Participatory development of adaptation and mitigation technologies and practices in Africa

Post on 11-May-2015

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The climate-smart village : a model developed by CCAFS program to improve the adaptive capacity of communities Presented by Dr Jules Bayala, World Agroforestry Centre at Africa Agriculture Science Week 6, 15 July 2013, Accra, Ghana.


Participatory development of adaptation and mitigation technologies and practices

in East and West Africa

Presenter: Bayala J. (ICRAF)

FARA Science week

CCAFS side Event

Accra 15 July 2013

Objectives of the PAR •  To test and validate a scalable climate-smart

model for agricultural development that integrates a range of innovative agricultural risk management strategies

•  To enable key actors (farmers, developers and managers of agricultural carbon, and policy makers) to develop cost-effective options for agricultural mitigation that support local sustainable development, especially related to food security and climate change adaptation

•  To build African project managers’ capacity for institutional analysis and design for agricultural carbon projects

•  To enable rigorous tracking of institutional changes and impacts over time.

•  Climate-smart agriculture includes proven practical techniques - such as mulching, intercropping, conservation agriculture, crop rotation, integrated crop-livestock management, agroforestry, improved grazing, and improved water management - but also innovative practices such as better weather forecasting, early warning systems and risk insurance.

•  Climate-smart agriculture is about getting existing technologies off the shelf and into the hands of farmers and developing new technologies such as drought or flood tolerant crops to meet the demands of the changing climate.

•  It is also about creating an enabling policy environment for adaptation.

Climate-smart agriculture technologies and practices

Climate variability

Climate change

Rains start late or earlier

Drought, floods, pest

and diseases

Human pressure

Production needs to increase by 70% to feed 9 billion people

Poor crop, less food and less


Decrease in vegetation


Land and soil degradation

Climate forecast

Climate analogs

Water harvesting - Crop varieties – Species transfer - zero grazing – on-farm trees

Exit strategy: NGOs, extension



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Global problem analysis

From participatory planning: • Iden%fy  major  climate  risks,  constraints,  opportuni%es  and  resources;  • Map  vulnerability  of  various  groups;  • Define  &  develop  partnerships  needed  (technical  support  units,  Village  local  commiBees…)  to  achieve  the  common  defined  vision;  • Iden%fy  technological  op%ons  for  on-­‐farm  tes%ng  and  demonstra%on.  

Participatory action research in West Africa

….to ground testing of climate-smart agriculture innovations with communities •  Combina%ons  of  minimum  %llage-­‐crop  rota%ons-­‐organic  and  inorganic  fer%lizers  (micro-­‐dosing);    

•  Zaï,  half-­‐moons,  stone  bunds  -­‐  assisted  natural  tree  regenera%on;  

•  Tree  plan%ng  for  woodlots  and  fruits;  •  Intercropping  sesame/cowpea/  sorghum/Hibiscus/Okra  

•  Jatropha  curcas  produc%on  in  associa%on  with  cereal  crops…….  

…to capacity & partnership development for up-scaling climate-smart village models

•  Train  researchers  on  approaches,  methods,  and  tools  needed  for  ac%on  research;  

•  Train  technical  support  units  in  sites  to  insure  sound  implementa%on,  monitoring  and  repor%ng  of  the  PAR  results;  

• Mobilize  na%onal  plaSorms  (scien%sts  &  policy  makers)  for  linking  na%onal  priority  needs  with  sub-­‐na%onal  level  experiences  and  specific  enabling  condi%ons.    

Activities   Burkina  Faso     Ghana     Mali    Weather  forecast   Climate  

information  delivery  

  Climate  information  delivery  

  Climate  information  delivery  

 Baseline  studies  (including  socio-­‐economic)  

Baseline  carbon  stock  evaluation  for  all  technologies  tested  

  Baseline  carbon  stock  evaluation  for  all  technologies  tested  

  Baseline  carbon  stock  evaluation  for  all  technologies  tested  


Water  harvesting   Zaï-­‐Assisted  natural  regeneration  


Minimum  tillage-­‐Rotation-­‐ISFM  

  Water  conservation  and  microdose  

 Land  and  vegetation  restoration  

Vegetation  cover  regeneration  through  tree  planting    

Tree  species  for  wood  production  and  fruit  


  Introducing  Moringa  oleifera  


Off  season  gardening  


Variety  testing  for  adaptation  

Improved  varieties  of  Maize  

  Maize  varieties  testing  



  Sesame  varieties  testing  


Testing  sweet  sorghum  genotypes  from  ICRISAT  

  Testing  of  millet  varieties  


varieties  testing  


Cowpea  varieties  testing  


Mitigation  options  testing  (including  GHGs  monitoring)  

    Design  sustainable  Jatropha  production  systems  

  Develop  sustainable  Jatropha  production  systems    

Examples of field tests conducted with farmers

Activities   Burkina  Faso     Ghana     Mali    Capacity  building   1  student  from  

professional  school  

  1  MSc  student  KUK     1  student  of    UPB,  Burkina  Faso  


      Participatory  video  filming  


      A  climate  change  adaptation  committee  formed  to  supervise  the  implementation  of  activities  

