Online reputation management & marketing

Post on 14-Apr-2017

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Reputation Management Online reputation management is the process of controlling what shows up when

someone Google your name.

To promote positive content to the top of your search results and push unwanted

content (negative, irrelevant or competition) farther down

To ensure that when someone Google you, their results are populated with posi

tive, relevant content about you.

Need for Reputation Management While companies used to promote their message using traditional advertising

methods (billboards, radio and TV spots, etc.), social media has largely transferred

that power to consumers.

The sheer number of voices involved, and the diffuse nature of comments,

complaints and negative feedback make damage control much more difficult than

it ever used to be.

WithWith the rise in use of social media, and the popularity of user-generated review

sites like Yelp, SiteJabber, Amazon reviews etc., monitoring and managing your

online reputation is more important than ever.




of Internet users see online search as the most trusted source of information

about people and companiescompanies


consumers place equal weight on both online reviews and personal recommendations


of consumers use the Internet

for research before making a purchasing



of U.S. recruiters and hiring managers have rejected

candidates based oninformation found online


of consumers need to hear something at least three times before they believe it

63%of U.S. recruiters

and hiring managers say positive online content influences their hiring



A one-star increase in Yelp rating leads to a 5-9% increase in revenue.


of Americans aged 18-44 agree that

online reviews help them decide whether or not to purchase from a specific business


of consumers say positive reviews make them trust a business



of Internet users search online for health

information and 20% of their searches are about a specific provider


Companies proactively seeking mentions of their brand on wide range of social media, including message boards and forums have and forums have the advantage in managing their reputation.

Keep publishing positive posts on your website and social media

channels to drown out any

negative views.

If you offer restitution to an unsatisfied

customer, keep the arrangement private or others may complain in order to obtain order to obtain free goods or compensation.

When multiple points are made against you, address them point by point. Do not ignore any of them, or people will wonder why.will wonder why.

It’s imperative for organizations to monitor mentions of their name and respond swiftly to counter attacks, resolve complaints and make amends and make amends when needed.

To respond quickly. Silence is not a viable

option. A lack of response may be seen as implicit agreement with the accusation & the accusation & company may be perceived as aloof and uncaring.

Alerts can be created to automatically notify crisis

managers when mentions spike or sentiment unexpectedly unexpectedly turns negative.

Reach out to individuals and organizations with large followings to measure your social media influence.




8 Online Reputation Management Strategies

Stats To Know for Online Reputation Management

Online Reputation Management & Marketing

of consumers have more confidence in information that they found online than hearing it

of consumers look online for reviews

before doing business with a certain company.

58% of executives believe that reputation management should be addressed but only 15% actually do anything about it

4 out of 5 people state that they have received advice via social media regarding what product or service to purchase.

of marketers believe that building trust will be the primary focus for marketing

efforts in the future.

50% of consumers use the internet before they even take a trip to the establishment.

61% of people rely on their peer’s reviews for information on products or brands that they are interested in before making their final buying decision.

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