Parish Communities St. Mary & St. Philip Benizi · -2021 religious education year. ... calling for...

Post on 22-May-2020

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Parish Communities St. Mary & St. Philip Benizi

Pastor: Rev. Leo LeBlanc x24 •

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Please be assured that all Mass intentions will be offered up by Fr. Leo on your loved ones behalf. We have listed the dates below so please remem-

ber them in your prayers.

St. Philip & St. Mary Parishes of Grafton

St. Philip & St Mary

St Philip April 19– Anna Frederico requested by parishion-ers April 26– Mary O’Hara requested by parish May 3– George Stratton requested by friends May 8- Parishioners of St Philips Please continue to pray the end of the virus and for

the good health of all.


Father Serge, the pastor in Les Coteaux, Haiti at St.

Peter and St. Paul texted Fr. Leo that everyone there

is confined to their homes and people don’t have the

money to make it and people are very worried.

We are asking those who can to send a one-time contribution through WeShare or sending a check through regular mail, indicating in WeShare or on

the memo of your check: Haiti, so that we know the

intention of your contribution. Our brothers and sis-

ters in Haiti really need our help. Thank you for giving

this your prayerful consideration.

Divine Mercy Sunday

Sunday Offertory

Thank you for your continued support With the suspension of Masses, we ask that you still con-tinue to show your support by either mailing , flock notes,

website or doing online banking. Thank you for your understanding.

St. Mary April 18 Saturday- Birthday Remembrances John Hebert and Roger LaMarche, Anniversary Nancy Spyker by the Family, 63rd Anniversary John Stuba by the Family, Memorial John McCartney by Catherine Ryan April 19 Sunday - 3rd Anniversary Ann Wasiuk by the Family, Memorial Jennifer Goguen McGrail by the Fami-ly April 25 Saturday—Birthday Remembrance Maude Hebert by the Family, Memorail John McCartney by Cath-erine Ryan, 3rd Anniversary Francis Frederico by the Family April 26 Sunday -For Parishioners of St. Mary and St. Philip

St. Mary April 9 – 14, 2020 $4,675.00

St Philip April 8-14, 2020

$3484.95includes weekly, fuel, maintenance & Easter

The St Mary’s Pastoral Council

We are in search of new members. If interested contact Tim Rodrique @ 774-545-6689 or speak with Fr

Leo. See the pastoral council bylaws on the website for information.

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Although we still have to strictly adhere to 10 people, Fr. Leo will have a Healing Service at 3 PM at St. Mary’s entitled The ABC’s of Divine Mercy, which will be live-streamed on Facebook and then posted on our website. He will be inviting People at home as well as the few at Church to pray with him for the heal-ing of persons who have the virus or are very sick, including people with mental health issues etc. People can submit names and the illness that these people have by emailing it to him at , for which we will invoke God’s divine mercy to heal them. (Please names and illness only, no lengthy explana-tions. Also please note that in Fr. Leo’s email there is no “e” in the word: father.) If you have an image of the Divine Mercy at home, please have it so you can see it during this service.

A Little Encouragement from St. Mary’s Music Ministry Just visit our website: and choose Ministry – then select Music Ministry. We will be posting an encouraging Scripture and new playlists to lift you up and keep you company until we can worship together at St. Mary’s and St. Philip’s once again. In order to listen, all you need to do is install the Free Spotify player (in the App store on your phone, or online at Just log into your player first, and then click on the playlist of your choice to listen to our music. Great new

music playlists have been added, such as “Comfort”, “Evening Prayer”, “Joyful”, “Welcome Home” as well as a new playlist for Lent and Easter. And especially for our children who are now at home all day, we’ve added “Happy Songs for Kids”, “Scripture Lullabies, and some fun choices on the “Children’s Songs” playlist. Email Pamela Cross at if you have any challenges in getting this to work for you. Enjoy!

We Miss You!

Stay connected to get the latest details from our parishes

You will find us on the web at

Please sign up for Flocknotes on the web for continuous updates on your phone or email.

You will find us on Facebook at

You will find our Masses on the local cable channels at channel 191 for charter or

channel 34 for Verizon

If you need us, call us at 508-839-3325 - St. Philip 508-839-3993 – St. Mary

We have added a new online registration and payment option for the upcoming Religious Education year. Please go to to register your children online for the 2020-2021 religious education year. You can also choose to print the registration forms and mail them in with your payment. You can access the welcome letter at and the registra-tion forms at Deadline for registration is April 13th after which a $15 late fee per family will be assessed. Con-tact Darleen Farland at or Carole Leblanc at with any questions. First Communion Banner Packets Parents are asked to please come in to pick up packets with banner materials to work on these at home with your child. Packets will be available for pick up in the Gathering Space at St. Mary Church. They will be labeled with the student’s last name on the packet. Please sign-in when picking up your packet. Ban-ners should be returned at your child’s rehearsal date. High School “Church” Class Just a reminder that the take-home packet for the High School “Church” class is due back to Mrs. Farland by April 30th . If you haven’t yet picked up the materials, they are available in the St. Mary Gathering Space.

