Office 0904

Post on 13-Apr-2018

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  • 7/26/2019 Office 0904


    100:00:00,879 --> 00:00:03,354All right, everybody.Great season of softball,

    200:00:03,368 --> 00:00:04,703

    I'm super proud of you, guys.

    300:00:04,726 --> 00:00:06,615And I think you're gonna like this

    400:00:06,640 --> 00:00:08,587little highlight reelthat I've put together.


    00:00:09,098 --> 00:00:10,789Dunder Mifflin!

    600:00:10,883 --> 00:00:12,303Andy Bernard presents...

    700:00:12,399 --> 00:00:14,719Summer Softball, epic fails!

    800:00:15,649 --> 00:00:17,474


    900:00:17,630 --> 00:00:19,062Fail.

    1000:00:19,089 --> 00:00:21,209- That's me.- Fail.


    00:00:21,228 --> 00:00:22,479Is this like a blooper reel?

    1200:00:22,526 --> 00:00:25,127A blooper reel? What is this, 2005?

    1300:00:25,222 --> 00:00:27,122Do I look like Bob Saget?

    1400:00:27,149 --> 00:00:28,643



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    00:00:29,380 --> 00:00:31,279Who's this guy?

    1600:00:31,402 --> 00:00:33,268 Meow, meow, meow, meowmeow, meow, meow, meow

    1700:00:33,270 --> 00:00:34,501Look at him dance. Fail!

    1800:00:34,586 --> 00:00:35,619Fail.

    1900:00:36,290 --> 00:00:37,566I deserve that.

    2000:00:37,675 --> 00:00:40,566 Doont-de-doont-de-doont,doont-de-doont-de-doont

    2100:00:40,628 --> 00:00:41,844That was a triple.

    2200:00:41,867 --> 00:00:44,634Can't take the fail? Get

    out of the fail video!

    2300:00:44,760 --> 00:00:45,759My pleasure.

    2400:00:45,799 --> 00:00:47,278Hi, I'm Pete.

    2500:00:47,334 --> 00:00:49,927Puberty is such a drag, man.

    2600:00:50,029 --> 00:00:53,061And I'm Clark. I liketo eat toilet paper.

    2700:00:53,135 --> 00:00:54,768We fail.

    2800:00:56,100 --> 00:00:58,544

    I'd like to take a solemnmoment to remember Jerry,

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    2900:00:58,560 --> 00:01:00,827in the warehouse, whopassed away this year.

    3000:01:05,890 --> 00:01:07,824

    Well, that's all, folks.

    3100:01:08,063 --> 00:01:09,996Ski you later, everybody.

    3200:01:10,067 --> 00:01:11,690Thanks for a great season.

    3300:01:12,363 --> 00:01:13,385

    What was that?

    3400:01:13,410 --> 00:01:16,058That was just normal videowith you making vulgar noises.

    3500:01:16,095 --> 00:01:18,054Well, I worked with what I had, Oscar.

    3600:01:18,091 --> 00:01:21,672

    Next time, do morefail-ier stuff, okay?

    3700:01:21,779 --> 00:01:23,416What happened to that video I sent you?

    3800:01:23,477 --> 00:01:25,467Oh, that wasn't--that didn't work.

    3900:01:25,577 --> 00:01:26,643That was... not the right thing.

    4000:01:26,645 --> 00:01:27,710- Wait, let's see it.- Play it.

    4100:01:27,712 --> 00:01:30,413- I think I got itright here. - No--

    4200:01:36,987 --> 00:01:38,988

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    4300:01:38,990 --> 00:01:41,357Forgot about this.


    00:01:42,794 --> 00:01:44,093That was not a fail.

    4500:01:44,120 --> 00:01:46,108That was actually a serious accident

    4600:01:46,148 --> 00:01:48,051that could've resultedin severe bodily harm.

    4700:01:48,092 --> 00:01:49,905- Fail, fail, fail. -You're all failing right now.

    4800:01:49,944 --> 00:01:51,869Congratulations on your epic fail

    4900:01:51,887 --> 00:01:54,020of the use of the word fail.

    5000:02:05,357 --> 00:02:07,607Oh, God.

    5100:02:08,805 --> 00:02:10,071What's going on?

    5200:02:10,086 --> 00:02:12,461Nothing, nothing is goingon. Keep moving, please.

    5300:02:12,492 --> 00:02:13,564What's he measuring?

    5400:02:13,573 --> 00:02:15,811Okay, excuse me, I'm the landlord.

    5500:02:15,827 --> 00:02:17,060This is between me and the management,

    5600:02:17,062 --> 00:02:18,361no one else, please.

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    5700:02:18,375 --> 00:02:19,975It's an EMF hotspot.

    5800:02:19,995 --> 00:02:21,394

    Oh, my God!

    5900:02:21,421 --> 00:02:23,903It stands for electromagneticfields generally caused

    6000:02:23,908 --> 00:02:26,539by a concentrationof wiring in one area,

    6100:02:26,729 --> 00:02:28,829especially if poorly insulated.

    6200:02:28,893 --> 00:02:29,919Dwight?

    6300:02:30,041 --> 00:02:33,147Um, okay, I'm just walking into this.


