Race 1 $40 Favorite Moscow. Placed and paid $1.30Outlay $40 Return $52 Profit $12


The Punters Retirement Plan


Race 1 $40 Favorite Tallyho. Placed and paid $1.60Outlay $40 Return $64 Profit $24


Race 1 $40 Favorite Freerocker. Placed and paid $1.30Outlay $40 Return $52 Profit $12


Race 1 $40 Favorite Le Samer. UnplacedRace 2 $200 Favorite Major Nelson. Placed and paid $1.50Outlay $240 Return $300 Profit $60

TROTSAlbion Park

Race 1 $40 Favorite Doug’s Place. Placed and paid $1.70Outlay $40 Return $68 Profit $28


Race 1 $40 Favorite Jaccka Twain. Placed and paid $1.40Outlay $40 Return $56 Profit $16


Race 1 $40 Favorite Radio Ga Ga. Placed and paid $1.10Outlay $40 Return $44 Profit $4


The Ultimate Punter’s Bible


Race 1 $40 Favorite Boyfromthehood. Placed and paid $2.00

Outlay $40 Return $80 Profit $40

Globe Derby

Race 1 $40 Favorite Fox Street. Placed and paid $1.20Outlay $40 Return $48 Profit $8


Race 1 $40 Favorite Emryst Bale. UnplacedRace 2 $200 Favorite Flip Bale. Placed and paid $1.60Outlay $240 Return $320 Profit $80


Race 1 $40 Favorite Aldus Bale. UnplacedRace 2 $200 Favorite Walking Street. Placed and paid $1.60Outlay $240 Return $320 Profit $80


Race 1 $40 Favorite Freeway Fame. Placed and paid $1.40Outlay $40 Return $56 Profit $16

Another great day. Especially in view of the number of Race Meetings that did not qualify (particularly the Gallops) with our strict set of rules. However, we were still able to make a profit of $416.

Our profit is now: $3,440. And our Bank Account is now: $4,440.


The Punters Retirement Plan

11 DECEMBER2011.Sunshine Coast, Hawkesbury, Traralgon, Pinjara, Alice Springs, Benalla, Hobart, Canberra, Southwell, Ellerslie, Scottsville, Sha Tin, England, Ireland (Gallops). Methven (Trots). Sandown Park, Nowra, Canberra, (Greyhounds).

GALLOPSMoonee Valley

Race 1 $40 Favorite Pau Hana. Placed and paid $1.40Outlay $40 Return $56 Profit $16


Race 1 $40 Favorite Mr La Rue. Placed and paid $1.30Outlay $40 Return $52 Profit $12


The Ultimate Punter’s Bible


Race 1 $40 Favorite Winning Dan. Placed and paid $3.10Outlay $40 Return $124 Profit $84

Wow! What a great Place Dividend for a favorite.


Race 1 $40 Favorite Jilliby Flippa. Placed and paid $1.30.Outlay $40 Return $52 Profit $12


Race 1 $40 Favorite Lizelot. Placed and paid $1.30Outlay $40 Return $52 Profit $12


Race 1 $40 Favorite Codie Karalta. Placed and paid $1.10Outlay $40 Return $44 Profit $4


Race 1 $40 Favorite Faithful Raider. Placed and paid $1.00

Outlay $40 Return $40 Profit Broke Even


The Punters Retirement Plan


Race 1 $40 Favorite Flamena. Placed and paid $1.00Outlay $40 Return $40 Profit Broke Even


Race 1 $40 Favorite Aston Usain. Placed and paid $1.40Outlay $40 Return $56 Profit $16


Race 1 $40 Favorite Flaming Ash. Placed and paid $1.40Outlay $40 Return $56 Profit $16


Race 1 $40 Favorite Cawbourne Madz. UnplacedRace 2 $200 Favorite My Tie. Placed and paid $1.20Outlay $240 Return $240 Profit Broke Even

Again many of the Race Meetings did not qualify (particularly the Gallops), but we still managed to make a profit of $172. That gives us an overall profit of $3,612. And our Bank Account is now: $4,612.


The Ultimate Punter’s Bible

13 DECEMBER2011.Wagga, Wangaratta, Tamworth, Southwell, Catterick Bridge, Folkestone (Gallops). Albion Park, Menangle, Alexandra Park (Trots). Gosford, Horsham, Townsville, Lismore, Devonport (Greyhounds).


Race 1 $40 Favorite London’s Vault. Placed and paid $1.50

Outlay $40 Return $60 Profit $20


Race 1 $40 Favorite Le Chabanais. Placed and paid $1.90Outlay $40 Return $76 Profit $36


The Punters Retirement Plan

Globe Derby

Race 1 $40 Favorite Miysis. Placed and paid $1.70Outlay $40 Return $68 Profit $28

Gloucester Park

Race 1 $40 Favorite Gracias Para Nada. Placed and paid $1.10

Outlay $40 Return $44 Profit $4

Ascot Park

Race 1 $40 Favorite Perfect Duchess. Placed and paid $1.00

Outlay $40 Return $40 Profit Broke Even


Race 1 $40 Favorite Radar Detector. Placed and paid $1.30

Outlay $40 Return $52 Profit $12


Race 1 $40 Favorite Jamron. UnplacedRace 2 $200 Favorite Golden Monza. UnplacedRace 1 $1000 Favorite Favorite: Soupy’s Return. Placed and

paid $1.30Outlay $1240 Return $1300 Profit $60


The Ultimate Punter’s Bible


Race 1 $40 Favorite Footrot Foo. UnplacedRace 2 $200 Favorite Kaos Chloe. Placed and paid $1.00Outlay $240 Return $200 Profit Lost $40


Race 1 $40 Favorite Lucky Player. UnplacedRace 2 $200 Favorite White Cavier. Placed and paid $1.00Outlay $240 Return $200 Profit Lost $40

Gee Whiz! Twice in a row.


Race 1 $40 Favorite Jed Norton. Placed and paid $2.10Outlay $40 Return $84 Profit $44

A great Dividend for a favorite. A good finish to what was otherwise an ordinary day.

Again a large proportion of Race Meetings did not qualify.

A profit today of $120. And like I always say, any profit is a good profit.

Our total profit is now: $3,732. And our Bank is now: $4,732.


The Punters Retirement Plan

14 DECEMBER2011.Pukekohe, Caulfield, Kembla Grange, Strathalbyn, Launceston, Kenilworth, Lingfield, Happy Valley (Gallops). Ballarat, Mildura (Trots). Angle Park, Richmond (Greyhounds).


Race 1 $40 Favorite Tiyatro. Placed and paid $1.30Outlay $40 Return $52 Profit $12


Race 1 $40 Favorite Black Uma. Placed and paid $1.30Outlay $40 Return $52 Profit $12


Race 1 $40 Favorite Ardlui. Placed and paid $1.30Outlay $40 Return $52 Profit $12


The Ultimate Punter’s Bible


Race 1 $40 Favorite MacMillan. Placed and paid $1.40Outlay $40 Return $56 Profit $16


Race 1 $40 Favorite Double Tick. Placed and paid $1.40Outlay $40 Return $56 Profit $16


Race 1 $40 Favorite Kalynda Chase. Placed and paid $1.30

Outlay $40 Return $52 Profit $12


Race 1 $40 Favorite Intense Suspense. UnplacedRace 2 $200 Favorite Boxy Rip. Placed and paid $1.80Outlay $240 Return $360 Profit $120

The Meadows

Race 1 $40 Favorite Fireside City. Placed and paid $1.10Outlay $40 Return $44 Profit $4


The Punters Retirement Plan


Race 1 $40 Favorite Gentle Rhythm. Placed and paid $1.30Outlay $40 Return $52 Profit $12


Race 1 $40 Favorite Mini Malibu. UnplacedRace 2 $200 Favorite Ta. UnplacedRace 3 $1000 Favorite Favorite: Oriental Lilly. Placed and

paid $1.00Outlay $1240 Return $1000 Profit Lost $240

Oh no! I seem to recall that I was not going to complain again about the favorite in the Third Race paying Money Back only!


Race 1 $40 Favorite Whispering Bazza. UnplacedRace 2 $200 Favorite Uno Lesson. Placed and paid $2.00Outlay $240 Return $400 Profit $160

A good result. Almost made up for the Race Meeting before.


Race 1 $40 Favorite listair Bale. UnplacedRace 2 $200 Favorite John’s Delight. Placed and paid $1.30Outlay $240 Return $260 Profit $20


The Ultimate Punter’s Bible


Race 1 $40 Favorite Time For Livin’. UnplacedRace 2 $200 Favorite Manaia Flyer. UnplacedRace 3 $1000 Favorite Bulet Tooth Tony. Placed and paid

$1.00Outlay $1240 Return $1000 Profit Lost $240

I’m not saying a thing!

