Our collaborative story

Post on 09-Feb-2017

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“A new friend”

Collaborative story schools from Greece, Poland, Lithuania, Malta

Once upon a time there was two little pigs who lived in a dense forest..

 They lived with an old dog and little squirrel.

One day, coming back from school,they found a message stuck in a tree.

“We invite you all to help us printed Easter eggs”. Rabbit

Wow! We accept with pleasure to paint Easter eggs, all together.Tomorrow morning we will meet for painting ..

But during the painting of Easter eggs, bunny was quite mischievous, and as he used to jump here and there, broke half eggs. Οops! And now what?

All animals were very happy when they saw a small yellow chicken.

They gathered all the eggs into a large basket.

Animals have made a big circle around the basket and they danced the dance of joy in honor of the new colleague.

Other animals who are living in the forest came to see what happens.

They all decided to forgive the mischevious bunny. They knew that their chick would grow up and become a chicken.

Then they would have many more eggs.

The end