Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish at Our Lady of Loreto … · Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish at Our...

Post on 01-Apr-2018

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Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish at

Our Lady of Loreto Church


LORD’S DAY MASSES Saturday Vigil: 4:00 p.m.

Sunday: 8:00, 10:00, and 11:30 a.m.

DAILY MASS Monday through Thursday 7:00 a.m.

HOLY DAY MASSES Vigil: 6:00 p.m.

Holyday: 7:00 a.m. and 12:15 p.m.

SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturday at 3:00 - 3:45 p.m. or by appointment.

SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM To schedule a baptism please call 508-753-5001.

SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY Couples planning to be married should contact the pastor at least a year in advance. A program of preparation is re-

quired for all couples planning to marry in the church. To schedule a wedding please call 508-753-5001.

ILLNESS Arrangements can be made to have Holy Communion brought to those who are homebound due to illness, age, or im-

pairment of any kind or to celebrate the Sacrament of Anointing and Reconciliation with them. Please call 508-753-5001.

PARISH REGISTRATION To become a registered member of the parish, please call 508-753-5001 or register on-line at www.mtcarmel.ws.


Parish telephone: 508-753-5001 Parish fax: 508-754-1537

Deacon Paul (home) - 508-886-2856

Parish e-mail - clergy@ourladyofloreto.net or lisaolmc@gmail.com

Parish Website: www.mtcarmel.ws


Rev. Msgr. F. Stephen Pedone, Pastor

fpedone@charter.net Paul T. Audette, Deacon

clergy@ourladyofloreto.net Gerald Montiverdi, Deacon

Joan D’Argenis, Director of Religious Education joan_dargenis@yahoo.com

Maria Sciannameo, RCIA Director Michael Sacco, Joseph Sama - Finance Lisa Fenuccio, Administrative Assistant

lisaolmc@gmail.com Julia Tufano - Secretary

Joan Venincasa, John DaSilva, Sanghee Kim- Music

Virginia Lelakis, Safe Environment Mary DiSilvestro, Sacristan

John Oliver, Hospitality Ministry


Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Parish at Our


Lord God, You love us with an everlasting love, and You choose us to share

Your love with others. We ask that You rekindle in our hearts a new spirit of faith, of prayer and of reconciliation. Inspire us to search out and find ways of bringing one another closer to You. We pray for all who form our parish

community, that we remain faithful to Your teaching, that we remain steadfast in our prayer, both person-

al and communal, that together with You and the Holy Spirit, our parish may be renewed and trans-formed. All this we ask in the name of Jesus and

through the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Please cut out and pray daily.

All Souls Envelopes


Remembrance Book

Please list the names of your beloved deceased on your All

Souls’ envelopes. They will be remembered at our Masses

throughout the month of November. The envelopes will be

placed in front of the altar throughout the month. You are

invited to write the names of your beloved dead (no matter

when they died) in our Remembrance Book that will be

displayed in front of the statue of Our Lady of Loreto dur-

ing the month of November. You can enter the names ei-

ther before or after Mass throughout the month. Our

Prayer of the Faithful during the month will include an

intercession for the names written in the Book of Remem-


May They Rest in Peace!

Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe

"For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was

thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you

welcomed me, naked and you clothed me, ill and you

cared for me, in prison and you visited me." Jesus in-

sists that in ministering to others' physical needs, we

are truly serving him. "Whatever you did for one of

the least brothers of mine, you did for me," he tells us.

And in a similar way, what we fail to do for them, we

fail to do for Christ: "What you did not do for one of

these least ones, you did not do for me." This means

that we have been given both a gift and a task. The

gift is the chance to encounter Christ in our brothers

and sisters. The task is to be sure we don't neglect the


The corporal works of mercy provide us with a kind

of guide for how to live out this important mission

from Christ. These works include feeding the hungry,

giving drink to the thirsty, clothing the naked, shelter-

ing the homeless, visiting the sick and the imprisoned,

and burying the dead. Based on the words of Jesus in

today's Gospel, it's an important part of the Christian

life to look for ways to engage in these kinds of bodily

ministries. Traditionally, these "corporal" works are

complemented by a set of "spiritual" works. The spir-

itual works of mercy ensure that we don't minister to

the body at the expense of the soul. They include ad-

monishing the sinner, instructing the ignorant, coun-

seling the doubtful, comforting the sorrowful, bearing

wrongs patiently, forgiving all injuries, and praying

for the living and the dead. By engaging in these di-

verse works of mercy, we serve others, love Jesus, and

hope to "inherit the kingdom prepared for [us] from

the foundation of the world."