  Training  of  farmers  on  SWC  techniques  


P.  M&E   National  team  trained  by  IUCN  on  the  tools  for  PM&E  and  applied  them    

Ghana  team  was  trained  by  IUCN  on  the  tools  for  PM&E  

  Mali  to  be  trained  by  IUCN  on  the  tools  for  PM&E  


Information  dissemination  

Farmers’  field  days  

  Farmers’  field  days  


Farmers’  field  days  


Partnership   INERA,  TreeAid,  BIBIR,  IUCN,  Agrhymet,  local  authorities  

  SARI,  MoFA,  Langmaal  Center,  Prolinova,  IUCN,  Agrhymet,  local  authorities    

IER,  AMEDD,  IUCN,  Agrhymet,  local  authorities  

 Change  in  behaviour  

Change  in  behaviour  




Examples of field tests conducted with farmers

•  Contributes to one of CCAFS objectives: Identify and test innovations in partnership with rural communities that enable them to better manage climate-related risk and build more resilient livelihoods

•  The project aimed to address climate change through participatory testing of improved varieties “drought tolerant” bean varieties with farmers in selected sites in Hoima and Rakai district, Uganda –  Identify varieties adapted to

specific and wide climatic scenarios

–  Understand trade offs of different traits under varying socio-economic circumstances

Participatory evaluation of drought tolerant bean varieties in Uganda

Roles of different stakeholders in the project CIAT/NARO-NaCRRI •  Provide seed for the trails •  Train in crop management •  Guide famers in trail layout and planting •  Monitoring and coordinate the trail with different

stakeholders •  Avail simple implements and inputs for the

trails (e.g., rain gauge, paper bags, plot labels and any other input deemed necessary for the success of the trail)

Farmer Groups •  Directly implement the project •  Provide and prepare the land for the trails •  Conduct the planting, and general crop and

trail management •  Keep records and any activity done and any

observations seen on the trails •  Maintain a day to day record book on the trails •  Make a report on the trial and performance of

the individual varieties

Local government (LC chairperson(s) and councilors �  Mobilization of farmers �  Monitor the trails �  Give advise to famers groups �  Provide any assistance as the sub-

county budget may allow Community development officers and technocrats (extension workers, NGOs) �  Provide technical advise on crop

production �  Harmonize groups to work together �  Monitor the activities �  Mobilize farmers to engage in the

project �  Link the project with the different

stakeholders �  Assessment of the trials and make a


Identifying pro-poor mitigation options for smallholder agriculture in the

developing world: a multi-criteria and across-scales assessment

Develop  a  low-­‐cost  protocol  to  quan2fy  greenhouse  gas  emissions  and  to  iden2fy  mi2ga2on  op2ons  for  smallholders  at  whole-­‐farm  and  landscape  levels  

The  goal  

Capacity  building  Landscape  analysis  

and  targe2ng  

Landscape  implementa2on  

Mul2-­‐dimensional  evalua2on  of  mi2ga2on  op2ons  

Scalable  and  social  acceptable    mi2ga2on  op2ons  

System-­‐level  es2ma2on  of  mi2ga2on  poten2al    

Set-­‐up  of  state-­‐of-­‐the-­‐art  laboratory  facili2es  

Training  of  laboratory  and  field  staff  

Phase  III:  Development  of  systems-­‐level  mi2ga2on  op2ons  

Phase  I:    Targe2ng,  priority  seFng  and  infrastructure  

Phase  II:    Data  acquisi2on  

Phase  IV:  Implementa2on  with  development  partners  

Produc2vity  assessment  

GHG    measurements  

Profitability  evalua2on  

Social  acceptability  assessment  

Joint  scien2fic  &  stakeholder  evalua2on  

Step  5.  Intepreta2on  and  upscaling  

30 Oct 4 Nov 9 Nov 14 Nov 19 Nov 24 Nov 29 Nov






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individual chambers gas pooling


Temporal  variability  of  N2O  fluxes   a t   th ree   s i tes  differing   in   land   use   at  Maseno,  Kenya.    

Synthesis  of  GHG  measurements:  informa%on  useful  to  derive  emission  factors,  empirical  models,  calibra%ng  and  valida%ng  of  detailed  models    Upscaling:  using  the  targe%ng  approach  (assigning  emissions  to  landscape  elements)  and/or  of  GIS  coupled  biogeochemical  models  

What is new? •  New agriculture

responsive to: food security, adapting to CC & CC mitigation

•  Integrate the use of climate information and climate risk management at community level

•  Research on processes about change in behaviour

•  Looking at a set of innovations rather than a single technology performance

•  Looking beyond the program lifetime: self-reproduction

Contributors •  Bayala J., Ky-Dembele C., Kalinganire A. (ICRAF) •  Zougmoré R., Moussa A.(CCAFS-ICRISAT) •  Mukankusi C.M., Nkalubo S., Katungi E., Luyima G.

(CIAT-NACRRI) •  Rufino M., Rosenstock T., Wollenberg L., Butterbach-

Bahl K. (IITA) •  Bationo B.A. (INERA-Burkina Faso) •  Buah S. (SARI-Ghana) •  Traoré K. (IER-Mali) •  Tougiani A. (INRAN-Niger) •  Badiane Y.N. (ISRA-Senegal)

Thank you very much