Owain Evans – Curriculum Vitae · malicioususeofartificialintelligence:...

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Owain EvansCurriculum Vitae

Research Scientist in Machine Learning, working onhow to make AI safe and beneficial.

Education2008–2015 PhD in Philosophy, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Supervisors: Roger White (philosophy of science), Vikash Mansinghka (machine learning).2004–2008 BA in Philosophy and Mathematics, Columbia University.

Employment2017–now Research Scientist, Future of Humanity Institute, University of Oxford.

Machine Learning research focused on AI Safety: learning human preferences, safe RL, andactive learning.

2015–2017 Postdoctoral Researcher, Future of Humanity Institute, University of Oxford.2013–2015 Research Assistant, MIT Probabilistic Computing Project, Massachusetts Insti-

tute of Technology.

Publications[1] Zachary Kenton, Angelos Filos, Owain Evans, and Yarin Gal. Generalizing from a few

environments in safety-critical reinforcement learning. In Safe ML, ICLR Workshop,2019.

[2] Owain Evans, William Saunders, and Andreas Stuhlmüller. Machine learning projectsfor iterated distillation and amplification. Technical report, 2019.

[3] Owain Evans, Andreas Stuhlmüller, Chris Cundy, Ryan Carey, Zachary Kenton,Thomas McGrath, and Andrew Schreiber. Predicting human deliberative judgmentswith machine learning. Technical report, 2018.

[4] Sebastian Schulze and Owain Evans. Active reinforcement learning with monte-carlotree search. arXiv preprint arXiv:1803.04926, 2018.

[5] Miles Brundage, Shahar Avin, Jack Clark, Helen Toner, Peter Eckersley, BenGarfinkel, Allan Dafoe, Paul Scharre, Thomas Zeitzoff, Bobby Filar, et al. The

16/17 St Ebbe’s Street – Oxford OX1 1PT – United KingdomÆ +447525200961 • Q owain.evans@philosophy.ox.ac.uk

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malicious use of artificial intelligence: Forecasting, prevention, and mitigation. arXivpreprint arXiv:1802.07228, 2018.

[6] William Saunders, Girish Sastry, Andreas Stuhlmueller, and Owain Evans. Trialwithout error: Towards safe reinforcement learning via human intervention. arXivpreprint arXiv:1707.05173, 2017.

[7] Katja Grace, John Salvatier, Allan Dafoe, Baobao Zhang, and Owain Evans. Whenwill AI exceed human performance? Evidence from AI experts. arXiv preprintarXiv:1705.08807, 2017.

[8] David Krueger, Jan Leike, Owain Evans, and John Salvatier. Active reinforcementlearning: Observing rewards at a cost. In Future of Interactive Learning Machines,NIPS Workshop, 2016.

[9] Owain Evans, Andreas Stuhlmüller, and Noah D Goodman. Learning the preferencesof ignorant, inconsistent agents. In Proceedings of the Thirtieth AAAI Conferenceon Artificial Intelligence, pages 323–329. AAAI Press, 2016.

[10] Owain Evans and Noah D Goodman. Learning the preferences of bounded agents.In NIPS Workshop on Bounded Optimality, volume 6, 2015.

[11] Owain Evans, Leon Bergen, and Joshua Tenenbaum. Learning structured preferences.In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, volume 32,2010.

[12] Tomer Ullman, Chris Baker, Owen Macindoe, Owain Evans, Noah Goodman, andJoshua B Tenenbaum. Help or hinder: Bayesian models of social goal inference. InAdvances in neural information processing systems, pages 1874–1882, 2009.

Presentations2018 Oxford University Psychology Society, DeepDream and Seeing As.2018 Creative AI London, DeepDream and Seeing As.2017 NIPS 2018, Long Beach CA, Predicting Slow Judgments.2017 EA Global London, Careers in AI Safety.2017 ETH Zürich Workshop on AI Safety, Trial Without Error.2017 Center for Future of Intelligence, Cambridge, Trial Without Error.2017 University College London Machine Learning, Trial Without Error.2017 Deepmind-FHI AI Safety Seminar, Trial Without Error.2017 Oxford University Machine Learning Workshop, Trial Without Error.2017 Asilomar Conference on Beneficial AI, Learning the Preferences of Ignorant,

Inconsistent Agents.2017 AAAI 2017, Phoenix AZ (oral), Learning the Preferences of Ignorant, Inconsis-

tent Agents.2017 AAAI 2017, Phoenix AZ (Ethics Workshop), agentmodels.org.2016 University of Toronto Machine Learning, Trial Without Error.

16/17 St Ebbe’s Street – Oxford OX1 1PT – United KingdomÆ +447525200961 • Q owain.evans@philosophy.ox.ac.uk

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2016 Atomico European AI Vanguard, Learning the Preferences of Ignorant, Inconsis-tent Agents.

2016 Oxford TORCH Humanities Centre, Automated Corporations and AI Risk.2016 EA Global Oxford, Careers in AI Safety.2016 Effective Altruism Berkeley, Learning Human Preferences.2015 Oxford University Probabilistic Programming Group, Learning Human

Preferences.2015 Stanford University Computational Cognitive Science, Learning Human

Preferences.2014 DARPA Summer School on Probabilistic Programming, Intro to Probabilistic

Programming in Venture.2014 Cambridge University Machine Learning Group, Intro to Probabilistic Program-

ming in Venture.2014 Oxford University Machine Learning, Intro to Probabilistic Programming in

Venture.2010 Cognitive Science Society Conference 2010, Learning Structured Preferences.

Grants2015-2018 Future of Life Institute, Inferring Human Values, $227K.

Teaching2014 DARPA Summer School on Probabilistic Programming, Portland OR.2014 Tutorial on Probabilistic Programming, Cambridge, UK.2013 Paradox and Infinity Undergraduate Course, MIT, USA.2010 Intro to Political Philosophy, MIT, USA.

16/17 St Ebbe’s Street – Oxford OX1 1PT – United KingdomÆ +447525200961 • Q owain.evans@philosophy.ox.ac.uk

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