©2014 Liturgical Publications Inc.


The members of the Mt. Carmel KofC would like to thank the

parish for the overwhelming response to the Msgr. Rocco Pic-

colomini food

drive. It was by

far the most suc-

cessful drive the

council has had,

and was a great

shot in the arm

for the food pan-

try right before


May God bless

all of you who


A NOTE OF THANKS AHG Troop MA 0716 would like to thank all those who generously contributed to our annual fundraiser after Masses on Nov. 5

th. We appreciate your help in fulfilling

our mission of “building women of integrity through service to God, family, community and country.” Girls from first grade through high school are always welcome to join us! If interested in joining, please contact Alessandra Soares at dasoares8@charter.net or at 508-754-4588. Come see what we’re about! Meetings two Tuesdays a month from five to six thirty at Loreto Center.


Celebrate Advent by Lighting a


The season of Advent begins on the

weekend of December 2 & 3. Begin-

ning on that weekend, the traditional

Advent wreath will be set up in our sanctuary. We invite

you and your family to come forward at the beginning

of each Mass during Advent to light the candles on the

wreath. A sign-up book has been placed on the table in

the vestibule of the church to reserve the Mass at which

you and your family would like to come forward. This is

a wonderful way for you and your family to participate

in this centuries-old Advent tradition.

Christmas Giving Trees

Our parish continues to support the poor at Christ-

mas through our Giving Tree tradi-


Tags will be placed on two trees in

the vestibule of the church to sup-

port the Nazareth Home for Boys,

local families in need, and children from the Guild of

St. Agnes.

Please return your gifts, wrapped or in gift bags, with

the tag firmly attached on the outside.


We will also support diocesan semi-

narians with gift card requests

described on the tag.


All gifts are to be brought to church on the weekends

of December 2/3, 9/10 and 16/17. Gifts will be dis-

played at the entrance of our sanctuary.


What a wonderful way to prepare ourselves for the

celebration of Christmas!

First Friday Devotions

First Friday devotions and Exposition of the Blessed Sacra-

ment will be held on Friday, December 2, in the church.

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament begins after the 7:00

am Communion service and ends with Benediction at 11:45

am. We invite you to spend a half-hour in adoration and

reap many graces for doing so. A sign-up sheet for that

purpose will be in the vestibule next weekend.

NOTE: If there is a funeral that morning, adoration and

benediction will be held in the Parish Center Chapel.

St. Peter Julian Eymard, the Apostle of the Eucharist, estab-

lished houses of public Eucharistic Adoration. He insisted

that these “Cenacles” be houses not only of prayer, but also

of beauty. He said “For the Eucharist, nothing is too beauti-


Ministry Assignments for Dec. 2—3

Dec. 2 @ 4 pm

Lector - Sue Cozzolino

Ministers - Tom Lavin & Irene Astrella

Dec. 3 @ 8 am

Lector - Chris Cook

Ministers - Louise Faiola

Dec. 3 @ 10 am

Lector - Vera Novick

Ministers - Helen Aromando & Chizoma Nosike

Dec. 3 @ 11:30 am

Lector - Cheryl Berthiaume

Ministers - Maria Sciannameo & Mary DiSilvestro

Please arrange for a substitute if you cannot fulfill

your assignment. Thank you for the good work that

you do!

This Week in Our Parish

Tues., Nov. 28 -7 pm - Knights of Columbus

Fri., Dec. 1 - First Friday Adoration begins 7:30 am

and ends with Benediction @ 11:45


This will be held in the church unless

there is a funeral, in which case it is

held in the Parish Center Chapel.

