Offshore Drilling Pr..

Post on 14-Jun-2015

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Greg Fry Justin Novak Jordan Stosky Aleksi Makila

Background and Technology Stakeholders

Government Industry Environmentalists

Controversies Safety Environment

Case Studies Gulf of Mexico Norway Virginia

Analysis Conclusion


Why drill for oil? Drilling rigs

and platforms Tankers Blow out preventers Remote operated

underwater vehicles Enhanced oil recovery


Regulate all offshore drilling Mineral Management Service (United States)  NEB (Canada)

Create a competitive atmosphere to maximize revenue

Set safety and environmental regulations Distribute a portion of revenue collected

within society

Supportive of offshore drilling Argue that Offshore operations benefit

everybody Creates jobs Government collects royalties Oil produced is a good source of energy

Concerns are related to large scale spills and operational discharge (i.e. drilling fluid)

Effects on environment resources Economic value No economic value

Emissions Long term vs. short term impacts Often use Multi criteria analysis

Key controversies are Safety of offshore drilling

Environmental Impacts of offshore drilling

Regulations are in terms of rig construction, risk assessment, and required safety procedures

Piper Alpha explosion (1988)killed nearly 170 people

Health factors

Detrimental factors to ecosystems Noise pollution Contaminated water Air pollution Long term effects on wildlife

April 20 2010, explosion at BP’s Deepwater Horizon

Worst spill in US history Between April 20 and June 1, approximately 19.7 and 43 million gallons of oil spilled into the Gulf

BP tried many solutions that all

failed Lower Marine Riser Package

Cap is working

Initiate and implement strict offshore safety standards

Tripartite cooperation between the industry, labor, and government

Industry reorganization and restructuring Caused the erosion of safety standards and the

tripartite cooperation Safety incidents increased as well as worker unrest

NPD creates safety forum between oil companies, contractors, the Norwegian Shipowners’ Association, and the unions

Norway is the global leader in safety for the offshore drilling industry

Lease sale 220 2.9 million acres 130 million barrels of oil and 1.14 trillion cubic

ft of natural gas. Primary arguments Results


Degree of autonomy


Future of offshore drilling Shaped by government regulations Regulations impacted by industry,

society and environmentalists Neither autonomous or constructive.

Falls in between