    00:02:33,278 --> 00:02:36,179Am I to understand there'sa beehive in the wall?

    6500:02:36,530 --> 00:02:38,942You think I have a machinefor measuring beehives?

    6600:02:39,018 --> 00:02:40,718I was just asking a question, Toby.

    6700:02:40,752 --> 00:02:42,218How are you not murdered every hour?

    6800:02:42,889 --> 00:02:45,880Well, I'm not getting paidto work in a microwave oven.

    6900:02:45,952 --> 00:02:49,127Okay, listen, everything

    here is up to code.


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    00:02:49,214 --> 00:02:51,915Oh, the wires need insulation.

    7100:02:51,930 --> 00:02:55,298It's a wire, people. I'mnot buying it a fur coat.

    7200:03:00,037 --> 00:03:01,371- Thank you.- You got it.

    7300:03:01,404 --> 00:03:04,778Last week, I finally toldPam about the other job


    00:03:04,797 --> 00:03:06,881- I took in Philly, the side job.- Thank you.

    7500:03:06,900 --> 00:03:10,331And she was so incredibly cool about it.

    7600:03:10,548 --> 00:03:14,392And now, I just want todo something huge for her.

    7700:03:14,653 --> 00:03:16,962Like if we were in some biker bar,

    7800:03:16,980 --> 00:03:18,513and she mouthed off to some bikers,

    7900:03:18,543 --> 00:03:21,225and they came lumberingover, and I was like, "wham!

    8000:03:21,259 --> 00:03:23,693Gotta go through me first."

    8100:03:32,653 --> 00:03:33,908Andy, could I have a word, please?

    8200:03:33,932 --> 00:03:34,978Um, it won't take a moment.

    8300:03:34,991 --> 00:03:36,442It's extremely important,

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    8400:03:36,473 --> 00:03:38,507and it really has to happen now.

    8500:03:39,047 --> 00:03:41,159

    Fine, I will giveyou one minute--

    8600:03:41,177 --> 00:03:42,865Oh, please, don't use the hourglass.

    8700:03:42,905 --> 00:03:45,072You have one minute, andyour minute has begun,

    8800:03:45,125 --> 00:03:47,275and no time will be added at the end,

    8900:03:47,295 --> 00:03:49,161even to accommodate this sentence

    9000:03:49,201 --> 00:03:52,069with all of itsbaroque-dependent clauses

    9100:03:52,091 --> 00:03:55,760and cascading turns of phrase.

    9200:03:56,027 --> 00:03:57,860I'm trying to adopt a baby.

    9300:03:57,949 --> 00:04:00,926A baby what? A human?

    9400:04:01,357 --> 00:04:04,225And the agency requirecharacter reference

    9500:04:04,277 --> 00:04:05,309from my employer.

    9600:04:05,342 --> 00:04:06,342Oh.

    9700:04:06,458 --> 00:04:07,667You won't have to do anything.

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    9800:04:07,679 --> 00:04:08,933I would write the letter myself.

    9900:04:08,952 --> 00:04:10,674

    You'd just needto sign it, so--

    10000:04:11,040 --> 00:04:16,490Okay, and fall right into yourplagiarism-entrapment scheme?

    10100:04:16,587 --> 00:04:18,191- I don't thinkso. - It's not--

    10200:04:18,216 --> 00:04:21,538And I happen to notice you'redown to about 30 seconds here.

    10300:04:21,556 --> 00:04:23,157Well, then, if I couldjust convince you that you--

    10400:04:23,188 --> 00:04:25,450

    And those sand grains aretumbling with fury down--

    10500:04:25,469 --> 00:04:28,057It's not entrapmentif I'm writing--

    10600:04:28,093 --> 00:04:29,459Time's up!

    10700:04:29,679 --> 00:04:31,033Fine.

    10800:04:31,563 --> 00:04:33,376Sure, I'll read her letter,

    10900:04:33,401 --> 00:04:35,032and if she tells the truth


    00:04:35,063 --> 00:04:37,634about how evil and unfitto be a mother she is,

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    11100:04:37,664 --> 00:04:39,721then, yeah, I'll sign that.

    11200:04:39,819 --> 00:04:43,187

    "Statistical correlationsexist between EMF radiation

    11300:04:43,208 --> 00:04:45,641and various health hazards,

    11400:04:45,643 --> 00:04:48,945but mainstream studiesare inconclusive."

    11500:04:48,947 --> 00:04:51,581That means you can't make me do squat.

    11600:04:51,683 --> 00:04:52,682You better fix this.

    11700:04:52,753 --> 00:04:53,908I already ditched my uterus,


    00:04:53,927 --> 00:04:55,671and I ain't losing any more good parts.

    11900:04:55,720 --> 00:04:57,387You people don't realizewhat you're asking.

    12000:04:57,389 --> 00:04:59,188I'd have to rip open the walls.

    12100:04:59,190 --> 00:05:01,978I'd have to shut thisplace down for a week.

    12200:05:02,993 --> 00:05:05,126Week off. That'd be great.

    12300:05:16,292 --> 00:05:18,022Hey, if you don't wantto teach me PowerPoint,

    12400:05:18,046 --> 00:05:18,802

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    just say so.