The two Greyhound Meetings - where the favorite in the Third Race paid Money Back only - has unfortunately ruined what would have been a great day. As a result we lost -$84 today.

However, we are still showing a profit of $3,648. And our Bank Account is now: $4,648.


The Punters Retirement Plan

15 DECEMBER2011.Otaki, Queanbeyan, Albany, Vaal, Southwell, UK, England (Gallops). Bendigo, Young, Geelong, Manawatu, Addington (Trots). Maitland (Greyhounds).


Race 1 $40 Favorite Craiglea Vance. Placed and paid $1.40

Outlay $40 Return $56 Profit $16


Race 1 $40 Favorite Adynata. UnplacedRace2 $200 Favorite Havelock Express. Placed and paid

$1.00Outlay $240 Return $200 Profit Lost -$40


Race 1 $40 Favorite Present For Pa. Placed and paid $2.00Outlay $40 Return $80 Profit $40


The Ultimate Punter’s Bible

Gold Coast

Race 1 $40 Favorite Cold Shoulder. Placed and paid $1.40

Outlay $40 Return $56 Profit $16


Race 1 $40 Favorite Bolshevic. Placed and paid $1.60Outlay $40 Return $64 Profit $24


Albion Park

Race 1 $40 Favorite Tough As. Placed and paid $1.30Outlay $40 Return $52 Profit $12

Sandown Park

Race 1 $40 Favorite Brynne Bale. UnplacedRace 2 $200 Favorite Fotoula Bale. UnplacedRace 3 $1000 Favorite Zipping Catra. Placed and paid

$1.40Outlay $1240 Return $1400 Profit $160

Phew! Another Race Meeting goes into the Third Race. But this time a good result and well worth the anxious wait.


The Punters Retirement Plan


Race 1 $40 Favorite Awesome to Excel. Placed and paid $1.60Outlay $40 Return $64 Profit $24


Race 1 $40 Favorite Talking Flash. Placed and paid $2.40Outlay $40 Return $96 Profit $56

Wow! Great dividend.

Angle Park

Race 1 $40 Favorite Goosebumps. Placed and paid $1.30Outlay $40 Return $52 Profit $12


Race 1 $40 Favorite William Warhorse. UnplacedRace2 $200 Favorite Alexis Casey. Placed and paid $1.40

Outlay $240 Return $280 Profit $40


Race 1 $40 Favorite Lady Contender. UnplacedRace2 $200 Favorite Fairy Jet. Placed and paid $1.20

Outlay $240 Return $240 Profit Broke Even


Race 1 $40 Favorite Makin’ Waves. Placed and paid $1.40Outlay $40 Return $56 Profit $16


The Ultimate Punter’s Bible


Race 1 $40 Favorite Liam Bale. UnplacedRace 2 $200 Favorite Jimmy Cee. UnplacedRace 3 $1000 Favorite Cool Charmer. Placed and paid $1.00Outlay $1240 Return $1000 Profit Lost -$240

There should be a law against favorites only paying Money Back!


Race 1 $40 Favorite Overeem. UnplacedRace2 $200 Favorite Tree Bandit. Placed and paid $1.80

Outlay $240 Return $360 Profit $120

Another great day. Despite the loss of -$280 ($40 + $240), in 2 Race Meetings, we still managed to make a profit of $256.

This gives us an overall profit of $3,904. And our Bank Balance is now: $4,904.


The Punters Retirement Plan

16 DECEMBER2011.Riccarton, Ipswich, Canterbury, Bendigo, Lismore, Morphettville, Moe, Warren, Geraldton, Arlington, UK, Southwell, Ascot (Gallops). Yarra Valley, Globe Derby (Trots). Gawler, Geelong, The Gardens, Traralgon, Winnellie Park (Greyhounds).

GALLOPSMoonee Valley

Race 1 $40 Favorite Bold Trojan. UnplacedRace 2 $200 Favorite Flying Hula. Placed and paid $1.40Outlay $240 Return $280 Profit $40

Sunshine Coast

Race 1 $40 Favorite The Calibrator. UnplacedRace 2 $200 Favorite Scene Of The Crime. Placed and paid

$1.30Outlay $240 Return $260 Profit $20


Race 1 $40 Favorite Grand Wood Park. Placed and paid $1.80Outlay $40 Return $72 Profit $32


The Ultimate Punter’s Bible


Race 1 $40 Favorite Satellite Ace. UnplacedRace 2 $200 Favorite Seshny Bromac. Placed and paid

$1.00Outlay $240 Return $200 Profit Lost -$40


Race 1 $40 Favorite Mohican Prince. Placed and paid $2.50

Outlay $40 Return $100 Profit $60

Great dividend!

Gold Coast

Race 1 $40 Favorite Lateforlunch. Placed and paid $1.20Outlay $40 Return $48 Profit $8


Race 1 $40 Favorite Hangover Joe. Placed and paid $1.70Outlay $40 Return $68 Profit $28

Gloucester Park

Race 1 $40 Favorite Millwood Meg. Placed and paid $1.00Outlay $40 Return $40 Profit Broke Even


The Punters Retirement Plan

Alexandra Park

Race 1 $40 Favorite Luby Ann. UnplacedRace 2 $200 Favorite Minnie Moose. Placed and paid

$4.60Outlay $240 Return $920 Profit $680

WOW! Look at that dividend. I had to check it again to make sure my eyes were not playing tricks on me. It ran third, but was paying a bigger Place dividend, then Win dividend. And look at that profit! Surely this will give us a great profit for the day.


Race 1 $40 Favorite Sarah’s Ace. UnplacedRace 2 $200 Favorite Honey Bouquet. UnplacedRace 3 $1000 Favorite Thaiday. Placed and paid $1.40.Outlay $1240 Return $1400 Profit $160

Phew! Another Race Meeting went to the Third Race. But we came out of it well ahead.

Wentworth Park

Race 1 $40 Favorite Spring Ferrari. Placed and paid $1.20Outlay $40 Return $48 Profit $8


Race 1 $40 Favorite Birchgrove Lass. UnplacedRace 2 $200 Favorite Miss Joyful. Placed and paid $1.00Outlay $240 Return $200 Profit lost -$40


The Ultimate Punter’s Bible


Race 1 $40 Favorite Dynamic Catch. UnplacedRace 2 $200 Favorite Indigo Reltub. Placed and paid $1.80Outlay $240 Return $360 Profit $120


Race 1 $40 Favorite Adini. Placed and paid $1.10Outlay $40 Return $44 Profit $4


Race 1 $40 Favorite Cawbourne Flick. Placed and paid $1.50

Outlay $40 Return $60 Profit $20

Yee Haa!! What a sensational day. Despite the number of Race Meetings that didn’t qualify, we made a profit of $1,100. WOW!

We must remember that we had some unusually high paying dividends today, this probably won’t happen again, so let’s celebrate the occasion.

Our total profit is now: $5,004. And our Bank Account is now: $6,004.


The Punters Retirement Plan

17 DECEMBER2011.Awapuni, Flemington, Warwick Farm, Gold Coast, Morphettville, Albury, Cranbourne, Ascot, Darwin, Sha Tin, Newcastle, Kenilworth, Haydock Park, Turffontein, Ascot (Gallops). Melton, Globe Derby (Trots). Wentworth Park, The Gardens, The Meadows, Richmond (Greyhounds).


Race 1 $40 Favorite Mr Light Blue. Placed and paid $1.30Outlay $40 Return $52 Profit $12

Kembla Grange

Race 1 $40 Favorite Saint Chaparral. Placed and paid $1.00

Outlay $40 Return $40 Profit Broke Even


Race 1 $40 Favorite Jazzed. UnplacedRace 2 $200 Favorite Fits And Starts. UnplacedRace 3 $1000 Favorite Sir Benjamin. Placed and paid $1.10Outlay $1240 Return $1100 Profit Lost -$140


The Ultimate Punter’s Bible

Obviously when $1,000 is invested on the favorite in the Third Race, the dividend makes all the difference. A good dividend can give us a huge profit and a small dividend can give us a loss. On this occasion we ran at a loss, but we can’t complain, particularly after yesterday’s results.


Race 1 $40 Favorite Bluable. Placed and paid $1.10Outlay $40 Return $44 Profit $ 4


Race 1 $40 Favorite Deep Heat. UnplacedRace 2 $200 Favorite Alinga Star. Placed and paid $1.60Outlay $240 Return $320 Profit $ 80


Race 1 $40 Favorite Hot Flash. Placed and paid $1.50Outlay $40 Return $60 Profit $ 20

Te Rapa

Race 1 $40 Favorite Brave Ali. Placed and paid $1.60Outlay $40 Return $64 Profit $24


The Punters Retirement Plan

TROTSAlbion Park

Race 1 $40 Favorite Lombo Lumbar Jack. Unplaced.Race 2 $200 Favorite The Tash. Placed and paid $1.30Outlay $240 Return $260 Profit $ 20


Race 1 $40 Favorite Oscar Lane. UnplacedRace 2 $200 Favorite Two Eye See. UnplacedRace 3 $1000 Favorite Numberone Amenophis. Placed and

paid $1.30Outlay $1240 Return $1300 Profit $60

Phew! Again we had to go to the Third Race. But it was a good result.


