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Nonprofit Org. U.S. Postage

PAID Central City, KY Permit No. 87

114 North Third Street Central City, KY 42330 (270) 754-3670 WKYA FM Radio 105.5 Sundays 11:00am Website

Rev. Chase Thompson, Pastor Rev. Kevin Reed, Minister of Youth and Children Rev. Sam Killman, Minister of Worship and Administration

Vol. XXV No. 8

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Sunday, July 7th 11:00am

Sunday, June 30th MFuge Share Service


Tuesday, July 9th McKinley Lofland


Council Meeting 5:30pm

Wednesday, July 10th Business Meeting


Saturday, July 13th Men’s Breakfast


Thursday, July 18th Single Ladies

The Diner-Fordsville 5:00pm

Thursday, July 25th Youth-Holiday World

Items Requested 1) #2 Pencils 2) Black Dry Erase Markers 3) Ziploc Bags (Gallon/Sandwich) 4) Kleenex 5) Paper Towel Rolls 6) Clorox Bleach Wipes

Please turn in items by July 28th!

FB3C is buying 100 Backpacks!

Co-Coordinators-Jennifer Sanders, Emily Rhoades, and Melinda Dorris

Friday, July 15th—19th 9:00am—12:30pm

Lunch served daily at 12 noon!

Music Camp Performance Sunday, July 21st


Director-Rev. Sam Killman

Sunday, July 14th 4—6:00pm

Come Serve With Us!

Hey Church!

I am so excited about what the Lord is doing in our church and specifically in the worship ministry of FB3C. And I want you to be in on it too! Happening this month is our Kids Music Camp! July 15th - 19th boys and girls who just completed K-5th grades will be here everyday learning music together, singing songs, playing fun and whacky instruments and playing games, but most importantly they will be hearing the gospel presented to them every day and have many chances to respond to it! We still need volunteers for camp so if this sounds like something you’d want to be a part of, email or call me and let me know so that we can find the perfect spot for you to plug in! Be praying with me that God would touch these boys and girls hearts and that some might even trust Him as Lord and Savior of their lives.

Another thing that is happening this month I want to tell you about is our choir. During the month of July our choir takes a brief hiatus as we prepare for the coming fall and Christmas season. This is the PERFECT time to join us if you’ve been considering it. Starting Sunday July 28th at 4:30 PM we will resume our weekly choir rehearsals. At this first meeting after our break we’ll introduce the new music we’ll be learning for our weekly anthems making it a great time to come and check out what our choir is all about. If you sing, even just a little bit, we’d love to have you!

As always I am so honored to serve here at FB3C and thank God for the blessings he has poured out on our church!

In Christ, Sam Killman


Grace and peace!

Summer is officially underway and what a success it has already been! As I write this, VBS has come and gone, our Youth are at MFuge Mission Camp, our Summer Sack Lunch Program is in full swing, and our Children’s Music Camp is quickly approaching. I am thankful to all who have served so far and I hope you will continue to engage in gospel ministry. If you volunteered for VBS, please consider volunteering for our Children’s Music Camp this year as well. Last year went wonderfully and we were blessed to have one saved as a direct result of that ministry. Would you please sign up to volunteer if you haven’t already? The Lord can use you in a mighty way through this Music Camp!

On Wednesday, July 10th we’ll be having our Quarterly Church Business Meeting. At this meeting we’ll be voting on whether or not to add an early service to our Sunday morning worship schedule. I hope you’ll plan to attend this meeting, and I also hope you’ve read the document we’ve had available since April. I am attaching that document once again to this newsletter, please read it. You can find all of the information about this vote and our reasons as to why we believe it’s time to add a service in that document. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me!

On another note, are you currently involved in a Sunday School class? If not, would you commit to regularly attending a class as soon as you can? I cannot emphasize strongly enough the importance of Sunday School participation. We live in a world where it is hard to follow Jesus and where there is spiritual warfare all around. Our Sunday School classes provide us with a place where we can pray, grow, and conquer life’s battles together! If you will get involved in a Sunday School class, I can guarantee you your life will improve. I know that’s a bold statement, but I say it in all seriousness. Stop missing out and join a class today!

Finally, our next Care Night is Sunday, July 14th from 4pm – 6pm, with a meal to follow. We will meet, as always, in our Fellowship Hall and from there we will spread out to do ministry both within the church walls and in our community. Our Care Night ministry is when our church takes a time of the week when we would already be meeting (Sunday evenings) and devotes that time to providing you with an opportunity to do ministry. We all live busy lives, and we all wish we had more time to do the things we often intend to do for the Lord and for others. This is your opportunity! If you’re looking for a simple opportunity to visit church prospects, deliver care packages, write cards, make phone calls, prepare meals for shut-ins, visit the hospitals and nursing homes, etc., would you please come serve with us? There is a place for you to serve and you will be glad that you did as it is always a blessing to all of us involved!

Hannah and I are so very blessed to have such a wonderful church family. Our hearts rejoice every time we think of you and remember you in our prayers. Please know my door is always open and I am available to talk with you about any of your spiritual needs. I encourage you this month to try to bring someone to church with you each and every week. Statistics show that if you invite people who don’t attend church to come with you, half of them will accept your invitation. Brothers and sisters, those are great odds.

May the Lord be with you and guide you as you seek to live for Him daily!

In Christ, Pastor Chase

As I type this, we are making our last minute preparations for a week at Mission Fuge. For decades, our church has been so supportive of our teens going to camp. I have great memories of attending Fuge when I was in youth group here and it was there that I first began to consider a call into ministry. One of the best things that a camp experience does for teens is to strip away all the distractions they experience here allowing for a full focus on Christ. The Fuge staffers have preplanned every part of the day to engage teens with the Gospel and how God wants to use them.

When you receive this newsletter, our teens will have returned from camp. I pray this camp week will ignite the students to a deeper desire for service here at home. Upon our return, I ask that you look for ways to encourage our students and let them know you are committed to praying for them. These teens are facing things I never imagined when I was in their shoes and you’ll never know how far an encouraging word from you will go in their lives. Not only that, but also speak life into their families and commit to praying for their homes. We are stronger as a body when each family unit is looking to Christ and we are all committed to walking alongside of one another along life’s journey.

This year’s VBS was one of the best ever! I can’t thank you enough for stepping up to make it happen. We have some of the most creative, kid-loving, fun-spirited, willing-to-serve Christ followers in the world! Thank you for providing all the resources we needed to reach kids with the Gospel. We have another opportunity to minister right around the corner with our Children’s Music Camp July 15th-19th. It went so well last year that kids here during VBS were asking if we were doing it again this summer! It’s open for those who just finished Kindergarten through those who just completed 5th grade.

On Thursday July 25th, the youth will be making our trip to Holiday World! We want this to be a great outreach tool for teens so help us spread the word. Sign up will be posted in the youth room.

In Christ, Kevin

July Birthdays

1 Zachary Clark Karen Halcomb Levi Murphy Carolyn Tucker

2 Gynon Huddleston Peggy Maddox Brenda Reed

3 Joshua Johnson Mauricia Johnson

4 Wanda Dabney

5 Amy Davis Susan Grace

6 Layla Gardner Dylan Mercer Harley Rager

7 Sherri Rosso

8 Gary Carver Darren Ray 3103 Southfork Dr. Pace, FL 32571 Sarah Shemwell Lou Anne Swansey

9 Lisa Mercer Barbara Pike Carlos Tatum

10 Wesley Capuria

11 Ryder Dillingham

12 Mitch Cundiff

14 Michael Bowen Teresa Casebier

16 Gregg Henry Carolyn Young

17 Mayci Johnston Peggy Stewart

18 Dover Halcomb

19 Abel Faith

21 George Clark Mary Shaver Hannah Thompson

22 Rita Johnson Andrew Stanley

24 Shana Walker

25 Randy Aubrey Joyce Milligan

26 Dennis Laycock

27 Graysen Divine

28 Don Dukes Damien Gardner Tara Ray (see address on July 8) Carrie Walker

29 Janna Murphy Mary Helen Wilcox

30 Barbara Williams

31 Bliss Casebier Beth Casey

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 Sack Lunch Delivery 10:30

2 A Children’s Ministry 10:45 Fellowship Hall Reserved

3 Mission Friends, RA’s, GA’s, Youth 6:00 Prayer Meeting 6:00

4 No Sack Lunch Delivery

Offices Closed

5 6

7 Bible Study 9:45 Morning Worship 11:00 Lord’s Supper 11:00 Children’s Church 11:00 Deacons’ Meeting 5:00 Children’s Ministry 6:00 Adult Bible Study 6:00

8 Sack Lunch Delivery 10:30

9 A Children’s Ministry 10:45 Fellowship Hall Reserved

McKinley Lofland Mission Group 10:00

Council Meeting 5:30

10 Mission Friends, RA’s, GA’s, Youth 6:00 Business Meeting 6:00

11 Sack Lunch Delivery 10:30

12 13 Men’s Breakfast 8:00


Bible Study 9:45 Morning Worship 11:00 Children’s Church 11:00 Care Night 4-6:00

15 Sack Lunch Delivery 10:30

16 A Children’s Ministry 10:45 Fellowship Hall Reserved

17 Mission Friends, RA’s, GA’s, Youth 6:00 Prayer Meeting 6:00

18 Sack Lunch Delivery 10:30

Single Ladies 5:00 The Diner-Fordsville

19 20


Bible Study 9:45 Morning Worship 11:00 Children’s Church 11:00 Kid’s Camp Musical 6:00

22 Sack Lunch Delivery 10:30

23 A Children’s Ministry 10:45 Fellowship Hall Reserved

24 Mission Friends, RA’s, GA’s, Youth 6:00 Prayer Meeting 6:00

25 Sack Lunch Delivery 10:30 Youth Holiday World

26 27


Bible Study 9:45 Morning Worship 11:00 No Children’s Church Choir Rehearsal 4:30 Children’s Ministry 6:00 Adult Bible Study 6:00

29 Sack Lunch Delivery 10:30

30 A Children’s Ministry 10:45 Fellowship Hall Reserved

31 Mission Friends, RA’s, GA’s, Youth 6:00 Prayer Meeting 6:00

Children’s Music Camp July 15th-19th 9:00am - 12:30pm Rev. Sam Killman, Director

July 2019 Saturday July 13th 8:00am

Deliveries Mondays — Central City & Cleaton

Thursdays — Cleaton

Co-Coordinators Sandy Denny & LaDonna Culbertson