    12500:05:18,839 --> 00:05:20,190I don't want to teach you PowerPoint.


    00:05:20,211 --> 00:05:22,478Come on. Just show me PowerPoint.

    12700:05:22,480 --> 00:05:24,843- Just do the tutorial.- You're the tutorial.

    12800:05:24,905 --> 00:05:27,195No, dude, I'm not. I'm not the tutorial.

    12900:05:27,252 --> 00:05:28,359- You couldbe. - Mm-mm.

    13000:05:31,455 --> 00:05:32,889What are you doing?

    13100:05:32,891 --> 00:05:34,557Getting my wife a week off from work.

    13200:05:34,934 --> 00:05:36,506You popped one kernel.

    13300:05:36,628 --> 00:05:38,744Awesome, right?

    13400:05:40,865 --> 00:05:42,865So Creed is that dude's stepdad?

    13500:05:43,435 --> 00:05:44,838Correct.

    13600:05:45,737 --> 00:05:48,181Well, I don't knowabout the rest of you,

    13700:05:48,206 --> 00:05:50,637but I'm just going tosay it; I'm nervous.

    13800:05:50,742 --> 00:05:52,742

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    I have no idea what health problems

    13900:05:52,744 --> 00:05:53,907this is all going to cause.


    00:05:53,927 --> 00:05:55,434- He's right.- What? Come on.

    14100:05:55,446 --> 00:05:56,745I'm getting older. I'm losing my hair.

    14200:05:56,748 --> 00:05:58,502- I'm sorry.- I'm gonna grow a third arm.

    14300:05:58,564 --> 00:06:00,040I know what Jim is trying to do.

    14400:06:00,151 --> 00:06:01,384He's trying to get big, bad Dwight

    14500:06:01,386 --> 00:06:03,186to shell out for a huge repair job,

    14600:06:03,188 --> 00:06:05,421while Lucky Jimbo gets a paid vacation.

    14700:06:05,423 --> 00:06:07,190Well, sorry, Lucky Jimbo,

    14800:06:07,192 --> 00:06:09,559I can live very happilyin a magnetic field.

    14900:06:09,561 --> 00:06:12,595Most of my childhood heroesgot their powers that way.

    15000:06:13,196 --> 00:06:15,820Side effects of EMFinclude headaches--

    15100:06:15,841 --> 00:06:17,089

    Had them all my life.


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    00:06:17,131 --> 00:06:18,647Breastpain--

    15300:06:18,736 --> 00:06:21,237No nobbies, no probbies. Nice try, Jim.

    15400:06:21,295 --> 00:06:22,861Oof. Infertility.

    15500:06:23,312 --> 00:06:27,381Yeah, right.

    15600:06:34,218 --> 00:06:37,653Ah, there's my popcorn. Can

    you just grab that for me?

    15700:06:37,680 --> 00:06:41,182Keep your snacks onyour side, Jim, idiot.

    15800:06:41,259 --> 00:06:44,566- Whatthe--? - What?


    00:06:44,963 --> 00:06:46,496Some of these kernels have crowned.

    16000:06:46,529 --> 00:06:50,004That's impossible 'causethat's a brand-new bag.

    16100:06:51,411 --> 00:06:54,245Oh, my God.

    16200:06:56,286 --> 00:06:58,220Andy!

    16300:07:01,326 --> 00:07:02,914I'm going to drive you up to the lake,

    16400:07:03,014 --> 00:07:04,347give you a whole week on the water,


    00:07:04,373 --> 00:07:06,268just you, me, and the kids.

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    16600:07:06,363 --> 00:07:08,296Oh, can we stop by thatpie stand on the way?

    16700:07:08,411 --> 00:07:10,912

    You mean, "Laverne's Pies,Tires Fixed Also"? Yes.

    16800:07:10,997 --> 00:07:12,897We will be doing that, andwe'll be getting a dozen.

    16900:07:12,924 --> 00:07:15,158A dozen different pies?'Cause that means rhubarb.

    17000:07:15,160 --> 00:07:16,159Why would you say that?

    17100:07:16,161 --> 00:07:17,627I meant four apple, four blueberry,

    17200:07:17,629 --> 00:07:19,751two cherry, one peach, one chocolate.

    17300:07:19,782 --> 00:07:20,699I thought that was implied.

    17400:07:20,724 --> 00:07:22,087Yeah, okay, then.

    17500:07:22,113 --> 00:07:24,513Ladies and gentlemen, Ihave heard your complaints,

    17600:07:24,519 --> 00:07:26,795and we reached a settlement.

    17700:07:27,146 --> 00:07:27,982So...

    17800:07:28,046 --> 00:07:30,747We will be leaving theoffice for one whole week.

    17900:07:30,794 --> 00:07:32,327

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    Nice job.

    18000:07:32,560 --> 00:07:34,567In my contract, it is stipulated


    00:07:34,586 --> 00:07:36,619that I provide a temporary work space.

    18200:07:36,682 --> 00:07:38,282It will arrive in one hour.

    18300:07:38,397 --> 00:07:39,478What?


    00:07:39,617 --> 00:07:40,950- What's this?- Oh!

    18500:07:40,952 --> 00:07:42,818- What?- Bring it in.

