Paris factory - Lean Startup testing

Post on 14-Jul-2015

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What are some key assumptions?

What are some key assumptions?

• People like it!

• People want to buy this type of jewelry

• The price is right

• They will buy it at a store

• They will buy it online

• We can produce the product at the right price

• We can get consistent supply

• We can maintain the quality of the product

• Story is compelling reason to purchase product

Customer Interviews Best for canvasing early ideas

Place ad and interviewresponders

Landing Pages, Kickstarter Offer product for sale before it exists

Use mockup of product to test customer interest

Models and Prototypes Low-investment shop to sell real products

Test food with food truckbefore opening full restaurant

Concierge Do all the work by hand to see if solution solves customer problem

Food on the Table meal planning

Wizard of Oz Customers think a computer is doing all the work but in reality a human is

Pretend to be fully formed web app but do backend by hand

Types of MVPs

Customer interviews




Wizard of Oz