THE CONTAGION OF HOPE (found in Crux Magazine written by Elise Allen on Pope Francis’ Easter Message)

Easter, he said, offers humanity “a different contagion, a message transmitted from heart to heart- for every human heart awaits this Good News. It is the contagion of hope,” he said, insisting that it’s not a “Magic formula” that makes humanity’s problems disappear. The Urbi et Orbi is generally a policy of speech as well as a blessing and Francis held to form, calling for debt relief for impoverished nations, easing of international sanctions, relief for the unemployed, European solidarity, and an end to armed conflicts, all styled both as a response to the pandemic and an expression of the Easter spirit. “The Resurrection of Christ… is the victory of love over the root of evil, a victory that does not ‘by-pass’ suffering and death, but passes through them, opening a path in the abyss, transforming evil into good. This is the unique hallmark of the power of God,” he said. Pope Francis spoke during his livestreamed April 12 Urbi et Orbi blessing, which he offered for the second time in just a month. Typically only given on Christmas and Easter, this year the pope gave the Urbi et Orbi an unprecedented third time on March 27, during a special prayer service for the end of the coronavirus. Those who receive the blessing either in person or through television or social media receive a plenary indulgence, meaning the full pardon of the temporal conse-quences of sin. In his Urbi et Orbi address, Pope Francis urged Christians everywhere to turn to Jesus in suffering, “that he may heal the wounds of an afflicted humanity.” He offered prayers for all those directly affected by the coronavirus, above all the de-ceased and family members who could not say goodbye. He prayed especially for those living in nursing homes, barracks and prisons. For many this is an Easter of solitude lived amid sorrow and hardship that the pandemic is causing, from physical suffer-ing to economic difficulties,” he said, and asked God to grant strength and hope to the doctors and nurses who are ex-hausted and risk their health to serve the sick amid the pandemic. He also prayed for law enforcement and military per-sonnel. The pope urged political leaders to “work actively for the common good, to provide the means and resources needed to enable everyone to lead a dignified life and, when circumstance allow, to assist them in resuming their normal daily activi-ties.” He urged both people and nations not to fall into indifference, but to be attentive to the needs of others, especially “those who live on the peripheries,” such as homeless, migrants and refugees. He also urged the reduction or forgiveness of the debts owed by poor nations, so that they will be in a better position to “meet the greatest needs of the moment.” This is not a time for self-centeredness, because the challenge we are facing is shared by all, without distinguishing be-tween persons,” he said, pointing to the wave of solidarity that swept through Europe following the Second World War. This is not a time for continuing to manufacture and deal in arms, spending vast amounts of money that ought to be used for care for others and save lives, he said, voicing hope that the pandemic might finally end the ongoing war in Syria and conflicts throughout the Middle East, Africa and Ukraine.

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April 19 2020 Divine Mercy Sunday REBORN FROM HIS SIDE