Sun., Dec. 3 - Religious Education classes:

8:30 - 11 am: Pre-K - Grade 4

11 am - 12:15 pm - Grades 5-10

On Saturday December 9,

2015 Our Lady of Mt.

Carmel KofC will again

be hosting their Annual

Posada immediately after

the 4pm mass. A Posada is

a traditional family-

oriented Christmas event popular in Latin America. Combining

readings, songs, and a reenactment, the Posada (Spanish for

inn) recounts the story of the first Christmas, when Mary &

Joseph traveled to Bethlehem but found no room at the inn. The

Posada tradition was developed by Franciscan missionaries

centuries ago as a means of explaining Christmas. The event

ends with a procession to the center where there will be light

refreshments and a piñata for the children. All members of the

parish are warmly invited to attend.


Financial Stewardship For the week ending November 19, 2017


Transfer from savings $11,814,83

Offertory 4,013.00

Offertory—Mail 858.00

Rental Income 750.00

Funeral Stipends 300.00

Expense Reimbursement 298.06

Campaign for Human Development 294.00

Donations 200.00

Maintenance 65.00

Mass Stipends 60.00

Candles 46.00

Religious Education 38.00

Sanctuary Lamp 10.00


TOTAL $18,746.89


Oil Tank Removal (Mt. Carmel Campus) $11,814.83

Salaries and Wages 5,454.69

Organists 250.00

Lawns and Grounds (October, 2017) 192.50

Employee Benefits 44.00


TOTAL $17,756.02



Founded in 2004, the Knights of Columbus Mt. Carmel Council is dedicated to fulfilling the tenets of Catholic Faith set forth by the founder of the Knights of Columbus, The Venerable Father Michael Joseph McGivney. The Mt. Carmel Council, Knights of Columbus, is commit-ted to supporting the goals of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Par-ish at Our Lady of Loreto Church and stands ready to assist Msgr. Pedone and Deacon Audette and Deacon Montiverdi in whatever matters of Christian importance which may arise. Specifically, the Mt. Carmel Council provides avenues of opportunities for catholic men to serve our Parish and our Worcester Catholic Diocese. We promote the Partners in Charity Campaign as well as hold events and fundraisers for the children of the Nazareth Home for Boys, Problem Pregnancy, and Visitation House. The Counsel assists the Worcester Diocese in its support of its seminarians, assist-ing at seminarian masses and receptions. In serving our community we providing meals and opportunity to serve at the Mustard Seed and Dismas House Support Centers. Holding "Drive Up, Drop Off" food drives to replenish our Parish Pantry. Christian Fellowship and Prayer groups are held periodically among our members. Above all, supporting our Priests and Deacons at our Parish in all matters neces-sary is of primary importance of our Counsel. If you are interested, or have any inquiries about be-longing to the Mt Carmel Counsel please contact: mtcarmelkofc@gmail.com or Chancellor Domenic Mercu-rio 508-479-1171 or Grand Knight Richard Trubiano 774-253-8594


Are you satisfied with your relationship with Jesus? Do you sometimes feel unfulfilled; as if you are missing something?

A group of men at Our Lady of Loreto meet bi-weekly to discuss their relationship with Jesus, and how to live out that call in the midst of their lives. All you need to bring is an open heart . We welcome new faces.

If you would like more information contact Rick Annun-ziata at 508-826-7732 or email at Rsa06@charter.net

Choir Rehearsals: New members are welcome to join

Joe Konkol for choir rehearsal every Monday evening at

6 pm in the choir loft. So far 15 people have expressed

an interest. Our aim is to have a choir ready for the

Christmas season.


The “Coffee Shop” is OPEN!

Join us for conversation and a

Sweet Treat after the 10:00 Mass

Upcoming Events

Dec. 3 - 2 pm - Advent Concert at Sacred Heart—St.

Catherine of Sweden Parish, 596 Cambridge St,


Dec. 9 - 9:30 am - 1 pm - Women of Faith Morning of

Prayer, “The Sights, Sounds, and Colors of Ad-

vent” with Sister Sheridan, St. Anne’s Convent,

720 Boston Post Rd, Marlborough.


Dec. 10 - Wright’s Chicken Farm & LaSalette Bus

Trip, Adults, $35, Children, $30. For

reservations call office 508-753-5001 or email

Joan at joan_dargenis@yahoo.com.