Race 1 $40 Favorite Broadyboy Bee Jay. UnplacedRace 2 $200 Favorite Grinners Dance. UnplacedRace 3 $1000 Favorite Jetmac. Placed and paid $1.10Outlay $1240 Return $1100 Profit Lost -$140

Oh No! Not again. Twice in one day.


Race 1 $40 Favorite Racketeers Girl. Placed and paid $1.00

Outlay $40 Return $40 Profit Broke Even


The Ultimate Punter’s Bible


Race 1 $40 Favorite Cool Cobber. UnplacedRace 2 $200 Favorite Shezaterror. UnplacedRace 3 $1000 Favorite Dream Out Loud. Placed and paid

$1.80Outlay $1240 Return $1800 Profit $560

Great result. When the favorite in the Third Race pays a dividend like that, it makes it all worthwhile. Does this beat working for a living?


Race 1 $40 Favorite Surging Brianna. Placed and paid $1.30

Outlay $40 Return $52 Profit $12


Race 1 $40 Favorite Serena To Excel. Placed and paid $1.60

4Outlay $40 Return $64 Profit $24

Another great day. Because of that great dividend in the Third Race at the Winton Trots, we finished the day with a profit of $536. Without that we would have finished the day at a loss.

Considering that we lost $280 on two Race Meetings and once again, so many Race Meetings did not qualify; particularly the Gallops. And yet we still came out ahead by $536.

Our total profit is now: $5,540. Our Bank Balance is now: $6,540.


The Punters Retirement Plan

18 DECEMBER2011.Gore, Sunshine Coast, Hawkesbury, Taree, Horsham, Bunbury, Alice Springs, Ireland, Kempton Park (Gallops). Mt Gambier (Trots). Mt Gambier, Strathalbyn (Greyhounds).


Race 1 $40 Favorite True Tussock. Placed and paid $1.10Outlay $40 Return $44 Profit $4

Pt Lincoln

Race 1 $40 Favorite Kooda Dawn. UnplacedRace 2 $200 Favorite Spartan Eagle. Placed and paid $1.10Outlay $240 Return $220 Profit Lost - $20


Race 1 $40 Favorite Lottie’s Lady. Placed and paid $1.40Outlay $40 Return $56 Profit $16


The Ultimate Punter’s Bible


Race 1 $40 Favorite Fuku’s Pet. Placed and paid $1.10Outlay $40 Return $44 Profit $4


Race 1 $40 Favorite Fun Sunzi. Placed and paid $1.10Outlay $40 Return $44 Profit $4


Race 1 $40 Favorite Living Bonus. Placed and paid $1.00Outlay $40 Return $40 Profit Broke Even


Race 1 $40 Favorite Prince Kai. Placed and paid $1.60Outlay $40 Return $64 Profit $24


Race 1 $40 Favorite Rosemaryz Luck. Placed and paid $2.00

Outlay $40 Return $80 Profit $40


Race 1 $40 Favorite Frisson. Placed and paid $2.00Outlay $40 Return $80 Profit $40


The Punters Retirement Plan


Race 1 $40 Favorite Winewomenandsong. UnplacedRace 2 $200 Favorite Drifting West. Placed and paid $1.80Outlay $240 Return $360 Profit $120


Race 1 $40 Favorite Our Viking. UnplacedRace 1 $200 Favorite Faithful Raider. UnplacedRace 3 $1000 Favorite Scissor Queen. Placed and paid $1.30Outlay $1240 Return $1300 Profit $60

Phew! The Third Race and the $1,000 bet again. But we made a good profit here.

Sandown Park

Race 1 $40 Favorite Cruz Kelton. Placed and paid $2.30Outlay $40 Return $92 Profit $52


Race 1 $40 Favorite To The Side. Placed and paid $1.70Outlay $40 Return $68 Profit $28


Race 1 $40 Favorite Flashing Wish. Placed and paid $1.10Outlay $40 Return $44 Profit $4


The Ultimate Punter’s Bible


Race 1 $40 Favorite Uno Bruz. Placed and paid $1.20Outlay $40 Return $48 Profit $8


Race 1 $40 Favorite Quintella. Placed and paid $1.70Outlay $40 Return $68 Profit $28


Race 1 $40 Favorite Alabaster. Placed and paid $1.10Outlay $40 Return $44 Profit $4

Another great day. A profit of $416. I have to admit that I never get bored with having great days. Our Bank Account is building quite rapidly now.

Our total profit is now: $5,956. And our Bank Account is now: $6,956.


The Punters Retirement Plan

19 DECEMBER2011.Goulburn, Bairnsdale, Arlington, Ireland, England, UK (Gallops). Globe Derby (Trots). Albion Park, Cranbourne, Angle Park, Launceston (Greyhounds).

GALLOPSNone qualified today.


Race 1 $40 Favorite Holly’s Miss Molly. UnplacedRace 2 $200 Favorite Galaktika. Placed and paid $1.40Outlay $240 Return $280 Profit $40


Race 1 $40 Favorite Bad Boy. Placed and paid $1.40Outlay $40 Return $56 Profit $16


Race 1 $40 Favorite Musselroe Bay. Placed and paid $1.10Outlay $40 Return $44 Profit $4


The Ultimate Punter’s Bible


Race 1 $40 Favorite Ritza Franky. Placed and paid $1.20Outlay $40 Return $48 Profit $8


Race 1 $40 Favorite Oriental Lilly. Placed and paid $1.30Outlay $40 Return $52 Profit $12


Race 1 $40 Favorite Way We Go. Placed and paid $1.30Outlay $40 Return $52 Profit $12


Race 1 $40 Favorite Run For Six. UnplacedRace 2 $200 Favorite Bronte’s Secret. UnplacedRace 3 $1000 Favorite My Misty Galo. Placed and paid

$1.70Outlay $1240 Return $1700 Profit $460

Phew! Wow! What a great dividend. Another Third Race Favorite gets up and will no doubt give us a good profit for today.


Race 1 $40 Favorite Krussian. UnplacedRace 2 $200 Favorite Bigtime Allgo. Placed and paid $1.10Outlay $240 Return $220 Profit Lost -$20

Another great day. Isn’t life great? A profit today of $532. Once again a huge payout in one Race Meeting gives us a great profit for the day.

Our total profit is now: $6,488. And our Bank Balance is now: $7,488.


The Punters Retirement Plan

20 DECEMBER2011.Townsville, Clairwood, Musselburgh, England (Gallops). Addington, Albion Park, Menangle, Globe Derby (Trots). Ipswich, Devonport (Greyhounds).


Race 1 $40 Favorite Zamalek Star. Placed and paid $1.30Outlay $40 Return $52 Profit $12


Race 1 $40 Favorite Sward. Placed and paid $1.90Outlay $40 Return $76 Profit $36

Kempton Park

Race 1 $40 Favorite Clifford’s Reprieve. Placed and paid $1.00

Outlay $40 Return $40 Profit Broke Even


The Ultimate Punter’s Bible


Race 1 $40 Favorite Keayang Delight. UnplacedRace 2 $200 Favorite Adios Gryphon. Placed and paid

$1.70Outlay $240 Return $340 Profit $100


Race 1 $40 Favorite Polak. Placed and paid $1.10Outlay $40 Return $44 Profit $4


Race 1 $40 Favorite Seven Novice. Placed and paid $1.50Outlay $40 Return $60 Profit $20


Race 1 $40 Favorite Admiral Cairo. Placed and paid $1.10Outlay $40 Return $44 Profit $4


Race 1 $40 Favorite Sally Booker. Placed and paid $1.50Outlay $40 Return $60 Profit $20


Race 1 $40 Favorite Fearless Juddi. Placed and paid $2.10Outlay $40 Return $84 Profit $44


The Punters Retirement Plan


Race 1 $40 Favorite Self Sabotage. Placed and paid $1.30Outlay $40 Return $52 Profit $12


Race 1 $40 Favorite Belle Bale. UnplacedRace 2 $200 Favorite Richmond Boy. UnplacedRace 3 $1000 Favorite Long Gully Rose. UnplacedOutlay $1240 Return Zero Profit Lost -$1240

Oh No! I guess our bubble had to burst sometime. We were having such a great run.


Race 1 $40 Favorite Montarli. Placed and paid $1.60Outlay $40 Return $64 Profit $24

Forbury Park

Race 1 $40 Favorite Pukeko Flyer. UnplacedRace 2 $200 Favorite Sea Spray Tich. Placed and paid

$1.40Outlay $240 Return $280 Profit $40

A disastrous day. We lost -$816. We really shouldn’t complain we have had such a great run for the last few days.