“When the doors were locked…for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood in their midst and said to them, ‘Peace be with you.’” (John 20:19) The peace that Christ gives is not as the world gives it. Worldly peace is external. Christ’s peace begins inside and works its way out. In this way it is both interior and exterior. Christ’s peace immediately disposes us to enjoy eternal things. The apostles and we come to realize that Jesus is not only one with God, as he reveals to John and Mary of Mandela, but he is also one with us simultaneously. The post-Easter Jesus does not need to have the locked door unlocked, because he is in our midst, spiritually present to us who have Resurrection faith. Jesus’ presence is primarily known by the peace he gives us. His Peace is the outstand-ing gift of the Resurrection. He brings His peace in the midst of fear. After the “Our Father” at Mass, the priest says, “Lord Jesus Christ, who said to your Apostles, Peace I leave you, my peace I give you.” These are Christ’s words in today’s Gospel. This peace remains with us, even in the face of persecution, suffering and, yes, even death! With peace comes equally the gift of Joy. Sin is separation from God. Our deep sense of alienation is the result of sin and the world that wants nothing to do with God. The risen Christ, however, unites us with Our Father through Him. He does this of His own free will and, simultaneously out of total obedience to the Father through His death on the cross. In this total surrender out of love for us, Jesus and the Father are One. Jesus then shows the disciples his hands and his side. The disciples rejoice, and then he says again a second time, “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, so I send you.” Then He breathed on them and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit.” Why does Jesus first show his hands and his side? It is because his wounds are the very source of our peace. Madame Bloy, the wife of the Catholic poet Leon Bloy, reminding Jesus of their extreme poverty, asks Jesus to open his hand and give them what it contains. Jesus opens his hand and she sees it was pierced. Christ’s wealth is not shown in worldly goods but in love, mercy and for-giveness. If we all are rich in these spiritual gifts, no one will be lacking in the basic necessities of life. Now Christ allowed Thomas to experience difficulty in believing in order to reveal to us that our faith must be confirmed and strengthened by intimacy with Christ. Jesus, inviting Thomas and us to put our finger in the nail marks, and our hand in his side, we enter the mystery of Christ’s wounded heart. This is where we experience the restorative tide of God’s mercy. Saint John Paul II says, “Here alone can those who long for true and lasting happiness find its secret.” “Jesus, I trust in you,” is the moto for Divine Mercy Sunday. Christ reveals to St. Faustina that trust and Resurrection faith means that we cling to God based on His trustworthiness, rather than demanding a personal, intellectual proof. (People’s demand of a sign is the result of ego’s pride.) Faith rather, even in periods of trial and darkness, is what is needed. On the cross, from Jesus’ side, gushed out blood and water. This sign of Divine Mercy is the Birth of the Church and our rebirth through baptism. This great Mer-cy is our entrance into the Life of the Trinity. This Life we receive, however, is meant to be shared. Like Christ, we must pour out

our life for others. For Mercy begets mer-cy, and Love begets love.

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St. Mary & St. Philip Parishes Adult Education Series Start with Jesus:

Walking the Path of Missionary Discipleship

Using a multi-media format including personal reading, online instruction, art, music and gathering together via Zoom, we will journey through the Post-Resurrection

scripture stories and grow in our relationship with Jesus as well as our understanding of what it means to be a missionary disciple in today’s world.

When: April 30th, May 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th

Time: 6:30pm—Zoom sessions Contact: Darleen Farland to register

“Jesus made disciples, and those disciples changed the world. Today’s world also cries out for change, and such deep renewal is possible only through the fire of discipleship.”

Julianne Stanz

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Website for both parishes

Parish Staff

Deacon Tim Cross: ext. 29

Business Manager: Lisa Stewart x11

Director of Religious Ed St Mary/ St. Philip–

Darleen Farland x12

Administrator of Religious Ed St. Mary/St. Philip Carole LeBlanc

Dir. Music/Organist/St. Mary Pamela Cross


Music Coordinator, Organist: Brittany Dyer St Philip

Parish Secretary /Safe Environment Coordinator St. Mary: Jill Sullivan x10

Parish Secretary /Safe Environment Coordinator St. Phil-

ip Carole LeBlanc

Custodian– Ron Dennis

St Vincent de Paul Society of St Philip/St Mary at 508 839-3993 x 35. All information is kept strictly confi-

dential .

St Mary Prayer Line 508-839-3393 X18


St. Mary Office - 508-839-3993

St. Philip Office - 508-839-3325

BULLETIN NOTICES: To Carole by 6:00 PM Mondays. Email SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: 3-3:30 PM on Saturday and by appoint-ment. Monday - Thursday, following the 8:00 AM Mass. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: The sac-rament of Baptism is celebrated at ei-ther the 4pm Saturday Mass or the 10:30 Sunday Mass at St. Mary& 9am Mass Sundays at St. Philip. Please speak to Fr. Leo after Mass. ( The sac-rament may be celebrated at another time for serious reason.) SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE: Con-tact Fr. Leo at least one year prior to the tentative wedding date. CARE FOR THE SICK: The Visiting Eucharistic Ministers of St Mary/St Phil-ip Benizi Parishes are available to bring the Eucharist to you at home or your rehab facility. Please call the church office at 508-839-3993 or call Noreen McConville (VEM coordinator) at 508-839-5313 to schedule home visits. NEW PARISHIONERS: Please intro-duce yourself to Fr. Leo, Deacon Tim or a greeter after Mass. Visit the office or log into the website . We want to know and serve you. We hope that you will become members of our parish com-munity. R.C.I.A.- Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults Contact Darleen at 508-839-3993 X 12 for more info. Share this notice with someone you know who may be inter-ested.

Thank you for supporting your Parish Communities Use your smartphone camera to scan this QR Code to make an online contribution. Using this method,

you have the option to set up weekly, monthly, or annually recurring contributions

To donate to St. Philip, scan below: To donate to St. Mary, scan below: