Only The Best - Fort Lauderdale Cosmetic Dentist...2008 dental patients for Dr. Yolanda Cintron, Ft....

Post on 14-Aug-2020

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of 2008Only The Best

By Dr. Yolanda Cintron DMD

Dr. Brenelly is a Cancer Hematologist for a local hospital and she had recently found out

about the dangers of having metal restorations in the mouth. During her research she came across Dr. Cintron's website on her quest of finding a qualified specialist that

would be able to remove the fillings from her mouth safely and

successfully. Dr. Brenelly also had her smile transformed and restored

to replace the clenching and grinding habits she has.


Trust. Maria has been a hairdresser for over 20 years and was looking forward to a nicer smile after discussing her options we agreed to close the space she had grown fund of. After

trusting Dr Cintron's opinion, she opted to close the space and brighten her smile. Now she's ready to enjoy the holidays with a confident smile.


Rose loves to eat. As an italian woman she smiles a lot, she lives in New Jersey and in Hollywood part of the year. A dental emergency brought her inand she fell in love with the idea of having a younger brighter

healthier smile which she did the same day. Now Rose loves her smile.


A high school smile that was in need to be updated. Christine wanted to have a presentable smile to go

along with her professional career as a nurse. Christine now has the Hollywood smile! She's happy, healthy

and confident to take care of people who are in need.




Romas is an international business man. He is very successful and his smile did not match his success. His girlfriend Christina found us and

now they are planing their wedding. Congratulations love birds!


Cancer Survivor

3 out of 4 people will be diagnosed with cancer it seems like an epidemic. Cancer does not forgive age, race or sex. Many physistiqns are sending their patients to remove the toxicity the metals may be

causing and to bring the mouth back t health. We were able to achieve periodontal health, improve the function and the patient was pleased with the aesthetic results


Ron is looking forward to his new life in Florida. As a retired NYC elevator repairman he is looking forward to start dating. On a date he learned how

important a healthy bright smile is to women. Now he's ready with a kissable smile for the new year.


Armando is from Chile owns a resort in chile and lives part time in Fort Lauderdale was unhappy about how his dentition were his teeth have worn out and he was ready for a new smile. after interviewing the top cosmetic dentist in the united states he trusted us with his makeover and the results speak for themselves. He looks younger, fresher

and can enjoys his food with better functioning. Now his smile reflects the elegance of his personality.

Worn out teeth, collapsed bite, metal and mercury replaced with porcelain

restorations to open his vertical dimension replaced tooth structure

and restored the ability to eat.


Rhonda's very high standards brought her to our office to take her health to the most optimum

level. After learning about the link of metal toxicity and cancer she was motivated to update her metal fillings with porcelain. She has done everything she can to live a healthy life style.

Congratulations on your beautiful smile.

Dental phobia has kept Raffaele away from the dentist for many years. He even has tried pulling out his own tooth! With the help of relaxation dentistry, he was finally able to have courage to sit on the

dental chair and take care of his smile.


Delores flew in from the Bahamas to Fort Lauderdale hoping to find a dentist she could trust to help her close her gap and give her a smile she would no longer be embarrassed to show. It was a blessing that Delores came so we were able to address other issues she was not aware of that were threatening her life. We thank God that we resolved those problems and now she will

have many years of happiness together with her family

Closing the gap

Fact: Research shows that people with spaces in between the teeth are portrayed as comical, and are usually not taken as serious as a person without spaces.




Kennyata is a 24 year old actress and was getting rejected due to her smile. She has a genetic condition called Enamelogenesis Imperfecta where the enamel peels off the tooth. Now she has a beautiful smile that matches her magnetic

personality and is already becoming successful at achieving her dreams. Watch out for Kennyata in Hollywood!


She is a single beautiful 26 year old who always was embarrassed to smile. She decided to transform her life in

all different levels. Now she believes that everything is possible. A confident mother is the best gift you can give

your children.

Embarrassed by a bully?Get the Power.


"As a child I was humiliated by a bully in school who criticized

my teeth. That affected my self esteem and relationships. I

never wanted to smile again. When I read Dr. Cintron's article in the New Beauty magazine I felt her compassion for people

and that is what i needed. Someone who would be my partner in my transformation without judgement. I'm so

happy that I chose her and her compassionate team to achieve my dream smile. Thank you Dr.

Cintron." - Lucy 21

Dr. Moon is a fertility doctor practicing in Fort Lauderdale for the past 30 years. He invested in his health. We believe you are as young as you feel, at any age you should take care of yourself and

that's what he did. Dr. Moon now has a girlfriend and he's very happy to have removed the infection and toxic metals. Being a doctor and a diabetic, it is important for him to maintain a optimum health

for a lifetime and better quality of life.



Dental phobia.

Suzy lives in Peru and likes to travel to the US to visit her

children. Suzy hated her smile and saw how deteriorated her smile was and how much she was aging. She was getting depressed. After viewing her waxup ad how beautiful her teeth would look she got the courage to trust us that we

would be able to help her. Suzy loves her new smile, went back to Peru and now is referring to us her friends and family. It was

painless and in only two full visits she looks stunning. Now she can not stop smiling she is confident meeting friends and

family without covering her smile.

"At the beginning I was scared because of past experiences. I'm so happy with my new smile I can not wait to get my bottom teeth done. i did not expect it would have been that comfortable and fast. Dr. cintron used relaxation dentistry

which enabled me to be comfortable, let her work. I even took a nap! Thank you Dr. Cintron." - Suzy24

Systemic effects of Periodontal Disease and metal toxicity.

Ralph is a 68 year old retired New York policeman and business man. He

suffered from a chronic productive cough for the last 25 years which no one was able to treat successfully.

After treating his periodontal disease condition and removing the old

crowns 99% of his cough is gone. We treated his gum disease with the

Waterlase MD Laser, and gave him a new smile with porcelain restorations that are more biocompatible with his

immune system. Since we were able to close the gaps between the teeth

caused by bone loss and improve the alignment he can maintain his teeth clean easier. Congratulations Ralph.

"I told the Dr. to do what needed to be done, my only request was to not feel anything. She fulfilled my request and I love my smile." - Ralph


Closing the Gap

Marina is a beautiful doctor who was unhappy with her smile. She felt her teeth were too short, dark and sensitive at the roots. Marina's concerns were

that she would look fake and have a painful experience. As an intellectual she wanted to look healthy, natural and elegant. She looked forward to

having a pleasant experience. She was very pleased, we met her expectations. Marina trusted us already with her son and husband's dental needs.


"I first came to remove my mercury fillings which were affecting my health. The hygienist brought to my attention the possibilities of strengthening the other teeth that were cracked by my clenching habit. Dr. Cintron is very methodical and very detail oriented. Once I made my mind, it went very

quickly only in a few visits I was done. I'm so happy with my smile. My dream

came true." - Marina27