    18600:07:42,820 --> 00:07:45,521Roll into the future with work bus.

    18700:07:45,523 --> 00:07:48,157Say good-bye to wasteful buildings.

    18800:07:48,159 --> 00:07:49,590These days, a mobile office

    18900:07:49,608 --> 00:07:51,471isn't just for hotshot politicians.

    19000:07:51,496 --> 00:07:53,425Now anyone can rent a work bus.

    19100:07:53,456 --> 00:07:54,922If you've got a parking lot,

    19200:07:55,009 --> 00:07:57,509a work space is just a phone call away.


    00:07:57,564 --> 00:07:58,583In this age

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    19400:07:58,636 --> 00:08:01,030of belt-tightening andless-empowered workers,

    19500:08:01,074 --> 00:08:02,073

    a work bus

    19600:08:02,095 --> 00:08:05,645is how tomorrow gets things done.

    19700:08:09,259 --> 00:08:10,825- Shh!- Shh!


    00:08:11,002 --> 00:08:12,179Shh! $23.99 a page, yes.

    19900:08:12,230 --> 00:08:14,063- Six. Yes.- Yeah.

    20000:08:14,065 --> 00:08:15,098Oh, sorry about that.


    00:08:15,100 --> 00:08:16,132Oh, my God!

    20200:08:16,134 --> 00:08:17,967Oops. Sorry.

    20300:08:17,969 --> 00:08:19,257Lose weight.

    20400:08:19,293 --> 00:08:21,460I'm trying. Sorry.

    20500:08:24,112 --> 00:08:25,169Ah.

    20600:08:25,200 --> 00:08:26,938The PennsylvaniaDepartment of Public Welfare


    00:08:26,950 --> 00:08:28,307pre-adoption standard?

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    20800:08:28,325 --> 00:08:30,926Oh, of course, you were adopted.

    20900:08:31,032 --> 00:08:33,198I wish.

    21000:08:33,244 --> 00:08:36,728No, I made some short lists,I had a couple of sleepovers,

    21100:08:36,755 --> 00:08:39,718but I never managedto get in the end-zone.


    00:08:39,781 --> 00:08:42,014I don't know what it was.

    21300:08:42,072 --> 00:08:43,810Not lovable, maybe?

    21400:08:43,929 --> 00:08:45,128Oh, well.

    21500:08:45,130 --> 00:08:46,972

    Listen, I'm reallystruggling with this form.

    21600:08:47,003 --> 00:08:49,503But as you know the system,do you think maybe you could--

    21700:08:49,776 --> 00:08:52,043Absolutely, I know exactlywhat they want to hear.

    21800:08:52,070 --> 00:08:53,269I would-- I wouldlove to help.

    21900:08:53,271 --> 00:08:56,005Oh, thank you so much.

    22000:08:56,037 --> 00:08:58,145Just don't

    tell Andy because--


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    00:08:58,176 --> 00:08:59,175- He hatesme. - And--

    22200:08:59,202 --> 00:09:00,483- Thinks I'm a

    monster. - That--

    22300:09:00,512 --> 00:09:03,079- Should go back to Loch Ness.

    22400:09:03,106 --> 00:09:06,361Stretch. All right.

    22500:09:06,418 --> 00:09:09,152

    How many times do youneed to take a stroll?

    22600:09:09,154 --> 00:09:12,622I-- my legs cramp up, okay?It's a circulation issue.

    22700:09:12,642 --> 00:09:14,141Boy, I will hammer-spank your rear.


    00:09:14,155 --> 00:09:15,662All right, all right, gang.

    22900:09:15,694 --> 00:09:17,527Let's just settle down.You're yelling in her face.

    23000:09:17,529 --> 00:09:18,995It's a medical thing.

    23100:09:18,997 --> 00:09:20,296Just--You good?

    23200:09:20,298 --> 00:09:23,032I'm good.I--

    23300:09:23,034 --> 00:09:25,201I'm so sorry for all of this.

    23400:09:25,641 --> 00:09:27,141

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    It's okay.

    23500:09:27,186 --> 00:09:30,354You know what they say, achange is as good as a rest.

    23600:09:30,600 --> 00:09:32,600I-- I need to getto the paper, please.

    23700:09:32,677 --> 00:09:33,676Sorry.

    23800:09:33,678 --> 00:09:34,523Oh, God!

    23900:09:34,581 --> 00:09:35,880- Oh, oh, myGod! - Okay--

    24000:09:35,957 --> 00:09:37,456- Oh!- I'll get you a napkin.

    24100:09:37,546 --> 00:09:39,013

    Can someone get napkins, please?

    24200:09:39,084 --> 00:09:41,250You know what, it's fine.It's fine, let me just--

    24300:09:41,252 --> 00:09:42,251It's fine.

    24400:09:42,271 --> 00:09:45,039Pam, I'm reallysorry. I just--

    24500:09:45,202 --> 00:09:47,202I'm-- I'm reallysorry about all that.

    24600:09:51,329 --> 00:09:53,097Really? Smirking?

    24700:09:53,431 --> 00:09:55,333What can I say? I love justice.

