Paper 2 SET 6.doc

Post on 11-Jan-2016

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SULIT 2 014/2

There are three questions in this paper. Answer all the questions in the space provided. Kertas ini mengandungi tiga soalan. Jawab semua solaan di ruang yang disediakan.

Section A( 10 marks )

( Time suggested : 15 minutes )

Write five sentences about the situation in the picture below. You may use the words in yeh boxes to help you.

Tulis lima ayat tentang situasi dalam gambar di bawah. Kamu boleh menggunakan perkataan-perkataan di dalam kotak untuk membantu kamu.

bread vendor motorcycle tree bread containerchildren babies cakes helmet babies

SULIT 3 014/2


_____________________________________________________________________________ .


_____________________________________________________________________________ .


_____________________________________________________________________________ .


_____________________________________________________________________________ .


_____________________________________________________________________________ .

SULIT 4 014/2

SECTION B( 15 marks )

( Time suggested : 25 minutes )

Study the pictures and the information given below. Then answer the questions that follow. Teliti gambar-gambar dan maklumat yang diberikan di bawah. Kemudian jawab soalan-soalan berikut.

SULIT 5 014/2

( a ) Complete the table with the correct answers. Lengkapkan jadual dengan jawapan yang betul.




State 1______________ Terengganu 7 ______________

Distance 1200 km 4 ______________ 8 ______________

Mode of transport

2 ______________ 5 ______________ Ferry or plane

Price RM900 per person

RM500 per person

9 ______________

Activities diving snorkelling3 ______________

scuba diving6 ______________snorkelling

scuba diving snorkelling10 _____________

SULIT 6 014/2

( b ) Your family and you want to go for a holiday at one of the island in Malaysia. Based on the information given, which island would you like to go? Give reasons for your choice.

Keluarga dan anda ingin bercuti ke salah sebuah pulau di Malaysia. Berdasarkan maklumat diberikan, pulau manakah yang anda akan cadangkan. Beri sebab pilihan anda itu.

I would choose _______________________________________________________ because
















SULIT 7 014/2


( 15 marks )( Time suggested : 35 minutes )

Write a story based on the pictures below. You may use the words given to help you. Write your answer in the space provided.

Tuliskan sebuah cerita berdasarkan gambar-gambar di bawah. Kamu boleh menggunakan perkataan-perkataan yang diberikan untuk membantu kamu. Tulis jawapan kamu di ruang yang disediakan.

SULIT 8 014/2

- father – zoo – tickets – entrance – big - crowd

- animals – wild – mini train - sleeping

- elephants – danced – monkeys – bananas – tired - home























Set 6

Suggested answers


Achievement Level

1. The bread vendor stops under a tree.2. There are some bread and cakes on his motorcycle.3. A few children are standing near him.4. Two women are carrying their babies. 5. The bread vendor wears a helmet.

Excellent Level

1. The bread vendor, who is a friendly man, parks his motorcycle under a tree.2. There are some delicious bread and cakes hanging around a big container which

is on his motorcycle.3. Several children are hovering him to buy the delicious bread and cakes.4. Two ladies, who are carrying their babies in their arms are walking towards the

bread vendor.5. The bread vendor, who is wearing a helmet, is taking out a big loaf of bread

from a container.

Question 2

2a1. Sabah 6. fishing2. speedboat 7. Pahang3. scuba diving 8. 500 km4. 7000 km 9. RM600 per person5. ferry 10. rock climbing

* Refer information given for Redang Island, Scuba diving, fishing and snorkeling. It

should begin with small letter. (scuba diving)

2bAchievement Level

I would choose Redang Island because my brother and I have never been to Terengganu before therefore, this is my chance to do so.It is not very far from Terengganu and we will have to take a ferry to go there. I heard that it has crystal clear water and it will be wonderful to go scuba diving or snorkelling. I will be able to see the beautiful and colourful exotic fish.At night I can go fishing with my brother.The price per person is RM500 .I think it is reasonable.

Excellent Level

I would choose Redang Island because my brother and I have never been to Terengganu before so, this is my golden opportunity to do so.It is not very far from Terengganu and we will have to board a ferry to go there. I heard that it has crystal clear water and it will be amazing to go scuba diving or snorkelling. I will be able to see the beautiful and colourful exotic fish and corals.At night , I can enjoy fishing with my father and brother. Paying RM500 will not be a problem for my father as it is reasonable and worth it.I am sure it will be fun and interesting to go there.


Achievement Level

Last holidays, Aiman’s father took his family to a zoo.His father bought some tickets.Aiman and his family waited at the entrance.There was a big crowd in the zoo.

Most animals were wild and fierce.Aiman and his family travelled in a mini train.They saw animals such as giraffes , horses and bears.Some tigers and lions were sleeping under the trees.

Then,they went to watch an animal show.A few elephants danced to the music.The audience clapped their hands happily.The monkeys hung onto the bars and ropes in the big cage.Some of them were eating bananas.Two hours later,they felt tired so,they went home.

Aiman and his family had a wonderful time that day.

Excellent Level

Aiman,who is a head prefect is also my cousin.He is kind and friendly.

Sometimes, we play badminton or go fishing together.

Last semester break, Aiman’s father took his family to a zoo.It was quite far from their house so, they started their journey early in the morning in his father brand new Proton Saga.

Upon reaching, his father quickly queued up to buy some tickets at the counter. Meanwhile, Aiman and his family waited at the entrance excitedly. There was already a big crowd at the zoo.They could see some beautiful birds in the aviary from the entrance.

Then,they boarded a mini train and went around the zoo. There were many animals such as bears,giraffes,horses,kangaroos and snakes.Some of them were big,wild and ferocious.A few lions and tigers were sleeping under the shady trees.

Later,they got down and bought some mouth-watering ice-creams before watching an animal show.Several elephants danced to the music.The audience cheered joyfully.The monkeys chattered and hung onto the bars and ropes in the big cage.They also saw a boy feeding the monkeys with some bananas.Two hours later,everyone was tired so,they decided to go home.They had some food at a big restaurant near the zoo.

Aiman and his family went home tired but happy as they had an unforgettable moments that day.