Organization Behavior

Post on 17-Feb-2017

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Components of learning

T.P. Wright first documented the idea of learning curves and its effect on efficiency in the American aircraft industry in 1936

Wright found that there was a pattern in the way that people learned

The curve is drawn on a chart which tracks resulting knowledge against time spent learning

Classical conditioning theory Operant conditioning theory

Cognitive Theory Social Learning theory

Classical conditioning is a reflexive or automatic type of learning in which a stimulus acquires the capacity to evoke a response that was originally evoked by another stimulus

First described by Ivan Pavlov (1849-1936), Russian physiologist, in 1903, and studied in infants by John B. Watson (1878-1958)

Key Concepts:

◦ Unconditioned stimulus (Food) A naturally occurring phenomenon

◦ Unconditioned response (Salivation) The naturally occurring response to a natural


◦ Conditioned stimulus (Bell) An artificial stimulus introduced into the situation

◦ Conditioned response (Salivation with bell) The response to the artificial stimulus

Generalization - The tendency to respond to a stimulus that is similar to the conditioned stimulus

Discrimination - The ability to distinguish between different stimuli, tendency for a response to be elicited by one stimulus and not another (sometimes similar) stimulus

Greater number of pairing of Ucs ans Cs

Consistent pairing Strength of Ucs Lesser gap between Ucs and Cs

Human beings are more complex than dogs

Human brain can override simple conditioning

Organizational set up is too complex is utilize the concepts of classical conditioning

Operant conditioning investigates the influence of consequences on subsequent behavior.

Operant conditioning investigates the learning of voluntary responses

B.F Skinner introduced the concepts of operant conditioning

It is the consequence that follows the

response that influences whether the response is likely or unlikely to occur again

The three-term model of operant conditioning (S--> R -->S) incorporates the concept that responses cannot occur without an environmental event (e.g., an antecedent stimulus) preceding it

There are two types of consequences, positive and negative

Key Concepts•Reinforcement is required to change behavior.

•Some rewards are more effective than others.

•The timing of reinforcement affects learning speed and permanence

Shaping BehaviorSystematically reinforcing each successive step that moves an individual closer to the desired response.

Positive reinforcement◦ Providing a reward for a desired behavior

Negative reinforcement◦ Removing an unpleasant consequence when the

desired behavior occurs Punishment

◦ Applying an undesirable condition to eliminate an undesirable behavior

Extinction◦ Withholding reinforcement of a behavior to cause

its cessation

REINFORCEMENT PUNISHMENT1. Increases the probability of a

desired behaviour 2. Strengthens the behaviour3. Can be applied by either

introducing pleasure or by removing pain

1. Decreases the probability of an undesired behaviour

2. Weakens the behaviour3. Can be applied either by

introducing pain or by removing pleasure.

Positive Reinforcement Negative Reinforcement

1. Strengthen a response if they are introduced after the response occurs. For eg. Incentives given when target is achieved.

1. Strengthen a response if they are removed after it occurs. For eg. Probation is removed after good performance.

Continuous reinforcement: Every instance of a behavior is reinforced

Ratio schedules: Reinforcement is based on the specific number of behaviors required

Interval schedules: Reinforcement is based on the passage of time

Duration schedules: Reinforcement is based on the continued performance of a response for a period of time

Fixed schedules: The requirements for reinforcement are always the same

Variable schedules: The requirements for reinforcement change randomly

Fixed interval schedule : A behaviour is reinforced at fixed interval period (e.g. Appraisal is done after every 6 months)

Variable interval schedule : Reinforcement is administered on random times ( e.g. appraisal is done any time in the year)

Fixed ratio schedule : Reinforcement is administered upon completion of a fixed number of work (e.g. target of 50 customer is reinforced all the time)

Variable ratio schedule : Reinforcement is administered on random output (e.g. target number changes )

Concept of reinforcement is applied in form of incentive, bonus etc.

Concept of punishment is used as transfer, poor appraisal etc.

By regulating consequences behaviour modification of the employee takes place

Learning is an active process of filtering, selecting, organizing, and integrating information (Mayer)

Learning takes place when new associations are formed and they are added to the existing information base

Learning may not be manifested through behaviour

Bandura’s Social Learning Theory posits that people learn from one another, via observation, imitation, and modeling

It explains human behavior in terms of continuous reciprocal interaction between cognitive, behavioral, and environmental influences

Motivation - Having a good reason to imitate, presence of positive consequences is important

Attention – The model should be attended

Retention – Remembering the model when she / he is not available

Reproduction — Reproducing the image and practicing the newly learned behaviour

Self-efficacy - Learner has to identify his or her ability to perform

Effective video clippings during training program can bring desired behaviour in the employees

Team leader can act as a role model and influence the members

Desired behaviours might be reinforced to delay extinction