Jan. 19, 2018 - 45th Annual March for Life, Washing

ton, DC. Reservations now open. $75/ seat by

Dec. 31; $90 thereafter. For details call Respect

Life Office, 508-929-4311 or email



Saturday, November 25, 2017— 3:00 p.m.—Confessions

Saturday, November 25, 2017—4:00 p.m. Chester F. DiLeo by Chester and Marcia DiLeo The Soul of Maria Lilette Ann Vasquez

Sunday, November 26, 2017—8:00 a.m. The Sick of the Parish

Sunday, November 26, 2017—10:00 a.m. Sue Bellino by Husband, Daughter, and Grandchildren Daniel Glodis by Aldona Kibelkstis

Sunday, November 26, 2017 11:30 a.m. John Androlewicz by Calabria Family Monday, November 27, 2017—7:00 a.m. Giuliano Taffuri and Giovanna Stellato by Daughter Tuesday, November 28, 2017—7:00 a.m. Giuseppe Iannotta and Giovanni Cionti by Family Wednesday, November 29, 2017—7:00 a.m. Louis, Antoinetta, Loretta, Dolores and Angelina Biuso by Daughter Thursday, November 30, 2017—7:00 a.m. The Sick of the Parish Saturday, December 2, 2017— 3:00 p.m.—Confessions Saturday, December 2, 2017—4:00 p.m. Ralph & Josephine Hilton and Madeline & Jack Eaton by Nephews Mary & Patsy Sacco by Family Sunday, December 3, 2017– 8:00 a.m. The People of the Parish Sunday, December 3, 2017—10:00 a.m. John and James O’Brien by Rita Sunday, December 3, 2017—11:30 a.m. Frances Pascucci and Greg Travaglio by Carmine and Esther Theresa Groccia (Birthday Remembrance) by Family

Please pray for the sick of our parish: Francis Caffone, Susan Stomski, Donna Grasseschi, Lori Blackwell, Car-mella Szklarz, Matteo Fiore, Patrick Loconto, Eleanor Lu-pisella, Butch Rano, Mary O’Connor, Christopher Collazo, Paula Mari, Sim Simone, Cathy Coffey, Mildred Bassan, Vincent Pusateri, Sylvia Pusateri, Debbie Caffone, Joseph Lapomardo, Joseph Ginskus, Philip Powers, Marcia DiLeo, Virginia Czubrynski, Karen Remian, Chester DiLeo, Sandra Powers, Robert Mazzola, Jennifer Bodinizzo, Mar-tin Laine, Antoinette Raddi, Loretta Sciafani, Robert Ba-con, Susan Cardinal, Belinda Sahagun, Thelma Ortiz, Caryl Masiello, Cynthia Pedone, Roland Dionne, Maxwell Mitchell, Louis Naple, Carol Youngstrom, Vera Novick, Richard Patrone, Sue Cozzolino, Carol & Frank Iaconi, Anthony DeAngelis, Frank Corridori and Reverend Charles Armey. May the Lord give them strength, cour-age and healing.


David Soares (Chair) – david_j_soares@yahoo.com Elaine Beaudry (Vice-Chair) – ebeaudry19@gmail.com Deacon Paul Audette – pmaudette@charter.net Deacon Gerald Montiverdi – montigsr@charter.net Cheryl Berthiaume – cherylbert23@gmail.com Albert Cecchini – acecchin@acecchin.cnc.net Matthew and Debra Colletta – dcolletta18@yahoo.com Elaine David – layned7@gmail.com Angela Desimone – angela.desimone@gmail.com Nino Giamei – nino613@gmail.com Santina MacGregor – santinamacgregor@gmail.com Michael Martin – mmartin228@mindspring.com Kevin Mercadante – kevin@mercadantefuneralhome.com Vera Novick – vgnovick@gmail.com John Oliver – tucky13@verizon.net Francis Penny – fpenny@american211.com Sylvia Pusateri – sylviapusateri@charter.net Joseph Sama – joesama@rmxpa.com Maria Sciannameo – sciannameo352@gmail.com


Vera Sbrogna By Husband, Gus

Paul F. Carelli (30th Anniversary) By Wife, June

Rest in Peace

We, the parish community of Our Lady of

Mt. Carmel, extend our deepest sympathy to the

family and friends of Rosemarie Chiancola.