We have still made a profit of $5,672, so we are well ahead. And our Bank Balance is now: $6,672.

Tomorrow is big day of racing; hopefully we will recover some of today’s losses.


The Ultimate Punter’s Bible

21 DECEMBER2011.Matamata, Eagle Farm, Launceston, Kenilworth (Gallops). The Meadows, Richmond, Rockhampton, Ballarat (Greyhounds).


Race 1 $40 Favorite Donna Cattiva. UnplacedRace 2 $200 Favorite Diamond Diggler. Placed and paid

$1.90Outlay $240 Return $380 Profit $140

Great Dividend! Great start to the day.


Race 1 $40 Favorite Double Crescent. Placed and paid $1.50

Outlay $40 Return $60 Profit $20


Race 1 $40 Favorite Fantastic Reign. Placed and paid $1.30

Outlay $40 Return $52 Profit $12


Race 1 $40 Favorite Wicked Game. Placed and paid $1.10Outlay $40 Return $44 Profit $4


The Punters Retirement Plan


Race 1 $40 Favorite Towy Boy. Placed and paid $2.80Outlay $40 Return $112 Profit $72

Wow! Another great dividend.


Race 1 $40 Favorite Gud Day. Placed and paid $1.40Outlay $40 Return $56 Profit $16

Happy Valley

Race 1 $40 Favorite Serendipity. UnplacedRace 2 $200 Favorite Mega Castle. Placed and paid $1.40Outlay $240 Return $280 Profit $40


Race 1 $40 Favorite The Market Minor. UnplacedRace 2 $200 Favorite MacMillan. UnplacedRace 3 $1000 Favorite Miss Abbey. Placed and paid $1.90Outlay $1240 Return $1900 Profit $660

Oh Boy! Have a look at this. A profit of $660 from one Race Meeting. It’s always a nervous time when we have to go to the Third Race to get a result, but what added to the anxiety of this Third Race is that there was a late betting rush. The dividends for several horses continually changed and the race was delayed by several minutes; with the dividends on the above favorite changing every minute. At one stage it was paying only $1.10 for the place, but seconds before the race it increased to $1.90; but remained the favorite.


The Ultimate Punter’s Bible

But was it all worth it? You better believe it; have a look at that result!!


Race 1 $40 Favorite Placid Art. Placed and paid $1.40Outlay $40 Return $56 Profit $16


Race 1 $40 Favorite Our Show Time. Placed and paid $1.20

Outlay $40 Return $48 Profit $8


Race 1 $40 Favorite La Sacre Bleu. Placed and paid $1.20Outlay $40 Return $48 Profit $8


Race 1 $40 Favorite Where’s Tayla. UnplacedRace 2 $200 Favorite Nice Legs. Placed and paid $1.20Outlay $240 Return $240 Profit Broke Even


Race 1 $40 Favorite Alessi Bale. UnplacedRace 2 $200 Favorite Coolenda. Placed and paid $1.50Outlay $240 Return $300 Profit $60


The Punters Retirement Plan


Race 1 $40 Favorite Flamena. Placed and paid $1.00Outlay $40 Return $40 Profit Broke Even

Angle Park

Race 1 $40 Favorite Borree Jim. Unplaced.Race 2 $200 Favorite Leica Drill. Placed and paid $1.90.Outlay $240 Return $380 Profit $140

Wow! Another great dividend. We are having a sensational day.


Race 1 $40 Favorite De Wade. Placed and paid $1.60Outlay $40 Return $64 Profit $24


Race 1 $40 Favorite Circle Of Life. Placed and paid $1.30Outlay $40 Return $52 Profit $12

Oh Man! What a sensational day. Our best day yet. How quickly we made amends for the disastrous day yesterday.

Today we made an incredible profit of $1,232.

Our total profit is now: $6,904.

And our Bank Account is now: $7,904.


The Ultimate Punter’s Bible

22 DECEMBER2011.Toowoomba, Wyong, Seymour, Bunbury (Gallops). Ascot Park, Alexandra Park, Cranbourne (Trots).


Race 1 $40 Favorite Final Finale. UnplacedRace 2 $200 Favorite Gatalistic. Placed and paid $1.40Outlay $240 Return $280 Profit $40


Race 1 $40 Favorite Winning Recipe. Placed and paid $1.60

Outlay $40 Return $64 Profit $24


Race 1 $40 Favorite Six Of The Best. Placed and paid $1.10

Outlay $40 Return $44 Profit $4


The Punters Retirement Plan

Gold Coast

Race 1 $40 Favorite Our Poppa Jack. Placed and paid $1.10

Outlay $40 Return $44 Profit $4


Race 1 $40 Favorite Betonthebay. Placed and paid $1.50Outlay $40 Return $60 Profit $20


Race 1 $40 Favorite Pure Carbon. UnplacedRace 2 $200 Favorite Dark And Stormy. Placed and paid

$1.60Outlay $240 Return $320 Profit $80


Race 1 $40 Favorite Alistair Bale. Placed and paid $1.40Outlay $40 Return $56 Profit $16


Race 1 $40 Favorite Ocean’s Donny. Placed and paid $1.30

Outlay $40 Return $52 Profit $12


Race 1 $40 Favorite Patch In Time. Placed and paid $1.70Outlay $40 Return $68 Profit $28


The Ultimate Punter’s Bible


Race 1 $40 Favorite Okuku Bomber. Placed and paid $1.00

Outlay $40 Return $40 Profit Broke Even


Race 1 $40 Favorite Roy Hobbes. Placed and paid $1.10Outlay $40 Return $44 Profit $4

I am very excited to announce that our Bank Account has reached $8,000. This, of course, means that we will once again double our staking. I am going to take the rest of the day off and not worry about the night time Race Meetings. In fact, I’m going to take 2 – 3 weeks off.

Today we made a profit of $256 and probably would have made more if I had continued with the night time meetings.

Our total profit is now: $7,160. And our Bank Account now stands at a whopping $8,160.

I’m sure that you are starting to see how powerful this money making system is.

I am now taking a 2 – 3 week break to celebrate Christmas and New Year with my family and friends. I will be back about the second week of January.


The Punters Retirement Plan

10 JANUARY 2012.Townsville, Vaal, Southwell, Leicester (Gallops). Menangle, Shepparton, Oamaru (Trots). Gosford, Ipswich, Gawler, Forbury Park, Devonport (Greyhounds).


Race 1 $80 Favorite Just Married. Placed and paid $1.90Outlay $80 Return $152 Profit $72


Race 1 $80 Favorite Enapay. Placed and paid $1.00Outlay $80 Return $80 Profit Broke Even

TROTSAlbion Park

Race 1 $80 Favorite Matai Aurelius. UnplacedRace 2 $400 Favorite Dans Gamble. Placed and paid $1.00Outlay $480 Return $400 Profit Lost - $80


The Ultimate Punter’s Bible

Globe Derby

Race 1 $80 Favorite Heza Showman. Placed and paid $1.10

Outlay $80 Return $88 Profit $8


Race 1 $80 Favorite Cinderella Man. Placed and paid $1.30

Outlay $80 Return $104 Profit $24


Race 1 $80 Favorite Usain Octane. Placed and paid $1.70Outlay $80 Return $136 Profit $56


Race 1 $80 Favorite Ralphy Rocket. Placed and paid $1.40Outlay $80 Return $112 Profit $32


Race 1 $80 Favorite Sudoku Glider. UnplacedRace 2 $400 Favorite Thunderfire. Placed and paid $1.80Outlay $480 Return $720 Profit $240


Race 1 $80 Favorite Third Chance. Placed and paid $1.00Outlay $80 Return $80 Profit Broke Even


The Punters Retirement Plan


Race 1 $80 Favorite Typhoon Monelli. Placed and paid $2.20

Outlay $80 Return $176 Profit $96

A great start to the New Year. Considering the number of Race Meetings that didn’t qualify we still managed to make a profit of $448.

We have now made a profit of $7,680. And our Bank Account is now: $8,680.

Tomorrow is a big day of racing, looking forward to some more big profits.


The Ultimate Punter’s Bible

11 JANUARY 2012.Sandown, Murray Bridge, Devonport, Pinjarra, Kenilworth, Ffos Las (Gallops). Nyah, Albany (Trots). Albion Park, The Meadows, Angle Park, Ballarat, (Greyhounds).


