Overview / Road Map / Approach

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Overview / Road Map / Approach. PRODML Background PRODML Opportunity Scope, Strategy and Road Map Other relevant industry activities SPE Realtime Optimization TIG SPE IT Section PRODML Process Use Cases Solution Development. PRODML Background – New Millenium. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Overview / Road Map / Approach

1. PRODML Background2. PRODML

– Opportunity– Scope, Strategy and Road Map

3. Other relevant industry activities– SPE Realtime Optimization TIG– SPE IT Section

4. PRODML Process– Use Cases– Solution Development

PRODML Background – New Millenium

• Boom in highly instrumented fields. Energy companies keen to exploit opportunity for better use of near real-time data in optimal operation of assets. (aka “Digital Oilfield” etc.)

• Current landscape fragmented – multiple commercial and in-house tools

• Efficient means of interoperability between these tools is essential for more efficient workflows

PRODML Background

PRODML – Work Group ‘06 and ‘07 ParticipantsAn initiative started in 2005 by five energy companies, then joined by eight vendor companies and an industry-neutral standards organization.

Energy Companies

Vendors Standards Organization

BPChevronExxonMobilShellStatoil HydroConoco PhillipsPioneer

HalliburtonInvensysOSIsoftPETEXSchlumbergerSense IntellifieldTietoEnatorWeatherford

AspentechEuriwareInfosysKongsberg IntellifieldMatrikonP2ESTibcoZedi Solutions


PRODML: Business Drivers

• The Opportunity:– Production application domain highly fragmented– Doing nothing requires point to point integration: costly,

slow, very high maintenance Opportunity to fix this!

• The Objective:– Make integration cheaper, faster, simpler– Enable dynamic creation of “value loops” with new workflows

and applications added “on the fly”

• Supply chain models “standards” and “consolidation”– SCADA – many vendors, public standards– G&G/Reservoir – few vendors, de facto standards– Production – industry standards approach PRODML

THE PROBLEMMultiple Component SolutionsLack of Interoperability standards


PRODML: Addresses Key Area of Asset Management

2006 PRODML Initial Scope


Sensor Data


Geoscience Data

OPC Domain De facto Standards


High Frequency Low Frequency


2008 2010

Drilling Systems


Maintenance Systems

Maintenance Domain

Many Production Applications





Business Processes

After Chevron, ExxonMobil

PRODML Focus: Production OptimizationRoadmap in place: 3 more years to industry standard

Use Case Examples:

[Timescales approximate]

Gas Lift Optimisation (changes in well status or lift gas available) during 1 day

Smart well control optimisation (offtake control from production data) weekly

Production-Reservoir Operational mgt. (transient testing, voidage etc) monthly

Development Planning (production data integrated with reservoir simulation) year



High Frequency Low FrequencyBusiness Processes

Timeline: Daily Surveillance and ReportingYear 2008 2009 2010

(i) (ii) (i) (ii) Use Cases

Gas Lift Opt.

Model-based well surveillance

DTS Monitoring

Daily reporting

Reporting NOJVs

ESP wells

SRP wells

2006 2007Year 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

  (i) (ii) (i) (ii)    

Use Cases

Gas Lift Opt.

G/L & flowing well surveillance

Downhole sensors PTQ, DTS

Daily reporting

Reporting NOJVs

ESP wells

SRP wells

Timeline: Weekly Production ManagementYear 2009 2010

(i) (ii) (i) (ii) (i) (ii) Use Cases

Smart well control opt.

Water handlingforecast

Smart well opt. with downhole allocation

Water handlingopt.

Well completions

Welltest validation

Integrate with facilities maintenance

2006 2007 2008Year 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

  (i) (ii) (i) (ii) (i) (ii)   

Use Cases

Smart well offtake optimiz-ation

Fluids capacity forecast

Smart well optimiz-ation & downhole allocation

Fluids capacity optimiz-ation

Well completion transfer & referencing

Welltest validation


Integration with facilities maintenance

Timeline: Field OptimisationYear 2006 2007 2010

(i) (ii) (i) (ii) Use Cases

Shared network model with change propagation

Shared network model with different detail level

Reservoir ops.