May God grant her peace forever and bring comfort to

her family and friends.

Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe“…whatever

you did for one of the least of my brothers, you did for me” –

MATTHEW 25:40 Most of us are generous when it’s conven-

ient for us. We are generous when we have the time or the

money. But, generosity is the opposite of that. It means giving

of one’s time, money, compassion, forgiveness or mercy when

it’s not convenient; when it’s not on our schedule, but on the

other person’s schedule.



Saturday, December 9—Leave from Mount Carmel parking lot at 6:00 a.m.—Return around 10:30 p.m.—Cost $65 per person. For more information please contact Joan D’Argenis at joan_dargenis@yahoo.com or 508-753-5001


Trip to Salem Cross Inn and Bright Nights – Tuesday, December 5 Light up your holidays with the Salem Cross Inn, Yankee Candle A favorite tour at Christmas! Yankee Candle’s Bavari-an Christmas Village included and end the evening at Bright Nights – Cost $79.00 Please contact Joan D’Argenis at joan_dargenis@yahoo.com or 508-753-5001 for more information.


This year marks the 12th year of our having a diocesan Advent Concert.

This year it will be held on the 1st Sunday of Advent

(December 3rd

) at 2:00 PM at Sacred Heart church on 596 Cambridge Street in Worcester.

The event will last for roughly two hours, with music fol-lowed by fellowship afterwards in the Hall. Last year we had 7 groups perform in 5 different languages.



Sunday, December 10, 2017

Leave Our Lady of Mount Carmel parking lot at 1:30 p.m.

Cost is $35 per person

For more information please contact Joan D’Argenis at

508-753-5001 or joan_dargenis@yahoo.com


If you would like to remain a parishioner at Our Lady of Mount

Carmel Parish at Our Lady of Loreto Church please be sure to

return the census confirmation form that was mailed to all pa-

rishioners back in September.

If you did not receive the form or misplaced it, there are more

on the table in the vestibule of the church. Please complete and

either drop in the collection basket, drop off at the Parish Cen-

ter during office hours or mail to the Parish Center at 37 Massa-

soit Road, Worcester, MA 01604.

You can also call the Parish Office at 508-753-5001 or e-mail


Angels Auction - 2017

Thursday, Nov. 30, 6-8 pm at St. Paul Cathedral

Bid online at 1230radio.com for religious items, holiday

gifts and more Nov. 15-29. Live auction on Nov. 30.

Call 508-767-1230 or email cin-

dy.dorsey@1230radio.com for more information. Your

tax deductible contributions will help keep Catholic radio

on the air in the Worcester Diocese.

November Housecleaning Month – We would like to help all families prepare their house for the holi-days. However, items that many of us take for grant-ed that are needed to clean the house, (examples, pledge, dish detergent, Windex, SOS pads, Ajax, Pine sol) are unaffordable for many. If each student brought in one item, we could help many families. Again, we are only asking help from those who can help.



Saint John’s High School will be administering an Entrance

Exam for 8th grade boys entering the Class of 2022 on Wednes-

day, November 29th at 2:30 p.m. Registration is required,

please visit the Admissions area at www.stjohnshigh.org

For more information please contact Justin Smith, Director of

Admissions, at jsmith@stjohnshigh.org or by phone at (508)

842-8934 ext. 230.

WOMEN OF FAITH: Morning of prayer, “The

Sights, Sounds and Colors of Advent”, with Sister

Nancy Sheridan, 9:30 am-1 pm, Saturday, Dec. 9, St.

Anne’s Convent, 720 Boston Post Rd., Marlborough.

Begin with “Coffee and…”, $10 paid at the door. Pre-

registration required by Nov. 29. Email wom-

enoffaithssa@gmail.com or call Ann Williams at 508-

481-8176 or Sr. Yvette Bellerose at 774-239-3372.

End of Bulletin

Church Name: Our Lady Of Mt. Carmel Parish at Our Lady of Loreto Church

City: Worcester

Account Number: 04-0513

Routing Code: Y

Run: 15