Race 1 $80 Favorite Greek Island. Placed and paid $1.00Outlay $80 Return $80 Profit Broke Even

Kembla Grange

Race 1 $80 Favorite Princess Qualo. UnplacedRace 2 $400 Favorite Catkins. Placed and paid $1.40Outlay $480 Return $560 Profit $80

Happy Valley

Race 1 $80 Favorite Happy Champion. UnplacedRace 2 $400 Favorite Golden Boy. UnplacedRace 3 $2000 Favorite Easy Gold. Placed and paid $1.10Outlay $2480 Return $2200 Profit Lost - $280


The Punters Retirement Plan

Phew! Our first $2,000 bet, now that really gets the adrenalin pumping. The favorite in the Third Race paid a small dividend, giving us a loss, but we should be thankful that it ran a Place.


Race 1 $80 Favorite One More Legend. UnplacedRace 2 $400 Favorite Lady Lager. Placed and paid $1.60Outlay $480 Return $640 Profit $160


Race 1 $80 Favorite Super Boost. UnplacedRace 2 $400 Favorite Highview Kiwi. UnplacedRace 3 $2000 Favorite Veracity Red. Placed and paid $1.50Outlay $2480 Return $3000 Profit $520

Wow! It happened again: another $2,000 bet. But this time we came out well ahead. Just look at that profit.

Yarra Valley

Race 1 $80 Favorite Mister Elwood. Placed and paid $1.70Outlay $80 Return $136 Profit $56


Race 1 $80 Favorite Bay Of Dreams. Placed and paid $1.90

Outlay $80 Return $152 Profit $72


The Ultimate Punter’s Bible


Race 1 $80 Favorite Reggie Bra. UnplacedRace 2 $400 Favorite Lil’ Maso. Placed and paid $1.70Outlay $480 Return $680 Profit $200


Race 1 $80 Favorite Saigon Su. Placed and paid $1.90Outlay $80 Return $152 Profit $72


Race 1 $80 Favorite Out The Door. Placed and paid $1.30Outlay $80 Return $104 Profit $24


Race 1 $80 Favorite Man Dime. Placed and paid $1.60Outlay $80 Return $128 Profit $48


Race 1 $80 Favorite Ever So Hopeful. Placed and paid $1.00

Outlay $80 Return $80 Profit Broke Even

What a sensational day; a profit of $952.

Some nervous moments with 2 Race Meetings going to the Third Race, but one of them proved to be extremely lucrative.

Our total profit is now: $8,632.

And our Bank Account now stands at $9,632.


The Punters Retirement Plan

12 JANUARY 2012.Te Rapa, Rockhampton, Gosford, Ballarat, Penola, Vaal, Catterick Bridge, Southwell, England (Gallops). Melton, Gold Coast, Ballarat, Harvey (Trots). Geelong, Hobart (Greyhounds).


Race 1 $80 Favorite Enshrined. UnplacedRace 2 $400 Favorite Aldentae Girl. Placed and paid $1.10Outlay $480 Return $440 Profit Lost - $40


Race 1 $80 Favorite Western River. Placed and paid $1.10Outlay $80 Return $88 Profit $8


Race 1 $80 Favorite Leighs Delight. Placed and paid $2.20Outlay $80 Return $176 Profit $96


The Ultimate Punter’s Bible

Ascot Park

Race 1 $80 Favorite Maori Invasion. UnplacedRace 2 $400 Favorite Run Fatboy Run. Placed and paid

$2.30Outlay $480 Return $920 Profit $440

Wow! What a great dividend. Look at that profit. In fact, the last 2 were great.


Race 1 $80 Favorite Kay Cee Crash. UnplacedRace 2 $400 Favorite Spindle. Placed and paid $1.30Outlay $480 Return $520 Profit $40


Race 1 $80 Favorite Kidder. UnplacedRace 2 $400 Favorite Wheres My Dollar. Placed and paid

$1.40Outlay $480 Return $560 Profit $80

Sandown Park

Race 1 $80 Favorite Diamonds At Dusk. UnplacedRace 2 $400 Favorite Dyna Beat. Placed and paid $2.40Outlay $480 Return $960 Profit $480

Wow! Another great dividend. Look at that profit. What a great day we are having.


The Punters Retirement Plan


Race 1 $80 Favorite Barra Time. Placed and paid $1.20Outlay $80 Return $96 Profit $16

Angle Park

Race 1 $80 Favorite Made To Silence. UnplacedRace 2 $400 Favorite Bessie’s Delight. Placed and paid

$1.50Outlay $480 Return $600 Profit $120


Race 1 $80 Favorite Ocean’s Angels. Placed and paid $1.20Outlay $80 Return $96 Profit $16


Race 1 $80 Favorite Hi Beamer. UnplacedRace 2 $400 Favorite Fairy Jet. Placed and paid $1.70Outlay $480 Return $680 Profit $200


Race 1 $80 Favorite Elki. Placed and paid $1.50Outlay $80 Return $120 Profit $40


Race 1 $80 Favorite Fireman’s Escort. Placed and paid $1.10

Outlay $80 Return $88 Profit $8


The Ultimate Punter’s Bible


Race 1 $80 Favorite Pint Star. Placed and paid $2.00Outlay $80 Return $160 Profit $80

Wow! What a sensational day. A profit of $1,584.

What makes it even more extraordinary is the amount of Race Meetings that didn’t qualify (practically all of today’s Gallops).

Our profit and Bank Account has hit the magical 5 figure mark.

Our total profit is now: $10,216. And our Bank Account is now: $11,216.


The Punters Retirement Plan

13 JANUARY 2012.Wagga, Mornington, Esperance, Arlington, Musselburgh, Lingfield (Gallops). Blenheim, Newcastle (Trots). Ipswich, Gawler, Winnellie Park (Greyhounds).


Race 1 $80 Favorite Bakobi. Placed and paid $1.10Outlay $80 Return $88 Profit $8


Race 1 $80 Favorite Bag Of Nickels. UnplacedRace 2 $400 Favorite Urban Rocker. Placed and paid $1.30Outlay $480 Return $520 Profit $40

Moonee Valley

Race 1 $80 Favorite Demasheen. Placed and paid $1.00Outlay $80 Return $80 Profit Broke Even


The Ultimate Punter’s Bible

Sunshine Coast

Race 1 $80 Favorite Manicero. Placed and paid $1.70Outlay $80 Return $136 Profit $56


Race 1 $80 Favorite Natural Velocity. Placed and paid $1.50

Outlay $80 Return $120 Profit $40


Race 1 $80 Favorite All Forus. UnplacedRace 2 $400 Favorite Sichuan Ruler. Placed and paid $1.30Outlay $480 Return $520 Profit $40


Race 1 $80 Favorite Hohlethelonely. Placed and paid $2.40

Outlay $80 Return $192 Profit $112

Great dividend!


Race 1 $80 Favorite Back Burner. Placed and paid $1.00Outlay $80 Return $80 Profit Broke Even


The Punters Retirement Plan


Race 1 $80 Favorite Jennas Dancer. UnplacedRace 1 $400 Favorite Harrys Day Out. Placed and paid

$1.20Outlay $480 Return $480 Profit Broke Even


Race 1 $80 Favorite Brief Glance. Placed and paid $1.20Outlay $80 Return $96 Profit $16

Gold Coast

Race 1 $80 Favorite Jimmy Jazzalong. Placed and paid $1.20

Outlay $80 Return $96 Profit $16


Race 1 $80 Favorite Jerry Marshall. Placed and paid $1.20Outlay $80 Return $96 Profit $16

Globe Derby

Race 1 $80 Favorite Nomoredrink. Placed and paid $1.40Outlay $80 Return $112 Profit $32

Gloucester Park

Race 1 $80 Favorite Jett Dee. Placed and paid $1.70Outlay $80 Return $136 Profit $56


The Ultimate Punter’s Bible


Race 1 $80 Favorite Bagger Vance. UnplacedRace 2 $400 Favorite Murphy Maguire. Placed and paid

$1.40Outlay $480 Return $560 Profit $80


Wentworth Park

Race 1 $80 Favorite Charlie’s Spirit. UnplacedRace 2 $400 Favorite She Can Sew. UnplacedRace 3 $2000 Favorite Elain Allen. UnplacedOutlay $2480 Return Zero Profit Lost - $2480

OUCH! Now that hurts. $2,480 in one Race Meeting down the drain. But we have to take the good with the bad. The system will fail sometimes, let’s be thankful that it doesn’t happen that often.