Integrate with process simulation

Monthly regulatory reporting

2008 2009Year 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

     (i) (ii) (i) (ii)  

Use Cases

  Shared network model with change propagation

Shared network model with different detail level

Reservoir voidage and monitoring

Integration with process simulation

Monthly regulatory reporting


Timeline: Field Development PlanningYear 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010Use Cases

Reservoir-Production Dev Planning

Year 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Use Cases

        Reservoir-Production Dev Planning

Scope of PRODML Applications

• Operational Modeling– Predictive algorithms to predict future measurements from

historical measurements and operational plans• Allocation and Reconciliation

– Derives critical values from measurements, as in back-allocation of volumes to wellbores

• Surveillance and Monitoring– Continuous comparison of actual to predicted

measurements; out of range condition invokes analysis • Simulation and Optimization

– Predictive algorithms to predict future measurements and related set points that achieve pre-defined objectives

• Advisory and Alert– Invoked when post-analytical predicted and actual

performance differ significantly; alerts for remedial control changes

PRODML Data Scope

• Production Systems in Producing Fields consist of– Flow Network topology (Product Flow Model)

• Production and injection wells, equipment, etc.• Static Model of Flow connections: outlet to

inlet– Measurements (Product Volume)

• Production volumes and flow rates• Pressures, temperatures, etc.

– Test results (Well Test)• Captures the results of a well test

PRODML – Material Progress 2007-08

• A common language for production data has been created

• Commercial application has commenced, eg:– Production Reporting (Statoil)– Waterflood management (Chevron)– DTS data management (Weatherford)– First Commercial Applications (Schlumberger)

• R&D Proofs of Concept have been substantial:– Gas Lift Optimisation– Downhole sensors– 5,000 well dataset transfers– Network Model changes moving between applications

PRODML Public Site

Documentation Overview

Workflow Analysis and Use Case Development

Workflow Analysis and Integration – Relevant Activities


Group History Mission

SPE Realtime Optimization TIG

Established after SPE forum in July 2001 (“Reconciling realtime production optimization and reservoir management”). Operates under structure of SPE TIGFour SPE papers

To promote and encourage the development of hardware and software tools including associated standards and work processes for ‘real-time’ optimization of hydrocarbon systems

PRODML Started in 2005 by five oil companies. Subsequently joined by service providers / software developers and transitioned to Energistics for stewardshipThree SPE Papers

Develop an open industry standard for data exchange to support production optimization within a ‘digital oil field’ context

SPE IT Section (Oilfield Integration Subcommittee)

Formed in March 2006. First meeting at SPE ATCE in September 2006

Facilitate implementation of the digital oilfield by integration of information technology, people, processes in the oilfield business by:1.Providing best practices for integration of information technology between subsurface and field operations2.Promoting establishment of a new discipline combining information technology and oilfeld technologies…..3.Develop information security best practices…..4.Provide a forum to combine petro-technical information initiatives

Develop SolutionIdentify Opportunities

Develop Flow Diagram

Develop Use Case

Develop Model(Detailed Data

Flow & Application


Develop Specifications

Build Solution

Select Opportunities

to PursueDevelop List of Ideas

Quantify Business Value

Document Flow

Improvement Opportunity

Business PerspectiveIT Perspective

Optional Steps shown in Dashed Boxes

Workflow Analysis – Generic Process





Workflow Analysis and Integration – PRODML Process

ModelingDetailed Data Flow

& Application Interactions


Inventory of Opportunities

Solution Development

Flow DiagramUse Case

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4

Business PerspectiveIT Perspective


Workflow Analysis and Integration – PRODML Process and Deliverables

ModelingDetailed Data Flow

& Application Interactions


Inventory of Opportunities

Solution Development

Flow DiagramUse Case

Verbal Description of


Graphical Representation

of Workflow

Paper-based Solution (XML transactions)

Application Build / Test and Deploy


• Pilot Project List

• Use Case Description (.doc)

• Flow Description• Animated flow

Diagram (.ppt)

• Process and Data Definition (.xls) and XML flow (.txt)

• Code Development• System Integration &

Testing • Deployment

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4

PRODML Solutions

1. BP – Optimized gas lift (model management)

2. Chevron – Field wide water management

3. Shell – Distributed Temperature Sensing