Parish Of Drumragh Parish Of DrumraghParish Of Drumragh · Vigil Mass – Jackie Convey, Tony...

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Parish Contact Details

Third Sunday in Ordinary Time 26th January 2014

Sunday Cycle A Weekday Cycle 2

Sick Calls 8224 2092

Baptismal Preparation Team 07895557359

Parish Office 8224 2092

48 Brook Street, Omagh, BT78 5HD


Monsignor Joseph Donnelly 8224 3011

52 Brook Street, Omagh, BT78 5HD


Fr John McDevitt 8224 2092

48 Brook Street, Omagh, BT78 5HD


Fr Piotr Zimnoch 8224 2092

50 Brook Street, Omagh BT78 5HD


Sacred Heart Church 8225 2152


Mass & Confession Times

Parish Of DrumraghParish Of DrumraghParish Of DrumraghParish Of Drumragh

Sacred Heart Church

St Mary’s Church, Drumragh

Parish Of DrumraghParish Of DrumraghParish Of DrumraghParish Of Drumragh

Sacred Heart Church

Sunday Mass Times

Vigil : Saturday 6.00 pm

Sunday : 9 am, 11 am, 12.30 pm

St Mary’s Drumragh: Sunday at 10 am

Weekday Mass Times for this Week

Monday - Friday: 10 am & 7.30 pm

Saturday: 10 am

Mon - Fri: Rosary: 9.30 am (except when

there is a funeral) & 7.00 pm

Confession Times

Sacred Heart Church

Friday : 6.30 pm - 7.15 pm

Saturday : 10.30 am - 12.30 pm & 6.45pm

Fr John McDevitt P.P. Our Lady of Lourdes,

Steelstown & Director of Formation

We offer our congratulations to Fr John McDevitt who

has been appointed Parish Priest of Our Lady of

Lourdes, Steelstown in Derry and Diocesan Director of

Formation. We do so with heavy hearts as it draws to a

conclusion six and a half years of a very diligent and attentive ministry in this

Parish of Drumragh. We thank him for his great service here in all aspects of

parish life. We wish him well and every blessing in his work in Steelstown parish

and in his care for the priests in the early years of their ministry in the Diocese.

Fr Dermot McGirr CC Drumragh

We offer a warm welcome to Fr Dermott McGirr to the Parish of Drumragh. Fr

McGirr was ordained to the priesthood in 1999. His first appointment was as

curate in St Mary’s, Creggan in Derry, followed by appointment as CC in 2007 to

Three Patrons Parish, Galliagh, Derry. He leaves Galliagh now to come to us and

we assure him of our prayers for a fruitful ministry among us here in Omagh.

Page 2

Parish of Drumragh

Collection for the Sisters of Nazareth

The annual Sisters of Nazareth collection is

normally taken up annually in the parishes

in February. There is a special envelope

for it in your envelope boxes, dated 2nd

February. A diocesan decision has been

taken to discontinue this collection, due to

the Nazareth House in Derry closing down

in early September. You are asked,

therefore, to disregard this envelope.

Please note there will be no second

collection on this day either.

Service of Light & Pledge Mass

There will be a Service of Light and Pledge

Mass for all Year Seven pupils making their

Confirmation and their parents on Monday

27th January at 7.30 pm in the Sacred Heart

Church. All Year 7 children preparing to

make their Confirmation are invited to

attend with their parents and sponsors.

Feasts of the Week

Week Beginning Sunday 26th January

Monday 27 – St Angela Merici, virgin and


Tuesday 28 – St Thomas Aquinas, priest and

doctor of the Church

Thursday 30 – St Aidan, bishop; Blessed

Margaret Ball and Francis Taylor, martyrs

Friday 31 – St John Bosco, priest

Saturday 1 February – St Brigid, Abbess,

Secondary Patron of Ireland


We welcome into our Christian


Oran Matthew McGloin,

9 Brookfield Close

Ethan Thomas Duddy,

5 Killybrack Glen

Cara Rose Donnell, 30 Drumconnelly Road,


Ruairi Mark McSwiggan, 35 Dergmoney


Recent Deaths

We pray for the families of the following who

died recently:

Elizabeth O’Kane

Johnny Lowe

Molly Kearney

Brigid Maguire

Angelica Battisti

May they rest in peace.

Prayer for Priests

We ask for your prayers for the

following priests this week:

Sunday 26th January – For All Priests

Monday 27th January – Fr Peter


Tuesday 28th January – Fr Fintan Diggin

Wednesday 29th January – Fr Brendan


Thursday 30th January – Fr George Doherty

Friday 31st January – For All Priests

Saturday 1st February – Fr John Doherty

Day of Reflection for Eucharistic


There will be a Day of Reflection for all

Eucharistic Ministers on Saturday 22nd

February in St Joseph’s Hall. It begins at 10

am and finishes with lunch at 1 pm. It is

important that all Ministers attend. If you

are unable to attend, please contact the

Parish Office as we require definite number

for the caterers. All Eucharistic Ministers

will be issued with new rotas on the day.

Visitation of the Sick

Monsignor Donnelly will visit the sick and

housebound on the Day 4 list on Tuesday

28th January.


The Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of

St John of Jerusalem of Rhodes and Malta,

Ireland, would like to extend sincere thanks

to the parishioners of Drumragh for their

generosity to the Crib collection. The total

amount collected over the Christmas period

was £1040. DJ Pinto KM

Page 3 Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

A Celebration of Mass for Marriage and Family Life

A Mass to celebrate the sacrament of Marriage and Family Life in our Parish

will take place in the Sacred Heart Church on St. Valentine’s Day, Friday 14th

February 2014 at 7.30 pm. The Parish Pastoral Council invites all our

parishioners and those who are preparing for marriage to come along to this

wonderful occasion. Fr Johnny Doherty, CSSR. a Redemptorist priest, who is

the spiritual director of Parish Pastoral Councils in the Derry Diocese, will

celebrate the Mass and launch his movement of continuous prayer for Marriage and Family

Life. Parishioners who have lost their spouse through bereavement are invited to arrive

fifteen minutes before Mass, enter their loved one’s name in a book and light a candle for

them which will be placed in the sanctuary for the duration of the Mass. Tea/Coffee and

refreshments will be available after Mass in St. Joseph’s Hall and everyone will be most


Eucharistic Ministers for February

Vigil Mass – Jackie Convey, Tony

McGarvey, Mary McLaughlin, Mary

Toal, John O’Neill, Moira Sharpe,

Bridget McGarvey; 9.00 am – Joanne

McGread, Patrick McMahon, Mary

McGrade, Angela Lalsingh, Margaret

Haigney, Eugene McGrade; 11 am – Regina

Gormley, Willie Galbraith, Johanna

Gallagher, Siobhan Taggart, Roisin

McKenny, John McGread; 12.30 pm – Sonya

Darcy, Frances McCrossan, Dympna Kelly,

Joan Maguire, Chrissie Kelly; 10 am

Drumragh – Susan MacNally, Siobhan


Cleaners for Drumragh

The cleaners for Drumragh for St

Mary’s Church, Drumragh for

February are Breda Campbell,

Patricia Muldoon and Jim McGread.

Collectors for February

6.00 pm – Eugene Duffy, Michael Brogan,

Liam Grugan; 9.00 am – John Breslin,

Gerard Turbitt, Hugh Ward, JF Doyle,

Eamon Campbell, Francis Bradley; 11 am –

Dermott Groogan, Sean Lynam, Michael

McGirr, Jim Joe Campbell, Joe Mulryan;

12.30 pm – Anthony Higgins, Francis


Counters for February

Paddy McLoone, John McGale, Seamus

Sheridan, Dessie McClements, Kevin

McCrory, Brendan Donnelly, Gerry

McBride, Kevin Mullan, Tony McGarvey,

Eugene McGrade, Jim Hackett.

Special Diocesan Mass

The Annual Diocesan Mass for those with

special needs, and their families and friends,

will take place in Saint Joseph’s Church,

Galliagh, Derry on Saturday 5th April 2014 at

3 pm. If you have a child who wishes to

receive the Sacrament of Confirmation or

First Communion at this Mass, please contact

the Catechetical Centre on 028 7126 4087 or


Loreto Grammar School,

James Street, Omagh,

BT78 1DL


All P6/P7 girls and their parents/guardians

are welcome.

Wednesday 29th January 2014

Registration from 6 pm

Principal’s Welcome 6.30 pm

As parking is restricted in the school

grounds visitors are requested to use

adjacent public car parks.

Call 028 8224 3633 or go to

ACCORD 8224 2439

AL-ANON FAMILY 9068 2368



9043 4848

AWARE 7126 0602


CRUSE 8224 4414

DRUG AWARENESS 0800 776600



7135 1329


WOMEN’S AID 0800 9171414

PIONEERS 8224 2921



0773 883 7991

Useful Telephone Numbers

Contact the Booking Committee at St

Joseph’s Hall for bookings. Booking

Forms can also be downloaded at

Hall Contact No. 07753 936 701

St Joseph’s Hall


Mon 6.00 pm Yoga

Tues 3.00 pm - Colmcille Club

9.00 pm - Bingo - Jackpot £1000

Wed 10.00 - 12.30 pm -


6.00 pm - Baxter School of


8.00 pm - Ladies Club

Thur 7.30 pm - Bowls

Sat 1.45 pm - Groogan O’Doherty


St Enda's Youth Registration

Youth registration for 2014 will

take place in the clubrooms at

Healy Park on Saturday 1st

February and everyone wishing to play

football (boys and girls), hurling, camogie

or participate in Scór in the season ahead

should attend. All newcomers welcome. A

registration form is available to download

from the club website.

CCE Music Classes

CCE Omagh music classes continue every

Wednesday night at Drumragh football

grounds, Clanabogan from 7 to 8 pm.

Tuition available in tin whistle, fiddle,

banjo and harp at only £3 per session. For

more details contact Brian on 8224 2440

or Monnie on 8225 2341.


If you are interested in fostering a child,

you are invited by the Western Health and

Social Care Trust to an Information

Evening on Tuesday 28th January 2014 at

7.30 pm in the Fir Trees Hotel in Strabane.

Contact 028 7131 4200.

Zumba Toning

Monday Nights @ 8.15

pm. Come along and have

fun while getting that

toned body for summer. Enquiries to Orsi

on 0752 671 2808.

Lourdes Pilgrimage 11th – 16th July 2014

Bookings now being taken for above

pilgrimage leaving from Cookstown and

flying out of Belfast, staying at Hotel

Solitude. Cost £599 with £50 deposit

securing place on booking. Contact

Dympna on 028 8676 2696 or Mary on 028

8224 3984.

Readers for February

6 pm Vigil - Danielle Thornton; 9 am -

Marie Gallagher; 11 am - Geraldine

McCormick; 12.30 pm - Dorothy Hughes.