Race 1 $80 Favorite Wonaeamirri. Placed and paid $1.50Outlay $80 Return $120 Profit $40

The Gardens

Race 1 $80 Favorite Carmina. UnplacedRace 2 $400 Favorite Campfire Miss. Placed and paid $1.50Outlay $480 Return $600 Profit $120


The Punters Retirement Plan


Race 1 $80 Favorite Darryl’s Future. UnplacedRace 2 $400 Favorite Hot Seat. Placed and paid $1.20Outlay $480 Return $480 Profit Broke Even


Race 1 $80 Favorite Much More. Placed and paid $1.80Outlay $80 Return $144 Profit $64


Race 1 $80 Favorite Heather’s Sandy. Placed and paid $1.20

Outlay $80 Return $96 Profit $16


Race 1 $80 Favorite Bigtime Allgo. Placed and paid $1.50Outlay $80 Return $120 Profit $40


Race 1 $80 Favorite Jed Norton. Placed and paid $1.30Outlay $80 Return $104 Profit $24


Race 1 $80 Favorite Light Fantastic. UnplacedRace 2 $400 Favorite Emerald Lee. Placed and paid $1.00Outlay $480 Return $400 Profit Lost - $80


The Ultimate Punter’s Bible

Black Friday. Friday the 13th. When our staking amount reaches this level, one failure is going to prove costly. Today we ran at a loss of -$1,744. However, tomorrow is Saturday and there are some major Race Meetings. I’m confident it won’t be too long before we make up for today’s loss.

Our total profit still looks very good, however, and we can afford a failure once every now and then.

Profit: $8,472. Bank Account: $9,472.


The Punters Retirement Plan

14 JANUARY 2012.Ipswich, Rosehill, Flemington, Gold Coast, Bairnsdale, Morphetville, Awapuni, Ellerslie, Ascot, Darwin, Kenilworth, Lingfield, Turffontein, Kempton Park, Warwick (Gallops). Albury (Trots). Warrnambool (Greyhounds).


Race 1 $80 Favorite Almighty Charge. Placed and paid $1.50

Outlay $80 Return $120 Profit $40

Glen Innes

Race 1 $80 Favorite Vulcan’s Fury. Placed and paid $2.00Outlay $80 Return $160 Profit $80


Race 1 $80 Favorite Doug’s Jet. UnplacedRace 2 $400 Favorite Granzella. Placed and paid $1. 90Outlay $480 Return $760 Profit $280


The Ultimate Punter’s Bible


Race 1 $80 Favorite Felix Bloom. UnplacedRace 2 $400 Favorite King Riccardo. Placed and paid $1.30Outlay $480 Return $520 Profit $40


Race 1 $80 Favorite Mahanadi. UnplacedRace 2 $400 Favorite Ratnaraj. Placed and paid $1.80Outlay $480 Return $720 Profit $240

TROTSAlbion Park

Race 1 $80 Favorite Matai Zinga. Placed and paid $1.30Outlay $80 Return $104 Profit $24


Race 1 $80 Favorite Deadsetlucky. Placed and paid $1.30Outlay $80 Return $104 Profit $24


Race 1 $80 Favorite Just Live Life. Placed and paid $1.20Outlay $80 Return $96 Profit $16

Globe Derby

Race 1 $80 Favorite Tiger O’Reilly. Placed and paid $1.40Outlay $80 Return $112 Profit $32


The Punters Retirement Plan


Race 1 $80 Favorite Soho Daytona. Placed and paid $1.20Outlay $80 Return $96 Profit $16


Wentworth Park

Race 1 $80 Favorite Ascari. Placed and paid $1.40Outlay $80 Return $112 Profit $32

The Meadows

Race 1 $80 Favorite Silvia’s Flame. Placed and paid $2.10Outlay $80 Return $168 Profit $88

Great dividend!


Race 1 $80 Favorite Danger Mouse. Placed and paid $1.50

Outlay $80 Return $120 Profit $40

The Gardens

Race 1 $80 Favorite Baracus. Placed and paid $1.30Outlay $80 Return $104 Profit $24


Race 1 $80 Favorite Roxy Mac. Placed and paid $1.10Outlay $80 Return $88 Profit $8


The Ultimate Punter’s Bible

Despite all the Race Meetings that we had to eliminate (particularly Gallops) we had a fantastic day with a whopping profit of $984.

Our total profit is now: $9,456.

And great to see that our Bank Account has quickly hit the 5 figure mark once again.

Bank Account now: $10,456.


The Punters Retirement Plan

15 JANUARY 2012.Hastings, Hobart, Strathalbyn, Kilmore, Sunshine Coast, Alice Springs, Mt Barker (Gallops). Blenheim, Te Aroha (Trots). Albion Park, Wagga (Greyhounds).


Race 1 $80 Favorite Nonino. Placed and paid $1.10Outlay $80 Return $88 Profit $8


Race 1 $80 Favorite Eclair Rally. Placed and paid $1.10Outlay $80 Return $88 Profit $8


Race 1 $80 Favorite Golden Dagger. Placed and paid $1.00

Outlay $80 Return $80 Profit Broke Even


The Ultimate Punter’s Bible


Race 1 $80 Favorite Zinly. UnplacedRace 2 $400 Favorite Chateauneuf Dupape. Placed and

paid $1.20Outlay $480 Return $480 Profit Broke Even

Sha Tin

Race 1 $80 Favorite Glory Win. Placed and paid $1.90Outlay $80 Return $152 Profit $72


Race 1 $80 Favorite Irish Philosophy. Placed and paid $1.10

Outlay $80 Return $88 Profit $8


Race 1 $80 Favorite Camleys Best. Placed and paid $1.30Outlay $80 Return $104 Profit $24


Race 1 $80 Favorite Boutique Art. Placed and paid $1.40Outlay $80 Return $112 Profit $32


The Punters Retirement Plan


Race 1 $80 Favorite Cool Cred. Placed and paid $1.70Outlay $80 Return $136 Profit $56


Race 1 $80 Favorite Omega Eli. Placed and paid $1.30Outlay $80 Return $104 Profit $24


Race 1 $80 Favorite Shelly Louise. UnplacedRace 2 $400 Favorite Supreme Lorian. Placed and paid

$1.20Outlay $480 Return $480 Profit Broke Even


Race 1 $80 Favorite Berridale Bullet. Placed and paid $1.10

Outlay $80 Return $88 Profit $8


Race 1 $80 Favorite Farmer Jenny. Placed and paid $2.40Outlay $80 Return $192 Profit $112

Great dividend!


The Ultimate Punter’s Bible


Race 1 $80 Favorite Tiger Karen. Placed and paid $1.20Outlay $80 Return $96 Profit $16

Mt Gambier

Race 1 $80 Favorite Cosmic Gambler. UnplacedRace 2 $400 Favorite Gem Daisy. Placed and paid $2.00Outlay $480 Return $800 Profit $320

Great dividend!

Another great day. A profit of $688.

Our total profit is now: $10,144.

And our Bank Account is now: $11,144.


The Punters Retirement Plan

16 JANUARY 2012.Gunnedah, Ararat (Gallops). Menangle, Globe Derby, Cobram (Trots). Albion Park, Manawatu, Angle Park (Greyhounds).


Race 1 $80 Favorite Sipaan. Placed and paid $1.20Outlay $80 Return $96 Profit $16


Race 1 $80 Favorite Stormy Art. Placed and paid $1.00Outlay $80 Return $80 Profit Broke Even


Race 1 $80 Favorite Mister Ballistic. Placed and paid $1.70

Outlay $80 Return $136 Profit $56


The Ultimate Punter’s Bible


Race 1 $80 Favorite Bad Girl Tilly. Placed and paid $1.00Outlay $80 Return $80 Profit Broke Even

Sandown Park

Race 1 $80 Favorite Bella’s Girl. Placed and paid $2.50Outlay $80 Return $200 Profit $120

Wow! Great dividend for a favorite.


Race 1 $80 Favorite Little Miss Hap. UnplacedRace 2 $400 Favorite Grovebrook King. Placed and paid

$1.70Outlay $480 Return $680 Profit $200


Race 1 $80 Favorite Shep Bound. Placed and paid $1.50Outlay $80 Return $120 Profit $40


Race 1 $80 Favorite From Davine. Placed and paid $1.40Outlay $80 Return $112 Profit $32


The Punters Retirement Plan


Race 1 $80 Favorite Puddle Fish. Placed and paid $1.70Outlay $80 Return $136 Profit $56

Another great profit today. Considering that there weren’t many Race Meetings today - and the amount that didn’t qualify – and yet we still made a profit of $520.

Our total profit is now: $10,664. And our Bank Account: $11,664.


The Ultimate Punter’s Bible

17 JANUARY 2012.

Warrnambool, Canberra, Ayr, Scottsville, Folkestone (Gallops). Albion Park, Menangle, Globe Derby (Trots). Gawler, Warragul (Greyhounds).

GALLOPSNone Qualified.


Race 1 $80 Favorite Christiano. Placed and paid $1.30Outlay $80 Return $104 Profit $24

Gloucester Park

Race 1 $80 Favorite Flojo Two. Placed and paid $1.40Outlay $80 Return $112 Profit $32


Race 1 $80 Favorite Jaccka Hello. Placed and paid $1.00Outlay $80 Return $80 Profit Broke Even


The Punters Retirement Plan


Race 1 $80 Favorite Downunder Diva. Placed and paid $1.20

Outlay $80 Return $96 Profit $16


Race 1 $80 Favorite Montanus. UnplacedRace 2 $400 Favorite Premier Jackie. UnplacedRace 3 $2000 Favorite Frisky Melody. Placed and paid $1.10Outlay $2480 Return $2200 Profit Lost - $280


Race 1 $80 Favorite Fantasy Bound. Placed and paid $1.00

Outlay $80 Return $80 Profit Broke Even


Race 1 $80 Favorite Tahini. Placed and paid $1.30Outlay $80 Return $104 Profit $24


Race 1 $80 Favorite Stack ‘Em Flat. Placed and paid $1.00Outlay $80 Return $80 Profit Broke Even


The Ultimate Punter’s Bible


Race 1 $80 Favorite Crazy Chickie. Placed and paid $1.20Outlay $80 Return $96 Profit $16

Ascot Park

Race 1 $80 Favorite Jinjarango. Placed and paid $1.00Outlay $80 Return $80 Profit Broke Even


Race 1 $80 Favorite Sour Pop. Placed and paid $1.80Outlay $80 Return $144 Profit $64

Not one of our better days. We lost -$104.

No doubt tomorrow will be a better day.

Our total profit is now: $10,560. Bank Account: $11,560.


The Punters Retirement Plan

18 JANUARY 2012.

Doomben, Ruakaka, Gawler, Wyong, Sandown, Launceston, Kenilworth, Lingfield, Newbury (Gallops). The Meadows, Angle Park, Richmond, Rockhampton (Greyhounds).


Race 1 $80 Favorite Angry Squatter. UnplacedRace 1 $400 Favorite Just Wicked. Placed and paid $1.60Outlay $480 Return $640 Profit $160

Happy Valley

Race 1 $80 Favorite Ray’s Favourite. Placed and paid $1.40Outlay $80 Return $112 Profit $32


Race 1 $80 Favorite Greenmans Valley. Placed and paid $1.10Outlay $80 Return $88 Profit $8


The Ultimate Punter’s Bible


Race 1 $80 Favorite Aliya Nicolle. Placed and paid $1.00Outlay $80 Return $80 Profit Broke Even


Race 1 $80 Favorite Rogers Passion. Placed and paid $1.40

Outlay $80 Return $112 Profit $32


Race 1 $80 Favorite Johny Rondo. Placed and paid $1.20Outlay $80 Return $96 Profit $16


Race 1 $80 Favorite Bogie Magic. Placed and paid $1.40Outlay $80 Return $112 Profit $32


Race 1 $80 Favorite Cut The Cards. UnplacedRace 2 $400 Favorite Ritza Flare. UnplacedRace 3 $2000 Favorite Shady Jewell. Placed and paid $1.40Outlay $2480 Return $2800 Profit $320

Phew! We went to the Third Race to get a result; but look at that profit. This should ensure a good profit for the day.


The Punters Retirement Plan


Race 1 $80 Favorite High Thyme. Placed and paid $1.30Outlay $80 Return $104 Profit $24


Race 1 $80 Favorite Significant Bit. Placed and paid $1.70Outlay $80 Return $136 Profit $56


Race 1 $80 Favorite Proven Nitro. Placed and paid $1.40Outlay $80 Return $112 Profit $32


Race 1 $80 Favorite Chemcially Free. Placed and paid $1.20

Outlay $80 Return $96 Profit $16

Another great day. A profit of $728.

Our total profit is now: $11,288.

And our Bank Account is now: $12,288.


The Ultimate Punter’s Bible

19 JANUARY 2012.Pukekura, Muswellbrook, Seymour, Vaal, Lingfield, UK (Gallops). Albion Park, Melton, Alexandra Park, Ballarat, Albany (Trots). Albion Park, Cambridge, Angle Park, Mandurah (Greyhounds).


Race 1 $80 Favorite Back To Win. Placed and paid $1.20Outlay $80 Return $96 Profit $16


Race 1 $80 Favorite Sass’n’Ping.UnplacedRace 2 $400 Favorite Mcblitzam.Placed and paid $1.50Outlay $480 Return $600 Profit $120


Race 1 $80 Favorite Swiss Art. UnplacedRace 2 $400 Favorite Esteem. Placed and paid $1.90Outlay $480 Return $760 Profit $280

Wow! Great dividend.


The Punters Retirement Plan


Race 1 $80 Favorite Woodlyn Girl. Placed and paid $1.00Outlay $80 Return $80 Profit Broke Even


Race 1 $80 Favorite Zakris. UnplacedRace 2 $400 Favorite Prince Kai. Placed and paid $1. 00Outlay $480 Return $400 Profit Lost - $80


Race 1 $80 Favorite Sleek Fancy. Placed and paid $1.50Outlay $80 Return $120 Profit $40

Sandown Park

Race 1 $80 Favorite Jordy Pordy. Placed and paid $1.40Outlay $80 Return $112 Profit $32


Race 1 $80 Favorite Mal’s Magic. Placed and paid $3.70Outlay $80 Return $296 Profit $216

Wow! Look at that dividend. It was paying less for a win! Imagine the profit if that had been the Third Race?!


The Ultimate Punter’s Bible


Race 1 $80 Favorite As Far As. Placed and paid $1.30Outlay $80 Return $104 Profit $24


Race 1 $80 Favorite Caramel Trick. UnplacedRace 2 $400 Favorite Hot Charm. Placed and paid $1.70Outlay $480 Return $680 Profit $200

Great dividend! Great result.


Race 1 $80 Favorite Rancho Texicano. Placed and paid $1.10

Outlay $80 Return $88 Profit $8


Race 1 $80 Favorite Jed Norton. Placed and paid $1.40Outlay $80 Return $112 Profit $32


Race 1 $80 Favorite Tree Bandit. Placed and paid $1.80Outlay $80 Return $144 Profit $64

Another fantastic day. Despite all the Race Meetings that didn’t qualify - and had to be eliminated - we still made a profit of $952.

Some great Place Dividends today.

Our total profit is now: $12,240.

Our Bank Account is now: $13,240.


The Punters Retirement Plan

20 JANUARY 2012.

Mornington, Gosford, Pt Lincoln, Cranbourne, Sunshine Coast, Arlington, Catterick Bridge, Chepstow, Lingfield (Gallops). Wagga, Maryborough, Otaki (Trots). Wentworth Park, Traralgon, Hatrick, The Gardens, Winnellie Park (Greyhounds).


Race 1 $80 Favorite Nature Bites. UnplacedRace 2 $400 Favorite Falvelani. UnplacedRace 3 $2000 Favorite Sir Joel. Placed and paid $1.50Outlay $2480 Return $3000 Profit $520

Wow! Have a look at this. A nervous moment as we go to the Third Race to get a result. But does a profit of $520 in one Race Meeting calm the nerves?

Great start. Surely this will ensure another enjoyable day of punting.


Race 1 $80 Favorite Daisy’s Brother. UnplacedRace 2 $400 Favorite Ludvig. Placed and paid $1.20Outlay $480 Return $480 Profit Broke Even


The Ultimate Punter’s Bible


Race 1 $80 Favorite Sir Tane. UnplacedRace 2 $400 Favorite Seismic. UnplacedRace 3 $2000 Favorite Valencia’s Image. Placed and paid

$1.60Outlay $2480 Return $3200 Profit $720

Wow! Another Nervous moment, once again going to the Third Race. And this time we have made an even bigger profit of $720.

Now I know we are having an enjoyable day. This could well be our best day ever.


Race 1 $80 Favorite Irish Lightning. Placed and paid $1.80

Outlay $80 Return $144 Profit $64


Race 1 -- -- (Race 1 Abandoned)Race 2 $80 Favorite Prince Bishop. Placed and paid $1.40Outlay $80 Return $112 Profit $32

TROTSAlbion Park

Race 1 $80 Favorite Noplacetohide. Placed and paid $1.50Outlay $80 Return $120 Profit $40


Race 1 $80 Favorite Luke Armbro. Placed and paid $1.70Outlay $80 Return $136 Profit $56


The Punters Retirement Plan


Race 1 $80 Favorite Mark Dennis. Placed and paid $1.20Outlay $80 Return $96 Profit $16

Pt Pirie

Race 1 $80 Favorite Heezhot. Placed and paid $2.20Outlay $80 Return $176 Profit $96

Gloucester Park

Race 1 $80 Favorite Rare Temptation. Placed and paid $1.50

Outlay $80 Return $120 Profit $40


Race 1 $80 Favorite Carpenters Daughter. Placed and paid $1.00

Outlay $80 Return $80 Profit Broke Even


Race 1 $80 Favorite Messi Boy. Placed and paid $1.40Outlay $80 Return $112 Profit $32


Race 1 $80 Favorite Mccosker Speed. Placed and paid $2.20Outlay $80 Return $176 Profit $96


The Ultimate Punter’s Bible


Race 1 $80 Favorite Brindle Tyson. Placed and paid $1.60Outlay $80 Return $128 Profit $48


Race 1 $80 Favorite Raine Rose Hi. Placed and paid $1.70Outlay $80 Return $136 Profit $56


Race 1 $80 Favorite Smart Guess. Placed and paid $1.40Outlay $80 Return $112 Profit $32


Race 1 $80 Favorite Phaedra’s First. Placed and paid $1.00Outlay $80 Return $80 Profit Broke Even

What a sensational day. A profit of $1,848.

Our total profit is now: $14,088.

And our Bank Account is now: $15,088.

Tomorrow is Saturday and there are some big Race Meetings. Looking forward to another great day.


The Punters Retirement Plan

21 JANUARY 2012.

Albury, Gore, Trentham, Rosehill, Flemington, Gold Coast, Kembla Grange, Wellington, Ascot, Esperance, Sha Tin, Turffontein, Lingfield, Haydock Park (Gallops). Richmond (Greyhounds).


Race 1 $80 Favorite Yourein. UnplacedRace 2 $400 Favorite Kelmara. UnplacedRace 3 $2000 Favorite Speech Craft. Placed and paid $1.50Outlay $2480 Return $3000 Profit $520

Wow! Another great start to the day, just like yesterday. Another nervous moment – going to the Third Race to get a result – rewards us with another great profit.

Eagle Farm

Race 1 $80 Favorite Headless. Placed and paid $1.60Outlay $80 Return $128 Profit $48


The Ultimate Punter’s Bible


Race 1 $80 Favorite Justice Fighter. Placed and paid $1.50Outlay $80 Return $120 Profit $40


Race 1 $80 Favorite Beautiful Soul. UnplacedRace 2 $400 Favorite Ferrari Star. UnplacedRace 3 $2000 Favorite Angel Star. Placed and paid $1.20Outlay $2480 Return $2400 Profit Lost - $80

Again we went to the Third Race, but this time the dividend was not so kind to us. However, we can’t complain and should be thankful that it ran a Place.


Race 1 $80 Favorite Temple Court. UnplacedRace 2 $400 Favorite Jetalong. Placed and paid $1.20Outlay $480 Return $480 Profit Broke Even


Race 1 $80 Favorite Claypool. Placed and paid $1.40Outlay $80 Return $112 Profit $32


Race 1 $80 Favorite Lake Superior. Placed and paid $1.40Outlay $80 Return $112 Profit $32


The Punters Retirement Plan

TROTSAlbion Park

Race 1 $80 Favorite Cougars Blue Jean. Placed and paid $1.30

Outlay $80 Return $104 Profit $24


Race 1 $80 Favorite Glengowan. Placed and paid $1.70Outlay $80 Return $136 Profit $56


Race 1 $80 Favorite Falcoberigora. UnplacedRace 2 $400 Favorite More Than Alright. Placed and paid

$1.40Outlay $480 Return $560 Profit $80


Race 1 $80 Favorite Total Control. Placed and paid $1.40Outlay $80 Return $112 Profit $32

Globe Derby

Race 1 $80 Favorite Sir Swanky. Placed and paid $1.00Outlay $80 Return $80 Profit Broke Even


Race 1 $80 Favorite Racketeers Girl. Placed and paid $1.20Outlay $80 Return $96 Profit $16


The Ultimate Punter’s Bible

GREYHOUNDSWentworth Park

Race 1 $80 Favorite Les Mate. Placed and paid $1.60Outlay $80 Return $128 Profit $48

The Meadows

Race 1 $80 Favorite Rapid Tide. Placed and paid $1.40Outlay $80 Return $112 Profit $32


Race 1 $80 Favorite Smart Cougar. Placed and paid $1.30Outlay $80 Return $104 Profit $24

The Gardens

Race 1 $80 Favorite Bit Wasabi. Placed and paid $2.00Outlay $80 Return $160 Profit $80


Race 1 $80 Favorite Heston Bale. Placed and paid $1.20Outlay $80 Return $96 Profit $16

Another fantastic day with a profit of exactly $1,000. Yes, you read correctly: exactly $1,000. What are the odds of that happening?

Once again the majority of the Gallops had to be eliminated, but the ones that did qualify paid us well.

Our total profit is now: $15,088. Our Bank Account: $16,088.

And as you can see we have doubled our Bank Account again and tomorrow we will double our staking.


The Punters Retirement Plan

22 JANUARY 2012.

Sunshine Coast, Hobart, Ballarat, Grafton, Mt Gambier, Cranbourne, Geraldton (Gallops). Ouyen, Motukarara, Launceston (Trots). Sandown Park, Gawler, Nowra (Greyhounds).


Race 1 $160 Favorite Fad. Placed and paid $1.20Outlay $160 Return $192 Profit $32


Race 1 $160 Favorite Lord Leigh. Placed and paid $1.00Outlay $160 Return $160 Profit Broke Even


Race 2 $160 Favorite Top Wood. UnplacedRace 3 $800 Favorite Drom. Placed and paid $1.90

Race 1 Abandoned.Outlay $960 Return $1520 Profit $560

What a great dividend for a favorite.


The Ultimate Punter’s Bible


Race 1 $160 Favorite Lady Lauriane. Placed and paid $1.20

Outlay $160 Return $192 Profit $32

Mt Gambier

Race 1 $160 Favorite Forty Seven Flash. Placed and paid $1.60

Outlay $160 Return $256 Profit $96


Race 1 $160 Favorite Doctor Zhivago. UnplacedRace 2 $800 Favorite Gin and Grin. UnplacedRace 3 $4000 Favorite President’s Friend. Placed and paid

$1.00Outlay $4960 Return $4000 Profit Lost - $960

Ouch! We have been fortunate with most dividends in the Third Race, but not this time.


Race 1 $160 Favorite Wild Candy. UnplacedRace 2 $800 Favorite Hastings. Placed and paid $1.30Outlay $960 Return $1040 Profit $80


The Punters Retirement Plan


Race 1 $160 Favorite Losers Make Good. Placed and paid $1.30Outlay $160 Return $208 Profit $48


Race 1 $160 Favorite Triggerlong Bolt. Placed and paid $2.20

Outlay $160 Return $352 Profit $192

Another great dividend for a favorite.


Race 1 $160 Favorite Miss Jenny. Placed and paid $2.30Outlay $160 Return $368 Profit $208

And again. What a shame all favorites don’t pay like this!


Race 1 $160 Favorite Astute Whiz. Placed and paid $1.40Outlay $160 Return $224 Profit $64

Despite losing -$960 in one Race Meeting, we still made a profit of $352 today. Like I always say; all profits are good profits.


The Ultimate Punter’s Bible

Our total profit is now $15,440. And our Bank Account is: $16,440.Since we started recording the results in early November 2011, we have doubled our Bank Account on 4 occasions:

$1,000 - $2,000$2,000 - $4,000$4,000 - $8,000

$8,000 - $16,000

And on each occasion we have doubled our staking. At the rate we are progressing, we will continue to double our Bank Account at least every month. Next month we will double our account to: $32,000; the following month: $64,000; and so on.

It will look like this:

Month 1: $1,000 - $2,000Month 2: $2,000 - $4,000Month 3: $4,000 - $8,000

Month 4: $8,000 - $16,000 Month 5: $16,000 - $32,000 Month 6: $32,000 - $64,000

Month 7: $64,000 - $128,000 Month 8: $128,000 - $256,000 Month 9: $256,000 - $512,000

Month 10: $512,000 - $1,024,000

So we have attained a Million Dollar Bank Account well within 12 months.

As we start getting up into the huge amounts – shown above – you will find that you are investing some huge amounts of money, particularly when a Race Meeting is forced to go to the Third Race. Don’t back down, keep faith in the system. If your Bank Account has reached the huge 5 and 6 figure amounts it is because the system is working.

So keep it going and don’t be tempted to vary from the strict criteria explained earlier.


The Punters Retirement Plan

Also keep in mind that the larger the amount you invest, the smaller the dividend will be. Those $2+ dividends may disappear.

That’s okay, this system is not about huge dividends or payouts; it’s about consistency. As long as you are making a profit everyday, that’s what matters.

You may find that you are spending less time betting online and more time enjoying your new lifestyle. That’s fine. Once you get to a 6 figure Bank Account, you can cut your work back to once a week, or whatever suits you. And spend more time enjoying life.

By providing the above results, I believe that I have given you sufficient proof that this Betting Plan works.

Now it’s over to you. You can begin your journey to financial freedom anytime you choose to. The lifestyle that - up till now – you have only dreamed about; is available to you and all you have to do is take that first step.

Follow the above step by step instructions, and get started as soon as possible.

My sincerest best wishes go to you and I’d love to hear about your success. Send your success stories to me and if you have any comments or questions, just go to our website and leave your comments.

www.inspiringbookshop.comHappy Punting.


Col Wingate.


The Ultimate Punter’s Bible