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    24800:09:55,395 --> 00:09:57,416You forced me to spendmoney on needless repairs,


    00:09:57,441 --> 00:09:59,710and now you're locked in a prison bus,

    25000:09:59,833 --> 00:10:01,766and your woman drips with beverage.

    25100:10:01,906 --> 00:10:03,823Hey, Dwight, I was tryingto do something nice for Pam.

    25200:10:03,848 --> 00:10:05,782Can you just help me out?

    25300:10:05,786 --> 00:10:07,876Can we maybe take this thing somewhere,

    25400:10:07,901 --> 00:10:10,264or do something to not makethis the worst day ever?

    25500:10:10,388 --> 00:10:13,151It's not my responsibility tosolve your marriage problems

    25600:10:13,170 --> 00:10:16,538by spending my money on gas.

    25700:10:17,942 --> 00:10:20,010Andy!

    25800:10:20,125 --> 00:10:21,412Yo! Toonces.

    25900:10:21,446 --> 00:10:22,211You're the boss.

    26000:10:22,236 --> 00:10:23,805Don't you think we'd allbe a lot more productive

    26100:10:23,832 --> 00:10:24,831

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    if while we were doing work,

    26200:10:24,858 --> 00:10:26,188we looked up and saw


    00:10:26,206 --> 00:10:28,173the best rural piestand in Pennsylvania?

    26400:10:28,720 --> 00:10:30,546Ooh, I know I'd be more productive.

    26500:10:30,562 --> 00:10:32,543- As would I.- No question.

    26600:10:32,586 --> 00:10:34,753No! No! This is a work bus.

    26700:10:34,910 --> 00:10:37,210The wheels are fortransporting the work space

    26800:10:37,387 --> 00:10:38,787to and from the work site.

    26900:10:38,829 --> 00:10:40,095What are you talking about?

    27000:10:40,121 --> 00:10:42,722You're not the boss, Andy is. Andy?

    27100:10:42,831 --> 00:10:47,198Pies, pies, pies, pies, pies, pies.

    27200:10:47,284 --> 00:10:51,257All right! The fat people have spoken.

    27300:10:51,411 --> 00:10:53,645Dwight, get this bus moving.

    27400:10:56,625 --> 00:11:00,048Next stop, Laverne'sPies, Tires Fixed Also.

    27500:11:00,165 --> 00:11:02,398

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    Oh, yes!

    27600:11:03,401 --> 00:11:05,863Yeah, Jim!


    00:11:06,337 --> 00:11:07,525So it looks like this work bus

    27800:11:07,556 --> 00:11:09,919was a pretty good idea after all, huh?

    27900:11:10,087 --> 00:11:12,020Get your foot behind the yellow line.


    00:11:12,029 --> 00:11:14,029You got it.

    28100:11:14,061 --> 00:11:16,829Yeah, Jim!

    28200:11:26,552 --> 00:11:27,786- Stop.- Come back.


    00:11:27,826 --> 00:11:29,289- Too late.- Mm.

    28400:11:29,356 --> 00:11:32,991 Shabooya rollcall, shabooya-ya-ya

    28500:11:33,024 --> 00:11:34,275 Shabooya roll call

    28600:11:34,306 --> 00:11:35,740 Yeah

    28700:11:35,764 --> 00:11:37,014 I like to paint

    28800:11:37,015 --> 00:11:38,650- Yeah - You think you're better?

    28900:11:38,681 --> 00:11:40,114

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    - Yeah - Oh, no, you ain't

    29000:11:40,138 --> 00:11:41,237 Roll call

    29100:11:41,270 --> 00:11:42,914 Shabooya-ya-ya

    29200:11:42,948 --> 00:11:46,316 Shabooya rollcall, shabooya-ya-ya

    29300:11:46,388 --> 00:11:47,754 Shabooya roll call

    29400:11:47,818 --> 00:11:49,284- My name is Kevin - Yeah

    29500:11:49,330 --> 00:11:51,364- That is my name - Yeah

    29600:11:51,403 --> 00:11:53,103

    - They call me Kevin - Yeah

    29700:11:53,118 --> 00:11:55,318 Roll call

    29800:11:55,320 --> 00:11:58,754 Shabooya-ya-yashabooya roll call

    29900:11:58,756 --> 00:12:02,058 Shabooya-ya-yashabooya roll call

    30000:12:10,915 --> 00:12:11,949Thanks.

    30100:12:11,970 --> 00:12:15,205Playing a little hooky from work today.

    30200:12:17,062 --> 00:12:19,313Oh, my God.

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    30300:12:19,921 --> 00:12:23,178Dunder Mifflin road trip 2012!

    30400:12:23,380 --> 00:12:26,915

    Okay, now a serious one.

    30500:12:27,049 --> 00:12:28,916Hey, where's Dwight? Heshould be a part of this.

    30600:12:31,244 --> 00:12:33,245Has he been acting kindof weird to you lately?

    30700:12:33,491 --> 00:12:35,791If by "lately," you meanfor the last 12 years, yeah.

    30800:12:35,923 --> 00:12:37,789No, I mean, he's sulking.That's not like him.

    30900:12:37,860 --> 00:12:39,493He's just mad that we're all having fun.

    31000:12:39,808 --> 00:12:42,742Then why isn't he schemingor preparing to avenge?

    31100:12:44,112 --> 00:12:47,047He's fine. He's indestructible.

    31200:12:48,405 --> 00:12:51,185Always say that a childis placed for adoption,

    31300:12:51,210 --> 00:12:53,477never surrendered.

    31400:12:53,584 --> 00:12:55,217We're not hostages.

    31500:12:55,313 --> 00:12:58,347

    Although I haveconsidered kidnapping one.

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    31600:12:58,680 --> 00:13:01,543Oh, and never say that.

    31700:13:02,374 --> 00:13:05,157I am so excited

    thinking about this child

    31800:13:05,163 --> 00:13:06,196you're going to adopt.

    31900:13:06,222 --> 00:13:07,986I wish I could just wave a magic wand

    32000:13:08,011 --> 00:13:10,478

    and make you a parentlessfive-year-old again.

    32100:13:10,551 --> 00:13:12,551I would snap you up.

    32200:13:12,578 --> 00:13:14,457Oh.

    32300:13:15,233 --> 00:13:17,005

    Next stop, pies.

    32400:13:17,035 --> 00:13:18,501Next stop, pies!

    32500:13:18,703 --> 00:13:21,953Next stop,pies, next stop, pies!

    32600:13:21,971 --> 00:13:23,837Let's go, driver!

    32700:13:23,864 --> 00:13:26,995Laverne packs up thepie wagon at 5:00, so--

    32800:13:27,165 --> 00:13:29,733At 5:00? That's only20 minutes from now.

    32900:13:30,048 --> 00:13:33,216The pie shop is 13 miles away.

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    33000:13:33,468 --> 00:13:35,282So at 55 miles an hour,

    33100:13:35,309 --> 00:13:37,810

    that just gives us 5 minutes to spare.

    33200:13:37,837 --> 00:13:39,870So, wait, when pies are involved,

    33300:13:39,890 --> 00:13:42,412you can suddenly do math in your head?

    33400:13:42,662 --> 00:13:46,801

    Hold on, Kevin, how much is 19,154 pies

    33500:13:47,011 --> 00:13:49,545divided by 61 pies?

    33600:13:49,709 --> 00:13:52,940314 pies.

    33700:13:53,361 --> 00:13:55,394What if it were salads?

    33800:13:55,427 --> 00:13:57,846Well,it's the--

    33900:13:58,876 --> 00:14:03,195carry the four andthe-- it doesn't work.

    34000:14:03,418 --> 00:14:06,035I'm sorry to spoil Jim'sfantastic voyage, everyone,

    34100:14:06,059 --> 00:14:07,425but we're almost out of gas.

    34200:14:07,456 --> 00:14:09,456Okay, well, I saw astation about a mile back,

    34300:14:09,515 --> 00:14:10,746so chop, chop.

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    34400:14:10,764 --> 00:14:13,198That name brand place?No, forget about it, sorry.


    00:14:13,253 --> 00:14:16,454The tanks are so big on thisthing, 5 a gallon extra?

    34600:14:16,544 --> 00:14:17,543It really adds up.

    34700:14:17,595 --> 00:14:18,609Are you kidding me?

    34800:14:18,646 --> 00:14:20,313- Dwight, come on.- Hey.

    34900:14:20,388 --> 00:14:21,755Honey, I don't think we should push him.

    35000:14:21,779 --> 00:14:22,979Oh, no, I'm going to push him.

    35100:14:23,001 --> 00:14:24,776You know why? Becauseyou are getting a pie.

    35200:14:24,811 --> 00:14:26,377Why? 'Cause you deserve it.

    35300:14:26,448 --> 00:14:27,575And what is he doing?

    35400:14:27,613 --> 00:14:29,300He's trying to drive usall around the countryside,

    35500:14:29,331 --> 00:14:31,532looking for gas because heknows we won't get there.

    35600:14:31,562 --> 00:14:32,577

    Is that what we want?


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    00:14:32,602 --> 00:14:33,696No!

    35800:14:33,770 --> 00:14:35,503Stop ordering me around, Jim!

    35900:14:35,611 --> 00:14:37,511Pies!

    36000:14:37,532 --> 00:14:38,531When do we want it?

    36100:14:38,577 --> 00:14:41,811- Pies.- Okay, fine.

    36200:14:43,632 --> 00:14:45,846You win, Jim. You win.

    36300:14:45,871 --> 00:14:47,116We have been battling for a long time,

    36400:14:47,141 --> 00:14:48,507but, you know what, you win.

    36500:14:48,538 --> 00:14:50,277'Cause you are the winner,you are the alpha male.

    36600:14:50,295 --> 00:14:51,215There you go.

    36700:14:51,239 --> 00:14:52,837Alpha male, go buy your wife a pie.

    36800:14:52,868 --> 00:14:54,368Go buy the whole world a pie.

    36900:14:54,417 --> 00:14:56,498That's impossible.

    37000:14:57,278 --> 00:14:58,578- Oh, no!- Dwight!

    37100:14:59,037 --> 00:15:00,102

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    - What are you doing?- Dwight!

    37200:15:00,104 --> 00:15:01,470- What the hell?- Whoa, Dwight.

    37300:15:01,472 --> 00:15:04,573- Dwight.- What?

    37400:15:04,600 --> 00:15:07,663Well, now I don't even feel like pie.

    37500:15:08,125 --> 00:15:09,992


    37600:15:10,076 --> 00:15:11,592No, it's back.

    37700:15:14,039 --> 00:15:15,633Just drive away.

    37800:15:15,937 --> 00:15:17,534Phyllis, that's not safe.

    37900:15:17,559 --> 00:15:19,859Guys, we only have 18 minutes left.

    38000:15:19,875 --> 00:15:23,043At 61 miles an hour, we'rejust going to barely make it.

    38100:15:23,139 --> 00:15:24,883Go up and check on him, he's upset.

    38200:15:24,964 --> 00:15:26,530You know he's doing all this on purpose.

    38300:15:26,676 --> 00:15:28,342Please, just make sure he's okay.

    38400:15:30,263 --> 00:15:31,569Hurry it up, for God's sake.

    38500:15:31,589 --> 00:15:33,222

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    They're going to be out of banana cream.

    38600:15:33,249 --> 00:15:34,405Banana cream's the first to go.


    00:15:34,430 --> 00:15:35,791We'd be lucky to getpumpkin at this point.

    38800:15:36,686 --> 00:15:38,019What?

    38900:15:39,044 --> 00:15:40,477Dwight?

    39000:15:40,772 --> 00:15:42,267Why are you such a jerk?

    39100:15:42,308 --> 00:15:45,076I'm trying to do somethingfor my wife, and you keep--

    39200:15:45,126 --> 00:15:46,895- I'm barren, Jim.

    39300:15:47,881 --> 00:15:48,644What?

    39400:15:48,685 --> 00:15:50,706My trouser hives are void of honey.

    39500:15:50,734 --> 00:15:53,878I had congress with Angela,and the child that she bore

    39600:15:53,976 --> 00:15:55,943did not issue from my loins.

    39700:15:56,039 --> 00:15:59,214Thought I would be a father,and instead I am a eunuch,

    39800:15:59,929 --> 00:16:02,522neutered by my own building.

    39900:16:03,079 --> 00:16:06,114

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    Is this about the popcorn,or the X on the ceiling?

    40000:16:06,403 --> 00:16:08,585Dwight, that was a prank.

    40100:16:09,185 --> 00:16:10,818You mean you flooded my building

    40200:16:10,820 --> 00:16:13,454with dangerous electromagneticradiation as a prank?

    40300:16:13,481 --> 00:16:14,900- No.

    - That's genius.

    40400:16:14,958 --> 00:16:16,290That's the best prank you've ever done.

    40500:16:16,316 --> 00:16:17,916I'll take it.

    40600:16:21,469 --> 00:16:22,119Andy?

    40700:16:22,165 --> 00:16:23,778Who is it?

    40800:16:24,097 --> 00:16:26,197- Um, is this a good time?- Yeah.

    40900:16:26,256 --> 00:16:29,591Perfect time, right in themiddle of a rooftop crisis.

    41000:16:29,706 --> 00:16:32,206Fine, yeah, let me readit. What do we have here?

    41100:16:36,230 --> 00:16:38,457You've made thisvery easy for me.

    41200:16:38,581 --> 00:16:39,981It's unsignable.

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    41300:16:39,983 --> 00:16:42,712Oh. What, isthere something--?


    00:16:42,730 --> 00:16:46,932It's inaccurate, dishonest,and, in a word, dong-water.

    41500:16:47,735 --> 00:16:49,779Oh, well, perhaps Icould reword some of it--

    41600:16:49,791 --> 00:16:50,479Here's the thing.

    41700:16:50,527 --> 00:16:52,059You asked me to do you a favor,

    41800:16:52,061 --> 00:16:53,883I did it, I read it.

    41900:16:53,905 --> 00:16:56,943Thank you very much to me for my time.

    42000:16:57,534 --> 00:16:59,471Good luck with your impossible dream.

    42100:17:02,017 --> 00:17:03,451All right, then.

    42200:17:13,022 --> 00:17:14,322Dwight, sometimes it takes couples

    42300:17:14,343 --> 00:17:15,643years to get pregnant.

    42400:17:15,676 --> 00:17:18,445Really? How long did ittake you and Pam to conceive?

    42500:17:18,488 --> 00:17:19,487That doesn't matter.

    42600:17:19,507 --> 00:17:21,009What position did you use to conceive,

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    42700:17:21,024 --> 00:17:22,524regular orlady-on-her-back?


    00:17:22,559 --> 00:17:24,625You used lady-on-her-back,didn't you, freak?

    42900:17:24,664 --> 00:17:26,464Yuck, gross. Never mind, Jim.

    43000:17:37,126 --> 00:17:39,693British women, famously over-emotional,

    43100:17:39,707 --> 00:17:42,107am I right?

    43200:17:42,178 --> 00:17:43,978I don't think that's Nellie.

    43300:17:44,017 --> 00:17:46,502- What?- Oh.

    43400:17:46,603 --> 00:17:49,070Oh, no, no, no. It's all right.

    43500:17:49,085 --> 00:17:51,610Really, it isn't your fault.

    43600:17:51,654 --> 00:17:55,537No, no. It's--You were so kind,

    43700:17:55,625 --> 00:17:57,762and it isn't anything to do with you.

    43800:17:58,836 --> 00:18:01,504Did you ever think thatbecause you own the building,

    43900:18:01,575 --> 00:18:03,494everyone in it,

    44000:18:03,578 --> 00:18:05,011

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    we're all kind of like your children.

    44100:18:05,326 --> 00:18:07,982You know, there's a phraseabout that in German,

    44200:18:08,146 --> 00:18:09,345bilden-kinder,

    44300:18:09,372 --> 00:18:11,973used almost exclusivelyby childless landlords

    44400:18:12,000 --> 00:18:14,502to console themselves, but now,

    44500:18:14,639 --> 00:18:17,106I really understand it.

    44600:18:17,146 --> 00:18:21,649Well, now you have a busfull of real building-kinder.

    44700:18:21,663 --> 00:18:23,081- Bilden-kinder.

    - Okay.

    44800:18:23,219 --> 00:18:27,138And they're all dangerouslyclose to not getting pie.

    44900:18:27,700 --> 00:18:30,134And there's only oneguy who can save them.

    45000:18:30,167 --> 00:18:31,666It's not me.

    45100:18:31,694 --> 00:18:33,144- I agree.- Oh!

    45200:18:33,185 --> 00:18:34,822Oh.

    45300:18:35,030 --> 00:18:36,324Hey, how did it go?

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    45400:18:36,384 --> 00:18:37,618- It was pretty good, actually.- Yeah?


    00:18:37,654 --> 00:18:39,220We bonded,we got to t--

    45600:18:39,235 --> 00:18:40,234- Oh!- Whoa, whoa, whoa!

    45700:18:40,236 --> 00:18:41,802- Dwight, Dwight!

    - Dwight!

    45800:18:41,804 --> 00:18:43,838That's what happens whenyou don't get out of the way.

    45900:18:43,877 --> 00:18:46,178Out of the way!

    46000:18:47,028 --> 00:18:48,066

    You feel okay now?

    46100:18:48,091 --> 00:18:49,190Oh, better than okay.

    46200:18:49,239 --> 00:18:50,489And you know what, honey?

    46300:18:50,546 --> 00:18:52,580I'm going to get you that rhubarb pie.

    46400:18:52,615 --> 00:18:53,983Well, actually, rhubarb

    46500:18:54,002 --> 00:18:55,278- is the one pie that Idon't-- - Don't, don't.

    46600:18:55,302 --> 00:18:56,668

    Everybody, hang on!


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    00:19:08,130 --> 00:19:11,165Pie, pie, pie, pie, pie, pie!

    46800:19:23,656 --> 00:19:25,056Oh.

    46900:19:25,114 --> 00:19:26,747I changed my mind.

    47000:19:26,874 --> 00:19:29,024- Oh, you signed it?- Yeah.

    47100:19:29,153 --> 00:19:31,635Not as is, obviously.

    47200:19:32,109 --> 00:19:33,242Made a couple of changes,

    47300:19:33,256 --> 00:19:35,950added some sentences at the end.

    47400:19:36,392 --> 00:19:38,761Trust me, it needed it.

    47500:19:39,195 --> 00:19:43,064But, yeah, whatever.

    47600:19:48,103 --> 00:19:50,104"She's tough in business, but tender

    47700:19:50,106 --> 00:19:51,605with the people she cares about.

    47800:19:51,607 --> 00:19:54,075She'll make a wonderfulmother to any child

    47900:19:54,139 --> 00:19:56,539who can overlook weird accents."

    48000:20:00,817 --> 00:20:04,463- I insult you, Oscar.- What?

    48100:20:04,646 --> 00:20:07,814

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    I insult you to your face.

    48200:20:08,091 --> 00:20:10,124I don't know what you're talking about.


    00:20:10,544 --> 00:20:12,969Then why don't youdo something about it?

    48400:20:13,197 --> 00:20:15,167Kevin, are you tryingto get me to hit you

    48500:20:15,212 --> 00:20:16,311in the face with my pie?

    48600:20:16,638 --> 00:20:18,776You don't have the guts.

    48700:20:18,811 --> 00:20:23,847You stupid, dumb, doo-doo face.

    48800:20:30,379 --> 00:20:32,498Yes!

    48900:20:32,782 --> 00:20:36,017Oh, my God. I'm getting so stuffed.

    49000:20:40,178 --> 00:20:42,079We did it.

    49100:20:42,125 --> 00:20:44,291You did it.

    49200:20:51,530 --> 00:20:53,578 Yeah

    49300:20:53,603 --> 00:20:55,570 Yeah

    49400:20:55,603 --> 00:20:57,870 Yeah


    00:20:57,872 --> 00:21:00,072 Yeah

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    49600:21:13,920 --> 00:21:14,920Roll call.

    49700:21:14,922 --> 00:21:15,955Roll call.

    49800:21:15,957 --> 00:21:17,523Roll call.

    49900:21:17,525 --> 00:21:18,591Roll call.

    50000:21:18,687 --> 00:21:20,493What?